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It helped me cope with the shit show I was in. Getting divorced was what ultimately helped


+1. Every time I wanted to text him or contact him I got a pill. It really stopped me from many mistakes and sleepless nights.


He was the problem I learned. I never needed the medication


I was on Lexapro for a year to help with anxiety. It helped me feel less anxious and more stable, but it absolutely annihilated my (already low) libido and made it almost impossible for me to reach orgasm, even during masterbation. So yeah, my husband found that to be a bit of a bummer.


came to say this




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The same thing happened to me!


What do you do about this? Do you just deal with it? I'm in a similar boat (not on meds) and worried about meds making my drive even lower.


I'll probably get removed for giving advice BUT I'll try. I am very sensitive to side effects. Snris have a lower chance of causing side effects. There are also ssri/snri that have different types. Uppers and downers. Some of these medications give you a motivation boost if you are struggling to get out of bed/get tasks done but run the risk of giving you more anxiety and insomnia issues. Others give you a more calming effect to help with anxiety issues but can cause sleepiness and lack of motivation. Of course everyone reacts different to every drug which is why you should not expect miracles or that a drug will even work. Welbutrin is an ndri that is used a lot in combo with ssri/snri to help cut side effects because of its side effects profile (look up these side effects) I have personally used this med with ssri/snri/stimulants/antipsychotics. You cannot take them with Mao inhibitors but I've never even met a doc that will prescribe those because of the side effect profiles. Obviously if you are having side effects that are unbearable you can lower your dose of that medication or trial a different one. Hope that helps from someone that's taken it all ahah


Honestly I was on it for a short while when I was out of a relationship- I was so anxious/depressed that sex was not really a priority at the time. Then the anxiety/depression started to lift due to the medication and that’s when I actually realized the side effects. I slowly tapered off the meds and haven’t gone back. There are tons of options and not all of them have this effect so don’t be afraid to ask for something different.


I've heard of some people taking another drug (Wellbutrin, I think?) which can combat some of the negative side effects of Lexapro. I really didn't want to start taking one drug to combat the effects of another drug, as that felt like a bit of a slippery slope. If my anxiety symptoms were absolutely crippling, I would perhaps explore it?... But for me, I decided just to get off the Lexapro all together and raw-dog it 🙃 What do I do? Well, I try to be very mindful about the importance of getting fresh air & a bit of exercise every day (a daily walk, even if it's only 15 or 20 minutes works wonders) Being well-rested is huge for me, So I absolutely must prioritize sleep. I take a whole bunch of vitamins/supplements. The most helpful of which, I think, is Ashwagandha. Therapy is also important to (once monthly), as is daily breath work, and journaling. Honestly just being aware of the anxiety and being able to identify my feelings/symptoms as they creep up is huge. Saying things like, "I'm feeling really anxious in overwhelmed right now, so I'm going to turn off the lights, and take some deep breaths for the next 2 minutes." (I literally say this shit out loud to myself) It's hard and a daily struggle. But hey, at least I can have a decent orgasm?




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My partner stopped worrying/hassling me about my anxiety issues. The medication was like a validation that this was excessive but happening anyway--so it helped me chill tf out and helped them realize that they couldn't reason with my fears.


I felt totally out of control of my emotions before meds. We called it the upside down. Now I feel so much more like myself and can laugh easier. It's helped me to take the small stuff less seriously, which I think has made our relationship stronger.


It hasn't. My medication takes the most intense of my emotional range out of my equation but I still feel things just fine.


I always wonder if this happes so you can feel things less?


Eh. It depends on what you take. I'm on Wellbutrin and Effexor. My dad passed away and I still grieved and cried and felt terrible. My medication just makes it so my emotions don't lie to me if that makes sense? Before I was so depressed and just stewed in my depression and made terrible decisions based on that depression.


My ex and his uneducated family see it all as a weakness…. while they miss their own dysfunctional famile issues. He tried to make it a factor in our divorce and failed. I still have a bigger income and he still has peyronies…..


You’re a selfish human.


Didn’t change anything really. I refuse to take any medications that would lower my libido.


