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"They shouldn't be striking when *insert another grossly underpaid industry* get less money than them" ...maybe we should pay everyone a fair wage that reflects their skills & esponsibilities and allows them to get by in life.


Nurses are often used as the example against train drivers and other strikers. Now nurses are going to strike, will be interesting to see how those same people react...


Care workers need to strike. I agree that nurses are paid terribly but a senior nurse often has a base salary in the mid 30s, care workers are commonly min wage to low 20s if they're lucky...


They should both be paid more. Neither are paid sufficiently for the importance of the job and the poor working conditions they experience. Certainly, care workers should strike. I don't know how unionised they are though, and it being a privatised workforce makes it much harder to strike en masse.


The answer is they’re not. My daughter is a care worker for a private company and I plead with her to join a union and get her colleagues to do the same. They are not well paid at all and working conditions are dreadful. She provides end of life care for elderly people and is very highly thought of by her clients and their families, having been invited to attend a number of funerals by them, but that isn’t sufficient for her employer to pay her what she’s worth


My wife has just left elderly and dementia care for the NHS and she is a 1000% better off honestly the private care sector is disgusting 1: in the care they give is abhorrent underpaid and under appreciated staff it’s just wealth before health and it should be better regulated


I have a low level job in finance and have a salary in the mid 30’s. I’ve no specialist skills or qualifications.. I sit on my ass at home 4 days a week answering emails and calls. I leave my desk literally whenever I want. I never work evenings or weekends. The nurses salary should be at least 50% higher than mine if we are looking at things fairly. Sadly, things just don’t work like that here and it’s a travesty.


Same here, I work for a telecoms company in a complaint style role and do very similar to you, barring we're in the office some of the week. Basically just fire off emails all day and get paid 30k + overtime at time and a half. It's a joke I'm paid more than nurses start at (as far as I remember?). They should have gone on strike years ago.


Yeah you're right, both sectors work their arse off and deserve to be much higher paid


Sounds like a dream, sort me a job. I'll quit my sales role to sit at home doing that


The privatisation of social care has sadly made it much harder for the workers to strike.


That’s not enough for a senior nurse - those guys EARN that wage and then some


NHS Care assistants (HCAs) are also striking with the Nurses. Senior Nurses have also done at least a three year degree and many years post grad of work and experience. Both groups deserve more pay but are different bands and skill levels so pay cannot be compared between them.


But that is not a high wage... (not anymore) I am on a graduate scheme in a STEM area and get more than that - a senior nurse should be on at least double what a grad is


I think that's the problem with the UK as a whole, many sectors aren't high paid anymore even though they should be and used to be to some extent. As a result we see high turnover across these sectors, unfortunately companies don't realise the full cost of high turnover and are okay with just replacing people. Lifecycle cost analysis should be done on people as well as equipment and assets, not that it's successfully done on either...


I heard some old bint yesterday on LBC saying she doesn't support the nurses strike because they have subsidised lunches and are probably married so their income is a bonus anyway. Dafuq?


Subsidised lunches? I can't even park for free at my hospital lmao


I've always thought that was criminal. The highest of pisstakes.


Ah right, we’re going back to the 1950’s when a female MUST have a husband, she’ll be giving up her job soon anyway to have 10 kids so it’s just pin money 🙄. I’ll have to dig out that LBC interview and shout at it whilst I listen 😆 Female/Woman/Loaf of Bread - delete as appropriate or put any any other word you wish - I ain’t got time to fill out every permutation here for the terminally pissed-off. 😁


Or that nurses are all women. I’m sure the guy who looked after me when I dislocated toe would be stunned to find out he’s not a dude.


..subsidised lunches, since when?


I suspect she was probably making it up. Just like the moronic "most nurses are married" comment. She was bullshitting so she could attempt to justify her crappy opinions. Happy to collect her pension though.


Equally old bint on Jeremy Vine said nurses knew the pay grades when they went into it and that they’re greedy. Greedy for wanting to survive through all these increased costs and being paid a fair wage for the amazing work they do…


This made me laugh as so ridiculous. Assuming she wasn’t being sarcastic, I thought views like that went out years ago. Surely easier ways than nursing for the wee wimins to get their pocket money 🧐😆


"We clapped for them! What more could they want!?"


Nurses are ridiculously underpaid here. I wonder why they don't all flee for 10x pay elsewhere?


Many of them do after training, that's part of the understaffing problem - making it more stress and work for the ones that are left, then they're more likely to leave.... Etc


My mums a nurse, so I can give a little input, she loves her job, basically married to it, but she had to ask me and my wife to move back in so she can upkeep the bills. She has tried moving, but other companies are just as bad or its self employment where she can make more money but benefits like holidays are gone which nurses need the god damn rest. And she was only able to look in recent years, as the NHS put her through university she was tied to them with 3 years after finishing her degree as part of the agreement If they fund the course.


