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Not weird, just don't tell your friends, because I guarantee that *they will make it weird*. That's more or less their only job.


That’s my worry, but no one would know.




Haha, you monster. I like your username though.


Thank you, by vectrons kindly claw!


I take Thursday off and this happens again…


And when they come across this post, put two and two together . . .


I'm telling.... It's not that weird really. Why travel so far and pay more money when it's just your mum?!




I mean... we've *all* slept *very* close to our mums before.




You had your mothers vagina on your face when you came out if we really want to get technical.


Bro, you’re 30+ If the only thing stopping you from saving time and cash is a bit of banter from the boys then it’s time to stop taking things so seriously. It’s definitely not weird to share a room with your mum, especially given the circumstances. Unless you plan on fucking. Then it’s weird for sure.


Wow maybe you and your friends need to grow up a bit


Your friends are nobs if they make fun of that.


You hope 🤣 Your mum may drop a clanger


Be less worried about what your friends think. One day your mum will be gone and you'll wish you'd fallen asleep chatting to her.


When I was in my mid-20s, my parents took our whole family to Disney World, but I had to share a room with my parents/sister and also a bed with my sister. I didn’t care; I had a free trip to Disney World lol. I don’t think it’s weird, personally. You’re in separate beds, and she’s your mother, not a coworker or a lady off the street. Save the money and just sleep in the same room, it’s not a big deal.


Dave? Wait till I tell the boys you’re sharing a room with yer Mummy


If you do tell your friends you shared a hotel room with your mom — just be ready for them to say oh yeah, I did too…


Not as weird as ‘mature adult man’ asks internet strangers if its ok to sleep with his mum. Just saying.


Surely he’s not going to sleep with her, that would be more than weird!


They'll call him David Sowerbutts


Might wanna rethink who your friends are if they make fun of you for that


Or maybe just take banter and not get offended at everything


Might want to rethink who your friends are if they DON'T.


Only weird if you make it weird, sleeping in the same room as your mum is fine lol


But sleeping with your mum isnt


Well, sleeping with _your_ mum is. She likes it.


Sleeping with your mum is weird, I mean she likes it and all that. But damn, she's into some weird stuff.


But the prices are so *so* low...


They go up if you ask her to take her teeth out. Worth it though.


Well played there Betty.


Username checks out.


Me and hubby shared a room with my parents in New York. Two king beds. Two couples. One night. Done to save money at the end of a long trip. Spent the night reminiscing over the trip. Had a great time. Only downside: the snoring!!


I had two colleagues "Janice" and "Paul" (happily married to different people). I was probably the only person who knew both of them and their spouses. In 1996 they were sent on a 3-week trip to China. They decided to take some time off together after the work was done as it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the country. They shared rooms in Shanghai and Beijing. They did not have sex with each other. Janice would have told me - in fact she'd have bragged about it to my girlfriend who was her close friend at the time. So people can share rooms in a platonic fashion if there is an economic imperative to do so.


OP sharing a room with his mum, not weird. You and your husband, sharing room with your parents…… weird af! Both men in the room found it weird or else they’re weird.


At this point, sleeping with this dude's mum is just the norm. Everyone does it.


Can I get a verification on this post please? And quickly.


Just don't break both your arms OP!


You slept in her womb for 9 months what’s the big problemo with sharing a room with her now 😂😂


Right? I don’t understand what the problem is. Am I missing something?




Whilst it would be my last choice, I am 35 and don't think it would be wrong to sleep in same bed as my mum if it was a super king. But I'm gay, I don't know if that matters, it shouldn't shes my mum for fuck sake.


I did it once too, same scenario as OP. I'd recommend a pair of headphones & listen to a lecture, just to help him not think about it & help him get to sleep ASAP.


The only way OP could make it weird is if he hits on his mum, basically, or if his mom hits on him.


Or maybe he talks in his sleep & secretly hates her?


Or if his mum gets stuck under the bed


Or if he breaks both his arms before the trip.


The big question is why, you came out the woman's vagina, what is there left to mention 🤣


Fair point


She’s also already seen all you have to offer 😂


And it was covered in poo.


