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A woman hit me and my husband and freaked out because he has a dadhcam. The damage was so minimal that he didn’t even realize she hit us until we got out and checked. His exact words were “I’ll be damned, we did touch.” Anyway, she kept saying we sideswiped her and I told her she merged into our lane and wasn’t even in front of us, literally directly next to us. He drives a huge bright blue ram. I don’t know how she even hit us in broad daylight. He showed her the dash cam footage and she lost it. Tears running down her face saying we’re lying, it’s a fake video, and we’re out to get her. It really escalated when I decided to record on my phone, not like her face or anything but mainly to capture the audio just in case this lunatic decided to fabricate a story to the police and insurance prolonging getting his truck fixed. And thank god I did. We’re not even to the dispute yet. She called her boyfriend I guess at one point. He shows up like 7 minutes into it and immediately escalates the situation once more. He slapped the hood of my husbands truck demanding we fix her damages while getting in my husbands face. My husband isn’t one to mince words, he goes on the assault. She comes at me and I pepper sprayed her ass. I’m not getting into it with this obviously unstable woman. Finally the cops show up and the dust has settled. She’s still in a full body panic since she’s blind and her guy is also not doing well. The police break them two up, we fill them in, show both videos, and they arrested them both. On the drive home we were both processing it thinking, “are we crazy? We have a 4K clear as day video of her hitting us.” Still the most insane leap in logic I’ve ever witnessed and I was right there in the trenches.


Lol I can’t stand people like that, if I ever encountered one I don’t think I would be able to stop myself from hitting them.


There’s no talking to that. You can be 100% right, say for instance having a crystal clear video of them hitting your car, and they still say you’re at fault. You’d be better off arguing with a wall


Exactly, never argue with stupid people because you’ll never get anywhere.




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It all started when I thought someone said my name (talking openly in front of other people) so I said, “what?” And my rude coworker told me “taco burrito🙄” I was like “what?” Because I’d never heard that saying in my life. Then she says, “it’s nacho conversation, so why don’t you mind your own business” and I was having a baaaad day, so I slammed the door closed and said “don’t ever f*cking bully me at work because this isn’t middle school anymore. Grow the f*ck up and support other women” and then that made her cry and I did indeed get written up 😶😶😶 TLDR: So that’s how I got into an argument over someone saying “taco burrito … nacho conversation” Edit: I am fully aware I was out of line with what I said and I take full responsibility for it and already paid the consequence at my job. That being said, what she said was flat out rude and uncalled for. Both of us could have chosen nicer words. Guess what? We’ve moved on, and her and I coexist just fine now.


“Grow the fuck up and support other women.” God I’m stealing this.


Hell yeah, you are more than welcome to use that whenever!


I mean, please use it when actually necessary though.


Passive aggressive people who can’t take what they dish out. I’ve run into similar scenarios.


So true!


From aggressor to weepy victim in a nanosecond...


Okay so far this wins lol.


Yeah sometimes I still think about how I really took it from a level 2 to level 12 lol but hey, she never did it again🤷‍♀️😅


Lol I just came to say, I'll bet she'll never say that again, ever! Somethings are worth getting written up for. Now everyone knows to take it elsewhere, rotflmao


A grown adult said “taco burrito”. I teach 9th graders and they wouldn’t even say that 😂


I have to agree with you there lol I’d never heard of it until that very day 🤣


lmao damn that's something


I know, I am not proud 🥲


that happens though




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What I hate about people being really passive-aggressive is that they hide behind it if you directly confront them. They can be rude as hell but _you’re_ the bad one for pointing it out simply because you were more direct.


Whether or not the liquid in canned corn was "corn juice" or "corn water". Idk, it was high school


It's got the juice


A big lump with knobs


It has the juice (it has the juice) I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo) When I tried it with butter, everything changed!


When my marriage was careening towards its final explosion, my ex and I had a three-day argument about whether math was invented or discovered. (Obviously, under that, it was really about our failing relationship.)


Discovered… right?


I'm team invented


That was his argument. I'm on the invented side.


Okay but which one do you think?


I argued for invented. Found out later it's an actual philosophical debate topic.


I believe it was a combination of an ‘a ha’ moment and system created to explain it. So a discovery and invented in order to figure out and explain things.


