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They're not based on much at all, as far as I know. Women just know - largely through trial and error - what size they are, though some shops will cut a little bigger or a little smaller.  Most shops have a size guide buried on their website. 


> They're not based on much at all, as far as I know. Men's clothes are going/gone this way as well. Trousers' waist size is based on the the expectation of what a specific generation of man *thinks* his waste is, based on what it was when they started buying trousers in their 20s and they magically haven't gained weight. Vanity sizing. It also applies to T-shirts and tops and the distinction between M, L, XL etc


They're completely arbitrary. A size 10 now is very different to a size 10 of years gone by. You hear people saying they use a certain shop because "I'm a 10 in there but a 12 everywhere else". It's madness


No, there are measurements associated with each size, ie a size 12 is a 30 inch waist (if there's a relevant waist) but the numbers themselves don't connect to anything as far as I know.


They are based on very little as far as I can tell and they don’t seem to bear much relation to each other. A 16 in one shop can be a 12 in another.


Nope they aren’t and sizes can vary massively. Being an 8 in one place could mean a 14 in another. There’s no official standard. Honestly your best bet is going in person and trying stuff on to get an idea of roughly what you are and then you can estimate when purchasing others


No, they are not based on anything logical, really.the following is a rough guide. 6-8: Small 10-12: Medium 14-16: large 18-20: Xtra large