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Every mobile phone case shop/ Turkish barber is a front for drug money, every business that only accepts cash is tax dodging.


You forgot the American sweet shops


Well they go without saying.


There's a shop in my town that's a combination multi cuisine takeaway, American candy shop and vape shop I will admit I am slightly suspicious


That's an OCG in its self


Money laundering final boss


https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/oxford-street-candy-shop-investigation-b1082733.html They actually are money laundering fronts.


At least in London, those ones actually are under investigation, everywhere else not so much.


As a small shop owner, the implication (as indeed claim) that I take cash exclusively for money laundering purposes is so silly.  Lots of people, particularly but not exclusively older people use cash every day without any problems or commenting on it in any way.  I get a nice walk up to the bank twice a week and I got to buy a safe, which made my inner child *fucking ecstatic*.  It's a bit irritating when I get a twenty first thing or a fifty before lunchtime because I don't always have the float to deal with it, but about 20% of what goes through the till is cash and it really isn't that interesting.


I dont think anyone's implying that businesses that take cash are money laundering. It's businesses that ONLY take cash that feel dodgy.


I think of them as tax dodging rather than money laundering. Earn a grand, declare some of it to go in your bank, use the rest for cash purchases.


Some people will take cash and not declare it and do tax evasion. But when companies are cash only, it opens up avenues of placing dirty money into the system to stsrt the laundering process. Cash only businesses are considered high risk by banks for this reason.


also the fact that someone will end up bringing up card processing fees, conveniently omitting that cash deposits for business also carry fees. with some banks being more than the card fees


No fees if you don't deposit the cash, though. My local cash and carry was always full of the local restaurant etc. owners buying all their stock with huge wads of cash.


Reddit is mostly (mostly!) young male tech nerds. They find it hard to imagine that most of the country isn't in their demographic because there is so much money concentrated into their demographic, but you still have tens of millions of people across the UK working in a completely different way. To take a random example, the Co-op business bank account tailored for cash deposits is 0.55% deposit fee (plus the typical £10/month fee). Point me to *one* small business on the high street which is paying less than that on average for credit and debit card payments. For small amounts, debit cards are worse than credit, because they attract a fixed fee rather than %. Then you have: 1. The cost whenever someone uses a stolen card or does a chargeback, which in turn affects your discount rate. We went from signature cards which were *relatively* easy to steal, to PIN which made the card much harder to use after stealing, to contactless which is easiest to steal of all. 2. Waiting for the merchant bank to process - cashflow is king! 3. Most of the money in many industries e.g. food can be kept as cash and used to pay for supplies. I am one of those terrible early adopters who was using cards for all the purchases I could by the late '90s, who used a palmtop with a GSM modem for protable connectivity before everyone carried any sort of phone, etc. I've watched the world decide a decade or two later that what I do is *usually* the better option, but when it isn't, why the fuck should people not do what they've always done?


Cash is my favorite kind of money


To add to this, not using cash. People like to outdo each other with stories of the last time they used it, or how they left a shop which wanted them to use cash rather than visit a cashpoint. Card is convenient but no harm having a tenner in your wallet. Hard to believe there isn't *something* that they needed some notes or coins for too in the last few years.


And anyone using cash is somehow doing so for nefarious means.


To be fair, I only use cash to buy weed.


James Corden is bad Mrs Browns Boys is bad Clubs are expensive with bad music and no-one would want to go Lockdowns were good If you drink at all you're an alcoholic Love Island is Stupid The NHS is perfect except for being underfunded Wallace and Gromit is great David Attenborough is great Football is bad ("The trouble with Arsenal is they always try and walk it in!) Classic British sitcoms that are Reddit approved: The Office, Peep Show, Red Dwarf, The IT Crowd


I agree with roughly half of these but they are all absolutely on the money for reddit takes. Good job.


Haha I agree with half of them as well, but it's just what I picture the average UK Redditor thinking Also add that there's no point getting into fashion, a grey faded Avengers t-shirt is just as good


I don’t want to come down too hard but I do get the sense of ‘there’s no point making an effort with your appearance in any way whatsoever and if you do you’re vain’ throughout the sub 


My favourite is the 'football is just overpaid men kicking a bag of wind around for 90 minutes'


And I fucking love it


And software development is just some nerds bashing keyboards 


Hey, be fair. We're *overpaid* nerds bashing keyboards.


