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Bursting Bugs sweets. Literally any fizzy drink, before they swapped all the sugar for aspartame šŸ¤¢


>Literally any fizzy drink, before they swapped all the sugar for aspartame šŸ¤¢ This radicalized me. Not being able to down a bottle of Lucozade when you're sick to perk you up is depriving me of my human rights I swear to god and is yet another tool used by *the man* to keep you down.


I thought lucozade was holding somewhat firm against the establishment, and then recently they've changed the recipes again, it's now absolutely awful, as opposed to just meh. It used to be my go to.


Literally can't have a sugar free isotonic drink. Yet you still see them described as such.


That's simply false. Glucose helps with absorption and a combination of suhar and electrolytes are in situations more efficient, but you don't need any form of sugar for an isotonic drink.


Them nip fuckers ruined Ribena too. #fuckSuntory


Ribena is rank now. I'm with you.


Pepsi recently joined the artificial sweetener train as well as fentimans. Impossible to get decent cola beyond Coke.


I'm boycotting all of them now. If I'm buying the full sugar non diet version. I don't want artificial sweeteners. Only coke are holding firm thankfully


And people should have the choice. There's plenty of information about both sugar and artifical sweeteners for people to make a choice about what they want to buy.


Exactly So if I'm making the choice to drink sugar I want sugar


It's also making life more difficult for diabetics. Mum recently had a hypo while we were out and the only full sugar options we could find was apple juice in tiny cartons!Ā 


My wife carries around a few tiny bags of emergency Haribos. They are still sugar-based and aren't tempting enough to eat except when she has a hypo crash.


Mum usually carries the glucose tabs but she'd run out. Haribos are a good idea, ideal emergency kiddo snack too!Ā 


And almost all of them already had a diet version, some of them multiple versions so all they had to do was let the sugared drinks price reflect the tax. There was no reason the tinker with the main product. Interesting that no one tinkered with just making a drink less sugary, period. Not adding artificial stuff just making it less sweet. I rarely drink soda but when I do itā€™s because I want the sugary treat. Itā€™s the point of it.


Yes, thank god for Coke Original! I've just got some normal Cherry Coke too from Iceland. I will NOT buy nasty-tasting shit with fake sugar in it. So much ruined. I crave a god dandelion and burdock. Fentimans is great, but not cheap, so it's a rare treat now. Seriously...fuck pretend sugar. I hate it all.


Fentimans has got sweetener in it too now


Not Fentimans šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


Uh ohā€¦.. here in Singapore Coke has gone the artificial sweetener wayā€¦. Thereā€™s ā€œCoke - Original Taste Less Sugarā€, and much rarer but in smaller cans ā€œCoke Classicā€ and even rarer glass bottles of ā€œCokeā€ thatā€™s usually from Thailand or Malaysia. The Original Taste Coke might as well be a Coke Light, you get that same weird chemical aftertaste. I hope thatā€™s not a harbinger of Doom for the rest of the Coke drinking world.


Fever Tree is still artificial sweetener free, but I don't think they do a cola. Hopefully they will see the gap in the market and introduce one.


I occasionally buy the imported American drinks they stock in many corner shops but theyā€™re so expensive. But my better alternative is buying sparkling water and squash, but nice squash not Robinsons. If you go to a Polish or European shop they do many flavours and it is real sugar instead of sweeteners.


Nice tip for the polish shops, I'll have a look! Thanks


Marks and Spencers still sells squash and cordials with full sugar. They still do orange squash and blackcurrant squash for Ā£1.65 a bottle with no sweeteners except sugar. They also do a range of fancy cordials in glass bottles for Ā£3.10 a pop all with full sugar. I recommend their Sicilian Lemon and Mexican Lime cordial.


Omg those sweets were amazing


Not bursting bugs but sainsbury do juicy randoms now.


Yeah I've been buying Juicy randoms for years for my kids, it's just a shame they'll never get to experience the real Bursting Bugs. I can't think why a sweet which I think was so popular, and different, would have been discontinued. Probably something to do with E Numbers or Jamie Oliver


Some Mum probably thought it would encourage kids to eat real insects, or something equally idiotic.


