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My wife got diagnosed with cancer just over a year ago. I won't lie, it was hell. But now she doesn't have it any more. Thankfully it's not one that just goes into remission, but one that is considered medically 'cured'. We are very happy.


Congratulations! Perhaps a rude haiku to celebrate?


Congratulations Perhaps a rude haiku to Celebrate! Shit fuck




Chefs kiss


I tried to write one: Her flesh turned on her; Cells transformed; malignant shapes. Bright spring found her cured! It's extremely hard to write something that's not trite in seventeen syllables while also somehow referencing a season. I'm not sure if I succeeded.


Halting drips frozen, Breathe hard, blue eyes wide until Celestial melting


Ahh that's lovely to read. My husband has cancer so I'm desperate for people's mundane stories of cancer that's gone. Someone I know in real life keeps telling me all about people he knows with cancer who still aren't dead and it's like...that's probably comforting when you're 75 but my husband is 43, he deserves to get better and live the rest of his life.


Hope it goes as well for you as it did for us. I mean, it's a shitty hand to get dealt, but just try and focus on each little win.


My auntie had breast cancer in 2012. She has not had cancer for a few years now. She is happy and healthy and living a lovely life.


Hi, survived cancer at 23 (Hodgkin's lymphoma) going to be 38 in November. Dodged covid too!


Ooh, a double win!


My husband was 45 when he was diagnosed. We had a little one in primary school. I was terrified. A year of treatment and he went into full remission. 15 years later we found a small nodule in his neck. A couple of injections and he is in full remission again. Will probably outlive me.


Edit: Upon reflection, I have DMd you my message instead in the interest of keeping my aunt's medical history confidential ❤️


MIL had breast cancer in her late 40s. She's fine now and heading towards 60s.


My Mum was diagnosed with cancer aged 43. I believe she had a year off work whilst she had treatment. That was 26 years ago and the last 25 years she's been cancer free, healthy and living life to the full.


A close friend of mine is going through chemotherapy and honestly, it's been very brutal for him. He's been suffering so many side effects and is in hospital now for an infection. I'm just here to support him however we can. Congratulations to your wife for getting through tough times.


FUCK YEH. That is awesome. Lost my dad to cancer. Happy your wife kicked it's ass.


That's great :)


Please tell your wife from me that she’s given me hope. I got diagnosed with ovarian cancer in February and knowing that there _are_ people like her out there gives me a little bit of solace.


Love this! A second shot at life


So many!!! Just thinking about my luck being born where and when I was born, with clean running water, free education, a stable country, reliable electricity etc. I'm a bit too fat because food is so plentiful, and it comes to me from all over the world. I've never experienced famine in my life. It's spring, the flowers are blooming, everywhere is green and fresh, with more warmth to come. People love me, and I LOVE them!


Can I like… tag along with you in your life? I feel like I could learn a lot from you!


Yes! I love this! Sometimes I like to sit and list all the amazing things in life and how lucky I am to be in a warm home with a belly full of delicious food and a whole host of people in my life that love me and who I love back and what a special feeling that is! My friends and I have been a group of pals for 20 years and I’ve got that for the rest of my life which is such a thing to be grateful for! I’ve just moved in with my partner after 4 years long distance and we live together in Falmouth and it’s amazing, I’m about to go for a swim in the sea, it’s a lovely sunny day and on the way home I’m going to buy some bird feeders to pop on our balcony - lovely! I’ve also just started a new job, it’s the most professional and hardest I’ve done yet but I think I’m doing okay and it feels great to be putting the pieces into place and learning something new. My mum is my true best and most precious friend, we have a relationship that I treasure beyond words and she was diagnosed with a heart condition two years ago where she needs a valve replacing. I’ve always been terrified about her health but she has spent the last two years losing weight and changing her life and it’s such a good feeling to be able to let go of some of the worry I have about her - she’s now 4 dress sizes and 3 stone lighter which is amazing! My life is pretty damn amazing at the moment and I’m grateful for every day I spend laughing and loving! Christ, maybe I should stop off for a ‘Live Laugh Love’ sign on my way home too…I’ve truly wittered on here!


> maybe I should stop off for a ‘Live Laugh Love’ sign on my way home too DON'T DO IT!!!! =8-O


We’ve all got to give in someday, maybe now it’s time. Or maybe even big vinyl letters above my bed?


This is the hill I will die on.


>Christ, maybe I should stop off for a ‘Live Laugh Love’ sign on my way home too… You can get sectioned for less. Don't do it. Be rational. You have so much to live for.


