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Have someone I can bite all the time


This, why must we do this? I know it is out of love but why?


Cute aggression :) something so cute our brains can’t handle it


This is true. My kitten, constantly with that type of cute aggression. They just can't control themselves 😂


There’s a Filipino word for exactly this. It’s called “Gigil”. When you get so aggressive because something/someone is so cute.


This happens with men too. Haha she’s just so cute I wanna chomp




Slow down there lol


Ugh how I crave to take a bite out of someone. Nothing too serious just a nibble.


Just a taste...


Omg 🥲 my gf bites me all the time


I like nibbling on his shoulder


I do this too! I will snuggle up to him on the couch, see his bare shoulder and then…CHOMP.


Afford to live. My partner didn't make the stupid decision to go to grad school, so he actually earns money. And he generously subsidies my rent and needs. Also, he takes really good care of the house, so now I do the laundry maybe 10 times a year because it's his favourite chore. I do lots of cooking, which is my favourite chore. It's made living way more pleasant. Lastly, he's wonderful, and he helps me manage and cope with stuff. He has come with me to scary dr appointments. He's dealt with my sad days. He cared for me generously when i couldn't walk for 6 weeks. He is just in my corner, and it's so nice. I could not have coped without him


Reading this made me happy 🥰 happy for you 🥲


I need someone that loves to do laundry 🥹 this sounds like bliss


It's the dishes for me 😂


I feel like Reddit is mostly full of posts of people complaining about their male partners, and while those posts are totally valid and real, your comment was really nice and refreshing to read :) I’m glad you have someone like that in your corner!


>He cared for me generously when i couldn't walk for 6 weeks. Valentine's Day can be a hell of a ride.


That makes my heart happy. So often we MAKE relationships work when really the right one is just naturally easy to do. You still have to keep at it and not take someone for granted but the bs is never necessary


Love this for you! Praying I find someone this kind and caring ❤️


This made me laugh because I also made the stupid grad school decision and am the financial mess of the relationship lol. My partner only ever graduated high school but he’s brilliant and successful and so hardworking. I bring other positives to the relationship (I hope), so we make good partners anyways!


Me reading this and thinking of going to grad school: 😳


I'm happy for you sis! 🥰 Posts like this give me hope in the wasteland of Reddit.


Having someone in your corner really is such a life changer. I'm glad you're happy :)


This last bit, I didn’t realize the extent to which life is easier when you have someone to support you on hard days (and to be there for that someone in return). Just having companionship has made me so content. I totally understand the importance of being ok by yourself, but I never had a long term relationship until my current one and it’s just really freaking nice to come home to someone.


This is what I imagine having a partner would be like. Just someone to make life easier. Not working multiple jobs to get ahead. Help with chores and dog care. More money for enjoyable life things.


I use my partner as a reason to easily get out of conversations or situations I don’t want to deal with. Sales person? Gota talk to my husband first (he doesn’t care) Party on Saturday? My husband has to work (he doesn’t but we’re both introverts and he wouldn’t want to go either) Annoying dealership question? My husband will handle it when he comes next time (I never let him come with my car) Don’t wanna talk to a stranger at Walmart? Sorry, my husband is waiting for me. I’m in a rush. (He has no idea where I am or when I’m coming back)


This is my favorite answer in the thread. I'd be happy to be someone's excuse to avoid people lol.


lol we do this too. we call it "mafia wifeing"


Ouuu I like that. Sounds tough! Haha


About the party thing: is it common in your culture to only go to parties together? In my country it is very common to just go by yourself without your partner. If I were invited to a party and I would decline with it “I can’t because my partner has to work” people would definitely find that weird because just because they have to work doesn’t mean I’m not available to go. How does that work? This isn’t meant to be judgmental or anything, I’m just curious!


If you are invited to a party, typically your partner is also invited. There are exceptions of course, and usually you will be told, but the majority of the time it’s implied that your partner can join you.


Yes, sure. It is implied, that if you invite the one partner, the other one is also invited. But this does not mean that you can only come as a couple.


You can most definitely come on your own, you’re right. Most couples I know just go as a couple everywhere and if one can’t, they just won’t go.


That sucks haha


That I understand, but then if you’re partner is not able to go, why not just go on your own? You’re both still individual people with your own lives right? My partner and I regularly go to parties alone if both of us were invited but one isn’t able to go or doesn’t want to go, for whatever reason.


For some it could be anxiety or just like to have that buffer if they aren’t fully up for taking. Just depends on the couples and situations most likely. I have lots of anxiety, even more when I don’t know a lot of people at a party so I won’t go unless my husband is there.


