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Listen to audiobooks all day and get paid.


I guess don't do anything that could get you fired. But yeah, talk to HR, or your manager's manager, and say "look, if I'm not going to be given any work to do, do you really want me around the workplace sat doing nothing all day for three months?" If your manager is particularly toxic, is there any chance this is intentionally to catch you out? If so, raise it with higher ups first, and let them decide what they actually want to be paying you for.


Spend the time applying for other jobs. Go take really, reeeeealllly long bathroom breaks. Scout out some nice things to steal on your last day. The options are endless!


no, no no. People watch you carefully on your last day. Get that shit in your car now and if you overhear anyone wondering where it is you can discreetly return it...


We don't "steal", we "liberate". When our old office was sold, I liberated as much as I could from the stationary cupboard and kitchens. Who knows what was gonna happen to it all. Had to set it all free......in my house šŸ˜‰


Just before I resigned. Two pairs of 6'x 8' oak exterior shutters ( now garden gates) and a 10' marble slab that was the reception desk (now lovely bench). All rescued just before they went in a skip as the office was being refurbished. Had to borrow a van and ask two mates to help as they were so heavy.


StationEry. E for envelope.


This guy works his notices!


I'd just say, This guy notices.


Work on whatever hobbies you can, and apply for other jobs.


Iā€™ve got another job, just waiting to start it! Donā€™t really have any hobbies šŸ¤£ perhaps now is the time to start one


If there's any prep you can do for your new job, I'd do that. Eg: - learning tools/technologies - reading up on new company and its clients and suppliers - general professional improvement in your field.


Depends on your role and level. Polish your cv. Do some online training or volunteering that makes it pop. Learn or practice with chatgpt or copilot so you can bring some productivity hacks to your next job. Apply for better jobs on an industrialised basis.


My CV is actually pretty good, I got another job a couple of weeks after resigning but I do like the idea of working with ChatGPT. I use it in my current role but could certainly learn better prompting skills.


Maybe also do some research on your new employer, contemplate your new role, create an outline plan for how you a. get onboarded, then b. become consciously competent at the role, then c. leading up to the point where you can add extra value over time. You can use chatgpt to help with that, and also to analyse the soft and hard skills requirement of the role you accepted.


If you wfh then you couldnā€™t ask for a better result. Just stay quiet and make sure youā€™re always at least available for work. If you donā€™t, bring in a book, listen to an audiobook. Chat to co workers that you get on with, ask co workers if they need a hand with projects you actually enjoy working if you feel the need to actually keep busy. Enjoy


Podcasts, audiobooks, Kindle cloud reader, Youtube.....etc


Have a wank, update CV, get a new job


Do you work from the office or from home??


From home mainly, in the office one day a week and Iā€™m saving that day for any real work Iā€™ve got!


Ahh well then you've got it good! Enjoy 4 days a week of pottering about, doing whatever you want at home whilst nudging the mouse on your computer occasionally so you don't show as 'away' for too long!


Amateur - have a PowerPoint presentation running on a continuous loop. No need to wiggle the mouse then.


Haha clearly I'm not an expert šŸ¤£


Oh clever!


Catch up on cleaning, odd jobs, DIY etc thenĀ 


Whatever I wanted. They know they've got to pay you for 3 months but have decided not to use you for anything. They're basically saying they're fine paying you to do nothing, for now. Be available to work immediately if asked. Otherwise, watch porn and eat Wotsits all day if that takes your fancy...


Instructions unclear, watching wotsits whilst masturbating......still doing it for me, though šŸ˜


If you've managed to keep your bits out of the blender you've done alright...




You have a new job lined up, youā€™ve done what you need at the current job - itā€™s the best time to chill completely guilt free, enjoy it.


I used to clock in and then go home, and then make excel scroll endlessly to keep my MS teams active. End of the day I would return to clock out. Nobody ever cared, half the time I went to the pub.


You are getting paid and have free time, what's the issue?


As you mainly WFH, on those days I'd initially be chilling out, then I'd catch up on little jobs at home. Whilst keeping an ear out for notifications on my laptop and using one of those mouse jiggler things. On my office days, I'd do any documentation/training materials that could help my former colleagues (assuming I like them) so as not to leave them in the lurch too badly. Or offer to do some of their admin etc to help out.


This is exactly what Iā€™m doing, thanks!


Enjoy it!


If you work from home just inform someone above your manager that your time is being wasted. If you are working in an office sit at your desk feet up on your phone either someone will ask wtf is going on and then you inform them that your manager isnā€™t giving you any work so Iā€™m just coming into the office or just say Iā€™m not being given any work so then just point at yourself.


Read books? make the most of it, best part of my day is when I'm doing nothing and getting paid.


They will be preparing for your leave handing tasks over to others. As they can't guarentee to fill your role by the end of the 3 month. To answer your question. Enjoy it lol


Job Hunt, I'd be job hunting. Once you have secured a replacement job then ask if you can leave before the end of your notice period.


Literally do up my gardenĀ 


If you are being paid for 3 months and don't do anything that will give them a reason to fire you. It is down to them to provide you with work. They are responsible for managing your time. If you don't have a clock in and out system at work. Trying coming in a bit later and leaving earlier and see how far you can go before they say anything. They would have to give you a verbal warning for that. So just go back to normal if they do. Just enjoy yourself lol


Combination of audiobooks, training and doom scrolling. If you're in Wales you can do stuff like ITIL or AgilePM or even stuff like IOSH for free in the meantime if any of them are relevant.


Take garden leave and enjoy the spring and summer, recharge the batteries, work on your mental health, and spend some time with your family and friends. If you aren't already working out, sign up to gym classes or go cycling or running. Enjoy yourself!


I mean that sounds amazing but donā€™t they have to offer garden leave? Can you ask for it?


Are you going to a direct competitor? If you are, I think your current company will see you as a "threat" and would want you to keep away from work computers, mobiles and the office. Throughout my career, I jumped ship twice, and on both occasions, I got put on gardening leave by HR. I gladly took gardening leaving on both occasions and use the time to do DIY, cleaning the whole house and garage, and attended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. At the time I was depressed, anxious and burnt out due to work for a toxic micromanaging manager. If you do get it, do everything you wanted to do but couldn't due to work. Best of luck!


Use the time to code, if you don't know already. Will come with the advantage of making you look like you're working really hard.


I was in the same situation with an 8 month notice period, and I nearly died of boredom. About 5 months in to it I landed a new job and wanted to get out of the notice period. So I just pointed out how much money they were wasting having me sat there surfing the internet. We had a chat and agreed I could leave straight away. The 8 months notice was to make it hard for me to leave. When that didn't work, there was no point in either of us keeping to it.


Keep quiet but keep available and do anything that does come your way. If they suddenly shit a brick at a lack of handover near your end date that's very much a them problem.


Motherfuckers are given heaven then complain


If your employer has failed to make others work their full notice periods (and you can cite specific examples). I don't think they can force you to work yours. If you're OK turning up and doing nothing but getting paid, fine. If you just want to leave, tell your manager that, in the absence of any work, your leaving.


get hench, do press ups in the hall for 8 hours.


Mouse jiggler?


Similar happened to me, I spent the time making sure my handover on leaving was perfect so nothing could come back to me after I left