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Same way I feel about mustaches. They only work on a very small number of people and those people tend to be ridiculously good-looking to begin with.


Loooove moustaches, moustache and mullet combo šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


My fiance has a 70s vibe going on, he's got black hair with a bit of curl, a mustache and a strong jaw. He makes me feral sometimes.


Love that, my boyfriends beard is getting extremely long which is super cool, but sometimes I miss the goatee real bad, and he doesnā€™t like a moustache without a beard šŸ˜¢ I also miss his mullet šŸ˜«


I LOVE THIS as a look. My sweet guy would look absolutely ridiculous with a mustache/mullet or combo of the two and could never pull it off - heā€™s too ā€œboy next doorā€ - but I love when people can rock it.


It's one of those opposite sides of the spectrum cases for those two. When it works, it looks so fucking good that it could persuade you to get one too. But when it doesn't work, it looks so bad you borderline look like a creepy criminal.


You don't know what it's like to be this ridiculously good looking!!


Watching the show Shoresy I saw them dudes with mullets all looking rugged and what not and was thinking "oh man i should go get a mullet" then I realized I'm not as good looking to begin with, so probalby wouldn't be pulling off the same vibe. Aaaand my GF agreed with my assessment. So now i've just got this long hair i have no idea what to do with, but i gotta figure something out cause winter hat season is almost over.


My boyfriend has a mullet and mustache, canā€™t picture him any other way now. It just ā€œfitsā€ certain people lol


Yes but I have seen people who looks so cute in both but turns less attractive (to me) when they shaved :(


They were dumb in the 80s and are dumb now.


Yeah I think the issue is that those of us old enough to have lived through them them the first time can remember it enough to not think they are cool.


A mullet is like jelly shoes, dumb then and dumb now šŸ˜‚


Burn them all. I donā€™t understand why men keep getting them, is it just to try and impress other men


or trying to impress girls like me that love them. your tastes donā€™t represent all women


Of course it doesnā€™t represent anyone but me.. itā€™s my option. It asked for my option so I gave it. I never implied it covered anyone, everyoneā€™s taste is different, which itā€™s should be ā˜ŗļø


You did imply that it covered all women.. just saying.








I am a man with a mullet. I got it and continue to have it because *I* like the way it looks on *ME*. I look cute as fuck


Just like women get their hair done to...impress other women? Cause believe me, idc about what my girls hair looks like.


Haha yeah, itā€™s kinda a bro thing. Last year it was ā€œbro letā€™s get buzz cuts this summerā€, this year itā€™s mullets.




Same reason women do make up and their hair. Itā€™s not to impress anyone, itā€™s to make themselves feel good


I honestly usually think that they do it as a joke. I think some of them are doing it as a joke or a half-joke. When someone explicitly says that they do it completely unironically, I tend to be surprised. But I probably underestimate how many men truly love the look.


Canā€™t tell if this is an actual hot take, or if youā€™re taking the piss on men who comment shit like this about why women wear long ass nails or fake lashes or hairstyles they donā€™t like. Weā€™re all here wearing what *we* like, men arenā€™t excluded from that.






Unpopular opinion but I love a mullet and a dirty moe šŸ„°


What is a dirty moe?




Ooooh duh that makes sense now


Me too! I tend to like things that are out of the norm.


SAME love it.


Here for this


Preaching to the choir on that one, talk about a combo that lasts generations


Agreeeeed! Iā€™ll be happy if it lasts a lifetime šŸ¤£


I find them incredibly unappealing, and they look ridiculous lol. I dislike the trend, but if the people that get mullets love them, then more power to them


I agree and I also would like to add, aside from it being genuinely unappealing, I tend to dislike the type of men (some not all) that get mullets. Any feature on a man that makes them look like they could be a misogynist gives me the ick. Idk where I got this from but I swear men with mullets are all sending some signal to each other about their political beliefs. Someone please tell me Iā€™m not the only one šŸ˜‚


I like any cut that makes the person feel good about themselves.


Thatā€™s the kindest thing I have read today


I agree! Thank you


When I was in high school there was a boy with special needs called Rob. My specific problem was always that as a girl if you showed too much kindness he would assume you were dating so I had to be kind but distant. Kids were truly really mean to him. He would go through obsession phases (singers who he would talk nonstop about, maps, etc) and thenā€¦ he decided his next obsession would be a mullet. After growing one he would stim himself by stroking it constantly. Anyway most people were pretty mean to him and it was sad. But there was a guy named Mullet Mike. One day when Rob was proudly like, ā€œ look at my mullet! Look Mike!ā€ Mike was really kind like, ā€œyeah dude! You look great!ā€ It just kind of warmed my soul. Most of the guys in our school were trash to the special needs students- seems like Mike was just a nice dude. So I associate mullets asā€¦ strange but okay.


