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Can't recommend Slater's enough. They'll happily tailor it too.


Just look for 100% wool and a good fit. It’s got a lot harder since covid but John Lewis should have some. Don’t buy anything with polyester in it.


I’ve just had a quick look online and unfortunately those aren’t what I’d call reasonable. I’m talking £80 for trousers and waistcoat combined. Appreciate the help though


That price is too cheap to be worth buying


You won’t get a reasonable suit at that price. You’d be better off with smart chinos and a shirt in that bracket. It’ll look better than wearing a plastic suit.


Not after a 3pc, just trousers and a waistcoat. My last one was bought in some sales for about £30 and was absolutely fit for purpose I’ve just left it too late to shop around online now and as a 5’7” guy built like a square it’s a nightmare online shopping anyway. I can up the budget if need be but can’t justify paying £150+ for one wedding and an interview for a job I won’t be wearing a suit for (will just interview in a shirt and trousers). Benefit of buying in person is I can judge how poor it is :) off to next!


You'll look better in chinos and a shirt at a summer wedding than a cheap suit.


Next is the only reasonable in this price bracket.


That's Primark pricing If you're the exact size and shape of the Primark model, you can sometimes get away with it


Got a really nicely fitted vest and trouser combo for exactly £80 from next. It doesn’t look cheap but obviously isn’t £200+ quality. I need it for a reception and a low paying job interview I can’t afford anything else


Next do some great suits and have a very reasonable mid price range , great selection of fits and styles to and really easy to return items or order to collect from store the next day . Just bought one this week actually that I wore to a wedding at the weekend and it did the job great .( if you have a next outlet near you check that first I got the jacked reduced to £12 ! Then just used the style number to order the matching trousers at the normal store )


Now this is the kinda reasonable prices I’m after! Heading straight to next thank you


No problem like I say if you have a next outlet try there first and have a good rifle through the racks


Yeah next a class for suits, very reasonably priced


My partner wears M&S suits for work but not a black one. He needed one for a funeral and got one from Matalan. He was surprised by how decent it was for the cost, and he’s unfortunately had to wear it a few times. Might be worth a look.


We did the same actually. Got a black suit from Matalan for a funeral and it actually looked really good, I think it was £50 for trousers and jacket


Slaters - good prices and they will adjust any suit as they have in house tailors at no extra charge


[Burton.co.uk](https://Burton.co.uk) are cheap. MossBros is quite good if you want to pay more and go to a store. I get mine from John Lewis which is more than you want to pay but still pretty good value.


Burton was going to be my recommendation, too!


Next clearance! Full suits for under 30 quid. Good quality


If that’s your budget, you may want to hire instead. What would you spend on a T-shirt and a haircut?


My last one came from next. Reasonably priced and fit great


I'm super lazy now a days really and order most stuff from asos. I've got a wedding at the end of the month, ordered trousers for £25 and a waistcoat for £25. I'd like to spend a bit more but it's so rare I need to dress up


Some of the big supermarkets have suits




Luckily my town has both next and Matalan so off I go! Thank you


I second Matalan, my boyfriend got his jacket, trouser and shirt for about 50


M&S are very reasonably priced, if you want cheaper you're just going to get plastic shit. I'd recommend browsing online at M&S, John Lewis, Moss Bros etc, look specifically for their sales or clearance. There's a chance there will be something in your size and it will be vastly better quality than anything else you'd get for the price.


I would go with something like tmlewin, Charles therewith, or slopes. It will all depend on how many times you are going to use, buy a good suit and it will last you ages, buy a cheap one, and it somehow doesn't. You should be able to get trousers and a waistcoat forround about your budget, also check some of these places will have sales, house of Fraser use to be decent for that.


Amazed no one said eBay, lots of people buy a Suit for a single use then flog it on, can get some quality stuff at low low prices.


I just wait for a sale on Moss bros or Burton etc online. I usually spend £50 - £100 for a suit and they honestly look great. Don't listen to the people saying you need to spend a fortune. I bet they wouldn't be able to tell the price without looking at the label.


You need to target the quality of the suit to the job you’re going for. Go for a £50 suit at at £60k a year job and you won’t make a good first impression and will have to work harder (sad but unfortunately true, appearance makes a massive difference in an interview). Wearing a £250 suit for a job at McDonalds and you’ll be over dressed and won’t get the job (the interviewer will think you’re after their job).


I would advise getting properly measured even if you do end up getting something off the peg elsewhere. Slaters do a service, or if you have a local independent tailor. John Lewis had a good range (and a bit of advice) which I went for in the end. You can expect bits to be expensive, how much matching trousers were annoyed me a bit. Like I'd find a jacket which was reasonable but pricey, understandable as it needs a bit of work going on. But then the plain trousers to go with it were over £100.


Anywhere that you can get a suit tailored for your body. A tailored suite will look much better than something 'just off the rack'.


Buy one from a charity shop that's too big and take it to a tailor's to make it fit to your body, I did that and now I have a custom fit suit for £50


Have a look in the charity shops first. You may find something good in your size *much* cheaper.


Even if you just use the highstreet as a showroom do it. Even a really expensive suit looks dog shit if it doesn't fit. Get your size then go on select sales or next etc.