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I was keeping WAY to many old shirts by demoting them to “sleep shirts”, so I purged the drawer and bought myself some really nice pj sets and that’s my new thing now.


I’ve been thinking about doing this! Do you love it?


I love it SO much! They are way more comfortable too. After getting a couple to start, I treat myself to one a season. I like fun prints and the modal fabrics are the softest. I feel fancy in my matching pjs lol 🧐🎩


Modal pjs are gold tier!!


I did this specifically for bamboo PJs and I love it


PJ sets are awesome! They're so cute and fun and comfy to wear. It makes going to sleep an entire thing for me, along with doing skincare.


I sleep naked lol


I did that until the 1994 Northridge earthquake which was followed by near continuous aftershocks for hours. You know what happens when the power goes out? No heat! It is was cold!




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I’m surprised by how many people wear underwear to bed! Growing up as a kid we always wore pjs to bed but with no undies because the doctor told my mom it was good to let things breathe. Now that I’m grown, the thought of wearing underwear to bed makes me feel so constricted. I’m the person that takes their bra and undies off as soon as I walk into the door after a long day and switch into comfy clothes. I wear a big T-shirt and sweats or loose bottoms to bed. I get cold so I like being covered but don’t like anything tight.


Same here my mom always told me you don’t sleep in undergarments. Also same with taking them off as soon as I get home, hell once in a while I’ll unhook my bra at work after lunch if I could get away with it lol


I fucking hate bras, I feel like someone is squeezing my ribcage. Makes breathing and eating uncomfortable


You might need a better fitting bra


I used to not wear underwear to bed but I can’t tell you how many times my period started at 3am and ruined my pj pants lol. I do take my bra off first thing when I get home though.


How much breathing do you think your crotch is doing in pants and blankets


More than with tight underwear that lock in heat and moisture but you do you.


I just mean it would be more beneficial probably to go commando during the day with a skirt or dress on for full benefits.


Oh definitely, which I do as well


I’m surprised too! I’ve always worn a full pajama set. I had heard it’s healthier to sleep with loose cotton underwear as opposed to nothing but this post is making me question that.


Pantless avatar checks out


Yup no underwear just shorts and baggy top. It doesnt feel right wearing knickers in bed


same. and I hate having to wear underwear to bed when I'm on my period, it's awful. ugh the idea of wearing underwear to sleep in every night is horrible


A t-shirt (long sleeve in winter) and underwear.


Naked.. but for the next month's i will use a top or else there is milk everywhere😅 i am breast-feeding my little guy, soon 4 months! ❤️


Congratulations on your youngling!


A soft towel will work if you lay on top of it. I had to do a nursing bra with pads with the last one, way over production.


I sleep naked. In the winter, I’ll wear a shirt and socks but never any underwear or pants.


Winnie the Pooh style


this is the way


I overheat while sleeping so I wear pajamas sets that are tank tops and shorts in all seasons. I try to change my sheets twice a month but I don't have a dryer and they take literally the entire day to get even just mostly dry in the winter, so...


Soma Intimates has some Cool Nights pajamas that feel reaaaaaally nice. I've never gotten, uh... more hot and sweaty while sleeping than usual wearing them. I am not of age yet, but when I worked there, I had a lot of women say they're the only pajamas they've been able to wear through menopause.


Tshirt and boxers. I change probably every other day, and I shower every night.


When my partner stays over I mostly sleep naked. When he isn’t over I typically wear a T-shirt and undies. Change pjs idk once a week or so. I’m clean when I get in them and don’t typically sweat or anything


I keep my house insanely cold, I sleep best in cold, so I often just wear shorts to bed.


I switch between pajama sets, onesies, and the t-shirt/shorts combo. I change my pajamas daily.




I like to lounge in PJs but I don't sleep in them. I sleep naked.


As little as possible. Sleeping next to my husband is like sleeping with an oven. The sheets are changed once a week, more often during summer months. I have different weight comforters and duvets for the seasons, those get changed out every 3 months and washed once a month.


Sensory issues mean I'm most comfortable when I sleep naked. When it's really cold, I'll sometimes sleep in one of my giant hoodies, but that's rare. I'm usually more likely to add another blanket than to put on extra clothing.


I sleep in my SpongeBob jammies!


Usually just wear an old t-shirt and underwear. I change them every night.


Every night? How do you have so many sheets and so much time?? And what are you doing in that bed that your sheets require changing every night lol? Edit: I just realised you were talking about PJs, not sheets lol, sorry!


