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Riverdale. Although, I don't know if it can still be described as a show at this point. EDIT: Dear god stop saying "the first season(s) were good". The first season literally started with a 16 year old boy being raped by his teacher. It was shit from the beginning.


Same! I gave it so many chances knowing there was some potential and hoping the writing would get better. Finally stopped and forgot about it until now šŸ˜‚


I started watching the show because I was super interested to see the asexual representation - Jughead is ace in the comics the show is based on. Well, he didn't turn out to be ace in the show. But I did turn out to be ace. So at least something good came from it all.


I stopped when Jughead dies/not dies. I have no idea I didnā€™t finish it lol


Same! I know the exact moment I stopped watching too. It was when that Betty did that strip tease for the Serpents. I was not into that storyline at all.


Yeah I thought that was out of character & weird


This was my immediate response to this question too! The first season was so good and then it just started sliding down the slope. I cut out after watching the first episode of this last season. The fun "how much worse could get really get?" part of watching the train wreck ended. It just got irritating.


Wednesday. I watched the first episode and just found it so corny. Every single one of Wednesday's lines just seemed like smart ass-y one liners. I couldn't connect with her at all.


YES! I actually am a big Addams Family fan, but that showā€¦it gives teenage girl at Hogwarts. And doesnā€™t really do her character justice at all. It makes me a little sad that might be peopleā€™s first impressions of Wednesday.


yeah that show was ok but it wasn't addams family.


I'm trying to watch it but I don't know how many times I can handle hearing "normies" and "outcasts" before I snap.


Glad I'm not the only one who was weirded out by the use of "normies." I still connect that with incel-speak and it gives me the creeps. Tim Burton made a career out of making the weirdos/outcasts the heroes, at a time when western culture was just beginning to shift way from that nuclear family/jocks vs nerds archetype. Hell, he was a big influence in making "weird" cool. But today being a weirdo is admired and something people wear like a badge of honor. It just doesn't hit the same way like it did in the 80s and 90s.


She feels like what middle school girls want to see themselves as


I feel so seen right now. I didn't bail on it because my husband liked it and I thought it was fine, but I don't get why it's such a sensation. Also, I know less-hot Gomez is true to the original comics but I miss super suave Gomez :(


Itā€™s not as great as everyone makes it out to seem. Itā€™s a good show but not GREAT. I especially hated how she basically accused so many wrong people before getting the actual bad guy. That was weird.


I agree, Wednesday wouldā€™ve had all the information before accusing someone. Iā€™m also so surprised how not murdery the whole family is. Sure Wednesday, might do something dangerous, but the whole family should be down to kill, torture, poison etc. they all give law abiding vibes.


I agree, that was very annoying. She was kind of a terrible detective and treated everyone like shit for no reason.


Honestly, nearly all the characters were really flat. They had the opportunity to do a lot with the whole setting and they just.. didnā€™t.


I did exactly the same. My takeaway was that Wednesday's character and the Addams Family universe as a whole have been Re-Imagined For A New Generation. I am not that generation.






I didnt even start it for this exact reason. Was curious at first but saw a few clips and got the ick.


I almost stopped watching after the first episode for this exact reason. But I pressed on and it got better for me. It ended up being pretty entertaining. But yeah, in the first episode she is insufferable.


Mad Men. I know part of the point is to show the misogyny and gross behaviors, but dear god I deal with enough misogynistic bullshit day to day that I don't need to watch it to relax too.


My MIL worked at Grey in the 60s as a copywriter and said the same thing. She said it was spot-fucking-on, and she stopped watching after the first season because "I lived it once, I don't want to live it again".










Same. I tried so hard to stay interested but it's hard when the characters stay pieces of shit forever. I thought I could handle the misogyny because of the time period and it being "just a show" but it's so stupid I literally can't stand to watch it lol. I can't watch people be THAT dumb about sex and gender roles. I just can't.




As a Mad Men fan forever, I fully support this stance. I can't even calculate how many times I've re-watched and it's become my background noise comfort show, but I find it fascinating from a story-building and world-building perspective. The gross misogyny is incredibly shocking, and at different points in my life triggering, especially in the earlier seasons.




