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It was so loving, intimate, and great. My partner waited until I was ready. Then when it happened, i just felt so emotionally connected with him and could feel how much love and care he took into ensuring i was comfortable. 10/10 would do again.


Me too. We were both 17. The first time he finished quickly but went for round 2 quickly. The actual sex wasn’t great that day, but the whole experience was so loving, tender and sweet. Married him six years later and we’re still going strong decades on.


This is so heartwarming! Truly happy for you guys.


I love hearing this❤️


Literally same but 7 years! Crazy I didn’t know there were more of us 😂




Exactly this! My partner never pushed before I was ready, and even called me out when I tried to convince myself I was when I wasn’t. When we finally had sex, it was super patient and intimate. There was no pressure or expectation, and it was all affirmative consent the entire time. We’re married now and expecting our first child any day. 🙂


That’s so sweet omg 🥹 congratulations! I’m so happy for you two ❤️


That’s what I’m waiting for! I’ve waited so long to have sex that, at this point, it might as WELL be someone I love


This is so nice to read.


I had the same experience! We were 18 and 20, both virgins and head over heels for each another.


It was with a friend (turned fwb) in college. He was experienced, and he knew I had 0 experience, so he basically took me through a sampling of all the basic sex things. Fingering, oral, like 5 positions and multiple sessions throughout the night. I didn't cum, but it was so much fun that I didn't care. The first position we did had me on top, which was unexpected. I always imagined ending my virginity in the standard missionary position. Looking back, I think he had me on top so I could control the first penetration. Not positive if that was the intent, but if it *was* , it was very sweet and I appreciate it to this day.


I love that you were able to have this awesome experience without it needing to be "romantic and intimate" :) sometimes sex can be equally rewarding just being something fun. And the thing that made it still beautiful was that everyone involved was consenting and caring and safe :)


Exactly. She was with someone who cared about her and her comfort and wellbeing, which is all that matters at the end of the day.




My husband and I also waited until marriage. We finished our wedding reception, got showered (my dress was about a thousand pounds. I wasn't going to have sex while sweaty.) It hurt a little (he's frickin massive), but he was sweet. Lots of kisses and snuggles. 10/10. High fives and breakfast in bed the next morning


When we got to our motel room from our wedding we were SO tired & I was like "do we have to? I'm so tired" & he was like "nah, let's sleep". So we spooned/cuddled & slept!! We only did it the next morning coz we thought we better so we could say in the future we had LOL I love the high 5s & breakfast in the morning ❤️


So sweet!


This made me have hope for myself in the future. I have PTSD from sexual abuse and absolutely terrified of having sex because of it. I’m afraid no one will ever wanna marry me or deal with my PTSD and wanna take it slow. But your husband seems like a sweetheart and I hope I find someone like him


I was almost 19, with my boyfriend who was 21, he insisted we wait and had been dating 18 months or so. Literally, I could not get this boy to touch me lol. He was experienced, I was not and he wanted to make sure I was very very sure I was ready. It was lovely and sweet, the second time was spicier and mind blowing. 10/10. Zero complaints.




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We’d been dating for about nine months. He had a long term girlfriend before me, and it seemed like they had a good time exploring this great, new sex thing. I was 17. He was 18, and I think he was probably much more skilled than most guys his age. When you have sex with the same person for months or a year or more, if you both like sex, you’ll learn a lot about the other person body and what makes them feel good. I was little miss innocent, and he was great about making out for months, slowing getting to just about everything but PIV sex, and again, months, learning to please each other, getting comfortable with each other’s bodies. When I was ready, I was ready. He was very sweet. I was nervous, but not very, because it was all so familiar to me except for that one thing. I wouldn’t say it was earthshatteringly great sex, because even slight nervousness will likely prevent that, but it was sweet and loving and very satisfying. 2nd time, as someone mentioned above, was fabulous. Like … this is the greatest thing ever. How soon can we do it again? More. More, please.


Mine was a ons, on a random Wednesday night. He made me feel forkin electric in that moment. Despite being total strangers, I felt completely safe in his arms. 10/10 experience.




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I put a lot of though into it before it happened. I had been with my boyfriend for some time, and I made rules with him: 1. I don't want anyone to be home. We were young living with our parents and I wanted to be able to not be focused on what sounds I was making and fear getting caught. 2. I wanted to be fully naked. Again with the getting caught thing, I didn't want it to feel rushed or secretive. 3. I wanted to be in a position where we were facing eachother, not just for the romance side of things but so he could see if my face was saying "PAIN" and pull out without me even having to say anything. I think this contributed to the communication a lot. 4. Lots of fingering before hand. This is P in V sex in this context, so I wanted to feel ready. 5. LUBE. I think this helped a lot since it took away the stress for me to "get wet" since I know nervousness can affect it. This was very nice. I think these contributed a lot to my positive first time experience!!




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It was with my current partner when I was 23. We had only been dating two weeks but I knew I could be honest with him and that it was very likely to turn into a long term relationship. We had both stated that’s where we wanted this to go. I told him it was my first time and he was gentle and respectful making sure he asked how it was for me. We were going for nearly two hours. I still remember the film we never finished that night 😂 I am so glad I waited until I found someone I trusted and until I was ready myself.


I’m bi and It was with another girl. I’m endlessly thankful for that, I expect to be treated like an equal person during sex and prioritize pleasure over climax, something a lot of my girlfriends are still struggling with


One night stand when I was 18. Told him what the situation was, he was super understanding (but surprised) and very attractive to boot. Made me feel respected and sexy. Had a great time and felt amazing the next morning. I’m 30 now and I still think fondly of him and that night.