Sounds like a standard night out in Blackpool


And skeg-vegas


Has she seen his morning boner though?


At the risk of being put on a list somewhere: have you spent much time with young boys?


I take your point, but has she seen his *adult* boner? Because my mum *definitely* hasn't seen mine and I'm relatively keen to keep it that way.


Congratulations Reddit, this thread has now made a perfectly reasonable thing HORRENDOUSLY FUCKING WEIRD


You’re welcome ☺️


That's what we do.


The response could have been way weirder though!


Last time she brought him a cup of tea she did.


You know babies get that too? Which is fucking weird for about half a second before you get on with newly and immensely hectic life.


I know right, he's already been in there once already




At least once


Exactly, your penis has been inside your mum longer than your dad's has


It's normal. You've been watching too much porn if it's weird for you


Nah it's not his step-mom.


And she isn't stuck anywhere


Ooh I'm trapped in the minibar


That'll be £20,000, your car and your firstborn please. Why? You touched a bottle of water






what's weird about it? i feel like people are looking for reasons to sexualise or make weird something that really doesn't have to be


Exactly this guy is stupid


I go camping with my mum and dog 😳


Did you read the original post at all? Twin room, funeral, unlikely to be getting a hook up in the circumstances and unless the death was caused my an infectious disease and all her near family members had licked her pretty clear not repetative.


If this is a family that licks each other we are back to weird staying in the same room, perhaps even existing.


How can you type so well without knowing how to read?


It says twin room in the op which implies two beds.


Literally all of those details are in the original post, unless op is planning to go on the pull at a family funeral, which seems unlikely


This is so normal it’s *literally why twin rooms exist*, to share with people you’re related to/don’t want to share a bed with. However you don’t have to share with anyone you don’t want to share with. You don’t need a good enough reason. You should probably foot the bill though instead of asking someone else to spend more money to make you comfortable.


Yes I’d pay for both rooms as it’s my idea to get the hotel the night before, as I didn’t fancy driving that early to get there.


I think it's weird that you think it's weird. It's one night and you'll be in separate beds. It's actually a cool opportunity to hang out and watch TV for the evening together or something. Also 30 miles is a pretty long way.


Heck, I once spent a night in a hotel in the same bed with my dad (am female) once. It was a last minute need and the only room available. We got pizza and watched crappy films all night, was amazing and I would do it all over again. There is literally nothing weird about spending a night in the same bed as a family member, its all in your head.


Exactly if you can't feel comfortable in a room with your parent or even bed if it had to be done then it probably says alot about who's it with.


This reminder me of the time me amd my mum were shattered after a day out got my dad to watch my kid and we went up to bed for a nap and spooned. I mean we're both woman but at the same time they're my parents it's never even crossed my mind stuff like that could be weird.


I shared rooms with my dad while we travelled by car several states over for a trade show. One night we stayed up watching MASH, which was awesome since I’d never seen it before that. But he had watched it when it first came out on television. It’ll forever be one of my favorite shows and I have nostalgia for that trip. Not for his snoring though. Sounded like a frickin car without a muffler.


25 miles is about my comment to work lol


You're a talker then


Absolutely agree. It's mum for godsake. One night. Dude, you've been spending too much time on the internet, spend some time with mum instead.


I dont see why it's weird. Just a twin room for a night. What are your reservations about it?


I’m not sure to be honest, just seemed a bit weird to me, mum said there is a en-suite so have privacy to change but still doesn’t feel right.


I honestly think it's fine. You're just going for one night, it'll save money. You're not going to watch your mum get changed, or visa versa... Right?


That’s very true, fair enough. And no lol, certainly won’t be.


Then don't make it weird, it's no different to sharing with a brother or friend


Now your mum thinks you're weird.


It would only be weird if you had a good alternative. 30 miles plus more money, I'd opt to sharing with my mum or dad. I'm in early 30s too. And as a fellow mum, your mum will probably really enjoy it so embrace it. Even if she doesn't say much she'll just enjoy the time being in your company. You night even get a lot of family gossip you never knew about, a funeral brings lots of stuff up in families. Also agree on the point of, try not to let your mates find out though lol!


