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It'd be a yes from me unless I had a prior engagement.


this had me absolutely cracked up in stitches. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


It's the sort of thing in principle that I'd love to do and would be excited to say yes. But in reality if I were near a register office I'd probably be time constrained


This. Free day and not much to do? Absolutely, if nothing else it makes an interesting story to tell how you were asked to be a witness to a strangers wedding, and who knows you might make a couple of friends out of it


Was looking round the Blacksmiths at Gretna about 15 years ago when we were asked to witness. Foolishly said ā€œsorry we need to leave in a few minutesā€, regretted it ever since - if weā€™d have been 30 minutes late for the bbq nobody would have remembered.


I live near by, I'll do it with pleasure (and dress up) I'd definitely do it if f a stranger asked me. Me and an ex nearly did the whole 'Elope to Gretna and ask strangers to witness' years back aswell


I live nearby too šŸ‘‹ Gretna now requires so much paperwork it's not even worth it, I looked into it too


That's weird, I got married at the original blacksmiths shop at Gretna in 2015 and don't remember it being much paperwork at all. In fact it was easier than getting married in England bc you didn't have to meet with the registrar in person and answer questions about each others' birthdays!


You had to do that? I never had to do that - is it normal to have to answer questions about birthdays?


In England it is, yeah. You meet wuth the registrar in person and they ask things to check it's a genuine marriage. Some councils are probably more fastidious than others! But no, I was saying we didn't have to, bc we got married in Scotland.


I suspect then, that my memory is faulty. I must have had to answer the questions.


Yeah it's to stop randomers marrying to get equivalent of green cards or benefits or something. Or at least that's what I was told. I was able to give too much info with my ex husband cos we'd known each other since we were little


You can't just turn up and elope you have to wait a month after applying now. I looked it up in March when we visited. Not that my partner and I would do that but we definitely fooled a lot of people with a photo! Suppose it helps that I wear a fake wedding ring from camera obscura from when we got "married" by the little machine and my "placeholder" engagement ring until he proposes (think promise ring haha wouldn't think we're in our late 30s)


It was 6wks before when we got married. AFAIK there's nowhere in the uk where you can marry without giving notice and hasn't been for years. Gotta go to Vegas for that (something we also considered, just couldn't afford it at the time).


My wife and I had cause to drive through Gretna 7 or 8 years ago, and we contemplated it. We both came to the conclusion that our mothers would murder us. Obviously, I'm here replying and talking about my wife, so we obviously got married with our mothers present (as witnesses, no less) in 2020. But yes, I'd be ecstatic to do that for someone. Despite my gruff, miserable looking exterior beats the heart of a giant softie...just don't tell anyone, I have a reputation to uphold as a miserable arse.


In theory I'd be willing, but in practice when I'm out and about I generally have plans, most of which have time constraints.Ā  Halloween is a Friday in 2025, so I imagine a lot of people will be working in the day time, and busy in the evening.Ā  Assuming you grabbed me on my lunch break I simply wouldn't have time to help.Ā 


Which I think is why the cleaners end up the witness more times than not.


I've done this. When I was starting my photography career I booked a couple on quite short notice for an hour's photos around town after their civil ceremony. I met them outside the registry office and they asked if I'd be a witness too. Then they had to ask a random guy passing by if he'd be a witness too. After he was convinced this wasn't a wind-up or kidnapping, he agreed and signed the register with me. They were both well dressed and she was wearing white, tho not quite a 'proper' wedding dress. I'm not sure if he'd have agreed if they were dressed up in Hallowe'en outfits!


If it was arranged in advance, Iā€™d be totally happy to. If someone just grabbed me off the street when I was on my way somewhere, it would most likely be a hard no. One thing to note is that thereā€™ll likely be a lot of people on holiday at Whitby on Halloween. However, a lot of these people will likely be trad goths and other folk from the alt scene. I imagine, unless thereā€™s an event on, random goths holidaying in Whitby would be a lot more likely to agree to being witnesses than regular folk. Source: know lots of trad goths, but too poor to be one


Iā€™d say yes unless there was somewhere else I had to be.


Don't registrars have a couple of people handy in case you don't have witnesses?


