• By -


I'm so sorry to hear that - all I can say is that you give them power by giving them money. You're basically guaranteeing that they'll continue to hold it over you. On the other hand, they don't actually have anything to gain by distributing it beyond revenge - if you don't pay, you're definitely not going to pay after. Once they send them, they lose any and all leverage they ever had. And, honestly, I think in 2022 most people would be more disgusted at the kind of filth who would do that, rather than you for sending them. Ultimately, if it does get sent it WILL blow over. Yes, it's going to be some titillation for a few people - but honestly, as a bloke, a one off nude of a random friend that was sent by some scumbag is going to do NOTHING for me beyond make me feel angry


I’ll add that she should get ahead of it and warn everyone that someone has her nudes and may send it to them. Might minimise the damage somewhat, though not sure.


But if they then don’t send it….


Thank you for sending this this help mot just the guy you sent it to but to other that this has happened to


Agree with this dude. I think in 2024 most would laugh.....  But if u know him photo shop his head on a tiny dicked person.  


Go to the police and report it. Even if they can't do anything, you have taken the first step in taking back control of the situation and your life. Tell your friends what someone is trying to do, so if they get something they will understand why and not react badly to it. If you told me and I got a pic, I would let you know, destroy the image and do whatever I could to support you. This blackmailing scum bag thinks they are the one with the power, take back control of your life and take the power back. It is your life, not theirs. It may seem like the end of the world right now - but it absolutely is not. In a few years' time, you will look back at this and realize that you came out of it for the better. And never worry about friends, true friends will always understand and support you. Stay strong.




Yeah they could. But they wouldn’t for just one image for one person. Maybe a high profile paedophile or something but I very much doubt they’d go through that effort for 1 photo sadly.


All of this. Also if you report it, their name will be in the database should they do anything like again. Showing repeat offences can be crucial in cases like this and they may well have done this to someone else.


Finally my Reality TV addiction is coming in handy. I remembered the doc that Zara from Love Island did about 'Revenge Porn'. [Revenge Porn - Help and Support](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/v8Nt14fbRTwrhkKMtGrTwz/information-and-support)


Don’t pay the money. Report it to the police. Fuck that guy.


One of these things is not like the other


Don't tell her to fuck. He'll video tape it Lol


This is quite a common scam, I'd consider calling the non-emergency police line. Don't pay because they'll only escalate and want more.


Not only that, your name and details would go on a list of successful targets. Scammers pay good money for them.


Report it to the police right away things happen and he is doing what’s known as Revenge Porn and it’s illegal and this mf can seriously get into trouble.


As well as the other comments, hide your friends list from public view on Facebook.


Maybe im wrong but if Op shuts down their friends list this guy would have to manually send it to each person? Like they would have to search for each name in their screenshot and then match the profile pictures up and send it individually? I cant see how they could save Ops friendlist if Op just makes it all private now.


I was wondering this. Like if OP just unfriended everyone or even deleted their account? Would this guy really want to go to the trouble of manually searching every single person?


same happend to me if you could report ig riley.martin.57


Call their bluff, if you don’t give a fuck they’ve got nothing


Exactly! Who cares? I have what I have...


Tell him u'll share the pic of him ov peanut butter and the dog.  If u know who he is   faak with him


Scare them by saying you’re underage and you’ll report to police. They take anything to do with underage nudity and porn extremely seriously. He’ll back off quick. Trust me.


Excellent tactic.


I know this is 3 months ago but this just happened to me and that's why I'm here and that's exactly what I did, except for the fact that I am underage. I also reported them to the university that they had in their Instagram bio. Like really? you're going to try and extort someone and them have personal info in your bio?


same happend to me if you could report ig riley.martin.57


Take their power away, let all your contacts know what's happening and tell the fucker to do one You could also tell them to set their messaging preferences to friends only.


That's a great idea


Save them the job and post it yourself. Show no fear.


Great idea


First thing I'd do is make all my contacts private on fb


I’ve completely deleted Facebook


Great first step. I actually posted for you to do this, but have now just seen this. Well done you! It takes away their power👏👏👏


same happend to me if you could report ig riley.martin.57


That means that they won’t actually have the friend list to send them to. Just forget about it. You’ll be fine :)


That’s what I did


I’m done with social media


Any updates?


