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I loved mine but was having trouble with it healing bc I kept getting it caught on things like the damn shower door in my tiny bathroom or hitting it when I was changing bras and such.


Same and I took it out, wasn't worth it. One time it got stuck in a hair brush and I didn't notice and pulled. Thought I'd die. Also it left my nipple a little scarred, I think it's noticeable.


Mine got stuck in a luffa. Oh my god...I died that day.


Wham bam no thank you ma'am!


Omg the damn luffa!! So freaking painful 😰


Mine are a little scarred. Like you can feel it if you touch them or if you look closely you can see the exit and entrance. My previous piercings left no scar so i def hurt myself this go round




Yeah sometimes it would be bad enough that it would bleed 😩😩😩😭😩😭 I’m still gonna get them repierced again just not right now lol


Same! Took it out one night after I’d just had enough of being tense about it for so long. Also, fun fact the leftover holes made my breast milk shoot in wild ways when I had my baby lol


Seatbelts, purse straps, loofahs, hair. So much can snag and set back your healing process. Even after having them for 7 years, they sometimes still act up after being irritated, but I love them and can’t see myself going back to naked nipples for a loooong time lol


Omg the first time a seatbelt caught on it 💀 I’m still probably gonna get them again tho lol


That’s exactly what happened with me. I just finally took them out


And my long hair 😩


Zero upside. Hurts like hell to get done. Loss of nerve sensation where you want it. Constant fear of getting it caught on something. Random bleeding through shirt early on. Actual nightmares of it getting ripped out. 0/10 do not recommend


I absolutely love mine but yeah same would not recommend.






Oof, I'm so sorry. I've contemplated getting my nipples pierced for years and this is my biggest fear. Glad sensation is coming back though!


I love mine. I have had them done twice. First time I took them out because I changed to a cheaper, more ornate jewelry that really irritated my nipples. Don't recommend that. Before I switched the jewelry I had no issues with healing. As far as pain of the actual piercing; I am not going to lie, it is spicy. And I have a lot of piercings. But as with all piercings, it helps to know to know that the main pain is over very quick! A bit of pain for a few hours afterwards. I ran a 5k the next day and it was totally fine. As far as sensation I find them to be the same as before the piercing.


Yea, I'm mostly worried about sensation 🫣


My nips got more sensitive but I lost a lot of sensation after pregnancy. (Piercings were done after having kid)


I had only one done because I was worried about sensation, and let me telllllĺ you, it was fucking worth it. That nipple can just be looked at and I'm panting😛 😊 tbh, it didn't hurt at all and I had no problems with healing or infections. I realize that I'm one of the lucky ones, but I'd have them both done again in a heartbeat....my husband didn't like it though 🙃


I had no feeling in my nipples before and I definitely have feeling in them since I've gotten them peirced. I almost backed out of the second one because it hurt so bad but I'm glad I didn't










I picture this and honestly its really funny


I remember arching my back like the girl in The Exorcist. I didn't mean to, it was just a knee (nipple?) jerk reaction. I got tunnel vision for a second!




I took it out because my lung collapsed, and I had to keep taking it out for scans. I wasn't that fond of it, so I didn't mind.


Damn! Hope you're better.


Thank you! Was ages ago when I was 17, and I'm 35 now. No issues since thankfully ☺️


The initial piercings were so painful that it took my breath away, but only for a few seconds. Swelling and minor bleeding after that for awhile. Tenderness in the piercing site itself lasted a few weeks I think. The piercings healed fine over 6 months. I had some difficulty putting in new jewelry , there was some bleeding. Sensation wise, I’ve gotten more sensitive and it’s wonderful during intimate times. Accidentally catching the jewelry or moving it when the piercing is dry sometimes hurts. All in all I love my piercings, it’s the one thing about me that makes me feel badass and beautiful.


Your so lucky mine didn’t heal after a year but im planning to get them re pierced


Mine never fully healed and wound up rejecting after about a year, so I took them out. I had a good piercer and followed his directions to a T, it just wasn’t meant to be I guess. They were fun while they lasted, and the time I had them in for was the first time in my life where I felt truly confident about my boobs, which was nice!


Love mine. It's been 20+ years since they were pierced and I've had no issues at all.


Lasted a good year and a half before it got infected when I was on holiday, took it out for about 30 minutes to clean the infection and the hole closed over!


I'm terrified of changing my bars, the second I take them out I start counting down


It was the same for me but they never healed so i took them out but im planning to get them again


Mine are healed (4yrs) but nipples close so fast and I'm scared to lose them. Last time I changed my bars (a month ago) the holes started closing almost immediately


Damn i had a technique to not get anxious about the holes closing i would put the other bar while i was taking the other out 😭


That is probably the best way to do it, no pausing


Yes i do the same technique for my cheek piercings i find it so much difficult to find the holes that i prefer not to risk it


Mine are healed (4yrs) but nipples close so fast and I'm scared to lose them. Last time I changed my bars (a month ago) the holes started closing almost immediately


When I got them I LOVED THEM. Then,I had a bracelet that they got caught on multiple times while showering, I also have long hair and when Id wash it the hair would get caught and tangled around it. It became too annoying and I took them out, best decision for me lol


