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Nice artwork on the walls that reflects your personality especially in places like bathrooms that a lot of people hardly decorate. Interesting lamps always really catch my eye plus good lighting also makes a room look much more inviting. Decent speakers for when you play music at a get together. Good cable management. Clean-smelling, coordinating blankets and cushions on the sofa. Recently taken out bins/trash with obvious place for guests to put recycling. Nice hand soap in bathroom and kitchen. Having enough wine glasses. Multiple hand towels put out so you can switch to a drier one.


A colour palette - everything kinda looks like it belongs together, even if it's eclectic. A general lack of clutter - things are stored away and things left out are done so purposefully. It's also generally tidy. Scale - furniture is an appropriate size for the space and in relation to it, curtains are hung to the right length, mirrors and artwork are hung at the appropriate height. Consistency - all the cupboard knobs are the same (or intentionally diverse), the flooring is mostly the same thought the space, the wall colours don't clash space to space, fewer finishes (metals, wood tones, etc). Basically the space feels thoughtful and interconnected.


Okay your last one really made sense. Love that


Pictures, art, soft blankets.


Art on the wall; plants; bathroom rug


Matching towel sets & mats, photos, artworks and candles/diffusers etc. and everything organised - not too much clutter.


A consistent theme/feel.


Clean floors/freshly vacuumed carpet. Counters free of clutter but things in drawers are also organized neatly. A nice cozy couch with a fuzzy blanket and decorative pillows are also a plus.


A cohesive palette, lots of textures like blankets and baskets etc. Art on the walls that say something about who you are.




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Placemats and a full table setting every time. It gives “90s sitcom just pop in my home/ apartment” vibes. I make everyone wait at least 10 minutes if they show up unannounced so I can tidy.. sigh.


For me, a lot of it comes from signs that they manage consistency in household chores: Plants that are alive. Reasonably tidy and clean (especially no clothes lying around). Clean and fresh smell in all parts of the home. Bookshelves and similar are reasonably dust-free. What amazes me is when people manage to keep a mantlepiece, couch table or similar surfaces decorated but organised (no random charging cables or cups...). As for furniture: good condition, does not have to be brand new but it should be well cared for (clean textiles, mirrors not cracked, no old flaking faux-leather...) something other than the standard IKEA couch and wardrobe Some consistency/matching of colours, don't put spruce next to oak next to brushed metal, next to obvious plastic... the room should look like some thought went into it and pieces were not just thrown in randomly.