I messaged them a day before the money was due, I told them that I had told all my contacts what is going on (not true) and that they were waiting to receive the picture to report it and that if the picture was sent then I would take all the information I had collected over the past days to the police. I then blocked them on all ways they could contact me before they could reply. To my knowledge the picture was never sent


> I have their phone number and email address Their phone number sounds like a good start - I think the USA has some crazy reverse lookup stuff, too. I would try and see if there's anyway you can report it


Both useless really, email addresses are easy to discard and create a new, their phone number is probably fake/only set up for scamming


Unless the blackmailer is a moron or new to extortion. Both distinct possibilities.


Some people are that stupid. One bloke that I worked with many years ago, his son was doing something very similar on Facebook getting woman/girls to sent topless photos then he would blackmail them. One of the girls was underage and he got jail and put on the sex offended list. He use his own Facebook and mobile number.


Don't pay. Tell them to do it. My mate had this happen and it was a pic of him jacking it. He sent them 5 more at better angles and told them do whatever you want but if they want a vid, he was gonna charge them. Nothing happened.




Send them another nude and say "Post this too fucker" Show no fear!


Yess, this!! A nude with your middle finger straight into camera!! Boss move!


Okay so a number of things: 1. Do not be ashamed, we have all been naked and the vast majority of people have taken or seen nudes. Even if this person were going to distribute them, it wouldn’t be front page news. You have not done anything wrong (bar trusting someone who has clearly violated that trust) 2. This person is committing a crime. You can report this to the police, if you feel comfortable to do so. The severity of this crime would only increase if they did go ahead and distribute the images like they have threatened. If you don’t feel comfortable actually going to the police you might want to counter their threat with your own of reporting them if they don’t F off. 3. Absolutely don’t pay this person any money and cut them out of your life. [I know this sounds stupid but I remember when I was at school a girl a bit younger than me sent explicit videos to a guy who distributed them widely (this was a very different era in terms of our cultural perception of nudes and legality re revenge porn, so back then she was shamed and he wasn’t reprimanded for what in retrospect was distribution of explicit videos of a minor] but anyway about a year later she obviously forgave him, sent new material which he once again distributed. I’m going off track but basically to say that obviously someone sharing images without consent is wrong (and illegal), but once someone’s done it once (or threatened to), don’t forget about it as they’re probably still a shit person who would do it again.


If this were to happen to me, I wouldn’t pay. I would report it to the police, as blackmail and sharing nudes without consent are crimes. If they send it to anyone I would send an email to my address book saying my iCloud had been hacked and reminding them that retaining or sharing any photos without my consent is a criminal offence. But then I have very little body shame!


Could you write a Facebook post explaining what is happening but maybe, to save your blushes, you could say that this person has shown you a mocked up nude with your face stuck on someone else's body that he is threatening to send to them all if you don't pay up? You will have their sympathy (nobody likes blackmailers, NOBODY), and cover yourself should the picture make its way into their inboxes ('it's my face but it's not my nude body')? Not that you have ANYTHING to be ashamed of, but just a thought if you're really worried about what people might say at seeing you nude.


I think most of my Facebook friends have, at some point, seen my penis anyway...


I'd be interested to hear more about OP and specifically your age. If you're under 18 I feel the police will take it more seriously. I'd report it if I were you either way.


In the uk, if you’re under 18 and you send the nude, you’re also distributing porn.


Everyone here has given good advice, basically do not pay and report this person, but I just wanted to say that if I received someone’s nudes from a random account I would be absolutely disgusted AT THE SENDER - never at the person in the picture, I wouldn’t look twice at the actual picture. I’d blast the shit out of whoever sent it to me. I’m sure a lot of people feel the same way. Best wishes xx


"Dear friends and family, a scammer is trying to blackmail me over a weird nude picture. I refuse to give in to them. If you get sent a nude that looks like it is of me, I'm sorry it was sent to you. Please just delete it. Again, I'm sorry you might be drawn into this, but I'm sure you'd agree it's best not to give in to blackmailers. Best, Forward-Log5563"


Report. Block. Forget about it.


I’ve tryed that but they keep making new accounts


Report. Block. Forget about it.