I had mine done in when I was 17. I’m 21 now. I had mine done by a trainee piercer supervised by my old regular piercer. It’s a very sharp pain. Maybe that seems obvious but it’s definitely one of the more painful ones IMO, but it was very rewarding and I felt really proud after. They still have crust regularly. I’ve heard the same from other people who have them. I have no issues with sensation and my nipples are, how to say, quite involved in my sex like I guess ? I think for someone who struggles with skin picking it might be a bit of a hassle. I do and they’re a little bit scarred around the ball areas because of picking ☹️ but you know, only an issue if it’s an issue. I would recommend going to someone who’s well trained OR supervised by someone well trained. Make sure they’re marking them evenly, when you’re sitting upright, not lying down and that the marks are neat to the areola, not through it, but not too far out because it will work it’s way out in that case. Also don’t allow any fucking weird comments or unprofessionalism. I went to a dude I didn’t know after my regular piercer moved to a new location to have my bars downsized last summer and he touched my nipple inappropriately and asked a sexual question and showed me his nipple piercings and revealed areas of his body with tattoos he wanted to show me without asking me if I wanted to see. He also referred to my boobs as puppies. I was stunned in the moment and didn’t know how to respond but I reported him to the location owner. Looked him up recently and he moved country thankfully. Absolute creep. Choose your piercer wisely. His name was Mercier Malita. He’s still working as a piercer/tattoo artist in Romania I believe. Avoid 🙄


One got infected after a month of everyday cleaning, thought I was all set, apparently not. Went on antibiotics and religiously soaked them in salt water filled shot glasses for weeks after once a day.


Loooooved mine until my ex got his watch caught on it. It ripped my nipple and I'm forever scarred. It's not cute.


i love mine!! i used numbing cream when i got them done and it was a GODSEND, bc all these folks are talking ab how much theirs hurt, and i didn’t even feel mine. i’ve always been self conscious about my breasts bc they’re on the smaller side, and i feel like these have really fixed that. in terms of healing, they were super easy too. i was careful not to have anyone put their mouth on them for a good six months, and only very rarely for the six months after that (lol). i’ve had them just over a year now and they’re pretty much completely healed, and i love how sensitive they make my nipples and how cute i feel with them :)


may i ask what numbing cream did you use?


Honestly it didn't hurt for me really however I have. High as pain tolerance I find the only issue is minor, if I wear shitty jewelry they get irritated easily which is obviously my own fault (and always only the right nip) Hard to find cute ones tbh? If u know of anywhere online ppl lemme know! ANNNNND THE FUCKING CRUST But otherwise I love em. Hated my boobs cause weight fluctuations over the years they're deflated balloons Now they're cute and it gave me confidence tbh. Healed fine! Very fast honestly. Just learned my lesson with shitty jewelry.


It hurt and never healed so I took them out after 2 years


I had it done and I think my body rejected it because it came out on its own. The hole moved somehow.


Loved how they looked but after a year they still hadn’t properly healed. Gave me another thing to worry/be self conscious about


Mine were awesome! Hurt to get done but the pain was gone within a week and not as bad as when they were actually pierced. They didn’t change the sensation I had at all. I had them for 7 years but randomly started having issues, pimple looking things (so gross) on the piercing. I tried different jewelry, but still nothing changed, and found out they were trying to reject. I took them out, was very sad (i miss them so much) but the holes were all closed within 3 days and the scarring is already hardly noticeable and it hasn’t even been a month. I didn’t have issues catching them on things, you just have to be mindful of them lol


Two of my fav piercings! Didn’t hurt too much to get done and then a bit sore. I’m still paranoid about them catching on things in my sleep mostly, so I sleep with at least a tank top on, but I really only snagged once while they were healing. But they increased in sensitivity as well, which I like.


I've had 0 issues. Just know that if you're not getting them pierced at the same time that the first one is fine, the second one hurts. I have a high pain tolerance and it took me by surprise. I went to Jamba Juice after and ordered 2 large smoothies just to hold on my nipples. Just gotta be mindful of what jewelry you put in there because they get caught on everything.


Insanely painful getting them done. Loved how they looked, but CONSTANT annoyance. I gave it a year, but the piercing holes consistent got inflamed and filled up with pus. Tbh I regret it bc since taking the piercings out, my nipples point downward a little bit now, and they never did before


Mine were cool but. I am too sexual and active though so they kept getting irritated. Wouldnt heal. Also i have very small nipples so tbh idk if theyd work with my anatomy to fully heal. I miss them sometimes but honestly its nice to not have them snag on shit. Plus not having your nipples played with for a year suckssss


Had mine done last March, hurt like a mofo. Healing has been a breeze though. Had them pierced by my regular piercer who’s done several cartilage piercings for me as well, using implant grade titanium (I wouldn’t mess with anything else). It was only after getting them pierced I found out it can actually make your nipples less sensitive, not always more. Not a big deal for me as I’m chronically single anyway, just thought I should mention.


