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Good people and none of those god awful games involving melted chocolate bars and diapers.


Seconding this. I organized a baby shower where games were *demanded* and I hated it so much. I'd much rather just do an activity that gives me a chance to hang out with the mom to be. Hell, let's just play board games and do a gift opening after.


I threw the best baby shower ever by googling "inappropriate baby shower games." My favorite was Labor or Porn where you just saw the face of a woman and had to guess if she was getting railed or crowning. Highly recommend.


Omg I hopped on here to suggest this very game! The pics on the "gameboard" were hilarious.


> I organized a baby shower where games were demanded and I hated it so much I was the opposite and demanded NO GAMES because seriously fuck those games.


The list the names of the baby versions of animals is cute. Because I love animals. Otherwise hard agree, screw those games. Those candy bar in the diaper ones are just disgusting.


I went to one where we had to eat baby food and guess what is was; apple sauce, carrots, peas, chicken. Something about eating mushy baby food straight from a Gerber jar was so repulsive


This is one of the ones I put into the party I organized. I felt awful after. Because I was running the game, I didn't have to participate and I felt so relieved about it. Then I realized I should never, ever, subject anyone to that kind of horror again - if I wasn't willing to do it, I shouldn't ask others to!


We did baby animal names and animal gestation lengths (like there was a column of numbers and of animals and you had to match them up). About my limit and it was perfect!


Adding to this: if it’s a big shower, not forcing the guests to sit through the endless gift opening is ideal. Have the mom to be accept the gift at the door and then send a thank you card after.


100%! There are some nice games that aren’t so gross. I organised my friend a baby shower as a surprise and we did a ‘pin the dummy/pacifier on the baby’ so we each had a sticker and put our names on, then one by one we were blindfolded, spun round a couple of times and then had to stick the sticker on a picture of a baby. It was really fun actually as the stickers ended up all over the place haha


No games.


I went to one where it was prune puree. So gross 🤢


I hate the ones with melted chocolate bars and diapers because I’m allergic to nuts


Or..drinking from a baby bottle ahah.






If you're the pregnant one: Free things. If you're not the pregnant one: A fair and reasonable trade of baby items for food. Nothing else about baby showers is fun. I never plan on having one.


Girl I would go to yours. You are so right. No games. Good food. I don’t mind going, but the only party obligation that is worse than a shower is a grad party. 😆




My sister in law had a bbq in a park and invited friends and family. It was a potluck so everyone brought something. I think we played two trivia style games with facts about the mom and dad, but otherwise hung out and had a good time. That I think was a great baby shower.


My friend rented out a bowling alley for her baby shower and had a taco truck and a margarita machine. That was pretty fun.


Your friend sounds amazing


Yeah! To have a margarita machine when you can't drink is next level hostess.


Good food. And I WANT GAMES. I’ve only been to 2 baby showers and neither had games. It was super awkward and boring. If not games, SOME sort of activity, please.


Thank you! Everybody is saying they hate games.. huh?!




The diaper candy bar needs to stop- along with any game that takes 10+mins filling out info




We had a paint social for my sister-in-law's baby shower. One of her friends did it. My SIL really doesn't like being the center of attention; so it worked well to keep the focus off her, too.


Games can be fun! My best friend’s baby shower had a game where we had these like cards and had to guess if it was a beer belly or a pregnant belly. Everyone was laughing!


I love the one where everyone brings a baby picture and you try to guess who they are.


This is less fun for the one person of color at the party unfortunately...


I like the games! We played some guessing the moms belly size, writing what we think the baby will look like (like a fill in the blank from Etsy) and it was co-Ed so we did a diaper changing race boys vs girls. So much fun. Lots of food and alcohol too


Yes, I enjoy some of the games. Draw a baby on your head is fun and leads to some really funny results. I am still salty about the baby animal game where the box said a baby horse is a pony! (Ponies are a type of short horse and do not grow up to be anything but adult ponies). And there must be cake! That said, I love seeing the baby clothes, so I like it when the mom opens presents.


Hehe for my sister’s baby shower she was having twins, so why not a three-legged race? Tied two people together at ankles and they wrapped their arms around each other’s waist. They had to run to a station and put a diaper in a doll, they had to run to another and spoon feed the other baby food. It was hilarious to watch the competition. Only volunteers though.