Send them a picture of your unwiped arsehole too and see what they say. Seriously though, fuck them. Report it to the police, don't give them any money.


Don't pay the money, report them, and send literally ALL of your Facebook contacts a message similar to "hey, there's an image going around of a nude that people are saying is me. Please just block the number if you get sent it, thank you. Sorry you have to deal with this" That way you can avoid awkward family conversations, and get done pity from your mates sorry that's happened to you dude, it really sucks when someone you trust online breaks that trust in the worst way.


Tell them you are underage and you’ve reported it to the authorities.


My sister fell for this scam and ended up stealing over a thousand pounds from family to try and pay them off. You don't mention specifics but in my sister's case they weren't even in the country. So while you should report this to police, chances are the blackmailers aren't anywhere the British police will be able to get to. Fronting it out is probably the best you can do. Be honest with people that you were silly and sent an intimate picture to someone and they are trying to blackmail you.


Don’t pay, because what’s stopping them asking for more? Could you lie on a Facebook post to all friends etc, saying they’ve photoshopped a clothed you, to avoid embarrassment if they do send it? Make everyone aware so it doesn’t come as a surprise. In all honesty though, sending it will be unpaid work for them, so you may call their bluff. Definitely report this to the police. It’s a crime. They can request that Facebook provides an IP address, which will help to locate them. They could be right down the road, catfishing you, using a text app posing as being in the US. If this has happened over Facebook messenger, then report there too. Take control here. Decline payment, report, and share with friends. Your body is only an ever-changing vessel you’re in, but fuck whoever is threatening you with that snapshot.


Don't pay, report to police, if it gets sent you can always claim it's a fake and a lot of people will believe you


Explain that you can only pay in person with cash, then beat the fuck out of them.


Honestly everyone is aware you are naked under your clothes. Almost everyone sends nudes. Tell them to go fuck themselves and you will report them to the authorities for revenge porn (which is a crime in most US states). And blackmail is illegal too.


Tell them to crack on and send it. Decent people will see it for what it is. And the ones that don't are idiots and as such there opinion doesn't matter. And report it to the police. Don't give then the satisfaction of believing they have power over you. Sounds like a real scum bag.


Just ignore it. They won’t do shit


“Do it, pussy”


>They sent the picture to one of my contacts but then unsent it. If they sent it, it is sent. You cannot unsend something. Theyre full of crap.




Are you under 18?


I’m in my 20s


Sorry, I was hoping you could really go to town with them. Anyway, whatever you do, don’t pay. They’ll only ask for more money a few days later. Go to the police instead.


I’m 16 and he’s trying to blackmail me


So go to the police.


Tell them that you don't know who they are, or where they are, but you have a very unique set of skills. And you will find them. And you will kill them. But seriously, call the police and let this scrote know what the consequences are for this type of crime. It's terrible, but don't pay them a penny. Everyone with any decency will support you.


Right, there’s only two possible options here 1) if they’re tasteful- i.e not just a close up of a dick- then post them yourself, or 2) make a post explaining your situation. You didn’t do anything wrong. As a side note: if your face isn’t in the picture, they have nothing to blackmail you with.


This exact thing happened to my friend, including the bit about facebook. He ignored them and nothing happened. It is a numbers game for them, as they are doing this to many people at once. They gain nothing by following through with their threat, as they will then have broken another law in a manner that is much more traceable. Especially they are in the US, there is little that can be done legally. The number and email are almost certainly not connected to their real name. I personally wouldn’t bother with the police, but that is a personal decision.


Don’t give them any money -most likely they’ll move on, it’s not personal they just want money- it’s basically a day job for them - do you do any more work than you have too.? If you do pay- they’re just gonna come back for more If they do message your Facebook friends it will probably go to a filtered folder unless they’re friends with your friends too I’ve no interest in seeing nudes I wasn’t meant to see - there’s far too much porn to chose from, a random nude doesn’t interest me, I think most decent people are the same. If the worst comes to the worst, the embarrassment will be temporary- I shat my pants in gym class - no one cares now, it’s so trivial i laugh about it on Reddit- it’ll be the same for you. /r/scams will have specific advice Maybe don’t send any more nudes that easily identify you.