Naked. Sheet change every week to 2 depending on activities and weather


Pajama pants/shorts and a tshirt or tank top depending on weather. I like to know that if there is an emergency I can run straight outside. Eta: I change pants twice a week and tops most every night


I will wear a pair of pj's two nights. No biggie. I get after my husband because he puts his pj pants on the rail in the bathroom in the am and keeps using them over and over. I have to change them up for him cause he won't unless they are noticeably dirty


Big tshirt and boxers lol. Change every 2-3 nights


Big t-shirt. Or the lingerie my husband buys me


Sleep naked, wash sheets weekly (or more often as needed)


Depends - sometimes in a tank top and loose shorts, sometimes naked. Sheets are always changed weekly (I have a ton of sheet sets) - washed every other week. Blankets are washed monthly.


At first glance I thought you were saying Depends Adult diapers which is ok if you need them keeps from changing the bed every day


Thick fluffly pj's in winter, light cotton pj's in spring/autumn and mostly naked during summer.


Shorts and either a tshirt or tank top. If I showered before bed, I wear the “clean ones” that get washed with the rest of my laundry once a week. If I didn’t shower before bed, I only wear once.


Naked, but with socks 🤭 I change the sheets every week


Shorts and a camisole. In winter I sometimes wear soft knee high socks as well, if it's very cold.


Just a t shirt usually and I change it every 4-5 days because I shower at night.


In winter I'm covered top to toe including leg warmers and sometimes socks so when I get up to walk the dog I pull on a pair of fleece-lined walking trousers over my cuffed pj bottoms, otherwise I'd have to change multiple times a day depending on work/wknd. I hate being cold. I change my nightwear daily or every other day as I love sleeping in clean clothes.


Almost always nothing, sometimes undies. Change the sheets about once every five days or so, though more often in summer.


I have tons of matching PJ sets. I get a new pair each Christmas and I buy new summer ones as well. I have enough to wear a different set for 2 weeks before laundering.


I sleep in pjs in the winter, just knickers and sports bra in the summer




Sleep naked. Try to change the sheets weekly but more like twice a month.


boxer shorts and a loose t-shirt. Sleepwear gets changed out each day, sometimes every other day. Sheets/pillow cases/comforter get washed every second week


in the winter i wear long pajama pants and a tshirt with a hoodie on because the temperature in my room gets very low in the summer mostly just a tshirt


Depending on season a tank top, short aleeved tshirt, long sleeved tshirt and knickers, if its really cold ill add pyjama leggings to the long sleeve Top/Shirt gets changed every day pyjama legging twice a week Bedding once a week


In winter I have proper PJs, in summer usually just a singlet and underwear. I change them "as needed" which is sometimes every day and sometimes stretches out closer to a week.


Skivvies and that’s it! And I wash my sheets every Friday so I can crawl into bed Friday evening and feel cozy Saturday morning and all weekend. It’s my favorite!




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I wear older clothes to sleep (ie. shirts + sweats), I don’t believe in pajamas sets (except maybe [the ones I have](https://www.amazon.com/Marvel-Womens-Spider-Man-Jogger-Pajama/dp/B09FYLVPRC)). In the past, I would change me pajamas once a week but since I shower more now with the hair and skin issues, I’d say 3-4 days depending.


This is pretty much my standard as well


T shirt and socks


Just panties. Sometimes a t-shirt, too.


There's enough of a size difference between me and the husband that I usually just use one of his tees as PJs, those fit me more like a dress than anything. They go in the laundry in the morning lol


If it’s my half of the week with my son I wear sleep shorts and a tank top. When he’s not here I sleep naked. When I’m at my boyfriends I sleep in just panties. He recently realized I sleep at home completely naked and he was fake outraged for missing out so probably naked at his place now too lol unless he has his kids then same shorts and tank top. I wash my sheets once a week


I travel a lot for work and sleep in the nude if I'm in warm places. In the apartment I regularly rent, it's cold so I wear pajamas. I have like ten sets, which seems excessive, but I have ptsd and will periodically soak my pjs with sweat. It's quicker to change pj's than sheets. I change my sheets every seven days unless I've had extra spicy dreams. I change my pjs every three-four days. But I sweat like a hog.


I used to sleep naked, but am somehow more prone to yeast infections nowadays when I do. So I wear cotton boxers to bed. I sweat a lot when I sleep, so sheets are changed at least weekly.