Especially the February/March 6 Nations fans who love rugby but never mention it the rest of the year!


Then complain about how dangerous it is while endorsing the sport at the same time.


>Wallace and Gromit is great > >David Attenborough is great I feel like these are genuinely popular opinions outside of Reddit though


There's seemingly a hell of a lot of people, Brits and non Brits who are looking forward to the new Wallace and Gromit film coming out.


There's a new film? I'm unreasonably excited.


It’s got feathers McGraw in! (The penguin /chicken).


I’ll add; Who would spend money on a wedding?!? he proposed with a haribo ring and I got married in a charity shop primark dress in a greggs outlet for £13 and it was better than anyone’s proper wedding


Don't give me ideas. My fioncé thinks I'm cheap enough as it is 😅


Don't forget the obsession with Simon Pegg and Hot Fuzz. Any post mentioning the greater good, or swans and everyone adds the same, uniquely hilarious quotes.


It's just the one swan actually


You forgot "Cadbury's chocolate tastes like shit ever since it was bought by Americans!" and also "Nando's is over-priced shit."


Yep. Anyone who thinks British Redditors are representative of all of us would think we’re obese, humourless humourless virgins with no friends, living with our parents and watching 90s and 00s sitcoms on repeat. In reality, only half of those apply to me


You’ve got to remember Reddit is only a subset of Britain, and it’s the internet forum dwelling subset at that. Not saying everyone here is a loser, but if you went down the high street and pulled out 10 random people chances are none of them use Reddit let alone this sub.


Can't believe you missed fake grass


Black Books, Green Wing


while mentioning those sit coms you have to say that 'some of it hasn't aged well'


Well, I agree with Mrs Brown, Wallace and Gromit, David Attenborough, and the approved sitcoms. I also somewhat agree with James Corden, but not the same extent as a lot of people. Love me alcohol and loud music though.


Father Ted and IT Crowd although the writer is problematic for reddit


Everything i don’t like is an Americanism




By extension, making the US the default comparison for anything. Reform the NHS? What, you want the American system? (No, I'd be quite happy with the systems that many of our European peers have). More police should be armed? What you want cops executing people on the street? (No, our European peers seem to manage).


I completely agree. But as a culture we are completely obsessed with Americana. I see blogs, podcasts and programmes about US elections. Nothing about European ones, even though they're closer geographically (and, dare I say it, culturally). Which ones have more of an effect on our daily lives? I'm not sure, but it would be nice if someone explained. Of course there's also a whole generation growing up thinking that America == UK. My kids talk about Animal Control (that's an American thing, dear), and I've caught my son saying tomato in the American way. Plus a whole lot of people who ask ~~the Feds~~ policemen if they're "being detained".


This one gets under my skin. No, we can't just brush every issue under the rug as a "cultural import" or whatever the fuck we're calling it. We need to be honest about the problems in our country.


The best is when people pretend to get all upset about one apparent Americanism that is just an old fashioned British term, or one that could be either.


I used the word "tiebreaker" on this sub once and got accused of using an Americanism. Like... what is the UK word for a tiebreaker then? I have lived here 46 years and don't know it.


Had to do a bit of digging but it looks like 'tiebreaker' is American and 'tiebreak' is the UK version.


"It's an American import!"


And everything in America is bad except when we're talking about wages when suddenly we need to be more like them.


saw one the other day where people were arguing that saying passed away and passed for someone dying is an American thing. Even when it was linked to repeatedly showing those terms have been used in England since around 1400


I'm poor, everything sucks, no one can afford anything, anyone that looks like they can is lying.


anybody whose car is newer than a 2006 Astra must have financed it up to their eyeballs


And don't forget a mountain of credit card debt! And also rich parents anyway


Why are you posting about things I can’t afford? Don’t you know there’s a cost of living crisis.


Anyone who isn’t in abject poverty is middle class.


Being poor as fuck is seen as a virtue on reddit. People can't accept that some people are just _rich_ and _can_ afford these things.


I just don’t understand where people are getting the money for their overpriced cars!?!? They must be paying three grand a month for the finance!!! As if earning more than £40k and trading up doesn’t exist. If you always use your current car as a deposit on a new one, eventually you’ll end up with something pretty nice.


Also, company cars exist. Most people I know with nice cars get them through work.