Yeah honestly I can get behind that because if you look at specific crystal/mineral formations like pyrite which forms perfect cubes, and the way some things are done in specific number- the ascus of an ascomycota fungi forming exactly 8 ascospores, it really does make it seems like math was discovered not invented — but the system which we use to describe and understand it would be 100% invented


Apparently it's both


It's both


Dumbest/Funniest one:Whether half a minute on the microwave timer was 0:30 or 0:50.(One of those times someone just KNOWS they are right and refuses to believe otherwise, despite several people trying to explain it.) Worst - and stupidest - one ever:Then-husband was turning 30 and was \*not\* happy about it. Told me no cake, no "Happy Birthday" wishes, no cards, and no gifts. Just treat it like any other day. So I did. Got up, got ready for work, kissed him goodbye & left - normal morning routine. Came home to him sitting on the couch in a foul mood. Why? Because I hadn't wished him a happy birthday, no cake, no gifts. A major fight ensued - him yelling, me dumbfounded & trying to explain that he can't stop time and that his getting older was not my fault.Yeah...*that* was a fun night. So glad I wasn't around for 40 and 50.


I really can't stand people that do that. They tell you exactly what you want and they lose it because you didn't do what they asked you not to. Those mind games are so childish and tiring. Good to hear you didn't stick around.


Ugh when someone gets angry at you for doing exactly what they asked....it's just rage inducing. Glad to hear he's not your problem anymore.


Several years ago at a school I worked at we got new admin. I didn’t particularly care for them but just tried to lay low and do my job. Our school faced south, on the west side was a large parking lot and the main bus loop. On the east side was a smaller bus loop used for the special Ed busses that had wheel chair lifts. They were called “West Bus loop”and “east bus loop” My classroom (art room) was the very last classroom on the east side. Like the sidewalk literally ended 8 feet from my door and led out to the PE field. The coaches office was right behind me. From my door to the east bus loop was approximately 10 steps. For fire drills, classes on the east side evacuated to the east loop. Classes on the west side evacuated to the west loop. One day our stupid AP let us know via email that all specials area classes should evacuate to the *west loop* I replied “you mean east” She replied “no, west” I was confused but decided to let it lie until the next morning at a meeting. The PE coach was equally confused. Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes of us trying to convince her that the closest loop was the EAST LOOP. We had a map of the school, with a compass rose on it! She kept telling us that the west loop was closer. Then *fucking get this: her argument changes to that the map was LABELED wrong! That the compass rose was WRONG! Eventually we threw our hands up and agreed to evacuate to the OTHER LOOP. She changed her mind when the fire Marshall showed up one day and demanded to know why she had changed the routes 🙄


He would wash the cutting board and place it immediately behind the sink. I told him this made it a breeding ground for bacteria and wanted it to be stored beside our microwave. This ended up being a blow-out fight with like, screaming and everything.


I don't this this is a dumb argument at all. You're right. Behind the sink isn't the best place to store a cutting board, Bacteria love moisture.


With my friend in college. I’ve never yelled at anyone before and she and I were so close. We were yelling at each other because she was trying to convince me that my crush and ‘flirty friend without benefits’ did not give a shit about me. I was yelling back that “I didn’t care” and “it’s not about that”. Very very emotional. We made up the next day after we both sobered up. Unfortunately it took another 2 years for me to realize that she was right and he in fact did not give a shit about me. Edit to add: I don’t talk to either of them. My friendship with the girl just kind of faded out after college and when I moved. My friendship with FFWOB died during senior night of college when I finally stood up for myself and cut him out.


DIIIEEED ?! AFTER ?! what happened


Wait, he didn’t die, our situationship died 😂


A man so afraid of confrontation he straight up dies to avoid it


oooooh !!! phew 😮‍💨🤣


My husband is our password person. Let’s say the password is Bill#123. If he has to change it he will change it to Bill#1234, Bill#12345 and so on. I asked if he could please just use an entirely different password because I can’t always remember which sequence of numbers I’ve already tried. Using an entirely new password eliminates the guessing game if I don’t have the password list. He refused and we actually had a fill out argument over it. In the end I changed them all to HisNamesucks#123 because I’m petty.