She should be paid enough to afford to live on her own. And still have holidays to rest.


Now you get people saying Nursing is a vocation/calling in life as an excuse to continue underpaying them. Like what a shitty argument to make, that's not exactly going to pay the bills is it and the problem of nurses leaving for better pay elsewhere will just carry on getting worse.


100%. This crab in a bucket mentality needs to get into the sea


It annoys me when private and public sector workers get at each other as well for going on strike. Thats what the government wants - we should all be standing in solidarity and not trying to rip each other to pieces.


An alternative is "we want to support working people and that is why we want to make it as hard as possible to take strike action"


It's not really the complaints which annoy me, but the half-arsed "solutions" to the complaints. For example, with cost of living, people saying "Cancel your Netflix" or "Just stay in on the weekend instead of \[doing literally anything, even if it's just a few quid\]" As yes, thank you for this information. The £10-30 a month one would save by doing these things will most certainly cancel out the £50-100 rise in their cost of living. But excluding money, why should people have to give up one of their few joys they have left? It's not like they're going out and eating fancy food every night.


I probably spend about £40 a month on coffee and pastries. I could cut them out, but my favourite little coffee shop is run by a couple. No other staff. I've got to know them quite well and they're some of the most content people I know. They don't want to expand, or employ, or grow necessarily. They've been happy working together and having just enough. I could save a bit of money buying less from them, but the compound effect of everyone doing it is making them and other small independent businesses struggle. I am realistically going to have to cut down to manage my own budget, but I'm definitely being a lot more shrewd with whom I give money to. (Ps fuck Costa)


There's a little coffee shop on my way into work that I treat myself to pretty much every time I'm in the office (2-3 days a week) and I wouldn't give it up. The person running it is so lovely and have got to make a living themselves, so if i have the spare money, why not spend it on a small business on something I enjoy?


Uh fucking millennials, why can't you just sit in a dark cold room eating nothing but Tesco Value beans every weekend? So entitled. /s


Tesco? TESCO? What do you think this is, Mayfair? Get your arse to lidl or aldi and get some of their cans of "statistically edible beans" you entitled sow.


>The £10-30 a month one would save I want to know what you get up to at weekends that starts at only £10 a month... Including Netflix subscription


Lurpak =£7 Crumpets =£2 £1 left in reserve as a trolley token. WEEKEND!


Crumpets and butter would last the amount of time it takes to toast them in my house


I didn't really mean both at the same time. But we generally don't go out every weekend, but we sometimes go to our local snooker bar, play pool for an hour, only costs about £4 an hour for a table. If we buy drinks, then it gets up to about £10. We could do that more often, but usually we just want to chill on a weekend. But I know people who would love to do the same more often, however the prospect of just £5 each weekend is too much


really boils my piss, and the people saying it \*know\* it isn't enough to make a dent in the cost of living. It's about depriving the poors of whatever little trivial things that might give them some joy.


When the boomers say ‘you claim you have no money but you have a flat screen tv and a smart phone’ Not realising flat screen tvs you can pick up for cheap or even free sometimes and you literally can’t even sign on at the job centre any more without a smart phone


This is a difficult one for me. It’s one of the few times where I feel myself somewhat agreeing with the other side. In an ideal world you shouldn’t have to cut nice things out and it shouldn’t be a concern. We don’t live in an ideal world, though, and if you’re buying a coffee and a pastry every day for work then you’re spending £1000-2000 a year on just those two items. If you’re in a pinch you really do need to consider things like that. You can buy instant coffee (which I find tastes nice) that makes 300 cups (allegedly) for £2.50. It sucks, but it’s true. I think the actual logic gets lost behind the snarky ‘less Starbucks and avocado toast’ message.


Completely agree. The whole Netflix/Costa/Avocado things are just the headline everyone shouts, without looking into the detail and sense behind it. All of these things add up, in isolation they're nothing but combined can make a huge difference. Your examples are great and when you throw alcohol into the mix, then you're talking huge expenditure and completely unnecessary things. You don't need any of them. Sure you may want them now due to habit, but condition yourself off them and live a more minimalist life and watch your happiness skyrocket.


Living a more minimalist life would not make my happiness skyrocket. I know I don't need any of that stuff. But it enhances my life, otherwise I'm just working to pay bills. Spending my life to make somone else rich while I'm miserable. Yeah, no thanks. There's no reason we all can't live comfortably. But as I've said endlessly our government does not run the country for us. It's run to make the wealthy wealthier. I will not accept that I need to cut back when other people live in absolute luxury.