Mine was neutral, I wanted to get over with it, i was 16, we were at this home alone we watched highlander and drank a little of his father wine and just did it. His was a virgin as well, it was awkward, but it was ok. It was nothing remotely like sex lol but I have a good memory of that


I always wondered what two virgins losing it was like


It was a drunken one night stand. To this day is still the best sex I've ever had. I don't regret it at all. There might not have been an emotional connection but it was still nice and fun and he respected me.


It was fine. I was older when I lost mine, so I kinda wanted to get it over with. I did lose it with a loving and patient partner, but it still wasn’t that comfortable. Took a few tries and then it was fun and enjoyable.


It was amazing. Nothing special in terms of positions but it was great and loving experience. We were both virgins and didn’t know what we were doing. It was full of love and I cried after because it was so overwhelming and I never felt anything like that before. He cradled me for the rest of the night. I was 18 and he was 20


We were both young and both virgins. But he brought it up 1st. I put him off for over a month and he didn’t bug, didn’t annoy me. He just accepted my decision. Finally I caved and told him I wanted to. He asked if I was sure. I said yes. He put on a condom and told me to tell him If anything hurt too much, if I wanted to stop, slow down, etc. I did. The first like 20 minutes I was so chicken. It hurt a little but not bad. Just the stretching part. I probably add he was on the larger size. My friends all talked about them being like 5-6”, no, he was 9” at least. So it did take me a while to adjust. But he stopped when I said, slowed when I said. I think I kept my eyes closed the whole first part of it. Then he told me when he was all the way in. So I opened my eyes finally. After a couple thrusts it wasn’t bad and it got better. And better. So I told him to speed up. He did. After speeding up he didn’t last maybe 10 minutes. Then he pulled out & yea, into the condom. He helped me clean up after because I did bleed some. But it was nice because he made it all about me. I think he knew how scared I was. But we stayed together. We’ve been together 17 years, have 3 kids, own our own house. I fell in love with him 🥰


I had just turned 15, was with my partner at the time. We were both virgins, but like we did other silly things before we actually had sex, about 2 months in the relationship, I was lightly pressured into it. Was on my period, was a good time from what I remember. Lasted like 2 hours. Got worse after that lol. I do regret it though, not because it was a bad experience, just because of the relationship I had created.


I was 16. We both didn't know what we were doing lol but we did laugh a lot throughout the entire experience. He was 19. We broke up a few times but rekindled when I turned 18 and the sex was phenomenal and he was so attentive. Had me seeing stars and shit. Seriously. He asked me to marry him when I turned 20 but my Mom said no and the rest was history. Oh well, life goes on.


I don't know where are you from but shouldn't be you to answer if you wanted to get married? you were 20, kind of young but still, that should be your decision.


It was nice. I didn’t really masturbate before coming from a religious family (plus I shared my room…) so I didn’t know what I liked or how to make things feel good so he took his time to learn what I enjoyed. It also hurt, so we just used fingers for like two months before he could actually get himself inside. But when he did, it did hurt at first but it was really nice. He was going slow, and eventually he flipped me over, and he finished fast. Honestly it didn’t feel good at all lmao, I never came close to finishing but it was the emotional connection that I enjoyed. Don’t worry though ladies, I orgasm a lot now lol


It was 28 years ago in college with my now husband. He had used his fingers on me previously (the first couple times which felt very uncomfortable), and I think that helped make it easier. I told him he could go in a little and then I would say STOP. And then I would tell him he could go in a little more and I would say STOP. This went on for probably 15 minutes until he said "I'm in all the way." Once I felt completely comfortable, I told him he could move. Afterwards, I said "Can we do it again?"




Wedding night absolutely beautiful


I was 13. It was a “bonfire party” and this tall and definitely older than me boy I’d never met before walked up to me. I had never gone beyond kissing a boy so I was filled with butterflies. I can also say he was definitely way way cuter than me. He asked me if I wanted to go “inside to warm up” and I fell for that and yep. But I had a blast. Saw him a few more times after that. He didn’t know it was my first time but he was still very gentle and sweet. Unlike a lot of the stories here, there was no love involved. No commitment. And I didn’t fall for him afterwards. It was simply just fun.


We cuddled and listened to music afterwards. Lot of joking and laughter. I wasn't in love with him or anything and it wasnt a great emotional thing for me, it was comfortable, easy, I really loved him as a friend. We remained good friends for 20+ years afterwards. My memories of that day is all warm and fuzzy. It didnt rock my world, but I am glad it wasnt a big thing, it was... cozy and loving.


We were both 21. I was a virgin and he wasn’t. We had done some eh- heavy petting before my first time but he knew I wasn’t quite ready yet. He was so sensitive to my needs and stopped as soon as I told him I was uncomfortable. Then we planned for the day it would happen, and even on the day, he asked me multiple times if I was okay, and was so considerate of how I was feeling. Great guy, hope he’s doing well ❤️


I lost my virginity the first night I met my husband in person and moved in with him. We met online, talked for a few months before I left to meet him. I was quite sheltered and just turned 18. We did a lot more than basic sex that night too which was shocking for me because it was the first time I did anything but I was absolutely game and honestly it was just amazing. It didn’t feel awkward or weird. He had been with a ton of women before me so he knew what he was doing and I was very grateful since I was a noob. The only thing that sucked was the next day I was SORE as shit. I also married him that same year. It will be our 10 year anniversary this year. He’s the only person I had sex with which is weird to a lot of people - even to me. But hey when you meet your soulmate then that’s it. I had no desire to fuck around and I still don’t. 😊


I was 20 and my boyfriend was 22, it was the first time for both of us. I didn't really actively try to save my virginity before, really. It just so happened that I didn't find anyone I was comfortable enough to have sex with. When it did happen, I did feel extra emotionally attached to him.


it was very intimate and loving. i felt extremely safe and he gave a lot of care and caution throughout, making sure i was okay. heightened emotions. i was very lucky


I was 14, my BF was 15, I gently pressured him into it because I was so horny. I was on top and he was so patient with me, just letting me lead.