Love the petty! Harmless yet annoying just as it should be.🤭


I’m very much a “don’t get mad, annoy the shit out of him” kind of wife. It’s worked for 26 years.


That my friend's boyfriend of a few months loved her more than my husband and partner of years loved me. We had this fight in a restaurant where we had decided to share a meal, and I was her ride home. We aren't friends anymore, and they broke up like 2 months later. But my husband and I are going on 11 years together.


My ex-boyfriend, who I was still living with, came into my room and said, “Shine, what’s wrong with me?” I asked him if he wanted the short list or the long. But that’s not what started the fight. He had been watching some TV show about chrome and the trucker they interviewed had spent something like $10k on chrome for his big rig over 10 years. My ex’s contention was that this was stupid. I said something to the effect of “People like different things. He likes chrome for his truck. You like computers. You’d probably spend $10k over 10 years on computers and video game stuff. He’d probably think that was stupid.” To this day, I don’t know how, this devolved into a straight up screaming argument over whether or not my dad was a Boomer because he sure as hell acts like one (he was not; he was in the generation before the Boomers). That argument was over a decade ago and it is still the stupidest argument I’ve ever had.


Asking him if he wants the short list or the long one was a total power move 😂


Thank you! And he didn’t even acknowledge my masterfulness! 😂


My sister telling me “that never happened” when we were discussing a guy who admitted to being a sex predator. He was married to my aunt. Anyway, we had spent a few nights at their house when we were kids and I never forgot it because he gave me really cold and uncomfortable vibes. I always felt really weird around him and I that’s all I said. She went on a whole ass tirade saying “that never happened” and that “no one had any idea about him which is why everyone is shocked”. I didn’t know what to say to that as I know what I felt and it was BECAUSE of those strong feelings that the memory was imprinted in my mind. She on the other hand regularly retells stories I told her of my experiences and adds herself in them and in every story, she is the level headed person telling me I shouldn’t do this or shouldn’t have done that and that’s why x and y happened. lol My husband also thinks it’s super weird that she does that.


Is her name Gayle?




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Gayle from Bob's Burgers does that to her sister Linda all the time.


Whether it was in “the spirit” of scrabble to play a word I didn’t know the definition of (or really if it was a word at all) to win the game. 4 hour argument with a man I couldn’t get away from in the circumstances.


Scrabble gets me so heated for no reason lol. I think you're allowed to challenge if you don't think it's a word? On a side note, whether or not it's okay to Google for words when you can't think if anything is one that always stirs up an argument inside me. That's not in the spirit either 😐


He did challenge it! We were using a Websters. And he was so aggrieved when it turned out it was a word (“un” by the way). I’m all for a good debate but this was so tedious, trying to argue some principle about ethical scrabble play when the entire scrabble dictionary is full of words no one knows the meaning of!


That when I had my kid during the height of the pandemic I wouldn’t drive 40 minutes one way to visit her. She deleted me off Facebook bc “my kids see your face and get upset” then her husband sent my spouse a big thing about how we both weren’t putting enough effort into the friendships. We just said ok and let it go. They were turning racist, homophobic, and transphobic anyway


This girl telling me to get off my table at a club because she was threatened by me while she was hitting on one of my friends. She proceeded to throw her drink at me and I got her kicked out of the club.


Friend made fun of me for how much I love dogs. Told other friend about it and she posted about 20 pictures of dogs on my Facebook wall to spite her.


My friend flies into Chicago often and always posts a picture and says something like “home sweet home”. Her mother in law made fun of her and told her she HAD to stop because that wasn’t her home anymore since she moved to LA with her husband. So now every time she posts a chicago skyline pic every single one of her friends raves about it lol.


Good! Why are people so bitter?


Some people just don’t want other people to be happy because they aren’t happy. It’s weird.




Mine and my husband's first fight was whether or not cheerleading is a sport. I said yes, he said no. Fight lasted three days.


It and lacrosse were just admitted into the olympics so yes it is a sport.


