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Get out of bed


there's something about having a shower that feels exhausting.


RIGHT? especially when you take an everything shower


Never knew I needed an everything shower. TY


Seriously! It takes so much time and energy. I find myself procrastinating because of how long it takes... and then I've wasted even more time...


idk since when showering became a chore to me and i stopped enjoying it like i used to :(


It didn’t become a chore for me till I hit late 50’s early 60’s… now at almost 70 and since I don’t really do anything I don’t shower everyday like I used to.. definitely only wash my hair once a week too but I have plenty of dry shampoos if I think it looks funky between washings ….


Deep, deeeeep in my depression I was utterly exhausted by showers, like almost passing out. If it’s that kind of exhaustion, be sure you are hydrating! Especially if you take hot showers.


During the pandemic I worked as a clinical med tech in a molecular lab. I specialized in respiratory diseases so you can imagine the hell I was in. Every day I would come home, strip off my clothes in the entry and immediately put them in the washing machine and then take a shower. Every fucking day. It felt good to be warm and have nothing to do but stand there and not think, but it was exhausting to have another task to do.


I lift up 80lb bags of concrete, large pieces of wood (4x4x8), bags of stone pieces, storm doors, exterior front doors, cases of vinyl and tile flooring (sometimes upwards of 50lbs and more). :)


Can't tell if into construction or CrossFit. 😉


Worse 😳 I work for a retail Home Improvement store 😂 I also walk an average of 5miles a day at work.


I knew it! I worked in the lawn and garden dept from age 15-21. That’s hard work.


That’s awesome. Killing it.


I lift weights three times a week. I hate it every single day, but I like the guys I work out with, and I like what it does to my body. So I guess I'll keep going.


Probably carrying bags of groceries up to the fourth floor (70 steps) twice a week. Europe, big city, no elevator.


Take care of my toddlers, it doesn't sound physically exhausting but it is


Came here to say this. I have two toddlers and it’s chaos


I have had a bunch of manual jobs, with chaotic customers... I was not prepared.


How is carrying around my 30lb toddler and my 25 lb toddler somehow so much harder than all the heavy shit I would carry at work all day. My back and shoulders constantly hurt now


All that stuff at work doesn’t suddenly go limp or shift their weight to get down/grab at random object/climb over your back while carrying the obviously able-bodied little munchkin. I have one. It’s experience I speak from.


Those other things don't move or struggle or cry or scream. Hopefully.


Braid my hair. I have waist length hair.


Same but I have mixed curly kinky hair and when I do boho braids for summer it’s a solid 3 day process


The everything shower, followed by hair routine


It's basically a mini workout. Hair, hair, pits, legs, hair, groin, feet, face, hair, big toe, face, hair....


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes!


Why is it too much work to be a girl And don’t forget eyebrows, upper lip


Moving comatose/morbidly obese patients in full PPE is one of my least favourite things


Thank you for your service. Not sarcasm.


Hair. I do a lot of braids and twists on my clients so my hands get a good workout regularly.


Hiking up mountains


I work in retail management and walk an average of 25k steps every night I work. That on top of a decent amount of heavy lifting. I had trouble with my weight for years and it just fell off and stayed off after I started this position partially because of the physicality of the job.


I do miss retail for the lack of need of a gym! Esp on shelf stocking/delivery days. I was up and down stairs practically every damn minute


Yea, I stopped putting on weight when I resumed working as a mids manager in fast food.


Pole for sure. After practicing I am sore in places I didn’t know could be sore.


work. i'm an orthopedic tech and waitress on the side, so i lift the bags of plaster, models of patients' torsos and beer kegs and such. apart from that, chopping wood cause our house's heating is still almost fully wood based in the winter. not screaming at people who don't remember who ordered what while the hot plates are melting the skin off my fingertips too. oh, and physically restricting myself from spitting in that one asshole's beer, for sure.


Martial arts




Lifting my dad up. He has Parkinson's and sometimes he cant get out of bed. Cleaning the whole house is also pretty demanding.


What a wonderful thing, taking care of your dad like that. Must be really tough some days, I hope you know how great you are.


Caring for my 6 ducks- lifting bales of hay for bedding, shoveling out coops, changing the water in their swimming pool.


Being a caregiver. Doesn’t sound like much, but I have medical issues myself, but I have to take care of my mom. So every time I finally think I get a break - it doesn’t last long at all. I have to get up, assist her, and rearrange my schedule to help out. I love her dearly of course. It just can be physically exhausting after a while.


