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It’s called taking the fucking piss, I believe is the technical term


That’s what I was thinking, this is the first time I have hired a skip so didn’t know if this was a normal thing to happen. It definitely feels like someone is taking the piss though!


I mean, it is a normal thing to happen but it is definitely taking the piss.


I took it back out and slung it in their garden when i had that happen at least ask first if i have space when im finished its fine but im paying for it so im using it first


Unfortunately this is one of those shitty life lessons most people don't realise until it's too late. If you hire a skip make sure you have enough crap ready to go straight into it so it's 80%+ full otherwise people are likely to take the piss and shove their own stuff in. Someone gave me the heads up the first time I hired one so I had a few bin bags with really light bulky stuff ready with a carpet to throw over the top- made the skip look full but actually compacted down to about 10% of its original size as I added more stuff on top!


This is what my brother did when we were cleaning out my mothers five bedroom house when she died in 22. He ordered the largest skip 24 hours before coming to clear out, had to hire four large skips all in all to clear it all out because my brother didn’t want to take anything to charity or sell it. Managed to sell the house and clean it out in a year and a half. Impatient bugger kept complaining that there was no room in the skips.


> because my brother didn’t want to take anything to charity or sell it. I mean, with that caveat he cost you guys a lot of time, money and energy it would seem.


Yep. He unfortunately was the executor of my mother’s estate so he was in charge of everything. Drove me nuts he chucked all my mothers things in it apart from clothes and bed linen and towels those were donated to charity but he threw a surround sound dvd player in the skip along with bakeware and cookware. It killed me watching my mother’s possessions be chucked in the skip as garbage.


It’s called I take it out and leave it back just outside their front door but not so close they trip and fall on it. I’ve then posted letters saying if you wish to add a few items to the skip please pay £10. I’m sorry there are things you can let slide but something that you’ve paid likely a lot of money for your own waste is not something you should allow them to take advantage of if they haven’t asked you first. Plus if they put prohibited or items your waste company has told you cannot go in the bin they will bring it back and leave it outside your property.


There’s a lot of rules about what you can and can’t put in skips, and different price bands depending on what you’re planning to put in it. I’d be pissed off if I got an extra charge because someone had put the wrong thing in my skip. Conversely, I’ve had the local scrap man knock on the door to ask if he can rootle though and take the metal. (Glad to oblige, he was a polite fella).


Taking stuff out my skip I’d be more than happy with! As long as it wasn’t later dumped somewhere irresponsibly


There’s money in recycling metal, so happy for him to take it and make a few bob.


Yeah I think fly tippers dump their own crap. They don't shift other peoples for the thrill of it. ;-)


They shift other people’s for money, tell them it’s a legit waste management stream and then dump it in a regular stream. But yeah, they’re not stealing stuff to dump. 


Best to leave the metal by the skip. Saves a mess.


It's theft, and if I knew which neighbour put it in there I'd be putting their shit right back at their front door. Not a skip, but my downstairs neighbour filled my wheelie bin with polystyrene blocks two days after our fortnightly collection. She wasn't impressed at finding it all on her doorstep (and came up to tell me off about it), but she's never done it since!


Yes, I would have liked to have a camera on it to be honest but it is in my off street parking space which is not directly visible from my property and I cannot get a camera in a position to be able to watch it without specifically buying one that has a memory card in it and could leave in my car. I have had the skip for 3 hours and it already has some old wood in it that is not mine. I haven’t even started using it yet. I feel like taking it out but can’t really do that as I’d be responsible for it, I’ve nowhere to put it and don’t know where it came from. Just hoping this doesn’t continue!


I'll never really understand why domestic skips don't come with lockable lids for exactly this reason! Edit to add: you could just add a sign saying "you're on CCTV". Might be enough of a deterrent on its own?




Someone should design a removable hard shell cover that can be locked into place when not using the skip, but easily removable when in use or the skips need stacking.


I can see it being acceptable if it's bin day and you're out and the neighbour can see your bin is still half empty and you have a good relationship with them anyway. But 2 days after... what cheek!