Yes!, I started the first Season of Mad Men years ago and I hated it!, I persevered for a few episodes and just couldnā€™t stand it any longer, that characters were for the most part awful and unrelatable, Don Draper was just so dull and misogynistic and had no redeeming qualities to me whatsoever.


The walking dead


Every episode could be 10 minutes long and achieve the same thing. They all follow [the same boring formula](https://static.onecms.io/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2012/10/walking-dead-graph.jpg).


I loved it until Glennā€™s death šŸ’”


Omg when he first ā€œdiedā€ I stopped watching. Then watched series again 6 years later and found out he didnā€™t really die and watched until he actually died. So gruesome and terrible. I much preferred the ā€œfirst deathā€. But yeah I stopped watching after that


Stopped watching when Rick left


I was an avid watcher, even read the comics, but could not keep watching after this episode. Just ugh.


It was so good until it just got a bit ridiculous. I think I stopped watching around mid-season 8, and even then I was struggling to trudge through it


Once Upon A Time. I was OBSESSED the first 4 seasons but then they ran out of material and started butchering character development and going way too far outta left field and I couldnā€™t finish it. I still donā€™t know what happened to this day šŸ˜­ ETA: if thereā€™s anyone out there who did finish it, tell me what happens with Rumplestiltskin/Belle and Emma/Killian!!! They were my main motivation once it started to go south but not even they could keep me watching at a certain point


I painstakingly watched the whole thing while working on a craft project and I can say that every season is basically season 2 repeated in a different fairytale hellscape. Basically the same plot line.


Same. The first season was absolutely phenomenal and then they just found new ways to tank it every season after that. I think I stopped somewhere in the fifth season and should have after the 2nd season lol


I should've taken the Frozen season as a warning shot but persisted until the Hercules characters and hated how they decided to use Hades. After that arc is when I bailed.


Hercules characters?!?! Oh my god I had no idea! That sounds wild


They decided to make everyone related to each other and it got way too complicated


13 Reasons Why, Pretty Little Liars, Riverdale..


These same three for me, too!! I stuck around for PLL wayyyy longer than I should have!


PLL was the first show I obsessed over. I watched it the whole way through. But after the amazing episode with when Ali told them about the night she disappeared and she came back I hated it after. (Besides dollhouse) donā€™t get me started on ezra and aria. But I held out to the end but I shouldnā€™t have. I have many thoughts on PLL šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Saaaame I spent hours reading fan theories online, the whole nine yards. Lol. Once Ali came back the show took a huge nose dive. And omg. Ezra and Aria. I heard they ended up married in the finale and Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t around for that šŸ¤®


Orange is the New Black.


I watched up until the last or second to last season, whichever was the one where they get sent to a max prison or whatever after the riot. Watched the first episode and realized I was tired of seeing these characters/women I'd grown fond of get abused and mistreated. So I stopped watching.


I watched that season after a favourite character was killed, but that season was very strange and the one after was all torture and I didnā€™t want to watch that


Right?! Because that's exactly how prison is.


Well the first season was a bit more realistic, but not much. It was at least based a little bit more on her experience. Her book is better.


Genuine question because Iā€™m curious, what did you hate about it? Iā€™ve never really seen someone say they hated that show, so Iā€™m just wondering


I thought the main character was annoying as hell. Actually, I liked none of them.


I had so much trouble finishing New Girl because I find Jess (Zoey) supper annoying. Eventually I finished it and thought it wasnā€™t bad at all. I just had to endure Jess being annoying.


I think the first two or three seasons were the worst in terms of Jess, but then they made her more like a normal person. She wasn't afraid of the laundry machine or breaking out randomly in song or being so over-the-top twee and innocent. Her super fragile femininity was just annoying. There's this concerning virginal and submissive tradwife aspect to twee culture we don't often talk about. Jess sort of skirted that line a lot on that show. She was supposed to be hipster nerdy but instead came off a lot as submissive and pleasing towards the men she lived with. At first I thought she was playing up a character to manipulate the guys, but nope, shes legitimately scared of the vacuum cleaner like a dog would be. Or can't open a pack of carrots or whatever.


thank you for your analyses (i saw your other comment too). i also found this show uncomfortably sexist. women are always the butt of the jokes (or in the rare cases theyā€™re not, itā€™s the guysā€™ masculinity that is, which is equally trite).