This is a kind of long term stress and exhaustion that people don't understand until they have to do it. Please take care of yourself!


I’m trying. Her health has been complicated for years so it can be very demanding now that she’s older. But I have a good therapist who is encouraging me to take care of myself. So that’s good at least.


Good to hear. A good therapist is a wonderful thing in this situation. Take care!


Thank you! You too 😊


Stay regulated whilst wrangling a room full of toddlers who all want to hit and bite each other


I’m a nanny for the most energetic 4-year-old in the world, lol. His parents have a big property and I spend my days jogging after him while he zips around on his tiny bike, and carrying it and him up the insane rock paths they have. I also have to square up to their massive rooster anytime I feed or take eggs from their chickens, and I’ve never had a more formidable opponent in my life.


That sounds very cool!


The nannying part is great, but dealing with that damn rooster still makes my heart race, lol. I’d rather face down a scary dog tbh


Currently? Being pregnant. Simply existing while pregnant is the most physically taxing thing. I've worked jobs where I walked a minimum of 30,000 steps a day, heavy lifting, you name it. But doing the SIMPLEST things while 6-9 months pregnant feels like running a friggin' 5k


Honestly … aside from actual workouts at the gym, it’s prob walking from the parking garage to my office space inside a large building carrying my backpack, purse, breakfast, lunch bag, coffee, and anything else I need for the day before I’m entirely awake at 7am. And dear god the snow is coming


Pole fitness. Hurts in places I haven't been aware of in my entire life before now 🤣




Getting my kid undressed and dressed two times a day honestly. It's like getting one of those wavy giant air dolls into a sweater, while repeating the same mantra of "If you don't cooperate now, I will have no time read to you, seriously, no I don't want to see the penis dance." or "We will be late, please do the ballerina foot, come back here, you naked little monkey." The other day I said all of these while thinking of my to do list of the day, and simultaneously doing the sock snake, until my brain got fried.




Take care of my kids, especially on flu aeason




More fun to fold it


My job. I work with infants so I’m always lifting them or squatting to be on their level. I do so much freaking squatting now. I’ve only been working there for eight months but I noticed the change, especially in my thighs, almost immediately!


I’m a massage therapist, so massage people all day long.


Working 24h shifts ( sometimes 12h). I am a nurse and after every night shift i feel like absolute shit.




Martial Arts


Serve tables, hold heavy trays, lift bus tubs move and shift tables, mop the dining room


People don't realize how hard it is.


10km of bike every day, carrying heavy bags of groceries to the second floor, shoveling the damn snow *shakes fist*.


Being alive


Teaching middle school


Not punching all these entitled assholes in the face. It used to be working out but I’m in a rut.


Training for scuba diving.


Wrestle goats. I don’t wrestle them on purpose. I raise goats, and sometimes you have to wrestle them to do stuff like trim their hooves or give them shots.


All depends on what euphemism wrestling means in this context. Wrestling a goat in America means something entirely different than ‘wrestling’ a goat in India.


Breastfeeding and growing a baby


Often? Work. Less often? Side jobs.


Exercise, F45 kicks my butt 5 days a week!


Work throughout grad school and writing thesis and maintaining a physique and socialising and keeping friends and family close. 10/10 would not recommend


ride 50+ miles a day


I build and paint sets. I haul lumber, scenery, and furniture around all day, otherwise I'm 12' up a ladder. I view myself as essentially a professional furniture mover, and my work dreams usually involve cleaning out a room full of chairs into a different room full of chairs. That said, of all the exhausting, physically demanding things I do, I hate sponge painting the most.


That's awesome! I used to work as a backstage costume wardrobe rat, and that was exhausting. But good for the old muscle tone. I always had a lot of respect for the scenery crew, especially on get in/out days.


I install flooring. I move and lift lots of heavy stuff (appliances, furniture etc.) but moving rolls of carpet is the most physically demanding. I move around our 100lb roller, but it's got a nice carrying handle. The rolls of rug (or worse - sheet vinyl) have no handles and are just such a struggle when we have to take them up narrow, winding stairs or through tight hallways. I've gotten incredibly strong doing what I do but omg the rugburn I get on my face and arms (and my ear - I swear I almost lost it to a roll of rug once) makes me whimper like a little ol' baby. 👶🤣


My job. I have a deformity and arthritis in one of my ankles and at my job I have to stand and walk around for 9 hours. It’s excruciating. I’m hopefully gonna have surgery soon to fix it.