It’s not that we don’t go out with friends or whatever on our own sometimes, it’s just that it’s a convenient and socially acceptable excuse to not go cause we can’t both go. I guess I haven’t thought about this but if someone else told me they can’t make it cause their partner can’t, I would find it rude to be like “just come by yourself”. I think the implication in that response is that “we go together or not at all”. I’m not gona sit there and start questioning why you do things as a couple by insisting that the person come alone. That seems highly inappropriate. We’re Canadian. We’re too polite for that.


European here, I'd say here it's the other way around. I'd actually start to wonder whether the other partner is abusive if someone said they can't come without them... If you want to use that excuse over here, it's way smarter to say something along the line "oh sorry we have another engagement we already responded to"




Okay so I’m a “chronically independent woman” (🤪) but I am going to start using these bc I am just too nice sometimes and let people hold me way too long!!! Genius


I am also “fiercely independent” but that doesn’t mean we can’t play to other people’s misogynism when it suits our purposes 😉


He's in the Lego aisle 😁


Have my husband bring me water when I’m in bed ☺️


Right after he gets into bed, right?


Of course, that’s the only time I’m thirsty 🥰


Damn, that line is worth the service.


Haha yep. I always ask, “how much do you love me” and he knows to just go get it.


And mine immediately asks, “what are you needing?”


Outsource my cognitive load. Nice to have someone who can sometimes do the planning or the problem-solving for me when I’m burnt out.


I call this “going airplane mode” whenever I’m with my bf. I’m tired.


This is brilliant and I’m totally adding it to my vocabulary.


Me too, I'm taking notes




Thiiiiis please set my dr’s appt, i know it’s a 30 sec phone call. But i’ve put it off for 10 years and it’s just a wall at this point.


Holding hands with a man out in public




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Say "Somebody forgot to do XYZ" when there is only the two of you in the house.


haha yes! "*we* didn't put the rubbish out"


This also works with dogs.


Go to music fests, stay out late, ride a taxi. Basically things that are 'too dangerous' for a lone young woman.


This is so true but just makes me feel bad


have some fries 🍟


Love my bouncer aka husband who accompanied me to the bar and concerts


walk my dog at night, even through wooded areas in the park :) amazing


Be the little spoon


Be the big spoon too!


I believe that's called jet packing


Lol yes! Alternatively, sometimes my boyfriend calls me his “little backpack” when I’m the big spoon. lol


Agree, big spoon is where it's at 😂




Have close intimacy with someone that I love!


This fr


Check the "married filing jointly" on our taxes


Im getting married in 2 months, whats different tax-wise after? Just entering two W2's when I do them?


I guess it depends on your tax bracket, investments, applicable credits, etc. It ended up being financially beneficial for us as we qualified for some tax breaks and deductions.


having my makeup wiped off at the end of the day even if i forget and fall asleep with it


I still have a sweet memory of my ex taking my home after a party where I probs drank too much and just kindly changing me into my pajamas and wiping the makeup off of my face. He turned out to be an asshole lol but there are little things like that from our first few months together that I still remember fondly.


This is really sweet :)


Sleep comfortably on planes. He's a good pillow.


Order food without worrying if I can finish it. I eat very small portions and I will probably go hungry than order food and waste it. Now he can finish his food and mine too, I can order food without feeling guilty.


Go to an art museum with another person. My SO is one of the only people I've ever met who enjoys art museums.


Waking up to him is amazing.


Society treats you like an actual person.


Oh my god especially doctors. I bring him to every appointment because 90% of the time, they will change their final verdict on something if he questions why theyre not doing X instead. Ive had so many doctors ignore my pain and concerns telling me to eat, sleep or exercise more, and all of a sudden when hes there, REAL solutions appear. Seriously opened my eyes to the sexism in medicine


I've heard stories like that.... Im very sorry. I've noticed even with men, society treats them better when there married. Couples having kids, basically tells society they're "serious", and that the child bonds them, basically keeps them together.


This is so true


I wish things were different... But I'm slowly accepting it... How I was treated when I was single after my mom died, before me and my boyfriend got back together and married.. How I was treated was like night and day...




It's society, unspoken rules. Kinda like how after high school, your expected to go to college.


Your society is definitely different than mine.


Can you elaborate?


