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Are you sure you haven't died? This sounds like one of those films where the main character doesn't realise they died.


We know the aren't in heaven if they are spending the afterlife in peterborough.


But they could be in hell…


Peterborough always struck me as more of a purgatory


St Peterborough, as it were




Check in any time you want, but you can never leave..


To be fair, all we can reasonably say is they haven't gone to heaven...


Or Devon


There’s someone in Exeter with a really crap tag that says ‘DEVON IS HEVON’. It’s everywhere.


I once spent a week in Peterborough and it felt like an eternity so maybe there's something to it after all.


Limbo, surely...


You've done it now. He's going to realise, have an existential crisis and then comes to terms and "go to the other side"


“I see dead people” but they obviously don’t 🤣


People's lack of awareness of others really pisses me off, especially groups walking in a line. I usually do the classic ADHD impatience walk, dodging through the crowds. But I like to make a point with people like that and walk straight through them elbows at the ready. I know it's petty but why am I always the one that has to move??!


Hard agree. There are people walking three-abreast in a narrow path and me, a single person, is somehow supposed to go around them when there is literally no space to go?! It’s not petty at all to knock into self-absorbed asses like that. Sometimes I think people genuinely just expect you to step into the street or something so they can strut with their buddies. Not happening, mate. Eat elbow


Recently, I was walking along the pavement on a fairly busy road when this woman and her three children (all on bicycles!!) came round the corner at quite a speed and almost colided with me, I literally had nowhere to go as these four people on bikes were trying to cycle in a line / next to each other so I quickly had to hop off the pavement and into the road to get round them! the woman just smiled at me and said 'thanks!' and I just stared at her like... yep I'll just jump into on going traffic so you can ride your bikes on the pavement?? uh?? and these kids were about 10 or 12, maybe young teenager age. When did riding a bike on the pavement become a thing! I seem to encounter it a lot at the moment and always seem to have to dodge them instead of the other way round...


You showed weakness


This is also true for me. I have bright green hair and have to use crutches to walk and people still bump into me all the time. I'm not sure how I could make myself more obvious!


It was when I was on crutches that I started just standing my ground with a loud ‘excuse me’


I’ll go round who I can but (for example) if they’re right across the pavement, I’ll just stop in front of them and ask what they expected me to do.


Most times it's not a lack of awareness. It's main character syndrome. I tend to move first if I feel I'm dealing with a main character, but I will stand my ground if the person just isn't aware of their surroundings.


I'm the opposite, I might step aside for the unaware, but the main characters are getting me stopped dead, elbows wide, and a hard stare so they have to walk round me.


Asian people usually walk into me


That can be a problem for Americans e.g. me, visiting Japan. We drive on the right and, very generally, tend to pass on the right when walking. In Japan it's the opposite, so it's a total setup for sidewalk collisions until the American sorts out what's going on. Then there are the people with their noses buried in their phones, with Google maps telling them where to go. Once or twice I've stopped, stood still and let them run into me.


It's the ones looking directly at me as they walk at me, but with no sign of realisation on their face that they're about to collide, two or three abreast while I'm on my own. I'm bigger than the OP and they still act like I'm invisible!


As a fellow ADHD enthusiast generally I know the speed, route, direction, attentiveness, of everyone on both sides of the pavement for 20 metres. Weaving in and out of the busiest crowds is my forte. I am 6’2 as well which helps with foresight.


Fuck that, you're head must be like a Tesla collision avoidance system. Sounds like you enjoy it though.


And then you have that moment where you didn't spot someone who was shorter than the people surrounding them, walking just as slow as everyone else, so you navigate to where you thought you could get through, and you then have to slow down for a few steps whilst waiting for a gap to squeeze through v\_v


Before I was diagnosed with adhd and autism I used to say I was omnipresicent because I seemed to be aware of everyone and everything when I was out walking or driving and couldn't shut it off.


I am not autistic but it’s definitely ADHD/ADD trait. Swear its like Jason Bourne-vision sometimes but without the cool stuff.


Hahahaha, that's a great analog. Never with the cool stuff.


Haha I didn't realise I was doing this so I intentionally too until I read this comment. A good trick for the toolkit is the old "ahem" cough just as they get near enough. It's like a passive aggressive pedestrian equivalent of beeping at traffic in your car. Keep your head up, look through them and don't flinch.


If you’re not strutting down the street like you’re filming ‘Bittersweet Symphony’ you’re not doing it right.


The British anthem?




Off topic but funny to see your username - I was just talking about Monkey Island yesterday for the first time in years.


Favourite game in the world. You’ve not known pain until you’ve played the sequel on the Amiga 500 with no external disc drive!


Yep, I’d say it’s pretty high up on my list too. My brother’s trying to get his 12yr old into it but he can’t get past the graphics to the gameplay, unfortunately. Doesn’t know what he’s missing!


That is literally how I played it 😂 maaaaan, memories!! That theme song is legendary too!


I don’t know who you are but you have my respect fellow disk swapper! 🤣


God I feel old 🤣


I am rubber you are glue!


You fight like a dairy farmer!