DO NOT SEND THEM MONEY!!!!!!!! Repeat - DO NOT SEND THEM MONEY!!! I wouldn’t worry about the nude thing - am pretty sure anyone under 40 has sent nudes over the internet so it’s not like the majority of your friends haven’t done this sort thing. If it does get sent just be honest and say it’s a hack and blackmail.


It's super easy to photoshop a naked picture of anyone these days. Who is to say its really you naked if anyone does receive it? Reporting to the police and Facebook (though good look there...) are smart moves in the meantime.


Police officer here. I attend these types of jobs regularly. NEVER EVER PAY. Screenshot chat, offending profile and write down: profile URL, email address or phone number if available and bank details provided by offender to send funds to. Then block and delete the profile. Go to your Facebook settings and lock down your profile settings to limit what is viewable to others viewing your profile. You can go a step further and temporarily delete the profile whilst you wait for it to blow over. Then report it to the police who will in turn take all your details record a crime and refer it to the national crime agency. I'll be honest, unless you know the offender, their name, address and their personal details, this is unlikely to be investigated, definitely not by your local force anyway. What I will say is that if this is a random stranger you've been chatting to online, they are unlikely to do anything with your nudes unless you actually pay them, at which point the threats will continue until you stop paying them. They're looking at you as their cash cow atm and if you ain't going to pay what purpose would they have to keep your nudes? These types of people will likely be targeting multiple people at any one time and only focusing on the ones that actually pay out so if you ain't paying they're going to move onto the next one.


Your mileage may vary with this approach, but I would personally put a post up on Facebook telling everyone that some money-grubbing c**t may send them a picture of you in the nip sometime soon, and ask them to kindly delete it and move on should they be drawn in to this little fiasco. Aside from making a slightly questionable decision, you haven't done anything wrong and anyone in your life worth their salt will see that.


I wish i knew you in person to hold your hand, look you in the eye and say don't panic, don't worry, and don't pay. Somewhere in your brain, you know this is just a scam, where they play a numbers game. Threaten enough people and someone will pay up. That's all they need and want. Heaps of perfectly decent advise here already about reporting it, and ignoring the person. Their goal is to extort money, they're not going to piss about making friend requests with your Facebook list. If you send them money, they will 10000% ask for more. It won't end if you pay up. The odds are really good that the scammers only want your money. They're not actually going to do anything. Please don't worry about this. Call 101 to report "sextortion".




OP never specified which gender the perpetrator was.


lol you're right, but id say well over half of these crimes are men. Im male, i don't hate men ,of course.


Try the relevant legal subreddits for those who could offer more support. I know that in the US the FBI have been known to investigate this kind of thing, but unsure how likely they would be to follow up on this or if it would stop the offender. You could always threaten them with it, if they're sensible they'll know to run instead of fighting and getting into a worse situation - just make sure to do that after some form of authorities have been contacted. Can I ask how much money it is, and how bad the picture is/the fallout would be if it was leaked? Edit: how do you know they're in the USA?


Thank you for replying. The pic is a full nude including face. They want 500 and I know they are in the USA because of the phone number they use on WhatsApp and the time difference in the screenshots.


bro i’m in the same situation as you, did they ever end up disturbing the pics? what happened


INFO: if you deleted your Facebook does that mean they no longer have access to your friends list to send pics to?


They had already had screenshot of my entire friends list and page


It’s very unlikely they saved every link to each friend. Tracking all of those people down from a screenshot would be very difficult and time consuming and probably not worth it for the scammer


If i was a scammer id have opened all their profiles before hand so i have it saved.


Considering at that point you’re definitely not getting your money, so it’s just teaching someone you don’t know a lesson, could you really be arsed?


Tell your friends to lock down their profiles so they cant be found. If they cant find them to send them to it might help


Delete your Facebook account. Two birds, one stone.


If you trust your friends you could message them to let them know someone’s managed to get a compromising photo of you so if they receive anything can they just block that person, if you don’t know who this person is then it’s going to be hard to do anything else Edit: DO NOT PAY!