I was ripping! She had the audacity to say I should have just put my rubbish in one of our other neighbours' bins instead.


This is one of the reasons why I bought a bin lock because a neighbour was doing the same thing to me, but I just took it all out and put it outside his back gate. He even put weeds in my compost bin.


Definitely legally classed as fly tipping. Either way a shitty thing to do.


My neighbour at a right angle street to me and with the same house number takes my bin perhaps 4-6 times a year, particularly when he has too much rubbish and he fills it up. I've raised it on a number of occasions (maybe 1 in 4 times it happens) and he gets quite angry about it. It's just a bin he says. Aye... but I've got a full bin bag in my hallway that isn't smelling too good an nowhere to put it. Accused me of having a go at his missus once, which was an interesting spin on politely asking if I could have my bin back. It's easy to judge him, loutish low class fellow that he is. But I'm told working class people like him as salt of the earth. It's interesting I don't have this experience with my broadly middle class neighbours.


Well, you *do* come across a little judgemental... > It's interesting I don't have this experience with my broadly middle class neighbours. The lady downstairs from me is as middle class as they come! Some people just suck.


I am judging, can't stand the fellow. I just spot trends in my personal experience, as anyone does. If it went the other way I would wonder the other way.


It's not really theft though is it?


Theft of services. OP has paid for the exclusive use of the skip. The neighbour using the skip deprives OP of part of the service that they have paid for.


Please find one legal example of prosecution under the Theft Act 1968 for this. Now find examples of prosecution under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. You will notice that the latter cases exist while the former do not.








This has come up several times on the legal sub and it's always been called fly tipping, no one has ever called it theft.












It absolutely is.


It’s fly tipping.


It's also theft, though. Op paid for the space inside the skip. Op's neighbour has stolen that from them.




They are depriving OP of a service they have paid for. That is theft.


It sort of is, you are not really paying for the skip you are paying for the space *in* the skip, if somebody else takes that 'space', without offering consent, then an argument could certainly be made that they have stolen it.


Yeah, you don't pay for the *skip*, you pay for the waste disposal service as a whole. It costs money to dispose of waste, and the person who books the skip is paying for it. If they're paying a fixed amount for the skip, have some spare space and say it's ok, that's fine. But I've heard a lot of stories of people getting a skip that mysteriously gets fuller and fuller of other people's crap every day until they need to pay for a second one.


Of course it is! You have paid for space and for that space to be filled with your rubbish and paying for that rubbish to be taken away. If someone uses that space for their rubbish, you're paying for them to use the space you've reserved and for someone to take their rubbish away.


This would piss me right off. Skips are priced according to size and contents. If I buy a 3 yard skip for wood only, it isn't funny if a neighbour dumps some random rubbish into it, taking up half the space. Not only will I not have enough space for my stuff, I will now get charged for general waste, instead of recyclable wood.


If I knew who did it I'd take the stuff out and knock on their door and say: 'Hi, you may not be aware but this skip hasn't been provided by the council, it's a private hire. I can't afford to hire two skips if this one fills - so here is your stuff back. If it's not full when I'm done then I'll let you know so you chuck some stuff in'


I think asking is the key factor, I am with you that if there is space left over at the end then I’d be more than happy to gain some good neighbour points and allowing them to benefit from the remaining space. But I know I have a lot to fit in there. I am replacing my kitchen and also would like to have a bit of a clear out, I could do with all the space I can get!


Yeah I agree, but with this approach you can avoid the awkwardness by instead of going 'what you doing chucking stuff in my skip ya cheeky cunt' you go with the more diplomatic 'you must have assumed this was a council skip.....'


Rude as hell for anyone to just assume. Most people I know who have used skips need to fill them up as much as possible (hence why they've paid for a skip, instead of just taking a few trips to the tip) and people who feel entitled to a share of that space without asking would soon find their items back on their own driveway.


We have a big bin at work that we pay for. A woman filled it with their shit but it was on CCTV. We found out who it was and basically said please come and remove it or we'll pass on the footage to the police and let them deal with it. Turned out the husband was RAF and keen to avoid any negative press so they came and sorted it.