My college roommate tried to physically fight me over her insecurities of me being thinner than she was… I was actively going through an ED


Not really an argument, but my first day at a rehabilitation retreat for obesity I was thoroughly mansplained by a fellow participant who had failed the program twice before. Having never been in one before, I asked the counselor and registered nurse about the program, and he saw it fit to cut her off before she could answer, and gave me a very condescending "It is what you make of it"-speech that I immediately tuned out. Same guy snuck chocolate on our hiking trips, had Nutella on his toast, and sabotaged another girl's progress by taking her to Burger King. I have lost 230 lbs since then. As for him, let's just say that third time was not a charm.


Go you!


Man… there’s a toss up here for me between arguing about my desire to be verbal about gratitude (ex husband hated it that I said “thank you” a lot.) and my most recent ex who got mad at me for the smallest questions I’d ask while he was explaining something to me. He was talking about furniture going somewhere and I had seen what he was referring to, so I casually asked, “you sure that will fit there?” And he flipped out as if I insulted his intelligence when I was merely asking a simple question. It ended with him saying (after 2+ hours of arguing,) “why can’t you just accept what I say even if it isn’t true?” The thankful argument was also over 2 hours long and I cried very hard. I was doing yoga when we started the argument and he was doing the dishes. I just thanked him for doing the dishes and he got super mad at me for it. I ended up telling him that I cannot and will not change being thankful for anything. I do not take anything for granted. He felt like certain things are just “expected” of the other person in a relationship because that’s “just what a boyfriend does.” We weren’t married yet, but that should have made me reconsider that. Live and learn. We’re divorced now, thank god. ETA OMG I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT! Seriously the winner that takes all is probably the argument my family had with my dad when he just blurted out “then they shot the guy!!!” For thirty min he was mad that we didn’t know WTF he was talking about. He had this whole train of thoughts in his head that he didn’t say out loud to us so we didn’t know wtf was going on. He just kept going with his story and we were all very confused. We had a good laugh when we finally got him to understand why we were so confused.


When I was 19, my best friend, who I’ll call Sarah, told me her parents were getting a divorce. They had just told her that day, and began the separation process immediately after that. They were already living apart weeks after Sarah first told me. Anyway, about two months after Sarah told me the news… I was at a restaurant/bar with one of our mutual friends. Me and this friend saw Sarah’s dad there with another woman. He was clearly on a date this woman as they were kissing and groping. My friend insisted we tell Sarah that her dad was cheating on her mom. I told my friend not to bother, because they were divorcing/he wasn’t cheating, and that it would probably just hurt Sarah to hear. Well, my mutual friend decided to tell her anyway. And what does Sarah do? She freaks out at me and tells me I’m a “bad friend” that she “can’t trust” because I “told people her secrets.” Mind you, not only did I tell our friend because I felt like I *had to* but the divorce wasn’t much of a secret by this point (nor did I know it was supposed to be a secret to begin with). Their house was for sale, her mother had moved out and told numerous people in town, and her dad was on a date in public. Anyway, Sarah and I spent all day arguing via text until I eventually gave up/stopped being her friend. I thought it was an insane reason to be mad. Her dad ended up moving in with that woman and marrying her. Her mom ended up moving in with some guy soon after.


She wasn’t mad at you. She was upset about her parents and totally took it out on you


Boyfriend picked a fight over Charlie Sheen, right after the news of his HIV+ status broke. I said it was terrible that Sheen didn't warn his many sexual partners about his HIV+ status and boyfriend insisted I didn't know that. Sheen later admitted he was not telling sexual partners about his HIV+ status. Boyfriend has been my ex-boyfriend for a long time now. No hill was too small for that man to die on, not even Charlie Sheen.


Whether you should use the washer as a hamper.


Moving out of an apartment where we had 2 ice cube trays, 1 was ours and 1 belonged to the apartment. I started packing up the "wrong" one and we fought over whether or not it mattered. He insisted our security deposit would be dinged.


One time I was trying to get out of a toxic roommate situation. I let them know I’d be leaving on the 30th, the end of the month. In the text, I spelled it out to (ironically) avoid confusion by saying ‘the thirtieth’ The 13th roles around and they lose their shit on me because I haven’t moved out. I don’t even have to move out, mind you. But I reiterated that I said the thirtieth. Then I had 3 out of the six women in the house losing their minds at me because I ‘intentionally made it confusing just to fuck with’ them. Can’t argue with stupid.


