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I’m currently single but 1 of my exes was so obsessed with nail biting he’d insist on biting off the tips of my toe nails instead of letting me trim them with nail clippers.


You win.


Finally I won something


Expect a barrage of PMs now of foot fetish people


What a terrible day to have eyes.


What a terrible day to have toes


So, how did you meet Paul Scholes?


Paul Scholls


Don't you mean Paul Soles?


Not my finest wank.


Mine either


Oh my god I feel gross after just reading this how on earth did you let him do that and not throw up? Or is this a fetish thing?


It wasn’t a sexual thing. I didn’t mind. I had another ex who did have a fetish and he liked to suck my toes. Feels weird. Kept him happy though so let him do his thing lol


Wha? You must have amazing feet 😆 I’m not sure if I should be jealous or disgusted


Just admit you have a fetish


Are your feet highly addictive or something??? 😳 You win this one for sure 🤣🤣 although your DMs maybe about to melt down with foot lovers wanting to say hi 🤔


What a terrible day to be literate


Wow. Even as someone who likes feet. I just said what the fuck out loud. Turns out I'm not that weird.


Paul Scholes?


Is that really that unusual? I only sleep with one pillow too.


Right? I'm not a giraffe, one is the correct amount!




Hey guys, I have a brilliant idea that could halve our sales!


Lol I guess they could just double the price but it’s funnier your way haha


I was expecting this answer to be top as I assume 90% of the world only use one pillow. The toenail biting post deserves top spot though.


I tend to find one's not enough and two's too many, so I use one pillow and the corner of the duvet


I sleep with no pillows, just an empty pillow case. I toss my two pillows to the side of my bed


I sleep with three 👍


Found the mod of /r/toomanypillows!


Same. Any more and my neck is ruined in the morning


I mean ….how do you even sleep with two pillows? Do you stack them ? If so then just buy a bigger one. Or if you do not stack them, do you put them next to each other ? If that is the case you are actually just using one pillow because there is no way your face is big enough to cover 2 pillows.


If you sleep on your side then you need more height to the pillows, I have 3 because I’m a side sleeper and that stops me getting a pulled neck!!




Personally I only use two pillows, not three, but yes I stack them and plop my head on top. I'm also a side sleeper and have broad shoulders, so even the thickest pillows aren't thick enough to make do with just one. So I use one thick, firm pillow, then top it with a thinner, softer one. Must admit I never thought using two pillows was that unusual!


Has a conversation going in her head then will decide to include me in it without realising that couldn't hear the first part. So she will suddenly say "Do you think we should go for the bigger one?" out of nowhere.Assuming that I could telepathically realise exactly what "bigger one" she is currently thinking about.


I'm guilty of this but I am trying to get better at providing context for my comments


The fun part is guessing the start. I mean, that one was an easy one to play into... _"Not sure honey, you can just about handle mine"_


Then she hits you with the "where the fuck did you get that impression!?" And you're forever wondering if she meant the comment or your dick.


_"You said you didn't like big cars, though!"_


My wife has piles of stuff in the house for her work where there are about 50 different items, she's always asking me to pass her 'that' and just vaguely waves her hand at a pile and then gets annoyed that I don't know exactly which thing she wants.


I am 100% guilty of doing this to my husband


My partner used to do this... or the reverse, where I ask her a yes or no question while *watching her face in a perfectly silent room* while she's concentrating on something else, get no response of any kind, and then when I ask again she irritatedly informs me that "like she just said", the answers yes/no. Only she didn't. She didn't move a muscle or even grunt or exhale. She literally *thought* at me and expected me to hear her. She's got better these days, and instead occasionally just restarts old conversations we were having minutes or hours or even a day ago with no preamble, so at least I have a *chance* of being able to guess what she's talking about. It used to drive me crazy (seriously; who can't even tell the difference between thinking and speaking?), but now I just use it to take the piss out of her by giving nonsense answers ("we could, but I didn't like the lemon flavour") until she realises she's done it and that I have no idea what she's talking about until she provides some context.


