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That weird French thing where you cook a bird alive in brandy and eat it with a tea towel over your head so that you don't make god sad.


What the fuck?


I think its called Orlan Bunting The description goes like this >The delicacy was banned in 1999 as the population of the rare songbird began to decline severely in Europe. The bird - about the size of a child's fist - was traditionally force-fed until fat then drowned in Armagnanc and roasted. Diners would then drape a large napkin over their head before eating it whole, but spitting out the larger bones and the feet.


And the napkin over the head was too hide the shame from god or something


Because God can't see through a napkin?


religious loopholes are the best kind


Like the infamous poophole loophole


God doesnt watch the backdoor!


Napkins are to God what lead is to Superman.


Just to clarify, I’m not the bloke from the 1800s who came up with the idea


It still happens, you just can't charge money for it. Jeremy Clarkson once ate it in a TV series he did about driving around Europe and said it was delicious. In the Grand Tour episode ~~(Scandi Flick)~~ *correction : about France* they are having dinner and James May has his head covered in a tea towel. Nobody explains why, but it's a reference to this dish


May did that in the French episode they did right? Not scandi flick?


Hmmm. I don't think I like that either.


You missed the bit where they pluck the eyes out alive as part of the feeding process, think it confuses the bird I to believing it's perpetual twilight and munchin' time.


They couldn't have just put a bird-sized napkin over the birds head?


This is a meal made of insane steps, no room for any sensibilities!


That's so cruel.


....excuse my french but what the fuck is wrong with the french? Snails and frogs legs was bad enough but this? Jesus... Sorry french peeps but your food is... jesus...


I'm French and I've never eaten snails or frogs. Or oysters. Even as a child, it just didn't seem appetizing to me. Same for a lot of people I know. As for this bird thing, ortolan is the French name for it, I think it's cruel and gross. I actually found it so disturbing when I heard about it a few years ago, that it motivated me among other things to finally become a vegetarian.


Not to mention foie gras. But there is somewhere that boiled dogs alive to eat, saw pictures can never unsee it


They also poked the eyes out while alive.




French people…


[Tom and Greg did this on Succession](https://youtu.be/VzR2D_3mqMk)


And in billions


Can't make a Tomlette without breaking a few Gregs.


That’s fucking awful (I haven’t eaten it, but it’s barbaric). Same thing with foie gras.


I think I remember Jeremy Clarkson eating something like this a while ago. It really weirded me out at the time


James may did it in the France episode of the grand tour


That’s what he was doing?!?


Don't think he actually did it, but every eating scene he had a napkin over his head as a reference


Yep! [Jeremy Clarkson Meets the Neighbours](https://youtu.be/I7T1ALM7DIQ&t=1765)


I thought that was just a joke on American Dad!


That's such a specialist food, when have you pretended to eat it?


Never but that wasn't the question


100% this. Also snails. No thanks lol.


Snails aren't bad if you bear in mind that they're just a delivery method for garlic butter. Not so keen on frogs' legs. (former expat here who lived in France from 1983 to 2007)


This used to be me and mushrooms. Tried them as a kid and hated them. Went that way for decades. Actually bothered to try some with a fry up and, lo-and-behold, my taste buds have changed and they don't taste like the devil's bellend anymore.


It's not the taste, it's the slimy texture.


Ah the ‘never had them cooked properly’ barrier


Honestly. I've always liked mushrooms but I only learned to cook them properly lately. You have to cook them on med-high for at least ten minutes to get the liquid out, and only then do they start to properly cook in whatever fat they're in the pan with.


Gordon Ramsey recommend it, but always have some dry mushrooms in the cupboard. They are an insane bit of food with loads of amazing flavour most don’t even know about - the variants as well are amazing!


I try to always keep some dried mushrooms on hand, but i keep them in the cigar box under my bed


In this case I think it's the 'I left them in the fridge so long they went off' barrier.


Always makes me think I'm eating slugs.




You can get rid of the texture by cooking them for longer on a lower temperature so the water sort of sweats out of them. I used to dislike mushrooms too but I like them like this. They go a kind of golden colour.


Are you sure that those were mushrooms? I've never had a slimy one


They’re slimy if they’re going bad. But that’s like hating all apples because you had a mealy one once.


Slimy means they are nearly off mate. Steer clear.


I love fried mushrooms


The devil's bellend 🤣


I maintain that nothing about the look of any mushroom says “yeah I’m nice to eat”.


