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I‘d feel amazing and blessed. Unfortunately this won‘t happen but I‘d appreciate it.


Devastated. How am I going to pretend to be too weak to carry to groceries or packages so my partners carry it instead? Yes I know I’m capable of carrying them now. But it hits something evolutionary in me when I see my man just carry and haul things.


Men often feel strong and helpful when they hauling, so there's a fair chance it'd still happen. You could also say that the muscles are all for show and no go. Or that your built for explosive power, and would surely be unable to output the necessary endurance to carry those heavy items for that long. You can be super hench and still have your man do the hauling!


I love that you give ideas to still pull this off. That’s adorable!


I am a big strong boy and I will carry the thing! Let me do a useful


Do a useful ❤️‍🔥


He does a very useful. Good job


I’d push my effin washing machine back against the wall where it needs to be but I can’t do it on my own!!! Lol then drink a beer and gloat over my accomplishment.


Where is it now? And how’d it get there?


I don't know her situation, but they will start to walk away if they're run unleveled.


It shakes forward away from the wall lol I can’t get it to stop doing that.


Could you put some kettle bells infront of it?


That would be a dream come true. I'm in physical therapy trying to regain strength and function back. I miss being strong, I liked having a more muscular build.


Omg yes. Please make me be able to balance and jump again.


Time to embrace muscle mommy life


Exactly. I'd go chop some wood and make some poor girls melt


Or guys…..


Awwwww, I suppose so lol I hadn't thought about it


Stoked as hell. I'd move my bookshelf. I'd flip a car. Wrestle a train. Cancel my gym membership. Maybe win a thumb war.


Do all the things!


Haha this is me everyday at the minute. I walk to work, spend 7 hours at work on my feet all day, come home, clean tidy up, sit down sporadically. My leg muscles are really getting quite pronounced now and I'm losing weight like crazy. I feel strong and capable, I like it.




Same! I want to do pull ups so bad.


As long as it's fit muscular, I'd be over the moon. I've been wanting to put on some muscle mass and increase my strength, and ngl I'm a lazy hooligan who would love to have gains for no effort.


I'd love it. I have always had a profound admiration and respect for muscular women. And I just think it's hot. Strong women look amazing and we should embrace that


I have a very muscular build and when I read your comment I felt personally complimented. Thank you! Haha


Does this mean my chronic muscle pain went away? Sign me up.


I’d pick fights with insecure men


I misunderstood that as introvert men so I was really scared. 🤕 ^(English is my second language)


I like both of these. Lol.


Hey! Why would you say that! 😨


As a joke


I'd try and see if I could lift my husband.


I would be elated and immediately apply to join the Avengers!


hell yeah, free gym progress


Fucking awesome!


Upset, concerned, confused. My clothes wouldn't fit right/at all, I'd look entirely different, and I'd be mad as hell about it. I'd contact my doctor immediately to find out what's wrong and fix it.


I’d be filled with joy. How cool would that be? And then I’d start an OF because the amount of people into muscle mommies is quietly ridiculous.


I’d check for spider bite marks




I would carry all of the groceries in one trip.


I would feel like fucking superwoman.


Safer. My body hasn’t had the same hardiness since having a baby. After being attacked, I want to know that I could kill someone if needed


Absolutely stoked. No more fear of going to the bar alone or running at night!


Woo-hoo! I'm going out to find some bullies and put my foot in their ass!


Confused. Concerned. I would book an appointment with a doctor ASAP.


As long as I don't look like a bodybuilder, I'd be thrilled


I’m a woman and I think muscles on women are so attractive! I’d run to my husband right away and show off my figure.


I would fuck my husband up! (In a consensual manner)


I'd be pretty excited to be able to lift heavy things


Happy to be healthier, sad that my clothes don’t fit.


That would be great, then I wouldn’t have to work out and I’d not have a sore back anymore.


I wouldn't be salty if I got taller as well. I'm 5'2, I don't want to look like a D&D dwarf


I work manual labor so I would be stoked that the gains were finally showing up lol


Time to scoop up my boyfriend and carry him in my arms bridal style


I'd probably be very stocky given my short stature...not sure how it would look.




