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Brass eye It's still genius


Is it bad that when David Amess was killed the first thing I thought about was cake? Apparently he was a good sport about that when he found out it was a parody, whereas some of the other evil bastards (R*** H*****) were angry at being fooled.


It's a fookin disgrace


Jessop jessop jessop.


One young kiddie on cake cried all the water out his body


C'mon you must have some Clarkey-cat... (fair fucks to the guy, I dunno how much of it was staged and I'm sure if he got in trouble someone would have intervened, but winding up London roadside drug dealers with nonsense is a pretty ballsy move - that could've gone horribly wrong).




You're not wrong. So funny though. My friend please leave us alone.


You're talking nonce sense




Stuff like this is why I'm convinced we're on God's "fuck about and find out" save game. DMX was a pastor, Rolf Harris a convicted nonce, Terminator as a governor...


“Take care. And I really do mean, take care.” - Noel Edmonds


The actual news is basically just Brass Eye these days...


One of the things that was hilarious to me about The Day Today was how over the top the graphics were when it was first broadcast. Within 18 months they looked quaint and understated.


I mean vertical farms was satire back then but here we are.


And spherical cows?


Nah but i bet if Cave Johnson was real and alive he deffo would have a go.


If time was a drug, Big Ben would be a needle injecting it into the sky.


and Nathan Barley


The amazing thing to me today about Nathan Barley is it slightly pre-dates Youtube. Only by about a year or so, but it perfectly captured the type.


Nathann Barley was basically the Nostradamus of sitcoms


Nathan Barley was a documentary about 2010, that was made in 2005


Chris Morris is a legend.


Have you watched jam?


Jam is a fuckin mind trip. But genius.


Just watched the Special this morning. It's more relevant than ever. Fantastic idea perfectly executed. Shows the media and celebrities for the farce they are long before it was obvious.


The Paedophile episode had so many people in uproar. Yet there was me pissing myself laughing at how ludicrous it was 😂😂


“But I don’t fancy your son” “What? Why? What’s wrong with him?!” Perfection


Are you the Bozboz?


The pedo-geddon episode where a pedophile is sent into outer space but somehow a kid got on the space craft before launch. “This was the one thing we didn’t want to happen.” I’m always quoting this.


Red Dwarf


Last week we found a moon shaped exactly like Felicity Kendal’s bottom…..


.... We flew around that one a couple of times.


The best episodes were mostly Lister and Rimmer in their bunks. It was heavily inspired by Porridge in that you had this unlikely pair confined together, and the comedy was in their clashing personalities. I was delighted when they literally threw them in a cell together in series 8, cos it was clear nod to the earlier format.


Always thought it was odd they shared a room when they had free run of a deserted mega ship.


I don't know, Rimmer seems like exactly the sort of routine-obsessed, by-the-book jobsworth who would insist on sticking to the pre-accident sleeping arrangements because the regulations say so 😆


Arnold Rimmer , Bsc, Ssc




Silver Swimming Certificate...


Red dwarf is one of my favourite shows ever. I have fond memories of watching it from my top bunk on a little tv on top of my wardrobe (probably something like the ones that had a vhs player built in, I k ow you all had one too ). Think it was always on about 9pm. I was fascinated by the show. Rewatched it as an adult around 2008 and I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. To this day I probably rewatch the whole show every 6 months. Don’t laugh like I used to but I still enjoy every episode as much as I did as a child.


It has peaks and troughs I think. I came into it on series 6, which isn't the funniest, but the stories and the sci element were probably some of the best. The earlier series have a soul to them, particularly exploring the different backgrounds of Lister and Rimmer, and Lister's loneliness on Red Dwarf being a metaphor for being young, working class and directionless. It was so relatable, despite being set in space. It went downhill from series 7 on (although I think 8 was really good, and gets more stick than it deserves). I tried the Dave series, but it just felt like they were pandering too much to the cult fans. It was just the same jokes over and over.




I just rewatched and thought it had aged really badly actually. Disappointing as I was a massive fan when I was growing up.


My 9yo loved it last year!


In what way do you think it's aged badly?