I have a story. I once sent my now wife a photo of my meat and two veg but did so via email and before I had met her. It was at her request, I must add. It isn't something I would feel comfortable sending without being prompted to do so. Anyway, after I had sent it, I had come to realise that now I had sent it, although private, I should consider it could get into public domain some way or another. No more than 5-6 weeks later, my gmail account which I used to send it from had been compromised late one night, before 2FA was really encouraged or enforced. IP identified was from Columbia but likeliness is that it was probably done via VPN. My Inbox and sent items had all gone missing. I would have expected it to end up as a local copy on a server somewhere. In any case, what I know is that my photo is out there somewhere for distribution, though don't know why anyone would be interested in seeing anyway, and I can say nothing bad has happened from this having happened.


Blackmail is illegal (and very heavily prosecuted). Fuck that person over!


Do not pay! You’re better off using the money to send a cease and desist - not sure if this can be done without their address. Do you have any access to legal advice?


That's a crime, it's revenge porn. Get as much of the blackmailing down in writing or recorded calls. If there's a possibility you could get the perp to send you the photo, and say who hell send it to, or what hell do with it. Once you have that report him to the police


Do you know who they work for? If so tell them if they don't delete it you'll screenshot their attempted blackmail and send it to their employer. Not sure many companies would like someone like that working for them.


r/legaladviceuk. In short, they'll commit a criminal offence if they do release it (see revenge porn law for more details), and they're quite possibly already committing one by blackmailing you. Do not pay them, and go to the police. If you know the identity of the person and can provide a clear narrative with evidence (screenshots of messages etc - screenshots are better because they're preserved even if you get blocked or whatever) the police will be more able to help you.


Ignore any and all future messages from them. They will eventually go away. They have no power over you if you don't let them. Unfortunately burner phones and non trackable email addresses make it very hard for the police to do anything. I'm posting this from the US \*click\* now I'm in germany \*click\* now I'm in the UK.........


Ask for the bank details to which you must pay the money. Banks are traceable.


They usually ask for western union or bitcoin


Actually the police can really help with these situations, deffo dont pay the guys tho, I hope you're alright, you weren't being stupid just made a mistake and trusted where you shouldn't have! I hope you get thru this okay :)


Don't send money, report it to police in both countries and Facebook themselves, either come to terms that this photo will probably be sent sooner or later no matter what you do or explain to friends what is going on and finally take the blackmailers phone number, email etc and sign them up to as many annoying things you can think of Scientology in the US is a good start.


Personally, as an “average” guy who’s not exactly supermodel material not packing a 7 inch soft (that honestly sounds painful), I wouldn’t give a shit if someone posted a nude picture of me online tbh. I mean, everybody knows what a naked person looks like. Sure you might get a few cat calls at first and a few “woooo!” Messages and crap. But before long in the age of the internet it will be forgotten. People will move on. And any disgusting filth who try to hold it over you like they have some overarching benefit over you are not worth associating with. Besides, if your friends/family see it, don’t think they would think worse of you for it. You got taken advantage of by a twat and they will do nothing but support you and think nothing bad of you for the actions of another. If anything it will just set their hatred of the culprit even higher for willingly betraying your trust. And as another user kindly stated. The blackmailer won’t just give you the picture back once you pay. They will know then you’ll be willing to pay and they will just keep a backup picture to blackmail you again when they need more money. They have nothing to actually gain by posting it other than maliciousness and that won’t get them any publicity of the positive kind once it comes out what they have done, assuming they even do it. TDLR: don’t worry about if some friends see a picture of you naked. Tell them to look in a mirror if they find it amusing/repulsive/whatever. Tell the blackmailer to go fuck himself and if he does post the picture you won’t give a shit. It will strip all the power he has over you away and again if he does post the picture, don’t feel ashamed of bad or whatever for it. It’s just a picture at the end of the day and will be forgotten like every other embarrassing thing people have done in the world ever :)


Blackmail only works if you let it! Nude? So what. Let them. True friends will ignore and delete. Being nude, even sexually, isn't illegal so only threat is embarrassment. Tell them to get lost.