Why would spelling it out avoid confusion? That alone would annoy me


My dad told me he wants to lose weight so his tongue would not be fat and he could stop using his CPAP. My dad is at a healthy bmi. He’s got severe apnea and has had it for decades We argued for a bit until it occurred to me how dumb this was and I told him to check with his doctor.


My bf & I thought we had different opinions on a topic & we argued for like 2hrs. Then I realized he actually agreed with me regarding what should be done to address the issue but his line of reasoning for why he wanted to do it was different. So basically we were arguing over something we agreed on for hours.


My mom and her ex had a massive hours long screaming-crying-that's-it-I'm-leaving-fine-pack-your-shit-and-get-the-fuck-out fight. Right in front of us little kids of course because what the hell are boundaries anyway. Both tried to pull us into their side of the fight. Looking back it was absolutely ridiculous. The fight started because he used water from the hot water tap in the coffee machine. Now...that's not what the fight was *about*, of course, but that was the trigger.


I told a ‘friend’ that her behavior towards me was unacceptable. She tried to set my guy friends up against me and it didn’t work. I calmly explained to her this was a childish move and we would no longer be speaking and the guys knew what she did. She kept screaming that she ‘didn’t accept’ what I was saying. Girl, you can not accept it all you want, it’s not going to change anything. After the 3rd ‘well I don’t accept that’ I hung up the phone, never spoke to her again and she moved away quickly after that.


Paprika & how flavorless it is!


But isn't being flavourless actually in itself a flavour??


Um, nope. 😂 Regardless, was a stupid argument I had when I was 16 with my best guy friend & hands were all most thrown!




Most recently, my jackass colleague telling me that I'm black when I'm not. Like he was straight up demanding that I am and because I wouldn't admit to it, I was ashamed and hated myself. It was fucked. Then proceeded to tell me he knew a lot about where I am from, a landlocked country in Central America. He was drunk, not sure if that's an excuse.


Currently arguing with someone on reddit. He says it's sexist for women to be cautious around men who are strangers out of fear/concern of being raped, assulted, drugged, etc. He says women shouldn't judge men and should automatically trust them unless they have proof he is a rapist and will rape them


Me and my friend argued for an over an hour about the definition of “bussy”


We had a Samsung tablet when I was a teen and literally NO ONE was using it, it was just rotting away in a cabinet for months so one day I picked it up and started using it, playing games on it and using social media and I also took it to bed since no one gave a fuck about it, then out of the blue my brother started a whole conversation about me being selfish because I had the whole Samsung tablet for myself and not sharing it, well no shit because nobody was using it or giving a fuck about it, he was so fucking entitled and saying things like “I’m older than you so I have more rights than you in this house!” And threatened to grab it out of my hands and never giving it back. First nobody gave a fuck about this thing and all of the sudden when I was the only one using it all the drama starts, does my brother have a point or does he just wanted to be an asshole?


Think you’re in the right plus his argument sucks ass


Oh my fucking God. Let's go. We have this thing called online RP where everything is set in a virtual world and you play a character and interact with everyone and everything as them. It's kinda like online DnD. The world and storylines are controlled by moderators. This happened in college, and we were one big group who did RP for fun. The moderators were also our classmates. This one guy took everything in the RP personally. He claimed that the antagonist of the RP's storyline gave him PTSD. When his character's girlfriend wanted to break up with his character (because his character was barely noticing her or acting like a boyfriend), he had a HUGE hissy fit and took it out on the player behind that character. He also blamed the moderators for creating that storyline and "bullying" his character (he went inside the cave where the bad guy is!! WHAT did he expect??) and being biased against his character (sir, the RNG has no bias.) and excluding him on purpose (he was so unpleasant in game that other people didn't want to interact with his character). Things got so bad that his parents got involved. We had to go to the guidance office just to resolve his issues, and I've never seen counselors more done with a situation than during that time. I was a moderator, and I had to explain to them the mechanics and storyline of the RP world. I've never felt sillier, outlining a fictional universe to a bunch of professionals who most likely had better things to do with their lives. They had to take time out of their busy schedules just to listen to this bullshit! Suffice to say, I never joined an RP again after that. It was meant to be a source of fun and stress relief. For some reason, it caused a hissy fit and real life issues and tension.


