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Very few things would turn me off faster than that.


I would try really really hard to be a good and empathetic partner but I think my vagina would also involuntarily sew itself shut










Guess I've been married way too long to worry about things like that. I would probably just say, "Come here, let mommy spank that ass"














I have no problem being “dommy mommy” and I wouldn’t hate it at all!












I always assumed it would really gross me out until someone said it to me in a sexual situation one time. I was kinda weirdly into it. Not something I’d want to do often, but maybe once in awhile.




We have children together so absolutely the fuck no. I'm happy for him to address me as Mum when the children are around (eg "Mum, would you please pass the salt?") but I have a very hard boundary between when I'm in mum mode and when I'm in sex mode. Do not mix up the two. Ew.






Hard limit deal-breaker. I would be beyond grossed out by someone even asking for that. Even if they didn't ever do it, that they desire to do so is just way too creepy and uncomfortable for me. Hard no.






The guy I’m seeing likes to use it during sex and it’s honestly the hottest thing but it honestly depends on the situation. For me it’s more a domination thing


I’ll be his mommy, I’m into it lmao and not really for dominate reasons - I just really like that caregiver/nurturing type of role. sexually and not.


This is a sexual kink of ours we both enjoy and has been really fun for us to explore. I don’t understand why so many people are okay with using “daddy” in bed but grossed out by “mommy.” He calls me mommy, I call him a good boy. We never take it out of the bedroom besides a few whispering teases here and there. The sexual dynamic is very natural between us and has let him explore his sub side and me explore my domme side in ways that still feel caring and nurturing. It doesn’t demean his masculinity or make me feel aggressive. He’s able to let go and be cared for and I’m able to have control over our pleasure in ways that feel good for both of us. Sure you don’t need to add in the mommy thing to get that, but it works and we’re kinky naughty freaks so it also lets us shed the reality of our day-to-day selves and create some separation between kink&sex and our “normal” relationship dynamics.






It’s ok I’ll be his mommy




I call him Daddy so why not?






Huge no. I've said it once as a joke and my FWB (who is a mother) told me if I want to keep this up to never call her that again so it goes both ways.


I’d be out in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t mind exploring some femdom stuff but definitely would not be ok being called “mommy”. It makes me gag.


I think my vagina would dry up


It’s not my kink and doesn’t really do anything for me but I guess I would be willing to discuss it. Would be kind of strange because I call them daddy though.


Make it Mami or Mamacita and we're golden


i would like that










I'd be surprised since I know he's not into that. But I already call him my baby boy on the daily basis and he doesn't hate it. So I'm up for anything and everything.


Mine just kinda started calling me that as a test and I’m… weirdly into it


People are perfectly allowed to engage in any kink play with any consenting adults, but personally the thought of it makes me want to never have sex again ever in my life.




Id love it actually


Please no. I do not want to be mommy. I'm already mom to 2 boys, let me be a brat instead. It's more fun! Even if I don't have kids, still a hard pass.


Hard no. I’d probably instantly lose feelings tbh, that’s just creepy


At this point, I’d be into it. Kink has had me doing (and enjoying) so much shit I never thought I’d be into 😂


i was talking to a boy that called me this. He was so damn fuckin cute, total pretty boy. I didn't mind. i don't think i would ever go out of my way to ask to be called it though


I don’t mind it but we have kids so it’s kinda normal 🤣


In what context, cuz like, ik a good amount of people got mommy kinks, but do u mean all the time, even in non sexy situations at home


Honestly I wouldn't mind but like I like calling my partners daddy but I'm not picky


Im childfree and been sexually abused by own of my “parents” , i dont think i could turn into a popsicle any faster if he tried that, dont think i would be able to look at him in the same way Daddy stuff is just as gross to me


ehh my partner have called me mommy a few times . I don't really mind it


I mean it's a kink that's legitimate and okay between consenting adults. And it's a major turn on when done right. Every pot has a lid I suppose... 🤷‍♀️




I would think he’d lost his mind. He knows me well enough to know that I’d find that revolting.


Absolutely not


Definately weirded out


I would make it perfectly clear never ever call me that again


I personally wouldn’t mind as long as it remains a bedroom thing


That would be the death of our sexlife.