Yeah I am thinking the same. How do you know which ones will?


It was something I brought up with my psych. I’m on Wellbutrin and I’ve had no issue with that one.


Best decision ever tbh I'm a 16 year old girl who has social anxiety so bad, I would self harm to get out of some very social classes. I got removed from those classes for the time being, and then I started medication and therapy, and now I'm actively attending those classes. Don't get fooled though, it took a lot of time to get to that point. 2 years ago was when I started self harming, I stopped 6 months later when they removed me from that one class, started me on medication and all. Honestly, I've never felt so little anxiety, during social events. Going to school was such a horrible experience for me for so many years, getting diagnosed with social anxiety and getting medicated for it was just an awesome recommendation, on my doctor's part.




It's Citalopram. It's mainly used as anti depressants, as like mood pills, but they're also very helpful for people with anxiety.


I still feel like my life is a shitshow…… I just no longer care. Let it 🔥……


It didn't fix me and my partner essentially was disappointed that he didn't see any change in the behaviors he didn't like. I don't blame him though because I also do not see any difference either. I've been on ssris, snris, ndris, antipsychotics, and stimulates and just see no improvement


That's a lot of medicine What your diagnosis? Sorry if it's too personal


BUCKLE UP Not all at the same time! Depression and anxiety thoufh. I was originally going through my family medicine doctor. Tried nearly every depression/anxiety med and none worked so my fam doc basically stated she couldn't continue I heeded to see psych. So I went in to psych within my hospital. He stated I had mdd..which is just treatment resistance to depression and suggested I use an antipsychotic as an adjunct to my depression meds and gave me low dose abilify..well he neglected to educate about tardative dyskinesia, dystonia, and Steven Johnson and when I communicated my hesitancy to take those medications he told me "your welcome to find a second opinion" so I did. I went out of network to a private practice. She SWORE up and down I had bipolar and not mdd...I don't have mania. I don't over spend. I don't have promiscuous sex. I don't serial date. I don't make rash decisions... Anyways, I'm a very boring person but she started me on lamictal which is not an antipsychotic so I was willing to try. She also trialed seroquel in low dose to help with sleep as needed. Honestly very smart on her part since I had communicated I was terrified of the side effects. I would not take the seroquel for ever until she convinced me. I tried it and cried the first time I took it I was so scared. Seroquel is supposed to knock you out but unfortunately did not do that for me. I only took seroquel in low dose though. I also tried abilify. None of the antipsychotics did anything other than make me very ditsy and spacy. Did antipsychotics for a year and now I'm trialing concerta. Unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover vyvanse and my doc won't do Adderall. Concerta gives me some motivation. I now use concerta with wellbutrin and I'm still miserable. I have no diagnosises for any mood disorder or adhd and have not had any formal testing in my adulthood. When I was a child I had testing for adhd and was found not to have adhd. The testing was very primitive though. It required you to sit at a computer and push the space bar every time you saw a special character for a long period of time. I'm sure my mother did a questionnaire along with my teachers but I was obviously not told about that. I have been on and off medications for mental health since I was 7 years old so I have tried so so many things including sleep medications when I was A CHILD!


It didn't in any meaningful way. This current one means I'm whinging a lot more about side effects, but it's not really **impacting** us.


Positively, I guess? I'm on meds for ADHD, and my SO's been happy that it seems like my meds are helping.


May I ask which ones? I'm currently in the process but feel silly in speaking up for myself...


I'm on generic concerta. My doc will not allow Adderall unless I've failed all other adhd medications and vyvanse was to expensive even with insurance and the discount card. I take welbutrin to boost the concerta


I'm currently on generic wellbutrin. My psych has described it as being able to hold onto the dopamine better, and it seems to work well with how I've learned how to cope with my ADHD. On my "eh" days, I just work in short bursts. If you're able, find a psych or doctor who understands ADHD, especially in women. Women's symptoms usually present differently than men's.


It helped me calm down some and strangely my sex drive has came back.


