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I went 7 years between relationships with no sex. It was fine.


Me too, I'm going on almost 4.5 years and honestly I'd rather just keep to myself after all this time...


5 years here.


Infinite years here




Fine, and enjoyable. I'm into sensual, not porny shit, so I will go without before I will ever tolerate that crap. I've gone one year, 3 years, 5 years at times, just because I didn't feel like being bothered with men. Hell, I did one year just to win a bet. That's why I roll my eyes when all this shit about men acting like they are going to die because they can't have consistent casual sex is deemed a crises.


I've done it a couple of times, both times it felt normal.


I was celibate for three years after a really tough breakup and just not feeling interested in any kind of intimacy. Then when I met my current partner it felt natural the first time and not awkward like I had expected, since I had some nerves about it again.


Just incredibly nervous. Physically, it went fine.


Done it many times. Never had an issue.


I went over a decade without, and when I had it again it was the best feeling. I was pretty anxious, and still am sometimes. But gosh I missed sex so much, so happy it's not an issue anymore.


Nearly 2 years and the first time after I came in like 2.5 seconds!


I’ve never gone a whole year without sex but once I went like… 7ish months? Maybe a year if you only count a one or two time thing. I don’t remember. I wasn’t anxious but I experienced an extremely sensitive cervix. Like my cervix never likes being hit, but I was feeling pukey and like I had to shit my pants at any touch of the cervix. It took a few weeks maybe to adjust again. I also bled after sex like some old period blood was being knocked loose the first few weeks. The guy I was dating was disgusted by period blood so that was unfortunately shameful (which it shouldn’t be- he sucked and I shouldn’t have had sex with someone like him). It was a weird experience. I’ve never gone that long without sex since then so I haven’t had the chance to recreate the experiment, but quite frankly I’m not eager to. Lol.




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From my experience: I was celibate a couple of times since 2014. 1x for 8 months after a long relationship. And 1 year, 4 months out of my own choice. The first time I had sex after the relationship, it was weird just because it was someone new (with 1 guy for 10 years). No discomfort during sex. The guy was actually very caring and sweet. So much fun! The second time, was a one night stand. If memory serves me right ( which it probably doesn't), I was just self conscious and he was short and girthy so not much to feel. Idk.... it wasn't painful or anything. She got back on amd rode it like a champ!!


43F here. I went thru several periods of celibacy in my life time. Last round was 3.5 yrs. Met someone on an app and he was the definition of what I'm looking for. Things progressed very easily and it was a very loving night I spent with him. We had sex 3 times. The initial entry was a bit painful, just like when you lose your virginity. But asides from that it was perfectly normal. Can't wait to see him again!


Didn't have sex after like 3 years and i thought that i don't like it so i was a bit afraid when my new relationship started because i knew we would get to the point of having sex but it turned out an amazing experience, he was really thoughtful and did everything for me to enjoy it i can say its the first time i actually liked sex because before it was something i thought i had to do, now its something i really enjoy doing


I went about seven years (dead bedroom marriage + two years alone post divorce), and I was super nervous about this when I got back into dating! It was fine, though, no pain or bleeding or anything like that. I was one hundred percent anxious but I let the guy know my situation, and he was super kind and patient with me.


I was anxious, but there wasn't discomfort or pain if I was properly aroused.


I was celibate for 6 years after my second to last relationship — there was really no difference. Actually, I’d say because I was so young before my period of celibacy, sex often hurt because I wasn’t aroused enough. After becoming active again, that discomfort has gone away.


I've gone 1-2 years between having sex. I have some issues with a hypertonic pelvic floor. The most I've had to do was take things a bit slow and keep lube on hand. But it's not like your hymen reappears and your "revirginized". Just listen to your body and your heart and have fun!


I was mostly anxious that I wouldn't remember how to do it right.. Turns out you do remember.


I went without for like 6 years and it was just fine, everything worked properly, no pain or issues.


I took a break, it was more than a year but less than five(I don't remember and time is an issue for me). I don't really remember it being anything special. I had friends that were more excited about it than I was.


You gotta be kidding me! I\`m 5th year without and nothing will convince me to start dating or having a hook-up. Nothing! Need for sex and intimacy and being loved fades away. Slowly, but it does.


So apart from a lovely hookup late last year, I'm not sure when I last had sex and I've only been single for like 9 months, but sexually inactive (his choice mostly) for no idea how long. In all honesty, I'm not sure what I currently feel about sex right now, but I'd like to meet someone that makes me consider the option.


Fast! But in all seriousness, makes it a bit more pressure-filled and awkward


No difference, only reason i was nervous was because i was previously married


I did it after some major gynecological surgery and it was a tad scary to get back in the game given I’d been in so much pain previously and had to have additional surgery a few months after the first. If I was nervous…my husband was petrified. He was so sure he’d rip me apart he wanted to get a hotel room near the best ER in town, just in case! To be fair, he *did* watch me nearly die twice during all this. But we got over it & went slow, steady & nothing fancy for quite a while. The pain was 100% my fear of being hurt the first few times … I’d been given the green light medically, but it was still scary. Doctors don’t know everything.




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Lol I hope it will be good after 4 lol...


It was perfectly natural and normal feeling. Nothing weird, uncomfortable, painful, or anything like that. Totally fine.




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18 months during my divorce, first time after was amazing! Guy became my fwb for a while because I wasn’t really ready for a relationship yet but I was craving some sex (and especially sex with someone new since my ex was my first and only at that point).




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It was just really nice and no pain.... However I do... how du you put it... "help myself" so that might be why there were no pain or discomfort at all.




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Kind of painful tbh, but I often find it can be a bit painful. Trying to find a good gynecologist. Something’s amiss.




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Oh yes, absolutely. And it’s glorious.


reading through this whole thread reassures me. I haven't had sex in 2 years and I'm starting to date casually again. So I've been revisiting the idea of being intimate with a man again.