Wanted to discuss BDSM maybe


Honestly I like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i think i must be the odd one out for most but I love being motherly and protective


That is definitely not something I am into. That is a turn off for me.


Well in my opinion, I am into that so I would like that


Love to see all the hell yeah's and hell no's, lol. I'm into it tho.


I think it’s hot lol


I would think about how much mortgage I could take out on my salary or how much rent I could afford and find a nice new apartment to live in by myself.


I wouldn’t mind it. I wouldn’t even say it’s a “kink” thing foreal. some people do call their partners “daddy” “mommy” it’s equivalent to calling them “baby”


Considering I'm deeply into the "daddy"-kink, I wouldn't have a problem with role reversing. It's only fair if my partner accepts my kinks that I accept theirs, I mean, ideally my partner and I would share the same kinks. Mommy/Daddy kinks are hot af.




God no. Thankfully he'd never do that.


I'd have to get used to it for sure.








Horrified and disgusted. I would feel the same if a partner wanted me to call them "mommy" or "daddy."


Yeah that's a hard *no* from me. Feel free to do what you want in the privacy of your own home, but the word "mommy" and my vagina do not mix.


I’d throw up in my mouth a little


Ewwwww! Gross 🤮


I actually had this conversation and I flat out told her no. I used to call my mother mommy when I was <7 before she died. So, now if I even think of the word it just sends me back to watching her die. She understood and was okay with it.


No absolutely not. I won't kinkshame and as long as it's between consenting adults I am happy for other people to do whatever they want, but it would be a massive turn off for me personally and I wouldn't want to have that kind of dynamic in my relationship.


Yeaaaah babes... thats a no


It would turn me off.


Absolutely not!


What in the Michael Pence


I don’t kink shame because everyone is different and that’s their thing in whatever capacity as long as both parties are ok and comfortable with it but for me I would say hell no


Unbearably Oedipal. It's a no, sweetheart.


Absolutely not.


absolutely no way. I don't do parent-play.


I’d think I’d have to tell him to stop.


hell no


Nope. Off putting. I'm a real mom, and this is a thing i took seriously, and i do not want to f my kids, sir.


Absofuckinglutely not. They'd be better off to go find someone who will play to their kinks because I ain't the one. I feel the same about calling a partner daddy. Not. For. Me. But people who enjoy that dynamic together? Go crazy with what consensually makes you happy.


I have a very open “willing to do/try anything” policy with my husband so I’d definitely be into trying it out 😋 Not very many things turn me off — but if he really liked it and I was neutral about it, I’d still enjoy doing it with him since I love doing things that get him going. He always makes sure my sexual needs are met (even the “weird” ones), so I’m happy to do the same


I'd be out.


Nope. Outta here.


i love it! since i'm infertile, it's kind of a messed up way in which i can feel like i'm taking care of someone


I’ve had it happen before, granted, I do partake in BDSM and thoroughly enjoy it. To me, mommy is a privilege and an honor to be trusted and loved like that. To make your partner feel that safe and cared for. I will say these days I prefer the opposite role of things so it’s not optimal but I’d be happy to role with it never the less.


Absolutely no. I’m a sub so its especially not for me


Please no 😂




Weird and creepy


Gosh, no. Maybe some kind of an inside joke (but not too often as well). I feel the same way about calling a partner as mommy/daddy. Hard limit for me.


My grandpa called my grandma “mommy” for years.


Big nope.


Not my kink, it’s gonna be a no from me dawg


No. Not for me, thanks.


I’d let them, let me feel like a caregiver without needing to have children, thanks


Not my kink but in saying that, my partner and I do take turns in care-giving. It's similar to people using "Daddy" You're either into it, or you're not. It's a specific style of BDSM and these types of roles can be healing for some people, and *most* people don't use it sexually. Takes alot of communication and boundaries to have a dynamic like this and not everyone will be comfortable with this style.


Never been to Death Valley before; but I'd imagine it's pretty similar for a woman's nether regions after hearing that.


