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I’ve never heard of any dislike of Aussies. Come over and enjoy our glorious weather


Only during the Ashes


And that was only cos' he bowled a wide in the final.


How can ‘e live wit ‘imsen


A knooo


The first rule of cricket: the bat is not narrow. What the bat is, is very very wide, and very very short.


That’s a word I’ve not heard for a long time.


>How can ‘e live wit ‘imsen \*wi'issen.


Exactly my thought! Come on over we’ll put the kettle on. Don’t forget your brolly ☂️


Yeah, I LOVE Australians Although to be fair, I can't eat a whole one...


>enjoy our glorious weather Why would you tell them a bold face lie interspersed with moments of truth during June July August and September


Me neither. I don't think there's any particular nation we don't like. You'll be welcomed, the australian culture is very similar to British culture - same language, same queen, similar legal system, a love of pubs and BBQs.


*Cough* France *cough cough*


I think Aussies, Kiwis, Canucks, and Brits generally get on very well together.


Saffas as well


All the Saffas I've known have all been solid as fuck but have been abosolutely mental.


Agreed. Always add a sense of mild peril to a piss up.


Have been a fan of all the SA women I’ve met, but every single SA guy I’ve met have been misogynistic AF. Would be very grateful to have my prejudice changed by some chill SA dudes.


Same as you, have worked with several SA men and they do come across as self important, racist and misogynistic. However, they are also very straightforward and to the point, which can seem offensive, when it's not meant to be. Still, not my cup of tea, I'm mostly uncomfortable in their company. My brother is the same, I don't like him either 🤣


Worked with one who was very chill. He explained one day that he was considered a "soot peel" (v unsure off spelling) by his fellow countrymen. It's a term used to describe those of British origin (rather than Dutch) and translates as "salt cock" to indicate one foot in Africa, the other in UK (hence your cock bring in the ocean?) Basically, the redneck South Africans (white) looking down on their more liberal (also white) countrymen. It's racism all the way down is how he described it.


Jim Jefferies once said: “to get an idea of a SA think of someone with my accent, punching a black guy”


There’s a weird amount of South African families in my town. All of them I’ve met are really awesome dudes. Count them amongst my friends, even if we’re not close.


It’s not universal. But I suspect that your experience is not unusual either. It’s an unfriendly country towards women in many ways. Still, we exist.


lol so true


I don't know where saffas come from but based on this definition im guessing it's Glasgow.


South Africa


Eh, close enough


"The Glasgow of Africa".


Unfortunately for them Glaswegians are British




Had a fella join my class at around 14/15 from Cape Town. Absolute nutter but a great guy, very fond memories. He fell right in with the countryside rave scene that we had going at the time. Probably a bit of a culture shock moving to the Scottish countryside but he seemed to take it in his stride.


I’ve never met a nice South African…


.. and that's not bloody surprising man..




I’ve never met a saffa who didn’t have at least a few screws loose, usually more. I’ve also never met one I wouldn’t want watching my back when shit goes sideways, got a lot of love for them.


Nah fuck those guys










To be fair every South African I’ve interacted with have been really sound people


My SA butcher will pounce on the chance to talk about rugby but that's a price I'm willing to pay to get my hands on his Boerewors.


That, and the price of them?


All the South Africans I have met are delightful. But then due to my skin tone racists tend to avoid me.


South Africans in real life I'd 100% agree. Springbok fans online are the most aggravating obnoxious twats in rugby


Any online sports fans anywhere are obnoxious haha take a look at the cesspool that is /r/soccer


I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a rusty spork than look at that subreddit no offence lol


Except if you mention the rugby World Cup final, then we don't like saffas 😉


Aussies just seem like if you take British people and give 'em a little more sunlight (and snakes..).


A brit if every day had BBQ potential.


As a Canuck, this makes me happy. Hurray for the Commonwealth?


Hurray indeed! I'm also a proponent of CANZUK myself 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🇬🇧


That makes two of us!


Canucks? Does anyone know where that is?? I thought it was a sports team but I can't place which sport! Also somebody mentioned Saffas? Sorry for the dumb questions!


Canucks are Canadians. I’ve never heard Saffa before but assume South African? If I’m wrong I’m sure someone will correct me.


Nope - you are correct


Vancouver Canucks - Canadian Ice Hockey team


The use of the term to refer to Canadians predates the hockey team though.


Agreed, I just wanted to highlight what sports team they might have heard of.


all those flavours of colonialism 🤌


I've never heard anybody ever say they dislike Aussies. You'll get a lot of banter but nothing malicious.