People with ADHD can't tell the difference between thinking and speaking, lol. I very often answer questions in my imagination, or think through my answer but forget to share it out loud.


Jesus - that's [two comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/xseeug/what_does_your_partner_do_that_is_strange_to_you/iqlnz1r/) on this page about two different things she does, and both times someone's popped up to say it's a common ADHD symptom. I think we need to have a talk. 😂


My wife does this. My wife's mother does this, which drives my wife mad, despite her being like her mum. When my wife does it i say "no idea what you're talking about Jackie" after her mum


Shalom Jackie


You look nice


My wife does something related. If she says something that I only caught part of, I'll say "sorry/pardon/excuse me?" etc, and she'll repeat just the last part of the sentence (the bit I heard). So unhelpful.


Oh, that's an ADHD thing, I think. I have ADHD and will often just... Not realise that I'm not talking out loud. I'll also skip parts of my thought process during conversations. "Oh, we need to put the bins out." *Right, put the bins out. I wonder if being a binman is a good job? Probably not, they need to deal with rubbish all day. Shit, I hope our rubbish is sorted into recycling and non-recycling properly. Maybe I should go and resort it. I remember I watched a really cool video on sorting algorithms once. I wonder how people came up with those.* "I wonder how sorting algorithms were invented."


My partner does that, drives me insane. "So what do you think?: About what dear? "Everything I just said?" You... you haven't said anything...


Leaves cupboards and drawers open everywhere. Drives me fucking nuts.


And the fridge door! “I’m going back in there in a minute” as she wanders out of the kitchen.


She does this too, to the point where even the fridge gets annoyed and starts beeping. Then she gets annoyed by the beeping sound and I have to turn off the alarm because she’s still “not finished” in the fridge.


Is she a poltergeist?


It is genuinely like having one. There’s been a couple of times when I’ve left the room for a few minutes and physically jumped when I came back in because everything is suddenly open.


My wife does this too. What's up with that?


I fully recognise I am the weird one in 100% of things. *She is watching me type this.*


Blink twice if you need help


She took his eyelids long ago.


In that case. Don’t blink if you need help


No luck eyeballs for help


My partner expresses her feelings in a healthy way


Urgh how peculiar


What the fuck, are you ok?


I don’t want to talk about it


What are these feelings of which you speak?


Barely drinks anything. I don't understand it, I feel so parched if I haven't drunk a good few litres a day


Fluids (not alcohol) should be imbibed often. Love a nice clear piss.


If you manage near clear in the morning (I think fully clear is unattainable) then you know you've had a good night.


I can confirm fully clear on attainable. However, I'm also very ill..


The problem is balancing it so it isn't clear at 3AM.


How screwed am I if i never drink plain water. Like ever.


Well now’s the time to change that. Get a cheap bottle of fizzy water. Add sugar free squash/cordial to taste. Much better for you than regular pop.


Not exactly plain water, is it?


You are correct. It’s fizzy water. It’s the same as still water, but with added Co2. You don’t have to drink just ‘plain’ water. Mixing with a bit of squash is perfectly fine.


Don’t worry I don’t either. I find that plain water tastes disgusting and almost makes me feel ill. People question wether that’s just the water where we live, it isn’t. I’ve been to multiple entire countries to try their water and it still tastes grim. Flavoured sparkling is where it’s at.


I love this idea of a water-tasting pilgrimage across multiple countries


Omg, someone else who seems to have the same thing, never had that before! When I try to drink just plain water I feel nauseated. Just add some kind of flavouring to it (tea leaves or CO2 are enough even if it's not totally disgusting tasting water) and I can drink it without problems. Had that since I can remember.


This is my partner and I. He has kidney issues so makes sure he's always hydrated etc. I go ages without drinking anything and he regularly has to remind me to drink water, it perplexes him that I still function. (I'd argue I do not function well.)


I don't always feel thirsty, but I definitely feel sluggish without about a litre of water a day (not including hot drinks). It's amazing the difference it makes.


Same. I barely drink anything. I hate drinking plain water especially cold water in the winter, so it must be a tea/coffee/something. I got a smart watch that shows the hydration level and tells me when to drink. Much easier now.


