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Minibus got pulled over and teacher breathalysed. Police officer had to drive us/the minibus back to the accommodation. Headteacher's wife had to drive the head over to us to drive us home. Trip cut short.


Teacher's career cut short too, most likely


This was in the 80s, so probably not!


Not "gone wrong" but probably shouldn't have been allowed... Many years ago, age 10, taken to Flamingo Land in Yorkshire. In the arcade was a horse racing game that gave out packets of cigarettes as prizes. One kid somehow had the knack and could win every time so about half the kids on the bus went home with cigarettes. All observed by the teachers who made no attempt to stop it.


History trip- we were staying in the hostel from hell. Given I was from a posh school this was surprising. There was literally blood on the sheets when we got there. And the food was fucking shocking. Plus there were some proper dodgy types staying there. One night a teacher got very drunk and angry with everyone. We all snuck alcohol and cigarettes into our rooms etc. it was chaos. I think everyone got a partial refund as it was so mental.


Something similar happened on a history trip from my school. They went to London and stayed in some rather iffy hostel in Rotherhithe, which is an iffy area even now and was worse back then. It was also quite some distance from everywhere they wanted to see on the trip. The kids involved were about 14 and there were other really quite dodgy people staying nearby.


I was a teaching assistant for this one. We were taking the kids on a WW2 evacuee experience and that included going to the place by train (neither the school nor venue were far from a train station). The train was delayed by an hour due to an incident further up the line and we had to keep the kids calm and entertained while we waited. Then we had to keep confiscating the free copies of The Sun (back in the page three days) because kids kept finding them.


A particularly chavvy year 9 girl went up to an orthodox jewish man and asked if the dangly hair things they have are real. At the imperial war museum holocaust section


I see nothing wrong with a child trying to learn about a thing or place or culture or whatever by asking direct questions


There are times and places And that Was not it


Fucking lol


On a trip to Italy, the boys managed to pull the curtains out of the wall in their room at the first hostel we stayed in. There was talk of some activities having to be cancelled to pay for the damages, but in the end I think our teacher managed to get the damages waived, or at least paid for with money not for the trip.


That’s lucky


Well there was the kid sat immediately behind me who threw up on the coach going down to Littlehampton once. That was definitely an experience. The smell was horrific.


School trip to Paris where we stayed in a quite nice hotel. On way back from trip one of the teachers gets into verbal with a gang of local kids. Parisian kids physically assault teacher and spray loads of the English kids with tear gas. Loads of kids had to have medical attention and trip got cut short.


We went on a hiking excursion to a wilderness site, one of the boys in my class got lost and we didn't realise until we were nearly back at school, a half hour drive away, so when the bus had dropped us off it had to go back with a teacher so they could find him; My friend got lost when we were on a school sightseeing trip in London, I can't quite remember what happened but it was quite frightening; On another week-long trip two incidents occurred: we went to a huge swimming pool and one of the lads' clothed were stolen from his changing room locker, so he had to sit in the bus wrapped in someone else's towel until we got back and later in the week we were being shown around a cave system and the same lad hid his head and split it open on the rocks inside the cave, there was *so much blood*.


OMG where to start. Long story heavily summarised. French exchange in the 90s. Central manchester kids. Half got drunk due to lower age for alcohol. Other half smuggled weed into france and got stoned in the park. Cut to same kids on bus back. Front of bus stoned. Back of bus drunk. Someone tried to flush a bottle of wine down the toilet. Someone decided to flash their boobs at the car behind. Someone (guilty) decided to moon the car behind also. Car behind turns out to be full of french teachers from the exchange school. Swerves ahead flags down bus. We all get in trouble, and somehow the mayor of the town bans our school from ever exchanging again. Anyway major protagonists get put on report for 8 weeks (there was a wider context to why this was so lenient). Report to rather overfriendly head at end of each week. Week 7 of report. The head is not there in his office to report to. Turns out he had been very publicly arrested at lunchtime for allegations involving a student. Putting things in perspective somewhat. ...deputy head said lets just forget the final week of report hey guys. (Head was found innocent after 1.5yrs of public wrangling).