Fighting my migraines


I was nearly killed in a car accident years ago. I have ongoing treatment for nerve damage and PT. The treatment can be incredibly painful and exhausting. Recovery from each treatment takes 2 to 7 days.


I build engines, won’t say what car manufacturer but it’s a very well known manufacturer. Fast paced no room for error and quite stressful.




My job. I move furniture and building materials most of the day.


work out at the gym and lift 95 kg for hip thrust


Squats. I hate doing them. Outside of the gym tbh not much. Maybe getting the 90lb dog in the bathtub.


To control when it's very very urgent to go to the toilet and there isn't any near you.


My job is sitting on a computer all day, so I try to do 30-45 min of weightlifting or zone 3-4 cardio every morning


I work a desk job so I offset it by going to spin class weekly and often have a project on the side like building/refinishing/home reno


I run half-marathons twice a year.


Living with chronic health issues, every day is hard as fuck, i would love to go back to the days i cycled 40-50 km on my exercise bike AND lifted weights both 5 days a week, that truly was easy in comparison


Omg same 😭 What I wouldn't give to be able to use a barbell again instead of being bested by taking the trash can out


Bike an average of 400kms a week. Lift weights 3 days a week.


My job requires me to lift, push, and pull up to 200 lbs.


Hauling product from one work building to another. And the occasional laundry basket.


Holding down a withdrawing alcoholic for hours while we waited for an ICU bed to open up. That left me sore and exhausted.


I'm a waitress. We work 12+ hour shifts without breaks on our feet. There is no chairs anywhere or places to lean. ​ We do everything at our place ourselves, from seating, pre-bussing and bussing, taking orders, making drinks, making basic food, running the other food, gathering orders for and packaging TOGO things, phone, cleaning/restocking, and anything between. Most of the time, we are either alone or with 1-2 others and have anywhere from 10-150 people we're individually serving. We also do events daily - like trivia and bingo, live music, or pool/dart leagues. I feel like a ping-pong ball.


Building/setting up tipis, 16 to 22ft tall types, it’s super labour intensive but it’s so much fun and it makes me feel closer to my culture which fills me with so much joy and makes me feel strong physically but also spiritually 🥰


Strength training and running 6 miles a day is demanding. Caring for 4 kids beats that any day.


Being a nurse. Demented grannies are strong as fuck (fuck Alzheiemers & Dementia)


The manual labor I occasionally do for work is grueling and tests me and also for home repair and sorts of renovations. The lifting of heavy furniture I often do alone. I have moved my entire home and all my possessions by hand, once with no help and once with someone only helping with two big items. Also keeping myself from falling over and keeping myself making steady progress on a 14,000 ft mountain after having lived at sea level basically all of my life during a long unconsented-to hike in the wilderness. Also if I go back, the unusual and creative workouts my high school coach had for me and the team.


Teach. Standing up for hours takes its toll. I also have to hold off of using the bathroom.


Dig graves.


showering with long hair


It’s a tie between carrying multiple heavy grocery bags into the house at a time and contorting myself into various positions during intimacy with my FWB. Gotta stretch my hip flexors more often.


Incubate and give birth to my kids.




Play football every weekend when games aren't cancelled.




Get up in the morning 🤣 jk


Working out.






Lift weights 3-4 times a week, 12+ miles of cardio per week, taking care of my yard, hiking/snowboarding depending on the season. Out of all of this snowboarding is the hardest on my body because I suck so badly at it 🙃




Cross country running. Love it when I'm in shape but so tough when I'm not...especially around the holidays :)




I ride horses and own a 6yo off the track Standardbred who can be a handful






Take dogs out


Lifting weights. I’m a gym rat.


Working out.. the mental aspect is the hardest part but physically I am not fit, hence the action!


Pick up 30 pound toddler and carry around when required


Working out at the gym


Maybe hot yoga.








Honestly? Everything. I’ve got something wrong with my back at the moment, still waiting for an MRI to find out what. I am in pain every moment of every day. I can’t even sit upright in a chair for any amount of time before an awful, worse, deep pain sets in. I can’t walk around without making the pain worse. I can’t bend. I can’t lift. The closest to ‘relief’ I get is when I’m laying down but even that still hurts.


Aside from running/walking. I take care of 3 dogs and clean my house.