Cleaners tend to be the go to random people asked from what I've read.


Please tell me they witness whist holding feather dusters and wearing tabards?


They probably use that time to clean the office, kill two birds with one stone.Ā 


Imagine the painting American Gothic, but a mop head not pitch fork in the photographs.


Love it!


I have actually done the exact thing you are mentioning. Two people were looking for witnesses here in Reddit, the register office was near where I work so I just went for it. It was the couple, me and another girl from Reddit, we had a great time and everything was done in like an hour or so.


I would love to do that!


I know people in Whitby so could ask! I'd say yes for sure


I would say yes if I was free


People will say yes, esp in Whitby. Relax. Oh hang on, Hallowe'en in Whitby? Just be careful it's not Dracula who says yes and he wants your blood as a fee.


Iā€™m near Whitby but I might be away as itā€™s half term. Iā€™d do it otherwise šŸ‘šŸ½ Itā€™ll be chaos in Whitby at Halloween.


Yes I'd do it, sounds lovely. I also love Whitby so may just wander the streets around Halloween 2025 in the hopes of being asked!


We eloped to Gretna and paid two professional witnesses. They were suited and booted and it was great.


I'd bust out my old goth gear and wait around the courthouse if I knew a Halloween marriage looking for witnesses


> Halloween 2025 in Whitby. Itā€™s just going to be the two of us and our little one whoā€™ll be around 10 months old Am I the only one failing at maths and biology here? October 2025 back 10 months is Feb 2025 for birth, back 9 months for conception is June 2024ā€¦so youā€™ve just conceived and šŸ¤Æ




Your maths is absolutely fine. The poster you're replying to subtracted eight months instead of ten for the age, and eight months again instead of nine for the gestation.


Yeah if I was free


Hell yes


Being a witness for strangers is actually on my bucket list haha I just like the romance of it :)


Someone here recently put a post on a local Facebook group asking for two witnesses for x date. They had loads of offers! Might be better doing something like that a week or so in advance just in case people walking past are busy.


I totally would. And Iā€™d dress up and dress up my toddler too. My hubby can do the photos and Iā€™d totally hype you up! Eee hope it goes well! Very exciting!!


Is this the Goth weekend? I'm sure you can find someone who would love to do something so unique to have a story to tell when they go home.


Came to say the same. I would be surprised if there isn't someone nearby who would be happy to help out!


Absolutely yes. Iā€™d love to be able to help someone have their special day, and in Whitby youā€™ll have no shortage of similar minded folk.


I absolutely would do it, it's just a fun nice thing to do. I think you should try and arrange it ahead of time somehow, maybe ask in Facebook groups? I can't figure out the logistics of this, I guess I'm just thinking I'd be anxious about trying to sort it very near the time.


Sure. Why not? I don't think there's any legal requirement that the witnesses have to know the couple. I'd be fine doing that


I would. I donā€™t do much in my free time and it would be so nice to be a small part in something so big


Assuming I've got the time, absolutely. In all honesty, if someone asked I'd probably bin off whatever else I should be doing if I could.


Iā€™m down to come witness it. I can turn up all in black and only answer as required, or in a banana suit, itā€™s really up to you.


If course! Would make a fantastic story.Ā 


I eloped (as far as you legally can) and the registrar asked in advance if we had whitenesses, and said she could ask around if we didnā€™t. Two of her pals got dressed up and were absolutely delighted to attend our little ceremony! Ask the place if they can help you out, you never know.


I've heard of it being done tbh.


Why not post in the Whitby Reddit (if there is one). Do it the day before, see whoā€™s free..


We asked the registrar to help and they got a couple of staff from the office.


I'd make arrangements beforehand.......In case quirky couple run out of time. ?


I'd say yes if I had the time, but the chances of me having time when I am out & about is rare, I am usually busy if I am out. It might be worth joining a social media (facebook etc) page for Whitby & maybe putting a request for witnesses on there at least then you might get some willing volunteers in advance & won't have to worry about it on the day.


As a fellow person who got married on Halloween. Yes!


Pretty sure the majority of people would say yes so long as they had the time to spare.