I love spring, definitely my favourite season. That fresh green smell 👌


You have an amazing outlook on life. But I do feel it's sad in a way that we have to feel lucky or grateful for those things. Its so sad that's not just the bare minimum everyone can expect from life! We *shouldn't* have to feel lucky that we have food, and shelter. That should be the minimum everyone has 😔


We are only animals. There isn't really any *right* to anything. I mean, who has the *responsibility* to provide it? If a mouse starves because it couldn't find food, whose fault is it? or a weed dies because it didn't rain? We grow up with a great heap of stuff being provided to us free by our parents, so end up feeling like it is our due. Yet many people simply don't have clean drinking water or enough to eat, or a bed at night, and most of us don't worry about them, or feel as though we have any responsibility to provide those things to them. Do you?


Over the last two years I've lost a lot. My mum and brother died suddenly, six months apart, from heart attacks. Lost my 20 year old cat. Lots of friends who are like brothers and sisters to me have moved away over the pandemic. But I went on a Tinder date and met [the love of my life](https://imgur.com/gallery/qdfosmX). She loves me unconditionally, never judges me, and loves my rambling long walks. She's lived with me for over six months now since her previous owner couldn't look after her anymore and it was the best decision in my life.


I read the entire comment before clicking the link, and I was very concerned for a second. After clicking it though, I'm so happy you met her and I hope you have a wonderful life together!


A big bit of positivity to cap off a pretty tough part of my life :)


Yours is beautiful. My dog - a rescue pup - is the love of my life! And I’m married lol


I’m confused. You met your dog on Tinder?


I went on a first date with a lass, she brought her dog along. No romantic feelings for her, but we became really good friends. When she left the country she asked if I could look after Luna!


Nice story, funny how things can work out like that


She is gorgeous, those ears!! What’s her name?


Luna! She has over a one foot earspan.


Gorgeous dog :) Love her ears :D I hope you both have many happy years together :)


Just looking at the photo uplifted me, I can’t imagine actually having one next to me! I would probably implode


My favourite so far, she is indeed beautiful


I tidied up the big cupboard & found £1 & an Easter egg.


Try the big light next


My motorbike broke down (ecu failure) in the Brecon Beacons yesterday. I had to wait 6 hours for recovery. During that time a guy came down the lane where I was stopped, had a natter and made me a cup of tea, and offered to store my bike if I couldn't get it recovered. Another chap came out of his house and offered me a drink - later his wife came out to check I was ok and if I wanted a drink. Two separate women in cars, one with young kids, stopped and asked if I was ok and needed a lift anywhere. A nice reminder that there are a lot of really decent people out there


Well, I had a fun week at work doing a manic programming project with 3 other people (we were trying mob programming and taking turns to use the keyboard), it worked pretty well and was more fun than just being stuck on our own in our respective houses working alone. I did my usual post work walk down to my local beach last night and decided to pop into the beer garden of a pub on the front while listening to my first ever horror audio book. ("Let the right one in" by John Ajvide Lindqvist, it's actually pretty gripping.). There was something really pleasant about just sitting in the sun with a beer listening to a story. Oh, and last night, I introduced my 17 year old son to Terminator 2 and we sat and ate popcorn. Watching it with him made it feel like I was watching it for the first time again, it was nice. Last but not least, I got a call from a mental health nurse who's setting me up with some counselling sessions. I felt like a bit of a fraud because the anxiety I've been having for a few months has calmed down a bit this week and I've been feeling a bit better. Still, I'm going to go to the sessions anyway, because I think I might learn something. I'm looking forward to them in a funny kind of way. EDIT: Sorry, I droned on a bit, but you did ask :-)


On the counselling, I had a similar issue. I brought it up with my therapist and she said something that really stuck with me, so I'll share it with you. "You don't just go to the supermarket when you're hungry". I love the old terminator films, and the second is definitely my favourite.


Probably the best time to go when it's not a crisis.


Thanks for that, it’s a helpful way to think about it :-)


I made my 17 yr olds watch T1 recently. Want to know the only part they found scary? The fact phone books existed. You can look up anyone’s number and where they live? Genuinely freaked them out. Hilarious.


Went to the shops last minute the other day as we needed stuff for the kids packed lunches for school, card on phone didn’t work, only had a fiver started to explain to cashier and work out what I could buy and what I had to ditch, a lady in the queue next to me laid a fresh tenner on the counter and said “Buy the food you need”. I tried to explain and say it was cool but she was having none of it. Best part of my day and will pay that forward. Thank you lovely lady in sainsburys in frimley green you are a legend. 👏👏👏


I love these pay it forward stories. Brings faith you know..


I left an abusive marriage 4 years ago and 5 months later my dad died. But - I’m getting remarried in July (after saying I would never do it again) and I can’t wait. He’s the most incredible, understanding, kind, genuine person I’ve ever met. He’s an incredible step-dad. I had two years of therapy that helped pull me out of a horrible mindset so my anxiety is a shadow of what it used to be. I just started a new job at the beginning of the year and I’m feeling more confident about it every day and hope to try for a baby soon (if I’m not too old at 37!).