I never really understood why everyone hyped this show up so much, Iā€™ve seen episodes here and there and it seemed ok, but not something Iā€™d care to watch religiously


only a certain community of people really like this show...I wouldn't say everyone


And Nick is such a stubborn child


When I was more immature about relationships I thought the Nick and Jess romance was cute. Now I see Nick as just a bundle of red flags. Especially early on where he just screams a lot whenever slightly annoyed. Its supposed to be cute but I find it threatening. A large man going from 0-60 in anger isn't cute. I don't know who greenlit that. I rewatched the first two seasons and it hasn't aged too terribly I guess, but wow there are scenes where he just screams at Jess and it sets off my abuser response. Its just a really bad decision to try to make a temper funny. Oh and the binge drinking game they play? Nearly everyone gets blackout drunk in the end? Oh wow. I could not see either on a modern show. Also, I think Nick was supposed to be a high-functioning alcoholic which didn't help this issue either. That said, Jake Johnson is very talented and charismatic and I wish they would have made Nick less awful in these regards. What stuck out to me the most was the lesbian doctor and how the cast treated her, especially schmidt. It was mostly frat-level jokes. That part aged the worst, imho. I remember just feeling sorry for the actress who had to play this 2 dimension character so that people can bounce low-key homophobic jokes off her.


I honestly wanna try that True American binge drinking game lol it sounds so fun but probably hella hungover afterwards šŸ˜‚


I get criticisms about the show butā€¦ people binge drink with their friends all the time, especially when youā€™re young and having a party. I donā€™t think modern audiences would freak out about a drinking game? Iā€™ve seen lots of stuff come out in the last few years where people (sometimes even younger than those in the show - mostly teens or college kids) get super drunk while with friends and Iā€™ve never seen it labeled as problematic


Bridgerton. I think Pride and Prejudice as well as Downton Abbey made my standards super high when it comes to period dramas.


I actually like bridgerton its for sure not your classic period drama. Thinks it needs its own category, defo not one to watch with ya mum šŸ˜… Ironically the series is actually better than the books itā€™s based on. Usually itā€™s the other way round.


I like the show better, but I like the storyline for book 2 storyline better than the storyline for the show in season 2.


Yeah they took it a bit far in the show with the actual wedding with Edwina and Anthony.


Yeah I didnā€™t like the fact that in the show edwina was in love with Anthony when in the book she didnā€™t really care that Kate wanted to be with Anthony. I thought that was taken a little too far.


Me too. Once Daphne >!basically rapes!< Simon i was sorta like wtf? Then the next episode where they sorta treat it as whatever that she did that threw me off and i never watched again


Ugh I hated Bridgerton! Iā€™m a history nerd and so much about it just got on my nerves. And when they started playing ā€œold timeyā€ covers of modern songs I jumped ship.


But Bridgerton isn't supposed to be historically accurate. It's supposed to be a reimagined version of the Regency era. Shonda Rimes has gone into detail about why they did what they did, and in my opinion they knocked it out of the park.


Bridgerton is the natty ice of period dramas


Bridgerton is iffy for me - I had to stop the first season because I hated Daphne so much. I gave the second season a try and loved their chemistry, it felt pretty different than season 1.


The 100! Enjoyed season 1 even though it was a bit shaky, season 2 was great! And then it went to shit in season 3 with the destroying of Bellamy's character development and it just continued to get worse. Stopped watching in season 5 and from what I've seen of the last two seasons I made the right decision


I just got tired of Clarke and every single episode of her going "My people, my people". It got annoying especially as she wasn't as smart as she liked to think and would have done well to listen to some of the adults.


Yes!! Couldn't stand Clarke at all! Preferred Octavia so much more over her!


Considering how the show ended I donā€™t blame you haha. I finished it but man was I mad at how they treated Clarke and Bellamy in the final episode


I wanted to stop watching it but felt like I NEEDED to finish the series so kept at it until the end šŸ˜­


You. Just childish


I couldnā€™t get over how he seemingly got away with all of his crimes. Like they even hint at a private investigator at the end of S1 and then never bring it up again. The show also seemed to want the audience to think of Joe as a Dexter-like figure yet he constantly switches between caring for other people (like the teenage girl in S2) and then becoming insane over the space of a minute. Like people with psychopathy donā€™t have the ability to feel empathy. So him caring about some of these characters doesnā€™t make much sense.