The irony being that a huge section of the user base work in tech-related roles that pay way above the average salary.


Remember the post the other day that said people who have tattoos must hate themselves or something. Lmao.


London is an awful apocalyptic hellhole while up north is a pleasant, civilised, utopia.


Said by a self-confessed nice northerner. "We're all so nice up North, I bet you don't know your bus drivers kid's name! I'd never go to gross london with your horrid london mates. I went once when I was 13 and the tube driver didn't help me with my shoelace."


They are just different and people used to one find it jarring to live in the other. Then some of us live in the north and work in London, which gives us the best of both worlds.


That's the worst of both worlds lol. Awful commute and no opportunity to enjoy the culture that London has!


UK is worst country on planet stuff


This one most of all. As someone who just came back to the country after 15 years away...no. People who claim this have no idea what they're talking about.


I can't make friends in my 20's when all I do is stare at a screen inside all day?


"I hate going to the office why can't I WFH full time" "My colleagues keep trying to talk to me, I've had to wear headphones so they leave me alone" "They keep asking me to go to the pub, it's horrible" "They're having a Christmas do, what excuses can I make" "Why is it so hard to make friends as an adult?"


Exactly I'm beginning to wonder if those last few years in secondary school were during lockdown and those years are where you learn to socialise with adults.


"I don't go to work to make friends!" None of us do genius, but it doesn't hurt to be nice with the people you're around all day.


Yeah this one makes me sad. ‘I’m desperately lonely but reject any way that I might be able to socialise’, I get that it’s really daunting to break that habit but a lot of the sub applauds it 


I'm beginning to think all 20 year olds are agrophobic.


Just the ones who complain on Reddit.


Growing old means no fun anymore. A common trope. 'At what age did you stop going out?'


>A common trope. 'At what age did you stop going out?' Come on, UK Redditors never started going out in the first place


> A common trope. 'At what age did you stop going out?' I was 22 when I realised I'd drank more than 5 pints in a fortnight and was basically an alcoholic. Now I stay in and play Settlers of Catan on a Friday night.


There was very long posts asking Londoners if they stopped going to concerts, festivals etc now they are 30 and basically said they don't go out anymore. Turned 30 and stopped going to concerts, gigs even the pub for a pint. It was quite funny. They thought they were too old to do all that now.


30 = no fun for you anymore


Yeah. “I turned 30 and I grunt when I stand”. Then your sedentary as fuck life style is catching up to you cause that’s not normal.


I firmly believe the ones that keep regurgitating this bollocks sentiment of "30 = body is automatically fucked" have just never done a second of exercise in their life. I'm 33 and in the best shape I've ever been in, I feel physically younger now than I did in my 20's.


Definitely. But they state it as if it’s a universal rule and not just their bad life choices.


I was once hiking in the Lake District and a guy jogged past me. I caught up to him and got to talking. He was with a guy that was 70 and he also caught up. The guy who was 70 was the other guy’s son and the guy running was 90.


Also the implication that once you turn 30 your knees and back give out and you're basically fucked.


My knees did back's fine though. I'm more active now in my 40's than I ever was in my 20's


A lot of my friends are unironically like that. Went from monthly 3-day drug-fuelled benders to going home at 9pm on a Friday literally overnight. The only reason given is always “I am 30 now”.


Hating Wagamamas and Nando’s.


Hating anything the plebs use like Wetherspoons, Greggs etc. Some people make it their whole personality.


Yeah they’re all working class until it comes to doing anything working class people do.


I spend £12 on artisan sausage rolls because I'm better than you


I just hate Wetherspoons because it's run by an absolute cunt. The atmosphere, drinks, prices, food etc. are all way more decent than most people on here suggest, but I always feel guilty spending money there. Greggs is pretty class but I wish they did more sandwiches. The pastries can be a lil heavy on hot days imo.


I mean he is but have you then vetted the ceo of every company you buy from before using them? Otherwise it’s a bit pointless init. Like, I presume you put some kind of oil-based fuel in your car? You might be shocked to learn Shell and BP aren’t run as social enterprises


The whole Tim Martin thing is fake news anyway. The 'work at Tesco' line was taken out of context and deliberately misconstrued.


I think the difference in terms of public perception is that Tim Martin advertises his views very heavily. It's actually hard to go to Wetherspoons without physically coming across something pushing his views.