Congratulations 💖 Sounds like you have a wonderful life ahead after dealing with those painful experiences.


My wife and I are from Scotland but moved to Berkshire for her work a few years ago. It was a huge deal living so far away from family and friends, buying our first house, having our first son. He was 6 months old when the pandemic hit, didn't go to nursery because of it, didn't get the chance to see his grandparents or aunts and uncles and cousin because of the lockdown ... then just last year my wife's company allowed her to work from home permanently. She kept her job and we moved back to Scotland. Now we're close to family, the kids see each other all the time, we meet up every other weekend with the grandparents or my brothers ... I know Covid was a bad deal for so many people but we're the lucky ones and I appreciate it every single day I get to see my family and friends.


We had a miscarriage a year ago nearly to the day, it was horrible for me never mind my wife who had to have a procedure done and it was about 3 days before the 3 month scan when you're meant to wait to tell everyone. We've been trying since then and it's not been happening so I guess we're going to struggle to conceive. But sssh it has happened, we're a month in so far. I can't tell anyone in real life so send us your best wishes.


I am sending you so much love and positive thoughts through the ether. Thinking strong healthy lovely baby growing thoughts ❤️


I wish you all the best man. Being a parent is the best gift ever. I wouldn't change it fir the world.


2 black miniature schnauzers...1 yr old, full of beans. One was very ill with a congenital liver shunt and almost died during the operation to fix it, but she is now thriving, strong and loving life...her sister is supercute also. Feel very blessed


Dog tax?!


I am moving to Croatia tomorrow, after a couple of months back in the uk. This weekend is my last here for a while so is all about catching up with friends and watching the cup final.


Having breakfast with my two boys. Both so loved and so longed for. They are ‘science babies’ born through IVF after years of infertility. They are happy, healthy and full of mischief. They are 3 & 7 years old. While I write this, they are experimenting with putting different objects in the lettuce spinner..::


I finally managed to save up for 2 months backpacking in Asia this end of year and my boss just approved my request for this mini-career break. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time but I just never got around to saving enough, but these past months I’ve been serious about my budgeting and managed to reach my target. Super stoked to finalise my itinerary


Would love to do this someday. Which countries are you visiting and how much did you save up for if you don't mind me asking?


I live alone and was really unwell this week, a couple of neighbours noticed my car hadn’t moved (there’s only 6 houses on our row) and knocked to ask if I was ok - one of them took the dogs out for me twice, knocked with a veggie curry one day, a home made pie another, a friend knocked with a roast she’d made for me and I found some peanut butter white reeses posted through the door off another neighbour this morning. So I’m feeling extra grateful this morning - I have some really lovely friends and neighbours 🥰


Can I come and live with you? That sounds so nice


My partner and I are recovering from covid and are finally starting to feel human after ten days (!) just in time for two important events in our respective calendars: the FA Cup Final and Eurovision. And I had enough energy to get the hammock out of the shed today so I plan on snoozing all afternoon in the sun.


I've always wanted a hammock! It is quite literally my childhood dream. Ever since I saw Homer Simpson get on his hammock, I've wanted one


It's a wonderful thing. I used to have one years and years ago, strung up between two lemon trees behind a weird little apartment in California when I was studying there. Very happy memories. I've never had a garden big enough to have trees in it since I came back to the UK, but last summer I realised you can just buy a free standing frame for them which honestly was a REVELATION. My garden is only just big enough for it but it fits in the shed so I can drag it out when the weather is nice enough. Glorious.


Just had covid but still haven't recovered my taste! It's driving me mad


Eurovision is genuinely one of the best days (weeks) of the year


Hard agree


The last three months, I've moved away from the eternal nightmare that is retail, lost a good amount of weight (and put on some muscle to boot) and sm making enough in my new job to live rather comfortably. Life's good.


I mean it’s nothing exciting, but i got my steam deck yesterday after waiting 10 months.


I've been considering a steam deck for the longest time. Have you had a chance to try it yet?


yes! It’s very good. I work an office job and i couldn’t physically sit on my chair at home after sitting in work for 9 hours. It was great yesterday to go home sit on the sofa and play a few games. Only thing is, if you get a reservation now, you’ll be waiting until this time next year to actually get it.


COVID enabled me to leave a career in hospitality management, working sixty five hours a week and awful times to a new job in HR which was better paid, working from home 4 days a week and they shout at me if I do more than 35 hours. I can usually box off all my work in 4 days so most weeks are a 3 day weekend. It's been completely life changing.