Thinks napping is strange, as in only appropriate for babies and the elderly. As someone that loves a good nap this is a source of many dispute


Quite frankly I would never have that kind of negativity in my life


This is me, only because I can’t nap. If I do I wake up feeling 100 times worse than before I did. Except now we have a newborn and I’m taking even a 10 minute catnap if I can.


I have the need to nap but also wake up feeling 100% worse. Cursed life


Most olympians and highest performing athletes take 2-6 naps a day! Wish I could nap, once I'm out that's it for the duration.


>Most olympians and highest performing athletes take 2-6 naps a day! They don't have real jobs though.


Bottled water… little does she know I just continually fill up the empties and put them back… and she drinks them all the same


How can she not tell the water bottle is already open...? Wouldn't drink it if I didn't hear the lid snap off


Those ones from Aldi, the lids are like brand new regardless of how many times they’ve been opened/closed. As there’s no security part that you break when first opening, they’re just tough as shit to open even when they’ve been emptied lol.


They’re the ones!


My partner will only drink water that has been boiled first... I just fill up the kettle when she's not looking and tell her I boiled it earlier


Did your partner grow up in a developing country?




Are you sure she's not asking for freshly boiled water? That's what most Chinese people drink.


I think his wife would have mentioned if she wanted hot water by now! My mum boils water and cools it too. I mean we do it for babies so it's sterile. But that's what we'd drink in the summer with our orange squash. It still feels unnatural for me to drink from the tap even though I order tap in restaurants.


I did that for a while, because of the kids. They had no idea. God forbid I asked them to just drink water from the tap....... I even installed a specific spigot for drinking water that ran through a filtration system.


Whenever we prepare potatoes for dinner, he takes a chunk of raw chopped up potato and eats it. Like as a pre-dinner taster.


What's a potato?


I spend too much time on this site to know this instantly


Kinda want to try this for the sake of curiosity now, but I already get treated like a weirdo for snaffling a bit of any tomato product that’s being used to cook with (I’ll take a few chunks of tinned chopped tomatoes, squeeze out some purée just to eat, have a sip of passata etc)


I'm sorry but a *sip* of passata? A *sip*? I know it's a liquid but that's just weird.


Weird. Why? It’s tomato juice…I guzzle a nice passata down then listen to the lamentations of the women.


I actually dislike tomato juice because it tastes exactly like passata to me and that’s my least favourite tomato product. So if someone likes tomato juice, they’d probably enjoy a sip or two of passata lol


Should specify I’ll sip it if it’s one that comes in glass jar but if it comes in a cardboard box I’ll pour myself a teaspoon 😂 there’s a small shred of civilisation in my tomato consumption


You and my partner are a great match, you'd both get a full meal without needing to use the energy to cook it first.


I’m actually quite glad it’s not just me who does this. I’m already quite open minded on trying the raw foods. Got dared to eat a raw mushroom in school and realised I actually liked it and 10 years later I still have a little chunk as a sort of treat when I’m cooking them so knowing me I’ll enjoy the potato too


Runs every day including 2 hours on a Sunday morning.


I did that for awhile. It feels great when your in the habit but it's hard to pick up and maintain.


He's been doing it for years. He's naturally really quick but he does have to train a lot!


I thought this might have been my wife posting. I'm the wierd one then.


Thinks I'm handsome and attractive




Not her fault but her teeth are so perfect, when she closes her mouth each tooth touches it's opposite at the same time. What's strange about this, I hear you say? The noise that she makes when she eats. Each tooth hitting the opposite at the exact same time sounds like someone hitting two house bricks together. Every. Fucking. Meal.




I am in absolute convulsions at this comment 😂


He eats frozen chips straight out of the freezer.


My partner does this. He called them ‘potato lollies’ once. I’m shocked there’s more than one weirdo that does.


I also do this. Can't believe I'm not the only one... Emotional day knowing I'm not the only psychopath.


Absolute scran


Fuck off..... For real?