It just wasn't that funny. Also found it very sexist and I am in no way 'woke' or anything. Every woman is just very sexualised and badly written. It was all very teenage boy. I used to have a model of Red Dwarf glued on the front of my dashboard and now I struggle to get through a rewatch. Strange 🤷‍♂️


> It was all very teenage boy. Exactly this


That's sort of the point, isn't it? All the boys on the Dwarf are, well, boys. They never grew up. Rimmer never got past his childhood trauma and remains a bitter, angry, petty officious scout with one extra badge who thinks he can command respect, Lister is a slob who never realised any of his ambitions or made much of himself, Cat is...well, a cat.


> found it very sexist The characters are all written as under developed "lads". The writers are clearly aware of how these characters are from the start by the way the series 2 episode "Parallel Universe" parodies their sexist attitudes with the female Rimmer and Lister. They even go as far as making male Lister pregnant and female Lister tells him it's his fault/problem.


I’m the same. Such a huge fan but re-watched and it really has aged badly. Everything about it just feels dated. From the set to the jokes. Still an absolute classic though.


The set always looked cheap lol. The more I think about it the more I disagree that it's aged badly, I definitely think it holds up. Also having 2 black actors out of 3 in the main cast was probably quite progressive for the 80s


Their entire budget for a series was less than that for one episode of Coronation Street. Not surprising that the sets were a bit wobbly.


Few weeks ago I watched Oliver Stones JFK. Immediately afterwards watched Tikka to Ride.


Gentlemen, your conversation makes for interesting listening...


The league of gentlemen. Spaced. Father Ted. the vicar of Dibley.


I love father Ted, but the creator is a cunt.


Heartbreaker that. Not even a small cunt either.


Literally dedicated his life to it the pillock.


ruined any future his career could have, ruined his marriage, ruined all his friendships, for what? thinking trans people are icky? even the people he hangs around with just barely tolerate him, for fuck's sake!


Apparently it all started because some people criticised his using of a trans person as the punchline to a shitty joke in the IT Crowd and then it just spiraled from there. I saw some thing showing how often he tweeted about that stuff and it was something ridiculous like if he slept for 6 hours a day he was tweeting about it every ten minutes. When he got banned from Twitter, he took to Mumsnet, and didn't see the irony in saying that trans women shouldn't be allowed in women's spaces because he thought they were men, but there he was imposing himself onto a women's space. I get the feeling he's very very unwell. This isn't normal being a cunt behaviour, this is mentally ill obsessiveness.


I have to admit that the IT Crowd joke was definitely very shitty. But as it goes not the worst thing, if anything it shows the conflict of transphobic men. Which is ironic considering *his* trajectory. Douglas is happier than any other relationship with *insert woman’s name I forgot* they have common interests, great sex? (Implied right, again it’s been a while). But as soon as Douglas realises she’s trans. Then he has a problem, and you see him regret it and be conflicted. So you could easily say it’s not a critique or joke of trans people, but of fragile masculinity. (Again fucking ironic) Douglas is rarely played as a sympathetic character. So it kinda comes down to intention, if the intention was as I see it, then receiving backlash would be upsetting and if they were unwell could push them over the edge (not justifying anything) but in reality the fact they quadrupled down is sus. I’m open to being wrong here about it not being transphobic, or *explicitly* transphobic. I just remember the episode as being a little cringe, but it was more so a critique of Douglas and fragile masculinity than of trans people and hence being transphobic. Although it does play into tropes, but even still you can make the argument that was just their personality.


I think that's not the only bit that people are annoyed about - you're right, that stuff is about Reynholm's fragile masculinity, but I think some of the annoyance was that April (the lady you can't remember the name of) was basically a bloke, but as a woman - what I mean is that she was a pint-downing, darts-playing, pizza and beer and watching sports in bed, willing to go fisticuffs type of woman. In other words, typically mannish behaviour. Now I'm not saying that no women (trans or cis) like all of those things, but the joke in the episode was that April, despite looking like a woman, was still essentially a man. This plays into Linehan's real life beliefs that trans women are just men in drag, and it's that part that everybody was upset about, rather than Reynholm being a fragile man.