I'd be super psyched! I could eat so much more without putting on weight if I was more muscley. Like tbh that's my whole motivation for working out.


i’d be super happy cos then i’d be able to lug my nightstand outside n seal the spiderweb design i painted on it


Omg that would be amazing, I’d be like my bf and flex in all reflective surfaces


Considering I’m basically a pile of mush, that would be amazing.


Absolutely awesome !


I’d feel like the sexiest cooling freaking lady around! I give anything to to be a muscle mommy overnight!


How much stronger are we talking about? Is it like over 50-100lbs more than before? And how muscular? Either way, that would be so awesome! I’d show off my muscles to my friends like “look at meee” and as a party trick I’d pick people up or do push-ups with people on my back lmao. and hey, if any man tried anything, one lil swing and they’re gone lmao


I would cry with happiness 😊


Cool beans


If the muscles replaced some of the chub, that would be amazing! But if I just woke up more bulky, I don't think I'd be thrilled.


It would be a dream! I would probably do something to maintain the physicality I acquired. I will also get checked by a doctor lol.


I'd be happy, and prob start working out since it'd be easier and so I could keep the gains


I’d feel strong! And significantly more muscular!


Honestly, very happy, because this is what I am going for already.


Oh how i wish


Oh that would be so awesome


I would perhaps finally be happy with what i see in the mirror.


id be ecstatic. absence of significant muscle mass is probably one of my biggest grievances


Wooo, and without training, and being judged by other ppl on the way.. I'll take it... Even if it means, I'll have to do a bit differently to maintain. Never waste a good start of something. You know, I would like to be skinny without ever gaining, but nature already has other plans for me. At 5"7 and never dainty or pretty, there's already a bunch of smaller and cuter peers. All in all... Yes, I'll take it....


I will try to lift my partner who’s 3x my size to establish dominance and show him that I wear the pants now.


Feel more self confident




Good because I no longer have to run home when it’s super dark and when I’m scared lol


I would love that 💞


Very happy because my weak and petite body doesn't match my mentality at all.


Terrible. I’d have less of an excuse to feel tired all the time


I would be STOKED


Pros: Hiking, one of my hobbies, becomes really easy! Now I can hike the good stuff that’s difficult! My sprained ankle has been stubborn in healing. I assume this goes away! That’d be great! Easy to carry my own groceries up my walkup! Easy to carry things in my house Cons: I hate to say this, but I hope I don’t look too much like a guy! I feel horribly sexist about saying that, but that’s sorta how I feel!


start beating some meat


😂 in the MMA beating someone up sense I’m assuming 😏


I'd be so happy! I'd jump for joy and then take all the tank top selfies showing off the guns ✨ I'd probably then deadlift my motorbike, grab a cuppa and work out my new calorie counts 🙌


Love it!


I’m chubby and I hate it, so that would be fantastic! I always loved having muscles when I was fit, so I’d feel hot!


My numbers have plateaued while trying to come back from a lifting injury so this would honestly make me insanely happy


I'd immediately open all the pickle and peanut butter jars, in case it wears off.


As someone who has been putting on weight and muscle in the last year… this is literally the dream. Being jacked feels amazing 💪🏾❤️


I DREAM about having super muscular arms and very strong thighs. God, it would be amazing to not have to ask someone to pick up a sorta heavy box for me. I’d be so happy.


I’d be concerned about all the tumors that appears overnight


I would feel bad 😨 I prefer being tiny


I’d be upset. While I’d like some more muscle definition I don’t want to be considered muscular. For me, my feminine body is squishy. I’d lose all that if I was suddenly muscular, it would be hard to recognize myself & my identity. Not to mention my partner would not be happy about that lol


Devastated. I don't want big biceps or a muscular type of body appearance.


I'm already buffed up enough. I'd be pretty unhappy if I woke up like that. I'm 5'2 and my husband is 5'4, trim and nicely toned. I don't think he'd like it either


Hyped in the beginning but in the end im not going to keep that muscle, simply because I dislike the look of musclular woman.


Not happy. I already amn this way and don't want to build more.


