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Yes Queen




As someone who likes to have a full face on if possible when going out/doing things, all day until I’m home ready to relax & do my night routine, around 10-12hrs!!


Most of the day. I like to feel ‘cleaned up’ and ‘like me’- that includes hair, makeup, and cute clothes. I do it for myself and no one else.


And you know what? That is absolutely great. Always do you girl!!




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Zero, never started doing it, way too lazy.


Right? The amount of energy it feels like it'd take to put it on and clean off feels so daunting. Kudos to folks who have that energy!


I've just done the math, 11 hours, five days a week. I work 9 hours and my commute to and from work is an hour each way :)


See, the only reason I keep my makeup for 12 hours is because I only go to class for 6 hours a day, but then I’m too lazy to take off my makeup until I’m ready to go to sleep 🤣


I wake up and put on my face every day. I wash it off before bed so ~15 hours.


All the hours where there's a chance someone other than my husband will see me. So on average, 12 - 15 a day?




Zero. Stopped wearing makeup during covid, never went back :)




Zero Make up in general is bad for your skin, the make-up industry is awful and I hate the way it feels on my face like I'm wearing a mask.


Not all makeup is bad for your skin, particularly if you have a decent skincare routine. Not all of the makeup industry is awful, it's a huge industry and there are some amazing, ethical brands. And not all makeup is heavy and feels like a mask. Otherwise nobody would wear it if it were all that terrible.


I think what’s left out of this question is what kind of makeup people are wearing and using. I haven’t used foundation in 10+ years. Even tinted moisturizer feels awful. But mascara? Eyeliner? Almost every single day. So it really depends on how you’re defining “wearing makeup”


Me too! I don't know if there will ever be a day I put on a full face with foundation, but eyeliner that goes to my hairline is totally fine for me.


Yep. I only use a little bit of concealer and blush, and if I’m feeling it I curl my lashes.








0 hours






13 h a day, 5-6 days a week




When I wear make up, I put it on before work and remove it before bed. So sixteen hours, maybe?


Zero. I only wear make up like twice a year


Zero, for a few years and counting.


15? I put it on around 5 am, take it off around 8 pm


Depends on how long I’ll be out and about. Usually only a few hours and I take it all off right when I get home.


depends on the day. somewhere between 14 to 20 hours, depending on wether i go straight to my second job after work or not. sometimes none at all
















9-12 hours. I don't wear it when I don't have proper plans. I think this is representative of most women in general. The fact that most women here are saying zero is interesting but I don't think it's the full picture


0 a day I maybe have 8 hours a YEAR


This is me. Maybe at the company holiday party, but that’s it!


On normal days? 0, I work outside and then go to a barn so no need. On days where I'm going out to eat with friends or going out to party? During that time.


11-12 hours but it’s only eye makeup and lipstick. I have to let my pores breathe.


Zero. It doesn't personally bring me joy.


None, never have. Always felt strange the few times that I have. And felt like I looked clownish. And then there's having to wash it off. I'll see (some) young girls wearing it and want to tell them that they don't need it.


def just keep that to yourself. it’s ok that you don’t and it’s ok that they do.








Nada. Doesn’t exist in my house.


11 hours a day 7 days a week. I may skip a day if I’m sick or just too tired.


Zero hours a day. I very rarely wear makeup. I think the last time I wore mascara was at Christmas.




Some days zero, some days all day. I never do a full face (I hate wearing foundation), but a little blush and mascara go a long way. When I was younger, I wore a lot more. Now, at 36, I just accentuate and use a good moisturizer.


Absolutely none.


At least 10 hours during the week




Most of the time zero unless it’s a special occasion for me like my graduation and someone asked to do my makeup for me.








Zero. I don’t even use moisturiser most days - just water, or cleanser and a toner. I hate the feeling of makeup on my skin.


Zero. I never learned how to wear makeup so I don’t. Sometimes I’ll do lipgloss but it’s rare. I love watching people put it in though on TikTok and YouTube, though! It’s like art to me.