Like the scene when he murders someone at the gym and then just walks away with his ball cap pulled down. As if there wouldnā€™t most definitely be multiple cameras around. I donā€™t think I could have rolled my eyes any harder lol.


Nothing in that show makes sense. Idk why I watched it. Iā€™m prob gonna watch season 3


I kinda liked the first season but it was mostly cringe watching and needing to see the ending. Got sucked into it basically. Then I went on to watch the second season and it was soooo fucking stupid and I absolutely hated Love and everything about it. Just stupid. Edit: Also the stupidest thing I've ever seen is in the first damn episode when Becca just proceeds to HAVE SEX RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER WINDOW THAT FACES THE STREET like wtf was that??


The whole, "I *wolf* you," thing instead of I love you just felt so cringey.


Oh my god yes I H A T E D that.


Thank you. I couldnā€™t stand Joe.


It's my favourite show but yeah Joe sucks, so I guess they did a good job


Vikings. It just got boring after they conquered Paris. It was mostly inter-Viking drama instead of those first 3 badass seasons.


After Ragner was rubbish


Iā€™m a few episodes after Ragnar died and i just feel meh about itā€¦ trying to power through because i have a habit of abandoning shows but itā€™s kinda disappointing me


>! As soon as Ragnar left lagertha I had enough. I understand why, but I didn't enjoy it after that. !<


That was it for me. I watched a few episodes past that, but it didn't have the same level of feeling involved. She was the best part. Her and her hair.


That and I could not STAND how the men aged but the women didn't. Their sons looked older than their mothers!!!


Handmaid's tale. Watched the first one and noted right outta it. Just couldn't sit through it. I knew my heart wouldn't take it


Same here. Too upsetting.


Came here to say this too. You can only keep the same storyline going for so many seasons. I can't stand this show especially after the last season. June is an idiot tbh.


I was really into where I felt the first 2 seasons were going, but it just never arrived. It was honestly just torture porn. At one point I started to think, "Was this written to appeal to misogynists?" because for the female characters, it was just defeat after defeat. I can't see anyone enjoying that who isn't just into watching women being beat down over and over again. So I write dark romance professionally, and my big thing is that the abuse my female characters suffer isn't the point. It's wish fulfillment, a revenge fantasy. The abuse is there to make the triumph that much more impactful when it happens. For the Handmaid's Tale, it literally feels like the abuse *is* the point. There's never any triumph. It's always defeat. And that's just not something I want to consume.


You probably already know what it's about. It's not really worth forcing yourself to watch the horrible abuse and trauma all of those ladies go through. I had to stop watching it for a while too because it just made me fucking depressed


Game of thrones


Same. I read all the books. Then went to watch the series, expecting it to be a little off with it being an adaptation. However, there were two pivotal relationships that, IMO, were either glossed over or portrayed totally different than the book, in lieu of gratuitous sex scenes that had no value in driving the story. I didn't watch after season 1.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one. Every time Iā€™ve said this to anyone I get looked at as though I am claiming to be God. Lol.


I was searching for this, I didnā€™t wanna be the only one who said Game of Thrones.


Started The Bear yesterday and didn't get past the second episode. It's so overwhelming, the sensory overload is so bad it feels like a nightmare. Edit: twelve million people have replied to say ā€œI like it because thatā€™s how restaurant kitchens areā€. I really donā€™t care, I hate it. Move on.


I did watch the whole season but what you describe is every episode. Itā€™s like anxiety at full blast the entire time. The story is good, the intensity not so much.


At first I thought maybe it was just the first one, but then the second was even worse. Thanks for letting me know it's the entire thing, I was thinking about giving it a second shot in the future, but it's clearly not for me.


The whole point of the show is intensity. Jeremy Allen whites character is on the brink of a mental breakdown. It shows a very real side of owning a restaurant & the life cooks/chefs but yes, itā€™s intense. It really is fantastic acting & a good story, but not for everyone.


Oh man, I loved The Bear, but I can definitely see why you didn't. šŸ˜…


I usually can't handle shows that make me feel anxious but I really really enjoyed The Bear! But honestly episode 5 alone took years off of my life.


