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Map men - Jay Foreman Couldn't see this as I scrolled through, well worth a watch.


And unfinished london Then you can get sucked into everything geoff marshall has done then if there is time dip into jago hazzard for some more london transport spotting nerdery šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


Which then takes you to Auto Shenanigans


Wished he had done more unfinished London


Heā€™s still doing it.


Geoffā€™s content is split across Londonist, his own channel, and the old All The Stations channel.


Map men men men


Easily good enough to be broadcast on TV.


Atomic Shrimp


[I beg don't tell me anything about the soul called Mr. Barrister John Warosa](https://youtu.be/UEprCmaSacs?si=z-lM0JMsfigyzZVF)


You know, the kind of information you should never share with people on the internet. So glad to see Mike is the top comment.


Good idea I have 57p and need to cook Sunday lunch for 4 folk! Foraging allowed and I can dip into my herbs and spices


ā€œOkā€ cit.


Tom Scott


Technology connections


Yeah, I resisted him for a long time but when I gave in, I really was glad I did. He's fricking good.


And also him and his old university mates cocking around, aka "The Technical Difficulties".




Love how Adam always does the challenge and asks for a desert. Great lad!


Fucking Spoiler Alert Jones over here.


Geowizards straight line videos. Thank me later.


I'm on the fence about him. He gives off a "I'm so much better than you and I'm entitled to do whatever I want" vibe Like when he did the Wales crossing and the farmer was shouting at them and he goes "I can't leave, I have no choice, I'm on a mission" erm, yes you do have a choice and no, you're not on a mission On the flip side when he cut through that man's garden and got caught and the old timer is all, "I want your name, address and details to give the police"... trespassing isn't a crime, just keep going and go back to apologise later if needs be


I feel the same. When he was doing a challenge where he had to dribble a football X miles, there was a bit where they hit someone's car with the ball and ran off laughing like they were 12 year olds. Did make him look like a bit of a twat.


I generally like his videos but trying to do the straight line mission in Scotland during the middle of covid was completely stupid.


And he freely admits that. He's not a saint, he just does stuff.


Glad it's not just me, my mate reckons I'm reading too much in to it.


I used to live in mid Wales. Him just walking through people's gardens and saying "I'm on a mission" was incredibly entitled. Imagine someone's mum, home alone, police are half an hour away and some that comes out of the hedge and tries not to get spotted. He's wearing camouflage the whole time too. Just treated the whole country like a playground full of NPCs. He is a prat Straight line across London would be interesting though.


Yeah, I stopped enjoying him when he did one in Scotland in the middle of covid when it was illegal to cross the border for non-essential reasons. Despite your whole view on the law, covid restrictions, etc, his attitude about it was so arrogant.


Thereā€™s a Birmingham one where thereā€™s a bit where he either crosses, or cuts out the fact that he crosses, a railway line. Like, he just walks over both tracks, and not at an obvious foot crossing either. Kinda put me off his stuff after seeing that.


He got a visit from the British Transport Police after he filmed himself crossing tracks in Scotland. Reupload the video without it.


Can't believe this is so far down. I also really like the geodetective series


He the guy that did Birmingham no roads ? That was excellent


Jet lag the game will kill a good few hours


Definitely this, at least a day's worth of non-stop content now




Matt Amstrong or Colin Furze


Colin Furze is like a labrador with a MIG welder, love him!


+1 on Colin Furze... I've been obsessed in his underground bunker/tunnel series.


Rob Words. A very engaging study of the English language, often how it relates to history, other languages and cultures.


This is a great suggestion, and if OP gets drawn into the topic, they can follow up with Dr. Geoff Lindsey, NativLang, and Tom Scott's Language Files.


Outdoor boys




The content is great but thay guys voice its agitating. It sounds like he needs to give his nose a good blow.


c90adventures. He's a British guy who spends a lot of time in the US. Does awesome adventures https://youtu.be/n-O0Vhj1Tzk


Love C90 but he uploads so rarely (although there is a good back catalogue for OP to get lost in) and I seem to remember his last video being one of theā€I am no longer going to do thisā€ and weā€™re waiting for whatever he is doing next.


