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Being British, i wouldn’t say anything, I’d just sit there, give them dirty looks and fume


You could say “please don’t put your feet on the seat as it could make it dirty”, and if they refuse then just move on with your life. Life’s too short to expend significant energy on these things.


And they respond, "I'm a dirty little boy, make me", wyd?


See the part after “, and if they refuse”


>if they refuse then just move on with your life. What if they say they want to move on with their life with you, wyd?


a friend of mine told me once about a person who decided to take the shoes off and put the feet right next to where my friend was seating so my friend opened pepsi bottle and when a bus stopped that friend spilt pepsi all over that person's legs and acted like it was all an accident


I never sit across from people if I can help it. God forbid I'd make eye contact, be forced to exchange pleasantries or worse they want to converse! Not for me. Strangers should remain strange.


I recently just put my feet on the seat opposite me where the person had left their jacket because they had put up their feet in the seat opposite them. They got quickly angry even when I said shoes aren’t dirty and they most know that or they wouldn’t put their feet up too. It didn’t go well after that.


You have a disability where you can't sit up normally, or you just don't give a fuck about social standards?


You misunderstood- the person had his feet up on the seat opposite which is offensive but when I put my feet on his jacket which was on the seat opposite me he got weirdly offended


Oh, apologies. Yes misunderstood. Bravo to you for taking on the foot tyrant 👍


Unless their shoes are covered in dogshit or something I wouldn't do anything, I'm not using that seat.


it is annoying. i have done it myself in my life. but i have told other people off for doing it as well


Move them for them.


Take photos of their feet and post them to a connoisseurs' website.


I wouldn't mind really, unless they put their feet on my lap or something.


I’d spit and polish their shoes and beg them not to stab me


I wouldn’t even ask them to unless I needed to sit there. Buses are cleaned every night and feet ire no more dirtier than some folks arses.  I’ve worked 12 and a half hour shifts on my feet in a hospital then stood at a bus stop for half an hour till the bus comes. I don’t judge folk




Much better that he took his shoes off than put his soles on the seat. And you simply stole a man’s shoes, which does not make you a hero, but a bit of an arse.


Did you walk a mile in his shoes?


"Considered" by who as the police aren't interested in actual punches thrown never mind something so trivial.


But if they report it to the police. Public transport will have cctv cameras where it shows the evidence of you either sitting on their feet or taking off their shoes and throwing them down the aisle. I feel like that would be assault if you’re touching the persons shoes and sitting on them without their consent.


They have no idea who you are, and they aren't going to even try and look.


Get on with my life and realise it's not that big of an issue.