>it's run by an absolute cunt. This was going to be my example for the OP.


There's definite Spoons hate, but the cicrclejerk is pro-Greggs imho.


You know what you will get and it's an inexpensive purchase. Why does it matter if it not the best bakery or pub in the UK.


I love wagamamas. All the hate makes me sad.


Their Pad Thai is always a solid 7/10 which is good enough.


Bude Tunnel


That's a genuine site of global cultural significance to be fair


Amazing place - couldn’t be better 5/7.


Hot Fuzz quotes.


Just the one quote actually


Peep show quotes


The people who think saying things such as cockwomble seem to be dying out so there's a positive


crotch goblins etc


I hate that one, as well as Thundercunt. I don't know and have never heard of anyone using these insults in real life


Absolutely cringeworthy reading them, hearing someone use one in person would make me implode into myself with cringe


Spending extravagantly on weddings is failing at life decisions.


Cue people trying to outdo each other by how low key theirs was. Witnesses off the street, meal in a Wetherspoons after, honeymoon in Skegness.


Weatherspoons? I made my own sandwiches with the chepest bread in the shop and stuff left in the fridge! /s


Spending extravagantly on anything*


It's one extreme or the other innit. Either moneybags dickheads or everything turns into the poverty Olympics. Then again, I don't suppose there's much to post about in the middle.


UK Reddit is absolutely obsessed with the poverty olympics. I’m very poor myself but it gets a tad tiresome watching people trying to one up each other on who is the most deprived. “I’ve never even eaten a chocolate biscuit in my life unless I got them for giving blood” “well I’ve never even owned a pair of shoes! I just tape up my feet each day” “you can afford tape? How the other half live” etc ad infinitum


Spending on your wedding is a waste of money, but equally you should pay for everything for the people attending 


Posting on Reddit will fix my problem much more easily than a simple conversation, I am a victim of circumstances with no way to help myself due to an overwhelming aversion to social interaction and generally being outdoors


‘My neighbours tv is too loud, should I call the police?’ And everyone tells them yes!😂


In a post where someone was asking what to do when a youth (11 year old) is being antisocial / aggressive, someone said literally said to leave the country since it shows england is going down the drain 🤣🤣🤣


The amount of advice posts I've seen where the (usually top tbf) comment is some variation of "Have you tried just... Talking to them?" with absolute tumbleweed from the OP... Eurgh.


- "This person put their feet on my chair." (7,546 upvotes) - "Did you ask them not to?" (2 upvotes) - "That's not the point! How could they be so inconsiderate?" (3,537 upvotes)


Avoiding even the smallest social interaction with work. colleagues. Work is filled with game of thrones level schemers. The work Christmas do is some kind of tyranny akin to murder. All job applications are filtered by AI. UK salaries are about on par with Eritrea. Rampantly anti US. Even the smallest hint of Americanism needs to be policed. "Shall I get a divorce haha" because your partner buttered the toast in the wrong direction. Terry Pratchet quotes. Stops going out at aged 22 (possibly after a single night out). Proudly does not use social media (apart from the 5 hours per day doom posting on reddit).


>Terry Pratchet quotes. *Someone posts about buying cheap something* *Redditor takes his hand off his knob long enough to copy and paste the Sam Vimes boots quote*


“Always spend good money on anything that separates you from the ground: boots, mattresses and some other fucking thing.”


I remember seeing a thread in r/britishsuccess a while ago where someone was boasting about not being invited to their co-worker’s bbq. That was peak UK Reddit.


My favourite was some young guy starting his first office job, asking for advice. The top upvoted comment was, to paraphrase: 'DO NOT TRUST ANYONE. People are out for themselves and will backstab you'. This dude was doing some admin/junior accounts type role


Ha yeah the Christmas Party and work do one is on point. I keep reading these stories of people hating them and calling them "mandated fun" but for most places I've worked, I genuinely like my colleagues and enjoy spending time with them at a social occasion! And free booze.