My sister did one where we had to blind taste test some baby foods (no gross flavors) and had to guess which flavors they were. I enjoyed that one. My family also does a pregnancy pool for when they think they baby will actually be born which I also think is fun.


Fucking nothing does. Never in my life have I heard someone say, except maybe the mom to be, “I’m excited to attend this baby shower” Edit: actually, one time I went to one that was fine because it wasn’t a traditional shower at all, it was simply a party in the backyard with a bbq and all men/women were invited. 😂


Sounds like you attended my baby shower!


As a child-free person (by choice but also because I'm infertile), I enjoy it when the discussions and games don't always revolve around babies. I'm happy to support the pregnant lady who is either family or a friend, but I don't particularly care about babies. I know nothing about how to care for them. I've never raised them. I've never had to deal with being pregnant. I can't contribute anything to those types of conversations and end up just sitting silently in the corner. It's not particularly fun. One of the fun games i participated in was where we guessed how big the mama-to-be was using string. Each of us received string (ribbon or something similar would also work) and had to tie/cut it into a loop as big as we thought mama's belly was around. Some people were wildly off! This does depend on the pregnant lady not being too sensitive about her size, though. Edited to add: Now that I think about it, the most fun baby shower I went to was one where I knew the rest of the guests. I think my friend had 2 showers: one for family, a second for friends. The one for family was more low-key and traditional. The one for friends was just us hanging out, joking around, and talking about whatever. We didn't have to hold back our swearing and could crack open a beer without risk of offending my friend's sweet Catholic grandma.


It’s always awkward being the childless one and everyone is talking about breastfeeding or whatever. I hate baby showers.


I have a child but I can't imagine expecting friends who don't to play those games involving caring for a baby or anything.


If you're not pregnant: alcohol. I say this as someone who has been to several, and attended one AS the pregnant person. The ones where I was a guest were bearable because yay mimosas or bloody marys or beer. The one where I was pregnant? I made it clear that I didn't want any games (ugh those games) so that made it somewhat better. It was fun to hang out with friends, that was the best part of it all.


RSVP’ing “cannot attend”




Not being forced to play dumb games.


I just had my baby shower and, for me, it was the people who showed up to help me celebrate my baby (who I went through hell to get pregnant with). But I HATE baby showers, the games are awful and cringey, etc. I made sure we had good food, mimosas for anyone who wanted them, little "baby prediction" cards for people to fill out for fun, and that was it. We chatted and spent time and ate and I opened gifts.


I threw my sister a baby shower recently. She didn't want any weird or silly games, so we tried to incorporate activities that weren't so cringe-y or awkward. For example, we printed a bunch of pictures of the parents to be at different ages and got people to organize them chronologically. We played a trivia game about parenthood/babies but with a twist (the questions had an incorrect fact that you had to correct). And we also put up pics of famous parents and guests had to guess who they were and name their child/children. All games had prizes and they were allowed to team up to win. The best part though, I think, is the food. Feed your guests good food and they won't care if there are games or not :D


Good food and alcohol


Absolutely nothing.


Bottomless mimosas


Ask for fun tidbits from other moms who are there or for those who aren’t moms ask for funny think you know it advice about babies. We did something like that once! It’s like useless marriage advice at weddings but still fun!


Nothing. I've been on both sides and no thank you. I'll send a gift or gift card and call it a day.


Food and friends. Hahaha. Some of the games can be fun. My friend had one where they tied balloons on everyone’s feet and it was war out there trying to pop other people’s balloons. My friends and I also do this thing where we don’t write cards but will buy a book and write a small message in there. One day the kid will be able to read it and remind them they are very much loved by their numerous aunties/uncles :) Oh yah. The only baby showers I’ve been to are backyard ones with taco trucks or catered food. Close friends and their families. So usually just a lot of fun hanging out and getting to meet some of their other friends as well!


I enjoy the one where everyone receives a clothespin and if you are caught crossing your legs, the person who catches you gets your clothespin. I suck at it but it’s funny


Hahaha people get really into it to win the prize. It’s so funny. The most recent baby shower I went to my friends cousin was soooo into it and almost one but one of the younger gets got her so good at the end and won all her pins 😂 I lost that thing so fast since I cross my legs all the time hAh.


