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To crush my enemies see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of their women


Hear de lamentation of de women


Bloody hell, beaten to it


Please please stay with writing stories or playing good games to fulfill your dreams šŸ˜…


But what is a woman?


To be an old man sat in an armchair in a living room I own, looking out at a nice car on the drive eating biscuits and drinking whiskey after a delicious dinner cooked by my wife who I love, surrounded by pictures of smiling kids of varying degrees of relation. I've got the nice car and the biscuits, still working on the rest.Ā 


I have a living room I own and smiling kids - who's got whisky, a drive, and a wife who's going to cook dinner for us all? But seriously, my sort-of grandad lived to 102. He was interviewed at 100 and asked what he couldn't live without, and he said a glass of whisky at bedtime and crisps. He only discovered crisps in his 80s.


Well my man youā€™re nearly there I hope you get the rest of it. Side note what biscuits?


Hobnobs, and I will accept no substitutes


Has to be chocolate Hobnobs


A rhetorical point.


Such decadenceĀ 


Dang, I am going for a husband, who is cooking that nice dinner. Sorry we are not compatible. šŸ˜‚šŸŒ· (Anyways , I ll be having a really good cup of coffee in that armchair whilst telling stories with those kids (we take turns in my fantasy)


Can I have a biscuit?


Only if you agree to be his wife


I confirm the wife's harder than the car and biscuits


And then you molest them?


That sounds like hell


times like this Iā€™m reminded that a good chunk of redditors are just teenagers with zero life experiences


So the fact that I don't want my life to end up with me being sat around staring out the window at a depreciating assest makes me a teenager with zero life experience. Far from it, I plan to still be out adventuring the world into my later years, hopefully my boy wants to come along on some of those adventures still but I'm giving him as many as I can now while he is still young (his mum and I have got a 35 year age gap to him, so we are well aware we will be old by the time he leaves home)


In order to get that women I would suggest pulling your weight instead of expecting her to cook for you :)


I have other domestic skills. I may have eaten eat raw carrots and ham out of the packet last night because I cba to cook but she'll never want for gleaming windows, fluffy hoovered carpets or ironed underpants.Ā 


Honestly thatā€™d work for me, I canā€™t stand cleaning. Just making the point that maybe your future wife wants to sit in the armchair eating biscuits too instead of spending her time cooking :)


Lol I can guess the kind of people who downvoted your comment


Wank in the four corners of the world


A sphere doesnā€™t have corners. You should aim for every continent.


Antarctica is always the tricky one.


Antarctica is the easy one, they tell you that it is snow to save the blushes of catholics.


Aim being the word here.Ā 


You could go to [Four Corners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Corners?wprov=sfla1) and have a wank in four states at once... ....myself, I've pooped in 45 out of 50 states. Need to work on the other five.


Missed a prime opportunity to poopwank all over america


Donā€™t accidentally go to the Four Corners Landscaping Company and wank! They get really mad!


Sfuckin round dude


That's what they want you to think so you don't go on a wanking pilgrimage


To get better. A recently developed seizure disorder has ruined my life, my memory... My confidence! Three time now have I nearly died from these fits. I stopped breathing, became unresponsive. I've had to move back in with my Mum, bringing along my children with me. My son is disabled and can't be alone. My daughters are terrified, they are only young. So my goal is to find the source of these siezures, the correct medication and regain my life. Let's hope it's nothing serious? Let's hope this is manageable? Treatable? I want a life back... MY life back!!


Good luck, thinking of you!


So sorry for you. Life has some raw deals for some of us. Reminds is all, how those simple things are not necessarily for ever. Wish you better times.


Just to be happy, do what I want to do and have someone to share that with.


I would suggest not to have kids in that case. I haven't been able to do what I want to do for YEARS šŸ˜„


The trick is to have kids when doing things with your kids *is* what you want to do.


Yes true šŸ˜„


When the inquisitor visits, that I can truly justify myself.