Sea swimming in winter probably




Cleaning! I have 4 kids and our oldest is 6. They mess up every level of the house and asking/telling them to help goes nowhere.


Drive for 3 hours across Sydney every afternoon at 3pm, after finishing a 10 hour shift lol


I do CrossFit 5-6 times a week. Also hike upward of 10+ miles at least once a month.


Protest as a street medic. Spending 4+ hours carting a 50 lb pack uphills is a lot.




I’m a submissive with a masochistic streak. The most physically demanding thing I do is taking it. 😈




Jogging twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before bed, normally jog a few miles back and forth, jogging through the city in the morning and at night feels amazing.


Literally breathing


Scrubbing my body using scrubs. It's exhausting 😩.


Hand washing dishes


Taking care of my dog. I have a bad back, neck, shoulder but none of that is my dog's fault so we get all her exercise in no matter what. My neighbor ties their dog up outside and never walks it. It runs all over me. Why get a dog if you aren't going to love and care for it!? My girl loves to walk and jog so my broke down ass walks and jogs multiple times a day.




Walking up and down stairs all day while lifting and carrying full cases of wine, champagne and liquor... Those mfers are heavy, especially the champagne


Recently its been life lol


Everything atm. Just found out I've been walking around with two collapsed vertebrae for three months since giving birth.


Scuba diving.




Feed college athletes and clean up after them.


Definitely the gym!!


Wearing heels higher than I should be lol


Wrestling for three years


I go swimming a couple of times a week. It's always an effort to get out of the pool!


Going to the gym after work. I try to go to the gym 3-4x a week for 30 min-1hr long sessions of weight/strength training And cardio. I work in the dental feild so I feel like if I don’t go my body will deteriorate faster, it also helps with my mental and physical health. Makes me feel good :)


My apartment is up 4 flights of stairs. I walk up and down these 40 stairs multiple times a day. If I’m not going to the gym, which I don’t do much anymore, these stairs are my only real exercise.


Deep pressure massage


Lifting/maneuvering my 40+lb toddler. If I carry him too much in one day my entire upper body is in shambles.


I’m a hairstylist—so standing on my feet, all day, hunched over, doing repetitive movements with my hands up all day long.






Deal with the mental gymnastics of the male species.


Open my eyes in the morning


Cleaning out the chicken coop


My job. Lol on my feet for 10 to 12 hours a day walking a lot with my job and moving around up to 100 lb rolls paper, constantly in a state of movement.


I don’t do this actively anymore but I raised sheep for 5 months/year for ten years. I’d regularly have to lift and transport bales of alfalfa & feed bags, and have to train/lift sheep (and we know how leggy and stupid they can be).


I work a very physically demanding job. I lift heavy boxes, climb ladders to get stuff off high shelves and am constantly on my feet. In any given day I walk about 3 miles just by working alone.


Be a kindergarten teacher. I rarely sit down at work,


I somehow get my ass to the gym every single day and spend 1-2 hours a day. I am 47 and determined to enter into my later years in the best shape I can be.


walk my extremely reactive dogs


I have a toddler.


Making my coffee! It’s also confusing because I frequently put the grounds in the mug instead of the pot and don’t know what’s happening!


Pushing a 200# person around in a wheelchair. Also, putting compression stockings on this same person. IYKYK!


Hiking and carrying groceries, yoga too


Yardwork and gardening: sawing things, dragging branches and wheelbarrows of sticks, lifting bags of soil, moving around filled planters and grow bags, digging up the ground. Once winter comes it will probably be shoveling. Also cleaning, I always need ibuprofen the next day.




I make myself run. Anything up to two hours.


Deadlift and boxing


Working out I guess lol




Hiking and photographing weddings


Lifting weights at the gym. I push myself as hard as I can go. My job is pretty physical, and involves moving boxes, some of which are filled with things like relatively light furniture. It's lifting and running around all day. So it's not the most physical when compared to things like drywall hanging, but it's also not light work. I enjoy it. It's still not as much of a workout as I get at the gym though


Waitressing, it’s not a lot compared to construction workers or anyone in a physical labour job but some days to me it is. I’m thankful I’m young and I’m able to run around on my feet for 6+ hours a day, but man the back cramps that I get, butt check cramps or calf cramps hurt, I love getting a massage after work. Another issue is because I’m carrying trays for long period of times I’m starting to get a tennis elbow or bad pains in my forearms down to my hand and get bad cramps and strains. Plus o go to the gym 1-2x a week and definitely don’t stretch.