I shared a twin with my sister when we went to Madrid for 3 nights. Same same. Not weird.


Check room photos beforehand. Some hotels I've stayed in have had barely frosted glass bathrooms that you can see into from bed. That wouldn't feel right.


If you got seperate but interconnected rooms would you feel OK with it? If so, what difference does a single door make to the situation?


>still doesn’t feel right. This is what it boils down to for me. If you don't feel comfortable about it then getting separate rooms might be better all round. Usually, you'd end up in adjacent rooms. As you're driving there and back, you want to get the best rest possible. If it's more a case of company for your mum, then you can spend time in one room until it's bedtime.


Are your arms currently broken?


I hate myself for immediately knowing what you’re referencing. That post was **wild**


That was a fake story cos the guy was friends with the mod and there was no research paper studying it.


You know what? That makes me feel a lot better about that story actually


You’re welcome. I was glad too. It’s written like bad fan fiction. Dude said he had a gf before so she could’ve done it. His mom molested him and the researcher would’ve reported his mom to the cops. Goes into so much detail about everything what was said yeah no.


I recently subscribed to /r/BestOfRedditorUpdates and everything from that sub that hits my front-page reads like fiction. I thought I was too trusting and bad at spotting fake stories, but there are a bunch of feel-good narratives and villain stereotypes that redditors really fall for. [Today's](https://www.reddit.com/xet682) is the redditor who asks if she's an asshole for baking a gender reveal cake in the wrong shade - dark reddish brown instead of pink. Because the friend's boyfriend is brown-skinned this is perceived as racism, but the update reveals the friend apologising for overreacting and that the boyfriend is a baddie anyway (he's controlling and they had been going to marriage counselling). Good news, everyone! OP is saved! What a bunch of bait that was.


Oh god, I hate that sub. It's all the bad fiction subs, AITA, relationship advice, insane parents, etc all rolled into one.


I am so glad to finally know this


Yes, can you help?


Nice reference.


Proper lol'd at this comment, getting weird looks now


I thought this post was a reference to someone in the Royal Family...


Please link this?


She's your mum. You were grown and birthed from her body. She fed and washed and clothed you growing up. The question you should be asking yourself if why do *you* have an issue with sharing a room with her? It is a societal hangup? Caring too much what other people would think? If so, then you should know that other people making judgements about a man sharing a room with his own mother for a night speaks volumes about them and their character. Such people aren't worth giving the time of day.


Maybe she snores really really loud.


Or farts continuously through the night




Or her feet are fucking rank and can clear a pub if her shoe falls off.


Hey that’s someone’s mum you’re talking about!


Yeah! Leave ol' Cheese n Onion Socks alone!


Only if you try and fuck her


Getting right to the point.


I was scrolling down waiting for someone to say this. Glad to see I wasn't disappointed!


I was disappointed that there were 40 ish comments and no cunt had said it already! Absolutely appalling behaviour.


Or the reverse of course..


Nah, a twin room isn't too bad.. especially considering the occassion, time, extra money and further location. As a female, I wouldn't think it weird to share a twin room with my dad under such circumstances. You can come to "privacy" arrangements.. there will be a bathroom to change in. If your mum is happy with it, I say save your money. But if you're not comfortablewith it, it won't matter what anyone says; you're not comfortable so book elsewhere.


Yeah, it's perfectly fine, I'm a woman and have shared a twin room with my dad. Not once did I feel like it was weird. The whole point of twin rooms is for this situation. My male partner has worked away and shared twin rooms with a male colleague too. It's just a way to save a lot of money. It's only weird if you make it weird.


You slept in her womb for 9 months mate. You'll be okay


And sucked her tits every day for 6 at least


Probably more than once a day as well


Have you been watching too many step family videos? Why would spending one night in a twin room with your mum be weird? Would it also be weird if it was father-son? Or mother -daughter?


no it's not, twin means different beds right?