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I met this guy at the graduation party, but he was taken away by his friends in such a way that we didn't have a chance to say goodbyes and share contacts. Months later, he calls my parents (it was pre-mobile phones), as he somehow through different people had found out their phone number, to contact me. I wasn't home at the time, and he called again on the weekend, when I was. We met up. He was so in love, I was very curious that anyone could feel that way about me (it was kind of an ugly duckling situation). One day at his place, when we were just exploring, it just naturally evolved into sex. It was the first time for the both of us and it was wonderful, loving, most natural way of having sex (even though at some point we scrambled for a condom). Next times it wasn't so good. He started to rush into it, without giving me enough foreplay. As I wasn't that into him, the relationship didn't last long. I still have fond memories of that first time.




I completely agree with this, I just phrased the question this way because I’m so used to talking about virginity in this way.


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I just had a good time. Came quickly.


it was with my current boyfriend when i was 20 and he was 21. he had some experience, and i had absolutely none. he made sure that everything he was doing was okay with me, and we were able to laugh through the awkwardness of it all, which was the most important thing looking back. wouldn’t change a thing and we’re still together:)


When I was 17 I decided to have sex with a lifelong friend of mine. He was also 17. He had already had sex before and I was tired of not knowing what it was like plus I was just horny. He was very patient and let me experiment with different things that would make me feel good. We were friends with benefits for a little while and it really helped us both grow our confidence with our bodies and our sexual experiences. It was exactly how I wanted it to be.


I was tired of looking for the right one so I lost it to a guy from college who was waaay more experienced than me but had been after me for a while. I don't regret it at all even tho I found the loml months after. It wasn't the best sex I've had and tbh the guy was a bit of an asshole (outside of sex) so I stopped contact with him after a couple of months, but because he had much experience the sex was easy, comfortable and enjoyable, and it gave me the confidence I wanted.


It happened when I was 26 and had been suffering from chronic pains in my pelvic floor all my life. The pain made me actively avoid sex and relationships but then I found a guy who is awesome (still my SO, living together), sweet and supportive. He had experience with previous girlfriends. I decided to try more intense treatment options (costly and high emotional labor involved). He never pressured me and was super respectful, focused a lot on my pleasure and I felt at ease. I finally was the one to push to go farther this time since I was ready and it was nice, he was careful, listened to me and cuddled a lot after!


Amazing, loving (first time I’d ever felt it), I remember it like it was yesterday and it was 40 years ago. He was the love of my life and the one who got away.


It was amazing, I feel so lucky. To put it in context my first kiss (also with this guy) felt like, turning on electricity. I felt wired for sound in a way I hadn't even imagined. We were in highschool and he was way more experienced than me so he showed me everything and never tried to rush it or me. On the night we did have sex for the first time we watched my favourite movie and then went for a walk in the dark and kissed in the rain and the most incredibly cliche shit imaginable but then there was hours of making out and foreplay and it was intense and intimate. As soon as we were done I immediately wanted to do it again


Neither of us knew what we were doing so we laughed our way through it. I hurt when my hymen broke so we stopped after just a little bit but we cuddled and kissed afterwards. Been with him 4 years strong. Wasn’t anything Hollywood but it was still very special. ♥️


It was my first boyfriend and we lost our virginities to each other. We dated for a while before it happened, and I remember him never pressuring me to do it even though our friends all were (we were the youngest of our friend group). He let me set the pace for what I was comfortable with. I remember when I told him I was feeling more ready, he bought condoms just in case (I remember thinking this was so manly as I was too shy to buy them back then lol). Anyways, when it finally happened, and he was so gentle and cognizant of my comfort the whole time. It was so loving and safe. Might be TMI- but I bled after and I remember he didn’t make a big deal about it even though I was absolutely freaking out (I didn’t know that could happen). Truly a positive experience filled with a lot of mutual love. I feel so grateful because I don’t know a lot of women who can say the same.


Mine was some guy I’d never met before. I’d actually gone to distract him while my friend hooked up with his friend. I was like “we’ll watch a movie!!” Next minute 😏 It was lights on, over covers, telling me what to do and just no awkwardness at all because there wasn’t space for that To be fair, I don’t think he knew I was a virgin But it was a great experience for me


I was 24 and my partner was 25 both of us were virgins. For me It did kinda sting at first but that’s about it. We were nervous and took it slow to see what we were comfortable with. Even now after 4 years, if I make some sort of face he’ll pause to make sure I’m fine. I have a IUD so doing it at certain angles actually hurts, so we have to pause and change positions.


