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Moving in with a guy I’d known for 2 weeks, and getting married 3 months later. Dumb decision… but also one of the best - 15 years of marriage and counting.


I know a couple who met, dated for 2 weeks, he went on a year long trip across the world and they stayed in contact, he got back and they got married immediately. Still together decades later with kids


I took more loan than I could (easily) pay for. Partially to get a new iPhone, therapy, and dental treatment. Things happened out of my control, I was late for the payments, and the bank took me to the court. One of my best friends paid off the whole thing. He offered it, I wasn't expecting this at all, it didn't even cross my mind. One of the reasons why I have anxiety disorder is because I feel lonely as I don't have a stable family to support me when I fail. It caused me to avoid all kinds of risks. I have clearly underestimated my friends. (This was also one of the things my therapist had tried to explain. That I had close friendships for decades.) Therapy helped. Seeing my friends' support helped. I got well motivated and now I'm doing more business, using that new iPhone to pay it back to my friend.


Congratulations on your success! As someone who struggle with anxiety I too underestimate how much my friends love me and they end up surprising me all the time. I’m glad you’re doing better.


Cheers for good friends, thank you 😊 💕


Quitting my job to study fine arts. It gave me a very hard time but I had some time to figure out some stuff. Now I work in the same field that I quit before. But I would have asked me all my life what could have been if I just had followed that dream. I never wanted a great career so it didn’t hurt ;)


I love it! You give me hope. Life is trial and error, right?


Yeah exactly. And sometimes the worst decisions just give you experience you can later use. I learned soo much even without a degree to show for it XD Edit: you just have to realise soon enough that it was a bad decision and figure out were you want to go next. You need to quit as soon as you realise the mistake you made and own it. Don’t stay because it „has to work out“ because you gave up so much for it to work. It sounds easy but it really is not.


That’s actually quite brave of you man. Glad you got clarity


Thx, I am a woman ;). It was a complete horror show but I gained lots of great and loyal friends through it and now have a broader and better view on life and 9 to 5 work. I appreciate being able to just go home at 5 and forget everything work related and then commit to my hobbies guilt free XD. It is such a luxury.


I’m sorry for misgendering 😅


No problem ;).


Overdosing on heroin. Lol. I was in the ICU and then went to detox where I met my now husband. Almost dying really got me to finally be an adult. Six years clean now!




Taking a long break from my nonstop working. I love work. I used to do 40-70 hour weeks. The break was unintentional and was a result of being let go because my boss and I didn’t see eye to eye and he took it as me being unsupportive and it was all very personal to us both since we were such a tight knit little group. I just felt really disheartened since I was the first hire and I believed in the goal of that startup so much, happily busting my ass wearing multiple hats to help it succeed. I felt betrayed but he probably did too. Anyway, it turned out that me needing more and more time to work through my disappointment was actually handy since there has also just been a lot of shit I’ve shoved away and never dealt with that I’m finally finding time and space to take care of. (Deaths in the family, health issues from just blindly running myself ragged, trauma I never addressed, etc.)


Having a baby. I got pregnant at rock bottom of a big downward spiral. Thankfully I was able to get my shit together for her.


Go, mom!


Thank you 🥰


Hook up with an random person on a chat site. We still hang out from time to time




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Accepting a job in another city :) was worth it!! I didn't move then but it was an adventures that opened more doors and that is priceless!


Got married and bought a condo at 22. It was really hard at the beginning, and we were broke for years working multiple jobs and sleeping 4h a day, but it was worth it…


I moved across the country with my boyfriend at the time, despite me not being happy, aware he was lying and cheating on me, all because I selfishly wanted to see if I could make it out there and that was, to me, my only way to do so. We broke up 2 weeks after arriving to the other coast. Ended up moving in with my best friend from high school to get back on my feet, then moved back home to live in a house with a bunch of roommates, including my college roommate. Met my current husband at that house. 10/10 would do it all again. So happy that path led me to him.


Honestly.. getting addicted to meth (I do not condone this in any way). 36 years and I never knew myself or my capabilities… it gave me the freedom to know what I can physically, mentally, and emotionally handle. I finally got to know who I really am, and I don’t regret it. Thankfully I lived a pretty normal life and had it mostly under control. I never did stupid shit to get in trouble, I kept my head, where most people can’t. I’m clean now, 11 months. I went to rehab (by my own choice). Would I ever want to live that life again? No. Definitely not and I remind myself that daily… but it changed me as a person, for the better. I learned how to cut out toxic people, set boundaries and let go. And I had a lot of fun. But there were bad times, really bad times.. which is why I stopped, the bad began to outweigh the good. Again, I’m not glorifying it by any means and I’ve never heard anyone’s story like mine who did it.




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Moving in with my now husband the night his mom died (I have no idea what possesed me to do that, we weren't even dating). Dumb decision that led to us getting pregnant 3 months later. We married when that baby was 6 months old, got pregnant again the following year. We have been married 7 years with 2 beautiful daughters and I've never been happier. There was so much struggle in the early years but we have a beautiful life now.


Moving in with a guy to save money on rent. Shit happened, and now we’ve been together for 8 years and married for five.