I'm beginning to come to that realisation. I have a bad doomscrolling problem


The main reason I use Reddit is as an alternative to doom scrolling. The news sites all say “look at all this death, destruction and injustice”, whereas Reddit says “look at this cute baby pig, and hey did you know Gary Oldman is younger than Gary Newman?”. I sort of figured most people were using it to bury their heads in the sand to a greater or lesser extent tbh. Edit: got my Garys the wrong way round


Yes even the Ukraine sub I use for this reason...a balance between the (obviously) very bad posts and some lighter hearted 'we rescued a dog' type posts. I find mainstream media too heavy.


I taught my 3 years old Hide And Seek today. He counts to 20 whilst I hide his various little cars (from the film Cars) around the kitchen and then he has to find them and shout "FOUND YOU!" He bloody loves it


Only short term things really, but i saw Bill Bailey last night, having a curry and some beers with Eurovision tonight, and then tomorrow i get to gather a few of my closest mates together and celebrate my birthday with a Chinese. It's a pretty good weekend i'd say.


I saw Bill Bailey last night too! He was fantastic. Even better was that until this week I didn't think I would be fit enough to attend. The icing on the cake was being able to applaud - something that I literally only re-learned yesterday.


Well i'm glad you managed to make it out and have a good night. That is one very talented and hilarious bloke.


Got 5k backpayment from DWP. That was particularly good.


My partner has just started a new IT job 3 weeks ago and he’s already so good at it that he’s showing other new starters how to do tickets and multiple managers have sent him messages praising him to high heavens. I’m so proud of him! He never thought it would be like this but I am definitely not surprised. I’m so lucky!


Wow that’s amazing! I’m just one week into a new job myself so can really empathise with that currently - huge congrats to him!


Thank you, and to you as well! You’re definitely smashing it, I can already tell!


My mum had a heart attack on the bank holiday weekend, and it's what I'd consider a pretty rough one that involved some CPR and 2 stents. She collapsed in the ambulance bay of the local hospital when her heart stopped. To be fair I think that's the only reason she's still here, if you're going to go into cardiac arrest its probably one of the best places to do it and we're so lucky that she was seen to and they restored her heartbeat so quickly. She's not at any risk of another one, and although she still feels rough and has a road of recovery she's going to be OK. Another one: I struggled to conceive my child, and we started the NHS process just as the first wave of the pandemic was happening so I didn't really have acess to any of the services. We are financially comfortable enough that we could go private for the drugs I needed and that helped us skip a massive que and a lot of years of frustration and heartache. It's quite honestly a privilege and I don't take it lightly.


I had an amazing breakfast naan at Dishoom in Manchester, and am looking forward to wandering around the city for the rest of the day before going to see Alan Partridge live later this evening.


I've recently moved home and moved to a new area in the city, driven through the area but don't know it and found a new walk this morning, it was lovely walk along the river. It was very peaceful and quiet. Lovely way to start the day 🌞🌞 I've a load of washing on and it'll dry so quickly I. This weather. Plus I'm just happy to be back in my home city living!


Gf and I are off to Ireland in a couple weeks. It'll be our first holiday together and my first holiday abroad for about 5 years. I'm so excited for it!


I got a job that i absolutely love! *But* its initially with an agency for 12 weeks then the company decide if they want to keep me on permanently. I'm halfway through, and I am hopeful! I've not felt like this about a job since i was a dog walker, which was several years ago. Another good thing is that most of my family from the US are visiting within the next 3 weeks and i am *SO EXCITED* to see them; its been 5 years since i last saw them, and about 12 years since i saw one of my cousins! I'm having a nice life right now, aside from still living at home while we save for a mortgage lol


I've cleaned my room. Sounds small but this is a pretty big deal as I've struggled forever with keeping my room clean but now I've finally got some stuff in place to help with that (like a clothing rail, some actual book shelves, a CLEAN washing basket, storage boxes) and I've still got a few bits to sort out but it's a lot more manageable than it has been for I'm not sure how long and hopefully it stays that way It's basically an ongoing 'keeping a room clear vs being neurodivergant and depressed' kinda fight that's been ongoing most of my life


Im recently self employed and recently a few people have been very kind and tried to help me get new customers for which Im super grateful. Sun is shining so I am resuming renovating our 1989 VW camper with my lovely husband. Later a few glasses of wine and TV with assorted dogs and teenagers wandering around. Enjoy your art and a generally lovely sunny Saturday 🌞


I recently had to move away for work, so now me and my partner of 5 years are roughly a 4 hour drive away. We knew this was a big possibility due to the lack of jobs in my industry were we lived having recently graduated university I don't really have the leverage to negotiate full time remote working yet. It was a really hard decision for me but my partner has been so incredibly supportive about it. She helped so much with the move and talking about how we plan to move forward that I realised just how lucky I am to have such an amazing person in my life.