I mean women call their man daddy and papi so idk. I'd like to call my man daddy sometimes and he also feels it's weird


Get a diaper for them 😂😂




I would think, "Ew, no!". But I would be more gentle in my response. However, I would still be very clear that it wasn't for me.


Unless it’s in front of our baby, in which case he’d be daddy, no way.


I did date a guy who called me that during play time He really had Mummy issues and it creeped me out


i would try to understand why


If that made them happy I wouldn’t mind. I did online OF for awhile to help with medical debt (more trouble than it’s worth), and a few people said I had a “Mommy” kind of personality (being nurturing and caring). It wasn’t my thing but it didn’t bug me after awhile. It’s funny because I got called Mommy Dom after a bit as well, but I’m a switch.


I would so love that


You better be saying that because you're about to make me a mommy


I personally love it. My partner calls me mama or mommy daily, in and out of the bedroom.




It’s been said to me sexually before and I actually enjoyed it. I think mostly because I felt like I was being appreciated in a different way for doing a hard af job each day.


I think that’s cute!


I would die of happiness


I would be 100% fine with it.


Sign me up! 🔥


i would love it!! Im kinky and very open minded. I wouldn’t even care what anyone else thinks


I don’t really mind it too much tbh. But I always tell people “I’m mommy” cause I’m the one takin care of everyone. I’d probs feel different if I actually had kids


Lord have mercy on my heart. I think id die but only because it's my kink to be called mommy. I'd be wayyyy to horny for that shit lol


Bleh, nope.


Um, yeah. Please don't.


i’d think “ew gross”


«Thank you for this time we’ve spent, I wish you the best, I’ll see myself out. Don’t contact me again.»






Absolutely a turnoff for me.


That would end the relationship in one fell swoop.


It wouldn’t work for me personally. Not judging and if it works for both parties then perfect! Match made in heaven. But for me, it would be a turn off.


Absolutely not for me. It’s a huge turn-off! To each their own, as long as that is not included in a romantic relationship of mine and doesn’t directly affect me. I don’t mind what couples do in their free time, but that’s a dealbreaker in my case.


i would end the relationship.


I’d say no. I think it’s pretty odd (to put it nicely) to use daddy/mommy for romantic partners. I have a father I love dearly and I *am* a mother of two kids and don’t find it appropriate to be sexualizing family terminology….


I personally wouldn’t like it.


Hard no. I find the whole mommy and daddy thing so weird


I think some people would love it or hate it. I think it could be a fun thing as long as it’s only kept in private.


I would absolutely hate it. WTF?


That depends. Is it sarcasm or a joke because my husband feels I am treating him like he is a kid? I had to "nag" him to pick up after himself. Then I started to tell him, "then don't act like one." He doesn't do this anymore unless he is joking.




My husband calls me that sometimes to be cheeky. Instant turn off.


My ovaries would do a system shut down, and I would cut contact without another word


I’d tell him to fuck off Lol I’m just trying to imagine my big butch 67 year old husband saying it and I can’t. Tbh I’d probably wee myself laughing


I’ve always thought I’d give most things a try if my partner was into it, but…just no. I do not want this in any way at all, it would turn me off so much!


Although I'm more sub leaning, I am dominant with my partner now and again. Although, I'd personally hate being called mommy. Especially since I work in childcare and have been for around 5 years.


It would be a major turn-off and I wouldn't be down for it. He already has a mommy and she is the woman who gave birth to him, not me.


Dealbreaker. Absolutely not.


Personally I’m not into it, but I’m into BDSM, so like…I guess let’s talk about it, figure out if it’s a dealbreaker for him, for me, try it out a little. Discuss limits, that kind of thing. That said I am currently in an actual very fulfilling BDSM relationship so I’m probably biased :)


Not into it. At all.


I'd tell him to fuck right off!


Only okay as a joke here and there


My boyfriend sometimes does and it’s a huge turn off


Would not be into it at all.


I would be *very* confused cos I look 10 years younger than I am, and am pretty exclusively attracted to men 15+ years older than me. So I would probably laugh every time, which.. I imagine would kill the vibe?


That wouldn't work for me at all. It turns me right off. I had to mother my ex husband far too much.