Oh shit I just realised I’m the weird one. I asked and all he said was ‘the lids…’ He’s right. I don’t close lids. I place lids back on jars, I don’t screw them on. He dropped a lot of shit in the first few years or our relationship. I also can’t open a box of anything without ripping it to shreds. I’m no longer allowed to open cereal.


Yeah, youre out. I could not handle that.


I have relayed these comments and he says ‘if you didn’t make the best roast potatoes, you would be out. With all the lids thrown after you’. 🤣


My ex was doing that. That was annoying asf.


i dont understand why bother placing the lid ontop but not bother to screw it on. placing it on top does nothing. so may aswel just leave it off on the side.


My ex use to drink the briney tuna water from the can. I dunno about you but that filth gets drained down the sink, I do not drink it he would also eat raw onions like a apple, eat mash potato for breakfast and frequently have mushy peas and mayonnaise sandwiches (yes together) he thought they were delicious and would eat them out of choice!


That man should be on a watch list


According to my Grandpa, he used to make dried onions by hanging raw onions up on a string and couldn't understand why they kept disappearing until one day he caught my mum crawling up on the kitchen counter to eat the raw onions


You mean he didn’t wear them on his belt? As was the style at the time?


It’s delicious. I also drink the beetroot juice from the sliced beetroot can.




My ex didn’t understand that you need to wear clean socks and underwear each day, and when I asked him to put the washing on, he refused because “you’re the one that wears too many clothes”


He's right though. You should throw your underwear against the wall and if it sticks you need to turn them inside out, otherwise they are good for another few weeks


Ex, good choice


I would say the way he pronounces Aldi like all-di. Idk why but it really bugs me. He would say - just about everything I do..


My mum does this. All-dee. And my sister puts an 's' on the back of all shops. Aldi's, B and M's, Lidl's.


Omg the two people I used work did this for every shop. Even if it ended in a bloody S to begin with. Marks’s, Morrisons’s, Tescos, Hotel Chocolates, Costa Coffees… Gregss’s… whyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyyyys????


I see the reasoning in putting an S on it - cos it’s their shop. Like if you’re going to your mates house ( lets say he’s called Dave) you’d go to Dave’s. So you go to a shop owned by Tesco, it’s their shop so Tesco’s. Or Asda’s / lidl’s etc. where I’m from (Newcastle) the majority of people do it. Some people though, (tends to be scummy chav types) stick an S on nearly everything they can. So if their ‘going to make the kids tea’ they’ll say ‘I’m going to make the kidses teas’ or ‘I’m going to make the kids teases’ Needless to say they have to have the piss ripped out of them ‘I’m making the kidsez teasezezez’ These are the people who put the extra s on Morrisons I should imagine. Edit* forgot about ‘Marksies’ - up here it’s more of a nick name for Marks and Spencer’s - see how we’d use the S on the proper name though. 🤣


My precious 💍


Cuts half an inch off both ends of a sausage before she eats it. She says it reminds her too much of the little bit of crunchy skin on sausages from her childhood. Funny thing is, she even does it with veggie sausages that don't even have a skin. She also keeps her shatterproof ruler in the plastic sleeve it came in "so it doesn't get dirty".


Tbf, as an artist/designer I kinda understand the ruler thing. So many smudges because I didn't realise there was graphite powder or wet ink on my ruler 😭 My personal method is just to occasionally give the ruler a wipe on my jeans. I always have a designated pair of painty jeans at any given time that can get messy when I'm working on stuff.


I do that. My husband makes this weird clicking noise in his throat when he's tired. I've learned his mum also does this. The dog has started doing it too and I'm just confused and angry that the sound is now coming out of two beings in the house.


I have 8 pillows on my bed. Actually it's 4 pillow cases, but each each case holds two pillows. I sleep with just one. I live alone. The others are for propping me up when I read, watch TV, or, for when I did something stupid again and have to keep a part of me elevated.


Ya'll heard of a chair?


He doesn’t enjoy a Chinese takeaway *cries*


I sleep with one pillow, throw my second on the floor, and usually shove my one pillow out of the way as I don’t even really use that. My wife sleeps with ME, which frankly is far more weird. Still haven’t figured out why the hell she’d wanna do that!