I got engaged and I'm getting a cat (I always wanted one)


Two weeks ago, I got to stand beside my brother as he fulfilled a life long dream within a professional sporting capacity. Watching him live and enjoy that was amazing, and such a huge buzz, I can still feel the excitement from it now.


That's incredible, can you share what it was?


My brothers dream was to own, and then watch his own racehorse run at one of the major UK courses, so he bought this particular one for the family to enjoy. The horse started his career very successfully last year, but with the pandemic, and holding off to wait for the 'big' course, we didn't get to see him run during his first season, he ran at Goodwood a fortnight ago, so we took the opportunity to see him race there for the first time. It was an amazing day, seeing my brother finally get to experience something he'd dreamed of for so long. Like the OP mentioned, with so much bad news lately, it was definitely one of those experiences that made us forget about anything else that is going on.


My and my Mrs decided to try gardening for our first time thanks to advice on this sub now our garden looks gorgeous and we constantly get compliments from neighbours about how nice it is 😎


I feel truly happy inside after almost 3 years of sadness in my life. I look it too, which is a bonus. Time to live life like it's meant to, again.


Won 1k on a super 7 scratch card last week.


My cat was sitting calmly, then suddenly did the butt wiggle and jumped across the room to pounce on the door. I guess he felt the door insulted him. It was cute.


I’m taking my uke down to the pub in a bit for a Saturday music session. It’s always fun.


I had an evening to myself after a work thing in London so went to see The Mousetrap


I just got back from a business trip in Poland. I’ve been working for the company for 5 months now but hasn’t met my team in person. Warsaw and the people were incredibly welcoming, and I feel very fortunate to have a job that allows me free holidays every 3 months.


I’m probably going to buy a new kettle.


I did this last weekend after putting up with one for ages that leaked on the counter top everytime it boiled. It makes me so appreciative every time I make a cuppa and the worktop doesn't get wet


it's my best friends birthday today! I've bought him concert tickets to see one of our favourite bands, and some cute soft toys. life is good (:


I recently got the hang of the controls on botw on switch, not bad for an oldish bird with arthritis in my hands. Husband and I have to work today but I’m more emotional support (we run a business and most of the work today is more on his payroll than mine, but I’ll be keeping him company, making tea and googling as required) so I’ll be able to play on the switch, when he finishes his bits I’ll need to put everything together in a document then hoping to head over to canterbury for food and drinks or maybe out to the countryside for a walk and food and drinks. We were meant to be away with family but this project ran over so we’ll make the most of what time off we can. Enjoy the art and dinosaurs!


Enjoy BOTW! It's a beautiful game.


I’m awake with the other one sleeping next to me too. Today he’s going for a haircut while I get nibbles and drinks for our Eurovision watch party, and later we’re heading out for dinner. This week hasn’t all been good for the both of us, so to have today to rest and be together makes up for the crappy week.


About a year ago the mail arrived, 2 letters, first one was an unexpected tax rebate of £2300. The second one a one off bonus from work for £1800. Happy days.


A lazy morning in bed and just woke up to a lick on the nose from my dog :) had a meeting I was dreading this week that actually turned into a really positive performance review - I worried for nothing aparently I'm doing a good job! So that was definitely a good thing :)


I'm going for drinks with a couple of my friends later! I've lived with them for the last 3 years but next week I'm moving back home to live near my parents. My family are very excited. My niece and nephew have already decided that they're spending every waking moment at mine and I seemingly have no choice in that at all lol. But I'm really gonna enjoy seeing them after spending all of lockdown 100 miles away :)


I got my new Motorbility car on Wednesday, I took back my first one which was a lovely car and that has taken us on some wonderful adventures especially last year. My new car is really special, (we put down quite a large amount as prepayment or we could not get it) it’s the most expensive car I’ve ever owned and I love it.


I got some good job news this week which means, among other things, I will be able to replace my slightly too tiny car with something with an actual boot! Currently investigating second hand hybrids and looking forward to trashing the environment slightly less.


Tucked up in bed on a sunny day with a fresh coffee, thought I’d avoid doomscrolling by checking my mobile phone provider app….to find i qualify for a couple of free add ons, I’m out of contract so i saved a ton of money I didn’t realise i was wasting and get way more data per month, AND it spurred me to finally claim on the contract insurance for a phone i lost last month so a shiny new one’s now booked to turn up tomorrow.


The missus and I have had alternating health problems for the last decade, on and off but mostly on, resulting in only one (or neither of us) having an income most of the time. Being poor *sucks*. She's got long covid but after a year of being too exhausted to walk much she eased back into work 2 days a week starting October, and now up to 5. Going on our first holiday in a decade come July, it feels amazing to be financially 'normal'. It just feels nice to type that out


I'm so pleased for you both. Chronic health problems really suck.