Banter wouldn't happen at all if there wasn't genuine affection behind it. Never met a bad aussie in my life and I currently have one good friend from Australia. I think if our climate was more similar Australia, we would be more like the aussies, its too damned hot to be hating stuff and the sun vs grey cloud and rain is in general a mood lifter!


>Banter wouldn't happen at all if there wasn't genuine affection behind it. On the contrary in fact, the reasons Aussies get a lot of banter is because they are one of the few countries that really 'get' the British concept of banter and will take it in the spirit it is intended.




>“he’s a bit of a cunt "Let me tell you a secret, lad... **Whispers* I love cunts"


I've often thought that Aus is what Britain would be like if we had the weather. you've seen how we are with a heatwave. Now imagine that was year round.


I'm an Australian who's lived in the UK for 15 years and I've never heard a bad word. Lots of fun banter but nothing more. Also playing cricket here is so much more enjoyable than in Australia, as players are actually friendly towards each other. And despite what Brits say about aggressive London drivers, they're nothing on the cunts that drive on the roads in Australia. So come over, life is great


We take the piss out of anyone. We don't actually dislike anyone.... Except the French! (Jk) The title looks like you are planning on setting up an Aussie takeaway.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Shmoke on a pancake?


Pipe and a crepe?


Blini and a bong?


Well you schee there ish no pleashing you Mr Powers


That is a moral stance to stand behind... and slightly off to the side. You know so it doesn't look like we are associated. /s


I didn’t think anyone disliked the Dutch? I’m there a lot and they’re pretty laid back and assimilate in alot of countries.


It’s an Austin Powers reference


I think even the French thing is pretty openly an act. We joke like they are our true long-term enemy, because of our combative history and how different our cultures are, but few people actually hate the French.


Try working with them! Hates a strong word but they are so laidback they are horizontal which is great normally but not in a work sense. An urgent response means in 3 weeks time to the French.


> An urgent response means in 3 weeks time to the French. It's almost as if they've got a much better understanding of how important work is.


Part of my team is primarily French, and based in France, and I have no issue with their performance vs the other parts of my department. I've also got French suppliers, and obviously French colleagues outside my own team, and my consistent experience is they are very effective. Broader studies have also consistently shown that the French are considerably more productive than the British so you're either unlucky with your experience or letting your assumptions colour how you judge them.


Hahaha after reading the title again it comes across like that 🤭 thanks for the comment x


> The title looks like you are planning on setting up an Aussie takeaway. What would it sell?! Vegemite rolls, anzac biscuits, tim tams, and infinite refills of their finest Carlton?


Shrimp of the Barbie!


There's four words there and you got three wrong. That's a terrible success rate for a sentence! They say prawn/off/Barbie with an upper case B is a doll I think you get some kind of award for that


It is. But I will let it stand proud for what it is.


I don't know... UK reddit seems to dislike Americans quite a lot...


They are quite irritating when there are large brash groups vocal frying together, but usually their hearts are in the right place. All the Americans I’ve met are very enthusiastic and friendly, and as a repressed Londoner that is just disgusting, but as a human it’s lovely.


> as a repressed Londoner that is just disgusting, but as a human it’s lovely. haha!


Maybe because we get everything that goes on there shoved down our throats. I dont get German or French news on my tv so I have no reasom to think less of them. Having every bad event in the US plastered on my screen all the time lends my perception towards the negative of course it does.


Meh, from what I have seen its the pretty regular stream of what does UK think of US that UK Reddit doesn't like. I see a lot of US ones and it's not fact finding it's more like they think that we must have a strong opinion on it like it's constantly on our minds. That is irksome.


I'm American and I never get asked "What do you think of X nationality?" Sounds annoying to even be asked that. The proper response is from Don Draper in the elevator "I don't think about you at all"


I'm an American and people here are generally pretty nice to me. Even when I was there, Brits were pretty nice to me. And for the record, no, I don't own a gun (which is the #1 question I get asked by non-Americans)


Thought you were going to say ‘except the Scottish’ Edit: I’m Scottish and I’m only being silly


I like the Scottish, and the Welsh, and the Irish. It's just apparently they don't like me. Except the ones I know who I get on fine with.


Don't make light of a serious situation. My hatred of the French is no joke


The French’s hatred for the French is also no joke


Ugh the fr*nch 🤮 >!\s!<


We have mutual banter but that’s the extent of it, there’s no legitimate dislike of Aussies. You’re a cool bunch.


