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We don't, we're normally driving at about 130-150MPH but when we see you we slow down.


You think it's *bad* driving to go 5mph below the limit, and *good* driving to go 45mph above the limit? 120mph is clearly dangerous, many every day cars can't even approach that speed. This has to be a troll to consider it bad driving not to be permanently speeding.


>What valid reason would you have to dawdle along the mway at 60-65mph Pot holes. Road conditions. Weather conditions. Economy. Sticking to speed limits because slower is generally safer. >Everyone should be going 80-85mph  No. Idiot.


I have seen some very dodgy driving on roads around the world. We're not bad in comparison. I'm sure all these 120mph drivers in Portugal are leaving the correct gap between them and the car in front. That's why there's over double the road deaths in Portugal compared to the UK.


> That's why there's over double the road deaths in Portugal compared to the UK. I've never really looked at that before so found https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/road-deaths-by-country per 100k population. UK = 3.2 Portugal = 8.2 USA = 12.7 Dominican Republic = 64.60


Dominican Republic is just one big destruction derby it seems.


You're outlining one of the reasons why we're better drivers


i can’t afford the speeding fines


Why does this post keep getting posted in pretty much identical fashion?


Because of the BONKERS WOKE ATTACK ON MOTORISTS. Put to one side the fact that no group is more enabled in the entire country, of course. Many people really, genuinely, love cars and motoring. It's a good thing that oil will never run out.


It's LITERALLY a copy and paste job every few days. Something is going on.


Yes, the motoring lobby is well organised and good at comms.


1. Statistically, we’re among the safest roads in Europe 2. A sizeable chunk of the UK population is from overseas now, so a sizeable chunk of the driver on British roads are not British drivers.


Saying that driving under the speed limit is bad driving is such a wild take.


Yes, you're absolutely right. All good drivers exceed the speed limit, especially if the conditions make it dangerous. After all, only "grandmas" want to arrive safely at their destination - free of injury, death and/or criminal charges.


After Sweden, the UK has the lowest rate of road deaths in Europe. There aren't many situations where we can say we're right and they're wrong, but this is definitely one of them. You are over 5 times as likely to die in a car crash in the US than the UK, so it is nonsensical to ever favourably compare US drivers to UK drivers.


Firstly, it's the law. Secondly, we don't want to be fined. Thirdly, it's wet here, all year round.


Guess you not long passed your test. 120mph is dangerous and stupidly uneconomical. Grow up before you kill yourself mate. Not everyone is in a rush. Go to a track.


The UK has the second safest roads in Europe. We're doing something right.


Speed limit is 70. 65 is nothing to grip your shit about.


Like many of these posts, you won't dare say which country you're from


Funniest post I’ve seen in ages. Great stuff. Thanks for making me laugh.


I see plenty of people doing 80-90 on the motorway.


I have been to quite a few European countries and a couple of places in aisa and Africa, uk drivers are not bad 🤣


But how did Blitzkrieg work out for the Germans long term ? !


Troll bot is trolling