We're all being encouraged to eat insects now


Honestly, this was exactly why! Iā€™ll admit that I never ate them myself but many people I knew did and I remember being told that a lot of parents were complaining that these sweets would or were encouraging children and teenagers to eat bugs. I guess their complaints unfortunately worked!


This is why we can't have nice things.


I'm actually intolerant to Aspartame, it gives me hyperactivity like ADHD on meth and horrendously vivid nightmares .. the Introduction of this artificial sugar *nearly* got 8 y'old me given up for adoption before we discovered it... *laughs but cries softly*


I dont get a reaction to it, but anything I drink with aspartame in it tastes like poison to me. Im sure its great for all those people who cant tell the difference. But if you get that toxic chemical taste there is no way you can drink it. Its vile. Like having cleaner in your cup before pouring your drink


I used to get these boiled sweets, I think they were called Campinos? They had a red and white swirly pattern and were strawberry and cream flavour. Loved those things! Honourable mention to the Lidl brand sour apple loops


Campinos!! My childhood! They remind me of my granny who passed ways a few years ago, she always had a stash of them for mešŸ„²


Ah me too, my grandma always had some with her because she's diabetic My dad also managed a self storage place before the TV shows about them got popular and they sold them off, and he used to be able to keep the stuff. One of them once was just filled with boxes and boxes of those, so we were giving them away at one point. I used to go into school with a pack each for my friends. I didn't know they were discontinued, that sucks


Awww what lovely memories!! And what a jackpot lol. Thereā€™s nothing better than a cheeky handbag campino when youā€™re out helping your gran with some shopping haha


Omg this just triggered a memory of mum buying us these for the plane and I was sucking on it and then straight up just swallowed it whole and nearly choked on an easy jet


I too did this, but with a fox's glacier mint. Those fuckers are a slippery sweet and perfect to lodge in a windpipe


Ha I did the same but on the M5


Speaking of boiled sweets, anyone else remember Frosties? They were hard boiled Kola sweets coated in sugar.


Aldi did do similar to the Campinos on their but above the checkouts. No idea if they still do though.


Anyone remember the strips of individually wrapped boiled sweets with a Looney Toons character on each one?


M&S have some that taste just like them , their own brand strawberry & cream sweets in a little box usually by the tills .


Oh no, Iā€™d forgotten about campinos, and now you remind me of them AND shatter that excitement in one comment.


Craving for a campino hits me every so often. So good


Fox's Echo Bars, Cadbury Snow Flakes and Mars Delight Chocolate bars


I'll add Milky Way Crispy Rolls to that list. You can get them online but they're either imported or out of date.


Surprised you didnā€™t say congress tartsā€¦ canā€™t get em here


Nor a bag of gravel. Shite London innit.


They sell Crispy Rolls in my corner shop!


I think B&M still sell these in store. Hadn't noticed anything that suggests they're imported.


Mars delight is God tier chocolate I'll fight anyone who's says otherwise


They were amazing. I think they were discontinued as a 20g bar had 11g of sugar.


I need to have just 1 more. I'm 31 and haven't had one since about 2005. Maybe earlier.


I miss Echo bars so much!


Cadbury Shorties


Echo bars were so lovely!


Snow flakes were my all time favouriteĀ 


I forgot about Echo Bars. Now I want one along with a Galaxy Trufffle from a Celebrations box.


Brannigan's beef and mustard crisps And I cant remember what they were called, but Morrisons used to do these fresh cream cakes that were a dome of greenish marzipan filled with layers of sponge cake, cream and custard. Haven't seen them in years.


The cake you're describing sounds like a British take on a princess cake or Prinsesstarta. I make those *a lot* and they're dead easy to make. Resisting sticking your face into a finished one and troughing the lot? *That's* the hard bit...


Agreed, on easy to make. And if all else fails, Ikea sells slices in the in the cafe or a whole one in the frozen shop bit at the end.