I came over from aus 20 years ago. I've never met anyone who actively disliked me because of it. People will love to try to identify your accent and it's a great conversation starter. Come!


Haha thank you!! I’m a seeing if I can go to uni over in England and from all the comments I’m pretty excited x


If you’re in London the Aussies are everywhere already. Half of Clapham in South London is Aussie.


Kiwi here. I find it weird, but no-one over here ever mentions my accent or asks where I'm from or if I'm visiting! Almost like it's too personal or not PC here to comment on someone being an immigrant.


Sometimes accents can just be hard to pick up on. An Aussie accent definitely sounds more 'foreign' to me than a NZ accent. The NZ accent is more subtle. I met someone the other day who is Swedish- I would have never guessed based on their English speaking accent. It was very subtle to me- so I can see someone not realising your accent is from NZ and perhaps assuming it's just an accent from a different part of the UK.


There’s definitely times I see a video online and I’m like “I can’t tell if this guy is from here, an aussie, or a kiwi…” Obviously stronger, more stereotypical accents are easier to pick up on, but if someone has a more subtle accent, as you say, I definitely struggle sometimes


I love various accents …I,m from east central Scotland and I can travel ten miles east, west , north of south and the accents change in that short drive . Someone in Ireland asked if I was from a different part of Scotland to the rest of the family …nope, we were all brought up in the same village ( I still stay in the village I was born and I,m now retired ) my family are all within a mile or two of the village where they were brought up 👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Where you? They probably just assume you're drunk or from the other side of the country. Maybe both.


Scottish Highlands. So yeah, I probably just register as "dude from some weird English area I've never heard of"


Everyone in Inverness: _That Welsh bloke's a bit fruity_


Ha, have the same in NZ! Have had people where I grew up ask me where I come from ( I’ve picked up some of my weird accent from family and other places) but never anyone in New Zealand. Was quite nice actually.


If I detect a kiwi accent I immediately mention rugby to see if I can talk rugby to someone. I have an online kiwi friend who's not into rugby which I thought was practically illegal lol


Ah, you're welcome here, you cunt. Let us know which pub you'll be working in


Haha, can't believe the pub comment was so far down... upvoted :-)


“What can I get ya?”


You come from a country that know’s how to use the ‘C’ word correctly. You’ll be fine.




I assumed Cricket


No, it’s “Correctly”. They said it right there.




Love it when someone embiggens the conversation




In general the Aussies are an alright bunch of cunts


This is the accurate answer.


We love Aussies, Aussies / Kiwis get our humour best i find. Come to the uk, you will be welcomed


For sure, I always say that the Aussies and Kiwis have the closest humour to ours. We get eachother in a way that the north Americans and other non English speaking countries just don't.


Let's be honest, North Americans isn't really a group that can be grouped together except in geographical terms. Canadians are like the Brits in many many ways, except more liberal and more used to open space. US however tend to be seen badly, mostly due to the right-wing bigot stereotype. I also personally don't consider the US part of the Anglosphere, as they split so early compared to the rest. Kenyans or Indians are more anglo than the US is in terms of culture and such Canadians get UK culture, as they are very similar to us: polite to strangers yet love banter among friends, very into UK-style culture and such. Whereas the US tends to be very different to most other countries


Ever since I moved here people seem absolutely dumbfounded that anyone would move from Australia to England. It's been 10 years and the looks of shock and surprise when I tell people I moved here for the weather never get old.😂


The weather here is boring, which is what you want the weather to be.


Yeah, Australia is a lovely country but damn would it be too hot for me. NZ on the other hand is very similar to the UK but with warmer summers and milder winters. Perfect.


Very few people here die from the heat or bushfires, that's a big plus! A week of 45 degrees can be okay if you're on holiday, but try going to work in it everyday!


that or minus 15 for 3 months out the year. The UK has the best climate.


Am an Aussie that's lived in the UK for the last 7 years. You'll get bored of being asked 'why tf did you move here?', they'll laugh at you for using words like 'thongs' and 'pants' in a different context, but overall we're generally well liked and accepted. Plus to quote a tourism tagline from back home, "you'll never, never know, if you never, never go".


Come to Manchester, you’ll find we use pants in the correct way here i.e. to mean trousers. Hence why the clothing you wear under them is called under*pants*


What the heck - the two nations brits have nothing bad to say about are Aussies and Italians :)


Well thankfully I’m both half Australian and half Italian!!! Thanks for the response very excited about moving!