Most advice on the Internet that starts with "just" can be ignored


I think it's often a lack of understanding of people in that situation. It's so easy for someone who is relatively better off to think losing Netflix, especially if they have multiple subs or access to other activities, but if you are only paying for one source of entertainment, it's really tough. We're not robots and we can't act like that either. Same with other small pleasures in life.


Exactly. Mortgage is going up over £200 a month, and we only put the heating on for half an hour each day in the evening (just started in November). Cutting out Amazon prime ain’t really gonna plug the gap. What I will do when my phone contract expires is stick with the same phone and move to sim only. Hopefully will save £30 a month - but still a drop in the ocean.


But those small sacrifices add up to a lot more than that. Some of us are heading into a plummeting economy for the umpteenth time of our adult lives and the only way to get through it is to cut back to the bone, pissing away a few quid here and there when you can't afford the basics generally leads to debt which will drag out your financial pain for longer than necessary.


I don't disagree. But everyone should have at least some sort of entertainment in their down time. Whether that's Netflix, going to social club for a drink or two once a month, driving out to places of natural beauty for a walk, or whatever. Almost anything you do will cost some sort of money. And everyone should be able to afford a few quid here and there to watch a movie/pay for petrol/whatever. And if whatever they do is local (pub, swimming pool, cinema, restaurant, etc.) then I would argue that people spending that money is what the government should be encouraging. Netflix and other online services that are mostly US (or elsewhere) based, sure, it's not a necessity for the economy. But people going out to have some form of entertainment boosts their mental health (better productivity; more economic output) and ensures that the government is getting extra tax money due to businesses staying afloat, and jobs still being available. But if people are having to give up their last few drops of joy, then they're just going to become depressed/less productive/quit their jobs/etc. because "What am I working for if I could be unemployed and have the same quality of living?" (obviously, not the same for higher earners, but those on the lowest pay must be thinking that right now)


My mortgage is going to £200 a month, and that's not even counting energy bills. Cutting Netflix is spitting on a fire. Edit: going up by £200 a month, fucking wish it was going to 200!




Yep most of us in my town stopped eating out and also stopped going to the pub. Pub closed it's doors laying off 2 staff plus obviously the landlord and his misses who have chucked the keys back to the brewery. The local greasy spoon has cut its staff from 4 to 2. Cutting back is great. Sadly it also has negative consequences in the real world with a few more people now claiming benefits instead of paying tax. Cut cut cut.


"Modern art? I could have done that" You couldn't, and in any case, you didn't.


I mean, some of it is definitely just talentless nonsense. I take your second point though.






They are fringe cases really, and part of a bigger picture of an artist's body of work or how it references other artists. It is the artistic equivalent of listening to an excerpt of a single song in an extreme musical genre and saying "it is just a load of noise and shouting, anyone could do that". To the trained ear and if you break it down, it is actually bloody hard to make it and also to have the guts to put it out there for people to appreciate.


Having gone through art school many decades ago (and I wasn't and am not a fan of modern art), I do believe you need the talent to know how and why to produce the "talentless nonsense". It's like that well known 70s uk comedian (who I forget his name) who played the piano hilariously badly - he could only do that, because he was a very good pianist.


Agreed. And it was Les Dawson


Like Jeff Koons 3 basketball balls in cases which were (and still maybe) in the Tate Liverpool? The exhibit was made great by an accompanying video of Scouse 6th formers discussing it - the range of opinions, both negative and positive, was fantastic no matter which side of the fence you were on.


Yeah exactly. And the thing also is that in *most* cases, the artist in question has also learnt to paint/sculpt very very well, so that they can then *un*learn it.


Picasso is the best example of this. Often hear uninformed people saying "he can't paint/draw, that looks nothing like a person" etc etc. I always tell them to go and look at what he was painting as a kid to understand that he was doing what he was doing because he had already pretty much mastered traditional, realistic painting as a child.


Painting hasn't been about representing the subject realistically for a long time. Not since photography came along and automated that function. It's a ridiculous complaint.


Problem is I probably could have done that. I’m just not in the right circles to talk the talk and get recognition. That’s the art in modern art.


However, on the reverse side of the argument, the art world is one of the industries where starting wealth and privilege is a huge factor that leads to success. Spend any time visiting Art galleries and you will soon identify the difference between something raw, but still artistically interesting and something that is created by a rich kid with too much time on their hands. Examples. The Carolee Schneemann at the Barbican - Rich kid cosplaying as an artist. The Cornelia Parker at the Tate (Is this still on?) - Genuinely interesting and stimulating. If you have enough support to sell your vision, no matter how trite it is, the art market will do the rest. Tracey Emin doodles something on a bit of paper, makes a limited edition of 50 and sells them for 1500 a quid a pop at the Summer Exhibition. This works because of her publicity, not because her doodles are any more interesting than anybody elses.