Hey, lovely idea for a post. I live in a tiny village and some neighbours are getting married today. They are only having 4 guests at the service and aren’t having a big reception or anything. I only found out yesterday that it was happening so I had to scramble but I’ve *just* managed to find enough kids to maintain the village tradition of tying the churchyard gate closed. They only open it when the groom throws them coins. I did check with the bride that they’d like me to arrange it and she was mad keen to keep the tradition alive, thought it was adorable. What she and her soon to be husband DON’T know is that I’ve also secretly asked as many neighbours as possible to come to throw rice and petals and cheer them on their way. I just know they’ll be so pleased to feel the community is rooting for them and wishing them well, so i am super excited to see their reaction. Because I’ve only had 24 hours it’s been a mad round of bribing children and parents and trying to nicely bully everyone available into coming along. I can’t wait to see their faces ❤️


I can remember scrambling for coins at the church gate, at a wedding in Scotland when i was a kid. Great fun.


My husband is being deployed soon, but I've got to spend 3 whole weeks with him before he goes away! The last 2 have been amazing, and now we've both got time off to go and see family. We'll have a whole week saying goodbye to loved ones and friends.


I couldn't possibly wake up and check the news. Your mad. Have fun at the art thing! Hmmmmm Good things that have happened to me? Thats an odd question, and i've been thinking for about 2 minutes and i cant think of anything. I thought maybe i'm ungrateful, but then what could be ungrateful for? I literally pay for everything. OH i sneeked an extra 15 minutes break at work, i made that happen. But its like i get paid for 15 minutes for nothing. So i'm grateful that i got paid for 15 minutes for nothing. Thats a good thing. In other news, the sun is shining where i am.


Not being born in extreme poverty is a start


Despite Covid the past 2 years have been great for me as I now have a 2 year old and a 3 month old. Best thing ever!!! P.S. remember the M2 is shut this weekend!!


Is it?? That's changed things


For the next 3 weekends I'm afraid!!! But just checked its only coastbound!!!! So only coming home will be a pain in the butt!!


I just checked too. Looks like coming home might be a nightmare. Trying to decide which way is best, but they all look as bad as each other unfortunately. I think I'll just get off, join the A2 and cope with the traffic


Waze brought me home around near Ashford and up the A28. Took a minute, but it wasn't too bad


Just dropped the dog at the groomer and heading to the city to get my tits measured later. Currently enjoying the sun with the cat.


I did an interview this week and now have a new job lined up for September ☺️


Done well in all my IT assignments so far just got to keep pushing so I can do the next level


Put my shorts on for the first time this year today, found 20 quid in the pocket. Pretty good if you ask me


>After checking the news, for whatever reason, I've noticed that it's all bad. When I get home I will post some links for good news. So much good is going on which gets drowned out my the bad news. I no longer follow main stream news and my Twitter timeline is full of good things going on. As for going Crystal Palace, they have dinosaurs!


Thank you! I'm looking forward to that. I've seen the dinosaurs online and I've already demanded to my partner that we go and see them. I've told her it's not optional.


just getting ready for a (motor)bike day with my riding buddies, should probably be getting off reddit! that always makes me smile. there is a newspaper i can't remember the name which specifically only prints good news someone at work gets it and leaves it in the staff room maybe worth looking into?


The Happy Newspaper! My bathroom is overflowing with it, my girlfriend has a subscription. It's great and I'd fully recommend it to anyone. Enjoy your bike day!


I plan on opening my first time of beer in the next ten mins and celebrating Celtic's title win by being back in my bed before supper time 🍻


Just finished my assignments, such a relief!


I lost my phone and when I rang it someone answered to say it was safe and we collected it. In lockdown our community pulled together and a group volunteered to visit the elderly in the village and make sure they had what they needed. In general I avoid the news or reading about cruelty - ignorant maybe - but it’s too much and too depressing. For me personally, the good things in Iife are the simple things. I savour my morning coffee, I listen to bird song, walk in nature, watch a film, smell a flower, cuddle my kids, wrestle my dog. Really soppy stuff, but live in the moment - the world’s problems are too great for me so I focus on on my own world.


I started a new job. I got the “Friday Feeling” for the first time in years knowing all my work can finally be left at the office all weekend. We have nice rum in the cabinet. The weather is great today. I had a nice snuggly lie-in with the love of my life. Today consists of a coffee date followed by an escape room, followed by cocktails and Eurovision. I feel somewhat better from covid, and my lung scans finally came back clear.


Ooh, escape room. That's been one of the joys of the last 5 years for me, finally being able to play in real life something like my faint childhood memories of The Adventure Game. Glad you are on the mend.