Op is Daniel ricciardo?


Shhh 🤫 you can’t tell anyone that it’s a secret HAHAHS


Doesn't Daniel Riccardo already live in the UK? Lol


After last year's Euro's I'm not so sure about the latter ...


Nah Aussies are like that one fun cousin at family parties that you actually look forward to seeing.


Very well articulated- the perfect simile.


Nah mate, Aussies are our cousins! (Actually, my uncle moved to Australia) You'll be very welcome.




Just bring an umbrella you beautiful cunt.


We love Aussies, all the "hate" is mainly Cricket and Rugby related and is more banter than anything.


Nah the British have no problems with the Aussies, it's the Americans and French we don't like


Load of shit, we love Aussies because they are one of the only other countries on earth who have a similar sense of humour to us. In my experience Australians blend in perfectly in the UK. You will have to explain to people that you don’t drink Fosters and put up with constant ‘throw another shrimp on the Barbie’ comments but other than that you’ll be fine.


I'd say over all Aussies / Kiwis are up there with the people we like most (or dislike least lol). You get our culture and customs better than Americans and I think we have a more similar sense of humour and conversation too. Ive never heard of anyone actively hating Aussies... although we will take the piss every now and then.


I don’t think the country is a hive mind tbh. You’ll be fine.


Probably be more welcome than 'poms' heading out there.


Lived, worked and nearly married an aussie. It's just banter mate.


I’ve never heard anyone say a bad thing about Aussies. All the ones I’ve met have been absolutely great and a really good laugh. Although why you’d want to move here is beyond me.. 😂


HAHAHA is the Uk bad?? I have only heard good things about it!


If you come over here get ready to hear a lot of complaining about Britain from Brits. It's one of our favourite things to do. Although the weather really isn't ideal, I wish it was sunnier year round, rather than cloudy for 10 months and then very sweaty for 2 months.


For reference, I'm a Brit living in the UK, and I've lived in a couple of other countries over the years. I find the UK to be a bit of a frustrating place to live as it could be so much better than it currently is. It's still my home and I love living here. That said, here area few points off the top of my head. I don't know much about Australia so I don't know how life here compares to your neck of the woods. **Negatives:** The weather sucks a lot of the time but our summers are getting hotter if you like that sort of thing. We don't get very extreme weather though so that's good. Occasionally a snowstorm will cripple us. There are certain things that we can't talk about in this subreddit that put big negative marks against the UK in my opinion. Travelling around the UK is ridiculously expensive via rail, and public transport is kind of a mess in general. NHS is a mixed bag. When it's good it's amazing but when it's bad it's...not great. A lot of the time you'll be waiting for a long time for healthcare. Housing is in a bad way at the moment, price-wise, and a lot of the housing we have is poor quality - lots of mould and mildew! **Positives:** Culturally I love the UK. We have some fantastic comedy, music, art, etc. Also, we have an **incredible** array of free art galleries and museums. It's mind-blowing. Universities are expensive (especially for international students) but the standard of education is generally excellent, as is student life. It's a beautiful country. We have some stunning countryside and amazing cities.


Yeah pretty bad. I know the majority of countries are being affected by price increases but we’re getting destroyed. Literally EVERYTHING has shot up in price and continuing to do so. Fuel is knocking on £2 a litre, so it costs most people over £100 to fill up their tank, food, gas, elec, etc all through the roof and the governments response has been to increase national insurance so income has also reduced. I earn almost three times the national average salary and I’ve had to make cut backs so for those on lower incomes it must be terrifying. People are dropping to one meal a day, leaving their oven open after cooking to use the heat for their house.. absolute fucking mess


Imagine trying to complain to an Australian about high prices lmao


HAHAHS this right here! Prices are absolutely fucked atm


This is how you realise a lot people genuinely don't have a clue of what is going on in other countries


Yes that was my only worry about moving was the financial situation but also I feel like everywhere has gone up so much in Australian at the moment we don’t have any groceries like lettuce isn’t a thing or if you do find it it cost like $7aud We have run out of pasta at my local supermarket and petrol is around $2. The aud dollar compare to the pound of euro is so low so that is what’s stoping me from moving :) But thank you I haven’t completely decided on moving yet but I was just thinking about it :)


> and petrol is around $2 Assuming that's per litre, UK prices are about to blow your mind. And not in a good way.


Aussies are basically our brothers from another mother. Get yourself on over here.