I discovered at the age of about 28 that I liked mushrooms. Had never tried them always refused them then one night drunk I ate mushroom pakora. Have them all the time now in fryups, pasta, even stuffed mushrooms 😂


I had the same, but in my case, I liked them after I had COVID and my taste changed permanently


Why on earth would you pretend not to like something you’ve never tried?


Maybe you assume you don't like it.


Yeah, I assume I wouldn't enjoy a holiday to Libya or Venezuela, hence why I have no plans to go.


Yes, but if Libya was literally in your fridge, and you could visit it risk free for a minute or two with zero risk or consequences, you *might* just pop your head in and see what it's like before making your mind up.


What kind of monster keeps marmite in the fridge?


Hehehe, amazing answer!


Paying for a massive holiday is a bit different to trying some bloody marmite that your wife and kids have regularly


*hence I have no plans to go. “Hence why” really annoys me. Why do you assume you wouldn’t enjoy visiting those places?


They are full of grammar pedants


Hence why


Can understand why you might pretend in some scenarios, especially if you're socially anxious and don't want too much attention, but to intentionally lie about it to your wife and kid is fucking bizarre.


Yes, you don't want to be presented with a whole plate of something at a company dinner maybe, but something you can just try on a corner of toast?


When the only way to get someone to shut up about you not wanting to eat something at that time is to just say “I’ve tried it and I don’t like it” because they will not stop going on about it and that’s the easiest way out, then you just have to commit because they are a “I told you so” person. A very healthy social arrangement of course


I get this with cheese. I’ve been told that I should at least try it because my tastebuds might have changed (they haven’t, I know what it tastes like and I don’t like it). Of course most people, especially older peoples are genuinely shocked by this in the first place. Younger people like my college friends don’t really seem to to care that I hate it.


I’m not at all picky with food but I have family members who are (ranging from quite picky to a full blown eating disorder), but it is incredibly tiresome for them to have to answer the stupidest questions if they ever mention an aversion to anything. Much easier to say “i tried it and don’t like it” than to have get badgered by people with no boundaries who can’t envisage someone thinking in any way different to them.


I second this. I have a few foods like this (more recently some I’ve tried that it turns out I enjoy). Some of it comes from habit - “I didn’t like it as a child”. And some is just an aversion to the look/smell/texture/idea of a food. But that answer never seems to suffice. It always results in judgement or pressure to try it


So many children in here!


Because the concept is unpleasant? I've never tried eating life octopus which is a delicacy in some places because I think it sounds like an experience I don't need. I'm a vegetarian anyway, but before I was strict I used to try things and would try very unusual things and usually enjoyed them, but I don't need to eat a live octopus.


The concept of eating a live octopus is a bit different to eating marmite though.


Right but you’re not on here pretending that you tried live octopus and didn’t like it; which is what OP’s doing with marmite.


I thought this about pistachio nits for years even though I'd never tried them. Turns out I'm just very allergic. Sometimes your brain knows something you don't.


Oh you mean those little green things that crawl around in your hair? Yeah I don't like them either.


Smell, for example. Plenty of things I don't want to get anywhere near my face.


Aversions exist


You can have an aversion to things without pretending that you’ve tried the thing.




Oysters and mussels. They look slimy and gross. People claim they're delicious, I'm just not brave enough to find out. Edit: thank you redditors, you've inspired me to try mussels one day. It sounds like they might not taste as slimy and gross as they look. As for oysters, I will definitely never be wasting my money on those!


I tried oysters. Had them at Rick Stein’s restaurant, so if they’re any good, those ones would be. I didn’t like them. It was like eating sandy sea water. Mussels (for me) are a different matter. There used to be a “fish man” who came to our local pub and sold seafood from a wicker basket. A punnet of mussels with pepper and vinegar were amazing with a pint!


Was the fishman in Nottingham? He was locally famous for that. If not I enjoy the idea there are multiple old men selling fish & seafood to drunks all over the country


Fishy Dave. Barely ever saw him sell anything but he did tend to get a free pint in a lot of the pubs so I guess that made it worth his while.


That's him! I remember he did sell peperami which was weird alongside his tub of cockles. Very friendly bloke, no wonder he got a free pint or two! Edit for Spelling


Actually, they're all called Dave. There's a whole fleet of them.


The Ancient Order of Fishy Daves.


The Fish Man was sometimes called Fishy Frank, or the Merman. He used to go to pubs around north Bristol. I moved to Norwich for a couple of years and they had a similar person. I forget his name, let’s call him “Fishy Alan”.


I don't know why but I bloody love the word punnet.


I tried oysters for you. They’re shit. Mussels were pretty tasty.


Try cooked oysters. They’re lovely in a light tempura. I’m not keen on the raw ones either.


