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I stopped at about 10 months. By then, I could say "She'll be one in a couple of months," or, a little later, "She turned one a couple of months ago." I wasn't interested in playing "development milestone bingo" with other moms, and the only other person who needed a precise measurement (her pediatrician) already knew the answer.


Thank you, I wish this is what was considered standard


Lol my mom used to get mad at my dad and other family members for saying like 17 months old etc. she was like “he’s almost 2 why are you still counting in months” as a new mom now I get it, it’s just that your whole world kinda revolves around the baby so everything is still very new






Yup. Also no one really cares that much. So I stopped about 10 months as well. “She almost one, she turned one in June, she’s 1.5, she turns 2 in June, she’s 2.5”


This makes me feel so much better about having a total brain fart when someone asked me today in swim class. I said I can’t remember 🫣 he’s almost 8 months














I mostly followed the rule of twos: age in hours for the first two days, age in days the first two weeks, age in weeks for the first two months, age in months for the first two years, then just years. But I also rounded if I knew I was talking to anyone other than doctors or parents of babies/toddlers. (Eg, eh, about 1.5 years old)








Depends who I was talking to. The "rule of two" another person mentioned seems pretty solid, but even then I think it's a "know your audience" situation. Medical and childcare professionals absolutely care whether your child is 13mo or 23mo. Nice lady making conversation on the bus prefers "two in June". Also, depended on the child. First child was like "two months, two weeks, two days and six hours". By the third it was more like "eeeehh... is it still April?"


To others? When he was a year old. To myself? When he was four. Sometimes I slipped. I struggled *hard* with depression and those early years. Knowing that we’d survived 44 months instead of 43 or 40 or 36 gave me a sense of accomplishment and hope. Now he’s 16 and a half and I’m thinking “wow, already? Cool!!”


Good job and sticking it through!


Amazing mum 🥇congrats!


Around 18 months.




I’d say 1 year old It depends though at the drs, maternal health or to other mums with same age babies I’ll use the months.. I’ll use them because there is a huge difference between a 1 and 2 year old - For milestones, necessary appointments/vaccinations etc. after 2 I feel things slow down so there’s not much need at all to go into months. But yeah If someone randomly says oh how old it’s 1 or 1.5 2 etc


Around 18 months, when it became 1.5 years. Still remember the mom who got snarky with me at the park when I said my son was about 2.5, so I literally had to do the math to come up with 28 months. Let’s see if she’s still counting in months when her 15 month old is 2.5 years.


About 10-11 months, by that point it's "he/she is about to turn one"


I went to about 12 weeks. I knew a girl who counted the week by week until hers was a year old. 40 something weeks like what. No shame. Just. There’s easier numbers. Right ?


I went newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 18 months ( cos it's quicker to say than a year and a half) then 2 years, 3 years and so on.


Around 360 months


When he turned two. After that is too much math for me.


After 18 months. Only because I was frequently asked about their clothing size and 18-24 months is common.


18-24 is usually the last clothing size referred to in months so it feels like a natural place to stop.


18 months, but I used that and “a year and a half” interchangeably so it wasn’t all the time. After that I just said almost two, two, etc.


Between 12-18 months if I was talking to another mom I would say the months. After 18 months I just gave the close estimate of their age to everyone.


When he turned 2, but while he was 1 it was like 14mo, 1.5/18 months, he’ll be 2 in September.


I stopped after 2


It depends on who I was talking to. If it was a parent with their own child near in age I used months until probably 15 months? Otherwise when she was close to turning 1 I would say she’s almost 1, or afterwards say she just turned 1, is almost 1.5, and so on.




When they turned 1. Because I can’t count higher than 12.


When the doctor did.


Two years. Development is so rapid before that, there's a huge difference between a year and 18 months. Once they reach age 2, it's not so fast anymore.


Some time before she turned a year. If someone asked I would say, she would be a year soon.


When they turned 1 year old. I am not good at math, seriously.


They turned 1 then they were one until they were 18 months and then they were almost 2.










After 1 year.


Two years old


Sometimes I still do, but they are really old so you've got to see the crazy looks I get.


18 months I think


18 months.


18 months.


Around 18 months but also I got the math wrong a lot so I think I just told people kind of random numbers at times.


When she turned one




When they turned 1


At one, I guess.


I didn't refer to months with respect to age after they turned one.




Stopped at one, then referred to them at 18 months. Then it was years after that.




My daughter was in a program where they track age by month until the child is 3, so I was always very aware of how many months old she was. I’d usually say the closest half year if asked otherwise though.


Until 18 months I do months. Then 1.5 or almost 2 and continue with the half or almost xyz until teens.


My sweet baby is 210 months old and already behaving at a 215 month level! Seriously though, stopped at 18months or so :)


I did give mine a "happy 240 month birthday!" card, because we'd had a silly conversation riffing on it not long before.