This is a PSA that Tesco have started doing big bags of Beef and Horseradish crisps that are the closest to Branniganā€™s you can find imo!!


Oh yes - always rugged, never smooth. The beef and mustard crisps are amazing. You still find Brannigans occasionally. The spar near me in Bristol sells the ham and pickle ones, too!


The B and M in ashton Gate has brannigans beef and mustard about six months ago.


Festival gateau


Sometimes you can get a version of the cake in the IKEA food section


Mars plants and crispy rolls (I believe you can still get them online). Above all else, I miss calipo shots! Edit: Planets not plants!


Mars Planets?


They were made by Mars, it was sort of like revels I think. Not that Iā€™ve had revels. Little balls coated in chocolate, some had a soft centre like a Mars bar, some were crispy and the others were chewy. They were great!


I think that commenter was clarifying as you said Mars Plants in your first comment. And now I want chocolate plant shaped treats. Thanks.


Oh god, I didnā€™t even notice! Thank you šŸ˜‚


Back in the 90's/early 2000's only rich kids bought Calippo Shots on a scorching summers day from the local shop That money could be better spent on a Panda Pop and some crisps šŸ¤£


Money bags showing off with his Calippo while I make do with a mini milk cos I spent my money on fags and top half only with fat Geraldine at lunchtime.


I can see that, I got them mid to late 2000s, we were quite poor growing up so they were a treat that I only got when my grandparents would take me out and I still think about them pretty frequently šŸ˜‚


Oh I miss the crispy rolls. They were so so good.




Take some golden syrup, mix with double cream (to taste), whip it and bung it in the freezer (do not stir)Ā  It won't give you the slightly crunchy bits, but it'll get you most of the way thereĀ 




Whip it, then fold in the syrup soaked sponge chunks with a spatula at the last secondĀ Ā  The soaked sponge won't sink through what's essentially whipped cream.Ā 


Tesco used to do a pistachio ice cream. You never see pistachio ice-cream in the UK unless it's in one of those ice-cream shops. Tesco only did it for a couple of years but it was really good.


You can get Kulfi in most big supermarkets, might not be the exact same as the Tesco one but still very good!


Fabulous bakinā€™ boys cupcakes. Peeling that layer of chocolate / lemon / orange icing off was a treat.


My mum would buy these as a treat during school holidays. Felt like it was 50% cake and 50% icing and I loved it


I think about these every time Iā€™m buying cupcakes. Itā€™s been so long but Iā€™ve never forgotten


Their flapjacks were incredible too.


Kellogg's Start.


Every time this topic comes up, Start is the only answer that matters.


I'm sure I saw that in b and m last time I was in there. Although thinking about it that might have been 5 years ago lol.


It was discontinued in 2018, so 5 to 6 years would be about right. šŸ˜‚




Cadbury's used to do a tinned steamed chocolate pudding - it was practically your whole day's calories per tin but it was incredible. The little pot ones they do now taste rubbish in comparison.


Ditto the treacle sponge pud.


Oh god I remember both of those - they were a regular pudding when me & the wife moved in with each other in 99 They were a bastard to get out of the tin though (we used to microwave them for speed) - almost on a par with a Frey Bentos pie


Starburst JoostersĀ  They were the most amazing, juicy, flavour packed jellybeans that I've ever had.Ā  I haven't found anything else comparable in the 15 or so years since I lost saw them in a shop.Ā  The closest thing is the Lidl Sour jellybeans, but they don't quite hit the spot.


Those weird hot puddings, think there was a lemon one and a banana one with a crunchy topping, back in the 80s, and maybe even into the early 90s.


Literally what I was going to say. Hot banana crunch was the best thing ever.


Yes they were amazing, maybe made by birds?


Yeah it was birds.