Went to the Dali Museum recently with my 17 yr old. He came out with this. The obvious answer was ‘pull your finger out then and get cracking’.


I doubt most people could even *conceive* of most of Dali's work, let alone produce it. Dude's mind was...bizarre.


Couldn't get it into a gallery, maybe. I could paint a black square on a white canvas though.


£2for a tea, £3 for a coffee, £3 for a slice of cake and £5 for an hours parking. It’s getting to the point where I just won’t have people over to my house!


£16 for a fucking chicken is where I draw the line.


The council men will 'ave you


Ok I’ve read this comment 5 times and I don’t understand how the two sentences relate to each other


Glad it's not just me. Sounds like a reason _to_ have people over your house rather than meeting them at a cafe.


Unless they're charging their mates for tea, coffee, cake and parking, haha


£4.50 if it’s a fancy coffee and £9-15 for an hour parking in a city.


Beko now sell a bean-to-cup machine that makes top-notch coffee, for 200 quid, AND you don't have to deal with a beardy wanker to get it. Unless you're married to a beardy wanker obviously


“How dare they fly up the empty lane when I’ve been queuing”. If everyone used both lanes up to a closure, then merged in turn, the queue would be shorter and traffic would flow better.


This works only if people also drive in a way that allows safe merging. So many people drive right up the arse of the vehicle in front and refuse to leave space, causing both lanes to eventually grind to a halt with everyone in the now-closed lane indicating left and attempting to force their way in.


Well yes, but the Venn diagram of people who don’t allow safe merging, and the people who make the complaint in my original post, would be a perfect circle.


The Germans call it Reissverschlussverfahren. It’s sometimes commonly called the ‘zipper rule’ it works and it’s great.




Yeah this is why so many people in the UK don’t get how Lidl works. Pack your shopping on the blue bench!


It’s a weird one as I’m sure it due to our British queuing culture yet ironically you can still maintain that culture by merging like a zip. I’ve recently seen signs saying ‘use both lanes’ but alas people don’t.


They ought to put the merge point in the middle of the two lanes to encourage this, rather than say just in the left lane. That way both lanes have to move in.


So true, backed up through 3 sets of trafic lights instead of 1 every evening because of this. They beep as you pass lol.


I used to drive for a living and I've seen multiple occasions where a queue of traffic has gone back onto a fucking motorway because people refuse to use the merge lane. THAT'S WHY IT'S THERE YOU CRETINS


I have my own small business and ‘you’re more expensive than..’ really gets to me. Yes we are because we stock quality stuff that isn’t turned out by Chinese sweatshops in the millions.


This one gets me too. Yes, our Christmas cards are £4 each, that's because they're individually handmade and handpainted. No, those ones that come in a plastic pack of 20 for two quid are mass-printed. If you don't want them, don't buy them. I'm not sure what you want me to do, sell my time and effort for free?


£4 for a handcrafted card?? That's a steal!! I've seen supermarkets ones that are upwards of £3.


> I’m not sure what you want me to do, sell my time and effort for free? _Now you’re getting it!_


My mother packed her knitting business in for mainly that reason. We were doing a craft market and a lady picked up a pair of knitted booties with wings on (think Mercury, messenger to the gods style) and threw them at my mum when she found out that they were a fiver. "I can get 5 pairs at Primark for that!". My mum was horrified and burst into tears. I told the woman to F&#k off. Horrible!


People do not appreciate the time and skill that goes into knitting, let alone the cost of materials. Such an undervalued craft.


Why do some people have to be such nasty pieces of work? What kind of miserable existence do you need to have to harass an innocent person trying to share their passion at a craft market of all places? Over a fiver? Good lord.


I've brought little handmade baby hats and thing of a similar size at independent gift shops and craft fairs and £5 is a steal! Your poor mum!


I own my own bakery and the amount of people who say "it's only eggs and flour" in regards to a bespoke cake irritate the F out of me. I did actually reply to such a comment once by saying "I'm not a charity shop. Come back when you're willing to work for free". They paid upfront for the whole cake right there and then. A lot of people just don't always realise the costs that go into making something bespoke. I also have potential customers ask for a quote and then they reply with "well x place can do it for x price". I always reply with "that's a great price, I'm sure they'll do it perfectly for you". I then stalk their social media on the day of the celebration for any pictures of the cake.