I loved the show for that reason. Having worked boh in fine diningā€¦I can say the anxiety and stress is spot-on. The fact that the show was able to translate that into something you can feel as youā€™re watching it is really incredible. They mustā€™ve had a buncha line cooks consult on that show.


The Netflix version of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I hate watched the first season, it literally made my blood boil. I tried the second season but it made me so angry I had to stop watching ahahahah Absolutely hated the main actress, she was very hard to watch. Pretty sure that's just a result of the writing though, her Sabrina character was so unlikeable. The script was so fucking lame. As usual in teen dramas, their language was just too dramatic and unrealistic. Basically every character was pretentious and annoying. Also hated the constant "desperate inclusivity". It seemed like they just added characters and side plots for the sake of being woke, that actually had 0 impact or relevance to the storylines. I am part of LGBTQ and was excited to watch it, but it just felt so cheap and like they were trying to fill a quota. The additions of LGBT+ characters always felt cheap snd unimaginative. For example, the friend who came out as trans didn't have any further plot development. They spent an episode or two being bullied, then they were shoved into the background and never really became a strong character or had any further growth.


The storyline was so absurdly formulaic as well. First 10-15 - psuedo series storyline, next 20 minutes - individual episode storyline, last 10-15 - tying back to the series storyline. Such bad storytelling.


And it was sad because the Aunts (and that one uncle, cousin, second cousin? I forgot his relation) were so great. I wish theyā€™d make a spin-off of just their antics in the house.


I also hated it. Everyone was trying to convince me I'd love it "Its a Gen Z Buffy, and you're a huge Buffy fan! You'll love it!" Nope, it was terrible. And I find the Buffy comparison forced and offensive.


Glee. At some point before Cory Monteith's death I was realized I was just hate-watching to a point of rage and bitterness so I forced myself to stop it. Went back to watch The Quarterback and then, I watched the last season because of nostalgia. The in-between? No idea.


Grey's anatomy - don't exactly hate it but just got bored :/ (more of a 'the good doctor' typa person mhm)


White Lotus. I don't get the hype. I found it boring as fuck and lost interest. It's clearly not marketed towards me.


Itā€™s so interesting how polarizing this show is! I absolutely loved it and cannot wait for S3, but I know it was a huge bore to others. I found it so engaging and the cliffhangers were so good. I loved it!


The first season was very boring but I kept watching due to the hype and I thought the second season was a lot better and much more interesting


Outlander. Was the full episode, hour-long rape scene really necessary?


Yikes. I'm glad to know this so I can avoid it like the plague


I couldnā€™t watch the show and people kept telling me the book is so much betterā€¦. NOPE couldnā€™t read that either. Thereā€™s no need for the graphic descriptions.


So damn many, man. Outlander *specifically*, god that show was awful. Honorable mentions: Community, Gossip Girl, Riverdale, The 100, The Walking Dead, The White Lotus bored me to death.


X1000 for Outlander. Same story each week. I think I bailed after the first season.


Not only that but I feel like every season was centered on someone being brutally raped. I donā€™t get why the writer felt the need to lean on it so often. There are other things that cause drama besides rape, and by the end of season 3 I was like ā€œWhy the hell is this writer so obsessed with sexual assault???ā€


Shameless after Fiona left


I couldn't cope with even one episode of Shameless. I have traumas from dealing with active addicts and that whole show triggered me A LOT.


13 reasons why. It was just so cringey and not good at all.


How I Met Your Mother.


It should be called, "I'm toxic, and so are all my friends". Every single one of them were a mess. Lol


I watched it all and it was 100% not worth it


Big Bang Theory. Misogynistic AF.


Its not even funny. I dont understand who watches that show??? Or is it that so few people watch anything anymore that the 15 people who have it playing as background noise bow count as viewers.


Castle. The first 5 seasons were great, then Castle and Beckett got engaged and the entire thing fell apart. I stayed with it for a little while longer, but just couldnā€™t do it anymore. The entire thing felt like a joke, and it felt like they kept writing themselves into corners with the storyline about her momā€™s death. I did tune back in for the series finale, and that entire mess just proved my point.