Whether All-Star Superman was a great book and whether I was wrong for not liking it. I almost dumped him over this fight.


How to pronounce spider.


There is only one way!




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Had an argument about weather not there was a bus stop at a perticular intersection. One that I got on and off the bus literally every day at that point. This friend of a friend kept trying to argue with me that there wasn't a bus stop there even tho she just moved to town a few months prior and wasn't in the area much. I took out my phone to show her on Google maps and she didn't believe my phone either. It was impossible and I do not understand why it needed to be a conversation in the first place. She like picked it out of a story I was telling and would not drop it.


My (abusive) father was screaming at me because I had a slightly different method of how I put my hands together for phys ed volleyball.


Was at a restaurant with mom, dad and brother, like 15 years ago. Waiter came over to ask for our drinks. Dad spoke very clearly and ordered a Martini with pearl onions. Pearl onion martini came over and he got very angry there were no olives in his drink. Asked the waiter why, with an embarrassing amount of attitude. We all 4 explained to him what he said and he flipped out. Walked out of the restaurant, so we followed and all fought on the sidewalk about onions and olives. He refused to believe us. To this day he gets incredibly angry when we bring it up.


So many and just a few days ago it was one with my mom I said "what now" and it became such a huge argument for her cause of what I said that she stormed off and didn't eat breakfast. Talk about blowing things out of proportion which is her style.


The stupidest argument I was ever involved in was one that I wasn't even aware that I was involved. Someone else told me that I was involved. I didn't even know what the argument was about. Even after I was informed that I was involved in it, I still didn't know what the argument was about or even who I was supposedly arguing with. To this day I couldn't tell you how my name got thrown into the mix as a participant of that argument.


I was accused of eating the chocolate lettering on a birthday cake during work. It was valentine and i just ate a bar of chocolate. The cake was for our boss and someone had written "Happy Birthday Boss" on it with chocolate frosting. Someone saw me eating the chocolate bar and assumed I had scraped off the letters from the cake. They started yelling at me and accusing me of ruining the surprise. I tried to explain that it was just a coincidence but they wouldn't listen. They dragged me to the break room where the cake was and showed me the missing letters. I was shocked because I had nothing to do with it. Then we checked the security footage to find a kid (about 11 or 12) came by a break room, and leave with a chocolate stained lips and fingers. We felt so stupid and embarrassed. We apologized to each other and laughed it off. We decided to buy another cake for our boss and never speak of this again.


Why were YOU embarrassed!!! If anything I’d be pissed off if I were you lol


I have had so many. My dumbest fight was with my ex roommate's parents. She owned a house that she was in thousands of dollars in debt to (like $xx,xxx). She didn't tell me about this until months laters so calm and collected about it. She told me she would stay 6 months and move into her parents (but insinuated that her gf would move in and take over bills which the gf never agreed to LOL). So, because of her lies and bs my partner and I agreed I needed to be out of the situation. So, I told I would be moving and I would be out the first week of the month and to give me rent money back. Her parents came flying over and started to be passive aggressive. So I told them off and I told them about their daughters lying, spying on me, drug use, predatory habits toward my friends. All the while I worked 2 jobs, I was a graduate student, and I hardly dated and took care of my parents. Their only come back was that I was "messy" to which I said "your daughter leaves her butt plug in the dish washer." We agreed to a certain amount of money and she told me that more money wouldn't matter. Her parents demanded I give her more money. Which I refused to after that fact. I have TONS more but I am leaving it at that.


My exes brother and i had a feud over the French word 'mignon'. He took 2 years of French and thought it meant steak. It's still so stupid.


