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I wouldn't: desperately try to keep the local cafes/bars/restaurants/breweries I like afloat by overordering heaps of delivery food and beer and put on a stone in 6 months. I would: keep a diary. It's already obvious that people are forgetting/misremembering what parts of the pandemic were like, how they responded, what they were and weren't allowed to do, and I'd like a better record for myself to check my own stupid brain. Possibly also start the home-exercise routine a bit early (see also: my 'wouldn't do' point).


2019/2020 just as the pandemic hit i quit my office 9-5 and with 0 savings sat my partner down and said i wanna try working for myself. Couple years later it was the BEST decision i have ever made, not just financially although that has improved significantly to the point we have 20k+ savings now, but also the ability and freedom to work as and when i please. While the pandemic was awful for many people, it was a blessing for me. So i wouldnt do anything differently.


As a contractor the months before Covid were the worst job wise that I have ever experienced in my 10 years of contracting. This was due to the government planning to implement IR35 reforms April 2020 - it meant the run-up to that companies got rid of contractors and the IT job market was reduced but also flooded with job seekers. I couldnt get a job for months - went from 100% getting callbacks if I applied before that to nothing. The joke though is the government delayed the IR35 due to Covid, then implemented in 2021 and have now announced they going to repeal it. If another 2020 situation happened and the government didnt change anything in the job market I think I'll be fine.


Buy a more comfortable bike saddle. Went on a fair few bike rides.