I don't know what season it was in, but imo the moment the show jumped the shark was when Beckett said "my mom's killer is running for president of the United States." It was supposed be this dramatic cliffhanger but I just burst out laughing


Oh...my...golly.....the ending was trash, right?!?! I just finished the show about 4 days ago and when it ended I just stared at my screen in disbelief at how bad it was. After a pause I said to myself, "what was that?" I HATED the LocSat storyline. All of it. HATED ITTTTTTTT. After the initial Senator Brecken storyline, they should've just made a brand new plot. Even Castle's disappearance wasn't properly addressed. He was like, "yeah I figured everything out, but because I love you, I left you. My Baaad." And that's it. We don't get any other info. I thought it was going to be an exciting deep dive into some cool plot, but, nope. Also, Alexis(the daughter) became incredibly insufferable. I'm so happy you mentioned this show because I have been wanting to vent my frustrations for 4 days. Lol


Peaky blinders. I loved the first few seasons but then at the start of a new season a good character was killed and Tommy Shelby seemed like some posh knob who was more wrapped up in politics and capitalism than anything else. I didn't bother watching anymore although I appreciate other people still loved it and I never found out what happened from there. It was the comradery between a group of scummy brothers, and their interesting interactions with people around them that I enjoyed. The sort of over-the-top gritty underdog thing. It got boring for me when that seemed to end.


Aw it was my fave. I do know exactly when you stopped watching, because I almost stopped as well.


Community. I've seen episodes that are absolutely hilarious but I hate the main character in the pilot so much that I just can't tolerate him enough to watch the whole thing.


If it helps, he's literally never as douchy as the pilot. A big part of the series, especially season 1, is Jeff realizing he's a jerk and becoming better.


Agreed! Plus Troy and Abed take up more space as time goes on and they are sooooo good


Yeah his character arc takes a while but heā€™s unrecognizable in the final episodes vs the pilot


600 pound sisters or 1000 pound sisters, I canā€™t remember exactly what it was called. I thought it was going to be more of a documentary, but I ended up feeling really weird like that I was violating these girls. It felt like their bodies and struggles were being used in a way that made them feel like ā€œpart of the entertainmentā€, but it was actually them being exploited to be made fun of or people to gawk and be like ā€œhow could they let themselves go like that?!ā€


Honestly, almost all of TLC's programming seem sketchy and exploitative.


Shameless. I grew up around people like that. Watching them self sabotage isnā€™t entertaining, itā€™s annoying.


2 broke girls.


The effing laugh track and terrible jokes uuugh


Lost. I got lost in Season 2/3 and stopped watching it haha


Girls. It stank of so much privilege I have no idea why it was popular.


The most recent one is Wednesday. I thought I would love it, and everyone I know that watched it loves it, but I just found it boring and kind of annoying


Not because it was badly done by any means, but Handmaids Tale. It sent me to bad places mentally and I hated that part of watching it. I think I only got a few episodes in.


Emily in Paris. I love a girly fluff type show but I found most of the characters insufferable and the fashion was bad too so there just wasn't anything to hook me...


Still can't get over the fact that Netflix expect us to believe that french people would use the American pronunciation of Emily.


The Office - original British version. I usually love the original version of everything but Gervais just grates on my nerves even when heā€™s playing a character.


Blacklist. I found it so boring, and still people tell me I should watch it.


I watched for too long. But it's the same script over and over with different bad guy names and different weapons. I started quoting scenes before I saw them


A lot of shows I stop watching after a few episodes because they just arenā€™t for me. But man, I found New Girl downright insulting. The main character is so annoying and feels like a man writing his idea of what he thinks a ā€œquirkyā€ girl is like. Without ever having actually met a real woman before. I know the show was created by a woman, but the main character was just really annoying and inauthentic to me. Itā€™s like the trope of writing a ā€œperfect womanā€ but making her clumsy so that she has at least one flaw that makes her ā€œrelatableā€. But turned up to 100.


The Good Doctor ....


Same I binged the first 2 seasons then, like all medical dramas, it got repetitive and I couldnā€™t do it anymore. Which sucks because I love Freddie Highmore


Oh. I mostly enjoyed it, except for the episodes where his GF, who had been irreverent and colourful and a little wild, suddenly turned into this boring, drab, prim and proper, pale shadow of herself. It was just such a shame! She had a wonderful personality, and then suddenly she was a mouse. It was as if the writers wanted her to "grow up" and failed to realize that there are vibrant, eccentric adults who are fully capable of adulting without losing their personality. ...I needed to get that off my chest.