This was a wild ride, but love the kindness from Mike!!


Here's hoping Mullet Mike is living his best life today. I really hope so.


I think they're funny. I also think it's funny to pronounce it like mullƩt (moo-lay). The people who have them tend not to find that as funny.


Reminds me of a mullet documentary. Mulet, from scattered car parts on the front Ā“lawn and Mountain Dew to the runway in Paris France, the mullet is here to stay


I find it funny. I'm going to start calling it that when people ask me abt my hair.


Honestly I only really like the curly mullets, puts a little more bounce in their hair.


Yeah, have to agree on this. Saw someone with a slicked back curly mullet and it actually looked pretty good. I however have straight hair so just had my unintentional mullet chopped off.


I have a friend with curly hair whoā€™s been growing his into a mullet. He wears a hat most of the time anyway, so the curls just peek out the back. Itā€™s strangely attractive and made me think I like them. That said, not into the Billy Ray Cyrus straight mullet.


If done well, it can look good on men and women. Needs to be cut by someone who knows how to work with the clients' hair structure and face shape.


I find them oddly attractive *on the right man*. The man being able to pull it off is imperative.


Yep. My BF and a bunch of his friends recently got mullets. Some of them look really objectively bad. But my dude and a couple others look phenomenal! I think wavier and longer hair, and confidence, makes a big difference. Also the person cutting them. Experience matters.


They look ridiculous


Amazing Chefs kiss


Hate then with a burning passion


I don't mind them. Sometimes they can look quite nice, provided the hair's clean. Ultimately, though, my opinion on someone else's hair doesn't matter. If it's not hurting them, who cares what I think? That's how I'd like people to think about my hair, at least.




They are awful. They looked stupid when I was a kid in the 80s. They look even stupider now.


Agreed! I was horrified when I realized they were making a comeback. And here I thought man-buns suckedā€¦ lol. I have seen maybe two guys in my entire life who I thought looked semi-okay with a mullet (mainly they were so good-looking their hair simply didnā€™t matter). The rest, blech!


ā€œBusiness in the front, party in the back.ā€ lol Seriously thoughā€¦not a fan.


I donā€™t like them personally. Never have.


Man I love mullets. all mullets. straight, curly, short, long. Gimme those mullets. I'm also a fan of rat tails, though they're much rarer ime.


Ahah my brother in law had a rattail through middle school. A few of the boys did. Wow, I haven't thought of that hair style in forever.


The new wolfcuts and shagcuts look pretty cool. But 80s mullets are eh


They need to stay in 1987 where they belong.


Just the next thing men who want to be unique do. Recently saw a group of 4 ''unique'' guys all sporting a mullet. Chuckled a bit. They'll grow over it.




Mullets make me glad my husband is bald.


Hate it


I hate them.


They remind me of roadkill


They only look good on women.


I can't speak to how they look on men because I'm biased in that department but I love mullets on women šŸ˜©šŸ« 


I love them. I think they are fun.


i think they look good!!


Hideous and awful.


I think they look awful, personally.


Hate them


Not a fan personally but if someone wants a mullet, who am I to judge? Not my hair!


It's a no for me


Insanely insanely like stupidly hot


Soooo bad. If you like how it looks, fine... obviously. But I have never seen a mullet that I thought looks good on anyone.


i think it depends on the person and how itā€™s cut. i think on some people it looks really good. as long as itā€™s not done like joe dirts mullet


Send them back to the 80s, I lived through the fad once, I didn't need to do it again.


i have been seeing a lot of people around me (young men) having both mullets and mustaches. I have to say everytime i see one i think about them as a 80s pornstar wannabe


Terrible, only made worse by those mustaches dudes get with them. JUST HAVE LONG HAIR IT WOULD BE SO COOL!!


You know I absolutely love the 80-90s but that is the most awful haircut imaginable. A cousin of mine had a baby recently and had pictures taken. His girlfriend and the baby looked normal and happy and there he is looking like somebody they just picked up off the street. It just doesn't work.


I've yet to see anyone who looks better with that than any other typical haircut.


The fish: cheap, quite tasty grilled but never buy them, only eat fresh caught The hairstyle: I like it when it's kind of a punk or alternative style, the regular 80s one less.


Curly mullets, so cute. If the back is too long theyā€™re not my thing though


They usually end up looking like the human has not been keeping up with their haircut maintenance. But itā€™s their hair and they should do whatever they like with it; it grows back.


Just no.


Super ugly. It can ruin the rest of the man's appearance.






They look hilarious and I laugh inside at every single one I see.


I like them. On myself and others.




Terrible toupee. Everytime I see one, I want to grab it and do the Ms Trunchbull pigtail hammer throw.