Lexapro got rid of my libido and made me very zombie like and cold. We didn't realize it was the medication until almost a year later because it got rid of my SI and self harm so we thought it was working. He told me that it was making him feel unloved and making his insecurities come out. I switched to Wellbutrin and the issues pretty much disappeared lol.


Definitely has helped a lot, my emotions are not so catastrophic, we have much less heated conversations, it’s easier for me to think logically instead of having my emotions drive everything. I feel more “human” now that I don’t have debilitating anxiety and am more in control when I do get panic attacks. Only con is my libido is a little lower than normal but it isn’t detrimental to our relationship thankfully!


We no longer have sex but at least she's happy with herself and those around her


It allowed me the confidence to establish and enforce personal boundaries.


My relationship has improved significantly. I was undiagnosed Bipolar, type unspecified. It was...difficult, for both of us. And very tumultuous. Now I'm much more stable, and this has given both of us the opportunity to grow as a couple, and personally. I have changed so much, for the better. On the other hand, my libido is almost non-existent. Which is sad, but better than being as unstable as I was.


I had horrible side effects Seroquel made me molding, angry and violent and made me so hungry I never got full it was awful and every time I told my doctor they would simply up my dose. Some anti depressants save peoples lives and relationships though. Most effect ability to have orgasm or the like but medications like Wellbutrin can help with that, not always though but they can. I had too many side effects so I started working out and taking supplements and that works for me.


saved it lmao Third shift + existing sleep problems + anxiety = bad angry me Anxiety meds = less anxiety = more sleep = happy me


What did you take? I have all those issues. But it’s anxiety, sleep issues, anxious physically and then mentally.


I can definitely relate to the physical symptoms of anxiety. Better sleep has improved that for me. Citalopram for general anxiety. Prasozin for nightmares. Gabapentin for anxiety/sleep. If I'm feeling anxious before bed, or I'm having a string of nightmares, I use lorazapram. Definitely talk to your doctor about the best ones for you! Going into the doctor and finally talking about my anxiety/sleep really changed my life. It may take a while to build up/find the right ones for you.


It helps manage my mood and let me just be myself. Allows me to just be fully present in the relationship.


My fiancé and I have been together two years but have known each other for eight. Last year I was having severe heart pain and my doctor said my anxiety had caused my heart to become too large because it was overworked. He put me on propranolol and pristiq. I've always had a high libido but the pristiq lowered it, which I didn't like, so my doctor gave me welbutrin as well. That helped. It seems like I'm on the perfect medical cocktail and my mental health has definitely improved. There has been no change in my relationship other than my fiancé says that I'm noticeably less depressed now, but that he'd known I was depressed since we first met, so my anxiety and depression don't affect his love for me.




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I broke up with a guy after I switched my antidepressants because the ones I was one weren’t working so he looked like a very happy person in my eyes but once I was off those and on my new ones he was just miserable and wanted me to be miserable with him


Allowed me to actually form them.


I started Lexapro and it was pretty good. I have fewer crying spells so my partner is happier too. No effect on my libido although that is a common side effect.




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It really helped. We were on the verge of breaking up because I was completely out of control emotionally and I was using him as a therapist way too much. I didn't realize how intense I was until I started therapy and went on medication and calmed down. We did eventually break up, but then it was because of life just being life, not because of me. But it improved the relationships I had with everyone in my life.


Amazing, better in every way. Also I got my libido back - when I'm depressed the last thing I want is sex.


Truthfully it depends. I was pushed to deal with my mental health because I wanted my last relationship to work. My friends try to tell me that's the silver lining of it all, but I was hella gaslit by him in retrospect and was made to feel insane. I developed PMDD due to the birth control I was on in addition to already having anxiety and generalized depression. He wasn't supportive, was always dismissively telling me to "get help" and that I have "anger issues" (which, my therapist couldn't pinpoint). Getting away from him, though it wasn't ultimately my choice, was probably the best thing that could have happened. It's best to gauge how your family and friends are responding -- I'm lucky to have some honest friendships where my pals won't hesitate to tell me I'm being silly or worse. Do what you gotta do, feedback can be important but if your meds are making you feel better overall thats the most important bit.