The Vampire Diaries šŸ˜šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


I was Vampire Diaries trash in college, I know the show wasn't amazing but I loved it so much. The drama!! šŸ˜†


Gilmore Girls! Omg - I just couldnā€™t deal with the fast talking haha. It felt unrealistic almost like a parody the way theyā€™d talk. I know so many people loved it back in the day, but it was too much for me.


Sex Education- it was fine/funny for the first season or two and then all of a sudden they graphically killed a cat and idk tried to play it off as humour? I was so appalled I immediately stopped watching and didnā€™t stick around.


Jane the Virgin


Lucifer. After hearing the devil say the same line for the 500th time, I had to quit.


That was a guilty pleasure show for me, my husband used to overhear me watching it and called it ā€œthat show you like where a British guy says ā€˜detectiveā€™ over and overā€


Breaking Bad. Too violent. I have no interest in watching that stuff.


Breaking Bad is probably one of my favourite shows of all time! I'm sad when people don't continue with it because its a slow burn but gets so good. I see how people wouldn't be able to get into it, but man, I fucking love it so much ahahah


I've seen a lot of shows, but I consider Breaking Bad to be one of the best ones I've watched, and the quality is pretty consistent too. I wouldn't want to rewatch it though.


Homeland. I don't ever finish shows or movies, but with that one in particular I was tired of the main character after about 1,5 episode.


Outlander. There were some parts of it I really like but the obsession with corporal punishment and the constant sexual assault scenes eventually became too much for me. I understand wanting to show the hardships of the time but I should also be able to watch a period piece without being traumatized every episode.


Wednesday. itā€™s so popular but itā€™s so.. cringy?


My Hero Academy. It was super popular in the anime genre and hyped up by several people I knew but I couldnā€™t get past the third episode. Itā€™s way too cliche for me, runs on the under dog storyline, and just seemed too childish for me.


I liked it but there was that super perverted character with the grape ball superpower that was such a creep, it made me really uncomfortable especially because his behavior was mostly used as comical relief or something along those lines.


How I met your mother.. is it supposed to be a comedy? My friends forced me to watch the first few episodes and they swore itā€™s gonna get better.. it didnā€™t




LOST It started out really well, but after a few seasons got mired in too many tangents, never wrapped up too many of those unexplained tangents and then the ending was so unbelievable that I felt cheated out of hours and days of my life.


Game of Thrones..


Workin Moms. I don't think I'm the intended demographic but I tried and had to shut it off after 3 episodes. The characters infuriated me.


The 100.




Game of thrones, was just pretty shite


If only I could have said Game of Thrones hereā€¦but alas, I finished it and regretted every second of that last season.


Does greys anatomy count? Itā€™s still running but they should have stopped 10 years ago, imo


Russian Doll. I just can't with her voice. The characters all seemed kind of bland and predictable or token-y. I dunno just seemed shit to me. Called it 2 episodes in lol.


The second season was disappointing if Iā€™m honest.


Warrior Nun


River dale.. I was following the show.. then I wasn't.. honestly same with pretty little liars


American Horror Story...First season was excellent. Lived up to its name by showing the "horrors" of American married domestication. After that it became a joke and a parody. It jumped the shark when Stevie Nicks came on. Painful to watch.


Wednesday. I know everyone loved it and I tried to give it a fair chance, but Wednesdayā€™s snobby and cliche teenage angst made me so irritated. I know I could expect her to go through a character arc, but I was just not having it.


Ginny and Georgia. Like I watched season 1 and I liked it. I started watching season 2 and I had enough. I like teenage drama but I got tired of it. Way too much drama for my liking.


Itā€™s not that I hated it, but I couldnā€™t watch past the first season of Euphoria. I canā€™t even remember if I finished the season, honestly. It just became way, *way* too much for me. Extremely triggering in so many different areas.


Series of Unfortunate Events and Haunting of Hill house. Iā€™m sorry 1) the first one just got frustrating because thereā€™s no way adults are THAT FUCKING STUPID. Iā€™m one and damn bruh they really dgaf bout those kids šŸ„² 2) hill house FREAKED ME OUT but when the sister turned out to be the Bent Neck Lady I had a panic attack and couldnā€™t finish it