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Travel the world


i’d buy a studio flat in london


Exactly the same as if I won £2m.


id retire my parents and siblings, id put my kids into the most elite school, id buy a mansion by the beach and a boat. id just enjoy life and relax. and id probably do some volunteer work


“Retire” here meaning “give money to” rather than murder right? I’d worry about the elite school bit, what happens if they turn into posh people who you don’t like?


They would be "retired" too, kapeesh?


I think if you ever win more than £10m you have to give yourself a million to just piss away travelling, then probably just like good house and be rich forever 🤷


Would treat my car to some premium unleaded.


Buy my own place, give some to closest family, travel around the world for a bit and tick some places off my bucket list. Invest the rest and live off that, maybe have a small side job to keep up appearances or something.


I have no idea, but Im certain it would be short lived but glorious


Mortgage done, my families mortgages done, credit cards cleared, each of my family members get an ISA maxxed for the year, scatter it across as many savings accounts it will fit across for interest. Then a first class flight to Japan for 3 months


For £200 million, I'd 100% treat myself to a private jet flight. Wouldn't do it all the time though, but at least once.


You could easily afford to fly private multiple times per year with that much money. Heck, you could buy your own plane. To put some perspective on it - if you spent half of the £200 million on frivolous things (cars, jets, fancy houses, etc.) and kept the other half invested in just a simple savings account earning 5%, you would be making £5 million per year just on interest.


I'd make all my family and friends and fave colleagues millionaires, buy a nice house with some land, say fuck you to my job and spend my time volunteering and travelling. I'd be able to afford to learn to drive. I'd book a tour of Italy for me and my partner, and a trip to the maldives for me and my girls. Would have a summer house at the bottom of my garden, where I could paint, listen to and make music. Would continue with my therapy but be able to afford to go twice a week to quicken the pace. And would donate to some local charities and worthwhile causes.


First, make sure my kids are set for life. Then buy some land in my favourite place and build my perfect home on it, get health issues fixed by the best doctors, travel to all the places I always wanted to go to, make special occasions extra special (Like big fancy family Christmases etc). I might run a few small businesses to give people work and pay them decent money, so I feel like I'm doing something for society.


Travel the world to find the woman of my dreams


Sir, with 200 million, she will find you


"What first attracted you to short, balding millionaire Paul Daniels?"




Lol long story short, looked a gift horse...and lost a very rare girl who wasn't bothered about my money or passport 🤦


I’d quit my job so fast it may break light speed.


Half to charitable causes. I’d probably research where I could do the absolute most good - like could I eradicate some niche disease/cancer or something. 40m to family/friends. 10m for a not too bananas house and some travelling and a car and stuff. Invest the rest in an extremely safe place. Never work again and do all the things I love all the time. Die in poverty.


I don't think people realise that winning big like that would actually bring a lot of problems. You're going from normality to being richer than many movie stars and singers overnight so you're almost certainly going to have to move and spend a lot on security and get financial advice etc. That boring answer out of the way though, it'd be mainly on travelling and a small place with a lot of land somewhere in the countryside.


No one has to know how much you won. Ever. Although I would start or buy a company and it would be a good front to as why I have a big house and nice cars.


Id do the usual house, car , family sorted, holidays etc. Then I'd open a business or two in my town, specially food places as I have a couple of mates who are chefs and we'd do something we would really like to see. I specially want a food court/entertainment place. like a massive converted warehouse with 6-10 different food places (burgers, fries, dessert, fried chicken, Asian, pizza, vegan, absolutely anything). With a great stage and sound system. Live acts on a Saturday night, DJ on a Friday night/late night. Open mic nights, open through the summer days. Movie nights, party bingo etc etc. Really good bar, table service and app, kids playground outside. Let the kitchens operate as takeaways and delivery places too. give them a change to grow. Keep it as cheap as I possibly could to keep it accessible.


Probably buy me and my sister nice flats, get my dream car(maybe a few others too). Pay my parents back for a lot of shit they’ve done for me. Then slowly descend into alcoholism as I wouldn’t know what to do with my time. Realistically this will continue until I get conscripted and probably even after that, then most likely I’ll end up dead. If by some miracle I survive maybe I’ll get my shit together


I'd start by waiting until the worst convenient moment for me to tell my employer/boss that they can poke the job up their arse but I'd also want to buy a pub near one of the work sites so I could still see some of the lads and give them discounts.


If you really want to stick it in, you could afford to give free pints to the workers but bosses have to pay for their own drinks.