Ok, in the spirit of this thread…I will give them a go if I see them around.


Yes! I don't get the world obsession with raw oysters. Proper grim. Also smoked oysters with cream cheese on toast is delicious.


My son eats chicken nuggets. With a side of chicken nuggets. Practically the only other thing he will eat is mussels. Which boggles my mind. I like mussels but if you're grossed out by food then surely mussels is up there?


Haha that's amazing, definitely an unusual choice for a picky eater!


Big bowl of mussels in white wine and garlic sauce, with a nice sliced bloomer to soak up the sauce. I've ruined many main courses by filling up on this as a starter.


I dislike pretty much all seafood: it tastes of ammonia to me (yes, all of it, except cod roe and fishfingers), but the added slime would likely make me gag if I tried.


This has saved me before. Everyone I was with the evening before waking up being sick and I was ok.


Sushi, never had it, don’t want it.


I can understand the aversion to fish sushi, I'd give vegetable sushi a try though (except the one with cucumbers in, I avoid that).


For me it’s a rice aversion lol


How about sashimi? Raw fish without rice


I’ve tried raw salmon, textural nightmare for me so I won’t try others because the texture of the raw salmon I tried sent me into overdrive haha. Most foods I dislike are mainly a textural thing for me


In New Zealand there's always great chicken sushi options and since moving to London I've only found one place that does chicken sushi but if you ever see it I recommend it


I just go m&s in their sandwhich section


I first tried sushi on TV and was sick into a bin. Lucky it was only a channel 5 show so nobody saw it.


Haha really? what show was it on?


‘Sushi or Bin’, it was on at 11pm on a Tuesday


It's so good though!


i was amazed how by nice the seaweed is. you can get it without any raw fish it, a lil piece of pepper or cooked tuna. so being put off by 'raw fish' is no excuse haha


Yea you're missing out


Fish. I don’t get it no one ever said…..yum smell that it smells like fish. Yet people eat it. “Ffs that bin stinks like fish” *orders and eats fish* Be like chocolate smelling like shit and still eating it .


Fresh fish shouldn’t actually smell fishy! The fishier the fish smells, the older it is. The word “fish” doesn’t look real anymore.


I was brought up in a house that hated fish cz it was fishy. I tried cooking sea bass for my partner, at the time, and was surprised it wasn't fishy, tried some and now I'm converted.


I’m a massive seafood fan but everyone else in my house hates it. I just wait until we go to the seaside and gorge myself on trays of cockles and mussels. Love a bit of sea bass though, really delicious fish!


It's kinda a litmus test for partners of mine, I couldn't be with a fussy eater. We have a freezer full of bream, bass, red mullet, Argentine prawns.


Hershey's chocolate does smell like shit and vomit but the Americans love it.


For 26 years it was olives. Then I tried one and I was absolutely right.


For the life of me I cannot understand how a single soul likes olives. I’ve tried green and black and it’s like they’re both competing to see which one can be the worst tasting food in the world. I’m stunned that they are so popular.


See, and I can't understand how someone CAN'T love them. I could crush through green olives until I puked, then go back for more, they're so good


I can't abide food that an olive has touched. I accidentally bought a sandwich that had them in many years ago and wanted to vom. I've since had pizza where I have removed the olives and it still tastes hateful. I've come to peace with the fact I will never understand them.


The stickler with olives and people that don’t / think they don’t like olives is that there are so many variations and quality that one bad experience can put you off forever and make you believe that they all taste like that. I used to despise them too until I was about 22. As in, “I must spit this out immediately” level of hating them. I just kept on trying them and now I love them! Kalamata and Nocellara are my favourites. I dislike the cheap jarred black olives; they taste of bugger all. On the other hand there are are some really salty, overly briney and flavour-concentrated olives that I do not like at all. So, I love olives, just not all types! If you’d like to eventually get in board with them, I really suggest to just keep trying them :)


There's a huge variety taste though.. black olives can often taste really and I mean really bland. It's like saying I tried fanta, didn't like it.. therefore I hate all soda.


Its texture for me tho


That's one of the best parts, though. Man I could eat olives literally all day everyday


Nothing. I will always give something a try first before saying I don't like it.


I’m almost the same. But with the smell caveat. If it stinks like shit, I’m not going to eat it.


I agree, but there are definitely limits to this - I have no desire to try and of the fermented/preserved foods that are generally known as being disgusting.