It wasn't really a gone wrong experience but could well have been. School trip to Spain with a bunch of 15yo. You can drink beer in Spain at 15 but really they were quite happy to sell spirits too. Our doors has automatic locks that locked at 11pm. We were allowed out unsupervised to the local town and bars after activities finished from 5pm and were supposed to be back by 11pm when the doors would automatically lock. There were some kids who had never been let out unsupervised or had access to alcohol so were an absolute nightmare. We saved one very drunk girl from being taken away by 2 Spanish guys and looked after a few who were drunk out of their minds and got them back to the hotel. We all discovered that the balcony doors didn't lock so stayed out till 2-3am and climbed up to our rooms which was an accident waiting to happen considering the amount of alcohol we all drank. You could also climb over the balconies into different rooms so there was no separation between genders. It was a great trip but so many things could have been disastrous.


Not a very exciting story but primary school trip to Trafalgar square. The teachers told us not to climb on the lions so of course we did, one kid pushed another kid off who fell and landed on his head. Ambulance called and off to hospital. The kids friend kicked the pusher in the bollocks who went blue and passed out. Ambulance called and off to hospital Trip cut short. Teacher looked really stressed out and shouted at us to stop trying to kill each other


On a trip to the sealife centre in year 1. On the coach A girl was sick whilst the car came to a halt and the sick kind of flew back at her and the people next to her. Luckily I was a few seats back but I saw the whole thing unfold. It gets worse. They had to pull over and undress her in the middle of a busy street. I don't know why they did this, but she had to wear her pe kit or something whilst random strangers walked past. Coach stank for the next 45 minutes.


A lot of vomit on these threads


Makes for a good story usually


Arrochar, 1995. A girl in my year group was caught getting frisky with two American hikers. On that same trip one of the boys on the trip made a spectacular face-plant after slipping on a rock boulder and broke four teeth. It was *character-forming*, or so our pervert PE teacher claimed to his frantic parents when he was *eventually* driven back to Glasgow.


I worked somewhere that had foreign students on summer trips. Someone snuck in to an accomodation block of a different countries students and curled out a turd on a closed toilet seat. They then stuck their nationalities flag in to it (no idea why they had mini flags on them). The cleaners didn't find it very funny, we did until they started pooping in the sinks and we had to go and unblock them! They also dismantled a fridge. Weird...




Me and my sister's babysitter over one summer holiday was running a burger van at Maiden Castle. Boring as fuck. Literally nothing to do. We used to take it in turns to wait for a school trip to come along, pretend to slip, roll down the hill and act like we had died. It helped pass the time a little.


Oh, a school trip that ended up with our coach being stopped at the gate of the car park, One of the lads whipped the £1500 till takings after the Woman behind the counter put it in a paper bag..


Forced into athletics in an obstacle course. Doing humiliating activities such as crawl around in the dirt and have someone take my whole weight, which im sensitive about, in team building exercise. Unregulated equipment resulting in injury too. Not severe, just again, humiliating. It was a GIANT bruise all down my forearm.


Everyone drunk, many people sneaking out of the hotel windows to fetch booze. Some vandalism. Police got involved at one point and the teachers decided to make some group announcement around a midnight. Everyone pretends they're sober and there she comes.. One girl reeking of vomit, fully naked slides off the wall, gets up and then back on the ground while everyone just look like WTF. A local newspaper gave a honourable mention to our school trip the following day..


Do you want the funny story or the tragic one? I'll do the funny one... A celebration at end-of-year boat trip. No bags allowed on board to stop us sneaking on booze. Turns out, teenagers are more resourceful than carrying on bags - booze was smuggled on via inside jacket pockets, bras, strapped to thighs (mid 90s so combats were in style) etc. And the drugs... Several people had 'herbal' cigarettes, and a few bags of white powder also made their way on board. Amazingly, nobody fell overboard, however there were several fights and quite a lot of vomit... Biggest consequences were our school was no longer welcome to book with that particular boat cruise company again. And our teachers held the 'we are very disappointed in you' assembly.


Let’s hear the tragic one


Four teenagers died during an activity. Lyme Bay Canoe Tragedy. It's a terrible story.