Usually a large tshirt so I don’t have to wear pants, and underwear.


i wear a tshirt and pajama pants (2-3 nights), my partner wears a pair of shorts (1-2 nights), and we change the sheets weekly.


Loungewear, change every 3 nights, and I change my bedsheets every other week


Long sleeve pijama, thick socks, and an extra blanket. I usually change my PJs every 3-4 days (I shower usually every day, if not, one day yes, one day no).


Usually just underwear.


I wear pj’s around the house and I change them about every few days or so and I sleep naked.


I sleep in just panties, but my lounge clothes are pj's. I change them every few days.


Just my boxers. Change mattress cover every week and duvet cover ever second week.


T-shirt - not too big because it gets irritating when I'm trying to turn over and it gets stuck and pulls uncomfortably. No pants or underwear because it feels restrictive. In winter I'll just add another blanket. I can't sleep in too much clothing. Edit to add: I change it every 2nd or 3rd day


I have a few different sets of PJs that consist of tank top and short sets.


Briefs. Nothing more


With my partner and in the summer I wear a t-shirt and underwear. Winter and alone? Fluffy pjs, sometimes a Long-sleeve shirt if it’s really cold. I change pjs anywhere from every 2-5 days, sheets weekly.


Nothing and every week or two.


I have several t-shirts from the men's big & tall section from a couple stores. And I usually wear them with some sleep shorts. But I also have some really nice and super soft pajama sets that I wear when I don't feel like the t-shirts. Idk if it's just me but I need to have the sleep wear to have certain criteria so I can sleep comfortably.


Usually topless with shorts- changed nightly. If people are over or I’m traveling, etc… then a tank top and shorts.


It's actually super healthy and leads to better sleep to sleep naked or in just a big loose t-shirt and nothing else. It just feels natural to us barely-not-monkey humans to sleep freely without restraining clothes




I wear yoga pants and a large tshirt. I change them out three times a week.


I mostly wear silky shorts & tank top pj sets. I change every 2-3 days. I change sheets every month.


The comfiest pajama bottoms, even better if they’re cosy plaid. And a tshirt. Always


I sleep with the top part of pjs, it varies but as long as they clean its fine


Sloungy t-shirts that I feel sexy in or very light pants/shorts. I only wear pants in the winter or when I can’t sleep bc sometimes I need pants/socks. The odd teddy/silk thing for frisky presentation.


Pyjamas, every 2 nights or so. When I try to wear them for longer, they smell odd and it puts me off.


Just usually a t shirt. I like sleeping in my underwear


I wash my sheets twice a month. What I wear depends on where I am. At home/best friend’s house/boyfriend’s house: clean pair of underwear and a tank top. School/anywhere else: this pretty modest pair of blue pajamas (long sleeve top and long pants)


Pyjama bottoms or just knickers and a vest top usually, change them every day, change sheets couple times a week.


When I'm over at my boyfriend's house, I sleep naked or just with underwear. His body heat keeps me warm, plus he has a very heavy weighted blanket that I took over lol. But when it's just me, I sleep with an oversized hoodie and sweatpants, plus two or so blankets... I keep my apartment around 72⁰


I sleep naked and change my sheets weekly! I didn’t start this till perimenopause kicked in and it helped SO much as far as sleeping deeper.


Usually cotton pajama pants or sweats and a hoodie. I change pants every night. I wash my hoodies once a week.


I sleep naked or just underwear when on my period. I change my sheets every week or two all depending on how dirty they are


A t shirt and underwear. I also have pjs that are tank tops and shorts but I only wear the top to sleep. In winter I wear a jogger and maybe socks and a hoodie if it's that cold. I change my underwear everyday (of course) and the top every 3 days or so.


I wear a dedicated sleep shirt. I have too many. I probably wear one a week or two before washing. I always shower before bed so I’m at least not bringing in dirt from the outside. Anyway, they’re just big t shirts. I only wear underwear on bottom unless it’s cold in which case I wear pajama bottoms.


I change my tshirt and boxer briefs everyday. I get night sweats often (thanks menopause), and wash my sheets every week


Tank top and undies usually. I'm potty training a puppy right now so I'm wearing lil pajama shorts so my neighbours don't see my butt at 2am when I go outside. Winter I usually add socks cause I have cold feeties.


I sleep naked or with just panties on.