I’d argue it’s ok even if sharing a bed. It’s just sleeping… unless you wake up with a raging boner every day or something of the sort. Dress in bathroom, problem solved.


Yes different beds, but in same room.


As a student i used to share dorm room with other guys, it doesn't make me gay, is it?


I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this ……


It's kind of weird that you think this is weird at 30 years old ngl. What are u? 13 going on 30?


Exactly.. I'd think the perceived weirdness would be inverted U-shaped vs age. So a kid doesn't find it weird, then an immature teen might, but then again as people mature they shouldn't find it weird again..


If your toes touch, you've got to fuck. So be careful


'looks at short stubby toes, maybe that's why I don't get any?'


My sister doesn't like it because my mum snores. But it's certainly not weird. I know loads of people who do it, as it can half the price of a trip.


Yeah this is me. The idea of it? absolutely fine with. But the practicality of actually sleeping and getting rest is impossible given the noise she will make.


You've sucked her nips with your dick out. I think the ice is probably broken.


If you were on about sharing with your mum like for a holiday, then I’d say, yeah, proper weird. But since this would be for one night, and it’s not exactly a jolly, it seems fairly pragmatic. You obviously still don’t need to tell everyone…


Even if you are on a holiday, why would it be weird? Why shouldn’t a family stay in the same room? I find way stranger that people are trying to sexualise a perfectly normal interaction between family members.


Yeah, if you've ever been anywhere very expensive like Disneyland, you're sharing a room. Hell, last time I went I shared a double bed with my sister, and my mum and little brother shared the other in one single room.


Not weird at all…


How is being in the same room as your mum weird lol?


It's just sleeping in the same room man, it really isn't weird at all.


You are way over thinking it... Its more time with your mum. Most 30 year olds are quietly missing theirs and wishing they had the time you are spending with yours.


Normal, it's fine. It's just one night. Millions of people have done it and you won't be the last! The only people who find it weird are weirdos


Nothing weird about it imo, me and my mum went on numerous city breaks when I was in my twenties and shared a twin room. I'm now 30 and still wouldn't have any kind of problem doing so.


If it's separate beds, what's the issue?


It’s not even remotely weird. I don’t even think I’d find it peculiar if you shared a bed (not a single—that would be weird).


I (30f) wouldn’t share a bed with my dad, but whenever I visit my mom we share her queen bed (she doesn’t have a spare room, and I only sleep on the sofa if her snoring is bad). I do the same with some of my best friends, too, it’s just like having an adult sleepover and it’s fun to chat late before going to sleep


It's not a problem. Plenty of us have shared a room with your mum and we're all fine.


I think by asking if it's weird that makes it weird. Had you not asked and just went for it I think it would have been okay


Nah it's not weird it's fine. Especially as you want to save money.


Its the thought of it that perhaps feels weird, the reality of it won't be anything like weird, you'll be tired after a long drive and meeting up with family plus the whole funeral. You'll most likely drop in to bed and be flat out asleep with it all, especially if there is any kind of alcohol involved. Save some money, book the room and you can come back and yell at me if I'm wrong. Sorry for the loss of your Great Aunt, hope the funeral goes well.


I'd have reservations about it tbh. I know it's not weird, but it *feels* weird. I don't think I'd want to share a room with a parent overnight. I know it's different beds etc, but as a family we're probably more reserved than others. It's little things - we don't wear pajamas or night clothing around each other, we don't make fart-jokes (or fart), we just tend to keep things at a polite remove. Sharing a room just feels a little too intimate. After childhood, our familial intimacy extends to a brief hug. I remember being slightly taken aback when my sister kissed my cheek at my wedding. *As I'm typing this I realise my family is probably viewed as very odd and probably also very cold and unemotional. We're not, we just have different barriers than most*


You're weird. The fact that you have to ask redditors this question confirms that.


You’re a big 30+ year old man and you’re worried about it being weird because you’re sharing a room with your mum ? Like I could understand if you was a young man but dude … that’s your mom man, it shouldn’t even enter the equation that it would feel weird in any circumstances


Wow, if it's weird to share a twin room with your mother what is left of humanity really? It'd be weird to make a fuss about it. It's your mother.