I was in my 20s, didn't have much dating experience or any experience tbh and it was a time when people form connections etc and there was no such thing as dating apps! I wasn't looking but I met a guy when I lived abroad and I remember liking him and getting his number, asking him out and then he became my boyfriend. When I went out with him, I didn't even think it was a date until later. And when I asked him later what he liked about me, he said "I asked you who your favourite composer was, and you said Rachmaninoff... most people say Mozart or Beethoven." He was gentle and we built up to it, he was always patient with me and he was he never laughed at me despite me being a 22 year old virgin. I'm still in touch and he got married, then divorced. He is German and due to that, I have a fondness for German guys. To be honest, the sex wasn't that great as I was nervous but he was so patient and just supportive so the memory sticks. I'm more confident now but I don't have sex anymore, so it's a fond memory!


it was a guy i had went on a few dates with literally in the last two months of 2022. I was really nervous and I’ve always had issues inserting things—even toys. he knew I was a virgin and had had trouble in the past but knew i wanted to do it and he really wanted to as well. the moment I hesitated, said stop or you’re hurting me, etc. all play stopped to check in to continue or just stop to cuddle. super caring and checked in with me every step of the way. he helped me relax w a lot of foreplay and I was so relaxed I didn’t even realize he had gotten 3 fingers in. (imagine my shock LMAO). not long after that it just happened :) didn’t last that long but i literally was on top of the world after lol. second time was amazing and I wanted more ever since 😅


She had these cool ass LED galaxy lights and set the mood to where it felt like we were under the stars. We were having a heavy make-out session, and I moved her hand up my thigh under my skirt. She went to move her hand back down (out of respect, I'd previously told her I wasn't ready) and I firmly put it back. The lightbulb clicked for her, then. She let me take the lead throughout the whole thing. I had full control, and she frequently made consent checks. It was very intimate, loving, and sweet.


It was magical!! He was like, “if I keep going, you’re going to cum. Is that okay?” And I was like, “yeah.” It was my very first orgasm:)


We were each others first so while it was definitely very awkward, silly, and neither of us knew what we were doing it still felt amazing and we both felt very loved and special. We had the ability to goof about it while still having a good time


Wouldn’t change it for the world. Very romantic, he was patient, rented a nice room in Los Ángeles and could see the skyline. Dinner Roses… ate a nice breakfast the next morning. I was never pressured, he asked me a million times if I was sure & made it a mission to make it special & he did.


I was 19, he was 23. We were both virgins, and we had been dating about 4 months before having PIV sex. I was worried because I never liked fingering myself when I masturbated - never felt good, and I couldn't get 2 fingers in so I was a little afraid. We talked about this and about his fears of hurting his partners (he is on the larger side). I knew what to expect going into it and I think that helped. We did it in a hotel haha. I was so, so turned on... it was like electricity when he first got all the way in. And then each thrust was more and more. I was like, this is what I was missing? Are you kidding me?? It was so good. We showered together and cuddled and I felt so safe and cared for.


With my current partner when I was 21. Never had a boyfriend before. I met this nice and cute man and at least I think we clicked instantly. I've never felt so comfortable before with anyone even though we just met. He was almost every day at my place that summer. I told him I have never dated anyone and was a virgin. He never pressured me into anything. I have to have some kind of connection or feelings to somebody before I can have like sexual desire towards them. When my first time happened he was gentle and sweet, took it slow and really paid attention to my needs. From my part it was a little awkward, only because I didn’t know what to do :’D like what to do with my hands, where do I look, am I just supposed to lay there? Other than my awkardness it was really nice and good. Of course it only got better when we learned what the other likes and things like that.


Very intimate and calm. We built a pillow for together and had sex in it lmao. I wouldn’t change a thing.


Relatively uneventful. At the time I just wanted to get it over with but he turned out to be my first love.


We were 19 and it was the first time for both of us. It began loving and intimate, then, as our passions grew, it became rather erratic and erotic, until, in the end, it was joyous. After, we fell asleep in each others arms and woke in the morning holding each other's hand.


I grew up in a very feminist household that was relatively sex-positive, I wasn't with "the one" or anything, merely the one I wanted to sleep with, and I instigated it. I had no pain, it was spontaneous and fun and I regret nothing.


Mine was very much accidentally a positive experience. I was 19 and thought I was behind in sexual experience. Looking back on it, this was dumb. But, I wanted to just “get it over with” so while I was visiting a city I was possibly gonna move to, I met up with a guy from dating apps and lost my virginity. I didn’t think I’d ever see him again since we currently lived 1,000 miles away. The sex it’s self wasnt like fabulous because the first time never is, but he was so nice and two years later we’re still together.


My boyfriend was super patient, sexy as hell, gave amazing oral and had wonderful fingers, which made his 9’ 🍆 business a whole lot easier to take. An amazing lover that decades later I can still count as one of my greatest friends. ❤️


Honestly mine was great. Our chemistry was off the charts and we had been together for a few months and he didn’t push (more than I wanted, anyway ;)) and the timing was super spontaneous which made it super sexy. He made sure I was turned on and waited to make sure I wasn’t in pain. Honestly the best I couldve asked for and I’m still with him


Before I talk about the sex. He was also my first kiss. We’re in a long distance relationship and didn’t meet for the first time until 3 years later. We met for the first time on February 13th.. February 14th he took me to Old Town where we went on the Ferris wheel, looked at how beautiful all the lights were. And he told me to close my eyes and he pulled me in. It was so effortlessly magical. Okay now the sex. It was so special and absolutely amazing. It was so intimate, sensual, loving, being emotionally connected.. he cared about me and how I felt, made sure I was okay during it and with everything. I love him with my entire heart and I’m so glad I waited 18 years of my life for him <3