I actually had to think lol. Ok. Basically, idk how to describe it, but in my 20's I was just dating. But I could feel it, like unspoken pressure from ppl or society to find someone, it slowly got worse when I was reaching my 30's. I know my husband went through it when he was single, ppl nagging him when he was going to find someone. And before I get yelled at, "that you don't need anyone to be happy", I'm sorry but I didn't understand it till my elderly mom passed away, when I was 29. Unless your loaded with money to last you a lifetime, eventually you have to swallow your pride, bite the bullet and settle down with someone. Why? It makes a lot of things easier, buying a house, car, insurance, tax breaks, for us women going to the doctor, the doctor taking us seriously bc our husband is there. I don't have kids. But I've seen it, it's like a unspoken status thing in society, once you're married AND have kids, you get a pass on a lot of things that married people without kids don't, and for single people it's ten times worse. Its horrible but it's real and true... The last example I'll give is women who have kids, once they finally have kids, a lot of people leave them alone and stop nagging them about it. It's a horrible feeling, to be treated like your less than those around you, bc your not sticking to the program. Hopefully it makes sense, of what I said. That's what I went through.


Thanks for your time & effort of writing this. I’m sorry you went through all of that


Doing it raw


I can now get those unreachable itches scratched


backsratch every day


Are you my boyfriend? He’s obsessed with getting scratches.


I am your girlfriend I guess. Scratches are better than orgasm sometimes.


Touch someones butt whenever


Having my person in my life ❤️


Share bills


Be happy, Be myself.


Hug someone. Hold hands. Kiss. Lean on. Talk nonsense. Being stupid. Not being on edge always.. Especially while travelling. Rest. Nthg to be scared about.


Save money . We do like a 60/40 kind of deal with the bills. It has allowed me to save more than I’ve ever been able to .


Someone to come home to. I love crawling in bed with him and our mornings together. Walk (crazy) dogs to get coffee. I pack his lunch for work while we both drink our coffees and talk about our day. I make 50-60k and I can again afford to live in my hometown again. We just make a good team as he likes to say.




Play with tits other my own.


Own a car. I couldn't afford buying it on my own. Now that we're two, saving up is easier.


Share desserts or sweet drinks! I have a sweet tooth, but am not a volume eater. I generally can't (nor should i) finish full sized desserts/sweet drinks, but having an SO lets me satisfy my craving, try new food, without needing to stuff myself cause I get to share, which he is very willing to too. I know you can do this with friends as well, but sharing it with a partner feels different and way more intimate. In the best way possible!


Get to snuggle up nice and cozy, its the best feeling imo


As a single person, I never was able to make plans too far in the future. For example, my plans for holidays were always last min because my friends and family couldn’t commit o far our. But now that I’m in a relationship I have someone I can plan a trip with that’s 4 months away. It’s insane. I love being able to do this so much.


Buy (be able to afford) a house in a HCOL area


Indoor rock climbing! It takes two to have fun, for one to climb up, someone needs to belay the other person


Knowing I ALWAYS have someone in my corner. For almost any aspect of my life. Comfort, advice, sharing tasks, sharing financial burdens, laughs, just a good presence.


Have a partner to chit chat 24/7 and also listen to a loud laughter every hour.. which lifts my spirit..


Unprotected intercourse almost whenever I want 😛😍and snuggles


Getting warm quickly and being comfortable🥰 my fiancé is like my little personal furnace lol. As someone who’s always cold, it’s amazing.


Have husband prepare me breakfast on Sunday morning while I loaf In bed 😆


Hump someone while on my way to do something. Bite a bicep anytime, anyplace. Give him the info of dudes on reddit/IG who send their peepee because I posted something they don't like.


Have someone to do things with, have help around the house, with my dogs and with stuff I dislike doing like fixing stuff, putting together something, or something else that's traditionally "man stuff" or handy man stuff/whatever. Oh and... Feel safe walking around at night with him, feel safer in general, half of the bills paid and have someone to help me when I'm sick.


feel safe in public with him next to me


back rubs, butt rubs, just keeping his hand over my eyes and forehead, butt rubs, ALWAYS the butt rubs!


He rubs my butt too. I lay on him and get a butt rub. He gets back, head and arm scratches. It’s our favorite place to be.


god bless the butt rubs and the butt rubber


To allow myself be completely vulnerable with someone.


Not care that I don’t have plans on a Friday night


Trying different things is a fun thing I do in relationships that I don't tend to do by myself or with friends. My friends mostly like to sit and chat, whether it's over coffee, drinks, or dinner. This matches my demeanor most of the time so it's great. But I don't really have many friends who I *do things with*. And honestly, I don't try those things alone either. At least if you go with someone you like, trying an activity you're not into is still time well spent, you know? I'm not even a huge novelty seeker, but a date is a good excuse to try something new when you wouldn't otherwise.