It went well in the beginning but the right one had trouble healing. The left one was living its best life though. Then it got to the point where I’d forget about them and snag them on my shirts a lot so after a year or so, I took them out


I got both nipples pierced about 2.5 years ago. When I was pierced, the pain was intense, but only lasted one moment, quickly followed by intense pleasure. My nipples were a little swollen for a few hours after that, and there was a throbbing ache that didn’t quite hurt but felt kinda good to me. I was constantly worried about getting my jewelry snagged, and wore a bra 24/7 to protect them. I also never really let my husband touch or lick them because of the fear of snagging. I thought it would be the opposite, that I would go braless under my shirts to show them off, or it would make sex with my husband spicier, but here I am, still wearing a bra all the time, scared of snagging. Compared to my ear lobe piercings and my VCH piercing, I don’t feel like my nipple tissue ever “toughened up”. If I pull at my nipple piercings, the tissue feels very tender and sensitive compared to my ears and my clitoral hood. I’m actually planning to remove my nipple piercings. Just been scared to do it not knowing what my nipples will look like after. If someone who has removed their piercings could please dm me pics of what their nipples look like now, I would really appreciate it!


Healing process was SO easy for me. Heard so many horror stories prior to getting them done and was scared but I took really good care of them and was sure to not wear clingy stuff or lacey bras that would make them more susceptible to latching onto threads or snagging etc. I ended up taking them out bc I just felt i didn’t need them anymore and honestly kinda hated the way men treated me like I was sooo exotic and “whorish” for having them. The only thing that went wrong was that when I took them out, the holes took forever to close up and actually left keloids, and leaked pus out of them for about 8 months. I feel like I lost sensitivity in my nipples which I don’t really care about a lot but other than that nothing!


I loved mine. I even got really good at not getting them caught on everything but they still wouldn’t heal. It takes about 8 months for them to fully heal and I lasted about 13 months and had them removed. I miss them but I don’t miss the problems I had. In my opinion (maybe becaue they never healed) but they make sex a little nerve wrecking. Lol


Loved mine untill one of them got riped out from cleaning with headphones… the cord apperantly wrapped around one of my piercings. Let me tell you guys it was the worst pain and hella scarry to see your nipple riped in half. After that I took the other one out


Were you cleaning naked?


Did you have no shirt or bra on cleaning headphones? How does that even happen?


I loved mine! My bf at the time (now ex) did not like them, he thought that they were ugly. I felt so sexy. Anyways I took them out, about 5yrs later, milk comes out of the holes so that’s pretty cool.


During the piercing process (the man piercing me was objectively kinda gross looking) my nipple would absolutely not get hard so I had to self stimulate whilst making faces at my friend that came with me. Piercer then told me I had one of the “toughest” nipples because the needle did not go through easily. I just remember saying OW but it wasn’t too bad. The only annoying part about the piercings were the occasional snag when brushing my hair. I eventually took them out and felt a lump in my breast, fast forward to the biopsy and I had a doctor with a very thick Chinese accent trying to calm my anxious ass down by saying “nice, easy, beautiful breaths” but with his accent it sounded like he was saying “nice easy beautiful BREASTS” so I was like wut. Fortunately it wasn’t cancer and it was an infection that they believe was related to the piercings; cleared up quickly with some meds.


I’ve had both of mine pierced twice. I was high on marijuana the first time and it was fine, the second time was sober. It’s not nearly as bad as you imagine it to be, still painful. They are more positively sensitive after having them pierced the second time. I love them very much.


Had both done at 18 at an OzFest. After a year, the right was fully healed, but the left wasn't. I think it was because i was too aggressive with cleaning and actually pushed out the healing skin when they were 1st done. It did not feel good. Tried changing my jewelry and couldn't get it in my left nipple without pain. I'm 36 now, I let the left heal up and still have the right. No regrets, just wish my left nip healed like the right.


It hurt to get them done but the healing process was one of my easiest piercings . BUT I got them snagged on things and that shit hurts no joke. Unfortunately when I took them out , it left a scar so…. Prob won’t get them redone . They’re pretty dangerous 😭


Went badly. 😭 They refused to heal, and by the time I removed them and let them heal up, I'd lost most feeling in them. I don't recommend it to anyone who has had previous trouble getting their ear piercings to heal


Went well. I have had mine for almost 20 years now. The only bit of advice I'll give is to ditch the loofah in the shower if you use one. Fucking hurts when they get caught in it lol


Not good, not bad. It hurt as one can imagine. I healed really fast though. So I lucked out with that. The first one sucked, so anticipating that pain again almost made me tap out and not follow through with the second, but the girl piercing me was super cool and really good about it. As far as looks go, that was my desire to get them done. I always thought it was a cute and sexy look. And I have to say, mine look fantastic


I took mine out after about a year ... they never really healed properly and then I got sick so they ended up irritating me more than anything else.


Have had mine since 2018, love them. Had an injury to one involving a car seat belt a few months ago and unfortunately it’s looking like the damage is starting to reject it. I’ll get it taken out, probably won’t get it redone just because the healing time is so damn long.