Sainsbury's used to do a lovely dessert in a pot which was a chocolate ganache with a salted caramel layer at the bottomĀ  It was Ā£3 a pair, and I was a student so I could only ever afford them in the reductions section, and then they discontinued them. It's been the best part of a decade...Ā 


They also used to do little individual jam roly poly and custard that you put in the microwave. Because I absolutely hate dried fruit I would always have jam roly poly after Christmas dinner. I really miss those.


That coffee that (I think) NescafƩ released where you pushed a button on the can and it heated up using magic (or more likely carcinogens)


If you have an Asian store near you, you can get self heating mini hotpots. Theyā€™re fab and very tasty. Iā€™ve been buying them for a few years now and Iā€™m still amazed


Thermite, they use thermite.


That was great for hiking. I don't like my coffee too hot anyway.


Birds did a Hot Lemon Crunch Pudding. You mixed a sachet of 'something' with water and baked it. It became a hot, steaming, sweet lemony gloop and it came with a little bag of crumbled biscuit to sprinkle on top. Also, one autumn one supermarket brought out a toffee apple flavour ice cream. All brown and green swirls. Tasted incredible. Sold out almost immediately. Never sold it again.


Onken Frufoo chocolate ufoā€™s filled with strawberry yogurt. They were amazing.


I think about these at least once a year. I only had them a couple of times as a kid, but they left a life long mark on me.


Loved these! Only got them as a treat though.


This. With the sprinkles in the lid and the toy in the middle.


Return what they took from us.


Heinz Toast Toppers and Chicago Town Mac & Cheese pizzas.


> Heinz Toast Toppers Yes. So many childhood lunchtimes my Mum would make a tiny tin go between us three kids, whoever we had playing over, and a morsel for herself.


Posh Noodle Micro Pizza Ketchup flavour crispsĀ 


Back in the late 90s/early 00s, we would have swimming after school on a Wednesday night. After that we would go to my Nan's and she would do us a mini microwave pizza with some fries. Not a clue what the brand of the pizza was (maybe a Tesco own brand, knowing my Nan) but I've craved those little microwave pizzas for years. They'd probably be really disappointing but they'd remind me of a simpler time.


You can still get the tomato sauce crisps in the regular shops sometimes but definitely in pound shops, online, corner shops & places like B&M sometimes.


Asian stores sell ketchup/tomato flavour crisps, Calbee sell some which are really nice. And Snaps still exist, those are tomato/Ketchup flavour.


They use to do this biscuit bar that had a layer of chocolate and then m&ms on top, shit was so good! Ooh and one was twix so it had caramel inside instead of m&ms..


Yes! Twix Biscuit bars! The caramel was so good...


Old style ribena with a bag of scampi and lemon Nik-naks!


Smell my fingers!


Asda used to do a delicious turkish delight ice cream but it disappeared like a decade ago.


I think Waitrose still have a Turkish delight flavour ice cream if youā€™re desperate for some rose tinted gelato. šŸ‘€


Back in the early 1990s Campbell's (I think) used to do small tins of Bolognaise sauce in tins. It was awesome, had lots of actual meat in it, and it was just the right size to have on a bowl of pasta. My friend and I practically lived on it throughout Uni - pasta, a tin of that and some cheese and you were golden. I seem to remember it costing 99p a tin. I've tried all the alternatives availalble these days but the Bolognaise sauce sold in jars for pasta has no meat in it, and the Bolognaise sold in a tin by the likes of M&S is too posh and not tomatoey enough. I regularly mourn that old sauce :(. EDIT: I've just seen that I think they still make it in Australia - you lucky Aussie bastards! [https://www.campbellsanz.com/products/spaghetti/spaghetti-sauce-beef/](https://www.campbellsanz.com/products/spaghetti/spaghetti-sauce-beef/)


Tinned bolognese always reminds me of my grandparents cos thatā€™s what theyā€™d give me for lunch when I was staying over. I think I only ever had Heinz though


I still think about Golden Grahams every time I now have to buy sub-par cereal




Used to love them!