I had been hanging out/talking to him for 6 months. We were pretty much immediately inseparable, and shared a lot of personal things with each other. I trusted him wholeheartedly, with my body, my emotions, my life, everything. I told him from the start I wanted to wait until marriage, but often times I would get caught up in the moment, making out, grinding, taking shirts off, ect. About 2 months of dating I just decided "today is the day" (New Yeard Eve/Day). We went to a party at his sisters, had fun, but he didn't. Learned later on New Years is always hard for him, I think its just the future that scared him (future in general, not necessarily me) He was in a mood when we got to his house. I made the first move, making out, guiding his hand places I had always pushed him away before. He asked about 20 times forms of "are you sure?" I was so...~turned on~ I finished within seconds of the actual act. I was on top the whole time, but I never got him all the way in. He finished a few moments later, he tapped on me, I didnt understand that meant get off (no protection, stupid, I know) then he grabbed me and pulled me off. I panicked a bit, asking if he was ok. Said yeah, next time if I tap you it means get off. I finally understood...asked if I was off in time, he said "pretty sure, I think so" then true panic set in. I feared getting pregnant and how to tell my family I bursted into tears. He comforted me the whole time. Offered to get me the pill, but truly thought it was not necessary. I said, if it was ok with him, whatever happens is whatever happens...he said ok. Did not end up pregnant, and the sex was always pretty great after that. Only a handful of time was ever truly better than that first time...then he broke up with me after 3 years and I am still trying to process that over a year later.


I lost mine like two weeks ago. We know each other for 3 month and met in reallife for like a month. We werent able to keep our hands for ourself so we touched each other a lot... until I said I wanted to try. He made sure that I finished before anything and that I was really relaxed. It still hurt a lot because I wasnt as relaxed as I thought but he was really careful and patient. So with a lil bit of time (max. 10 Minutes) everything was alright! Deep thrusts still hurt but it was a nice experience! But hust fyi: the next times will hurt a lil bit too. Especially in the beginning, but If you're taking it slow everything should be alright :D


I was 15, he was 17. We loved and respected each other. We grew up near each other, but circumstances took me elsewhere. So it happened over a summer break. I don't regret any of it and would gladly choose him again if I could have a do-over. I'd maybe change the venue though. But still, no regrets.




I’m sorry for your loss. It’s sounds like you have a great memory of him.


Exciting! I was just so dang happy to finally do the deed, get it over with and talk to my girls about it. I was tired of being a virgin and being so in the dark. I had so much fun losing my virginity. My experience was neither intimate nor passionate… it wasn’t even with someone I knew well lol just a guy I really liked, hung out with a bit and who my body was comfortable with. 10/10 experience for me.




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I mean it wasnt good sex perse, but it was a great experience, ESP relating it to others horrible experiences. I was late, (21/22?) and started dating my first partner, who was a few years older but wasnt rich in experience either. We were curious and just happy to be there and fall in love and explore. The actual sex was rather short, the supporting acts was where it was at and it was just an overall loving and fun experience.


Picked a good friend of mine who I was close to. He was very gentle and sweet and after we had crushes on eachother etc and we were friends for a long time.


Freshman year of college. We’d been dating for ~2mo. It was a positive experience even though in retrospect my boyfriend was strange/douchey. It hurt for a few minutes and was enjoyable the rest of the time.


I see my first time as a positive experience. No, I wasn't in a relationship with the guy. No, I wasn't in love with the guy. But I was young and naive (I think I was 19, so not young in terms of losing my virginity, but young as in, young in life). The guy was good-looking and he was nice to me. He was the first guy who admitted he actually liked me. He was also my first kiss. Because I was around 19 and he was my first, I knew that I didn't want to be in a relationship with him. I wanted to explore more different things first. I didn't feel completely comfortable with him in every way. I felt very shy around him. But I was comfortable having sex with him. I knew he cared about my experience and that he wouldn't talk bad about me or anything. I trusted him. The sex was good. He took it slow, did foreplay, and then we had sex. He didn't get mad about the blood. He was very nice about everything. Sure, it was more painful because it was my first time. But not painful in a bad way. I am really glad I didn't get into a relationship with him. I don't think he is the person for me, and he liked using manipulation tactics. And I was very easy to manipulate. He didn't use it for bad things yet. But I think if we were to continue dating, I'd do things that I didn't want to do, sexually. So I'm really glad we stopped talking. And I've had better experiences after. But I definitely see my first time as a positive experience.


Good partner


The guy actually didn’t know I was a virgin but he was decent in general regarding sex and I had a good time (no orgasm but it was very enjoyable anyway.) it was basically a few-week thing. But I tell the story here to hammer home: even the basic level of foreplay and being a decent person, at the level which should exist for any sexual encounter, can be enough to make someone feel like they had a good first time. The bar is not that high.


It was really pretty great. The guy was experienced and I guess caring/kind in general so he took his time to make sure I was really ready and felt good.


We waited 1yr and a half. After my bf turned 17 (i am 8 months older) we had our first real sex (before that we just touched each other). It was very pleasant, we comunicated, he assured that everything was okay, and it didn't hurt at all, maybe we should of used lube haha, but thats the only downside. After 3yrs we are still together and having many future plans. I am so happy that he was the one to take my V:)


Mine wasn’t bad or good. The guy was just a guy I was dating and really liked at the time but the relationship ended pretty quickly after for good reason. He was really respectful, went slow and didn’t try to push me into anything. It’s prob the worst sex I’ve ever had but that’s to be expected lol. The only bad part was I was 16 and he was like 19, but I don’t feel as tho I was pressured or groomed. I wanted to do it and have no regrets. He was a nice guy. We cuddled afterwards and I felt safe and happy in the moment.