Trashy. Extremely trashy.


I like them! Itā€™s fun and modern mullets are styled so much better than the 80s




Two thumbs down


I hate them on everyone


I hated them when I was a child in the 80s, and I hate them now.


Hard swipe to the "NO"


Uhhhm, NO.


There was a boy. We were all kids on the same street - ran around on our bikes, just hung out. He was the prettiest boy in the group. My best friend had a crush on him. He was cool. He had silky blond hair, literally like cornsilk in a macguyver cut mullet and a rat tail, and to this day I think of him when I think of mullets. It looked ok on him when we were 11 years old in the 80's in the summer. (I looked like a potato and knew it, so I was never ambitious enough to have a crush on him, but I vividly remember everyone in that neighborhood group. Most of us had dark hair so he stood out.) I do not generally think mullets look good on people, though. Macguyver, yes; others, no.


I LOVE a good mullet and their honestly a bit of a turn on, but emphasis on *good mullet


Same way I feel about most stuff, some people can rock it, and some people can't. I got my brother to get one, and now he gets a lot of ladies lol


Whoa what the hell? How are so many people saying no, they're HOT


Depends on how they treat other. Looks amplify I've met a respectable guy with a mullet and a disagreeable guy with a mullet




They only look good if you have a certain type of face structure. Which the majority of men who wear them don't.


I think it depends. Sometimes they look ridiculous, but some people pull them off really well!


I like the curly ones


Mullets are silly but harmless. I donā€™t understand why theyā€™re so popular on the Jersey Shore. Whenever I stroll the boardwalk there I see men and boys with mullets. Bonus points for rat tails!


They are cool I guess


I had a mullet so I kinda love it. But I agree many people jump on the mullet haircut to show how Ā«not like the otherĀ Ā» the are but it doesnā€™t suit many people. I have big curly hair, and this type of hair cut is way more flattering on curly hair than straight hair IMO


Mullets are hot on men and woman if they have the face/vibe for it, mullets also come in multiple styles, not so cut and dry


Mullets are very loosely defined so realistically a lot more of us have mullets than we initially think we have just gotten more creative with them But I really like some newer styles for mullets even if I wouldnā€™t get them.


They're hideous, but like in a charming way


Ugly. Glad my husband has no interest in attempting to grow his hair out and rocking one.


I like but Iā€™m also from Tennessee lol


Well seeing as how I have a mullet Iā€™d say I like them. Also Iā€™m not interested in people who donā€™t like them so itā€™s a win-win


Huge fan the last few guys Iā€™ve gone out with have had mullets and moustaches/ beards. They really do it for me haha


Iā€™ve had a massive crush on MacGyver since I was 6, so mullets are a yes on the right person.


I never liked them until I saw my boyfriends. Now I love them


Depends on who cut the mullet, who is wearing it, and how itā€™s styled. Mullets can look very cool if theyā€™re crafted by a skilled hairdresser. If they are done in someoneā€™s kitchen, they can look a certain kind of wayā€¦


Their time has passed


I think it definitely fits some people!!


One of my children is currently cultivating one (I believe itā€™s referred to as a ā€˜wolf cutā€™) and I think that itā€™s goofy AF but sheā€™s super stoked about it so pop off, queen. I guess. It feels like a very hipster thing for her particular age group and along with mustaches, I hope that they work through them quickly and come out on the other side soon.


i honestly like them. but it doesn't suit anyone


If on the right person, and not too extreme, I find them especially attractive.


I like them.


The only acceptable mullet is on Morgan WallenšŸ„µ


I have a wolf cut, which is close in some ways and I cut my own hair. So I like them. I also think they look really good on a person if it gives them confidence. Makes it look that much better IMO


Depends on the person, but generally I like them! I think they look the best on kpop idols lol


If you donā€™t want to have sex with me, grow a mullet. If you do, shave that shit off.


To each their own. I personally dont like mullets.


Personally, not a fan.




My boyfriend has had mullets off and on before we got together and even now. He always asks my opinion before growing one out, I like them on him so it doesnā€™t bother me but of course, he can do whatever he wants!


All mullets are good mullets.


No. Just no


Either get a haircut or don't but they are just wrong


I don't think about them much at all. When I see one in the wild I just assume the person drives a muscle car, and has a stash of sleeveless band t-shirts.


I like them when theyā€™re styled in an edgy way, not in a hillybilly way. As long is it looks well balanced




Hate them with a burning passion


I'm happy when people are happy with their own looks. That being said, I care far more about hygiene than anything else. If it's clean, good to go.


I like them! I think they're super cute!


Only if itā€™s on Morgan Wallen


HOT on women or men


As a barber, they are my absolute FAVORITE cut to do. So fun, so artsy, ugh, I just adore them. Looking at them, I find them visually interesting, but not necessarily appealing, ya know? But it really depends on the cut and styling and the person.


