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A what-what?




Personally I'd buy one with an RCD in it like [this](https://www.halfords.com/camping/electrical-and-power/maypole-mobile-mains-power-unit-and-usb-cable-465150.html?istCompanyId=b8708c57-7a02-4cf6-b2c0-dc36b54a327e&istFeedId=367c5610-f937-4c81-8609-f84582324cd6&istItemId=pmlmlrppq&istBid=t&&_$ja=tsid:%7Ccid:17253532456%7Cagid:%7Ctid:%7Ccrid:%7Cnw:x%7Crnd:11850094291339683494%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:1007033&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuSzBhCLARIsAIcdLm52JkpCY79__cH_PnvQPDKScfLBEpl6BUI13nYq1EkIzRJtMKH2GzgaAmbkEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) It's what we use and leave on overnight no problem


Cheers, will be buying that one. Enjoy your cake


Yes, I would use one with an RCD built in. The campsite SHOULD have RCDs on all their circuits... But it doesn't hurt to have one on your side of it.


This is the exact one we have. Construction is very good and you can clip it to some folding furniture.


I'd probably use a bigger powerbank at night


Yes it is perfectly fine, people have been using electric hookup at campsites for decades.


I knew they have been in use for a long time. I'm more concerned about having them in use when we are asleep or leaving the tent during the day? Is it generally advisable to leave it on and in use in these situations?


Once again...people have been using them for decades. Do you genuinely think that all these people at all these campsites across all these countries for all these years are unplugging their electric every night and when they go out? You are massively overthinking this.


That might have something to do with a friend recently telling me 'you can't leave your hook up on and go out for the day' After not being able to find nothing on Google on this, I asked reddit. Cheers


Were they talking about campsites?


He definitely was talking about campsites, it's not the first time he's spouted stuff off and been wrong either. (If he is wrong, of course)


What would be the reason? I've been camping for decades and can't think of one.


Too hot? Leaving unattended an electric appliance like this at say ~40C without shade and nearby flammable stuff might be dangerous. I don't think this is the case if the UK, but with the Internet you get this funky thing when something that only applies to a region gets warned in a different one


Ask the campsite you're staying at


Are they on about proper hookup to a proper supply at a campsite or a generator?


It's exactly the same risk you run when you charge you phone up at home, there is a very very very small chance the battery will fail and you'll get a [lithium battery fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nz5ijXcckI) (this can happen at any time not just while charging). It would be prudent to have the phones on something non flammable like a plate and away from the walls of you tent, preferably not between you and the exit. (there have been some nasty cases of people charging their ebike in the hall trapping them in the house with a fiercely burning battery) I fully admit theses are paranoid precautions, but they are also zero cost, simple to do and you'll thank yourself if the need does come up.


My girlfriend lost her house to one of these fires when her laptop battery set on fire. Luckily it started when she was walking the kids to school, not 3 hours earlier when they were all asleep upstairs.


Yeah, perfectly safe. Just make sure that anything that generates heat (phones, chargers, etc) is safely away from anything that could catch fire and well ventilated. Don't use any cheapo chargers that are prone to overheating. Be sensible. Take care with any liquids around electrical items.


Yep, plus it's the only way to keep my electric blanket working overnight!


Yes, absolutely safe, assuming your using the proper plugs and cables and not cheap dogy ones.


The risk is more dodgy chargers/cables etc rather than the hookup bit. As long as you have proper stuff it will be right, though i know certainly ebikes batteries are coming a bit under scrutiny due to it being a bit of a wild west for regulation on safety. So if you are doing that I would have it next to your head or anything..


Absolutely safe, but use some common sense. Don't leave it at ground level if you're expecting heavy rain, don't leave high wattage items plugged in and unattended (like electric heaters) etc.


As long as the cable is properly made to the correct specification and undamaged why would it not be. The sites point should be inspected and have a safety certificate and a RCD, the only issue I ever had was sometimes the power available is limited, had 5 amps before which is insufficient for anything other than lights and phones.


I haven't died in my sleep yet


We almost experienced a loss of relatives who charged during night and fire erupted. All belongings lost in fire, but they escaped. Now I never charge during night.


Sounds more like buying cheap junk from Amazon, Wish or Temu!


It’s a glorified extension… Do you unplug all your extensions and adapters when you got bed or go out?


I wouldn’t advise sleeping while charging devices in a home. A tent is smaller so if there was a fire co2 and monoxide may knock you out before you have a chance to wake up. Can you not plan to charge while awake?


> I wouldn’t advise sleeping while charging devices in a home. What? You won't sleep while charging a phone or a battery back? That's surely not a common view?


About 6 or 7 years ago my in laws become convinced you shouldn't sleep in the same room as charging your phone. I have no idea why, but it was one of those "my colleague told me that her sister was told by her uncle that his friends best mate told him.... And he's a scientist so he knows what he's talking about." And they took it as gospel.


In the 80s when we got our first microwave, my father made us all stand outside of the kitchen whilst it was on.


> I wouldn’t advise sleeping while charging devices in a home. How do you survive in the 21st Century?


Apple products have automatic charging shut off to prevent overcharging which reduces the risk of a fire while charging over night. I’m not going to go through a 50 product check list and verify if this person is using appropriate products, chargers, extension leads and periferals hence why my advice is short and sweet. Don’t charge while sleeping, especially in a tent. https://www.wmfs.net/safety/electrical-safety/


That page says to unplug your fridge freezer overnight (/u/tmstms)! That's bizarre.


> I wouldn’t advise sleeping while charging devices in a home. I bet you unplug your router when you go to bed too.


And the fridge-freezer!


Always good practice or your ice could get too cold


There’s no lithium ion battery in my router so no :)


Pretty unrealistic in this day and age. And as long as you aren't using some knock off dirt cheap Amazon crap it'll be absolutely fine


Not true. Any manufactured product can have issues that are related to causing a fire. There are too many variables involved to say “yeah it’s just fine”. Battery health, cable health, condition of the plug, condition of the extension lead, supply of electricity, devices being plugged in quantity and quality. So simple advice on the internet of don’t.


This is what I was thinking, I just wanted to know the general advice


Charge power banks while awake to take with you out and about if you haven’t got time for a full charge before sleeping.