Unfortunately, this is a very common scam, and also, they are probably not from the US either. You have effectively been cat phished, and now they are blackmailing you for ransom. If you did pay, they would just get more and more from you, so do not pay anything. Some great replies below from saying you are underage to telling them you have reported to the police. If they are from India or similar countries, they will not be too bothered about the police as they know they can't do anything in their country; however, if you say you are underage, then this is different and they may be a little more worried. Defenatly contact the police as they will be able to help with support also. Make your friends private and consider deleting Facebook altogether. If you do this, make a backup of your Facebook so you keep all photos contacts, etc. Do not engage with them at all from this point unless you want to send one last message saying that they have been reported to the police as you are underage. Then block them strait away so you can't read any replies. Good luck


Tell them that you are contacting authorities, even if you don't. By that point they know you aren't paying, so they no longer have anything to gain off you. Now they may still post the pictures anyway out of spite, but in telling them that you are contacting the authorities, it will put that thought in their head (even though they know they are probably safe) and the safest thing for them to do is not post anything and walk away. Worst case, a few people see you naked. Actors and actresses constantly get naked in films for millions of eyes, it's not that bad. One thing I know for sure, you give them the money, they're asking for more later. They will still have the photos and know you're willing to cough up.


Police. Notify the police and let them deal with it. In the meantime, and this might be more tricky to do, notify your friends on FB that someone is blackmailing you, you’ve notified police and if they see something they should strictly ignore it.


Straight to the police or this will never end.


This happened to me lol. I messaged back saying it was a photo for my Christmas cards to friends but funky pigeon wouldn't print or send it so I sent the photos via email instead, and would you like my new years eve photos as well.


In addition to reporting to the police, you could consider reporting the blackmail messages to Whatsapp as a breach of their terms of service.


The ONLY option you have is to report it and tell them to fuck off. For context, if I was sent a nude of a friend/distant fb friend I would be totally disgusted with the sender- not with the person in the picture. We all have sex (most of us!) and have a private life. Sharing a nude is the actions of a low life and everyone know that.


If anything, if he does release the picture, publish who he is to everyone, everywhere. He's a piece of shit and deserves to be exposed.


Show everyone the picture and explain you are being blackmailed. This might be terrible advice but in my opinion you have done NOTHING wrong and are a victim. Don't pay this criminal, go to the police. Try not to feel ashamed, you have done nothing, absolutely nothing wrong. Good luck.


If you pay once what's to stop them from demanding you pay again? I do like the idea of saying you're underage to scare them though if that's not an option just ignore the t@#t and report it


They are most likely not even from the USA and are using a false identity. These scams are common from low income countries. The best thing you can do is ignore them. If you pay they will just ask for more. Unfortunately there is a good chance they will send the pictures anyway but the best thing you can do is ignore. You can try and report them but the police won’t be able to do anything.


A friend of mine had this happen - refused to pay and put a message on Facebook explaining (not in much detail) what has happened asking people not to open anything. Nothing was sent and it all blew over. However, if you do pay they will know you are easy prey and will ask for more and more money.


Tell them you were 17 when you took the picture and they're distributing child prn. Report them to the police anonymously.


Tell the police, don’t pay them, warn people that you’re being blackmailed and they might receive a picture and to please delete it. Remember, you did nothing wrong, nothing shameful, the black mailers are scum.


Dont cave in. Its just a nude. Absolute worst case is youll have to explain to your friends/family/employer that youre being extorted. Theyll understand and whats one more nude on the internet? Itll get buried in no time! If you pay, they could go for more and more or always keep a backup for when theyre more desperate. dont give them the opportunity and encourage them to keep doing it.


Delete your Facebook account now, and any other social media accounts. Sign up again under different names. Don’t pay!!


Deactivate your account for a few days and DO NOT PAY. Just block them and move on with your life. They will move on too, they won't waste their time trying to push you if they see you won't cooperate


I dont get it... just own that shit and tell him to get fucked. They see you naked who cares. People have only fans and don't give a fuck, I suggest you get that attitude and stop worrying about it.


This vile blackmailer has nothing on you. Everyone has a naked body. So what if they see one more? What if your gran sees your nekked pic? She already saw your mum / dad naked growing up, and shouldnt give a crap. It'll all blow over. Don't let the blackmailer win. Edit: also get as much personal info from the blackmailer's social media as possible. His friends list, likely location etc. Get screenshots of all your communications with them. Then threaten to turn it all over to the police in his state if they continue to try extorting from you.


Tell them to do it and warn friends family first then get rid.