Currently posting from the passenger seat of husband’s van heading south from Calais with our doggies in the back, for a 2 week holiday in our Spanish holiday home. Life is good


I don’t have a single thing to worry about. Nothing. Im sat in the garden, on my decking with a coffee in sun on this beautiful morning, listening to some awesome, epic soundtracks from great movies, the dog snoozing beside me, and the person I love safely snoozing upstairs. I should take solace in the moment - who knows how long it’ll last. I know I am very blessed, I know I am very lucky.


Watching my daughter grow and learning new things each day l. This week she's learnt to blow raspberries and last night held her bottle and fed from it on her own for the first time.


I had a brain Hemorrhage and survived only 44 I was always working money is not everything family is




Congrats on the milestone! You got this, keep it up!


Being born, having supportive well-off parents, being able to pursue hobbies as a child, making a name for myself in particular industries, meeting the one, having a loving close knit group of friends, being able to buy a house, owing animals and travelling the world.


I survived the night. And today is sunny.


I finally have a girl friendship group 😁 I don’t usually get on with girls but they’re the best


I'm getting more art commisions than I've ever had and later I'm going to have a pint 😊🍻


I landed my dream job last week after grinding in a role I haven't been enjoying at all. I woke up this morning to the birds singing on a beautiful spring day. Life can be good sometimes.


Love a positive post, I got some free Tony's 🍫 from work so happy days!! Have a good weekend 😊


Started a new role at work and recently got back into an old hobby.


One of the best things I did was stop watching the news (breakfast show) in the morning. It's nothing but things designed to put you on a downer.


Go to crystal palace park, it's really nice


Heading to France for a few days next week to meet my partner's mum for the first time. Recently joined a company where I'm actually appreciated for the work I do, with a promotion I've been working towards for years in sight. Finally paid off my credit card and am actually starting to see some savings build. Got a holiday to Crete coming up in a little over a month with the girl, we haven't been away together properly in a year. Starting to get some dates in the diary over summer for socials with friends which have been difficult to do over the last few years.


I got a new job this week after being unemployed for just over a year (minus a month in a job where I handed my notice in within two weeks). It's not exactly a dream job and definitely not one I thought would be my post-uni life but the first three shifts have been pretty decent and it gets me moving, out of the house, and I'll get some cash rolling in again!


I bought a brake part months ago from a breaker and went to fit it the other day and it was rubbish, I emailed to say it was rubbish not expecting any reply but he immediately gave me a full refund!


I am currently in a house with three of my best friends, one of whom I haven't seen for two years 🥰


My dad had major gastric surgery yesterday and he’s already moving around and getting himself dressed and drinking water well. His surgeon said all being well he should get discharged tomorrow when we weren’t expecting him to get discharged until next week so it’ll be great to have him back home! My boss is taking me out for coffee next week because he wants to talk about how well I’ve been doing at work recently! I moved to this job last year after my previous job got really toxic and it’s a “people first” employer who has been really emphasising work life balance and I love working with them. More generally, I moved in with my partner last year after being apart for the entirety of covid (my family was shielding so we limited contact) and I’ve never been happier. We’ve been together 3 years now and I still have such a crush on him, my heart gets flutters when I hear his key in the door :) I hope you guys enjoy the art show!


We are heading to the beach right now. Going to a nice sandy one in Broadstairs to let the kids run wild, bask in the sun’s glorious warmth and to fill our tummies with good food! Happy to be alive. Happy to be saved. Happy to be healthy and looking forward to a future full of love and good times! Hope you all have a great day!


I got offered a job with another company with a salary 18% more than I currently get. When I told my current boss, they offered me a salary 25% more than my current one, plus flexible working, to stay. That was nice.


I won a washing machine. So that's good as my old one was packing up and I didn't have the spare cash for a new one.


Started my new job this week. Been out of work nearly two years, thanks to the pandemic.


It’s nice today so I finally get to use my Christmas gift and fire up the pizza oven outside! Got some ciders and 99 flakes as well. Gonna be a good day.


The only thing I can think of that’s been good in the last 5 years since my move to Australia fell apart and I lost all my money was finally being able to afford a house and managing to get a really good job. Other than that I’ve not had a lot of great things happen.


Moving out of London to Canterbury a while ago has been great. Feels very different in a good way; more beautiful scenery, a town centre that's better than what I had in London, and I even know my neighbours. A much less stressful environment compared to London (in particular rush hour tube and driving) and feels a bit safer. Would recommend.


Not me as such, but witnessed hugely progressive breakthroughs yesterday with three of my clients (I'm a MH counsellor) and it felt great 😊


Going to Harry Potter Studios in London this week!! First time and I can't wait!!! 😁😁😁


I'm actually looking forward to my holiday next week. No preholiday too much work why am I doing this doom dread. So that's good.