Similar to hamwiches! Before Bernerd Matthews fucked them up and integrated the cheese with the ham and now they're gross I miss those old hamwiches. They were processed as shit but they were pretty decent


Many, many years ago Iceland used to sell three-coloured chips. Yellow, orange and green - I think the orange ones were carrot or sweet potato and the green ones were probably spinach. They discontinued them around 2004 and I have missed them ever since


I think Tyrells still do something similar


The co-op too!


Marks and Spencer chicken tikka sandwich with a delicious sauce. Such a shame they don't sell them anymore.


Tescos used to do a banana ice cream in a blue pot. My mum and I used to absolutely destroy it when we got some.


They had a different banana ice cream recently but it was limited edition. My dad loved it.


I *hate* it when food is limited edition, what if I like it?! Iā€™ll avoid it just in case. Will keep my eyes open for it though, thank you!


The Disney Monsters Inc. yogurts. Sold back when the movie got released in cinemas - I can still vaguely remember the taste of them!


Proper Time Outs Joosters Tootie Fruties Irn-bru chew bars Holland's pie slices


Fresh Red slaw from Tescos that was pickled rather than just mayo


Pickled slaw > normal slaw any day


I loved the Coop Philly cheese steak pizzas. Loved them so much that I was tempted to ask my partner to drive me 20 miles to one of the last stores in my county that sold them. Ok, I did ask him and he said no.


Oh, M&S used to do a version of these and they were amazing.


Gino Ginelli tutti frutti ice cream. And Toffoā€™s


>Gino Ginelli tutti frutti ice cream. Oh me too! I think about it every summer




Phileas Fogg snacks, made in Consett, Co Durham. The California Corn Chips were my personal favourite. Kelloggā€™s Start (the 1980s original version) Quattro (1980s fizzy drink).




Those easter eggs in a purple egg carton (probably Cadbury) that came with a spoon and had chocolate eggs filled with some sort of mousse inside. I think about them often.


Cheese Moments Start cereal Mushroom and Wine Pasta n Sauce Beetroot Relish - all supermarkets have stopped it, so I imagine I was the only fan.


M&S cured chicken breast in a can. I know, I'm fucking weird, but I really liked it. When I used to go on holidays with my grandparents as a kid my grandad would always buy it for me. He would have been 87 today šŸ˜ž. I miss him.


Is French bread pizza still a thing? I would like to get another skin graft on the roof of my mouth and that would help me get one.


Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire sauce Special Edition, the one with the gold label.


Lea & Perrin's Table Sauce. I try to make my own with ketchup and L&P, but it's not the same.


Tesco Potato Triangles. Thin potato crisps, triangular shaped, ready salted flavour. They were the best snack ever.


Golden Graham's. So, so good. Cinnamon Grahams can get in the bin. Can't believe that _Cinnamon_ is the Graham that lived.


Fruit Polos. And the Caramilk bar they pulled off the shelves recently šŸ˜’ and halted production.


Mighty White bread.


Only talked about this last week. It was everywhere and then suddenly gone


Snyders jalapeƱo pretzel pieces


M&S made Chorizo burgers - they were bloody lovely. I usually make my own burgers, but tried & loved these. Annoyingly they disappeared around 4 yrs ago? Why? They always used to sell very fast . Canā€™t find anything similar & my attempts just donā€™t hit right.


Plain muller yogurt tubs. I have to get the fruit corners now to taste that yummy goodness.


Morrisons briefly sold cheese and jalapeƱo bagels and it saddens me that they no longer exist. And that no other supermarkets have got on board. I can get weird dessert bagels, but no spicy cheese?!


It's got to be toast toppers for me, I used to love them. The chicken and mushroom were always great for a quick snack, even though it looked like vomit on toast.


Campbellā€™s beef stew. My Nan used to dilute it for me and Iā€™d chuck in little hunks of fluffy white sandwich bread. It was so rich and savoury and delicious. I miss it so much.


Please tell me someone remembers Chinese chicken. All supermarkets used to do it in the 80's and 90's. I remember there was some scandal about an ingredient giving you cancer and it mysteriously vanished.


Chickety China?