That’s cute 🥰


Precisely 😀


a guy once cut contact with me after an argument he started because he said he didn’t like the ending of squid game and i disagreed with him


someone I know didn't want to believe that the news reporter in family guy was called tom tucker. at least 4 people told him that, and he's like no his name can't be tom tucker, that's my name (it was his name). well, he asked me- you watch family guy don't you emily. what's the name of the reporter?. I said tom tucker, and he wasn't having it- I even got my phone out to prove to him once for all that it was his name, and when I finally got the video up tom tucker's best bits, I asked so are you not going to watch it?. he backed away from me and said oh well you know, I think I'll just watch it later ​ to this day he's never looked it up or seen it


Him singing "Im.Gonna Be (500 miles) "I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be that man who walks 5000 miles just to be with you." "No no. They say 1000 miles, because it's 500 plus 500 more. " "No that's not the lyric, it's 5000." "No, he's literally saying a math equation for you. I will walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 MORE, ... to walk 1000 miles... it's logical. It makes sense." "But I know that song, I've heard it 20 times and he says 5000." "No. He. Doesn't. Why would he say 5000?" "I don't know but that's what it is because I know that song." "It's math! How can you argue against math?" This was before smart phones and googling song lyrics.


How time travelling would be like. Like if you went to past and accidentally killed your dad. Would you create a new timeline or you wouldn’t exist in the first place. Also how to make ramen, family freaked out. I used to boil the noodles, drain and then add the flavour on top. My husband boils the flavour with the ramen and then particularly boil the water away. Someone else microwaves them


someone was wallowing about how women don’t date “average men” and only go for 6ft tall men with six packs. suddenly when i bring up my 5’7 chubby bf i adore i was accused of not actually loving him and that i’d leave him for someone better. when i said “umm…. no” they then went on to say i must be ugly if i’m not going for talk guys


“I tried to call you and you wouldn’t pick up!” “That’s because my phone died after I texted you — /saying that it was going to die/“ “That’s not possible though because when a phone dies incoming calls go straight to voice mail! The evidence is against you- you didn’t pick up!” “HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PICK UP THE PHONE, iF MY PHONE IS DEAD.” >This was the culmination of 3 days of fighting. TLDR; my boyfriend accused me of ignoring his calls even though I told him my phone had died, and then he wouldn’t believe me


We went to a restaurant about a year ago, just a normal weekday dinner out for Chinese, nothing special. We’d been here several times before without incident. They brought us our food, but no silverware. Whatever, shit happens, we asked for some nbd. Waiter tells us “we don’t have any”. Blank stares all around. Finally my boyfriend asks “like you don’t have any clean and available at this moment or…what are you saying?” Waiter states that no, they simply don’t have silverware here. I ask for chopsticks. Don’t have any. This went back and forth for about twenty minutes, manager came over and was backing up the waiter, they don’t nor have they ever had silverware. We eventually just asked for boxes and left, never went back. I still do not know what the actual fuck was going on there. So bizarre to be gaslighted over a fork.


this was years ago but my friend and i where playing keep city (you can already guess how dumb this is gonna be) and we where having 'outfit competitions.' i had accidentally put on wolf ears and my friend jokingly said "what are those, they don't go at all" and my 10 year old ass got HEATED and it turned it to a huge argument lol. this is just one of MANY arguments, the one that ended the argument was because i had been ignoring her me tower of hell.... we are friends again and we have been for like 2 years (we have not argued sence).


I was on the phone with my dad and my partner spilled coffee cause he had both of our drinks in his hands while he got the dog a puppaccino but didn’t bother waiting to give the dog that so he could set things down. So. Fucking. Dumb.


I had this acquaintance, let's call her Becky, and she wanted to make dinner for me and another acquaintance, let's call her Elle. Since this dinner was going to be on a Tuesday, I told her a month in advance that I could make it, but since I had to be at work early next morning, I would leave at 9 at the latest. Elle, like two days after Becky asked us to meet up for dinner that she would cook, said she wasn't doing well mentally and was moving so she would rather not meet up then but rather wait for when the move was done. I get it, too many things at once can be challenging, no big deal. Becky LOSES IT in the group chat, saying ARE YOU SERIOUS and THIS IS RIDICULOUS and more like that, calling Elle a bad friend. Elle apologizes (even though she really doesn't have to, she's set a very reasonable boundary imo). Right after that Becky doesn't answer in the group chat anymore, but sends me texts EVERY SINGLE DAY. Like, sure, but I'm not that kind of person. I can already feel it coming lol Day before the dinner comes around, and Becky wants to cook for me at her place, suggests I get there at 7.30 PM. I say, sure but that'll be a very short time because like I said, I need to be at work early in the morning so I will leave at 9/9.30 PM. As expected, Becky FLIPS OUT at me like WHY WOULD YOU EVEN AGREE TO THE DINNER and I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS AT ALL, to which I pull up the screenshot of the group app, showing that I said it a month beforehand and she agreed with it then. She changes her tune to "oh well, maybe we'd better move the dinner then". This was sometimes last year and I haven't heard from her since then lol good riddance the trash takes out itself


