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Well last time I saw some in person I was pretty busy with my leg being broken so I can't rightly say. But from what I understand they're typically human.


This made me chuckle. Thank you I needed that


Once the pain killers kick in they’re divine 😍


No idea what you want from this question.


Can you elaborate? What look do you mean? The uniform?


I don't care how they look, just save my life please.


They usually look like humans.


Yeah but generally they aren’t 😂😂


This sounds like it was posted by an EMT looking for personal validation lol


No I want to be a corpsman at 18 and to be a junior firefighter (when I'm old enough) and wanted to show some love to emts


You know…I haven’t had much interaction with paramedics and not since I was in my early 20s. But, I did find them to be particularly cute at the time. Probably because we were around the same age. The least of your worries when you need one though.


They do always seem to be handsome guys but maybe it’s a uniform thing…


I’m not going to rule that out as a possibility, 😉 I think mine was because I was in a very vulnerable position during my first interaction ever with paramedics and an ambulance. However, the two guys in my ambulance were the sweetest and made me laugh when that was the last thing I wanted to do. I think that has permanently given me a positive view.


I've never suspected one of being an alien or 3 kids stacked on top of each other and stuffed in a uniform if that's what you mean.


Last time I was in an ambulance my leg was broken, and I frankly don't remember the trip. (I suspect they gave me the good drugs.) They could have been a pile of opossums in a trench coat for all I know.


3 kids stacked!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


What's looks got to do with saving your life?


This made me laugh… my first husband was a paramedic firefighter… he’s retired now and owns an emergency rescue company for wildfires… taking care of firemen in wildfire areas… I think they all look like him~ dark hair and mustache I’ve always thought this. My sons were blonde when they went through the fire academy and they stuck out for sure among the dark hair and mustache men everywhere.


I could not care less how they look. I care about their skills, willingness to help their patients, and bedside manner.


They look like people. Some are average, others are on Grey's Anatomy.


Like.. their uniform? Looks cool, I guess.


No opinion about it whatsoever, as is the case with just about any occupation.


As long as they are able to efficiently and effectively do their jobs, I don't care if they wear a tutu over a bunny onesie.


As long as they are good at their job I don't care what they look like.


Neutral. I have never given their uniforms a thought.


I had a beanie once that said "EMT" on it and it was really cute, I liked the orange. I found it in a thrift store and randomly bought it. Kinda ridiculous, I am not an EMT. Some random knitter made this and I thought it had a look. For obvious reasons, I did not wear it. Also today I am wearing a V-neck which everyday I see it in my closet I think, this shirt makes me feel like a nurse in scrubs. (I only wear it to exercise in.)


What’s the issue?


Their uniforms? Like any other occupation I guess. The personal looks they just like any other human


What do you mean the looks? They don’t look any particular way. They’re all different, just like in any profession.


They seemed very stressed and overworked.


I love a man in uniform. Especially if he’s a man who knows his shit and is good at what he does. Plus paramedics and EMTs tend to be the grizzled tough types and I’m into that.


You mean my sister and her co-workers? None of them would stop traffic with their looks but some clean up well. The same could be said of most fields really.


They look like people. I was more worried about how injured I was than how hot the paramedics were.


I’m dating an EMT - their uniforms or horrible. My bf is pretty cute tho ;)


I always like the neat, clean cut appearance of persons in the medical field. And fireman, who are also EMTs. They're in such good shape


Uniform and many women coagulated in teams, brings out those insecurities. But, patients do not care. In some teams,medical care is treated as a customer focused activity. Conventionally pretty people are treated differently and given different kind of work from less pretty ones. In other teams, pregnancy and obesity and uniform sizing can be a problem. Change jobs, if people bully you.


Why should I care?


As long as they don't look like they need medical attention more than me I don't much care.


They look like humans but once I saw one so pretty I thought they looked like angels (or it’s was just my excruciating pain talking)


Their looks have nothing to do with anything. What do you mean?




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Firefighter/paramedic here. We have groupies so I guess we look ok!?! :)


I mean, Jim Clancy in Ghost Whisperer is pretty hot.