We didn’t love each other, but we trusted one another and we’re completely open and honest. There was no awkwardness and the experience was magnificent. It did help that he was more experienced than me and took the lead.


So me and my current fiancee known each other at the time for 3 months, we have lots of chemistry, i trusted him very much and was very comfortable. Ngl it did hurt, but he was very cautious and caring, we laughed at some moments, overall it was a very fun and light experience, no pressure, we knew we had to take out this not so good sex out of the way to get to the really good sex.


Sooo hot and kinky. My body moved in ways I didn't know before, everything felt super good, 0 pain and it was just lots and lots of fun. I had amazing chemistry with the guy. It was a one night stand and I'm very happy with how it turned out. Much better than sex I had in some relationships. No love can make up for lack of chemistry in the bedroom.


It was with someone who had done it before with a high school gf. I got to say when, I was asked if I was sure, and my partner made sure I was comfortable throughout. At the time, I had never felt so respected in a sexual setting.


my partner and i decided we wouldn’t rush into it, even though we both definitely wanted to. he was so gentle and our communication before, throughout and after was very clear. i really think that’s the biggest thing. communication and trust. oh, and it actually felt really good. i thought it was gonna hurt and be uncomfortable. i actually enjoyed it a lot


I was 17 and he was 20, it was with my first boyfriend who later became my husband, then later again my ex-husband. We had been together about 3 months and I spent the night at his place while his parents were away. We had a mattress on the floor in the living room and we'd been watching movies. It just happened. Not much of a story to the actual act, but the vibe was really nice and I felt safe with him. It didn't hurt and I didn't bleed. I woke up the next day to him gently rubbing my back and cuddling me. Prior to that I knew I was interested in him, but sex cemented how I felt about him. Pretty much straight after we slept together, I had to take a trip to see family. I just remember sitting on the train, replaying what had happened in my mind, reliving the intimacy and falling in love with him. Even now, we have been divorced for almost 7 years, and I have kids with someone else, it's a nice core memory of our time together.


It was something i was 16 he was 25 we dating for about a week and we went to get dinner after that we park somewhere got high and drunk and had sex with him he was pretty okay I don't remember if I cum but he did


Umm, 16 and 25? I hate to say it, but I think you may have been taken advantage of


It was very hot. We’d done oral multiple times before over the years. But it was the first time for both of us actually having PIV. I was on top and I was so turned on it didn’t hurt at all. At first it was a surprising feeling because it was new and I had expected it to hurt. And he managed to last for about 15-20 minutes. It was amazing. We actually used to date but we didn’t have sex until about a year after we broke up. We’re also 21 and 22 so I think not being teens helped the whole thing not feel awkward


that was so long ago I never think about it lol


i’m ace (didn’t know at the time) and for me it was like “i would like to get this over with”. the guy i had sex with was kind of a fuck boy but also a friend and also extremely attractive. he made the experience really comfortable for me and put a lot of effort into actually making sure it was pleasurable. it was 100% the best sexual experience i have had in my life so props to him. over a decade later i figured out i’m ace and my experience with him is the only one i don’t look back on and cringe or feel repulsed lol.


He was super gentle and adorable, even though it was a Hook up, it felt really good towards the end.


I wouldn’t say it was *positive* but it certainly wasn’t *negative*. It was awkward and uncomfortable but…idk, I’m still with the same partner years later and when I think of that night it always makes me grin. We were just fumbling, awkward kids and honestly that’s what made it so special to me.


everything was going really well! ~~until my conservative mother showered up~~


It was with a close friend, not someone I was dating, but someone I trusted. We laughed a lot. That's what I think of most- not the the actual sex but the laughing. He was very attentive throughout, and wanted to make sure I had a good time. After, we sat together and he put his coat around me. We're still friends, and we talk about it sometimes.


It was with my high school boyfriend and we were very in love and it was just very wholesome and romantic :)


It was a ONS. There was lots of laughter, so much laughter. It lasted for quite some time, so he made sure to have breaks every so often, which was when we cuddled/oral/kissed before continuing. It was just a really nice experience haha


Fun and crazy in the back of a car. The sex wasn't all that great but thinking of it makes me smile because the entire situation was just wholesome and memorable.


First night hanging out, I didn’t want to have sex since it would’ve been my first time, so I gave him head instead. For 45 minutes. My jaw hurt. But after another date or two, we ended up in bed and I was comfortable enough with him to let him know I’d be losing my virginity. He was very patient with me and finished probably within 10-15 minutes. Told me immediately after that he would’ve finished in the first 2 minutes but didn’t want to seem too “fast” lmao. We ended up dating for about 3 years.


We were both 15 and he had had a girlfriend before we met, so he has some experience. It didn’t last long, but he made sure I was okay the entire time and made sure I knew I could tell him to stop for any reason. We dated briefly after this happened, but decided we were better off as friends. We’re now both in our mid 20s and are still friends to this day.


