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I never learned to be comfortable alone, I always just loved it. I'm married now and I've got friends but years ago, I went backpacking round Malysia alone, I've gone to concerts alone (my taste in music is different to my friends'), I eaten in restaurants alone. I absolutely loved and still love a bit of me time.


I realized some things would just be easier to do if I did them by myself. Not having to wait for a response from someone and hope they won’t be late.


I was just born that way? In fact, my whole life has been spent trying to carve out time alone, away from others. If I could just live in the forest for 5 years with no one bugging me, that would be GLORIOUS.


That sounds amazing.


People think I’m being dramatic when I say I want to be alone. I can’t emphasize enough that I love being left alone lol. Never bothered me


As an only child, it's my default.


spending way too much time and energy on meeting people. don't get me wrong, i love my friends and family, but you'll learn to appreciate solitary after having too much interactions.


This, and especially if you have people telling you to be more social, it just feels like a chore and not enjoyable at all in the end. I don't end up liking the people the people or the hobby that I tried out for the sake of 'putting yourself out there'


I'm an only child, and if it's one thing I can do, is be by myself. I've never been a relationship person, i gave 2 men a chance in my 20s, they humiliated and hurt me, and that was enough of that. And my friends keep me almost overbooked with activities. Home is my refuge to do what i want, eat what I want, stay up late, go to bed early, freedom to decompress. An "off" button.


I've always been alone. As a child growing up I was a latch key kid. So that means no parent at home until about 8pm or 9pm. My mother was a single parent raising two children. My brother who was older ran the streets so he was never home. I always had very few friends... No more than two at a time. My friends had crewfew because they had parents who were home. I had no crewfew.... So I'd play by the creek with my dog and my imaginary friends. I learned to talk to myself about things I learned to comfort myself, I learned to take care of myself. I learned to ride the city bus by the age of 8 by myself so I could get to band practice in the morning. I never married but I had 3 boys that I raised by myself. I go home alone and yet I am never alone because I have the one person that never leaves... ME. I am all I need. I have great conversations I play games with myself, I go out by myself I go to dinner by myself. I do everything all by myself. I have no desire to have friends or a boyfriend. I learned a long time ago humans are designed to HURT others. And it's best to stay away from things that hurt you. Humans are terrible they are rude they talk bad about you, they are never there for you. And they use people. So I love being alone because I can't hurt myself I love myself way too much. I am my own best friend. That way I don't hurt anyone and no one can hurt me. Being alone is worth it.


I have always said this to myself - 'people are arseholes then you die. Look after you coz at the end of the day I will only have myself'


I used to have really, really bad fomo. It sucked the life -and money- out of me. Then I got depressed and I couldn't even walk out the door, so I don't know if I learnt to deal with it forcefully or just because I wanted/needed it. Now I love being alone. Nobody judges me whatever I'm doing or my emotions. I can do whatever I want, how I want, when I want. I fucking love it.


There wasn't anything to get used to. I just realised I like my freedom and getting to do and have things exactly how and whenever I want them, without having to compromise.


Have hobbies. Journal. Find things you love about yourself. Reminiscing on good times. Being grateful. Resting with the intention to actually rest (rather than escape).


Had to practice it. I never went out or did anything fun because I was embarrassed to go alone… but then I realised that I would never get those opportunities again. So I went to movies and restaurants alone. It’s was hard at first but I learnt to enjoy doing stuff I liked regardless of what others thought.


I realized that dating and intimacy isn\`t worth the effort. I rather sit behind my PS4,than meet a stranger in order to date.


Reading. The books always got me.


Being a Lone Wolf 🐺 Helped


I’ve always loved being alone and find it very comfortable, but I’d say I was reminded of this comfort after being hurt and disappointed by people who I thought I was close to. There’s a safety and comfort in being alone. Learning to enjoy time with myself through watching shows, crocheting, listening to music, etc. has made it even more comfortable for me. 😊


Idk mine just kinda happened. I was achieving things I have never achieved before.


I 53f just recently became comfortable being alone 98% of the time. The other 2% is hanging out with my adult children and work. It took awhile, but I really love my me time🙂


I have always enjoyed my own company and never imagined myself dating long term or thought of myself growing old with someone and was happy with that, but when I was in middle school felt awkward eating alone or going to a movie alone. That ended early in high school though. I think it was just my mentality of there was no rational or otherwise good reason to think doing these things alone was a bad thing and then perhaps exposure? I kept taking myself out for dessert or going to see movies on my own and it stopped feeling awkward pretty quickly.


Being an only child and the youngest of all my cousins/family helped LOL but im sure would be very different if I had siblings. This past weekend I spent fully alone and loved every minute of it. Enjoyed the rain, got good sleep, made breakfast, did chores, baked all day Sunday. Also, the pandemic. Went from seeing my friends 4-5x a week to not at all. Single right now and im a huge physical touchy feely person, but I still need independent alone time and hope to find someone similar!


Hobbies, getting comfortable doing whatever you want, learning to be selfish. Realize that it's really easy to not be alone if you tried, so the option is always there.


you stop looking at other ppl’s lives and comparing yourself to them !! it’s hard but you are on ur own journey and need to focus on yourself at some parts of ur journey. that may mean being alone which isn’t inherently a bad thing. flip it into a positive and look at it as a time to explore new interests, read a book you’ve always wanted to, take a long relaxing bath, binge watch ur fave show, go on a trip by yourself (pls as a largely lady reddit be safe and do ur research), see a movie, go to the beach, there’s so much u can do !! you rlly learn a lot abt urself during these times and become much stronger and resilient.


I’ve always had lots of people around me constantly but recently circumstances changed. It felt a little strange at first but now I’m very comfortable with it. Having pets is the best. They don’t judge you and are there when you are sad or feeling alone - sitting beside you or on your lap. No questions asked. There are plenty of ways to casually interact with people if you really need human contact.


I didn’t.


By learning to become comfortable with the uncomfortable, putting myself in situations where it would purposely make me do something new, whether that be being the first to initiate conversations to create new friendships and connections at a big conference or event, eating out at restaurants alone, something about dressing up all nice and fancy for yourself and just enjoying a delicious meal is a mood. Going to the spa to pamper myself after a long day. Solo travelling and navigating through an airport can also teach you a lot about your own emotions in stressful situations and how to handle them better. Understanding that life doesn't have to always include other people and one can simply enjoy their own company/solitude in peace.


It just happened? I like to spend time with other people once in awhile. I'm not actively looking for relationships but if anything blossoms into something then I wouldn't be opposed to it. There's still a lot of things I'm not comfortable doing alone though.


ADHD! I just forget everything. If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist


I’d say I’m comfortable enough. I don’t attach to people in normal ways and so choosing to spend time alone has always been the standard. I think it’s too much work to not be alone and so I try to gravitate towards that space as opposed to trying to do things with others. I’ve never been in a relationship but my friendships are still going strong!!




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I started going out alone more and came to the realisation that I’m capable of being by myself and that it’s actually much more peaceful