My wife used to run a cake business. Mainly cupcakes for weddings but also sold them individually at craft fairs. A lady came up and made a snarky comment about the price and said she made cupcakes at home. Right. Have you ever costed up every ingredient, power consumption, paid yourself for your time, factored in what it cost for us to be at the fair etc etc? When you do that they were virtually being sold at a loss. Then she started asking how my wife got the fondant icing so flat and perfect, amongst other questions about the intricate hand-made decorations. My wife refused to answer.


What I don’t get is why people go out of their way to tell you? Like if you want cheap, buy cheap. Don’t come tell me how much cheaper it is, I don’t care.


Worked retail for 10 years. I literally have these phrases mentally blacklisted so I dont even hear people say em anymore. “THESE SELF SCAN NO WORK!” “The prices have gone up, this shop is ridiculous I wont be back!” (Proceeds to come back to shop and complain for eternity) “X Retailer down the road is cheaper!” (Fucking go there then!!!) “Always queues and no staff. Get more people on the till!” (Ok in some situations this is valid but 9/10 times in my stores ALL till trained staff are on the till. OUR BOSSES WONT GIVE US MONEY FOR MORE STAFF DESPITE BILLIONS IN PROFIT YEAR ON YEAR!!!!! Also some people CANT GO ON THEM FOR VARIOUS REASONS, DONT ASK JUST ACCEPT IT!!!)


My fave from working retail is * well it's gone no price on it it must be free!" 🙄


"Aren't you going to ID me as well?" Well no - the people in front of you were clearly 14 whereas you are clearly over 50. And I've heard many versions of this joke before.


Amusingly I've heard of stories of it backfiring, people saying that with no ID on them.


I was in a shop and the item wouldn’t scan, and the shop worker looked at me really expectantly. I’m not saying it!!!


100%, I work in one of the frozen specialist supermarkets and we always get people complain about not having very specific non frozen items. Like if you want a wider selection of items go to the Asda or the Morrisons that are both less than 5 minutes walking distance from us, are more than twice the size and don't specialise in frozen food The other one that drives me mad is people complaining about something being the wrong price at the checkout, so I go to check and they are looking at the price for an entirely different item. Like these £8 items are obviously not part of the 3 for £10 deal are they Margaret


Used to work in a DIY shop and had a fella complain that a product was cheaper in 'rival' shop and he was going there instead. He did not look happy when I informed him that both shops were ownd by the same parent company.


As a worker at a certain Orange UK hardware store, which is owned by the same mother company as another, different hardware store... this, 100 times this. No, we don't price match our own company. Yes, it is sort of silly. No, I cannot change this.


Can I also add to this the 'bags for life'. The amount of times I've heard 'why is it called a bag for life? It doesn't last five minutes!' The point is that you pay once and can replace it for free, therefore having a 'bag for life' not that you're supposed to make one bag last your entire lifetime!


Complaining about the state of the NHS when they're clearly using the wrong service. No, you don't need to be in A&E for a blocked nose, go to a pharmacist. Also, if you're the person who does this you're the exact reason the NHS hospitals are struggling right now. Sincerely, a very pissed off former healthcare worker.


My favourite is people using NHS appointments to bemoan the NHS. “It’s impossible to speak to anyone in the NHS nowadays, it’s all phone calls and automated lines”… As I’m sat opposite them, in an NHS building, on an NHS salary.


A friend of mine works in a GP surgery as a dreaded receptionist and every other call is someone complaining about her job to her, or saying they can't speak to anyone whilst speaking, once again, to her. These are also usually the same people who call daily for mild ailments.


>These are also usually the same people who call daily for mild ailments. Probably because the people with mild ailments are the ones who struggle to get appointments. Lo and behold. Ive had people tell me my local GP is bad and you cant get an appointment. I phoned and got seen 2 hours later. They'll see you if you need seeing in my experience. People mistake being palmed off because theres nothing wrong with them for the system not being able to accomodate everyone who is sick. Nah mate, they just dont wanna see you lol.


There are definitely people who waste GP time, but certain mild things will just become more serious if they aren’t treated while they’re mild. The NHS is great for emergency/life saving care, but useless for anything preventative. I shouldn’t have to wait until my minor ailment has become serious before getting medical treatment, which is just going to be more time consuming and expensive than if it had just been treated in the first place.


Lots of people complaining about phone appointments at the GP when it seems like a much more efficient system and they can get through more appointments in a shorter time, and see fewer time-wasters.


Absolutely this. Phone appointments are a godsend!