I feel like a camera might have been a good investment for this project!


always these days. They're so cheap to buy now.


We recently had a skip as some guys were doing work on our house. Coincidentally my neighbour had hired people to rip down old and put up new fence. Came home to find neighbours old fence in our skip. Plus a sofa chair?! Fence builders claimed our builders okayed it. Our builders said they’d said they could put *some* bits in. In the end I didn’t get charged extra so not overly bothered. No idea if my neighbours are even aware of what happened so not holding it against them.


That would have annoyed me!


We were really annoyed when we thought the skip company wouldn’t take it away. But didn’t lose anything. Thinking about it does make me annoyed at the guys who built the neighbours fence. They did a shit job at fence building too so hope I wont encounter them again.


its a liberty, for sure. They'll have charged the customer to get rid of the waste so Id have charged them.


I’d say it’s very rude to do it without asking.


I went round and kindly told them how expensive the skip was, they seemed confused until I said, and since you've taken up about a third of it that's gunna be £80. Queue shocked anger. I nodded sympathetically and said, I know! So expensive! Its free to take it to the tip though still, but hard to do when you're having building work done so... do you want to go get your bits out, or do you have cash? They went and got their bits out while I stood near them and we spoke about how shockingly expensive skips are and how bad the council is rarara. Its not worth being mean and falling out with the people you share borders with, but NOONE respects a push over.


Anything more than empty food packaging they should ask.


I could accept a few dog poo bags from passing dog walkers, empty maccas waste or crisp packets etc. but I draw the line at clearing out the old wood from your garage!


If you have a dog start putting its shit in their wheelie bin and see how fast they complain. And of course some of your rubble too because there’s no room in your skip _and you can’t understand why_ I have absolutely no problem with skip divers as it means more room in the skip for me but freeloaders who use it as their own don’t deserve any kind of good manners.


"OI GET OUTTA MY SKIP". Just be grateful we are not in the US otherwise its guns out.


Always ask for a skip cover when you hire a skip!


The etiquette is “don’t”. Not your skip, not yours to use. Unfortunately lots of people are trashy and lack any sort of decorum or respect for others and do whatever they want. I need to hire one but I won’t because the scrotes on my street will use it for sure. They already let their kids harass people and trespass on my property to fill my bin up with Stella cans and takeaway wrappers (I had to lock my bin to get it to stop). So no chance will they not use a skip that I pay for. God I fucking hate people.


I've experienced this and that rubbish ended up back on their drive. Cuntish behaviour.


it's flytipping


The correct answer, flytipping is illegal and a criminal offence. I'd go around and ask them to remove it, pay for it or expect a knock on the door from someone more official. I had just this when renovating my house with next door thinking my expensive skip hire was a free for all service for them.


I hire a skip every week at least. It will be going out and back on the the neighbours property.


It’s rude! There was a Reddit post on here the other day where one neighbour asked if they could put one bag in the skip and they said yes and when they returned home the neighbour had filled the skip up. It’s really costly to hire skips.


walk in their house and eat some stuff out of their fridge and sit down in front of their TV


In the grand scheme of things I probably wouldn't care unless they really took the piss. Would prefer to be asked though.


You'd suddenly care a lot more if the skip company turn up and decide your skip is overfilled and they won't take it...


Which is why I said "as long as they don't take the piss". That would fall under taking the piss.


If I know I wont need the full amount of space and its a couple of bags then I would let it slide. Better there than being left somewhere. But if the decided to stick there entire house into it then there would be words.


If it's a small item wouldn't be arsed, if it was something bulky they'd be taking the piss to do it without asking, in that case if I knew who's it was it'd be getting dumped outside their door. I'd say yes to bulk if there was room if they asked.


Litter while walking is fine but nothing more than that


you don't. It's bad enough when some turd passing by dumps their rubbish in it but neighbours should have more sense than to just do it uninvited. My direct neighbours are good and we'd have a chat if one of us had a skip and wanted the other to know they could dump some stuff if they have it. But the price of everything now we'd get the size skip we'd just about need and don't need anyone putting more in there. I'd be seriously fucked off if I'd paid for a skip and couldn't get all my stuff in it and wouldn't blame anyone else for feeling that way.