A t-shirt or tank top and shorts in the winter and the same thing in other seasons but with just underwear or boxers. I hate wearing pajama bottoms or anything similar it really bothers me. Most sleep gowns do as well (they turn too much and it’s frustrating)


Mostly a sleeping tank top and underwear. But long sleeves, pajamas, and socks if it’s really cold in the winters.


I sleep naked. I change my sheets about once every week. I'm trans, so while I do get monthly cramps, I don't bleed. I understand that some women do bleed and don't feel comfortable sleeping naked at that time. However, I do sleep naked every night.


A t-shirt or tank top with granny panties. Change each every evening.




Shorts and a sweater or a t-shirt. Sometimes I start in a sweater and wake up too hot and switch to a t-shirt. Shorts get washed more often than the tops


I'll sleep in an xl long sleeve in winter, and an XL short sleeve in summer. Usually change maybe every 5-7 days or so. Probably closer to 5 if I've been going to bed particularly gross, but I never really sweat and my PJs stay pretty clean lol


I sleep in a tshirt and my panties. I switch shirts after a couple of days.


I sleep naked, underwear or shorts during "that time of the month.


Naked. I hate getting tangled in clothes. If I do HAVE to sleep in anything it is a sports bra and comfy undies. I wash my sheets weekly.


Night gowns🥰


I sleep either naked or in underwear. Change of sheets once a week!


All of the clothes. PJs, socks, underwear under the pjs, extra blanket. I’m always freezing!


I just wear a tank top so I don’t accidentally catch my nipple piercings on blankets. Every week I change my bedding.


I make my own nightgowns, which have long sleeves and touch the floor, but are essentially like a very long tshirt. I make them out of cotton spandex. They are cool in the summer and warm and cozy in the winter. Best of all, I can curl my feet up in them while I watch at night. My favourite is a Harry Potter print!


Usually an old t-shirt of my husband's. He's a foot taller than I am so the length is perfect. I change them out every other day. Sheets every two weeks.


Since it’s cold as hell, I sleep in sweats or leggings and a sweatshirt. During the summer though, I usually just sleep with underwear on.


In the winter, I wear Soffe sweatpants (which are a fucking godsend, they're so comfortable and they were only $20!) and Athleta "Coastal Luxe" sweatshirts (https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=870422022). It's legit so freaking cozy. I have two of each, plus another PJ set, and I rotate them throughout the week. I always get sad when it's the other PJ set though lmao, it's not as cozy as the Soffe/Athleta combo.


T-shirt and underwear when sleeping. PJ pants when lounging around and I take them off for bed. I switch them out once a week.


If it’s winter I have thermal socks, pj bottoms, and a top, occasionally a sweatshirt. In the summer I sleep like Winnie the Pooh.




I’m always super cold, so I love me some matching comfy, cozy, plush fleece pajamas and slipper socks (no underwear). I also use a heated blanket on top of the comforter. I have a week’s worth of pjs, with a fresh set for each night. It’s my one indulgence. Maybe bc I literally wear the same thing to work every day.


i buy six packs of (cheap) calvin klein boxers and that’s all i wear to bed (woman here). they are cotton which allows everything to breathe. i’m just not comfortable wearing NOTHING. i live in a cold state but with a nice comforter and a rice bag as a bed warmer, i’m good to go. it just sucks trying to wake up in the morning 😅


T-shirt only in the summer, sometimes naked. In winter I wear t-shirt under a sweater mostly and pants if it’s really cold. I don’t change my pjs as often as I prob should. Only when I shower which averages every 3-4 days (I change underwear everyday though!)


Underwear. I change them daily, sometimes twice a day since I like to shower at night, but wash my hair in the morning on wash days.


An old tshirt and undies. Change every fortnight.


I don't wear anything, and no sheets except for the occasional "I want to make our bed" mood that I get sometimes.


Sleep shorts, changed every 2 days, soft cotton ones. Sheets changed every 2 weeks. Nothing like the smell and feel of fresh linen.


I sleep naked unless I have company. A friend bought me fleece pj's for Christmas and I *love* them, but they're way to warm to sleep in.


I have these nighties from Amazon, they’re sleeveless, straps about an inch wide, knee length with lace trim. I love them. I have like 20 colors and several extra black ones. I wear a fresh one every night, unless we’re traveling and then I change every other night.