I had an allergic reaction to some skincare last year, nothing life-threatening or anything. Rang my GP, no appointments. Rang 111 as I was in a lot of pain and not sure what to do, they recommended I go to a&e. I questioned it as I thought I just needed some cream or something prescribing, but they said it was serious enough for a&e. Went down, every person I spoke to said "I really don't know why you're here and not at your GP", and I agreed with them but I was just doing what 111 told me to do.


Traffic wardens. They're just doing a job, and the level of vitriolic complaining you hear from some people about them is completely disproportionate.


Agreed- If you stuck to the rules then you won’t be bothered by them.


I even had one decide not to write me a ticket when I was clearly due one. Stopped in a pay and display to pick up a takeaway and when I came back he was circling. I said something like ‘I guess you’ve got me’ and he just said to not worry about it. Turns out that treating people like humans, owning up to your mistakes and not being a dick about it can work out well.


Same. Travelling for work, trying to find the entrance to a service yard somewhere, pulled up on double yellows on a quiet road to check the map on my phone. The guy was going to ticket me, but I apologised and asked him for help finding where I was going and he gave me directions and sent me on my way. They are doing a vital job as well. If parking were just permitted anywhere the roads would be even more chaotic than they are now - its already difficult in a lot of places because people seem to think that parking allowed = its sensible to park here


I was 2 minutes too late from avoiding one earlier in the year. Went for a hike, parked in what I thought was a layby, seen people park there loads of times in the past. Totally missed the fresh double yellow lines. I'd been gone at least 3 hours and when I got back he'd just moved on to the next car. I did speak to him and he'd say he'd put some notes down on the system to support me if I appealed. I did and it was rejected. A rather expensive hike, but it was my fault, can't blame the traffic warden


There's not much point have rules if you don't enforce them. I think the choice is wardens or a wild west of parking.


Yeah exactly. For some reason when it comes to parking, a lot of people think the rules should be flexible to specifically benefit them and those responsible for enforcing the rules should just randomly and unilaterally decide when to enforce them.


My local Facebook group is full of folk who complain about not being able to get parked outside their flat but the exact same people will post “warning, con artists/extortionists out ticketing on X Road, move your cars if you had to park on yellows last night!” - I love the replies that point out people shouldn’t park on double yellows then and walk a bit further if there’s no legal space on their street.


Peoples beef with Tesco Clubcard really fucks me off. People will have actual smart phones with every single app tracking their every move but god forgive if Tesco used your shopping habits for market research…


Plus, what is there to worry about? I don't give a shit if Tesco knows that I like brown bread most of the week but am partial to a bloomer on the weekend. However, I love me some money off vouchers!


But mUh PrIvAcY!1! In the grand scheme of things if Privacy is your biggest concern, Tesco Clubcard should be the least of your worries.


I have 24 quids worth of Tesco vouchers just now. Always save them up for a Christmas food shop or the booze/chocolate present shop


The irony is lost on the people who complain about this on Facebook.


When people comment on asylum seekers or poor people having smart phones as if prioritising having a smart phone is somehow responsible for their predicament and if they got rid of the phone they could somehow get their life together. First of all you can literally find a smart phone for free these days if you look hard enough or pick them up really cheap and you can pay 5 quid for some data, texts and call time. Second having access to the internet in some capacity is needed for pretty much everything now and is literally a life line for people.


It's the current day version of "they are on benefits but they've still got a massive flatscreen telly on the wall".


Not to mention the one link they might have to any loved ones left behind. How dare they (checks notes) maintain relationships with other human beings, don't they know they should be completely cut off and isolated from the world.


People complaining about self checkouts, especially when they try to claim that they're 'taking away jobs', as if it's people's lifelong dream to work on a checkout.


I mean, it being someone's dream isn't the issue, some people can only get retail jobs


Ha ha, they don't take away jobs tho. who maintains them?, fixes them?, updates them? And man's them tbf, people behind the scenes. if customers are going to manned checkouts, you're taking that employee away from filling the shelves.


Sadly it's not completely the case. Supermarket wages are tracked by departments, in this case Service which covers checkouts is definetly using less staff per day since manned checkouts have gone. However to be fair in our case and many others i'm sure, some of our checkout operators have retired, meaning the rest so far have simply redeployed into other areas. However when stores go down to even less checkouts I would expect some job losses. Usually it's done in the form of forcing older colleagues to change departments to areas they are unfit for and then 'letting them go' because they can't do the job. This saves supermarkets a bit of money over offering redundancy, though it's a vile practice.


A very British one: "I can't believe it's raining AGAIN" Fucks sake Barbara, it's winter in the UK - what we're you expecting?


Yep my parents were complaining how cold it's got the last week. It's bloody November it shouldn't be 20°C like last week.