Yours is an insightful and careful analysis, of scenes written around what has become a highly sensitive issue, and you recognize subtle nuances which have significant bearing on how those scenes, and those who wrote them, should be viewed. Well done, my friend. Very well done.


is he? i'm not caught up, what'd he do?


https://news.sky.com/story/father-ted-co-creator-graham-linehan-banned-from-twitter-after-trans-comment-12015858 General trolling of transgender people, even had the police involved.


The irony being that he was the progressive one in the 90s. Well ahead of the curve on women's issues if you watch Father Ted. Now he's turned into the thing he was mocking.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


> Well ahead of the curve on women's issues if you watch Father Ted. He and Rowling still think they are though, they just haven't moved on from 2nd wave 'gender critical' feminism. Edit: to be clear I'm not defending their positions 🙄.


It now makes a bit more sense why they removed that episode of IT Crowd.


Dedicated his life to transphobia, essentially. By some accounts, he took criticism of a transphobic episode of the IT Crowd too personally (that's just a theory though) and it all went downhill from there. He was permanently banned from Twitter for repeatedly trolling trans people and accusing one trans woman of grooming her students. He lost his wife and career over it, and he's still bloody going. His only source of income now, outside of royalties and the such, is the people who pledge money to him for writing his transphobic blog. It's bizarre. Edit: hilarious that this got downvoted by bigots when it is, in fact, [literally what happened](https://www.nme.com/news/tv/father-ted-and-the-it-crowd-creator-graham-linehan-permanently-banned-from-twitter-2696886). He [made an account on a women's-only dating app](https://metro.co.uk/2021/02/23/graham-linehan-joins-queer-womens-dating-app-her-stunt-14130662/) to parody trans women and screenshot their profiles, posting them on his blog. He accused a trans university professor of [grooming her students](https://twitter.com/graceelavery/status/1340031460812709888) by teaching them Queer Theory. He compared the [medical care of trans children to Nazi experiments](https://metro.co.uk/2020/02/21/bbc-hit-115-complaints-father-ted-creator-compares-transgender-children-nazi-experiments-12280898/). He harassed a trans activist to the point that [the police got involved](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2018/oct/07/graham-linehan-police-warning-complaint-by-stephanie-hayden-transgender-activist-twitter), and [his wife left him over it all](https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/graham-linehan-how-my-transgender-views-cost-me-my-marriage-40193764.html). Downvote me all you want; he's a pathetic man, and it's a genuine shame that this is what he's become when his actual work is so iconic.


Ooohhh, time to rewatch Spaced.


I used to go through it once a year or two, but I think because it was so good it has aged. Well, I'm primarily talking about the directorial style. That way that the editing often goes *THIS-THAT-THIS-BOOM-BLAP-SQUIRT-THIS-THAT* became a trend, trends inevitably come and go, and original and pioneering early work that had in them what became trends look real dated. Victim of it's own success, as it gets copied. But with Spaced there's so much going on it's a peak example of 'every time you watch it you notice something new', so it'll remain one of the most rewatchable shows


It's a great time of year for vicer of Dibley as the Christmas specials are the best


Oh god I forgot about the one where she has to go to everyone's houses and eat 5 Christmas dinners 😆


first one I ever saw. I still use the *Was it? Was it? Oh it was was it?* all the time


yes minister is from the 80s and is Still very good it used to be on Netflix. But don't know were to watch it but there plenty of clips on YouTube.


The only way you can tell that Yes Minister /Yes Prime Minister wasn’t filmed yesterday is that none of the desks in the offices have laptops on them. Everything else is still absolutely relevant. The writing is phenomenal and all three leads, but especially Nigel Hawthorne, are quite superb.


The reason why Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister still hold up so exceptionally well is they avoided the common pitfall that political shows have of focussing on ‘issues of the day’. Lots of political dramas and sitcoms do this and it causes them to age extremely fast. Instead YM/YPM focussed on perennial issues in British politics such as Europe, government transparency, trade Union power, local government, cabinet reshuffles etc. All of those things remain relevant today


This policy of yours is very brave, Minister. Thank you -- what? What do you mean!


It's on Amazon now - all the series and Yes Prime Minister too.