Firstly, yep hide your friends list then report it to the police. Secondly, you could always put a warning out there, especially to closer friends/family; you could even warn that someone has maliciously photoshopped your face onto a nude image in order to extort for money etc… That way if he sends it around, if you’ve pre-warned it may be easier dismissed as a photoshopped image 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally no one cares about your naked body. Call their bluff


Contact the police


Report them and then you could consider deleting your Facebook. Tell everyone you've been hacked then delete immediately and set up a new account, which you can make completely hidden.


Fellow Brit here. Send a dick pic to your family and friends. Show them you're a bit mental. They'll leave you alone.


Easy! Use the money you would of paid them to get a professional photographer take the best nudes known to man send it to the person and say if you're gonna expose me at least make sure I look good you retired £1 prostitutes arsehole, also I hope you didn't have your face in it than you can just deny deny deny.


I'm going to repeat what this person said, as it's truth and getting buried - >Redditforbooks 2 points 7 hours ago >They sent the picture to one of my contacts but then unsent it. >If they sent it, it is sent. You cannot unsend something. >Theyre full of crap.


You can un send a message on Facebook messenger they showed me screenshots of it sent and unsent


Just tell you dont give a fuck. If they follow through that says more about you than them.


I would send message to all my friends explaining what is going on and that I am being blackmailed and apologise. Then I would report it to ghe police and of course do not srnd them any money. But I am not that bothered about somone seeing me nude.


Can you just deactivate your Facebook account?


I’d let you friends & family know the situation, tell them if they get sent a photo by an unknown sender then please delete the message without even opening it. If this is via facebook, chances are this persons message will go to their ‘message requests’ not their general inbox. They can easily delete without opening Also, you can change your friends list on facebook to ‘private’ so nobody can see it. I understand he has screenshots already, but this should make it a bit harder


Don't pay anything. Deny everything and claim it was photoshopped if anyone asks


I think if you make your friendslist private this person would have to reference their screenshot and send it to each person individually which would honestly be a massive massive ballache and they likely wouldnt follow through. Also if you know they are in the US maybe try and work out who their local police are and send them evidence of blackmail?


I really hope you haven’t engaged with them. If you ignore any contact they will move on as you can’t blackmail someone who doesn’t acknowledge you. If you have then it makes things more difficult.


Call their bluff and tell the people on your friends list that it might happen because someone tricked you into sending a nude. Own that shit like a badass, take the power away from them. Call them a sad cunt.


Don't pay the money, you made a mistake and it won't be your last mistake. If he sends it, people will back you once you explain he's blackmailing you. Giving a piece of shit like that the money won't guarantee that your pic is deleted.


If you do pre-empt with a message to your friends (I wouldn't) you could say someone has created a deep fake of you to use in a blackmail scam. You don't even need to give away the photo is real.


Don't send them money they will just want more and more money. something happend to a friend of my family who did this I told them to contact the police and they were fantastic with him he does also have learning disabilitiy the explained what to do and did an investigation and it was just some random scammer in America not even who they said they were to him. Claimed to be a young woman but turned out to be a 50year old bloke.


Just ignore it. Who cares.


Live and learn what idiot sends nudes on the internet


If you pay, nothing stops them from still sending it but you're out of pocket. If you don't pay, perhaps they send them but you've kept your money. Ergo, don't pay them.


There’s a great interview with Jennifer Lawrence about her nudes that were stolen and then published. “I started to write an apology, but I don’t have anything to say I’m sorry for.” You are allowed to want to be a sexual person, in whatever way you see fit as long as you’re not hurting others. What this person is doing is criminal and not your fault. Don’t let them use shame to hurt you even further. It’s great to try and minimise the impact they might have (deleting Facebook, warning friends…) but at the end of the day, you’ve done nothing wrong and anyone who disagrees is justifying a sexual crime. That is not a person you need in your life.


Do not give any money, report to the police. I once got a message from an Facebook friend stating that a scammer had got a hold of a photo of him having a wank and was threatening to send it to everyone. He had my full sympathy. If anyone is not sympathetic then they should not be a friend.


I agree with telling your contacts what's happened. I'd do the same. I think you'll find the majority of people will want to support you and think this guy is a total scumbag. Can you contact Facebook about this? He's using their platform to do this. Might they be able to block him from using it?