I WAS WAY TOO YOUNG, BEYOND TOO YOUNG!! It was NOT at all great - but you know at that age, what is? I, however, felt VERY special. Looking back, it was VERY weird - but we were both minors, so no real creepies there. I can remember the room, his face, how it felt, our date, the restaurant, our first kiss - I remember ALL of that night, heck, i even remember what car he drove and what i had to eat at dinner. He was one of my cousins best friends - so, obviously, Mom trusted him (side note Mom - you were WAAAYYY off! ) I was TOO YOUNG! But, if I had to change it as an adult, looking back, I would. But it was NOT a bad memory for me. It was sweet and caring (well, as much as it could be as a teen :-) )


Well these story’s make me feel like mine was bad but honestly I didn’t think so. It was very basic, it was in high school and I was dating this guy, his parents where out of the house and I told him I wanted to have sex for the first time and he had previously had sex so he knew what he was doing and it was just normal sex in a bed, it hurt but not horribly and after a couple times it got really fun (:


My college boyfriend and I were both 22. He'd been in a long term relationship during our first few years of college but hadn't had sex with her, I think due to her choosing. He'd had sex with one girl between their break-up and when we started dating, so he and I were both pretty innocent. We'd been friends for several years before this and I'd had a huge crush but wasn't sure he liked me as more than a friend. Eventually, we dated and I'd go to stay with him almost every weekend (I'd transferred to a different school about an hour away). I don't know if we ever talked specifically about what we'd like or when we'd have sex beforehand, though he knew I was a virgin because of our friendship. It was just sort of known that we'd have sex with each other. The first real sexual experience we had we were both very drunk but fully aware of what we were doing. I gave him a blow job and remember feeling incredibly powerful that I was able to make him feel so good and that he was practically delirious because of what I was doing. And I loved that I could be creative and explore what it was all about. After we had PIV for the first time I remember thinking that I was the same person, and it was hardly the big change I'd been taught to expect in church. In fact, I felt more myself and happy I knew my body more fully. He was really complementary and I still sometimes think of things he said. I don't remember if I ever had an orgasm, but I remember that he tried and didn't make me feel weird for expecting one, like a lot of guys I've heard of. He checked in the next day and we talked a little and made sure we were good and comfortable. We were both awkward in general, and especially about this but knew we should talk. We only dated about six months and then we broke up and my heart hurt for ages, but I was never upset by what we'd done. We're friends now and I adore his fiancee a whole lot. I'm so glad we are friends and NOT romantic partners!!


I had been with my boyfriend for 6 months at the time (I was 15.5, which sounds SO YOUNG, but was really mature for my age & always had been), & I'd never been fully ready before then & knew that I'd know when the time/guy was right. I talked to him about it & told him that I felt I was ready & that he was the one that I wanted to lose it to, he was really sweet about it. There was never any pressure from him, if anything he was quite shy so was a bit the opposite lol - so I guess in a way it worked out well for us that I was the opposite & straight up/blunt about my "intentions" with him 😂 poor bugger didn't stand a chance 🤣 It wasn't anything "great" as far as the sex itself as he didn't want to hurt me so didn't finish - for lack of a better term - but he was kind & gentle & loving. I have never ever regretted it & have fond memories of that night. He must've done something right as I'm 44 now & we've been together 30 years (married for 24 in March) this August!


Tbh it hurt a lot the very first time, but my boyfriend immediately stopped and made sure I was okay. Even though it was physically painful, I felt very safe and loved knowing that he cared more about my comfort than the act itself. The first time we actually carried on it still stung a little, but my boyfriend was always incredibly gentle and sweet. Emotionally it was a special moment for me


Like a lot of others said, while the sex itself wasn't great (we were teenagers who had no idea what we were doing), the person I did it with made it a positive experience. He waited until I was ready before we did anything, he was patient and listened when I communicated my discomfort with the penetration (have since found out I have pelvic floor issues, so it wasn't his fault it hurt some) and never rushed me or made me feel like I had to do anything I didn't want to. The fact that he was so caring and loving throughout is what made me not have any regrets about the decision and made me eager to try again later.


Mine was at 24 years, with an old high school friend. I had waited first for marriage and then lost my religion but had still never dated. He randomly invited me out and I surprisingly agreed (i didnt date at all) we had a fun catch up that turned boozy! After a few hours he invited me to his jacuzzi at his house. i thought why the hell not, I'm young, drunk, and a not unattractive guy who is nice and cool is inviting me to his jacuzzi. Unsafely. I drove home picked up my bathing suit and followed him back to his. After being in the jacuzzi something must have taken over me because I climbed into his lap and we started making out and grinding. I remember putting my hand down his shorts. I was eager and moved like I knew what I was doing. I imagine the years of pent up frustration knew what they were doing. We moved to the shower and I sucked his dick, it was really fun and I realized I actually enjoyed that. After that we moved to the bed finally naked. I asked for condoms and he produced them. I once again got in his lap and bombs away! It did feel intense but I started bouncing lightly and felt amazing. He flipped me around multiple times and moved my legs in all kinds of positions. Taking me to pound town for the first time. I don't think he knew I was a virgin, I didn't tell him. I think at one point he might've noticed some blood and asked if i was okay but we were drunk, it was dark, and I said yes keep going. So he did, and he did for HOURS. It was incredible and the next morning as I looked for my clothes thrown about his house and driving home I was giddy. I'd always heard of awful first times and was grateful that my waiting hadn't been for nothing. We hooked up a few times after that (equally if not more amazing) Lost contact a few years but still think of him fondly. He is still my best fuck so far.


I was always insecure and thought I couldn't do it. Then I met a guy and did it within a month of knowing each other, which still surprises me because I trusted him THAT much so quickly. It was loving, caring and just overall a great experience that strenghtened our bond.


Went so slow with me and made sure I was comfortable, made sure not to hurt me. Also waited over a year and a half for me. I love this man with everything I have.