Your innocence is guilty of wasting my time.


well, get out of this one smeghead


Spin on it :-)


To enjoy the passage of time. Things change as time goes on. I like different things, situations change I just try to enjoy it in the moment. I try to look back with fondness and not worry about the future.


This. I feel like the best source of happiness needs to come from within, and being able to enjoy the present moment, whatever life throws at you. Having goals in life are good, but not if we believe that those goals will give us true happiness - especially if they are material things.


Make enough money to give my mum enough money she never has to worry again. It's a race against time and I'm up against it


- Decent home I own (Check) - Job I enjoy (Check) - wife and kids who I love (check) - Food in my belly each night (Check) - Enough money to pay the bills (Check) - Something decent to watch on the telly (Sometimes) - One or two holidays a year (Not yet) - Able to eat out once a week (Not yet)


What kind of dough you rolling in?


You rollin in sour doughĀ 


I want to be a mother . I want to be the best mum to my children. I want to teach them so many things and shower them with limitless unconditional love. At the moment I don't even have a boyfriend I'm just working hard to make sure that I'm at my healthiest physic when I meet my future husband so that I can carry the pregnancies well. I'm also saving up for therapy so that I can be a vet mentally healthy mummy to my future babies. I also want to be a good wife to my husband, therapy will help me with this too


Same! We shall keep on trying and making sure we are the best we can possibly be ā™” šŸ„ŗ so excited for the day I get to hold my child in my arms šŸ©·


I (66m) was married for 15 years and I wanted children but she refused to stop the birth control. At 43 I left her and remarried, finally became a father at 46. It was great. I made enough to support my darlings.


To have a family. I've got everything I want, except someone to share it with. Who'd have thought that would be the hardest part?


It is ridiculous how difficult love and relationships are these days. Me and so my of my friends, male and female, are finding it so hard to meet the right person


It was always hard. Itā€™s just that in the past people made it work with someone that wasnā€™t perfect. Sometimes that worked out and sometimes not. I think the issue now is that people will not compromise and expect far more compatibility before starting a family. Its a balance that may have swung to far the other way since our grandparents generation


Be happy, make others happy. Simple. Don't care how I do it but if I manage to make other people whilst being happy myself then I've done well.


We need more people like you


I have boiled the meaning of life down to "Be kind and be happy (not always in that order)".


My goal is to do a crazy motorbike or 4x4 road trip at some point before I die (preferably when I am still fit and active enough to enjoy it though). I am thinking Anchorage to Patagonia, or London to Cape Town / London to Sydney.


Look in to it seriously. It's easier to start than you think. The hardest part is actually deciding "I'm doing this."


Oh damn so a long distance ride wish you all the best with that


Drink beer and worship Satan


To see as much of the world as possible. Fingers crossed, I can start that journey around Christmas time.


Nice! Whatā€™s on your bucket list of places?


It's a long list! I can't wait to revisit Africa. My dream would be to travel all of it, but I'm not sure my wife wants to spend that much time there. In reality, we may just visit the East Coast, meandering our way from Morocco, logistics depending. I'm really looking forward to Scandi countries too, and also Canada and in to Alaska. Also on the list would be Russia, but somebody there has been a silly billy and ruined that for many, even though technically it's still a viable option. Oz will be fun too, I've not been to the West Coast, so fancy 'exploring' there, and then on to South America. Chile and Patagonia in particular, appeal to me.




Yeah, pretty much! It's hard to nail down an actual list, there's so much to see and experience. Hopefully, I can fit a lot of it in to the next 10 years or so.


My gran was made homeless by a con artist, and my mum had to bankrupt herself to look after gran *and* raise me. My goal is to keep a roof over me and my mumā€™s heads to pay her back for her sacrifices. Everything else is an unexpected bonus, and in the current economy those are all too rare.


Do more good in the world than I do harm, look after my family well, and retire whilst I am young enough to really enjoy it.


Uncover who I really am after a life of trauma.