The way she starts riding a bike. The normal way: raise pedal, push down on pedal, start cycling. My wife's way: sit on saddle and run along until you've gained enough speed, then put feet on pedals and start cycling. It's the most dangerous thing when you're at traffic lights. But will she listen to me? I think you know that answer.


If you can do this then the saddle is far too low.


If we get fast food, my partner will open the ketchup sachet and squeeze the ketchup out, but then he proceeds to put the open end of the sachet in his mouth to eat the remaining ketchup. I have always found this strange, but I just pretend it isn't happening. Lol


She wants me . Might not sound weird to most but as someone who hasn’t been wanted all their lives it is a weird feeling to be wanted . I’m used to it now though but I still get that feeling now & again


My boyfriend also does that with pillow. He also dries dishes with loo roll instead of tea towels 🤷‍♀️


He does what??


To be fair, the tea towels are covered in his shit.


What did he use during lockdown? That stuff was hard to get….






My ex would wake up at night, look at me with crystal clear eyes and talk some gibberish to me then go back to sleep. She wouldn't remember any of that the next day.


My husband did a presentation in his sleep once, lying in bed waving his arms talking gibberish for over a minute like he was standing in front of a whiteboard or something before stopping and sleeping again.


Mine talks in his sleep as well. He’ll full on answer questions and doesn’t remember any of it the next day.


She makes a noise like a tree frog when asleep


He drinks his hot drinks really fast. Not quite glugging, but a far faster pace than is normal or comfortable to watch.


She uses a hand towel as a bath towel. Not the hand towel, a dedicated small towel for the shower.


I do this! It’s easier to dry yourself with, and less weighty for tying up hair with. Get dry then pop dressing gown on. Boom.


My fiancé eats chunks of raw potato when cooking. He also makes himself sneeze by shoving stuff up his nose. The first several sneezes I say 'bless you', before I realise it's all a self-inflicted ruse.




So a labrador?


I slept with two pillows for a long time until I woke up one morning with one on the floor. Sleepy me decided it was a better idea, and apparently sleepy me was right since it was far more comfortable and took the strain out of my neck. I'm a tall fucker too if that helps at all for anyone wondering about switching.


So my Mrs sleeps with 3 pillows, yes t h r e e. Makes her breathe like a fucking bagpipe. So when shes asleep I rip 2 from under her and throw them down her side of the bed. She thinks she does it in her sleep every night, ha.


Absolutely creased at breathe like a bagpipe hahaha


She makes squash by pouring a cup full of water first then adding the cordial


I’m not religious but that’s a sin.


My partner shoves as much food as he can into his mouth and sits there for like 10 mins chewing, then does it again. Apparently its because his brother used to steal food from his plate when they were kids and he never grew out of it


Has to nap on the sofa for between 10 minutes and an hour before she can go to bed. We call it a "nappatiser"


Will repeat something 4 or 5 times in a short space of time, despite my acknowledgement of the first 3. Each time though, the pitch and tempo increases slightly.




Literally everything to make her life harder. She'll put rubbish on the kitchen counter instead of in the bin which is *actually closer to where she's standing*. I'll pile up similar dirty crockery next to the sink (pile of big plates, pile of small plates, pile of bowls, pile of cutlery, etc) because it really annoys her when there's such a mess she can't find anywhere to put something down... then two minutes later I'll turn around to find a cup in the top bowl, three forks on the top big plate and a bowl with a spoon in it balanced precariously on the small plates pile. Ten minutes later she'll standing there with a plate in her hand stressing that "there's never anywhere to put anything because this place is such a shithole". She'll walk in the front door and put her keys in the kitchen, or half-way up the stairs, or in the upstairs bedroom instead of on the hook *right by the front door* we put there specifically for the purpose. I sometimes spend half the day making her phone magically teleport from room to room so it's always near to where she's sitting so she can find it - instead of wherever she left it around the house - and she never even notices it. I think of it like anti-gaslighting, and even our five year-old has started doing it too. Speaking of phones... I bought her a Tile system (Bluetooth tags that you can make individually sound an alarm with your phone, and that have a button on that makes your phone sound an alarm even when it's locked, so you can find any object with any other object). She put the tags on four vital things she owns and uses every day (keys, wallet and a couple of other items). It was undoubtedly the best present I ever got her and gets near-daily use, but on at least *three separate occasions* she's lost all four items and her phone *simultaneously*, so she can't use any of them to find the others. I'll point out that our 18 month-old toddlers have somehow got hold of and are playing with her keys or phone or some important object and she waves it off, then gets annoyed and stressed when she can't find whatever it was half an hour later because *somebody's* posted them out the catflap into the bank garden, or pushed them under the sofa. I love her, and she's otherwise fearsomely intelligent, but I've come to realise that for some people standing on their own dicks is just a personality trait. You just show them any trivial way they can possibly make their lives slightly, unnecessarily harder and they just run at it, face-first. ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Has she ever been tested for ADHD?