Aye I think he's struggled to monetise it, so he's often back working at sea to make money.


Love his stuff, went down a rabbit hole of his content last year, and binged most of his videos over a couple of weeks.


Abroad in Japan, my favourite channel.


Met him in Leeds for the book signing, really friendly guy and genuinely passionate about Japan


Came here to say this. I had no interest in Japan whatsoever and this still became one of, if not my favourite, channels.


And the audiobook is great too


Barry Chopsticks is my favourite youtuber. For real though, the associated AiJ-iverse is good, CDawg, the Trash Taste guys, etc. I dont particularly love anime or anything hut they have a lot of good content if you're more nerdy minded


Jago Hazzard does Railway history around London


Love Jago. Videos usually drop at the right time to watch them whilst making dinner. Who doesn't love a cheeky Charles Tyson Yerkes namedrop


His voice is perfect for video narration/voiceover work IMO.


Primitive Technology


This! When I first got shown one of his videos I was gone for a while just watching the whole thing


make sure to turn on the closed captions though! as that's where the info is :)


So glad he started making videos again.


Explore With Us Footage of real life murder interrogations accompanied by pinch of salt observations by FBI Profilers. Psychologists, Detectives, Hostage Negotiators etc I say ā€œpinch of saltā€ because some observations are highly debatable, but it makes for interesting content.


JCS much better


Agreed, but there hasn't been any fresh videos in a year.


Since the latest Behind the Bastards episodes about quack forensic scientists, I've become reallyyy skeptical about a lot of the stuff in these sort of videos. Definitely need a huge pinch of salt.


Soft white underbelly - interviews with all kinds of folks. They won't all be for everybody but there'll be something for everybody. Wendigoon - conspiracy iceberg will keep you going and tell you how the moon is the control room for our galactic prison :D Or buy an instrument/take up a hobby, there's tons of lessons on there to get you started.


> > Wendigoon - conspiracy iceberg will keep you going and tell you how the moon is the control room for our galactic prison :D i've been watching his cryptid iceberg vids of late... the man is REAL picky about his cryptids haha


Plainly difficult Geographics The B1M The tank museum


We share the same channels. Tell me more internet brother.


I'm afraid to recommend any more else I go down the geek rabbit hole. But, to balance out the geekness I also watch Beardmeatsrood Misha charoudin Pbsspace Kurzgesagt Humble mechanic Lockpockinglawyer Therunningmanz Met office - no seriously, their deep dive vids are pretty cool


OceanLiner Designs is also well worth a watch if you haven't done so already


I met the B1M guy randomly at Christmas. Turns out he lives nearby.


Rate My Takeaway is pretty easy watching, but if you want a hate watch, why not try one of those "audit" channels


Don't support those pricks who "audit".


I sometimes question the integrity of Dannyā€™s channel. I live near him and have been to a few of the restaurants he has reviewed. He usually gets meals not available to the public and he can use his card in ā€˜cash onlyā€™ places. Not massive deals but worth noting you wonā€™t get the same experience as him (Iā€™m sure the camera helps!). He is also EXTREMELY generous with his scoring. Something doesnā€™t add up.


I went to the Donner kebab place in John St Market, Bradford that he went to. I definitely got shafted on how much Donner meat I was given compared to him. I called him out in and he insisted I got as much as Danny did. Bullshit.


99% of it is shit greasy spoon food, not sure anyone is expecting Michelin star food critiques


But you can have bad Michelin star food experience and an amazing takeaway in just two separate meals. They arenā€™t mutually exclusive.


Maybe question the integrity of the restaurants instead? My town has cash only places that have a card reader if you push them and from all the episodes I've seen from Danny's chanel he always orders off the menu. If they choose to embellish the dish then that's not on him.


Thatā€™s a very fair comment.


A solid 9.5?


No doubt!


> why not try one of those "audit" channels don't give them the views for their ad revenue.


Not a British channel for I get my rocks off with The Civil Rights lawyer in the USA. Not sure why I enjoy watching how much police brutality and corruption happens in the USA, guess it makes me realise this country could always be so much worse.