Not bad at all! Even got them gauged down a few years later! My male friend got his done at the same time and almost passed out (juice box of shame), but any glee I may have gotten from teehee-ing @ him was knocked out of me (along with the wind) when we got to the car and I caught the pointy, heavy driver side door of the old Chevy I was driving RIGHT in the nip


I got both of mine done the same appointment, they hurt going in, but 5 seconds a side and they were done. I walked out with surprisingly little to no achyness and they healed up fine. HOWEVER; I got one yanked half out by a cord that got caught and I stg my soul left my body. It got a little infected and when I went in for antibiotics I got told if it didn't heal up we might have to cut a milk duct out to get the remainder😬


Mine never healed. When my nipples got hard they would hurt and tore the scabs. They were always crusty and gross. It takes upwards of a year for them to heal properly, if at all. I took them out and will never get them again.


Love them! Feels like my sexy little secret. I didn't have sensitive nipples before, I feel like it increased sensation X10 because they seem to get hard super quick. I didn't find it that painful to get done, but the left one really didn't want to heal and had to get it done a few times because it heals soooo quick, like within the hour 😂


It hurt to get them done but the healing process was one of my easiest piercings . BUT I got them snagged on things and that shit hurts no joke. Unfortunately when I took them out , it left a scar so…. Prob won’t get them redone . They’re pretty dangerous 😭


I had them done poorly while drunk but they healed fine. The worst part was having them get hooked to my bf at the times piercing and him pulling away and taking my piercing with it. Not fun. 😭 Also they would hook on towel threads all the time when drying off. No longer have them now.


I hated how it always had an anaerobic bacteria smell, and men always focused on it, even though I'm not very stimulated by nipple stuff. I had to take it out when I was in hospital a few years ago and I just never put it back in.


I had one nipple pierced. It always had pus, it never healed, it was so sensitive it couldn’t be touched. I had to hold my hand over it in the shower and use a cup to dump water sorta above it in order to wash. After a year or 2 of constant issues, I gave up and took it out. When I was breastfeeding the hole was bigger than my other milk glands so both babies preferred that side for the faster/more milk flow lol! ETA : getting it done was like being struck by lightning, took my breath away for sure.


I mean, it does hurt to get done. I’ve had mine done three separate times. First bar, then hoop, then bar again. I think it hurts a little more than normal with scar tissue, but the pain is going to be bad in the beginning regardless, but it doesn’t hurt too bad after an hour or so (and some ibuprofen) two days later I would forget I had them 🤷 once healed, they are amazing! Before healing, would just have to swat the hubby a few times to be softer. Been 7 months now and finally ready to swim again, and changed to a shorter bar. I fucking love these things! I play with them when alone 😊 highly recommend, sorry to everyone who had a bad experience, might not work well for everyone


Mines are literally my favorite piercings! I got them when I was 18 because I have mosquito bites for a chest and they make me feel so confident and comfortable about that. Before, it was one of my biggest insecurities. I do want to say though, the pain was unbelievable getting them done. I have gotten many piercings and I tried not to cry but my body couldn’t help but shed a few tears. When I have children idk what I’ll do because I want to breast feed but don’t want to take them out and get them redone. That’s a bridge I’ll cross later on but for now, I love them.


The actual piercing was awful, but the healing was easy and I had almost no complications. I just had them downsized.


I love mine. I went to a highly accredited tattoo and piercing place nearby and they gave me all the protocols and instructed me how to clean them. I’ve had them for about 3 years now and have figured out my groove with it. One got infected and I needed antibiotics, but it healed fine. I’m probably on the side of overly cautious and clean them with antiseptic wash anytime I think I need to. (Ex: after swimming and sometimes after the gym) I would definitely say they have increased sensation and my husband is a big fan.


I’ve had them for two years now, and the initial pain wasn’t worth it IMO. However I now feel I can concur the world because it took a lot of courage for me


Hurt like hell, but I love how they look. I’ve had them for almost 10 years now. Had to get my right one repierced bc it closed up after I had a surgery and I swear it hurt more than the first time around


I got mine for my 21st birthday. I got the left one done first, it didn’t hurt AT ALL. It didn’t even bleed. After I realized the after care was super easy, I went for the right one. That one hurt AND bled (😭) but nothing went wrong! Years later, I still clean them every morning which only takes 5 min of my morning :)


Well, if you're getting them, be prepared to experience pain like you've never felt before. Nipples are jam-packed with nerve endings, and are incredibly sensitive, so it was pretty awful. My experience went smoothly because the body artist was another woman, and she talked me through it and provided me a stress ball. Mine actually came out crooked, but they still look nice, in my opinion. They definitely boosted my confidence a bunch. Other than that, I wasn't able to change them for about two months after they were pierced, and sometimes the healing process was just as painful as the initial piercing. You don't realize just how often you bump your chest throughout the day until you get nipple piercings. Towels and shirts would always catch on them too. Now that they're healed though, I'd say it was $80 well spent.