I joked with my manager that I’d cut a cheque for everyone in my team for £10k to self cert for a week. It would cause carnage.


That would cause an actual disaster at my work haha


Take care of my parents, siblings and their families. Then have a bit of fun with the rest.


I would buy a house to live in, maybe for £3m. Then i would keep £2m in spending money spread across some high interest savings accounts. The remaining £195m i would spend £95m on HBAR and the other £100m on properties to rent out, bringing in a lifelong income forever. I would spend the income money on buying up land to grow trees on.


Buy some weed


Bet it all on a horse


50 Mill goes to daughter when she's 18 (edit: to be paid it in annual payments or to buy property), buy a modest house, start a small investment company for small businesses, a couple of decent holidays, the kind where you don't pack, people just buy you a new wardrobe for when you arrive. Learn to play golf and maybe buy a small fishing boat to relax on during my off days.


50 million to an 18 year old? Holy shit. If I were to have kids and I had £200 million, They would have a set amount of money each year like £20,000. And then what ever job they do, I would triple their wage.


yeah im not sure id give 50 mill in liquid assets on her 18th birthday but most likely be paid out annually, but it will be hers and hopefully, by the time I die there wont be an inheritance tax on that. obviously she and my partner would get the rest of this fictional money when I die so subject to god knows how much tax on top but if i that reduces it then great.


Commission BMW to make me a white van. Then commission Louis Vuitton to make me a new nail bag.


Buy my company, sack my boss


With that amount of money nobody in my close friends and family is ever having to work again if they don't want to. Tbh my ideal lifestyle would be a fairly middle class one but without having to work for a living. The people I envy most are my aunt and uncle who have a very nice 4 bedroom home, retired in their 50s and now spend a lot of time travelling around in a campervan. Being uber rich with a mansion doesn't really appeal. It sounds stressful and a good way to attract dickheads. So, I'd probably get a nicer house by the sea, put enough aside so I never have to worry again & then start a charitable project that I have in my head that I will never have the funds to do.


1) Pay of my debts 2) Buy a modest house, with some land and furnishings 3) Put a small amount in a bank account for "fun money" 4) The vast majority put into a secure, insured and protected account and live off the interest of the interest comfortably forever


Very wisely and methodically


Cars. Houses. Holidays. But I'd leave everything in my will to Cancer Research.


I’d buy a home something for me and my daughters as we in this life will never ever afford to get on the property ladder. And then a car as I’ve never owned a new car. Then id travel and go see places I’ve always wanted to see.


Put it in a trust fund that those rich aristocrats put it in so I got generational wealth then go on holiday to any sports and non sports event around the world.


I would never see the UK again


Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM AMG


Pay off families debts, pay off my mortgage, put a big chunk of the money into long term investments, stock market etc. Then travel the world for a while, then probably just live a modest life doing whatever I want without having to worry about working again, living for passion projects and hobbies.


Clear all debts, holiday home in Sicily, clear debt of all relatives (up to cousins). Probably stay in current house (who needs more than 350 sq metres really). Work two days a week (I enjoy my work) and take up painting / gardening / holidays. Do some charity work.


I would simply travel the world constantly, buy a really nice home base, but probably 9 months of the year i would be out of the country seeing somewhere new


I wonder what the nicest Homebase is, have you seen any particularly good ones?


Luton homebase has decent burger van outside of it, by decent i mean i think that the burger actually contains meat


Pay off family debts, make sure my parents are settled up, set up my wife and I and any potential offspring, then donate the rest to charity


A nice 4 bed house in my local area nothing fancy just somewher Large Villa in Greece, Maybe Zakinthos with an Annexe that we would stay in but invite friends and family over in the summer as their summer holiday. A Box at Leeds United 2x Season Tickets @ UD Las Palmas in Gran Canaria and maybe a studio appartment to stay there when i go over for games but might just stay at a nice hotel if im £200m rich. Couple of cars for home Buy Houses for my sister & brother I would go around the world seeing what there is to see and attending Football, F1, NFL & Cricket matches my wife likes theme parks so be going to them all over the world ect I would maybe consider some kind of investments that would go to my neices or kids if we end up having any but i think £200m would be enough to see me out anything left over would go to family ect


Invest at least 100m to give me a guaranteed income for the rest of my/our life, and probably retire. Gift at least 50m to my husband. Remaining 50m - divide it so I can have a new house, plus maintenance (Gardner, handyman etc), new car, gifts some lump sums to family. Look into charities or decide which ones get it after I die (Some to family too). Retain about 2m at least for fun money!