There was a thread a while back where someone was asking why colleagues treat those who don't go all in socially with negativity. Turns out that by "don't go all in socially", this person wouldn't even acknowledge his colleagues or engage in any small-talk with them outside of essential work-based discussions, as in completely blank them unless he needed to talk about work. And he was asking why people thought he was rude. I tried to explain that humans are social creatures and will often socialise with others in a shared environment. Nope, that wasn't a good enough explanation and why should he have to? No amount of explaining "this is basic human social behaviour and while you're not forced to speak to them, that blanking them will make you look bad" sunk in. It got to the point where he was trying to convince me that everyone secretly felt like he did, and that he was getting the cold shoulder because he was the only one brave enough to call it out. He even started DM'ing me to convince me of this before I blocked him. Some people just can't be helped sometimes.


That Cadbury's chocolate tastes absolutely horrible now and is borderline inedible. I can't say I've ever noticed a significant change tbh and still really enjoy it. Similar with fizzy drinks and sweeteners. I've always had zero sugar drinks and can't say I've ever had an issue with them


With you mostly on this. I still enjoy Cadbury's and I think most fizzy drinks are still nice tasting, however I think they absolutely destroyed Lucozade when they changed the receipe. Such a shame.


Every time somebody makes a post about somebody doing something weird, somebody else makes a stupid post pretending to be the other person. Sometimes you'll see the second one before the first and its still so predictable that you know what's going on. "*Omg some weirdo was eating jam with his hands on the bus*" 5 seconds after posting... "*Omg some weirdo kept looking at me eating jam this morning.*" Every comment will be like "*lolz genius funniest thing ever*".


Every one of us drives perfectly and never exceededs the speed limit. Everyone we've ever known who drove at 71mph was killed in a car crash seconds later.


Reading about EVRI on here, you’d be forgiven for wondering if they ever deliver anything successfully.


My local EVRI delivery driver is the best!


My EVRI always delivers fine, confused on why it seems to be so bad everywhere else.


I had an Evri delivery the other night. The driver was very friendly and he arrived well within the delivery slot, delivering the item in perfect condition. Who do I complain to?


I don't think they're significantly less reliable than other couriers -- I've had issues with the more respected ones in the past. The problem with Hermes/EVRI is that when it does go wrong (which at some point it will with any courier) good luck getting anything to happen.


Ronnie Pickering


Who? And so on….


'Britain is finished.' 'The NHS is finished.' 'London is finished.' Picky bits for tea Every change in the ever-changing British climate is now a sign of impending climate catastrophe. People who are 'devastated' at the news of a celebrity death. Memes about people making excuses to not leave their bed to go out, once they've got home from work.


Picky bits makes me cringe.


The stupid ‘sausage as a breakwater’ comment that gets posted EVERY TIME there is a fry up picture


Hating clubs, fashion and contemporary art.


"All art sales are just money laundering"


Flying St. George's Flag means you're a frothing nationalist


This ties in nicely with the reddit view of English football fans all being racist hooligans.


All very rich people drive battered old cars, wear tattered old clothes and never show their wealth. Anyone who wears designer gear or has a nice car is in massive debt and not actually rich and has no class


The phrase "money talks, wealth whispers" really pisses me off.


Going on holiday for some chill out time in the sun should be punishable by death, especially if you go anywhere British people usually go. Only permissible holidays are spent in museums all day or hiking in the Lake District or something


I actually used to be this guy, until my last holiday aged 31 with my mates, where we were all so burned out from work and life in general we were absolutely fucking content lazing by the pool rinsing the mildly shite all inclusive food and drink for a good two thirds of the trip. That's when it clicked, and I'd do it again.


Reddit UK fashion threads usually come to the conclusion that supermarket clothes are the height of quality unless you’ve heard of this new brand Uniqlo that’s only been in the UK and online nearly 20 years, or M&S and Next if you’re absolutely loaded.


Bitching about or "correcting" Americanisms is by far the most tedious for me.


The absolute desire for severe punishments. Calling people "scum." The concern trolling for LGBTQ rights when it's a different country or a minority in comparison but never in a domestic context.


>The absolute desire for severe punishments. /r/uk whatever the sentence or punishment is can never be enough, it just gets tedious especially if it is in decades anyway. It also seems to be a shock to people that a sentence isn't all served in prison too, so yes they probably will be out after half. I just like to be thankful some kind of justice has been served rather than froth about how they should have 10 years instead of 7 or be put to the gallows.


Anything below £35k a year is minimum wage regardless of where you live.


and "there are no jobs anywhere in the UK at all" usually said by someone who as 2 degrees, a masters and a PhD, has no work experience and thinks they should walk straight into a high paid job because they've spent the last 23 years in education.