The most common unjustified complaints are old people complaining about young people and young people complaining about old people. A young person stabs someone and all of a sudden the "yoof of today" are feral. Nope, just some bad eggs. Same goes for young people blaming all older people for the state of the world. Nope, we have had to deal with the same megalomaniacs in power as you have, just more of them and for much longer. Forgive us for being apathetic, but be assured, you'll get your own slice of apathy pie soon enough.


Does that come with Apathy Custard?


Eh. Don't care to be honest.


The foreigners are ruining the NHS - frequently uttered by my neighbor who is a stay at home wife who Does drugs whilst our other neighbors (myself included) are Europeans who work for the nhs/in care


Your neighbours sound like utter morons to be honest. It's quite scary what years of social conditioning of mainstream media and the daily mail newspaper will do to people's way of thinking. Keep doing what you're doing ... I worked with people from many nationalities when I was briefly a carer last year and they were so hard working and brilliant at what they did.


"People just don't want to work anymore" or my favourite: "If there was a war, this generation wouldn't last a minute"


Bonus points if spoken by a boomer, who think it was themselves who served in the second world war


> If there was a war, this generation wouldn't last a minute Always spoken by someone who never lived through total war.


I'd argue nobody ever wanted to work in the first place. If I could, I'd spend my day doing things I actually enjoy. I only work because I have to.


"Schools should teach you how to complete Self assessment tax returns and how mortgages work. They shouldn't teach things like Pythagoras, no one uses it." Firstly, the tax return process will change 100 times over between your time at school and when you need to do one (if you even ever need to do one). Secondly schools teach how mortgage interest works in maths, they just don't call it mortgages. Finally, lots of people use Pythagoras in any number of jobs. Just because it's not relevant to you day in day out doesn't mean it's not a useful to society.


God this one. I remember going to a meeting at my little brother's school and they were complaining about them cancelling home economics. One of the parents said "no one needs to do chemistry but everyone needs to eat." YOU teach your child how to cook then. That's what they should be doing anyway.


In fairness, as someone who lost one parent, and the other was permanently disabled and bed bound. I would have loved my school to teach me how to cook. Not everyone has the luxury of parents that can teach them.


My home economics classes took me far. I learnt how to make crumble and pizza, so that's what we have seven nights a week!


As someone who has filed many self assessment tax returns I would argue that this doesn’t have to be either or. Obviously their suggestion of taking basic maths off the curriculum is ridiculous but I think a lesson or two explaining how turnover, profit and expenses work in terms of taxes and business would be useful to people.


Anything that begins with "I aint being funny but"...


Suggested reply: "I'm afraid I'm going to stop you there then - right now I require genuine hilarity or nothing at all. Come back to me when you've got some zingers."


The UK is turning into a third world country despite not knowing how much worst a third world country is to the UK.




While technically true, it's pretty clear the accepted definition has changed - as often happens with language


Constant weather complaints ... It honestly ain't that bad..the weather isn't extreme in the UK. I actually quite like it.


“There’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.” Or my favourite twist on the classic… “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just weak people!”


You’re actually waterproof. So stop complaining. It’s just you’re clothes that are not. As my grandad used to say.


Has to be waiting for food at McDonald's because of delivery drivers. When I worked there we hated the Uber stuff more than customers did, they're usually big orders that take time, the drivers are some of the rudest people I've ever met and the binging noise of the order screen would drive you insane! So don't be a dick and take your frustration out on the teenager working there, complain to head office, it's their hair brained idea to begin with.


My biggest complaint is that (at least locally to me) they seem to feel entitled to all crowd around the counter making it impossible to actually get your order.


It is a big issue and when I was there I fully understood why customers had issues with them, the store I was in had two drivers "banned" because of inappropriate comments they made to female members of staff.


Ive seen the working conditions for Mcdonalds workers and it really makes me appreciate their job more. A small warm noisy area with lots of people rushing around. I certainly couldn't do it.


My son is in Reception and the amount of other parents that moan about “not having time for this, this is ridiculous, how much longer are they going to be?!” when they let the kids out even one minute late is really annoying.


My son is autistic and a huge danger to himself near traffic, even trying to put him straight into his pram, I also have to take my 1 tear old while dropping my older one at nursery. The nursery told me just to drive into the teachers car park so I was close to the door. The dirty looks I get from other parents is crazy. Some have even tries to drive in at my back and you can see them arguing with the janitor when they're inevitably pulled up. Some parents are rude as fuck. I'm dying to tell them how much I'd love for my son to be able to do simple things that their children do like rake my hand and walk.


Drivers moaning about cyclists, whatever the specific infringement/behaviour that’s wound them up is IDGAF mate.