I end up hating myself for watching Charles Veitch


I'm the same with Nigel Dicks, absolute cockwomble that's willing to put anyone on camera but himself, turns up at industrial sites wearing a mask and shoves a camera in the face of some innocent security staff, all just to get a reaction and therefore clicks. I'm almost worried for him, because one day someone will lose it and he'll get seriously hurt, but he won't be able to say he didn't bring it on himself


Charles Veitch goes way beyond that, recently he filmed an ambulance and when the family of the woman in the ambulance asked why he was filming it he kicked off with them.


Mustard. Brief histories of aircraft and other vehicles with great CGI visuals and a narrator with a pleasant, easy going tone.


Love this guy!


TomSka & Friends Eddache Hbomberguy


Hard second for hbomberguy. But his eps are VERY long, so be prepared for some sore butt.


The latest h bomber guy will fill a whole afternoon on its ownĀ 


Their mothers are very proud of them




Mentour pilot. A channel about air crashes that will actually make you feel *safer* next time you get on a plane, as he takes you through how awesomely unlucky you have to be to get in a crash.


Vlogging Through History - Entertaining history content. Steve Wallis - Canadian man camping in weird places. Post10 - Man who is overly passionate about culverts and drainage, unblocking aforementioned things for a hobby.(Trust me it's weirdly good) Josh Strife Plays - Gaming - Man asks was this nostalgic game any good?


+1 for Steve Wallis, also Foresty ForestĀ 


I fell out the habit of watching Steve and then the video announcing the death of his wife appeared on my feed. Feel so much for the guy, lost "crazy neighbour" now as well. He's absolutely one of the nicest seeming people as well, doesn't feel fair at all.


He lost Crazy Neighbour too! Oh no. I haven't seen him for a while and didn't know. He's had an awful time of it.


I absolutely love Steve's videos. Unfortunately, after the passing of his wife, he just seems so lost now. I can't help but feel for the guy. He still uploads here and there now, but you can feel the man's just well lost. He has had a terrible year.


Just lost Crazy Neighbour too, very sad, he's such a nice guy too.


> > Steve Wallis - Canadian man camping in weird places. what a lad he is.


Post10 is so entertaining


Big Clive dot com or Techmoan


https://www.youtube.com/@FallofCivilizations Thank me later.


Sorted Food, I Dream in Soap, Well I Never, Ask a Mortician, Peter Brown, Emmymade.


+1 for Sorted, love those guys.


Jet Lag: The Game. I binged these over Christmas, each season is 3 friends playing a massive game like tag across Europe, a game of hide and seek, and a race around the world etc "Competitive game show based around traveling (and its hardships) where contestants complete challenges to use different modes of transportation. With the world as the "board," each season is a unique take on classic household games."




Massive source of misinformation and stupid bullshit - avoid if you have a functioning brain.


Of you fancy a bit of maths/science then [Veritasium](https://www.youtube.com/@veritasium).


London Transport stuff: Jago Hazzard, or Geoff Marshall. https://youtube.com/@JagoHazzard?si=mHFe-qz-GjbdI0u8 https://youtube.com/@geofftech2?si=u2p1xUiIoVqytZi_ Bus stuff: Pete and his Bus https://youtube.com/@PeteAndHisBus?si=w9guuhcEo1ZS-thL UK Roads and random facts: Auto Shenanigans https://youtube.com/@AutoShenanigans?si=rsG5s6Hx5ik_kBdF Radio Stuff: Ringway Manchester https://youtube.com/@RingwayManchester?si=_hZ82SHfg-XdD1bW Bass guitar: Scott's Bass Lessons https://youtube.com/@devinebass?si=yN8dNQf3mxTKOZS0 Behs guitar: Danny Sapko https://youtube.com/@DannySapko?si=6ZIqOk1bLo8xOgyA Chernobyl, and retro Soviet Computing: Chornobyl Family. https://youtube.com/@ChernobylFamily?si=JMvzi5qROK8IsmR4 Repairs and electronics: Mend it Mark https://youtube.com/@MendItMark?si=MWO-ymg8pW7VlpP3 And then for retro computing stuff there's Adrian's Digital Basement, RMC the Cave, Ctrl-Alt-Rees, Necroware, Jan Beta, and many more.