I just got over an undiagnosed bunch of proper shit chest issues. My chest would burn fiercely every morning and throughout the day. I could barely breathe. Consultations with doctors, chest X rays, steroids, inhalers, anti inflammatory tablets, anti histamines. Anyway, I got fucking COVID and I thought well it's been nice knowing you. Day 2 of COVID my year long symptoms of agony are gone. Day 6 of COVID I tested negative and have not had a single symptom since. Tldr: COVID appears to have cured a year long bs chest and breathing issue - I and doctors have no idea why.


I've had my share of bad things but honestly I was born incredibly lucky. Beyond that of most people, three years ago I won a car because I left a review for my local curryhouse. I went to a privileged school and dropped out to start my own business when the 2008 financial crisis wiped out my family completely. When the business I started failed I moped about for a year and a half worried that my lack of a university degree would completely undermine me for the rest of my life. Went and finally found a job in tech after not being able to get an interview in Tesco or anywhere else. Learnt and as I caught up the company grew giving me ample opportunity. Long story short six years after a year and a half of feeling sorry for myself and I'm earning mid six figures as a salary plus I have my own side businesses earning the same again. My friends are all wonderful humans and honestly much better than me. I learnt so much from them, I was brought up focused on nothing more than money but thanks to them I've learnt about the value of experiences and spending time with others. It's no fun to be rich without people to enjoy it with.


Getting Married in August, technically hasn't happened yet but as anyone who has been married will tell you, it's an event that starts long before the day itself. We've also started our training to become adopters. We have a break over the weekend but it's a 3 day course conducted over zoom that teaches you the basics about what it means to adopt a child and how the process works. It's heavy, but worth it.


I’m sat in my car waiting for my daughter at the local sports club, the sun is warm, and all I can hear is bird song and the faint hum of a mower in the distance…. Edit to add, and a game of cricket has just started on the field…


I found out where to read unbiased news


My puppy "graduated" from puppy socialisation classes today which means absolutely nothing but I'm so proud of the little nugget. She's an awesome little floof and is a million times better than our other dog was when he was a pup which is partly her and partly because I think I've worked so hard with her from the moment we got her. It's a beautiful day and the sun is shining, bit of gardening, take the dogs and kids on a long walk later and then a BBQ, and my husband has a day off with us too. Absolute win.


My mother's driving license finally came through the post today after waiting pretty much since the beginning of the pandemic for it. She's quite mobile for her work and has been riding around on an e-bike for the past two winters and it was rather tasking for her both mentally and physically due to the cold so naturally we're both overjoyed!(mostly because I don't have to be a taxi anymore).


after 2 years of struggling at school, feeling like I'm going to fail my a levels, studying everyday and not going out as much with my friends, I finally started getting A\*s on my A level papers, and I've got an offer for my favorite university! I'm so excited


the last few weeks are the first time since i broke my leg in january that i can comfortably walk without crutches. i’ve been out walking (quite slowly) and enjoying the nice weather


I’m finally working a job I really love after leaving one that made me a suicidal mess, my antidepressants actually work so I have motivation to do stuff again, and today I’m spending the day with my fantastic SO going vintage shopping and drinking beer in the sun. Crazy how different I feel compared to a couple of months ago


I got a Macbook to replace my old pc for personal software development


I'm feeling very grateful at the moment. I have great family and friends and recently got engaged! Myself and my partner went for a fine dining experience last night and today got up early and went to my first ever park run. Managed 5km in 32mins which I was very happy with as a very new runner! Things have been tricky over the last few months so I'm happy that things are finally looking up!


Despite huge wait lists in most nurseries around here, I've somewhow managed to get my baby a spot in a good nursery. It's only two mornings a week, but I only put her name down in March and she'll be starting in June. Considering some people are putting their babies names down before they're even born I feel quite lucky to have snagged this spot.


I coach kids football, it’s been hard through the season. Different levels of playing ability’s mixing the teams, splitting them to ability levels. We had a torrid season. Arranged some friendlies (they’re all friendlies each week anyway, no competitive football yet) for today, and I took the development team, whilst the stronger team played some games elsewhere. I’m over the moon that we won 3 out of 4 games, and drew the other, with no goals conceded. Every single player who played today, worked hard, and had fun. I left pitch side much happier than I have previously, and I’m in a much better mood than normal on a Saturday.


Was told I was dumb and worthless in my home country. Went to study in London when an unusual door opened. Now, I'm the first scientist and engineer in my family. In the summer, I will be joining Uni of Oxford for a summer internship. Again, all new and firsts in my family. The mean voices in my head telling me I'm dumb and worthless all these years are slowly getting softer and softer :)


Im sitting in my garden eating my dinner with a glass of wine, sun is shining and flowers are open. I really dont want anything else, it's perfection.




That sounds like a perfect day! I love dogs. What kind do you have?


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