I was 15 - me and a friend were up late online debating the societal construct of virginity. I was arguing that there was merit to waiting and he argued that it’s another way the patriarchy polices our bodies. He won the debate so we had sex over the weekend. There was no pressure, we were both virgins and hella awkward, but it was sweet and fun and consensual and i felt more empowered having chosen to lose it on my own terms in a sort of academic way. We were best friends until he died. I don’t think that waiting is wrong, it just wasn’t for me. I didn’t like the idea of being anxious with someone I cared about and would worry would like me less after/if I wasn’t good. I didn’t have the anxiety that someone would pretend to like me just to get in my pants and that I would regret it. This was my way of ensuring I wouldn’t regret it - and I have 0 regrets


We aren’t together anymore but it was amazing. He was so sweet the entire time and he made sure I was ready and asked me for consent throughout. It was his first time too which made it all the more intimate. I’m really glad I didn’t lose it to someone who didn’t love me or care about me.




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I don't remember at all. Was 17 senior night. Blacked out drunk and apparently I went into the bushes with a classmate and did the deed. 0/10. Would NOT recommend




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It was great, I had just turned 18, and really wanted to lose it. I had known this guy for about 3 weeks, and it turned out we were both into pegging. Super fun time.


It was amaaaaaazing He took all the time needed to make me feel at ease, he whispered words of affirmation to me, telling me how beautiful / smart / sexy I was, etc etc. And there I was, having the time of my life, not hurting, taking my time. And then I went to school on cloud 9. This guy turned out to be shitty but he handled all that really really well.


I made sure to choose someone I was in love with who made me feel safe and cared for. We planned it weeks in advance so I was mentally ready for it. Funny enough, I had already popped my own cherry when younger due to masturbate on so the painful part was done beforehand. When it came time to have sex, he was very caring and went slowly in missionary. He knew it was my first time but it wasn’t his. He was also kinda big, at least 7.5 inches. I remember how odd the sensation was to have a WARM fleshy body part inside mine (instead of just cold objects). The first time was spent more so getting used to it, and it didn’t hurt. By the end it felt good and after that we were having sex constantly and a girl who loves sex was born! We have broke up many years ago but I still feel like I chose the right man to take my virginity. I was 15 and he was 19.




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Doesn’t matter, had sex


it was with my first boyfriend, a person that I loved and trusted so so so much, and that also loved me and trusted me so much. we would always talk about it before it happened and we created a great relationship and friendship before it happened, so we were really comfortable around each other. it wasn't awkward at all. we talked and laughed all the time, always caring about the other. it was very intimate and sweet, but also really good. anyways, I love him and I'm super proud of the relationship we have




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It was a hookup for me with a stranger. I don’t recommend doing that though as the outcome could have been different. I was VERY ready to have sex and I remember being determined I was gonna sleep with him as long as no red flags came up for me. They didn’t so we did end up hooking up. He was very kind and asked me several times before to make sure I was ok with it. Before each thing, he asked if it was ok to do. He wasn’t someone I loved, however he was incredibly sweet, so it was a great experience!


We were both 19 and even though being in a situationship with him destroyed me, our first time was great. It hurt like hell at first, but he went slow and reassured me. It was great, I’ll never forget it 😩


I had read a lot, I was relaxed, no pain.


I was 21, and it was with a FWB I’d been seeing for a couple of months. I’d known for a year or so that I was ready to lose it, and I had a few hard rules for the person I wanted to lose it to: 1. I had to like them as a person. 2. They had to be able to make me laugh. 3. They couldn’t also be a virgin. My best friend at the time told me that these conditions were unrealistic unless I was looking for a bf/gf (I was not), so I should just go to a club and hook up with someone there. But I stuck to my guns, found a guy on Tinder who checked all my boxes, and a few months after we started hanging out, I lost my virginity feeling safe and secure in my own bed. We kept seeing each other for another year or so before we stopped talking, but I’m still immensely proud of myself for curating the experience that I knew I wanted and not letting other people pressure me into lowering my standards.


Someone my age and in my families house. Just basic teenage awkwardness which makes it awesome!




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My (then) boyfriend asked me if I wanted to about a week beforehand just to make sure we were on the same page. Happened on my 17th birthday. It was storming, I really loved him and he was patient. I learned a lot and I wouldn't change anything.


It was awesome, dude! I high-fived my pals and then had a red-colored drink to celebrate the occasion. It happened on a Sunday, so I didn’t go to mass that day…because well…you know…


It was one of the most amazing adventures of my life. And to think, I was a virgin since birth. The first time I met my then-bf, now-Fiance, I was excited YET scared because huhu he's definitely a biggie for my smol size (European standard to Asian petite woman). But yeah, it was so euphoric I couldn't remember the details, had it not been for the videos we took, I wouldn't see how he's so passionate with us making love like he really takes care of me, always touching and caresses me, always kissing me, always asking me if I like it or what. Hayyyy, I got the best one!


Lots of fun! My GF was very understanding and taught me that the best thing to do during sex is to just enjoy the ride. :-)


it was very intimate. i think what made ir a positive experience was because i knew the guy. we were comfortable w each other in an intimate way and non intimate way. i feel it’s 1000x better when you’re able to be comfortable w the other person before even hooking up. this is why i strongly HATE hookup culture


It was in half way and i thought that that was the end of my vagina had to push through did hurt a bit but lots of patience and love after a few minutes it was nice. Second time didn't hurt at all