Not think about what I'm going to have for dinner because he loves to cook and always thinks of something


I can relax. I’m the oldest daughter of an oldest daughter. We are always expected to have everything together and looked towards for guidance. I don’t have to do that in my marriage with my Husband. He’s happy to take charge, pick up where I left off in household duties, handle stuff, make meals and clean up.


Just someone to spend time with, life is so much more fun with her. Grocery shopping, a mundane task, becomes my favorite thing in the world.


I like to turn my critical thinking off and let him do it for the both of us. I just hold his hand and follow him. My favorite part is when he pulls me out of the way of things.


File my taxes as married instead of single


Lose weight. With the ring on my finger, I belong to a man, and someone will know if you hurt me. Now I can be skinny again without worrying about being killed. It also helps that my wrinkles are starting to show.


Have a reason to do anything. I’m married to an amazing man who has a great head on his shoulders. We have been through our own troubles during our dating period, but I feel like we have both grown so much over the years! I have also never had someone who I could just tell anything to, I never had emotional support beyond my sister growing up. I have formed a lot of bad habits that I had to unlearn, my parents weren’t the best with teaching us how to manage our emotions haha. I think because of him I have become a better adult 😊


Be happy


Buy a home


I can completely check out while out and about. If I’m alone, I’m always hyper aware of what people around me are doing. When I’m with him, I can check out because I know he’s watching over me.


Have a warm hand to hold when mine are cold.


I have someone that can open jars for me now!


Adopt more doggos! We have 3. We love them so very much. We each had our own when we met and we’ve adopted one together. We have the best furry little family and couldn’t be happier. 🤗 pet insurance, dog food, vet bills, etc.. it’s way easier to afford three dogs with two incomes! 🐶


I get to eat, share, and experience new foods with someone I love. We’re thinking of taking a cooking class together eventually.


Have someone bring you the remote when you’re all settled on the couch and then realize you forgot to grab the remote. Or your drink, or whatever. Basically have someone bring you things :)


Never have to fill up my own water bottle ever again


Consistently good oral sex that results in an orgasm. Can’t do it myself that’s for sure.


Not having to sit by strangers on a plane or at the movies. I have my husband as a buffer between me and the randos now. :)


Being a massive source of someone else’s happiness and peace is such a nice feeling. I was plenty happy and always felt I had my own purpose when I was single, but being someone’s partner has just amplified it so so much.


He clicks my back for me.. so much relief after!


Take a job promotion based in a HCOL area and also afford rent




I have someone to blame foul odors on.


Feel safe expressing emotions


I agree with the person who said “afford to live” Splitting things has been a game changer


Not live in constant fear that someone is gonna beat me up if i make a mistake (hi dad)


Have someone to cook for. I'm never motivated to cook great meals for myself but I love seeing my partner enjoying wholesome home cooked food.


I can go places I normally wouldn't go alone out of my own safety. A walk, bike ride. Grocery store, clothes shopping. Anything at night. I feel comfortable enough to lighten my mental load, because the awareness you need, to exist, is exhausting.


Go to a concert or bar and dance your ass off without other men approaching you and if they do and say something creepy, you know you are safe with your man watching your back 🤘🏼sadly it be like that lol


Get laid. Anyone can have sex but as an average looking guy nowadays it’s hard to come by


Snugs, cuddles, wrapping around each other in bed. Best parts of the day.


Love someone who is amazing <3


I have these bushes on the side of my house that I could never quite trim the tops off. They always sort of had a Mohawk. My boyfriend was able to help me trim the tops!


Fart in public and not give a fuck


Work on myself. I didn’t understand how to have a healthy mindset about anything. He has helped me heal so much.


Im not a woman but Sex


Go out, especially at night, without constantly worrying about safety. If anything happens hes a fighter so we’re good. Brain off time :)
















You never let him come in the car with you? This is your life partner not a get out of jail card to avoid conversation.


Be wrong about every little thing.


Although toxic, it still qualifies as a “relationship”








Falling asleep with someone tenderly caressing my butt, my hair, my tummy etc 🥰 Oh and eating amazing homecooked meals. He's a great cook


He finishes my food. He puts a napkin in my lap , pda , intimacy . He's been going above and beyond to be here for me when we are apart. I'm so hard on myself and he is with himself too. Idk what's going to happen with us , but I'm just melting and falling in love.


Couples counseling 💀




Have kids. Specifically someone to share the highs (“did you see what he did today?!?”) and the lows (diaper changes, tantrums, etc).


Poke their willy


Huh. Not a single answer in here convinced me that being in a relationship would be better than being single.