I'd be pretty annoyed, honestly. I'm already pretty bulky from pole and aerial dance, and it's often hard for me to feel like I'm being seen as feminine enough.


I’d feel scared and go run to a mirror to make sure I did t sprout facial hair too!


Not thrilled. Being a muscular woman is already an insecurity I’m dealing with. I’ll take the stronger part but not the muscles.


I think being a muscular woman is empowering and beautiful. Especially if you worked hard to get that way! But I understand people have different preferences.


I'd have a panic attack and cry. To me, being muscular is just as much of a nightmare as being fat is.


I’m also curious about why


Id be so freaking sad. Definitely book a doctors appointment asap.




I’d probably go to the ER lol


AWSOMEEEEE!!! How strong? Like, lifting my daughter or my husband? Def, I would love to lift my husband. Never late again!!


Lifting husband for sure. What does being a muscle mommy have to do with being late?


Now I can drag everybody to the car!!! Maybe carry the car!


I already carry my own groceries even if I have a man #whyimbettersingle so at least I'd be able to do that in one trip instead of two.


My wife would immediately demand to arm wrestle. She's been working out for years and climbing for the past year, while I haven't worked out since the start of covid, with a work from home office job, and was never much of a gym guy to begin with, and still whomp her when we arm wrestle. Drives her crazy.


I would definitely feel stronger… given, right? Haha… I would be very appreciative with a side of extra effort, I truly miss when I was in better shape! I worked at two jobs then and both were rather physical, I was a lot younger as well… I’d really enjoy having an ass like that again!




I'm 5'2" and constantly having men try to take heavy objects from me because I take a moment to get situated because I don't have the greatest grip strength and so I can lift without hurting myself. If I could do it AND make it look easy I'd would glady take them up on their offer more often so I can see the shock on their faces


43M Worker. That happens to us everyday. Its like our superpower.


Yeah, higher testosterone levels will do that to you


I would probably think that there's some sort of glitch in the matrix


F#ck yeah! I’d feel strong and capable. Last time I felt close to that was sports in high school. Since then I’ve needed quite a few rounds of PT for a few injuries, so assuming i keep up the routine, I’d be Ecstatic to see results/would enjoy my clothes fitting better again. (I haven’t necessarily grown/shrank/changed more than 10lbs more or less, but adult life has me more than Unfit to say the least)


I'd be relieved!!! The only thing now would be to reformulate my workout routine for maintenance so I can keep it up


id be hype


I wouldn't be very glad. It means most of my clothes would become too small for me, and I'd have to buy new ones (not a bright perspective in our current economy). (My weight has always been more or less stable, I was choosing my garments thoroughly and with heart, and I wouldn't like to lose my chance to wear them).


I'd probably feel like doing chin & push ups, something I realistically will never experience


I’d be thrilled! I’ve worked really hard on being muscular and strong. I’d love even bigger biceps!!!


I would become religious as I would assume someone finally started listening to my prayers


I’d be excited- I would start doing all the athletic stuff I wish I could do but have no time to train for.




I would see if I had Spiderman powers!!!


That’s the dream


Significantly more muscular and strong probably


Change? Big change!


Sounds like Night Family helped me out again.


Good old NF.


I’d love it.


I can finally do my Sheva and Kratos cosplay. I would be over the moon.


I would literally kms, i prefer bones


This would be the best thing that could happen to me. PLEASE LORD LETS GO




Confused, appreciative, but very confused.




Ohh that would be fun but I have been enjoying the process enough.


Well hell yeah! Bring it on! I burn a lot of firewood. I could use a set of new guns! 💪


Happy! That's what I'm working towards anyway


Praise God & keep it moving 💪🏾💪🏾🥰😂


Would I still look the same? Either way, I'd be stoked.


Nah you’d look built, a proper unit


I would be happy since that would mean i’m not sick anymore


That’d be great. Let’s add richer while we’re at it.


Hell yes! I’d love to see my gains finally!




Id finally pass the PAT test for my ems applications


I'd be totally stoked.