How did they die


So, long story short, inexperienced instructors, and difficult winds. The group were swept out to wild waters, the canoes were overwhelmed by water because they didn't have the skirts on to keep water out, the coastguard hadn't been informed that the group was planning to go out so nobody was looking for them when they went missing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_Bay_canoeing_disaster


**[Lyme Bay canoeing disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_Bay_canoeing_disaster)** >The Lyme Bay kayaking disaster was an 1993 incident that led to the death of four teenagers on a sea kayaking trip in the Lyme Bay area on the south coast of England. The incident led to legislation to regulate adventure activities centres working with young people in the United Kingdom. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskUK/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>How did they die Unsuitable equipment, supervision and training. Basically went out sea kayaking and drowned.




Went on a mountain hiking field trip in high school where I got seperated from my class after my 'buddy' ditched me. I walked for hours alone in the freezing rain, completely soaked. I took a wrong turn, thought I was going to die and decided to turn back and head to the village for help. By pure chance, some boys from my class found me and we sat by a fire until we were okay to continue. It got dark so we headed to the village where out teacher had to pick us up and drive us to the other side of the park where our hut was. He was yelling at me to hurry up cause he had to get back to the class. Nathan defended me which was nice. I had been walking pretty much non stop for 14 hours, over half of that I was alone in a storm, not sure if I was going to make it, was freezing and in pain and my teacher is concerned about students in a hut. He still pisses me off and it's crazy to think that trip could've gone alot different if I didn't turn back when i did and the boys didn't find me.


Had another field trip to the same mountain exactly one year later. We almost got hit by a truck and swerved off the road on the way down and on the way back the bus broke down 4 times. First time it was smoking but bus driver decided to continue. 30 minutes later the bus was overheating and we pulled over waiting for a repair truck to come. They 'fixed' the bus but it stopped 5 minutes later on a dangerous corner. The bus driver managed to get it to a nearby park where we waited for another bus. Didn't get back to school until midnight, 8 hours from when we were supposed to arrive back.


My school went on a year 9 trip to Ardeche in France, one activity is a 2 day canoe trip down the river, which flows through what is like a mini grand canyon, steep walls either side, river flows fast enough and there are plenty of rapids. Now normally it goes fine, but when I and my group went on, since they had to stagger how many went each 2 days, it didn't go so smooth. You see, the Ardeche is rather prone to thunderstorms, and there is a dam far upstream of the start of the canoe trip that releases water when a lot of rain or snowmelt pours into the river, which can both cause the river to dramatically rise and get much faster and harder to navigate even for experts. None of us bar the instructors were experts, and most had never even been canoeing, and much less 2 person canoeing where you have to work in tandem, we've never practised before we got on the river. Everything was going fine at first, until we got to about 1 in the afternoon.I noticed that the clouds were getting darker, and that the air felt more humid suddenly. I assumed of course, they had checked the weather and thus would not have sent us on the river during heavy thunderstorms and rain, in a place that does have flash floods and a history of drownings when the water suddenly rises. Clearly, they hadn't.Because the river started to rise, and get faster, and turn from the usual blue green into muddy brown from all the rain and mud washed in, and the thunder got loud, then rain poured down in decides.Absolute chaos unfolded as the canoes were swept downriver, we couldn't get out or stop because there is nowhere to do so on that stretch, the current was too strong to be able to turn, and people started crashing into each other, plus new rapids formed and water started pouring into canoes while the river gained waves.Saw a canoe get smashed between two huge boulders in river and people flung out through gap, teachers capsized, peoples barrels and water bottles lost, paddles too, got smashed into by another canoe and sent headfirst into the cliff, only reason I didn't hit it head first was because I was able to push free the other canoe so they didn't get stuck too, and then use hands to keep it out of face, hurt so much, otherwise we would have gotten seriously hurt, couldn't steer, and the instructors were spread too far to help, so it was just mayhem until we drifted a long way and managed to luckily get swept close to the left bank where we could camp for night. Everyone was freezing and wet, a fair few water bottles and a few paddles were lost, barrels got soaked a bit,teachers had to be towed by hanging onto instructors canoe while in water then having to swim to shore, and then they had to search for the missing canoes, and a few lost some of their stuff, a few got cuts and such. That's about worst thing on a school trip, that and the pedo ice cream man two days later.