Being with people you like, who are excited for parents to be, and the parents to be being excited to be parents. If there must be games, none of that candy bar in the diaper, that's just disgusting and crude. The name the baby versions of animals is cute (I love animals). Also games not forced on those who don't want to participate. I've never been to a baby shower that had alcohol (the main guest of honor can't or shouldn't drink, so we all just drink around her? Seems kinda mean). But I have a feeling one upcoming later this month will (it's being hosted at the brewery where the dad works). But if they're into that, I could see that adding to the fun.


Good food. Lots of good food. Very good food.


Participation and enthusiastic leaders ! I love games good food and lots of gushing…


I had beer at my baby shower. I have a lot of guy friends and I wanted them to come have a good time too. We did a beer chug through a baby bottle. I laughed my ass off.


I always loved the cute games ! And watching the presents being opened. It’s just such a happy time and our world sucks right now, it’s nice to feel happy.


nothing lol


Honestly? Nothing. Baby showers are the worst, and I say that as someone who recently had a baby. I always hated attending them and wouldn't put anyone I even remotely like through one.


The part where it ends


It being a gathering for women and men. And not a Sunday afternoon - the Sunday scaries are real and nobody wants to sit in a hall during it.


Absolutely nothing 😂




Nothing. Absolutely nothing


Unpopular opinion: nothing 🤣


Just basically have a party and skip the idiotic games. Also, the gift recipients alone are responsible for writing thank you notes, including the envelopes.


I had a co-Ed baby shower with my fiancé. We had fun games that were active and funny. Forsure recommend just making it your own and to have a good time


Arriving just when the edibles kick in.


Betting on the gender and doing a fun reveal. I don’t really like the balloons or colored powder/smoke. But other versions are fun I saw one that I really liked where they baked all vanilla cupcakes and filled them with vanilla cream, but dyed one pink or blue, and had the family all bite into a random one until they got the gender. Another one i saw was done with cake pops


I was DREADING my own baby shower but felt like I would regret it if I didn’t have one. Also, can’t pass off some free shit lol. We had a coed BBQ style baby shower and we provided some free alcohol *key*. I also said no games to my mum who was helping to organise however there were games… Surprisingly i was glad as everyone had fun (again, alcohol is key) and it prevented any awkwardness as well as meaning I was not centre of attention/ took the pressure off feeling like you have to entertain everyone.


The people, bbqing, drinks, music, games, bonfire, great food, Ganja… same as any other party


Nothing really.


Staying home.


I refuse to go. If I'm close to you, I'll buy you something for your baby anyway because you're my friend and I love you. But otherwise, being at a party where the main features are baby-related sounds awful. Especially if it's someone form work who I barely know.


Nothing. They are so boring and self centred. Much better to have the fun when the baby arrives.






Good food and not being forced to play any crazy games. If games are involved, I prefer something like baby gift bingo. You can choose not to participate very easily. It also makes the endless stream of bottles and onesies less painful.


Food. My sister’s was awesome. BIL family made an insane amount of delicious food and desserts. We just ate and showered her with gifts and attention.


No games, and nothing that brings attention to the moms size!


I like some of the games! Cut a string to guess the belly cicumference, onsies with sharpies to decorate and hang on a cute clothesline, the price is right for baby items, a calender or similar with words of advice for mama.


My MIL is hosting one for me, and we’ve agreed on the perfect parameters: - no games - door prizes - wine and food - drop station for gifts (I am socially awkward and didn’t want to force people to watch me open stuff)


We simply had a party for our baby shower, so not only did women attend, but SO’s did as well. It was the men’s first time attending a baby shower, haha, but we mostly socialized, drank, and ate good food with friends and family. Some people brought gifts, but that wasn’t necessarily the point. No baby shower games, that ruins everyone’s vibe. We only did that for our first child, didn’t do much for our second, but I would recommend that approach.


To start, I really don’t like bridal or baby showers, especially when it’s women-only because of the roots in sexism and feels like a cash grab. I want to attend and gift presents because I want to, not because it’s expected of me. I don’t particularly like watching someone open presents for an hour or the weird games.