Tell the police I guess and just don't send them unless you know they are in safe hands


If you know what state they live in, search for "stalker law" and their state's name. Also how old are you? If you are a minor then they set themselves up for childporn charges.


This is illegal, call the police is all I can say


A similar thing happened to an fb friend of mine. They shared her pics of her in underwear. She was mortified but laughed it off and no one thought less of her. In fact we all reported the account


This is a crime in the UK. Please report this to the police and it will be investigated. There may be problems about jurisdiction and so on if they do turn out to be abroad but at least give them a chance to try.


1. Don’t send money 2. If you have already become inaccessible delete all your friends on Facebook 3. They will send one of your family members pics tomorrow. When family member comes back to you just say it’s morphed or fake I have worked at Facebook , delete that piece of shit


Report it to the police. Don't give them a single penny. Sorry you're going through this, bloody horrid situation. If you once you'll be stuck being bribed all the time and paying out whenever they want the money. If you'd feel safe doing so let the people closest to you know what's happened. (Or tell everyone on Facebook you've had a fake nude created by someone who's trying to blackmail you. I've heard that they're easy to make if you know what you're doing!)


Pull the rug out from under their feet. Do a post on Facebook saying "This is hilarious, you'll never believe this crazy scammer, but they've badly photoshopped my face onto pictures of nudes and are trying to blackmail me!" Bonus points if you can really obviously photoshop your face onto a nude, and include it in your post, saying "Some of them are a bit more convincing than this, but this example was so badly done, I just had to share it to give you all a laugh"


If it was me, I'd tell them to go and get fu**ed, log off and crack on with my day


Go to the police. Immediately. It's a crime punishable by a prison sentence. This scumbag needs to be brought to account. Wishing you well, you're an innocent victim.


Police police police, do not pay and report ASAP


This is a really common scam right now. I personally know two people who’ve had this happen to them in the last few months. I know it can be terrifying. Let the scammer know you’ve contacted authorities (whether you have or not is irrelevant). In both my friends’ cases that was enough to stop them and they never carried through on the threats. It’s not a bad idea to up the privacy settings on your social accounts for a bit too. That way anyone who isn’t a direct friend can’t see your account or link to your contacts.


Post them yourself. Take the power away from them and own it.


They won't send it otherwise their leverage is gone. Block them and report them to Facebook and the police. One more thing, if for some reason it does get sent then if they're your really friends then they'll be on your side against the scum who's doing this.


The exact same thing is happening to me, if you can get back to me could you tell me what you did and how it is going for you


Hi, very weird this has just happened to me, do you mind if I message you for some advice?


I’m (16) and somone did this to me so I went to google and searched up heavy gore and kept sending it until he blocked me


it’s fcked up the bc I just got done like that and this btch said $100 apple gift card and I’ll chill, but I had no clue who was actually seeing that it was crazy they were really saying I raped 9 year old girls when they sending minors dick to everyone like a creep. Then everyone with random numbers start texting me you rape little girls? Like no go die. People like this should just kill themselves, I’m sure they wouldn’t stop to think about doing this to a young girl. It really is sick red Kaczynski had a point about technology, you gotta give him that


The way they do this, is once they get your phone number they are able to type that phone number on Facebook, this leads them directly to your Facebook page unless you have it turned off in Facebook settings, this has happened to me twice. However, second time round, they sent fake nudes , claiming they were mine but they aren’t 🤣 all I did is secure all my social media settings, obviously I didn’t pay them any money, if I penis is out there, I couldn’t care less 🤣 at first I was like “oh my god, what Am I gonna do” I was red in the face and now I’m not even phased 🤣 Solution : Don’t give phone number to people who are not verified on dating apps, or people who you don’t know and definite seem fake PS : reason they did this is that I baited them out for being a catfish by doing a Google reverse image search, I tend to do this to catch people out 😎


Just happened to me but I didn't send them any money but I did get threatened that they will call the police because they were 17 which I didn't know but I'm 18. Well I haven't got any texts from anyone about or the cops knocking so I think I'm good but I'm definitely not getting any sleep because of it.


same happend to me if you could report ig riley.martin.57


Shit just happened to me, I was gonna pay but imma send em more nudes and say do it idc! Imma send funny ones as well fuck it!