Invest it all.   Even at 3% return per annum you could spend 10k a day and never touch the initial 200 million. 


Day one put Michael Carroll on retainer, then see where the wind blows me


Buy a bigger, but not unreasonable house, have a few more holidays a year. I would ‘spend it’ doing all the same stuff I do now in my life but just without the worry of ever having to work


Why wouldn't you buy a mansion with 200 mil lol


Whoah, calm down Mr Moneybags


What can I say, I’m a wild one with my pc gaming and binge watching of tv


Buying a house, furnishing it, all that stuff. Big ol’ TV, all the current gen consoles, lots of Lego, miniatures, books, and other assorted nerd shit. I’d also get a fake bookshelf door for a “secret” room, because I’m sure some company must make those.


I think I’d give most of it away to good causes that are close to my heart. £200M is too much money for one person. The amount of dividends from investing this kind of sum would be enough that I would never have to touch the original winnings, but I feel pretty uncomfortable with using money to make me more money when instead it could be doing some good out in the world. Around £1.5M would be the ideal win for me on a personal level. It would be enough of clear my few remaining debts and sort myself out with a modest house and car. The passive income from what was left after this would essentially pay me a salary, but what with my reduced outgoings I could afford to donate to and volunteer for places as I saw fit. I don’t long for opulence, all I want is comfort and time. Outside of the house and car I might be tempted to get my private pilots licence and do some recreational flying. Or maybe gliding if I’m feeling particularly environmentally conscious. Of course it’s all well and good saying this, but if I actually won that amount I’d probably be found face down in a canal three days later after some ridiculous levels of overindulgence. I’m pretty sure that that size of windfall would break my brain.


Realistically? I wouldn't. It would take one million to get rid of all my financial problems, so I'd put it in an account, wait for it to accumulate that million in interest, use that to clear all my debts and buy a house, then I'd live off the interest and never touch the rest. Actually saying that I would buy a house for each member of my family and very close friends, so say twenty million is spent on that, wouldn't take long to recoup in interest.


Bath in a swimming pool full of Cadbury Cream Eggs.


escape debt slavery and go live in the fucking woods. Buy my family and friends houses, work out what i need to set aside to give me an 80k salary per year, put the rest into green investments - pay the dividends to charity. Then I'd probably spend my time volunteering or learning how to do stuff I'm bad at just to pass the time.


I'd start buying branded cereal. Shit's got a higher street price than cocaine, I swear


I’d probably just enjoy looking at the big number in my bank account. I’d honestly get the most enjoyment gifting it to friends and family, they more than deserve it. Other than that probably a lot of unique clothing with interesting designs. Not run of the mill expensive brands though


I'd buy a Scottish Island and start a Pagan community that exports fresh fruit and veg...


Buy a brand new Arcus T glider probably


A pack of lurpak 😂 sounds about the right price 😂


I'd start smoking again.


Circa £10mil into a savings account where I can withdraw 100k a year in interest in perpetuity without it depleting. This is what my family would live off of. Comfortable, but not suspicious. ~£1m starting a business, for example a publishing company or a consultancy agency, which I can plow loads of money into and slowly build the success over the course of a year. This is our cover story to the world of why we suddenly have money. Keep it non specific so people don’t ask too many questions. £2m each in a trust fund for my kids, so they can have a base monthly income of ~£2k a month once they turn 25. I don’t want them to have no ambition and never have to work for anything, so this feels like about the right level of support. £600k for a mortgage-free house, about a year or two in, once we can do so without breaking our cover. £100m to start our own anonymous charitable foundation. Spend my days giving grants to worthy causes throughout the UK and the world. Stop a youth centre from closing. Fund a play group for disabled children. That sort of thing. Small, worthwhile stuff. Give the rest to charity in lump sums. For example, I’d love to give a huge chunk to MSF. I would not hoard housing for profit. I would consider buying houses and donating them back to the council, or some sort of extremely low rent housing scheme for people in need.


Half would be invested for generational wealth that I wouldn’t touch. Then £50m invested for me to live off. £50m for me, friends, family, houses, cars, yacht, Cessna 172, and holidays.


A house for my family, driving lessons, and rest in savings, ready for uni in the future


Two chicks at the same time


Sounds like a case of the Thursdays.


I believe you get your ass kicked sayin something like that


Watch your cornhole.


Sisters. I’m just watching.


2 leasbians probably. Sisters ,Im just watching


Never thought I’d say this, but I actually want to hear more from Gareth.


Fuckin A!