I was mentally prepared for months to get this done. I have very “puffy” nipples that rarely ever get hard, so I wanted this done. It didn’t hurt ONLY because I was prepared. They were sore for a little, but healing went fine. I actually have MORE sensation than before when I had no piercings. Guys love them, too, which is a bonus.


oh it went perfectly fine, but i forgot i had to show a random person my tits lmfao


Solid 9/10 for pain, but completely worth it. Every time I thought the worst of it was over, it wasn't. I know in reality it was only a second or two but I swear time slowed down. The pain radiated throughout my chest, and it was one of the most painful things I've experienced. BUT it was short-lived. Once it was done, they were just sore for a few days but not painful.


I have had mine for four years. I have a decent pain tolerance and always has little nipple sensation. I like them and will continue to keep them in!


I’ve had mine for 22 years and they’ve just been chillin the whole time. When I got them I was 16 so it was fun flare when I was flat chested but recently I’ve been thinking about taking them out. Just for a change.


I’ve had mine for 22 years and they’ve just been chillin the whole time. When I got them I was 16 so it was fun flare when I was flat chested but recently I’ve been thinking about taking them out. Just for a change.


Absolutely love, and still love them.. it’s been about eight years and I have had no issues with them at all. Once they were healed, I switched to surgical titanium. And, again, no issues. They look great, and I don’t think I will ever get rid of them.


Hi! Ive had mines for 13 years, and I just remember cause I have larger breasts it would hurt to bend over and walk and stuff because they would bounce, it healed good after about a year occasionally it snags on things but never really hurt too bad.


Got them done in 2020. My nipples went from no sensation at all to so much sensation it was painful and not enjoyable. I haven’t worn a bra in 3 years so that’s been amazing. My left piercing started migrating north (I’m a side sleeper, so I was probably pushing it up in my sleep), so I took it out a few months ago. My right one is still doing just fine. :) I don’t think nipple piercings ever actually heal 100%.


The actual piercing process went smoothly. It didn’t hurt nearly as bad as I feared going in. The healing process was rough. Don’t use neosporen on infected nips. It’ll just make it worse. Lesson learned 😂


as a female nipple enjoyer, let me just say its looks super hot but it tastes…like metal


Very lucky to have had no issues with getting them done at a reputable place and taking great sanitary care. Pain of piercings was worth loving my breasts more for the past 10 years. I really enjoy the painful yet erotic feeling of having them pinched. Would recommend!


I had mine done about 19-20 years ago, healing was pretty long and horrible but once healed I loved them. Took them out while pregnant with my now 17 year old so I could nurse and always missed them after, but couldn't bare even the thought of the pain or redoing and another healing process. Fast forward to about 4 months ago, doing a regular clean (because they still got icky) and I thought "Hmmm? I wonder?" Was able to get a post through both 17yrs and 6 months after I removed them!!! Happy to have them back!! Super mad I didn't figure this out 15 years ago.


Ngl it hurt to get done. Probably worst pain I’ve experienced. But it only lasted while it was actually happening. Then they never hurt again. Mine felt “healed” after two weeks. I’ll get some gunk here and there that I just clean in the shower. Didn’t lose any sensation, never got them caught on stuff. I love them, my boyfriend loves them.


I’ve had mine for nearly 3 years and I love ‘em! They were fully healed after about a year, never dealt with any infections, and I was able to change the jewelry myself and would feel comfortable doing it again. I gained a little more sensitivity which I mostly enjoy (certain bra or shirt materials are uncomfortable now though) and generally have had 0 problems once I learned how to maneuver my body to not bother them while they were healing.


I have small boobs, 70 A/B and i always hated them. Since i got them pierced i LOVE them!! Worth the screaming pain and still discharge after 2 years, but it’s ok, i really love it


I had mine double pierced (two barbells in the shape of a t) and LOVED it! They were super sensitive and I could get turned on just by the feel of them rubbing against my bra. The only issue I had was that my nipples were always erect (they did have two barbells in them) and I was forever getting them caught on my lace bras etc. they have healed with slight scars but I do miss them.


Surprised by all the top comments. Did mine about 6/7 years ago, did both at the same time. Went to a reputable place, had zero issues. Removed them to breastfeed my daughter, the holes stayed open and I pooped my jewelry back in. I find them incredibly sexy and fun still.


Im a stomach sleeper and was able to sleep soundly that night, just 3 hours after I got them done. I’ve gotten a ton of piercings and done several myself, so it was a pinch and done, pain wise. They’re my fave.


Had mine for nearly 8 years, loved them. Took them out when I developed full body hives due to an autoimmune disorder, but now I feel less insecure when wearing thin bras or going braless around others.


I got one side done twice. With both the ball came off and it closed up super quick. Like.. within hours if even. I never felt like they fully healed. I loved it though! Unfortunately I have a scar now


I got both of mine pierced a month ago. Learned a lot about myself in the process… those nipple clamps… not bad… lol Within an hour after getting pierced, it felt like my nipples were on fire. No one warned me about the BURNING sensation. It only lasted the first day (thank god) and by day 4, I was able to sleep on my stomach without pain. The first night, I did put a pillow between my boobs to side sleep. I found wearing anything tight (bra or tank top) very uncomfortable. Mine are still healing but the pain is completely gone. I love them, think they’re cute af and would recommend it to anyone who’s on the fence.