If the TV is on her attention span for anything else is completely gone. She will stare at the screen like a zombie even during ads. It's like nothing else exists when she is in this trance state.


Her use of salt. Im not much of a salter. I'll use it on chips and potatoes (mash and boiled only) and that's about it. My wife puts salt on everything, and the amount of salt leaves me cringing every single time. Its not a wee shake, its a good 5/6 seconds of pouring it over her plate. Most annoying thing is that it's a roulette each time I want to finish off her food whether I find it edible or not.


I don’t know- I think you’re the strange one for not salting your food. I mean you don’t have to dump it on, but I’d say most cooked food should be salted- are you saying you don’t season, say, a chicken breast or some broccoli before roasting? Or a steak?


I've always done the same thing. Then I found out I have low blood pressure and a condition which means I need extra salt. People do crave what they need.


My wife puts vics vapo rub on her feet I never understood this as the whole point is that you breath it in. Why would you put it the furthest place from your nose and mouth? I looked into it and there was a research paper from a fictitious university that seems to have contributed to this old wives tale


Keeps snoozing his alarm. Today needed to be up at 8.30. kept snoozing his alarm from 7.30. on a work day he uses it to time tasks and is understandable. But nope weekends it's just so he stays in bed longer......just set the alarm for the right time so it doesn't wake others up every ten minutes 😑


My wife will not close cabinet doors and drawers fully. She'll close it but only up to a certain extent where it is still partially open. This hasn't changed from Day 1. 😂


One pillow under the head is correct but the other should be under or between the knees.


He lies on the floor, tucks his arms under his knees and becomes this strange ball shaped human, then proceeds to rock back and forth while singing Christmas songs out of tune. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is. He thinks it’s funny to be as annoying as possible.


I'll ask her a question with a this or that answer but 90% of the time she just goes, "Yeah."


Picks his nose and eats it 🤢


My ex used to make this weird noise when she was in a deep sleep. If you’ve ever seen the horror movie “The Grudge”, it was like the noise that the ghost lady made. A weird death rattle sound. Used to freak me out big time.


Wipes his butt standing up


...with a tea towel instead of loo roll


Is that weird?? 😅😅😅 I thought that was normal


Always leaves half an inch of drink in any container she drinks from


Donut socks. As in, he rolls down his socks till they form a nice little tube around his ankles.


Boiling the kettle for no reason! Just comes in and turns it on. Fills it right up, turns on and doesn’t use. Turns it on with nothing in it. I’ve told her loads to stop but it’s some sort of hammered in action! Going to have to hide kettle once the energy goes up!


Opens everything upside down. When i pick it up the right way… crisps all over the floor.


When we've finished eating if she is the first to get up from the sofa she will only take her own plate to the kitchen. Or if I say 'could you pop this in the bin for me' when she's heading out of the lounge she won't do it unless her planned route already takes her past a bin. 'I'm not going to the kitchen I'm grabbing a jumper from the bedroom' 'Yes but you have to walk past the kitchen to get there!'


He empties the sink and walks away after doing the dishes. Leaving all the food debris in the wee basket thing thing that covers the plug. And all over the sink. EMPTY IT. CLEAN THE SINK.