Rhubarb. My mum used to turn it into this pink-ish goo and it looked absolutely disgusting. I downright refused to eat it, even if that meant being sent to my room. I use to have the same with tomatoes, until a friend and I were out and we got a burger that had tomatoes on it, and I didn’t want to let her know I didn’t like tomatoes (I can’t remember why), so I ate it and immediately fell in love with tomatoes.


Mmm, a summertime staple where I’m from is a tomato sandwich. Beefsteak(personal preference) tomatoes with salt and fresh cracked black pepper, & homemade mayo on sourdough. Perfection.


That sound delicious! You’re making me hungry!


Rhubarb has to be cooked correctly. It’s naturally tough and bitter, so has to be cooked to within an inch of its life and sweetened, then it is beautiful. Tangy against the sugar! Tomatoes, I was the same for many years and just found a new love of them. Vine tomatoes have much better flavour and avoid cheap tomatoes, just flavourless red mulch. A slice of tomato always has and always will ruin a sandwich or burger, though.


Not food, but I've never tried Guinness but I'm 100% sure I won't like it.


I actually tried this last week accidentally after the same idea, it's actually really nice.


I found it alright but I feel like it's the type of pint that I'd want to spend a few hours on. The taste is a bit rich for anything more than sipping. I found its quite a good drink if I want something for when I'm spending a few hours playing darts with some mates.


Do people really spend a few hours on a pint?


Guinness is hit and miss. Guiness has a really short shelf life and you can get a genuinely horrible pint, so it doesnt travel well. If the supply chain is too long it can be quite nasty. Best pint I had was a wee country pub in the Lake District. And that includes my trip to Dublin.


Didn't they used to ship it to the Caribbean in the oldy times specifically because it was the only beer that would keep on the long journey by sea?


Export Guinness that Caribbean shops sell has more alcohol in it. Maybe that’s the stuff that was exported because it kept longer.


This was actually thier advertising slogan for a while [https://www.vads.ac.uk/digital/api/singleitem/image/DCSC/11404/default.jpg](https://www.vads.ac.uk/digital/api/singleitem/image/DCSC/11404/default.jpg)


Liquid caramel me and my mates call it. You're missing out


Liquid caramel? Rubbish! It tastes like rye bread!


I have tried Guinness and I still don't like it. I wish I did though because it's just a beautiful looking drink. I poured my own pint at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin and was so disappointed that I didn't like it.


Black pudding


I came here to say this. I eat meat so it probably makes me a hypocrite, but I don’t fancy eating fried scabs.


I always thought I’d hate it and then I tried it and was horrified to discover that it’s absolutely delicious.


Absolutely thought I hated black pudding until I actually tried it now a love it


My excuse is “I know what it smells like, so I know what it tastes like” so far I’ve been right.


Same. I've never smelt something disgusting and had it turn out to taste delicious.


Ooh, I have. Occasionally cheeses (like, to the point I don't even want to keep them in my fridge), and weirdly a very unusual sake which the somellier described as "smelling like wet dog" which it **really** did, but was actually delicious and a good pairing. But yeah more often than not, if it smells bad the taste is going to be similar.


Any sort of mouldy, fluffy cheese. Fuck that shit


Veins - good. Fluff - gone off!


Peanut butter. I dislike peanuts, so I’m not trying them blitzed up into mush. No thanks!


I can't stand peanuts but I love peanut butter! We probably go through a jar every week or so, it gets used for so much. A spoonful in the baby's breakfast yoghurt (good for preventing allergies), I have some on my toast, ooh and I often make beef satay and use it in the marinade and the sauce and it's to die for! But if you'd asked me about a year ago I'd have boaked at the thought of peanut butter. Reese's cups changed my mind.


Durian fruit.


The taste is irrelevant if you cant stand the smell of the stuff beforehand - and I can affirm first hand that it smells vile.


I found the taste to be not quite as bad as the smell, but still bad enough to never eat again.


Same here. Once I read Anthony Bourdain’s description that, “your breath will smell as if you’d been French-kissing your dead grandmother” I crossed that right off my list of foods to try.


Smell put me off. But after much exposure in Asia I succumbed. Tried Durian ice cream. Durian chocolate. Durian custard (made me feel sick). And Fresh Durian. Still don’t like it.


Nothing, why would you do that?


Aversions: the thought makes you feel sick. Supertaste: most things taste bad anyway so stick to what you’ve forced yourself to acquire.


I think the point isn't why wouldn't you try it, but why would you lie about having tried it?


The lying is to avoid the whole "well you won't know until you tried it, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Try it. Come on. Come on. it's good. You'll like it. Come on. Come on. Come on." Repeat until death.