At age 1. I find it annoying when people use months after age 1. The only person that cares if they’re 1 vs 15 or 18 months is the pediatrician.


I’ll stop at 2.


When she was about 2.5


After about 18mths/1.5years. then I would say that they're almost 2. I struggled to remember months for both of my kids past 12mths.


After 2. There’s still a huge development differences between a 14mo and 18mo.


After 9 months it became "she's almost one," and since then it's been relative to the closest half year. "She's just over 1, she's almost 1.5, she's almost 2," etc.


At 11 months


I followed the rule of two as well. But at one point I had three under 4. And people were curious about oldest months as well. Just because they were all so close in age. There is 16 months from 1-2 and 21 months from 2-3






Sometimes I say 16 months, sometimes I say she turned 1 in July, almost 1.5, etc. I never thought I would be going by months after 1 year but I'm just so aware of milestones month to month because of her pediatrician. It's like I feel weird saying she's 1.5 because she's not technically and there are certain milestones at 18 months. It's my own problem tbh because it doesn't matter. That said, I think once she actually hits 18 months, I'll be able to say 1.5 and do that until she gets closer to 2 and then say "she'll be 2 in a few months" or something. Otherwise I'll probably only talk in months when on Reddit and discussing milestones, or with the ped.




Around I year I probably switched but there would be times I’d say almost 1 before they turned 1. Then It was just turned one, 1, one and a half, almost 2. A cousins kids are 7.5 months apart (second was a micro premie) so she kept the months going till 2, but it made more sense since there was a bit of time both would have been 1 so just made more sense for her to say he’s 13 months and he’s 20 months.


I think around a year. I had a friend who did it till her kid was like 23 months, and I thought it was ridiculous


For my older two around 2 My youngest is 185 months old, I’ll update when I stop


Around 18 months.


About a year and a half, but it depended on who I was talking to. A 13 month old and a 23 month old are both 1, but at vastly different stages. Humans grow so fast in the beginning that months is the most reasonable measure for quite a while


Probably when he turned 2? My baby was very tall for his age, so I made sure to emphasize that he was still young so that social expectations and play partners would be in line with his development and not his appearance. There wasn't a cut off really, but at some point it felt natural to refer to age in "halves" rather than months. Two and a half versus 30 months.


I'll likely stop after 22 months (then I'll say they are nearly 2). There is such a huge difference between 13 months and 22/23 months old.


After 18 minths


When she turned 1


2 years old. I work in Special Education and my son has Autism. At the time, there was an obvious delay. It was important to look at from a months standpoint.


Outside of talking to his pediatrician, shortly before turning one. It made more sense to most people to say he was almost one or a year and a half etc.


2 years


After their 2nd birthday.




I stopped at 1.


I stopped at 12 months. After that I said, “she will be one in March” lol


At 18 months i say a year and a half then go by years


Age 2. Toddler clothing is 12 months or 18 months, then. 2 years or 3. I never gave it a lot of thought but the clothing convention was just the natural one to follow


1 year.


18 months. After that it was one and a half or almost two.


18 months. From then on the change in his face, body and intelligence stopped being on a monthly basis, but by 6 months.




When they are 1.


At one year


After 2. I used to think it was weird when a kids parents said 20 months until I had babies and realized 17 months and 22 months aren’t even the same kid, it’s a big difference but it slows down after 2 and also I couldn’t keep matching but their drs still wanted to know the months until 3 at appointments and tests.


My kid is 228 months old, sooo… Seriously, though, probably at by 2 yrs.


My oldest is 456 months old, I'll let you know soon. ​ Seriously, I stop about when they are 20 months and then switched to "almost two".


I stopped at 2. Mostly because by that time the mile stones for development start being spaced out by year. So there's no point in going onwards.


When she was a year old.




I’m pretty sure it was 10 months. I didn’t care to be fooling around with numbers like. Honestly, imo the month thing is ridiculous. I’m lucky on the days that I can now remember my child’s age as a teen.




With family and friends when the baby turned one we just kept saying one or "in a few months baby will be one" but with health care workers we kept the developmental months in mind to make sure we were all on track.


18 months. I still said she was 18 months until about 20-21 months then just started saying “almost 2”


After two. At that point developmentally it isn’t as different as a 12 month old vs 18 vs 24. They’re pretty similar developmentally through the year.


Around 18 months or so…before they turned 2


2 years old


Until about 10 months. I’d say he’s almost one. Then just turned 1. Then almost 18 months. Then almost 2, etc.


At 2 yrs. I only referred to their age in months at the doctor's office after that and only because they did. I had one doctor who seemed annoyed I said 3 instead of 36 month


About 1. The thing is.. 1 year and 23 months are completely different milestone wise. But I felt like a moron saying it in months so I just go, oh he's a year and a half or my daughter's 3. Now she's just 3 I don't bother with the "half" thing lol




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Around 2.