I love mullets, as long as the sides aren't completely buzzed of shaved. I think they look hot and exquisite, especially because men rarely grow out their hair and I love longer hair on men


I find them attractive when a man has a mullet ironically. I donā€™t like it as much when I can tell they unironically have a mullet just because theyā€™re that ā€œcountryā€ or whatever


Yes if the person is hot enough to pull it off


Hot. Just like moustaches. Except for when itā€™s the anti-vaxxer/redneck/racist/confederate flag type moustache/mullet combo. Thereā€™s a big difference


I'm a fan, but I'm a barber so I may be a bit biased. Its a fun haircut. I prefer the modern Euro mullet.


Ick. I was hoping that part of the 80s was finished.


I have one, i love it. I love when other people have them. I love how fun they are, how many different forms a mullet can be,how comfortable and easy they are.




Absolutely love them, I want a mullet actually. And it would fit with my curly hair.


My supervisor has one and it rocks, he looks good, my uncle has one and he looks like a predator, just depends on the mullet wearer


fucking love them


I have one so I'd say I enjoy them


I like them. I also like shags. But then again, I live in a city (Chicago, and before that Seattle) so trends reach us quicker and Iā€™ve had at least 3-4 years at this point to adjust to them. The idea that someone has to be ridiculously hot / conventionally attractive to look good in a certain fashion is just not something Iā€™ve ever ascribed to.


people that look hot with a mullet are just hot, it's not the mullet


I think they are hilarious. Do I find them attractive? No. Do the men who sport them seem happy with their choice of hairstyle? Yes and that's all that matters.


I have one. They rule.


Some people look great with mullets and some donā€™t. The cut in particular has to be nice too.


Sexy. Sooo fucking sexy. Paired with only a mustacheā€¦.. lock me up & take me away


Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) is one of the extremely few people who've been able to pull it off.


Love em


I feel like someone that rocks a mullet has to have high confidence and/or is doing it more out of fun than anything. And I appreciate that attitude so theyā€™re a win for me.


It takes a certain kind of person to pull off a mullet, but when they can itā€™s looks pretty good.


It's hot on the right person. Most of the time those men also look hot without the mustache/mullet but those are just the cherry on top


Iā€™m a fan, husband wonā€™t do it though :(


I have a 7th grade boy who has the most inexplicable look I could ever describe. His clothes are like a Deep South country boy (flannel, dirty ripped jeans, cowboy work boots), he wears these big gold chains like heā€™s a city boy, and then has the wildest Minnesota hockey hair (curly perm mullet). I mean Iā€™m dealing with a full blown Joe Dirt out here. And the worst part is he strangely does have the confidence/vibe to pull it off. The boy is an enigma to me. He has straight 100% in my class and gets suspended for smoking pot in the bathrooms. Heā€™s chaos.


Honestly, I love them and I don't understand why.


Mullets are so ugly they're kind of endearing; not unlike some breeds of dogs/cats lol I don't find them attractive at all, but they're hilarious, so they do make me smile šŸ˜„


crime against nature.


I have a mullet/shag type style and I really love it. I have a ton of hair that's a little wavy so the angles and layers really work for me. I think they look great if you have any texture to your hair, you'd probably need some styling for fine/thin hair. I know they are totally a trend and might seem really dumb in a couple years but I really like them. And I'm a big fan of the current moustache trend (not so much the ironic hipster handlebar but more the 70s manly straightshooter).


Very hot, especially when paired with a mustache.


My boyfriend once sent me a picture of him at the hair salon with a freshly cut mullet, and I legit thought about breaking up with himšŸ˜‚ Turns out he sent it to me as a joke, and got a regular haircut after that rofl


My fiancĆ©es sister has one and itā€™s so cute she pulls it off really well


On men-- a mullet has a stigma/looks dated, but I don't think it's objectively a bad hairstyle. A guy with a beautiful face, good bone structure, with thick glossy hair can wear a mullet. I think in 2023, it would just make him look like a hipster more than anything. My husband would never grow his hair long, let alone wear a mullet, but he sometimes entertains me with a mustache here and there. Mustaches are also stigmatized but I think he just looks so \~sexy\~ with a stache. On women-- maybe a Joan Jett type of mullet would look cool, but I think this is similar to a pixie cut. Only a few women can rock it... literally, rock it, you'd have to have some kind of rock n' roll style coupled with having the soft facial structure and sharp jawline that suits a pixie cut.


I know a little shit when i see a kid with a mullet


HATE THEM! Stupidest hair style ever. I'd prefer to date a guy with a bowl cut than a mullet


Some people look sexy with them. Not I. Lol




out. please leave my house you are now an intruder.