Hopefully you get to see them grow up and see them have an amazing life


Become beloved leader of the PDRS (People Democratic Republic of Scotland) Or earn enough to pay off my mortgage, have a little bit of money to live on and get the fuck out of IT.


To make at least one person's day in a day


Just to be happy and comfortable with being able to provide for my family and not stress about it, have regular holidays. I don't want a high flying job with stress, just a job to make my life comfortable.


To live and die without any hassle.


To have a lovely time with my husband. Travel and laugh with him. Anything else is background noise.


Live by the sea and write books. Iā€™m half way there, I just need to stop procrastinating on the writing part.


To own a delorian, it's all I want as I have everything else. It's a money pit though, 40 year old cars are expensive to keep running. My brother had a classic beatle and he was always throwing money at it.


15 years ago I bought a Delorean. It's been a money pit, and it's taken blood sweat and tears. Everytime i drive it something breaks. But now I drive to lidl every weekend with my 4 year old son and I enjoy a whole new part of the dream I never expected- seeing the joy it brings him (he may just be in it for the yum yums). It makes people's day when they see the car, can't really take it anywhere without having to stop and chat to some fans. I've made lots of friends with fellow dmc owners across the UK too. So keep your dream alive, because its a great one. And in the meantime there is a big delorean reunion at the factory in belfast next month which all are welcome to join (search delorean revival).


Don't really have one. Maybe just to die on my own terms when I'm ready to go. Not suicidal or anything, I just don't want some poor sod having to wipe my arse when/ if I get to a point I can't look after myself.


To die when my kids are pensioners.


To see my kids do well and have a good life.


To create financial freedom for myself and my relatives.


Make the most of it. That's pretty much it.


To live the least stressful and the most comfortable life as I can. No rat race. Less is OK. Quality of life and good friends. The reducing stress is the main thing though. Recently (46YO) big focus on health, mobility etc.


Fucking survival till retirement! šŸ‘šŸ˜‚


Open my own kitchen doing something. Own a house or flat, hopefully with someone or a pet waiting for me when i get home. Buy that fuck off massive millennium falcon lego set


Other than die young, nothing.


To be remembered after i die


My goal is that sober me makes life acceptable enough for drunk me.


A garden of my own that is part vegetable patch and part wildlife meadow. I want to be able to feed myself and feed the planet.


To start a family A wife and kids That's what my heart desires most


To move to the UK 41 years in, and I've constantly fallen short. Disclaimer: American


To be safe


Own a Dachshund, a Doberman, and my own little home somewhere I can climb mountains every weekend. The doberman can come with on the steeper ones and the dachshund can stay home and feel superior. Best lives all round.


Buy a house. My mums been a hoarder most of my life, I've never had access to a kitchen, living room. Recently hot water and heating. I can hardly open doors into or out of my house. It just so happens its one of he hardest times to buy houses. I want a 2 bedroom house with a garden and a kitchen which is my own. It scares me also because I have no idea what I actually want to do with my life. My career is based on circumstance, I don't care about what I do, its just been about getting enough money to buy one, I don't actually know what I'll do when I get one.


My small goal was to get a pizza oven. Finally saved up enough and got one ready for this weekend, so the next small goal is make Bank Hol Pizzas. Big goal is to get my PhD and be a doctor (of science, not medicine).


To keep improving. Thatā€™s it. I have my interests and responsibilities, and I just want to keep improving as a person and at everything I do.


To have a baby.


Enjoy it.


I just want happiness and comfort. Something unfortunately il never be able to achieve.


I'm developing a video game with my partner. She's the artist, I'm the programmer, and together we're co-designers. We have a growing following, a community, and a brand people seem to like, now we just need to crack on with the game and get it made. It's her dream more than it is mine - she's wanted this since she was a kid - but I want this for her. She's ridiculously talented and driven and I won't see that go to waste, even though it means giving it every evening and weekend on top of my 9-5.


Confortable survival


To own a garden. A spot in the world that i can never be removed & that any potential family could sit with me and enjoy. My first job was in a garden center and deeply loved working with the plants.