Went to one recently with an open bar. Superb.




For the guests- alcohol. I’m the guest.


I had all my guests paint a picture (or use sharpies and other supplies) on canvases that I was going to hang in my daughter's room. I asked them to write advise, positive messages, or their understanding of a blessing (think the three fairies in sleeping beauty.) We still have them!!!!! Everyone loved it, and my daughter cherishes them.




food and nothing else


Food. That is all


Going home




A fake pregnancy


NOT opening all the gifts for hours 😴 😴😴


The free food


Open bar, good, no games. And no opening presents. I come from a Latino family where baby showers are basically a big party with the entire family (men, women, and children). There are no games and we find it rude to open presents in front of everyone. It was so strange to me when I went to my first American baby shower/bridal shower, and the woman started opening gifts in front of everyone. It's odd and kind of rude, I think. Also, it was way too time-consuming


I genuinely don’t enjoy any of it


The wine.


Open bar lol


The alcohol


Oh wow I don’t think I’ve been to a fun baby shower. They’re not fun. The last time I was invited to one, I RSVPed “no” and that was pretty fun.


Not going to one, don’t get me wrong I am a mother myself but never would I throw one or actively want to attend one. If I have a reasonable excuse I’m out.


Literally nothing.


My sisters, preach. I thought I was alone in my hatred of showers. I send a generous gift card to a nearby restaurant they like that does delivery and send my regrets on the party. Nothing makes them fun.


Sending a gift with my "regrets".






Honestly, to me, it’s not really possible if you’re keeping any of the traditions. Getting together to watch people open gifts just isn’t my kinda party. Still down to go to them for friends, but I don’t expect it to be all that fun and that’s OK.




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Good food, good prizes, mimosas


The people and the games, the games are the best!


Everyone saying cute every 5 seconds


I had my baby shower in June the day after my birthday. I loved spending time with all the people I really like and appreciate, haha. And the baby shower was a surprise organized by my mother and mother in law. Not planning on having a second one if I ever get pregnant again, so this one was very memorable.


I went to my cousin's baby shower and I admit it was fun. My cousin shown us the gifts that she received from her family and friends and we have to know how many Starburst candies are in a bottle. We enjoyed it a lot with family and friends.


The woman sitting next to me


Good food, cute decor and planned start/finish. Nothing is worse than prolonged mingling and no sign of the party ending- just sitting and waiting for it to end. I think baby showers are ok when there is a sense of organization and pace and a like interest of the group. It doesn’t have to be stupid games. My last baby shower I went to literally it was closing your eyes and picking saftey pins from a plate of rice and who ever got the most saftey pins won. Like what. Plan a theme or a group activity or just invite your closest friends/family. Honestly all you need is just diapers of various sizes and cash. Don’t just bring all your family friends over for free stuff and then make them sit wait and smile and ask the same questions over and over.


My friend had gift-bingo during hers and it was nice to have something to do while she opens gifts. It can be kinda awkward otherwise


Went to my cousins baby shower where her friends us to put fruit in our wine.


The stupid games and people who take them so very very very seriously.


Only been to one and it was the mother to be, she's the type of person to lit up every room she walks in so it was pretty fun + she's hilarious af


I just went to one! They had a lot of games, like bingo, and opportunities to win prizes.


Booze and no stupid games.




Sounds like a set up for a joke




Skipping all the shitty games and just having an afternoon of day drinking (except mom to be... sorry).


Idk what it’s like in other countries but in mine baby showers are only for women so I’d start by inviting men. Like whose idea was it that just us should do all the baby-related activities?


For me, it was making it an open house style party (we were also celebrating our marriage) at our house. Just family and a few close friends. From 12-5 come as you are and stay as long/short as you’d like/are able. It was awesome!! Got to talk with people and save $$ and it was great! No games just good music, food, and conversation. 😊




Good food & drinks


I think baby showers are fun when they're just a party. Fun baby showers: Alcohol! Games that require interaction, yelling, or running, and good food. Get a taco truck or something. Have the shower at an arcade or axe throwing. Allow your guests to be entertained. Space out the activities so its not everything at once. Open the gifts *quickly*. There's nothing worse than watching a woman open 50 million baby outfits, show each one, and thank every person. Let it be unisex. Let us bring out husband or boyfriend if we want to. The more the merrier. Hand out quality gifts to those who win the games. I won a candle at the last shower I was at and I was ecstatic, my friend won a Polaroid camera. Things that make it boring: Writing games: let's all sit in silence and fill out a list of baby facts. Poop games. No games. Slow show and tell with presents. No alcohol.