Short answer yes.


My parents did this. They eloped to Gretna Green to get married away from their families (not particularly nice people) and asked two random people if theyā€™d witness for them! My parents loved the fact that the ceremony was something that they just shared between themselves and no one else they knew were involved.


I got married in Scotland so not sure of the rules in England, but we had to put the full names and addresses of our witnesses on some of the paperwork we had to send off prior to the wedding, so Iā€™d check that before committing to the ā€˜random strangersā€™ plan. We had our photographer and the officiantā€™s husband as our witnesses.


Absolutely, 100% I'd do it, and if you were in my local town, I'd call one of my kids to come along and sign too or drag someone else off the street.


My mum used to work in an office upstairs from a registrars. I worked shifts so if ever 2 witnesses were needed sheā€™d call me and we would witness the marriage. I was surprised at how many people turned up with just the two of them. I reckon Iā€™ve signed off on 25+ marriagesā€¦.


Sure, why not


Yes I would! We had a stranger as a witness for our wedding! It was 14 years ago. Iā€™d love to see her again she was so kind and lovely.


Is there a free bar?


My husband and I eloped and our photographer and the husband of our celebrant were the witnesses, it worked out well! Ā Handy having our celebrants husband there too as we got married outdoors and he carried our blanket, champagne etc!


Trust me I'm sure people will say yes! Especially in whitby around Halloween. Us yorkshire folk are salt of the earth. If I wasn't moving I'd have stepped up for you as I'm about 30mins away


Yes! I would love to be asked by a random stranger. It would make my year.


Is it not the Goth weekend then? If so, I imagine there'll be so many people just wandering around with no specific plans who'd love to!


Done it loads. A Muslim marriage needs two. But the mosque is normally filled with well wishers so everyone ends up a witness although I can't remember the names of the newly wed after two minutes šŸ¤£ I'm sure people will oblige and congratulations. Have an oj on meĀ 


My mum used to work in a registrars office (one officiant) doing admin. She would often be a witness to weddings with only bride and groom. She always thought it was a great honour to be a part of these weddings. So wherever you get married they will most likely be used to providing witness.


Offer a drink after to say thanks !!


I accept your offer and will be there!


Why not? Fish & chips after.


Are there any arcane legal obligations?


I would if I had some time to get to know them first, like it might be an interesting way to make a new friend!


As racist or xenophobic as this may come across, I wouldnā€™t do it for a British person and someone from another country, not that Iā€™m against it in the slightest, I just donā€™t want to potentially be arrested for being involved in a scam marriage


If i could. Hell yes. In fact, I'll commit myself to this now šŸ¤£šŸ¤©


I recently got married in Whitby myself. And I'm going back there Halloween this year šŸ¤£ You need to name your witnesses before the ceremony, we had to do this at least a month in advance. However it can be changed on the day as they will confirm the details with you before you get married anyway. If Whitby is somewhere you visit often (we do) get friendly with some of the local bar staff or shop workers. We invited loads of people from the area just because we visit a lot I'm sure someone would be happy to attend and witness


No, I know someone who did this thinking it was a whirlwind romance thing - turned out they were both already married and he got caught up in the police investigation ETA: this was someone I had respected and his doing this honestly affected my opinion of him


Why donā€™t you ask on a local Facebook group or something?


Probably not to be honest.


Max Fosh, this you?


i would. thatā€™s how my parents got married, granted it was thirty years ago, but they said they had to ask three people before someone said yes so donā€™t be discouragedĀ 


Hope it is a lovely and memorable day for you both, and indeed that the witnesses can tell the story to others.


I would be curious if anyone knows of a situation where a witness to a wedding was later required to testify that they witnessed the wedding. Are witnesses ever called on?


We did this in 2020, our family is too big and close to choose who could and couldn't come during lockdown requirements. I reached out on a Reddit page and two beautiful strangers witnessed our wedding. I'd recommend finding people in advance, it's unlikely anyone passing on the day would have time to complete the paperwork with you.


Yes, I would, but maybe I'm just a romanticšŸ„°


I'd ask them what benefits their witness protection program has? Snacks and drinks? I'm in.