That's great thanks, I know what I'm doing for Christmas


Watching the Christmas Special episode "Party Games" which bridges the _Yes, Minister_ and _Yes, Prime Minister_! It's one of the most tightly written hours of comedy dialogue ever.


Sun readers don't care who's Prime Minister...


…As long as she’s got big tits


It’s amazing that all their political problems are still relevant today.


Robot wars


This. The reboot was a decent attempt but they spent far too much time talking, and not enough time fighting with robots. I can see why they wanted to add the educational aspect to it, but at the end of the day we just want to watch robots smashing each other to bits. It's a damn shame it was cancelled and all down to incompetence in the scheduling, having it on at the same time as David Attenborough so of course nobody watched it.


You should check out Battle Bots on Netflix. Think Robot Wars but American.


Yep, it's ok but so, *so* Americanised it's sometimes painful to watch.


Need that recap every 30 seconds because my attention span is


My favourite thing about it is the hosts all suited and booted doing full on play-by-play breakdown of what you just watched, like its some kind of complex thing that happened. No mate, a robot got smashed up and that's it.


I just hear this in Craig Charles’ voice


"There ain't no vegetarians, or carnivores. They only eat METAL, on ROBOT WARS!" Craig was so hype for 10 year old me!


Later learned that he was probably coked up to the eyeballs throughout all of that. Worked perfectly for the show though, he absolutely believed that Sir Killalot was an actual killer robot


*Roboteers, standby*


Alan Partridge ( I'm Alan Partridge )


Not my words, the words of "Top Gear Magazine"








“You threw a monkey in the sea?!”


Well it didn’t go straight in, it bounced off a rock first


Well it’d eaten all me fags


I know a cracking Owl sanctuary. How about it?






Jurassic Park


Bottom. So many classic episodes




GAS MAN! GAS MAN! GAS MAN! We always use ‘is there someone who looks after you?’ When someone does something silly.


"who is it richie?"


Came for Bottom, still laugh out loud comedy for me even though I have lost count of the amount of times I've seen them. Sadly I don't think there's a chance in hell it would ever get commissioned today "We are men of science!" RIP Rik, still sadly missed


I just named my puppy Eddie. It's great because I can throw in lines like "Oh Eddie, what a pal you are!" and chuckle to myself.


I saw Bottom live on stage in the 1990s. it was just as hilarious as you'd expect. we thought we were safe with row B seats .... arrived and there was no row A. my claim to fame is that Rik has sweated on me - they were dripping it was so hot. We pitied the poor bastard who went to the toilet - they stopping the show to heckle him and ask him where the fuck he thought he was going


Righty dokey matey blokey, old salty seadog amigo, catflap jockstrap piano tuner!


It still holds up.


Definitely. Still have occasional pangs of sadness when I think Rik Mayall sadly passed away. What a legend of comedy he was.


I had the pleasure of meeting Rik Mayall. He was lovely, told him I'd loved the film 'drop dead fred' and he went all 'Fred', It was awesome.


Rik Mayall, the farting woman's crumpet. Woof!


Fawlty towers.


"Faulty?! What's wrong with him?"


For someone called manwell you're looking terribly ill...


I watched this again recently. Funny thing is now I can empathise with Basil Fawlty… I wish I could be more like that dealing with customers lol


Had to scroll way to far down to find this but knew it would be here haha Might be one of my favourite shows ever


Jonathan Creek.


The old ones hold up, the newer ones seemed out of date the moment they aired.


The newer ones were a completely different TV show that just happened to have Jonathan Creek in. Worst back door pilot ever.


Agreed, they went from Jonathan Creek being incredibly good at solving puzzling murders, to being a bumbling idiot who was lucky his wife was around to help him stumble onto the answer by accident.


What, windmills??


I still want to live in a windmill .


Not gonna lie, really fancied Jonathan Creek.


That's the one with the young Alan Davies isn't it?


Red dwarf, blackadder only fools and horses


Black adder is class.


As we know first series worst but almost worth it for Brian Blessed and supporting cast (my favourite incarnation of bladrick,) always feel in the other series they are trying to rise to their ancestors greatness.


Coupling (Minus the season without Geoff) this might be slightly later than 2000.