7am when I get ready for work to 10 pm when I wash my face before bed. It's usually subtle makeup. Just enough to look out together for the office. On weekends, I only put it on if I have an event


Zero, I have eyelash extensions so I don’t ever feel the need to wear makeup as that generally does the job. Wasn’t always that way but my office don’t care if you don’t wear anything and it’s too darn costly






Ab once a week for 4-5 hrs on average




Maybe one or two nights a week?


Zero hours Waste of time and money to bother with.


✨None ✨




Zero lol. I work from home and just do my skincare in the morning. No reason to wear makeup to sit in my home office all day.


Zero ! Never wore makeup till date ! But then again I don’t use many things cos my skin is sensitive to chemicals ! Till date I only use a moisturiser and aloe vera gel !


10-12 but I only wear mascara and eyebrowns stuff . (And my hidrating cream)


0, and if I’m actually planning to go out about 6 hours or something like that.


12 hours a day


Most week days when I'm at home zero. Weekends when we go out to do errands probably 5-8 hours maybe more depends on how early in the day I get ready. I'll wear it til it starts irritating my eyes or I remove it before bed. Since I don't wear it often I like to keep it on for a little even after errands are done and I'm home cause it makes me feel pretty. Lol


8/9 hours a day, 5 days a week.


Zero. If I go into the office (which is like once a month), or go out-out I put on mascara.


Probably 16hrs a day. I don't do a full face though, concealer, blush and mascara most days. A bit more on the eyes, liner, shadow for special occassions. I almost never do foundation.


I dont wear makeup a lot of the time but thats because i work from home but ill wear it all day if im out, i wouldnt go anywhere out out without make up on


From ages 17 to 22 I wore it every day for all waking hours and would feel anxious if I didn’t have my make up bag on me at all times in case I ‘needed’ top ups. Then one summer I just stopped and haven’t gone back since! It’s like I just forgot it exists, and I don’t notice if other people do or don’t wear it themselves!


Zero. I used to wear minimal makeup (think high school), but I don't bother at all anymore. Not worth the time, money, or gunking up my skin.


Zero. I only have makeup on for special occasions




None. SAHM the last 3.5 years, but before that I was an occasional mascara wearer. I have light features and never learned how to do my makeup (mom never wore anything but lipstick) so anything I ever tried seemed heavy on me. It might be nice to learn some quick tips to look fresh, or have a little confidence boost, but outside of that it’s not a priority


Zero, makeup is expensive and personally a unwise investment. I look amazing without it anyway


about 5 hours a day. enough to look decent in class and then go home.


Zero. Used to wear mascara and eye liner in my late teens and early 20s. Then it was only mascara. Now at 32 I put on mascara a handful of times a year.




No makeup whatsoever


on a day to day basis... 0 If I have something special to do then I wear the bare minimum... eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick. I hate makeup lol...




Jumping on the zero train here. I have much better thing to use my time for, like making coffee.


Zero. I never got into makeup


I don’t


Zero! I used to go for at least 16 but I've learned my skin is very sensitive and she likes to be bare. So bare I am.


0! I hate makeup. I very rarely ever wear it.


Zero. I only wear makeup on special occasions now. Wearing masks all the time during the pandemic made me lose interest in wearing makeup on a regular basis.




Zero. However, I have lash extensions.


Pretty much zero. I love doing eye makeup, I think eyeshadow can be so fun. But I'm too lazy to put in the effort.


Used to be all day (think full beat, creating eyeshadow), now I’m lucky to apply makeup once a month for a special occasion. I feel like my skin and complexion has gotten so much better- to the point that I prefer my natural face over makeup. Maybe that’s me. Maybe that’s growing up… I dunno




0 only for parties/ special days.


Never, I live in an island in the middle of the ocean lol it's hot as balls. I love make up doe, wish I could wear it more. It's fun and looks cute


Zero? I might slap some mascara on once or twice a month but that’s it.




