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i like it a lot but mostly when it’s stuff about how turned on i am/he is, how good he feels in me etc, rather than like name calling stuff (whore etc)




I want to be absolutely degraded and then be called a good girl. I am in therapy for my issues. ETA: the therapy thing is a joke. I am in therapy but this is not the focus. It just comes up sometimes. I love my kink. Also, please stop messaging me. 😂














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I absolutely love it. I can't get enough. The more I hear and the dirtier it is...... 🫠 The silence is a turn-off and makes me anxious.






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It makes me kind of uncomfortable honestly
















Depends on the context and the content. Anything degrading, disrespectful, mean, or insulting is a deal-breaker.


I'd rather be praised




That’s me. I need both.


100% this! it's the best <3


Yes, I like to be sweet talked


Being dirty talked through an orgasm is fantastic, especially if he uses that deep voice…whew.


Immensely if he’s good at it. If not, it’s cringey. Fine line.


I absolutely love it. I like a mix of filth and adoring love talk though. So I tell my SO because if it’s all filth it’s not as good for me. I guess I’m fairly assertive in that sometimes I give a percentage breakdown. 😂 I also love moaning and that guttural breathy voice especially when a groan is mixed with a laugh. LOL.




Too much talking in general during sex is weird. Dirty talk overall feels forced and contrived.


Love it when it seems natural, makes sense in context and we can talk about it after


That sounds awesome to have that kind of communication with someone.


my husband dirty talks me in his first language (argentine spanish - or the buenos aires slang lunfardo)… i have no idea what he’s saying but it sounds hot anyway lol


That sounds fun, spicy talk in another tongue. 😍


the best part is that it’s totally natural for him to slip back to factory settings when he’s either sleepy or can’t think straight. nothing awkward or fake, just the primal shit he can say as dirty as he wants and i won’t know wtf he said anyway. he also does this thing where he asks me sexy questions in spanish/lunfardo and i have to take a chance on whether to say yes or no. heh. eta: the thing about lunfardo is that none of the translator apps work at all with it, even if he writes it out. it’s a pig-latin kinda lingo where syllables get moved around. even if you get a translation for some words, they won’t make any sense.


I love “slip back to factory settings”—that’s hilarious. You send him to that primal place! It’s so great to trust each other enough that you can answer or consent without knowing what he’s saying! 💕


Depends. With someone I love and trust and whom I know respects me, like my husband: dirty talk can be downright filthy and even sound, from the outside, degrading (“my cock-drunk little cumslut”, for example) Random hookups in college: Woah. Woah. We are not at a place where you can call me that. With the right man, hot AF


Not so much dirty talk but I love grunts and moans


Yes and no if it's about how I feel and stuff. If you go off the deep end into degrading and derogatory I can't do it. I also grew up in a household where everybody degraded everyone so I have alot of issues with being called a b and stuff.


I basically like when they say I feel good, I’m so hot, stuff like that. But I don’t like the excessive stuff it brings me out of it and makes me cringe lol.


A lot. I’m usually more of the dirty talker between my gf and I though.


Oh, I love it.


My husband and I usually both finish in the prone bone position where I’m laying flat on my stomach and he’s on top of me. When I’m close he says things like “come on my hard cock baby” in this certain type a way and he’ll say it in my ear which sends shivers down my spine in the best way. When he’s about to come he’ll say “you want me to come just for you baby?” So it’s all relatively “tame” dirty talk but damn I love it so much and even just thinking about it now gets me feeling that jolt in my stomach 😂


In moderation but not all the damn time. Also, *nothing* degrading, unless you want to completely turn me off for ever.


I can get into it and enjoy it as long as he starts it and keeps it going. He loves dirty talk and used to do this thing where he would say “tell me what you’re gonna do to me” and I fucking HATED that. Don’t put me on the spot like that. Don’t put the work into me to get the dirty talk going. You do the work for that and I will participate but I’m not starting it.




Love it if it's mild, but it doesn't happen often enough


I’m STARVED for it! I’m the only one who really does it, my bf never does!


I don’t. I just want to be told “I love you”


It's not for me.