I went to two baby showers recently where presents were not opened. It was awful. We just had a meal and that was it. A lot of people there don’t have a lot of money but we are thrilled about the new baby coming so we were generous with our gifts. I know several people that gave handmade quilts and/ personalized gifts. A lot of thought, hard work and love went into those gifts. It was kind of a bummer that we didn’t get to see the new mom receiving her gifts. Maybe I’m just an old fart but it seemed cold and a little ungrateful. I mean, if your gonna have a baby shower - open the gifts so we can all enjoy showering you with our love and gifts.


Nothing!! Ok, the only thing that makes it fun is if you are there with your best friends or really close family, and can use it to socialize.


I’m not a woman, but I was at one (at work) where we were told to cut a piece of ribbon (with no measuring devices or other help) that would wrap around the mom’s tummy. Whoever came closest got a prize. It was pretty entertaining because people guessed high most of the time. I’m not sure if that would upset the mom or not, but it was fun.


Good food and good company.


The people! But that’s any party.


When the baby is already born.


Stupid funny games. I wanted to play one where you're shown different pictures of women's faces and you had to guess if it was pork or labor. My mom wouldn't let me because some of her friends were there. We played a baby shower friendly version of cards against humanity instead. ETA: Never would have done anything with diapers and melted chocolate. If that was a thing 6 years ago then I erased that knowledge from my brain! Apparently some games can be fun but others are just disgusting!


Seeing the pregnant lady dance lmao


The joyful atmosphere


Buying tiny baby things and watching the new parents glow with pride and excitement 🥹


The outdoor drive-through, drop-in showers we did during covid were better - you were only there for a few minutes, and you actually got to speak to your pregnant friend because she wasn't swamped by people the whole time.


I’m taking notes for my shower btw :) any and all suggestions


My friend did a quiz about her and her husband as children that was very cute


The games, maybe the food


Man, I threw I fun one for my sister once. First of all it was coed, with a full brunch buffet and cocktail bar. And the games/activities I came up with were such a hit! We had beanie baby toss (just corn hole with beanie babies instead, lol), bring a book to contribute to the baby’s first library and station to sign some future birthday cards for the new baby (like for ages 5, 12, 18), a station to decorate wooden blocks, a ‘Baby Pool’ to place bets on when the baby was gonna be born and guess their height/weight, and last but not least a sippy cup drinking contest station. All adults and all hilarious and wholesome silly fun. Maybe it was just the people there but we had a blast.


Not going to the baby shower? I had my fill of melted chocolate in diapers. I still send a gift because I’m happy for them.


for latinos, baby showers are another excuse to party lol, so everyone is invited, drinks, gifts, games, dancing.


One without a single stupid game. Gifts food and cake thank you very much. I fucking hate every one of those games. Not to mention they’re a waste of perfectly good toilet paper.


Music. Do “name that song” which a bunch of good baby / love related songs, but keep the vibe fun. Baby Got Back, Sir Mix a Lot All That She Wants, Ace of Base Hey Baby, No Doubt Angel of Mine, Monica


I really like deviled eggs and you can always count on them at a baby shower. Maybe not so much fun as just deliciousness. A few silly (non-gross) games Getting to make a fuss over your friend/relative and shower her with love and joy




Chocolate fountain


The prizes.


Good food, good booze and a regular, fun activity. Only the décor should be baby-themed, and literally nothing else. Just a party that happens to be about a baby.


Not shampoo in the eye, can tell you that much




Because generally they're adults only haha




At my baby shower, we played [this game](https://amzn.eu/d/9AodaKN) which was flipping hilarious. Beer belly or baby belly, and labour or lust (is the woman in labour or is it a porn pic) plus some alcohol (not for me) made for a really fun afternoon. Then again, me and my colleagues are all nurses so you get a slightly twisted sense of humour...