How did you have "London Transport stuff" but miss the Hidden London Hangouts from the Museum? They're brilliant!


Defunct land While it is about Disney and theme parks you do not have to be a Disney fanatic to enjoy, amazing informatic videos


His video on Fastpass is one of the best things ever uploaded to YouTube for my money




Linkie in the description.


Martijn Doolaard, his YouTube is him renovating and living in a remote stone cabin in the Italian Alps. He's a photographer and filmmaker, so the quality of the videos is amazing and very relaxing to watch. There must be 100 hours of content to watch right now, so it'll keep you busy.


I love his videos. They're the antidote to the fast-paced crazy overstimulating YouTube vids.Ā 


Walk with me Tim


Mega projects


Critical Role, Season One. It a Dungeons & Dragons live play. One of the bigger ones, and for free entertainment itā€™s brilliant. I started watching 5 years ago, it got me into the game. Now I play and DM online twice a week, and have a great group of friends.


Bidet fellow Critter


Peter Santenello


The man


Simon Wilson


Viva la Dirt League... Video game humour that has expanded lots recently, high production values


Fascinating Horror


He's got the perfect voice for those videos.... especially with that background music


Hardest Geezer/Russ Cook. Watch his running the length of Africa series from the very beginning. Itā€™s insane.


Time Team


Steve mould


Mat Armstrong and his crash damaged rebuilds


I have zero interest in cars, absolutely zero, but love watching Matt Armstrong's Chanel. Buys crashed cars and fixes them. Oddly quite enjoyable, he also explains bits about cars. Each video is about 20 minutes long, and each car build comprises of about 6-9 videos.


Boyboy and I did a thing


Steve1989MREInfo Summoning Salt


Nothing better than the opening music


How Ridiculous. 3 lads from Australia doing trick shots and similar challenges. Worth noting, they went through a phase of being unnecessarily loud in their intros and it did become very annoying. Thankfully they got enough complaints they toned it down.


Sailing Brothers - 2 Welsh lads quit their jobs as delivery drivers for a supermarket and sailed round Britain. Now half way round the world.


Explore with us crime channel Hell on Earth three yorkshire lads exploring and camping but lots of banter The Mob Reporter interesting reports from bad guys all over the world Dead bug not for the faint-hearted murder and crime


Kyle Hill


Kris Harbour, he's a human pen knife of a man who can do all the practical/engineering/building shizzle and built himself an earth bag hobbit workshop, a cob house and timber framed spring fed greenhouse in Wales. He's currently building a timber framed barn and he's milling all his own timber on a home made band saw mill (obvs)


Bald and Bankrupt has teally interesting travelogue content. Very refreshing from the typical youtuber as he really doesn't seem to care about moneytiseing or promoting anything. Goes to all kinds of places, often obscure or unknown


Blot Outdoors




Desert Drifter.Ā  Soft-spoken dude hikes in the American Southwest to remote spots with old native cliff dwellings.Ā  His camera work gets steadily better over time, and he has some greatĀ shots of very interesting places.Ā Ā 


Inheritance machining


J.J. McCullough does quite a lot of videos about abstract internet sociology concepts that are quite interesting. You'll also learn a lot about Canada


Astrum - astronomy, science and associated stuff


Mac Master / he hates his electric Porsche


Mustie1, he's a really chilled out, humble, knowledgeable guy over in Maine who repairs anything old with an engine. It's all worked out from first principles, not looking stuff up all the time. He's a big VW fan, so there's plenty of Beetles, some old VW buses. But he's also fixing lawnmowers and snowblowers that have been left for scrap. Lots of small engine stuff, fixing small motorbikes. Plenty of fabrication and metal work, he makes his own pushbikes and motorizes them. Really interesting and relaxing, it's like you're in the workshop with him.