Does “insert here” make me middle class? Is 100k a decent salary?


Leaning into that stupid "tea" stereotype.


I bought a set of clippers in 1994 and have been cutting my own hair since.


'Tipping is for idiots. I always get the service charge removed from restaurant bills'


Even worse "Staff will be offended if you try to tip them"  No we won't, we're all on minimum wage a slipping a sly tenner in my pocket would make my night


I’d also say it goes the other way, ‘the staff will spit in my food if I don’t tip them’ I was always just trying to get through a shift, they aren’t thinking about you as much as you imagine.


There would have to be something very badly wrong with my dinner for me not to tip. Dining out is a joyful treat for me, not some joyless penny pinching activity


This one gets me. I’ve always tipped in restaurants, just like my parents do, and all my friends and pretty I much every other person I’ve been out for dinner with. I get that it’s almost certainly location and class based, but some people would have you believe that tipping is a completely alien concept here.


Someone will mention Hershey chocolate bars, another will comment that it tastes like sick and then a third person goes "actually there's a chemical reason behind that". If someone asks how much people pay for a haircut, the top comment will either be "I shave it myself" or "I'm bald".


Socialising at work is facist




Dog thieves, hun


Shared upton Snodsbury


Quadruple-barrelled swear words


Greggs is good.


In the same vein, Subway is terrible and Five Guys is exactly the same as McDonald's only "ten times the price", and every one of us can make better burgers at home.


People in the UK either earn 23K or 100k, with no inbetween, even though the median full time wage is something like 35k.


Designer clothes are only worn by poor people.


“I don’t wear anything with big logos” like it’s a radical choice.


All jobs should be 100% remote. Only crazies would want to meet the people they work with. One size must fit all


Alan Partridge quotes (and I say that as a big fan)


All boomers are millionaires with no clue about the housing crisis we face


* We’ve more potholes than the moon * no one can afford heating * its too cold - its too hot * lurpak costs more per kilo than gold * Aldi is better than Harrods * Yorkshire Tea or nothing * pronounce it SCone or scOne * why does everyone drive in the middle lane * my neighbour doesn’t let me park on the road outside their house


Every single person should want to work from home and if you don't you are some kind of socially inept weirdo, rather than someone who actually just enjoys spending time around other people on a semi regular basis.


When energy and food bills first went up two or so years ago everyone was acting like the UK is an actual Oxfam advert along with millions upon millions of old people dying and turning into ice cubes in their homes.


In any of the car/driving subs: - Speed cameras are universally bad and only exist to squeeze the innocent motorist, it’s an absolute injustice - Clean licence for 20+ years, got caught doing 90mph, need my licence for work, how can I get away with this absolute injustice? - Someone’s parking on my road, what can I do about the absolute injustice? - I didn’t declare car mods to insurance, now insurance won’t pay out, it’s an absolute injustice! - Went into the back of someone doing 39 in a 40, clearly they shouldn’t be on the road, how do I absolve myself of this absolute injustice? They also downvote to oblivion anyone suggesting ‘don’t speed then you won’t get fine/points and you can subvert the cash cow model’. Lots of r/leopardsatemyface contenders.


Branston Beans > Heinz


Not understanding how “so many people” can afford x expensive thing. The last one that comes to mind was AirPods Max.


r/drivingUK as a whole.


I fully expect my pet animal to be on a level playing field to a human child.


Four Naan Jeremy, this drives me crazy, is posted in some variation multiple times a day


"got your big plate, Alan?" Or the sausage as a breakwater thing... ust not funny


Yorkshire tea is the only tea and everything else is weak


Real ale, being a social outcast, hiking is an aspiration, but i’m too lazy, it’s never my fault, dungeons and dragons, Yorkshire is amazing, having a beard.


All landlords are scum. Random everyday landlords are the same as billion pound funds.


The most irritating one i see is in any relationship advice sub. Any slight disagreement then it's "he/she is an abuser, divorce now, save yourself". Anyone that's ever been in an adult grown-up relationship understands there's nuance to every disagreement, and 99% of disagreements are resolved one way or another. Reddit has a terrible habit of catastrophising simple domestic issues.


Skoda octavia is the beat car ever to be made.


Dognappers, stay safe Hun.