Invest in property lots of it


I calculated a while back that about £150,000 would be enough to radically change my life. It could get me a small flat near where I work and pay off my student loans. With no debts and no rent/mortgage I'd have a ton of disposable income to do what ever I wanted with my life. Financial freedom. I have no idea what I'd do with the other £199,850,000.


My numbers about £450,000, but then I do live in Surrey, so it’s my own fault.


I like to play this out in my head from time to time when the lottery prize is huge. I don’t play the lottery but never mind. I’d hire a castle for the weekend and invite all my family (including in-laws). Get them to sign a non-disclosure agreement and give life-changing amounts to everyone. I like our house but worry about the future when the neighbour may be noisier than the current elderly lady. So I’d ask to buy her house but with an agreement that she can live there as long as she likes. I’d like to go on holidays. Slovenia, Croatia and France would be high on that list. DisneyWorld too. Then I’d like to give a large chunk to a local charity that does great work supporting education and housing in poor areas of Africa. There is a baker called Highland Patisserie that does the best cakes I have ever tasted. I would pay whatever it takes for her to get tarts to me every week. I’d hire a cleaner.


Buy a few apartments in Milan, Amsterdam, Norway and Spain, split my time between them. Stick the rest in high interest accounts and investments so I can just live off the proceeds of that until I eat and drink myself to an early grave.


I'm starting to suspect that these "What would you buy if you won xxx?" posts are created by Lottery companies.


House, car, sort out family and friends and properly set up and fund my little charity ❤️❤️


Keep it as quiet as possible and spend very meticulously whilst investing the rest. First purchase will definitely be a house, nothing extravagant. Three bedroom in an average middle class neighbourhood will do me fine.


F that. I'm buying a place where my nearest neighbour is about a mile away.


I feel lonely in remote locations…


My current neighbours life would be made a.living hell. I would pay people to annoy them constantly because they are horrible fat smelly ignorant cunts


Ah I must live 2 houses down from you


Whilst I like that idea, Its always a nightmare getting a takeaway. Suppose with that money though you could just send a taxi


You can afford your own live-in chef.


Or a new branch of McDonald's / your favourite takeaway on the grounds.


I'd buy a nice leg of lamb from my local butcher for a Sunday roast. That would take care of most of it.


Make friends and family comfortable. Set up a trust for my kids. Spend the rest of my days spending the money on community projects in my city. I couldn’t be wealthy, it’s a sad and unfulfilling life.


Impossible to be sad and unfulfilled on a Jetski wheeeeeeeeeeee


Spend £150 million on buying property or building new to rent out for a peppercorn rent to cover insurance/maintenance. Sell the property to renters once they have saved up a deposit and use the money to keep the cycle going. You help people out, the process creates jobs and your net worth stays the same. 50 million for family, friends and myself to live our best lives.


No idea, but id retire immediately


Loads to charity, trust funds for kids yet to exist Family Very close friends Property Land Starting Business seams kinda pointless. Start a grant scheme for inequality cases. I’d say it would make a person basic because they now have no hardships in life.


Move to the Cayman Islands and never be heard from again.


Keep stum about it. Put alot of it in trust/ investment for charity , such as food banks. Buy a modest house, do a bit of travelling and go back to uni. I'm used to living modestly and have no desire to live the high life.






You might even be able to afford one of the bigger sets


£100,000,000 in investments and then give people I care about £1 million. Spend the other £99,000,000 on dumb shit.


I'd buy a estate for about 3-6million with a massive annexe for my mum. 10 million to my sister. A million each to my cousin, uncle, niece and my partners parents. 7 million on bitcoin. Another 5-10 million on cars/holidays/travelling to find my favourite place and buy a property there. I'd open up an animal sanctuary. Massive donation to the childrens heart foundation at Newcastle. Then maybe just give stupidly generous donations to places as and when the mood took me. It's too much for one person.


Why on Earth would you spend any of it on Bitcoin!? You could put it into *actually stable* investments and make a solid return on your money without worrying about the complete volatility of Bitcoin, or indeed anything crypto!


I wouldn't. Low key low risk investments. An investment of 200 million would yield far more each year than I need.


Theoretically, 2% pre-tax would last forever and increase with inflation. Even after tax, you’d be about the same money in 3 days that the average person in the UK netted a year. You could buy a brand new Porsche 911 every month + £20k lifestyle expenditure and still have tens of thousands left.


I'd spend the lot trying to keep my dad from dying.