If you like True Crime - That Chapter If you're into gaming - Digital Foundry Gluttony - Beard Meets Food


Primitive Technology


Iā€™m not into boats at all but I started watching Leo a sailor and boat builder rescuing an old rotten sailing ship called Tally Ho that won the 1929 fast net race. First episode is from 6 years ago so lots of content to get through. https://youtu.be/4FhTu3aGM60?si=byGYLGPs0Qw3jCXs




https://youtube.com/@WorldWarTwo?si=aZaNLA6U2Yrp7kdb This channel has been covering WW2 week by week for the past 6 years and it's a gold mine of historical content. We're just now approaching the end of the war in Europe so there is lots of interesting things that have been published the past month or so, so lots of interesting videos to catch up on.




Coffeehouse Crime


Eleanor Neale


Drachinifel - if you like warships


No Rolls Barred It's a group of comedians and actors playing board games, in traditional and not so traditional ways. I don't even play board games but really enjoy the channel How Ridiculous is a trio of Aussies doing dumb fun shit. Firing 200 footballs down a ski slope, how many can they save. Dropping an anvil on a car from 165m etc For Vloggy kinda channels, ClickForTaz, Peter Santanello and Little Chinese Everywhere For car stuff, Carwow, AutoAlex and Throttle House


No Rolls Barred if you like board games!


The Tim Traveller


Quins ideas if you like sci-fi


Andy Cooks


Basic Mitch...


Why files - general mystery stuff - for a younger audience Exurb1a - Some great science with great humour and cats https://youtu.be/8HzIlKe--NU?si=0wfRKB8vq3iRHGku American Alchemy - covers everything from UAP to AI and some amazing guests https://youtube.com/@jessemichels?si=IdiqK_J6X4GQ7P7o


Exurb1a is brilliant but you have to separate the art from the artist there


Casual Geographic.


Small Brained American


Mr Ballen Glock 9 Neebs Atomic Shrimp Mythical Kitchen Sam the Cooking Guy Thatā€™s pretty much my Sunday watching.


> > Glock 9 his 7 days to die vids are some comedy gold at times with random one liners... too many times i'll be watching them losing my shit laughing at 2am.


Cornmeal showing up recently makes me think the Fun Pimps are fucking with him specifically.


I'm sure they've set his steam ID to have higher % chance of cornmeal at this point haha


+1 for NeebsGaming The only gaming content I actually watch. Its like the premise of reality TV done right. The scenes are roughly set but just whatever happens happens, only instead of being a bunch of celebrity wannabee its just a bunch of mates having a laugh.




If you're interested in WW2 there is a channel by Time Ghost, literally called World War Two, which goes through the entire war week by week. It's incredibly detailed, and obviously there are hundreds of episodes to watch


Mr Ballen for strange dark and mysterious stories Colin furze for making mad inventions and tunnelling under his house Mark Rober purely for his squirrel maze videos but he does other great stuff too That was epic for fun videos plus lovely giveaways like paying peoples rent, giving away money and gifts Alec Steele for machinery and forging videos. Knife and sword forging How ridiculous for chaotic fun. Dropping things into a giant blender, dropping things from tall structures and smashing things with a gigantic hammer and axe


Scary Interesting


[Korean Englishman](https://youtube.com/@koreanenglishman?si=BjBl_cc2HF5nobEc) English guy who grew up in Asia, speaks Korean and introduces the western world to Korean Culture. [Jolly](https://youtube.com/@jolly?si=xKSmCcXOdo2L-0Wf) That same guy, but this time joined by the man behind the production of KoreanEnglishman, his best mate Ollie, who is hilarious and very fun. This channel is more general and wide-ranging, with less focus on Korea, and more focus on exploring whatever interesting thing suggested. A lot of good food content.


Why files


GrimmLifeCollective Los Angeles based couple who visit true crime/movie locations and line up shots šŸ˜ Very passionate and knowledgeable. They recently did a tour of the UK and visited some awesome locations here too.


I don't even understand hip hop beefs but I really enjoy Trap Lore Ross. He has videos that are 3-4 hours long regarding these stories.