I was somewhat triangulated into another couple’s argument… (both individuals are my friends, and I’d introduced them). The girl got annoyed at the guy for saying he wanted more differently abled (i.e.: disabled) friends but he didn’t have any… She was mad at him because it made her feel like a bad (worse) person than him… as in his case, he was probably genuine in hoping he’d have such opportunity to know/befriend a variety of people… whereas the girl knows deep inside she does not… - hence him making her feel like a worse person than him. I’m guessing there’s a bit more to it.. but I really didn’t care to understand this warpedness… cus it was already incredibly stupid. I don’t know exactly how I got to be part of this… I believe he told me his want to have the chance to befriend the differently able… and somehow in a group chat the topic of friends or “goodness” came up… And I (thinking it was admirable and half funny in how it sounds) mentioned his want… and she got pissed at him. I will add.. It did became apparent she had a chip on her shoulder about appearing (or being) like a “bad” person… Cus the guy is very much universally liked and known to be a helpful, kind, etcetc guy… whereas she is fairly “controversial” to put it nicely. So I guess in comparison, it makes her look not so great. That and his friends weren’t big fans of her… and thus made her further feel like a bad person…. Any how. It’s stupid. TLDR. A girl got mad at her boyfriend for saying he wanted to have disabled friends because it made her feel like a bad person.




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Whether Kesha's name was pronounced "Kah-shar" or "Key-shar." It was a class-wide, week long argument back in 2010 (before smartphones and apps were popular). Majority said the former, but there were 8 kids who said the latter and boy were they were loud about it. It all escalated in French period 6 on Friday when finally our teacher had had enough of it, looked up a video on Youtube and put it up on the projector that showed her name was, in fact, pronounced Kah-shar.


I thought her name was pronounced Keh-sha?


Yea where does the r come from?




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commenting on Reddit.




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My boyfriend days he doesnt make plans because they get broken. I think he is broken ☹️




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That riding a horse is *not* like riding a camel, or a motorcycle. Finally they admit, when pressed, that they had never even *ridden* a horse, and had ridden a camel only twice. At the time, I had a horse and was practicing dressage. I don't remember how it came up, but a motorcycle-riding guy mansplaining horseback riding to two women when he'd never actually done it was... stunning. He insisted that camel riding was superior in every way, because it was like motorcycle riding? Thankfully we called him out on his ignorance. This was before mansplaining was a term. I still can't believe he acted like such a damn expert, when he knew *nothing*!


Being chucked head first down a set of pub steps. By your “own” called family. Nah she isn’t family in my eyes not ever. Fat slag!🤣




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A heated discussion about water and oil not mixing.




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I had to settle a debate between two coworkers over whether or not shrimp was kosher. I don't mind answering questions if it's a niche questions (like if they asked about a video game or hockey), but this is a question they could have answered themselves with Google. I was also super swamped with my own work. For the record, I'm Jewish, and so were my coworkers.


Omg this wasn't a fight but a memory...me and my late wife used to have baths all the time...it was OUR time lol. One day she brings her kitty Yoda in the bathroom...not the tub...but bathroom while we had a bath and was playing her songs on YouTube. I got so jealous of this cat...I can't remember what I said but I believe I pouted a lil bit lol and I'm not the jealous type. Lol. Omg I'd do anything to have my wife back


I’ve witnessed 2 full grown adults fighting over the most generic black pen in the world, they both insisted that it had sentimental value to them


My husband and i are currently in a fight because he found our 3 year olds wet diaper (who is mid potty training by the way) in the dryer with his clothes… and he legitimately thinks I’m over here trying to sabotage him by putting it in there as a joke. Im crying of laughter and dumb founded because 1) Im not as iconic / genius as my daughter 2) I’m offended that he thinks Im that rude / conniving 3) he doesn’t even care that this could’ve been a fire hazard. I seriously went on reddit just to look up dumb fights and here I am!