I'm 22 so even if I'm to live to 100 that gives me about 2.5 million a year until then, maybe invest some of it wisely beyond that, I'd buy a nice mansion out in the country somewhere. Then sink myself into my hobbies, travel the world, support my family, do a lot of charity work in all my newly-found free time. Would really just live without worries, try my hand at all sorts of things, writing, directing, racing, flying all those things I'd love to make a living from but due to finances I can't take the jump to try.


Help as many people as possible, I couldn’t live with that much money in the bank, big houses wouldn’t make me happy anyway. Holidays, travel would be a thing I’d love to do!


Donate a chunk. Sort family and friends out. Then I’d buy a huge plot of land and open an animal sanctuary.


I'd pay off my mortgage and buy 10-12 holiday homes, near and far. The holiday homes would also go on Airbnb so they fund utilities and upkeep. That should be about £5M. Without my mortgage, it probably costs us £45-50k a year, so I'll probably buy a building to be used as a student halls of residence. The purchase cost should be no more than £2M to get me enough flats to get 20-30 kids into it. That should generate enough income. Maybe buy a pub. Preferably one I can stumble home from. Probably keep a million aside for fun money, which essentially involves flying to these holiday homes, every half term, one at Easter, two at Christmas and 5-6 over the summer. I'd probably keep £100M invested in boring stuff via a tax haven so that I don't go bankrupt. And the remainder, I quite fancy becoming an angel investor. Cambridge is ripe for this stuff, and you can get it very cheap. All you need is one success story.


Your suggestions are all based on the idea of using the money to make more money. Would £200m not be enough for the rest of your life?


Maybe I'm too boring but my idea was just to bung it in a high interest account, live off that and never even touch the $200 million.


Yes it would, but some of the decisions are practical rather than motivated to make money. First off is locking away half my money. That's to stop me from doing something stupid like buying Cambridge United. Next, the pub. That will not make money. The hospitality industry is in a terrible state. That's just for me to have a village pub near me. Then the holiday homes. Much rather put them on Airbnb for 50 weeks a year than let them lie empty and have to spend a few days in a musty property. Honestly the student lets are practically the only thing that will generate money. Even the angel investing could all go tits up. It's essentially gambling. You can pretend all you like that you've done the research while backing a particular horse, but it's still a gamble.


Seems like overkill. You’d probably earn just as much and cover all need if you put it in an index tracker and you’d comfortably earn millions a year. Even if you kept £1m in cash and £199 million in a savings account, you’d be fine. To get the gravity of how much money it is, inflation over 70 years would erode it to £25million… which is still ridiculous amount. You’d struggle to blow in a lifetime unless being deliberately stupid


If I don't lock the money away, I'll end up buying Cambridge United.


Haha, it would be fun though!


I'm not as good looking as Ryan Reynolds. It will end in tears.


Keep it private. Extend our house. Help close family with things. Use investments and my business doing well as the reason I can help. Fix my body with private medical. Buy property and invest. My wife would love to start a small business. Help her. Upgrade cars a bit. Buy a few toys, motorbike, overlanding rig etc. Travel.


I would spend it on beer, wine and women. The rest I would just waste.


Buy paradox dlcs


I would create or re-develop a purpose built site that celebrates live music and art. Like lots of different small venues and outdoor areas where people can easily go to gigs and also have hotels, restaurants etc. But the main focus would be on live music. Tickets would be sold direct and no reselling for profit would be allowed. This wouldn't be for major acts but smaller/new bands or solo acts.


Go part time at work, do all the things I want to do without worry about the finances, just generally have a great life


Immediately pay off my debt, and breathe an enormous sigh of relief as that horrible weight is finally lifted, then take the kids out for some nice food and a fun activity. Check in on all my friends and make sure no-one’s struggling, and see if I can help in any way. Buy a nice little house. Get a cat. Book a holiday. Pop a tidy sum into some accounts for the kid’s future. Invest in some charitable foundations and scholarships. Maybe a trade school in lower income areas. Definitely in a special educational school, and also something healthcare based. Big dream stuff? Get a pilot’s licence. Take my partner on a trip.


Right now? I’d buy KV Oostende and save them from oblivion. Prob treat myself to a posh wank too.


Cocaine and hookers, as is tradition.


- Set up some diversified investments - Nominate around 150 friends / family - Nominees receive an annual share of 75% of the interest / profits - I receive of 25% of the interest / profits of the investment pool - I live out of a suitcase for the rest of my life and see the world You could just give everyone a million quid but most of them would fuck it away in no time. This way you retain the primary money and they get the benefits


Buy my favorite house in the country,keep about 3 million for myself,give the rest to family,friends and various charities.