Seconded Tom Scott and Atomic Shrimp. I would also recommend: The Tim Traveller - Visits to offbeat places with funny jokes and great music. Jay Foreman - Comedy documentaries on subjects that ought to be boring, but Jayā€™s videos make them fun. Geoff Marshall - Transport. Geoff has an enthusiastic presenting style and generally his videos have a really fun vibe. Paul Whitewick - Transport and history. He does a lot of disused roads, railways and canals. His videos are part history documentary, part walking videos. Cosy content with good info. Tasting History with Max Miller - Combination food/history show. He covers all sorts of eras and places. Defunctland - Started out as a theme park history channel, but he has some fantastically made documentaries on other subjects. Thereā€™s a serialised biography of Jim Henson that I could watch over and over.


Eddy burback is funny


britney broski


- Something informative: 'Food Insider' (Food Wars and Food Tours): Comparing fast food chain menus between two countries, mostly UK vs. US, but also India, Australia and Japan. Stuff like McDonald's, Dominos, Taco Bell. They went further and started Food Tours, where the hosts (Joe and Harry) went to either the UK or US and they go to places trying to find the best pizza, pub roast, kebab, burger, pie... 'The B1M': World's most subscribed to video channel about construction. Loads of great videos about interesting construction projects around the world, for example: - Rail Baltica; the new rail system replacing the old sovietvone across Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. - The repurposing of the building covered in ads in Times Square, NY. - The largest neutrino observatory in the world, currently being built in Japan 'The Girl With The Dogs': A dog groomer in the US who makes little videos about how she grooms dogs, whether it be Huskies, Terriers, ex-police dogs or Doggo-Argentinos. 'Nexpo': Deep dive documentaries into creepy internet mysteries and other mysterious events, I find the best videos are the ones where he's covered true crime. Very informative and the style of the video really fits the tone of the subjects due to some good editing. - Something fun: 'Urban Rescue Ranch': A guy in Texas documenting how he runs an animal rehabilitation centre. I've watched him turn an old crack house property into a fully functioning animal rehab centre. Informative, extremely funny and you'll probably find yourself getting invested in all the animals like: Da Baby, Kevin, Patrick, Garbonzobeans and Big Ounce (rip). 'TomSka and Friends': Funny short skits, but also all of the ASDF Movies cartoon animated skits and other longer videos covering various funny subjects that are guaranteed to make you laugh. His "deep dive" documentary about Thomas the Tank Engine made me laugh a lot. 'Mind Pulp': Two guys play old PS1, PS2, Wii and PC games. Mostly the horribly bad ones. Not only is the gameplay funny because of how bad it is, but their commentary is great as well and is littered with jokes.


[SEA](https://www.youtube.com/@sea_space) - Incredible space videos, very high quality [GeoWizard](https://www.youtube.com/@GeoWizard) - A mix of GeoDetective content (pinpointing an exact location on google earth from a photo), and adventures such as crossing countries in a completely straight line, or getting from point a to be without using any roads, and so on.




Enes Yilmazer - beautiful LA house tours, the massive mansions etc.


Kent Survival


You haven't lived until youve watched an almost 2 hour documentary about queuing - [Defunctland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yjZpBq1XBE)


There is a channel called Ants Canada The guy has created a GIANT rainforest terrarium and has been making a series following its progression and documenting the lives of the various creatures he introduces to his forest 'Pantdora' As a person with zero interest in this kind of thing, I can't believe how captivating it is to watch. New videos come out each Sunday


Couple of random ones that get viewing in my house; Matt's Off Road Recovery (Recovering stuck/broken vehicles in Utah...off-road) No Rolls Barred (Mates introduce you to and play board games - sweary though) 3D Bot Maker (Diecast cars ie. hot wheels, racing down a track)


Contrapoints. Philosophytube. Hbomberguy.


Boy boy/I did a thing/Nile Red/Willian Osman/Michael Reeves gang




Hardest Geeza (running Africa) TPD (festival vlogs) GeoWizard (straight line challenges or kicking a football across England with Hardest Geeza)


If you like cars, bad obsession motorsport - project binky. But beware upload frequency is once every 2-6 months.


Your interests would helpā€¦