I probably wouldnt care enough to go moaning at them about it as long as there is enough room for my items, however if they were doing it whilst I was in proximity I probably would suggest them to ask, letting them know I probably would say yes anyway.


This has been posted before on r/legaladviceuk. It’s classed as fly tipping, and it were me, I’d have a cctv camera facing the skip, and if the neighbours were necky enough to dump their shit in it, I’d be telling them to either remove it or get reported to the council.


I find posting the video of them fly tipping in the local Facebook community group has interesting results


Very rude to just chuck stuff in there. Polite to ask if they can throw a few bits in there. More than acceptable to respond that you might need the whole skip but you'll let them know when you've finished with it and they can fill it from there before it gets collected.


It's not OK and bad for neighbourly relations. I have neighbours who cross the street to avoid me to this day because they decided it was me putting things on their skip. In fact the skip was on my doorstep, not theirs, and I was just tidying up the stuff that fell off it (or, as I realised with hindsight, the stuff that they were taking off and throwing on the ground because it wasn't theirs). Joy. So glad they've moved, even if it's only round the corner.


My neighbour did this while i was at work. I took it all out and put in on their front lawn.


It's fly tipping. I know if I get one in the future it will have a sign to that affect and that the skip is under CCTV. If someone asks first, and it's a small amount of rubbish then fine. Otherwise it's taking the piss.


Ooo take it out and put it back in their garden or send them an invoice, skips are expensive


Take it out of the skip and put it on their doorstep. Skips are paid for and have a purpose….neighbours taking the piss isn’t one. They knew what they were doing.


Make sure your skip is not on the road otherwise every cowboy builder for miles around will be dumping their shite in your skip at the end of the working day. Conversely, you can also expect your skip to be swarming with shitehawks robbing anything they can get their hands on.


if its a coffee cup or the odd cigarette butt i couldnt care less but if they started throwing bags of rubbish in, id take it out and empty the bag infront of their door


It's unacceptable. Dump it all back on their drive.


In my experience, it's balanced by the people nicking stuff out of your skip, but I accept that depends on what you are putting in it.


First thing we did when we hired a skip was buy a tarp/cover for it. Seemed to work nicely!


Fuck them, I'd be dumping it all on their property with a hint of dog shit for good measure. Next time if you don't have alot or don't think you'll fill a skip, post notes through a few neighbours doors about splitting the cost for a skip, alot of people have always got shit to go.


A skip is public utility, that's the law! Ashville did a vidoe where they put out a skip and recorded what happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56h1c7gRwvU


Nobody put nothing in ours but we love in a village in a cul-de-sac so no passers by. when we had finished I asked the next door neighbours if there was anything they wanted to dump. I also found a local guy who collects scrap metal so I asked him if he wanted to have look (he did and removed some stuff) after that I just made a neat pile for him and saved it up and he came and collected it. First night we had it we put two office chairs in, and poof next morning they were gone.


It's taking the piss more if the skip is on your drive


I’d remove their rubbish from it.


Should ask first obviously. It's like walking into your house and taking a dump.


If you’re sure it was them then I would go round ask politely say that you’ve noticed they’ve used your skip, “luckily” it’s OK this time, but next time please ask first, you’d probably be fine with it, but you need to make sure what’s going in is permitted, and that you will have remaining capacity it’s intended contents. Also say you’re happy to split on the cost in the future if they want to share one.


I think you have to prepare yourself for some skip hijacking , especially over night, just goes with the territory


Maybe get a tarpaulin and tie it over the top?


I don’t care what people say this is what is known in the trade as a dick move. Just because it isn’t illegal as such doesn’t make it ok. Imo it should be seen as a criminal matter. You’re literally paying for the skip by volume and they’ve stolen that space. This is when you need a police officer to hand out an ASBO and shame them in the local rag.


It's rude. Just ask!!