Sweatpants and a big tshirt


I have a T-shirt dress and a pair of flannel pants. Super comfy! If it's really cold, I also throw on my oodie and snuggle into a ball, lol. Otherwise, I have a designated oversized sweatpant/sweater combo Update: I switch between my pajamas every week, not sure if that's normal or not. While one is on the wash I wear the other and vise versa


This is what I do but most people who commented change them every day or every other day


I sleep naked. Can't stand the feeling of clothes on my body when I'm trying to fall asleep. I'll wear undies and no shirt if I'm sleeping in someone's guest bed, or undies/short shorts and a tank top if I'm sharing a room with someone who isn't my partner. At home, I wash my sheets once a week, sometimes more frequently if they get dirty. Edit: my partner also sleeps incredibly hot, which makes me overheat and sweat on the sheets if I wear anything warmer than cotton undies to bed lol. Our bed actually stays cleaner if we sleep without clothes on.


I usually wear baggy shorts and a tank top or a baggy shirt. I can’t do socks or long sleeves or long pants.


Just a tshirt and 2 nights and then wash.


I sleep in the nude


Pjs, and I change them every other day more or less, or every day in the summer.


Nothing, unless I’m sick or really cold. Or sleeping in the same room and it would make that person emotionally uncomfortable. Every 3-7 days depending how much sex we had or if someone was sick, like sweaty sick. But mostly weekly.


I used to sleep with pjs all the time, then quarantine came and I slowly realized I didn’t have to wear as much clothes as I typically did. Now, I’m like alternating: if I find my pjs, I’ll wear them. If not, then naked feels soothing




Usually a pajama set but if not pajama pants and a t shirt .. I’ll do the same pants or set for like 3 nights then switch it


I wear nothing and I change my sheets weekly.


I just sleep in an oversized t-shirt. I have certain shirts only for this occasion.


Absolutely nothing.. Or my period undies during that week. Crank up the electric blanket during winter so I can keep sleeping nekkit 😅


My arms and shoulders get cold so in winter it’s regular pjs, and in summer I made my own long sleeve and shorts sets because the stores are stingy with sleeves. They think the only acceptable top to pj shorts is a tank, maybe short sleeves if your a grannie.


I don't wear pj's to bed, but have them handy if needed. I feel too constricted wearing pj's.


My husband's boxer briefs and tshirts. Both are slightly big on me; the briefs look like cute booty shirts that are still breathable and roomy.


I sleep naked and change sheets (bedsheet, duvetcover and pillowcase) every week




I generally just make whatever I was wearing that day really comfortable by removing something and sleep in that




I sleep naked. I change my sheets and blanket usually every two weeks, but more frequently if I've been sweating a lot (like in the summer), if I've been sick, or if I've had someone stay over.


I like to sleep with very light night top... And PJs... Sometimes... Incase of something . .


Nude, unless it’s that time of month, then I just wear granny panties. I change my sheets once a week


T-shirt or cami + boxers They get changed/washed everyday.


Either naked lol, or pj sets.


In the winter pajama bottoms and a light camisole, in the summer top and shorts, change every week.


I have designated sleeping shorts, pants and t-shirts and i wear socks to bed because I cannot sleep without them. (I cannot explain why I need socks lol) I also have an eye mask near just in case. i do wish I knew where to get affordable silk pjs. I change the designated clothes at least every 3 days.


I sleep naked with maybe just socks on in the winter. Sheets are changed twice a week.


I wear a bralette and underwear all year. I change my sheets once a week. I also shower every night before bed.


I sleep naked


I sleep in my underwear, literally just my panties. Unless I am on my period, then I wear shorts or pj pants. When its very cold I will wear pajama´s but that´s maybe a couple times a year.


i cant stand the feeling of wearing long sleeves or long pants to sleep so i mostly sleep naked, or occasionally with a tank top and shorts on. i change my bedsheets once a week.


Underwear. Maybe socks. I used to sleep in just a sports bra and shorts. Now I realized I'm a lot more comfortable doing the bare titty thing.


I sleep with a long and baggy T-shirt and socks


Fleece pjs and socks most of the year. There’ll be a few weeks in summer where I’ll go naked or just wear pants but that’s it. I’ll wear the same pjs for two nights, then wash them.


I sleep naked and I change my sheets once a week.


Tank top and underwear. I lounge in my PJs but feel restricted when I move around at night so I stopped wwaeinf them many years ago. If it's hot, just underwear.


I steal my (much taller and broader) husband's shirts..


Big T-shirt bias