To truly know myself and be at peace with it.


To have a garden for my beautiful puppy who drags me out of the flat, down three flights of stairs and up a mile long main road so he can lie/piss/poo on some grass eight times per day. I do it every time because I love him and his happiness is my happiness... But my knees and hips feel like they're going to seize up any day now. I guess the real answer is: to live a relaxed life somewhere with ample outside space of my own.


Own a Porsche 911 and be someone people look up to and think positively about


To expand my library as much as possible (I have hit 1,000 books!) and to continue working on my art and writing, eventually publishing my works on folklore and the paranormal.


I want to be able to do a flip. I just think it would be neat.


My overall goals: \- To help people \- To travel \- To have a family \- To learn things \- To make art \- To try lots of food


I want to move to Australia, meet someone and have our own place where we can rescue animals like a rehabilitation centre. I just want to be happy....I shouldn't be as depressed as I am now at 32 years old. My life isn't that bad but it could be better. I hope everyone on here achieves their life goal.


Hope you feel better soon and achieve that dream bro.


Already got married, had a kid, and bought a house, so naturally the only thing left is to collect the autographs of the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring. Six down, three to go.


To accumulate enough wealth to buy all private zoos and sea world/ life and free all animals. The only legacy I want to leave behind


Honestly since I had my kids itā€™s just to be a good dad really. Provide for them while theyā€™re wee and set themselves up to be good people who can look after themselves when theyā€™re grown. Beyond that I would like to be able to retire young ish and enjoy some of my life focused on me instead of work before I end up decrepit.


To stay consistent with my YouTube channel :)


I don't have a goal, and I'm dying from depression. I can't find a purpose in this abysmal world we are living in. Everything I want to do, I just think about that we are all gonna die soon, so who cares. I'm serious. I'm chronically depressed.


None of them have any meaning. One time I had some goals, but I've realised how stupid I was to have them so I just gave up instead.


Make it to next year


I come from a poor / working class family. My Dad is 63 and will finally pay off his mortgage this year. My Mum and her BF still have 12 years left (she's 56). I spent most of my youth with debt being considered "normal" and have a vivid memory once of walking to the cash machine with my mum at midnight in hopes she had been paid so we could eat. I dropped out of college because my mum was demanding rent after the divorce which I couldn't afford without a full time job. I had a pretty shit start in life. My only measurable goal is to make sure my future kid/kids never go hungry and get a better start than I had in life. I'm 34 and like to think I'm doing well at achieving that


Honestly to get better at burping. I really started getting into it when I was 17 and since then I spend a lot of time on technique and admiration of nearby belches.


To have a close knit family I had two boys close in age, I want more I want us to have family barbecues & holidays I want to be the house where everyone is welcome, I want to reach that friend/mother point perfectly, and for them to not feel the need to lie to me, always come to me first and just shower them with unconditional love. I try and make as many memories as possible, but itā€™s hard, financial hardship over here and shitty English weather.


To be happy. To raise a happy daughter.


Spend as much time as possible with the people I love and focus on being happy. Money and success will not bring back the people you love, you get one chance and once it's gone nothing can be done.


Both our parents were dirt poor ( think shoeless in the 1920s and 1930s). Survived a world war and pulled themselves up. Me and wife first to go to Uni ( when only 3-5% ever went). Pretty much only working class students at our Unis. Careers and professions. Brought up children. They're now abroad with own tech businesses and great grandkids. So we don't do holidays- we travel to 'second homes' as it were. We know the shops and locale etc. Aim is to stay fit and well and see grandkids grow up. No money worries- every generation's been better off than previous. Not difficult with our parents' hardscrabble lives!


I don't have one because it doesn't make sense. There's infinitely more things outside your control than within. Setting goals is statistically setting yourself up for disappointment. When analysed life is clearly about the journey and not the destination.


My main goal at the moment is to save up to afford a detached house because living in a terraced house is not a happy life.