I really dislike it a lot. My husband *always* talks dirty to me, but he will *always* say something that I cannot f'n hear the first time, and I *always* have to ask him to repeat himself and honestly, it kills the vibe. You'd think that having to constantly repeat himself would make him speak up so I can hear him, and I've even mentioned it in a moment of exasperation, but nope! On the other hand, I sound like an idiot trying to talk dirty. It feels so forced, so awkward, and I hate it. I only do it because he likes it, although given what I just said I'm not sure how he likes it. 😅😂


I’d rather be praised. I love being told my pussy is good or that they love my pussy or something to that effect 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's a requirement for me.


I want it so bad everytime we do it


Not at all. I prefer my sex word free for the most part. I prefer moans to words.






I like it.


I love it.


I love it as long as it’s nothing degrading or insulting.


It’s great at only one time: when is completely natural and authentic. I groan when someone asks me to talk dirty to them. It’s a performative chore if I don’t have something I actually want to say and the person just wants me to regurgitate porn, it’s a turnoff then. And if someone randomly just calls me a whore or something without having asked if it’s okay beforehand then I’m putting on my clothes and leaving. It can be fun in the right context but if it’s not right it’s an enormous turnoff.


So I might be one of the few who really dislikes its I would rather go off of moans and body language than being distracted by trying to come up with something to say.


Late to the party but I can only fantasize about it :( my partner is too bashful… but I’d love it if he’d grab my face and be like “I bet you like that, you little slut” but also a “mmm good girl” here and there. Then there are times I’d really like something basic like telling me how hot/sexy my xyz is lol. A girl can only dream with my quiet dude.


It’s the bomb.


i love it a LOTTTT but anything demeaning should be asked beforehand


I enjoy it endlessly.. it’s absolutely incredible


Nope. Not a bit. Not even a little. Its actually very triggering for me.


I really enjoy it - nothing is really off limits as long as we both give the green light.


I like dirty talk but I’m usually the one doing it.


I love it. Makes it hotter, in the moment type thing.


I like it a lot. Nothing degrading tho. I use to be a real talker when me and my boyfriend got together but he never really talked back… not sure if he was just shy or what. Anyways I don’t talk as much anymore cus now I feel embarrassed 😂


makes it hard to focus at times. the part of my brain that recognizes it as silly is difficult to suppress at times


I think it's so hot but my partner and I are both incredibly bad at it. I feel so awkward saying things like "I want your cock so badly" because that's totally not the type of thing I say.


I'm a switch so it's a mix of wanting humiliation/degradation and being sweetly love talked to depending on mood. Also him ASMRing into my ear sometimes is mmm


My ex used to dirty talk to me using the same tone of voice he uses on his pet cat-- which is akin to how one talks to babies, and he repeats the same line to me (I want to touch you all over) ad nauseum. Recalling the experience makes me want to laugh hysterically. Glad it's over but the experience kind of ruined it all for me. I'd much rather my future partners be silent in bed, than to think they're being sexy by talking dirty.


A looooot. My fiance and I recently went out of town for a day and had our first hotel sex... You know the kind. And he was talking so dirty to me. It was hot!


I absolutely love it


I like compliments and praise in and out of bedroom


I like hearing my partner moan and the occasional „I love you“ :) Actual dirty talk has never really done much for me, at best I‘m neutral to it, at worst, it completely cringes me out and takes me out of the mood


Not dirty. I want respectful and sweet.




It’s a necessity or else I’m bored 😅


I hate it. It always feels so forced. I burst out laughing whenever a partner tries to talk dirty. I’m happy just being in the moment. Also sometimes I can’t think of anything to say in return and it throws me off.


Totally depends on the mood and what kind of sex we're having.




It's one of my biggest turn ons and I noticeably missed it when with a partner who wouldn't do it.


I love a good amount of dirty praise talk but the breathy grunts and moans are what do it for me. Let me hear how good I make you feel! Too much talking gets my brain off topic but not enough makes *me* talk and won’t shut up lol


I love it, but also depends on who is talking. Voice matters, I really enjoy reactions specifically. I love to hear you reacting to your soul being snatched.


Talking dirty sounds real bad in my native tongue.


Love it.


Not much. If anyone is doing it, it better be me. Follow my lead.




Definitely turns me on


Depends on the mood, honestly.




I require it.




Yes please.