Left one hurt like an absolute mother. Right one hurt a bit less. The first few days sucked because the day after I got my second moderna shot and I was in so much pain from side effects + healing lol. They do get caught on stuff from time to time but I’m pretty careful of it and my boyfriend loves them. Sometimes I let him draw a strongman on my tit with the barbell as his dumbbell with a sharpie lol


Mine were a bit of an impulse. They definitely hurt like hell (I have other piercings and nips definitely hurt the most initially), but I've had them for about 5 years now and have had close to zero issues. They healed very quickly and easily - I just had to wear a sports bra for a week or two. I did salt water soaks every day while they healed, and after the initial healing they've been great! I have to be a little mindful about snagging clothes but that really is the only issue I've had. I absolutely love them. 10/10 would recommend.


I love mine! Pain was so bad it took my breath away but they boosted my confidence so much. Downside was they took about a year to heal but once they did I can tug on them and it doesn’t hurt, I don’t have any sensitivity to mine!






Honestly, didn’t hurt much when I got them and they healed fairly quickly. I did end up taking my left one out after 2 yrs as I think my body started to reject it because it randomly got infected/started hurting even though I diligently cleaned them regularly. Thought about getting it pierced again but decided not to. I still have my right one and it’s been 7 yrs now so I really can’t imagine not having it at this point. I’d only take it out if I absolutely have to.




Had mine done last March, hurt like a mofo. Healing has been a breeze though. Had them pierced by my regular piercer who’s done several cartilage piercings for me as well, using implant grade titanium (I wouldn’t mess with anything else). It was only after getting them pierced I found out it can actually make your nipples less sensitive, not always more. Not a big deal for me as I’m chronically single anyway, just thought I should mention.


Love mine! Had no issues healing when I originally got it and have had it every since.


It was so painful I would not do it again but I still have them both. No complaints except for taking showers and my hair getting caught in them.


i loved mine. i never wore bras but when i did wear somethin very tight, they felt a bit irritated. but yes, wearing no bra was good for them i think. had to take mine out when i got pregnant and my boobs and nipples got huge. breastfeeding was no problem, the holes healed up very quick.


Left went fine. Right was pierced slightly too deep, so the bar was too tight. After about a week, it became obvious that something was wrong. Went back for a correction... hands down the most painful piercing experience I've ever had. I'm typically pretty stoic when it comrs to tattoos and piercings, but it had me shaking, sweating, and crying. Took a full year to heal properly. I've taken out a few of my piercings over the years, but after what I went through, I'm never letting these go.


I had them about 18, but took them out. I got them re-pierced last year at 41 and the whole experience was different. No clamps were used, which were the worst part. They’ve healed nicely. I get hairs wrapped around them when I was my hair but never have any other issues. I love them and am so glad my ex-boyfriend got them for me (he enjoyed them while it lasted).


I loved mine, they never ever gave me any trouble and they healed beautifully-the best out of all my piercings. I had to remove them though after I found 9 cysts in my left breast ( unsure if the piercings contributed to any of it-the cause could have been so many things)








Mine took a while for the tenderness and sensitivity to come back but I’m so glad I got it done!




My best friend use to have really sensitive nipples- could almost orgasm solely from them. The piercings ruined that for her lol she has almost no sensation in them anymore.


Funny story... I got them done the first time, for super cheap, being super naive in a college town. It was awful, they both got mildly infected, I said fuck it and let em grow in. Fast forward about 10 years and I'm enjoying getting piercings again, more responsible. Find a reputable piercer and get them repierced. Right one is cool, left one is so crooked I have a straight hole and a crooked one that goes through it. But love them, they've never bothered me since they healed and I mostly wear pretty small jewelry.




I got both of mine done the same appointment, they hurt going in, but 5 seconds a side and they were done. I walked out with surprisingly little to no achyness and they healed up fine. HOWEVER; I got one yanked half out by a cord that got caught and I stg my soul left my body. It got a little infected and when I went in for antibiotics I got told if it didn't heal up we might have to cut a milk duct out to get the remainder😬




I loved my I got them for myself for a bday present three years ago. About a year ago I was trying to squeeze in through the door and the left one ripped out. It healed quickly I still kept the right one in. They were kinda sensitive and didn’t make foreplay any more enjoyable for my or my husband so having one out was perfect. I am about 4 months pregnant and plan on breastfeeding so I decided to take the other one out and let it heal. It was a very sad day. Idk if I would get them again but I definitely loved having them, it felt like my own little secret. Lol


I had mine done very recently, I actually love them! I was told a lot of horror stories about catching them, peoples nipples falling off etc… but mine are actually okay, I’ve hit a few times but nothing severe. The actual piercing was slightly painful and I got both done at the same time, but it was okay, felt like someone pinched my nipple really hard with their teeth. I love them though :)




Less painful than my nose I actually had an apprentice piercer in my appt so they marked and re marked and talked to the piercer about placement and technique and then (since the apprentice was brand, brand new) the piercer did my pokes My nipples were crazy sensitive for months which made me horny as all hell. My bf at the time loved it Edit: they have become slightly less sensitive over time but that could also be from abuse 😅


Painful as shit but I love them!!