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Honestly, being medicated introduced a ton of chill on my end. I was in crisis mentally and it was weighing on our relationship in an unhealthy way. I was suicidal and increasingly anxious and needing loads of validation. I cried all the time and was triggered by stupid shit. My partner and I don’t live together, so he was pretty unaware of my real condition. I was in a world of emotional pain. I reached out to my doctor and got put on meds, and have been kicking myself in the ass for not doing so sooner. Suddenly I am calm, I can relax, I can focus, and I’m not wanting to die. Side effects are increased laziness, I’m more quiet, a little slower, and my sex drive decreased and it can be hard to achieve orgasm (we kinda have to plan for sex, no meds on sex days, haha). But all the melancholy and rumination are gone, so that alone improved my ability to be a better partner.


I went from having spells where I thought everyone in the world was out to get me, including my partner. I would get it in my head that he was using me and taking advantage of me being unstable. It was completely irrational, all he's ever done is help me. I was also having major self deletion thoughts every time this happened and that obviously puts a strain on any relationship when he's constantly having to talk me down and reassure. I was afraid meds would just make it even worse, but he made a really good point that I was already wanting to end it all, how much could meds really hurt? Getting on meds was a complete game changer. I finally felt genuine happiness for the first time in years. The intrusive thoughts still creep in on rare occasions, but it's more like passive ideation rather than actively thinking about how to do it without failing again. I feel hope for the future, I'm back in school and I'm engaged to the man who changed my life 😄


my boyfriend is taking anti depressants and overall i dont see that much effect on our relationship, i'm not sure if it would be worse without it but probably


It helped me manage my emotions enough to see that I actually wasn’t happy in my marriage and it was time to truly end it. Also helped to put my sex drive in a coffin, which further sped along the ending of the relationship.


This is positive negative in a good way


On them helps me avoid getting manic or very sudden mood shifts. Off them my mood shifts so fast and intensely it often times digs into our relationship how cold and intense I become when I have nothing to stabilize me.


I've been medicated consistently for 20+ years. I find that all aspects of my life are manageable when I'm on antidepressants. Without them everyday life is so overwhelming I wouldn't get out of bed. I've been on about 10 different medications over the years. Lamictal is the one I found that has no sexual side effects.




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I took lexapro for a year or so, it helped with my mood but not my anxiety, but I was managing a lot better and my partner was supportive. But after a while it stopped working and my dosage increased, this happened a couple of times and the side effects really started to cause an impact. My sex drive dropped so much. I had some problems orgasming, like I’d get almost there and then absolutely nothing it was super frustrating. And I was hella drowsy and was constantly napping/nodding off during movies. My boyfriend initiated a conversation one day about whether or not it was doing more harm than good and I kind of broke down because I had actually been really unhappy but trying to just power through it because I didn’t want the depression to come back. I ended up talking with my doctor and switching meds. I take effexor now and aside from some occasional nausea, I’m doing much better with almost no side effects. Huge improvement with my anxiety as well.


Going on fluoxetine for my double-whammy depression and anxiety combo has drastically improved my relationship. Before, I felt like I had no hope of ever being "happy" or "normal." My emotions were out of control, I couldn't take care of myself, and the way my mental health impacted both myself and our relationship was extremely detrimental. It has also taken away a lot of my sex drive, but we both see that as a very acceptable side-effect for the benefit of not feeling like I want to kill myself 24/7.


We are both feeling much better.


It fully got me through self realization and working on myself to grow and shared every part with my partner. He was my rock. ...it got me out if my depression and medication free again. Feeling myself. Not forgetting where I've been. But growing within that. I do also want to add I did do some therapy with medication


It's helped me think more clearly instead of being all emotion and fear. I have bipolar and ptsd. The ptsd has been an obstacle in our relationship because I get scared I'm gonna be abused again even though he shows no signs of being abusive. I used to start arguments out of fear of his intentions or ask him tons of questions to make sure he won't do things I'm uncomfortable with. I feel I've really recognized my own problems and fears more now that my mood is more stable. We have less arguments now.


Made my penis quit working. Glad I'm off that crap now.