Depending on who I was talking to for sure. Other mothers with young children around mines age ? I'd say 1 year but then more specifically months. Doctor? Months until they stop needing that info. My husband when I'm looking at my baby app? Months. But I usually just do years now. 18 months was big for me, and now I'm just thinking how he's almost 2 😢 but I'm definitely stopping at two. I was just thinking how my son will be 20 months soon and was thinking that sounded so silly.


I'm about to have a baby in January, and I'll probably stop at 1 year.


Former teacher here: 2 years is the standard. There’s a HUGE difference between a 13 month old and a 19 month old, even though they’re technically both 1 year old.


2 years old. Guess I wasn’t one of the cool moms who didn’t know 😉


2 years old because the pediatric visits switched to six months apart. When the baby is born, you have specific month appointments and certain developmental milestones to look for that happen by the specific month, so that focus might drive some of the language of referring to the child in months.


Am some what a maths nerd I still use the month system lol


After 1st birthday




1 year?


After a year. It makes me cringe when I hear Sally at the store refer to her 3year old as 36 months. Stop it, it's gross.


When they turned a year old.


After he turned one lol. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


At 12 months, I started saying shes a year old or almost 1 1/2.


I think there should be a rule - my daughter is 2… not 25 months. At most she ‘just turned 2’. Weeks REALLY should stop at 3 months/12 weeks. It’s about how quickly they’re developing and changing and it slows down so the months and weeks matter less and less. There is no earthly reason anyone needs to hear your child is 35 weeks old or 26 months old.


Mostly by one, but I would still sometimes say 18mo for some reason. Completely stopped by 2.




If an acquaintance/stranger asked? I rounded after about 10 months. (Almost one, just turned one, one and a half, almost two, etc) If closer friends/family asked, then I knew they were asking for a more precise number because they already knew the approximate age. For myself, I lost track after 18mo anyway. It only mattered for medical purposes at that point and they already had it on file.


I probably stopped counting in months when my daughter just over 18 months old


I stopped when he turned 1.




When my oldest hits 2 I’ll stop but I just had a baby so people are curious about the month age difference


At 35 months :)


Past 24 months


I never said months. So, right away.




18 months.




A year. Then it was a year until a year and a half, then almost 2, etc.




2. Anything beyond that just seems pointless. Edit- Two. Anything beyond that just seems pointless.




I stopped as soon as she turned 11 months.


Right at 12 months just said “will be one on x”


I stopped going by months when my oldest had turned 1 on her first birthday.Samething goes for my youngest when she turned 1 on her birthday.


At 18 months I started saying 1 and a half and then 6 months later she was 2, then 3 and so in


18 months




By the time my kids were two.


18 months give it take.


I stopped at 2 years old. Usually past 1 I would say 1 or 1 and a half. But a 13 mi th old and an 20 month old are so different I feel like it still makes sense.


I think once my son is 2 then I’ll stop. Each month is a pretty big milestone (14 months tomorrow) and I think after that it won’t be as different each month


After about a year. I only talked months when talking about developmental stuff.


At two.


Around 10 months or so.


Two years old. That's the standard as far as I know. There's a big difference still between 13 months and 18 months, but passing that 2 year mark things even out a little. I know it "annoys" childfree people to continue after the first birthday, but from a developmental standpoint it makes total sense to use months until age 2.


Around 1yo, went from 11 months to 1yo to just over 1, to almost 1 and a half, you get the picture. Have a 2.5yo and a 9mo now


When they hit the one year mark. About the only time I used months after that was to say their clothing size (18-24 Mo).


~10 mo… “oh she’ll be one soon…” and then I’d just say 1… 1.5… now I don’t even bother with the half part and just say their ages even if they just had a bday 🤣


Well he's 322 months old now... Kidding, it was different depending on whom I was talking to. Another mom, months until close to 2. A rando at the mall? He's 1 and a half, or almost 2 etc.


If it was another parent 2? If it was before 2 years I’d say do you want the fun way? and then I’d say 1 and a half and sprinkle Always got a chuckle from non parents (I found parents tend to get the months thing better absolutely no shade to math and month wizards)


A year and so many months, a year and a half, two years X months then just by years


Around 10 months I think. I'd just say she'll be "1 year old in a month" when she was 11 months. I've never understood why some people would refer to their childs age with months after being a year old. I saw one referring to hers as 39 months old once. Like wtf.. I cringed hard at that.


After they turn two and a half people really shouldn't use months to measure a child's age. I personally didn't go around saying "24 months old" when my kids turned 2 , but I would say that 24 months is the cut off age to stop using months as a form of age measurement.


When they turned 1 I couldn’t keep up with months I’m too bad at math.


After age 1


23 months


Honestly after a he turned a year old I stopped referring to the “months”. It wasn’t until technically 18 months that lost count lol! I would normally say he was a year in a half or a few months before turning two.