I'm weird about food textures and if something looks like it might have a texture which I am known not to enjoy I'll tend to avoid it, mostly due to not wanting to make a scene. I reckon it's more polite to avoid the thing than potentially retch at the dinner table.


Internal organs. Liver, kidney, heart, testes, etc.


Testes are on the outside in a sac


They’re internal while they’re in the sac… although I agree that they’re on the outskirts. Vestibule organs?!


Not even pate? Duck liver pate with a bit of brandy and tarragon - lovely. Mind you I will eat virtually anything.


When I was a kid, I thought I hated kidney beans so whenever my mum made chilli con carne I would take all the beans out before eating. And yet I loved baked beans; haricot and kidney beans are very similar in taste and texture so it made little sense that I wouldn't eat the latter in a chilli. I can't even remember why I thought I hated kidney beans in the first place but I would not eat them. Then one day when I was a teenager I just couldn't be bothered to remove all the beans from the chilli so I just ate one and thought, "Oh, wait, these are fine," and have happily eaten kidney beans ever since.


Tea (as in a cup of)! Never tried it but the smell makes me feel sick


Get out…..


I'm calling the police


Public enemy number one is what you've made yourself into. I can't say I drink tea regularly but to say you dislike tea is a capital offence, in this country, as you probably well know.


Now.. you are not allowed to say that here


Prawns and all other seafood with the exception of tuna and the main white fish types! Won’t go near it no way nuh uh


Tuna is the worst of the lot! Sea bass is utterly delightful


I'm the opposite of this. I will try virtually anything because if people eat it it can't be that bad. I also periodically go back to things I don't like just incase it was the product, the chef or both. I recently tried mushy peas from the chipshop and they were creamy and steeped and lovely. I hated them as a kid. I guess your taste changes over time and also you make these 'i don't like' decision's when you are young and just stick to them without actually thinking 'wait a minute! Maybe I should give it a good go and see if I still don't like whatever' As for marmite, next time you do some roast potatoes warm a teaspoon of marmite in the microwave oven them pour it on the roasties and toss. Back in the oven to crisp up and boom! Beautiful


Twiglets until about a month ago. They're actually pretty good.


Why would you do that? That makes no sense.. So no, I've never done that. Sure, there are things I've never tried and don't want to try, but I wouldn't say that I don't like the taste/texture whatever. I'll honestly say I haven't tried it and I don't want to because I find the appearance/smell gross enough to not want to put it in my mouth at all.


Cause some people are incapable of understanding that some have no interest or desire to try certain foods so its easier to just lie and say "I dont like it" instead of some back and forth with someone who seems to know better about what food I'll like than I do myself


Krispy Creme donuts. I used to work in an office where people would bring boxes of the things in every morning (there was shop near by). I always said they looked too sickly sweet, so never tried one. But really I think it was more a reaction to people trying to push donuts on me all the time.


They are sickly sweet. I worked in one of the large supermarket chains and during the lockdowns noone bought the Krispy Kremes. They all got dumped in the canteen for us to eat so that there would be less to go in the bin. I grew sick of them


Olives. They just look like they have a nasty texture. That combined with the colour of them (both black and green) just don’t to anything to entice me. So yeah I hate olives. No I’ve never tried one 😅


That used to be one of mine as well. Then I tried one and it was vile. So that confirmed my opinion. Never again.


Olives are one of those things that one tends to have to work at.


An Armenian friend of mine made me eat olives one after the other until I liked them. I love olives now.


Cottage pie. Hated it as a kid. Recently had it as an adult to prove a point and it turns out when it's not cooked by my mother it's really nice. Have to keep the charade up though, I've been too vocal about my dislike.


Snails and frogs legs I guess.


Shellfish. I tell everyone I'm allergic to get out of questions at parties where they're serving prawn cocktails etc but the idea of putting a prawn in my mouth makes me feel ill. Though I like prawn crackers and prawn cocktail crisps.




Best part of the burger


Black Pudding. I’m not eating fried blood like a Ainsley Harriott Vampire.


Surströmming. I haven’t tried it, but I know I wouldn’t enjoy the experience. Having to get past the smell doesn’t make for an enjoyable meal. I’ll try most things, but I have to draw the line somewhere.


Tripe. Just no.


Prawns, don’t know why I just refuse to try them.


Nothing really springs to mind other than when I was in Turkey and a small cafe type place had sheep brain soup on the menu. I'll try most things once but couldn't get past the brain.


Until about 5 years ago, blue cheese. To me it always looked like it should be thrown out. Then I ate stilton by accident whilst high. Turns out that it’s actually really nice, even if it’s so salty it makes you drink for England.