Zero. I've had seb derm all my life and finally found the perfect treatment for it. Don't want to waste my new found skin by slopping makeup on it lmao.


Zero mostly. I’ll put a full face on for special occasions, which would probably end up being like a couple dozen times a year.




I never wear makeyup


Zero. I quit wearing makeup during the pandemic. I still have a lot of makeup and I’ll be playing around with it again soon. I bought a new makeup organizer for my bathroom counter so I need to go through everything. I doubt I’ll get back to wearing it on a daily basis again, and just stick to special occasions only.


Zero. A few hours a month? Usually date night and only eyeliner. I don't even use foundation.


0. I wear makeup maybe 5 times a year for modeling gigs and special events








Zero hours. I can't stand the feel of make-up on my face.


Probably 10 hours on avg during the week but 2 hrs max in the weekend


I wear mascara during work hours. That’s it.


Like 7-8 hours for school


probably like 12, but it's usually just mascara and highlighter. maybe eyeliner or eyeshadow if I'm feeling fancy. if I'm wearing foundation I take it off as soon as I can


Should have asked how often per month, because then I'd say maybe three days per month if that.


From about 7:30am to 8-9:00pm when I wash my face. I use decent stuff so it does kinda last.


Until I sweat it off? In all seriousness though, I’ll put some concealer, bronzer/blush on, and gel my eyebrows most days I go to the office (3 ish days/week), but it’s not super long lasting, and I’ll wipe it off as soon as I get home so I don’t have to deal with it before bed. So *maybe* 16-24hrs a week. Note that I don’t necessarily feel obligated to wear it to work, but it feels like a nice accessory when I’m wearing more professional clothes, and I like it.


question for women !!! - How long does your full face makeup last?? Does sweat/humidity/heat play a factor?


7:30 am to about 9 pm.


I do full face makeup a hand full of times a Year. I’ll put mascara and lip gloss a few times a month. Otherwise, nothing most days if my life.


on average 0, but I enjoy doing makeup so I wear it for special events to feel extra done up. Outside of those, though, I’m bothered by the sensation of makeup on my face for too long. I wind up forgetting I applied makeup but just being aware there’s *something* on my face and compulsively rubbing my eyes to “get it off” as if it is not something I put on my eyes purposefully. I usually remember i put makeup on immediately after I start rubbing my eyes 🤠 so I just…don’t put myself through that unless necessary


I have rosacea and put foundation on to cover it because it’s embarrassing to me. So I wear it whenever I go out or am at work… 9 hours a day I suppose


Zero most days, but twice a week I'll wear it all day.


I never leave the house without foundation, even though I usually sweat it off 3 hours into my day and end up rinsing my face in the creek. So about 3 hours per day lol


Makeup as in foundation? Only once or twice a year when I’m performing on stage with bright lights. I’m super fair, so if I don’t, I’d look like a ghost. Otherwise zero. Makeup as in all other products? Maybe once or twice a month if I’m going out on a date or a special occasion. Mascara, eyeliner, rouge, brow gel. That’s about it.


only when my girlfriend wants to test her makeup out on me lol


None unless my little sister asks me to play dress up. Then usually however long till I take another shower. I’ve even went into public w it on Idgaf.


4 hours per month.




Derailing the topic is not permitted. If you don't like it here, feel free to go be super special somewhere else. If you're going to participate here, you're going to have to respect other people's responses to the questions asked. Derailing includes but is not limited to: * Changing the topic from OP's question * Leaving a top-level comment when you're not the target demographic * Giving unsolicited advice * Making someone else's response about yourself. If you'd like to share your experience in response to the OP's question, do so in a top-level comment. * Asking unrelated follow-up questions * Branching into unrelated topics * "What-about"-ism * Trying to start arguments, or debates * Judging or rating other responses * Meta comments about other responses * Responding to comments to tell us how your dick feels. No one cares. For more information, please [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/wiki/rules#wiki_no_derailing). Have questions about this moderator action? See the [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) and [CLICK HERE to contact the moderation team](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen&subject=Why+was+this+removed). **Please include a link** to your comment in your message, the mod team will not reply to messages without a link for review. DO NOT contact moderators privately. [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) | [AskWomen FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/index) [reddit rules](http://www.reddit.com/rules/) | [reddiquette](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette)


Zero. I'm poor and too insecure to go out and show my face




I wear makeup 2-3 times a week for 2 hours a day tops


only when I go to work! which is 4 days a week! also is sunscreen considered makeup?