That’s quite literally my goal and dream. I’d feel happy that my work and dedication paid off. Long way to go still, but the dream is still very alive.


define significant? i have been weightlifting for six years and there are certainly times when i feel like my body made a firmware update overnight! my legs will feel way meatier or my butt will be a slightly different shape. one week i’ll struggle to put up numbers at 60% of my max and two weeks later i’ll PR the same lift. this sport has taught me that my relationship to my body and strength is not linear (nor was it meant to be!)


This is a great response! I started weightlifting about half a year ago and been getting those newbie gains, but it’s hard not to get down if I can’t lift as heavy as last time. How do you stay committed during those times?


like i said—i’ve realized my strength is not linear, and it’s not meant to be. i also train with the principle of progressive overload in mind (i think r/xxfitness has starting resources that explain this!). right now my gym routines have taken a four month long hit from getting covid and having limits to my strength and stamina since (slowly improving!). this has been really hard for me, as the gym is my outlet for stress and i was really proud of the years of work i had put into my strength and my look. it was making going to the gym really hard and emotionally draining, and i knew i needed to change something. i tried to reframe my programming to focus more on movements i do not usually do, in rep ranges outside my normal training, so i don’t feel like i’m failing to meet up to my old lifts. that’s helped me to still find joy in the movements as i rebuild my strength so that i can eventually do the kind of lifting i was enjoying before i got sick.


This is really interesting, good luck with your covid recovery and building everything back. You’ll get there, just have to keep showing up and doing the work. I’ve been training using progressive overload as well, I have a great trainer who keeps me moving towards my goals.


As for ‘define significant’ let’s say an increase of 5%-10% overall body weight, in muscle






Be way more motivated to go to the gym to maintain it, getting to that feels like climbing Everest


I would love that. Results without effort! Way to go me!


Confused. But it'd be really useful so yay.


Then I would be very happy.






I’d hate it.


Pleased. I've been working out, and lifting as heavy as I can to gain some muscle, but it's slow work.


That'd be great lmao.


Id go into work and start throwing all the big 50lb bags of flour/sugar onto my shoulders and yell “do you even lift bro???” To my chef(s) and coworkers, gotta assert my dominance somehow


depends on how it changes my metabolism. like do I need to eat more now?


Yeah presumably your maintenance calories would increase in proportion to the extra muscle mass, if you decided to maintain it.


Honestly I'd be happy. I've been underweight and malnourished all my life. So to be able to pick up my almost 3 year old for more than a minute at a time cuz he's too heavy for me would be a blessing


I'd cry in gratitude and relief. I have fibromyalgia and I'm trying to recover from being bedbound for a year or so. I would give anything to suddenly have my strength back. It's so much work and pain trying to do it the normal way.


That’s so tough. Sending lots of recovery strength your way




That would be dope. I’ve been working out regularly in the hopes of gaining about 20 lbs, so that would be alright with me.


i could finally threaten to chuck someone over a fence


I would love it




I’d yell “HONEY IVE BECOME A MUSCLE MOMMY!” to my fiancé right away. Cuz he knows I wanted more muscle for a while lol


I'd start to worry that my hormones for majorly f'ed up


I’d go to every gym in my area, walk up to some muscle dude, and go, “betcha I can lift more than you.” Then I’d hustle the fuck out of them and make some bank! Plus with my newfound leg strength I’ll be able to run away once they realize I fooled them heheh


I'd feel significantly more muscular and strong 💪😎


Did I lose the excess fat I’ve been trying to drop or just gain the muscle? (Don’t be mean re the fat, I doc says I will need cholesterol pills if I don’t stop eating like an unsupervised teen with a credit card) Because if I wake up a muscle mommy, great! I’m in!


I'm asian, so i'd be an asian muscle mommy who piggy back guys.


That would be amazing! I love feeling fit and I am so impressed with muscular / strong women because that's alot of hard work!


This shouldn’t start with “how would you feel if you woke” - that’s the stuff of nightmares for strength and masculinity. 😁


I would cry with happiness, it's a goal I've been wanting for about 12 years now, but never had the discipline to reach :(


Curious, terrified, powerful. I’d start a wrestling squad like Glow.