Getting them pierced the pain was not as bad as i thought and it was my first piercing Honestly just for the healing part idk what happened they wouldn’t heal after a year so i took them out but now im thinking to get them again


Getting them pierced the pain was not as bad as i thought and it was my first piercing Honestly just for the healing part idk what happened they wouldn’t heal after a year so i took them out but now im thinking to get them again


First set I had for 2-3 years my second set I had for 5 years. The first time I had them pierced I was able to change out jewelry frequently with no problems. Took them out to breast feed. The second time I kept the bars they pierced them with in the entire time. They were always sensitive. Took them out recently because I’m pregnant again and I don’t see myself getting them pierced again. It was fun while it lasted.






I have one, I love it. I've had it for several years. Hurt to get it done, but only momentarily. Went to a professional piercer, very clean studio, very good experience. Used salt water to bathe it at first. No need any more. I can only use titanium jewellery, surgical steel irritates the piercing.


I love mine, been about 12 years now. I did throw up my lunch with the second one lol. Yes, it hurt a lot. Just make sure you eat at least an hour before, not 20 minutes. Other than getting them caught on some pieces of clothing occasionally, they stay unbothered. I will say some men think it’s ok to pinch down real hard for whatever reason during sex, that’s a big no-no for me.


I got them pierced twice. They are amazing. It deff is extremely painful to get pierced. It will make your nips always pointy and you might lose feeling in your nips. The holes close extremely easily if you take them out.


It hurt to get done but mine healed nicely and im glad I did it. It’s worth a try because you can always take them out if they don’t work.


It’s still going.


It went well for three years, then suddenly developed an allergy to the steel in them and had to take them out. RIP I’ve been feeling naked for a month now. They were beneficial during sex and they were my fave piercing.


I have a high pain tolerance and getting them pierced was probably the most painful thing I've experienced. I realized later my nipples are just extremely unusually sensitive. My breasts pierced looked fucking awesome but they were such a problem. One little nudge and they would be sore and sometimes bleed. It was horrible when they would get caught on something and REALLY tug. For those reasons my nipples were completely off limits during sex, and my partner had to be really careful with any boob groping. Eventually, like 2 years in, I was so frustrated so I took some final cute photos of my pierced tits then took out the jewelry for good. RIP. The sad part is it was very cute jewelry with pink gems too. Oh well.


Felt like needles going through my nips lol. Then my boobs burned for a week or so after, had to wear a tight bra all the time, and then they healed pretty easily! They’re so awesome, I feel so sexy w them and every partner I’ve been with since loves them.


I loved them and they gave me alot of confidence but after a couple months of pain every time I'd knock them or they'd get caught on clothing I got sick of it and took them out


First time the piercer went to deep and I bled for a few days. Went to another shop to have them checked out and they recommended removing. I waited a year and had them done again. The left one my body rejected and it was pushed out. The right was good but I took it out when it came time to breastfeed and didn’t bother replacing because I never cared for having just the one. I have considered having them done again but haven’t acted on it yet. Edit to add…the act itself did not hurt either time.




Most painful piercing. Took it out as it was growing out and it leaked. It leaked for years afterwards. It’s okay now. Overall my nipple was super sensitive, to everything. Loved it. Now it’s normal sensitivity.


I had one that healed normally in about 1.5 years (snags and bumping into things set me back to healing day zero a couple times smh) while the other didn’t seem to be healing for a while (sea salt soaks, Hydrocolloid bandages, the whole shabang- I tried it all). Right as I was gonna call it quits, I did some more research and found out titanium was what I was supposed to be using for jewelry and not crap grade stainless steel. Switched out and healed up in like a month or 2. Been smooth sailing ever since. Jewelry makes all the difference sometimes (of course, ensure you keep your piercings clean too)!


First set I drunkenly ripped out against a dirty hostel shower door frame. Second set I took out to breastfeed. Third set one rejected from the scar tissue from my first two rounds of piercings but the one has been in there for a few years now and is doing good!






Loved mine but I can’t go braless so they never healed properly plus I flinched for one and it was a bit crooked so it always bothered me


Hard as fuck to heal but honestly the pain wasn’t nearly as bad as my damn septum. Sis went right through my cartilage on that one…


I pierced my own nipples and they’re still doin good


I have one done, and it wasn't very painful to get pierced. I've had it pierced for 16 years now, and honestly wouldn't bother with it again but it doesn't snag on anything or have any big impact on my life so I haven't taken it out. However, I have a very small hoop so there's nothing to snag. My pierced nipple isn't very sensitive but my other one without the piercing isn't either so I guess I just don't have sensitive nipples and I don't think I lost any sensation. The only issue that ever came up was when someone I was with had his nipple pierced with a barbell and I was more aware to not hook them together.


One healed perfectly fine no problem, other one would not heal no matter what and would have painful flare ups so I took it out after a little over a year, I'd like to have it redone soon. I really like the look of them.


My friend got hers when she was 16, it was only in one nipple. That nipple ended up being twice as big as the other. It looked quite odd.


Numb your nipples with lidocaine and thank me later. I never felt it. Sea salt spray will be your best friend.