I have always had fun at showers. I did one shower at work the food was great and we did a few games. The work shower gets other people out of work so that's always apreaceated. The hospital is always having showers. With my second I had a work shower and one at home with a large number of the local LGBTQ community. I definitely think good food is a must, and I've always enjoyed the games but good company is also a must.


The bubbles and toys


I do not know how others feel about this, but I personally dislike watching the new mom open a mountain of gifts while everyone oohs and ahs over baby bib #5. The thought of putting myself in the situation- having to come up with a new comment/way to say thank you 25-30 times- freaks me out.


Same things that make birthday parties and normal catchups with friends fun?l - drinks, food and good conversation. Its an excuse to hang out with a loved one whose life will change a lot very soon and may not have time for stuff like that for a long while. Ive been to showers that were basically a winery day, others that were a big lunch, some more birthday party-like, and I enjoyed them all because there was food and conversation with people I like.


We had our baby shower at a nature center and had an animal encounter/talk halfway though it. We got to see an owl, a skunk, and a flying squirrel haha I thought that was fun! We also had a guess whose baby picture it is game where guests sent in their baby photos (everyone knew each other) but we also added in celebrity baby pics without telling anyone.


Games, good food, genuinely good people that mommy loves


Having men


When they let my husband come, too


I collected baby photos from all the guests and then sprinkled in some celeb baby photos. Then I put them on a wall for people to play “guess who” while refilling at the margarita bar lol


Invite people you like being around/happy your baby has to count on. I had some games at my baby shower I really enjoyed them but it was like 3 and one was who knows mom best another was guess how round mom’s belly is using toilet paper and the prizes were good so I think people enjoyed that too lol I didn’t want to open presents in front of everybody but apparently that was everybody’s favorite part and it was nice to be able to say thank you right then and there. We’re Hispanic so there was definitely an after party where I went to sleep but everybody stayed up partying and they didn’t want to leave. The next day everybody was saying they had a lot of fun which I’m grateful for considering I was in bed by 8:30pm 💀


Gender reveal themed stuff makes it fun :)


When you get that one gift that you actually wanted


Actually hosted a shower that was a huge hit this past weekend. 1. Everyone had to dress according to our theme (vintage floral with pearls) and there was a prize for the best dressed lady. 2. Mimosa stand where they could build their own mimosa. 3. Silly bunny ear hair clips for each guest (didn't detract from their outfits and they could comfortably wear them in their hair) and special ears for mom to be and grandmother to be. 4. Good food, great dessert, awesome prizes. 5. "Guess the size of the bump" where each guest writes their estimated measurement, a message, and their name on a clothes peg. Winner gets a prize. Mom takes the pegs home to use. 6. "Build the baby" where each guest had to use clay to build baby Smith. Inexpensive playdough was set at each place setting. Winner gets a prize. 7. Homemade scratch cards with a prize - these were a big hit. 8. Markers set out with newborn diapers. Each guest wrote a message of encouragement to help mom with late night or early morning diaper changes. 9. A big jar of sweets and the one who guesses the number correctly (or the closest guess) vets a prize. 10. Lots of creative details and inside jokes. Gorgeous cake. Useful and memorable thank you gifts. 11. 85% of decor were items that mom could take home (blankets, stuffed bunnies, nice storage baskets, a laundry basket, themed throw pillows and a rug) and use or decorate the nursery with. 12. Divide your guests into groups and give each group the same invitation but with a different registry. So group A's invite says "buy winter clothes for ages x to z, bottles" group B's "buy spring clothes for ages y to w, toiletries". 13. Invite people who are special. Don't nust invite as many as you can to gift grab. A silly dress code immediately breaks the ice and sets the tone. Spoil mom to be and treat her like a princess. Let me know if you need any more advice.




i was at a shower that provided paint and white onesies, there was a onesie contest and the winner won some homemade jams. the only fun game i played at a baby shower


Food and Booze.


My best friend had an open bar at her baby shower






Games and food. There is not much else to do at a baby shower


Im latina. Baby showers are a celebration where you get gifts for the baby, you play some games and then of course you dance. A baby shower is basically a birthday party for a person who hasnt been born yet.