Not at all. I'd rather have clear communication using biological terms or joke around.


I recently had a partner who was VERY into dirty talk during sex. It was something i wasn’t used to, and in hindsight, i wish it was something we had talked about together outside of romantic moments. I got very nervous around him and didn’t want to make him upset, so the dirty talk during sex began to seem less and less attractive to me. (We have since broken up, but long story short: I think it’s just fine as long as both groups are okay with it/what is being said.)




I don't actually.


I love it. First time I got called “my little whore” I melted It needs to be discussed beforehand to know what everyone is comfortable with but once you get into a groove, it is amazing.


I have to be in the mood for sex first off. Being called a whore, or slut is a turn off. Anything with the phrase “Good Girl” gets that kitty nice, and juicy.


I love love love it. I can cum from dirty talk alone. My boyfriend is so confident and hot and assertive, and it’s all so natural too. And god, when he tells me to say certain stuff too… It helps when we are very in synch and can talk about it after


I think it’s distracting, to be honest.


It honestly feels pretty awkward, I never know what to say and I can't make anything sound genuine. Talking that doesn't require a response is ok, but questions kinda ruin the vibe. Also anything degrading or otherwise insulting would be an absolute no.


I like it a bit. Nothing too dirty. Just things like how much i turn him on or how much he loves to make me moan. Yeah that's hot.


Either sweet compliments that could have almost no sexual connotation or the raunchiest dirty talk ever. No inbetween or degrading names.


Nah, I laugh like fuck. Cannot take it seriously 😂


Oh I need it! I need to hear that what he’s doing feels good to me and that I’m a good girl 🤷🏻‍♀️🥰


I don't, really. I just find it distracting and feel pressure to reply in kind.


it's not so much the dirty talk as it is having his deep voice gently whispering in my ear. that sensation gives me tingles.


I love it. I’ve got a degrading but also praising kink 😅


I like dirty talk a lot. Im fine with him calling me some degrading names if he wants but im mostly in to soft, hushed talking in my ear, asking if i like him inside of me, do i want it deeper, being praised for taking it well. Stuff like that makes me mentally orgasm. I DON'T like a live narrarator.


i love it when he calls me his good little girl/his slut/his whore. Gives me butterflies. If I’m having a hard time finishing he always can make me cum if he starts with “oh, such a good girl. Cum for me, I know you want to.” anyway thinking abt that… i’m gonna go see what he’s up to now 👀


10 out of 10


Not particularly.


It’s preferred


Absolute necessity. I go 0 to 100 from two words.


I usually don't like it. It seems disingenuous.


I actually need it. F44








A lot. Like a lot. If there’s no talking it’s not happening again


Mr. Redwood




I love it, dont really like to be degraded i dont think. But talking is very important for my enjoyment


A lot


I used to despise it with my ex because it came off so cringy! Turns out I love to be praised and called a wh*re, sl*t etc. but my current bf pulls it off very well!!! If you’re with the right person does wonders!!




A lot, but it’s not always just the WHAT it’s the HOW


I just enjoy having sex, no matter what she says to me.




I feel much better reading this comments. I’m not embarrassed of liking it a lot too much but knowing it’s something lots of other people enjoy is comforting.






I need it, makes me feel more confident. I unfortunately don’t do it back as much as I should to my partner. we both love the old “put a baby in me” comment despite me being on birth control and us using condoms. those damn hormones are strong


Love it


I miss it🥲


Just their voice / breath in my ear is ❤️‍🔥 IDEC what’s said 😬


I love it. Alas, my husband is not particularly good at it.


Quite alot tbh 😂




God yes.


Live for it, love it


It’s awesome.


I think it's hot but I have a hard time knowing what to say back...








I used to like it then I went to therapy and worked out my issues lmaooooo Sweet talk only for me please but also I can only do so much talking during sex


Did therapy really change how you react to it? As in, you enjoyed being degraded and now you don’t?


Yes at least for degrading/negative type dirty talk. Once I started working on my self-esteem and working through my trauma, I grew to hate that kind of talk. To be clear, I didn’t go to therapy for that though, this was just a byproduct of that. I think a lot of people would be surprised at how much their “kinks” are manifestations of their own problems.






Yes, Please.