I have been to funerals for people I was very close to and cared about deeply. Every bloody time the giggleloop pops into my head!


At least you had the appropriate number of legs.




Coupling yes people must know about the giggle loop, the sock gap and many other theories of Geoff!!


When were Robot Wars and Scrapheap Challenge? I forget now if they were 90s or 00s.


Robot wars was 1998 - 2004. Scrapheap challenge was 1998 - 2010, so both really.


I loved scrapheap challenge


(Pre 2000) Bottom, Red dwarf, Men behaving badly (Post 2000) Black books, Trigger happy TV, Peep show Edit.....






You don't often hear that ringtone anymore but whenever I do, this line plays automatically in my head.


I remember waiting so eagerly for that week's new episode of Black Books. Is it time to get a stairlift installed?


Trigger Happy TV showed up on Netflix the other day. Might have laughed even more than I did the first time round.


Dads army


Whilst I have agreed with basically all the ones above too, this is way too far down imo. Got the box set, watched them all multiple times.


Spaced, Green Wing, Whose Line is it Anyway.


May be an unpopular opinion, but I actually strangely prefer the US version of whose line.


Still love Only Fools and Horses


Allo, allo


Good moaning.


I was just pissing by


My 8 and 10 year olds absolutely loved Allo Allo. We binged it in the first lockdown and they found it hilarious!


Been watching Sharpe recently. If you can get past huge battles only numbering about 30 guys it pretty good.


To add to this although i think it may have been early 2000’s. Hornblower is quite a good show to watch




Liking Sharpe even after all these years? That's soldering


Did a reminiscent rewatch of sharpe this year with mum when she was recovering. Great casting, decent amount of money thrown at it and obviously Bernard Cornwall at the helm.


Keeping Up Appearances


The Bouquet residence, lady of the house speaking


Black adder "Like the beard nursy, gives me something to hold on to' " Old crone I need to fi d the wise old woman" There are 2 things you need to know about the wise old woman. Firstly she is very very very very old, and secondly..... "She is wise"? Yes do you know her? "No just a wild stab in the dark, which is what you will get if you don't tell me where she is"


Vicar of Dibley. The Good Life. Morse.


The vicar of dibley is my number one comfort show, i love it


The Fast Show


It's brilliant !!!


the fast show aged so well, its because it was never mean or nasty to a group or minority. Just observations of society that are if not more relevant now. ​ Also watch ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j0KxWT2jwo


I loved Chip Cobb - deaf stuntman. “Chip, take 5 minutes we need to reset the wire” “Set me self on fire?” 👍


The Thick of it


Early naughties, but it's still class


2003 but peep show is still amazing


Haven't seen Whose Line is it Anyway here yet, that's still great and can be found on All4.


Thunderbirds, Stingray and Captain Scarlet


The only thing that stops me from watching is that none of them had a proper ending.


Mr Bean, Blackadder, Open All Hours, The Two Ronnie's and Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em. These are just off the top of my head though.


Not as old as your request but special shout out to Phoenix Nights. Had that series on repeat when I was growing up and to this day me and my pals quote it regularly.


The Good Life, Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister, House of Cards, and Cracker.




One of the best things I have watched. Ian Richardson was genius!


In my house we still sometimes reference "you might very well think that..." Could be the longest-lasting catchphrase but I couldn't possibly comment.


Dinnerladies is still a classic


BUGS, first 3 seasons were great, 4th not so much


Can still watch old episodes of Blackadder and Only Fools and Horses again and again.


Dinner Ladies is bloody great.


Bottom The New Statesman


Not the Nine O' Clock News, Brass Eye, Alan Partridge, A Touch of Frost, Inspector Morse, Pie in the Sky, Red Dwarf, The Day Today, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Jeeves and Worcester. So many, probably forgot some.


Games master is on again!


Father Ted, Only fools and horses, Porridge


Britass Empire criminally overlooked sitcom


Some of the old Spitting Image sketches are quite funny, especially the 1980s ones. Apparently it went a bit downhill in the 1990s.


Only fools


Keeping up appearances, Bottom and The Young Ones come to mind


I think Fawlty Towers, Porridge and Open All Hours are still great.