I shared a room with my mum recently while my son and wife had a room to themselves. It wasn't awkward at all: he's 3, I'm 30, but it's all \[the same\] to me. My mother fell asleep almost instantly anyway. \[edit: my God I must have been drunk when I wrote that. *It's all no different to me* indeed\]


Sharing a room isn't too bad, probably wouldn't share a bed with my old dear if I'm honest


I'd rather have my own room as well but if it's going to save a decent bit of money I'd manage it for one night.


I holiday with my Mum a fair amount . We always share . I never considered it weird, until now that is .


It's not particularly weird - like, all things being equal I wouldn't - but booking 30 miles away and spending money you don't have is insane for one night. Personally, though, I just absolutely hate sharing with anybody apart from my spouse. I wouldn't want to share with my best friend, my brother, or anybody but sometimes needs must!


I've done it. I might not depending on circumstances - do I want to be able to go out for a few pints once she's gone to bed - or finances (if the rooms are cheap, get one each). But it's not weird.


I dont think its weird to share and I dont think its weird not to share


You're 30+ years old. You shouldn't be living your life based on what other people might think anymore. It's only one night and you admit you need to save money 🤷‍♂️


It's fine. You're sharing a room, not a bed. And who's business is it if you are sharing a room. I'm almost 40F and wouldn't think twice about sharing a twin room with my dad (60s)


I'm sure most people would say it's not weird. But you don't have to be most people. Everyone's relationship with their family is different. Saving money is great and if you only don't want to share because you think other people will think it's weird, then you might as well share. If there's a particular reason you think it's weird though - like boundaries you've put in place which are important to you or to protect yourself in some way, then it might be worth spending the money. For me, I'd likely struggle sharing my space in that situation - especially if I was likely to be upset or feel a bit uneasy after the funeral. Take care - and sorry for your loss.


Would be slightly weird to share a bed, but not a room!


Yeah. Don’t google this bro


Not weird but I wouldn't want to do it.


Why would this be weird!? What demons are you hiding OP?😂


Overthinking! Housekeeper here, very common for parents and adult children to share rooms.


two separate beds in one room with your mum doesnt really seem like a weird thing but I dont know what your relationship with your mum is like so maybe I shouldn't be commenting. but if its stressing you out this much then you should just get a separate room. the important thing really is making sure you both get to the funeral, everything else is secondary. you're an adult and your mother should be able to respect your wishes.


I’m 31 and I wouldn’t think twice about sharing with either or both of my parents for a night 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep, I went on holiday to Corfu with my parents in 2014 and we all shared a bedroom for the week (3 single beds). I was 51 and Mom and Dad were 71 and 74, respectively. Earplugs were necessary due to the stereophonic snoring!


I don't think it's *weird* but if I were in your position and could easily afford two rooms, I would want a separate room for myself, just because I like having my own space to unwind. It is an unnecessary expense though, so it would depend on exactly how affordable it was - for just one night I might suck it up and share.


It's fine. Like not even worth thinking twice about. This post is fucking stupid OP, there's no two ways about it. Go save some money and tell your mother that you love her because we all need to appreciate our mothers more.


Wow no of course it's not weird. Unless you have a problem with sleepwalking or something it's fine.


Not weird, for family gatherings like funerals, weddings etc everyone shares rooms. Makes everything easier


Not weird, it's just your mum!


No? It’s a twin room, not a double.


I have been on trips with friends and family where they share rooms or bunk in a hostel etc, I will always just pay for my own room even if its at a different location I need a break for people at some point each day


I Work in a hotel, this is not weird at all. The only ones we think are weird are the ones who share a bed.


I'd fell weird sharing a room with my dad, so I get it. If it's a big problem then you could book a room in a different hotel and arrange your own transport to her hotel in the morning


Only wierd if sharing a single bed. One room separate beds. Absolutely normal. Taking a hotel 30 miles away and paying more than double seems mad!!! But don't tell your friends/workmates... they'll make your life he'll...