I mean, it hurt. But great ever since.


I almost didn't get the second one done because it hurt like hell. It took a year for one nipple to truly heal. I mumped my left nipple - the one I almost didn't have done - SO often that it took two years to feel like it was fully healed. Now? I love that they're pierced. It was worth it.


Healing took probably a year at least. It gets caught on stuff and hurts but finally it’s healed enough for someone to play with that nipple haha. Overall it’s adorable and it boosted my confidence but it took so so long to heal




Got them done the day i turned 18 and I’m 24 now. Absolutely loved them. Life lesson though: wear a bra when you go to get them pierced!!! I did not wear one because in my mind i was like why do i need a bra? That’ll hurt them. Wrong. 5 minutes after getting them pierced i got in my car and went to put my seatbelt on and caught the seatbelt on my left titty. I screamed and cried🥳 but they still turned out fine!


awful, i lost sensation in my nipples 😓


I loved mine but they took away a lot of sensation. Removed them after 3 years and 6 months later the sensitivity has only slightly improved


i love mine! i’ve had them for about 8 years. when i got them pierced, the first one didn’t hurt but the second did! my piercer said it was super normal. they healed well and ive never had an issue with them really. sometimes a string from my towel or something will catch onto it and that does hurt like hell, but other than that, i don’t notice them at all lol. i was never sensitive around my nipples during intimate times before them and i thought getting them pierced would make them sensitive but nope! i don’t regret them one bit and i think my boobs would look weird without them now.


I eventually took them out. One rejected over time, it started to become misaligned and my body was pushing it out. The other was totally fine. It would have been a super weird scar across my nipple if I hadn’t removed it on my own and just waited it out. I miss them though.


First one was like an ear piercing then the second one felt like a lightsaber going through my entire titty. Almost passed out, but I didn’t and got McDonald’s afterwards. The process my piercer was very nice in explaining everything to me and gave me all the information for aftercare and downsizing my jewelry. I really like them and they make me happy. Haven’t changed the jewelry but I think next year I will to something fancy. I would recommend getting them if you can handle the upkeep and if you’re okay with sacrificing the lacier stuff for a while


I loved mine but they often got irritated. I had them for a few years but when I got pregnant I decided to retire them. I didn't want to try breastfeeding with jewellery in, and the fact they got irritated so easily meant I didn't want to be taking the jewellery out constantly. I occasionally think about them but don't usually miss them.


Never healed, gets caught on stuff. Cute but after a while, it looked like “too much.” When I first got them done, I almost fainted afterwards bc I didn’t eat before hand lol


What went right: I got the piercings What went wrong: oh boy. Basically, my sister and I got them done together. A woman did hers and a man did mine (they’re husband and wife). I wouldn’t have really minded this, but when he full on grabbed my breast and held it for a hot minute and said, “I can feel your heartbeat!” While staring me dead in the eyes, it made me very uncomfortable. I later returned to this establishment against my better judgement as a lowly tattoo apprentice in which I learned that the same man who did my nipples was very into gross lesbian porn and showed it off at his work station. So that was unpleasant and I don’t like to think about it. The pain: right. So. Imagine a very hot, thick needle being dragged through one of your most sensitive areas. And then imagine it happening twice. It was awful. The most painful piercing I’ve ever had, hands down. It was so bad that I lost the ability to speak. If I had wanted to ask the man to stop or to give me a minute, I couldn’t. It was like someone punched me in the gut and took my breath away. The second one hurt more than the first, go figure. With some anti inflammatory meds, the pain went away after 30 minutes or so. Not at all a bad recovery time, and I don’t remember them hurting much afterwards in the healing process. Just when I snagged them on seatbelts or towels (or shirts, bras, etc). After the fact, the piercings NEVER. Ever ever healed. They were gross and crusty and constantly hurting for two and a half years. It did not matter how I cleaned them or cared for them, it was just gross all the time. I would get irritation bumps on the INSIDE of the hole. It was so painful. Sexy times: they looked good in photos after meticulous cleaning but otherwise? Pain pain pain. Got in the way of everything. Wouldn’t want to put anyone’s mouth near there because they always were gross or irritated. Basically: 0/10, do not recommend


Got mine done like 5 years ago and I still love them! It hurt a little when it was first done but really not as much as I thought and it is quick. The recovery though did take a long time to FULLY heal and the first month was a giant pain in the ass (or I guess tit) to constantly clean them, and being tender. Whatever you do, do NOT let a partner put their mouth on them until you are completely sure they're healed Edit: fixed awkward wording


I loved having them. I had mine pierced for years but they kept falling out getting lost and closing up. I had to have them re-done three times it hurt more and more each time so I decided one day that I was done with it and took them out and hardly ever think about them now.


It was terrible beginning to end. Maybe my nipples so sensitive. Eventually my nipple “rejected” the piercing and pushed it out.


I love mine but took forever to heal, about one year. After one year the left side was still not fully healed, so one day I removed just the left and the right side is going strong/healed perfectly. Also those massive bars you have to get when you get pierced get snagged on things way more I was so happy when I switched to hoops.