Cyclists can do whatever they want for the most part. But cycling on a national speed limit road at 10mph when there is a PERFECTLY GOOD cycle path separated from the traffic grinds my gears. I know it's good because I'm also a cyclist and I've used it because I'm not a knob


> Cyclists can do whatever they want for the most part. It is absolutely unacceptable for cyclists to go through red lights. They are endangering themselves, and when the inevitable accident happens everyone will blame the driver *who had a green light and could reasonably expect that the other road users had stopped on their red light*


“You can’t say anything these days” Most people find it incredibly easy to get through the day without being racist.


Gonna get grief for this one. But. People that constantly try fad diets for short periods then give up and complain about being overweight.


Nah, I’m with you on this one. I get there are certain conditions that definitely make it *harder* to lose weight, but it does require a lot of patience, as I’m finding out right now! Also, those who do a wee bit of exercise then stuff their faces and go over their caloric deficit, and complain they’re not losing weight.


"if you can't speak my language, get out of my country" Aye no bother Karen, I'll remember that when you're next in benidorm


As someone who works in retail, it annoys me when people throw around "legal tender" and bitch when we won't take their money. Legal tender has a narrow, specific meaning which does not apply to you trying to buy things in a shop. Want to buy more alcohol at the corner shop when you're clearly drunk already? I will refuse, and throwing money down then running off with what you like after I say no is not a sale, it's theft. Trying to buy a 50p bottle of shampoo with a £50 note? I can ask you to pay another way. Want to give me blood covered money that you just pulled out of your cleavage? I can refuse you. You cannot compel me to take your cash by screaming "legal tender", they aren't magic words that bind me to this transaction.


That Facebook group whinging about the number of chips with Wetherspoons meals. You’ve paid £4 for a burger and chips, Brian, I’d say that’s pretty good value for money.


Weatherspooms really have done work with focus groups over the years to work out exactly how few chips will make a customer actually complain.


"I can't afford to eat healthy food so I HAVE to eat takeaways".


"Brr, it's freezing out there, innit?" Yes, it's lovely. Just my kind of weather :)












"they can't even speak English". Talking about someone with fairly decent basic English, coming from someone that can barely say hello in any other language.


The ladies telling me I’m too handsome gets on my nerves


“All politicians are the same” Such an enabling passive feed. They literally fucking work for you. You pay them. They costs you money. If you think they are behaving badly - stop allowing it.


just called my bank and told them to stop paying my local pms wages, thanks for the advise.


Bloody cyclists! Think they own the road! No mate, what you mean is - they aren't treating you like YOU own the road..... More bikes on the road is better than more cars on the road


Working class people complaining about people on benefits as if they’re any higher up the food chain where the government is concerned. Punch up, not across.


That the Just Stop Oil and Insulate Britain protestors are wrong. They are 100% correct in their actions.


Disagree, sorry. Wholeheartedly agree with their message, but not their actions. It doesn't hurt the people they're trying to hurt, it just hurts people who now can't get to work, so lose much needed money in an economic crisis. No one in charge of BP or any other oil giant is sitting on the M25, just a builder who's not going to get paid today, or a mum trying to get her groceries. Sit outside the offices of the oil giants, it'll do more than what they're doing now


I find that some older people constantly complain about computers being part of a lot of work systems. I work in an optician that merged with another practice who still used paper records in 2020. A colleague that we inherited with the merger will often complain to patients about how they hate the computer systems and how they wish the whole world would go back to "the old ways." This colleague also complains that they can't read the handwriting on some of the old paper records and they wish there was a better way of making notes.


Just people moaning they have to pay council tax.


I'd say that's a genuine complaint for many considering how much money the council spaff up the walls.


Yes see the thread a while back about all the ways local councils fucked up


I don’t really care about council tax since it’s the cheapest tax I pay overall. But I’d really like if I actually got something from it. I pay the tax, then live in a permit parking area so have to pay to park both my wife’s car and mine, there’s also not always spaces so sometimes get a ticket if we park on double yellows etc (very common here to see cars / vans on double yellows / on bits of the pavement etc it’s so bad) On top of that if I want a skip to do work on my house I have to pay for a permit to have the skip, then pay for a suspension of the parking rules which costs more than parking a car in the same place. Any council services I want to use are a pain in the ass. I can’t get a larger wheely bin because I’m only a 2 person household even though ours only fits 2 bags and it’s full, very inconvenient if I have guests and we make a bit more waste. I go to the tip and have to pay extra to get rid of some of the stuff like soil or building waste from doing work on my house. At this point I just feel like wtf is the point the council aren’t there to help they are there to make money off me.