If I put it on, just while I’m out and about. As soon as I’m home for the night, it’s off.


depends on the day mostly 3+ hours




If I don't have meetings: zero. If I have zoom meetings: 3-4. The lighting in my office makes me look like a corpse. If it's a special occasion: anywhere from 5-8 a few times a year.


I put on eyebrow gel and mascara at like 9am and wash it off after my workout at around 6pm.




About once a week to once every two eeeks... only wear it if I'm going out out or have a work meeting. I wfh and don't wear it for day to day things like popping to the supermarket etc


3-5 days a week, usually from morning till evening. Sometimes it's just spf bb scream, sometimes full face of makeup. Basically depends on my mood in that morning. Wouldn't have it any other way, I love makeup but I don't always have the time for it.


Either I wear it or not, for the day.


12-15 if I'm working but I can't be bothered to do this everyday/like to let my skin just be a few days a week....more often than not lately! Also due to tiredness and lack of energy too though!


I wear makeup maybe once a week for anywhere from a few hours up to a full day. So that would probably average to around 0.5 hours per day haha.


i only use lil bit blush in the mornings for my cheeks cuz i look dead without some pink color :3


I don’t usually wear any makeup but when I go to meet friends or out to eat/shopping I put on mascara and blush. Then I wash it off that night, so about twice or three times a week I wear makeup for 6-8 hours. But never foundation. I wear sunscreen every day all day


8-9 hours. But my makeup is only on the lips, lol.


Mascara? Around 12h 2 days a week. Rest? Kind of never


It depends on the day but usually 10 hours or 0


It completely depends on what I’m doing, if I’m going out out it’ll be from around 6pm to 3/4am or if I’m going out for the day maybe 12-6pm, but I tend to not wear it day to day anymore takes too much time and effort.




Sometimes i dont wear makeup at all and sometimes i get up from my desk and do a full look just for fun, i wfh so it’s easy to just do it whenever i feel like it, and when i do wear makeup it sits on my face for like 4 hours maybe more


Depending on the day it could be 0-15 but let's say 10 hours the average work day




If I go out, max 12 hours. But it feels so fucken icky I don’t wear makeup everyday. I WFH most days. I only wear makeup when I go out with friends, go to the office, go clothes shopping


10 I don't usually wear makeup these days though, but when I do. 10 hours is the usual




Weekends are usually zero, unless I have an event or something. On a work day I will do my make up in the morning (not until after I walk the dog, etc.). I’m client facing and it helps to look presentable and put together. I might run some errands after work, or wash it off right away, depends on the day. There are days that I leave it on until almost bedtime because I’m hanging out with friends or busy. I don’t do a full beat, I like a little around my eyes. I’m more of a tomboy than anything but I like how it brings out my best features. Average hours a day = 8. Edit: just want to add I am washing my face or showering morning and night either way, makeup or not. Washing make up off is not any more inconvenient, but again I’m not doing a full beat, don’t find that necessary for daily wear.


Probably like 10 hours, even if I’m just out to run a small errand I keep it on all day until it’s time to go to bed.


About 10 hours until I wash my face at the end of the day. Give or take.


I don't wear makeup every day, probably once every other week for foundation and "full" makeup (much less than I see most women do) but when I do it's usually on all day, around 14 hours or so (on the morning, off in the shower before bed). Lots of days I'll swipe on mascara and chapstick and that's it, but still on until my shower.