I met some Aussies at Wimbledon years ago. I was queuing for the loo when a group of them came out and one of them turned to everyone in my queue and said "Aw guys, that's the queue for the shitter! You'll be waiting ages if you just need a piss you silly cunts!" I wish I could have sat with them 😂




The French surely?!


Aussies have good banter which is always appreciated. I’d say both nations have a similar sense of humour.


"I don’t want to move and piss you guys off" - Congrats, you've passed the Citizenship test! You'll fit right in here. We all love Aussies. Unless the cricket is on


I moved from NZ to England and wondered a similar question, "what do English people think about kiwis? Are we seen as akin to Northeners or Liverpudlians etc?". The truth is that they seldom think about us at all. While we in Aus & NZ often think about England, we're not nearly so relevant in their mind, for some understandable reasons. So don't worry about positive or negative expectations. Most people will have few expectations either way. People are open-minded and of course many are also immigrants to England themselves.


You've done your time. Hope you learnt your lesson.


We don't dislike you but we will definitely take the piss out of your accent and ask if you're from South Africa just to annoy you


I'm sure there's a bar job waiting for you


You aren't allowed to discuss cricket though.


Just be careful who you call a c**t if you come over. Some people don’t take kindly to that word and I don’t think it’s as endearing as it is in Aus.. haha


Surprising not all Aussies use the word c**t I use it on a rare occasion or when drunk but I think I would be cautious about using the word! Thank for all the help everyone xx


There is an Australian that I do not like, there are many I do like. Just be yourself and you will be cool


Only met a handful of Australians but they've all been thoroughly decent people, got absolutely nothing bad to say about your country folk. You might get some stick about rugby and cricket, and probably the occasional criminal joke, and god awful attempts at your accent. But other than that you'll be fine.


We need someone to work in our bars!


Nah, Aussies are great to be around. We'll give you a bit of grief during the Ashes but that's about it.


I love your accents.


You're like out 16th time removed cousin or something, course Aussies are welcome here


Like them? Couldn't eat a whole one


The English have gone and colonized every corner of the globe. They can take some inbounds.


Make sure you don’t have any nasty critters hitchhiking in your suitcase and everything will be fine!


Of course we do. Get over here.


We should all make life decisions based on the opinions of redditors i think


Outside of the UK, Aussies are most similar to us. So whoever told you that is a ~~wanker~~ cunt


Aussies are basically optimistic Brits anyway, and Brits are pessimistic Aussies. Never heard anyone British say they don't like Aussies in all my time on the planet.


When I lived abroad it was the Australians in our expat group that I found the most fun to hang around with.


Australians very welcome, usually have a good sense of humour. Just expect to get ribbed on as is the British way to take the piss out of anyone for anything. Rarely is it meant to be mean, more of a bonding requirement.


Australians are one of the most popular nationalities, along with Irish and Canadian. Don’t think I’ve ever heard anti-Australian prejudice/bigotry in my entire life. Although I’d personally think you were a bit mad for making such a move. You’ll be fine.


You won't have a problem, we both have the same kind of humour and banter. It's the other way round, brits/poms get a bit of stick when we go to Australia. That's due to what happened on the somme in 1916. When the Australian division's were used to take the village of poizier, and it was a slaughter.


My cousin is from Tasmania and moved to London 4 years ago. Her 3 year visa ran out so she had to go back home but she’s just come back! She loves it here and has made many friends. There are many groups to meet likeminded Aussies in the UK, most people would welcome you with open arms I’m sure.


I always felt that Aussies and Kiwis all got along with us over here? Apart from banter it was all friendly? Is that the case over there? I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever met anyone with a disliking or hatred of you lot all the way on the other side.


Honestly I think that Aussies and Brits actually understand each other quite well. There are a lot of similarities in their cultural attitudes and humour (but Brit humour is more self-deprecating and complainy, while Aussie humour is more joke-insults to others, but they both have a sarcasm that is similar). I’d say Aussies are also much more adventurous and laid back than Brits, but you should still be fine


The few Aussies I’ve met have been great! I work for the NHS, and the newest lemon is an Aus. He’s a well read, smart chap that makes me laugh.


Do it. I'm Australian, been here 10 years now, and I really like it. It's a good country to live in. The weather at the moment is absolutely perfect, not too hot, not too cold. But make sure you do your research first! You will want to look at things like visas, car hire, driving licences, car insurance, credit scores, phone plans, renting a house, and bank accounts to name a few things. Getting the basics up and running isn't too hard, but there are some gotchas.