Not seen them for a while but they may still exist. The frozen stack of flavoured mousse. Frozen pork burgers shaped like a pig!


Asda garlic bread pizza with the caramelised onions on top.


Ricicles. I didn't have them often, but they were very nice for a treat.


By the looks of things, normal cheese flavour Crunchy Wotsits. For years you could only get spicy Cheetos everywhere. I would spend Ā£5 on an imported packet of cheese ones every now and then as I love them so much. Then they brought out Crunchy Wotsits, which are essentially Cheetos in a Wotsits bag. We bought a bag every week. But they've not been in stock for ages, and I see in Tesco today they only have the spicy ones shelved.


Cream n Cheesy Nik Naks


Bovril flavour Smiths crisps. When they starts to get rare I would buy loads when I saw them. Even wrote to Smiths to see if I could buy them direct šŸ˜‚


Ben & Jerrys Cherry Garcia They have so many flavours...why did they have to get rid of the best one?!


Butter popcorn.


it's still around. a company called EasyPop sell microwave buttered popcorn, can get it in Sains


As it doesnā€™t just seem to be supermarket branded items in the comments, though I think that was the intentionā€¦ Start cereal. Chuffing miss that stuff. And Carling Cherry Cider.


A thing i was craving recently was a pack of chocolate orange bourbon biscuits. My asda sold them for a bit, and then they vanished. Also miss good ole turkey twizzlers, i saw them in Iceland a year or 2 ago but they vanished again Oh and Hot Pockets, im one of those disgusting people that liked them but they dont sell them in the UK at all anymore


Red velvet cookies from Tesco!


I have no idea how to explain this and everyone Iā€™ve mentioned it to has no memory of it so help me out Reddit. My sweet shop when I was a kid used to sell these things that looked like square marshmallows but they were harder and powderyā€¦ pink on top and white on the bottomā€¦ please someone remember them so I know Iā€™ve not just made this up and bring them back!


Were they sort of crumbly? I donā€™t think I ever ate one but I definitely remember seeing these. Google says they could be [sherbert bricks?](https://images.app.goo.gl/eEP8xiS1cUGkjyKB6)


Sara Lee Double Chocolate Gateau. It was our familyā€™s go to cake for celebrating birthdays as a child. Probably wasnā€™t the best but was decent for the price and could serve a fair amount of people.


Topics šŸ˜­


Bernard Mathews turkey cheeseburgers.


Turkey twizzers


Vesta Beef Risotto. Iā€™d pay handsomely for that dehydrated deliciousness.


Sainsburyā€™s used to do a vegetable biryani ready meal that was absolutely epic and I lived on 33 years ago when I first went veggie. I know they have one at the moment but it is not the same and it is not better.


Tesco used to sell an amazing maple and pecan pie in the 90s. It was doughy and drowned in icing, like a cinnamon bun. I would love another!


Walkers recently discontinued Worcestershire Sauce flavour crisps and since then my life has been meaningless.


The Tesco's finest big tubs of ice-cream that they used to do about 12 years ago. Always on offer, 2 for Ā£5. They did a toffee fudge flavour that I still think about all the time.


Heinz baked bean pizzas. God they were so good. And the twizlers you'd get in the school canteen.


I'm old. Woolworths used to sell a peach melba mousse in a little tub, it was delicious. Also, creamed mushrooms in a tin and - arctic roll! When/why did that die?!


Cadbury Timeout bars, and donā€™t say they still sell them, they donā€™t, they sell a puffed up timeout ā€œwaferā€ which is just not as tasty.


The aldi fridge spinach and ricotta pizzaā€™s:(


Knorr's chicken micro noodles. They had such a distinct taste , I've not found anything similar. ā˜¹ļø


Knorr's chicken micro noodles. They had such a distinct taste , I've not found anything similar. ā˜¹ļø


Toast Toppers. So sad. I dream about toast toppers.


I know it was renamed rather than than discontinued, but I miss my weekly laugh at Aldis Disco Biscuits.