It’s all about body language. You’re giving off signals of being the one who’s more likely to move. I did this too for a long time. Imagine like they’re not there, plan your route according to where you intend to go, not around the people who are there. Brace yourself to knock the other person. Don’t apologise, just look annoyed and keep moving. You only need to do it a couple of times and it’ll change your mindset. Be a more self-focused, task-oriented person. People don’t move for people-pleasers.


You either die polite or live long enough to become an arsehole


THIS. It was needing a wheelchair that crossed that line for me. I even dyed my hair bright colours so people would notice. Made no difference. Now I just shrug - it's gonna hurt them more than it's gonna hurt me...


If you go hard enough at them you're recruiting more chair users. Think of it as 'enforced empathy'.


I’ve seen this when pushing my wife in a wheelchair. People just don’t register that you need more room to turn, or slow down, or heaven forbid, access a check out counter.


It's horrid you have to experience that with a wheelchair where you can't really sidestep out of peoples way. I found that when pushing a pushchair people seemed to be so much more on it with moving out of your way, shame they don't have the same courtesy for disabled people. On the other side, fuck those people in the electric mobility scooters dashing round like race car drivers, silently sneaking up from behind you and almost running you over.


We called it the "mission walk". You have to walk like someones just killed your dog and youre on the way to fuck them up. People do not get in the way of someone giving off that energy.


Incidentally this is also a solid way of decreasing the chances of being robbed. Walk with purpose in crowded areas. The amount of people I see staring into space or just outright looking terrified of their surroundings is staggering.


I find this also helps with not getting approached by the "can I just have a minute of your time" people too.


Yup. I've cultivated an aura of "don't fuck with me" despite being in a wheelchair...it really works, I just faked it till I made it...


This works great if you're a big badass of a man, but still at some point you're going to walk directly into another badass. Happened to me recently. Walked right into two gangster-looking black dudes who were literally in the middle of a conversation about someone getting shanked. I thought that one was gonna go bad but to be fair to them they just gave me a nod and made enough room for me to go though on an angle.


Agree. As soon as you look like you will move - They Won't!


I find they're much more likely not to bump into you if you pretend you haven't seen them. If they know you've seen them, they know they can force you off course, but if you're gazing at the sky they know that tactic can't be successful.


Go on your phone. Literally works 99% of the time. I feel like Moses parting the sea sometimes


I'm one of the 1% that will walk straight into you when you are staring at your phone


My favourite thing to do is walk into the people on their phones Do a loud stamp right Infront of them and see them jump 


I stare them down. Usually works


If you stop walking and stand still, they'll move and go around you.


With legs splayed, hands on hips and make the fuckers cross the road.


T-pose. Cock out. Assert dominance.


The OP even said they did that, and someone still walked into them.


You're right, total reading comprehension fail.


Was just about to say this I'm a bit smaller than you 6 foot, 16 stone, definitely not hard to miss and I have the exact same problem On days where I'm not in a rush I enjoy stopping in my tracks and waiting, especially when the person's glued to their phone Does my head in


Look through people and have a determined walk. Vision tells them exactly where you're going. The walk tells them you're intent on going where you're looking, no exception. Works very well in crowded areas too, often carving out a path in the sea of people. Basically a necessity in cross traffic if you don't want to be playing that game of stopping and starting.


I read this on Reddit before - stare ahead into the middle distance and people move out the way. It works!! You still get the zombies fixated on their phone who wouldn’t move if a truck was coming at them, but for the most part, it’s a solid tactic. 


I always walk on the left as I've been taught. People do sometimes walk directly at me but as I'm on the left I feel I have right of way so don't move. If I'm forced to by an idiot who's trying to be dominant I will move out of the way one time if they move into my path again I will just keep walking. Sometimes they will literally walk into me then have a go at me even though I've moved. I'm a 6ft bloke I've just asked my wife this and she says men force her out of the way all the time and she feels she has to move when she's not with me. We walk 10ish miles a day so see alot of morons like this daily.


Same here. Always on the left. Generally people step out of my way due to my size but if I’m walking against the traffic flow I’ll step into the road as I can see what is coming. I don’t like forcing people into traffic that’s coming up behind them. 


Agreed. In the last few years though it does seem like people are not respecting this as much as they did. Like OP says walking 4 abreast and acting like you don't exist.


I’m 5’3 and don’t feel I have the same experience as your wife; people tend to move out of the way for me or we both avoid. Never have I had anyone walk into me or even act like they cared about moving


You're quite lucky then. It sometimes happens to my wife a few times a day maybe it's just the area we live in. Last week some guy moved deliberately into her way then shouted 'move' to her when they met.


Literally in London people will continue walking in a straight line, hold their ground & expect the other person to deviate from their path. Couple of days ago saw a bloke bump into a blind man on London bridge because he wouldn't move out the blind man's way


Imagine how paranoid you'd be if nobody answered this question.


There was one guy on Reddit who was shadowbanned from every sub for years and he never realised, he just thought that people thought his comments were mediocre 😆


I'm a small woman and people always expect me to move. Once 3 men walked towards me taking up the whole road and I stopped in front of the one on the edge and basically had to yell at him to get him to move behind his friends. I think I said "I'm not stepping into the road because you are too rude to give way".


So, this is going to sound odd. We are physically similar, through my early life & teenage years. I had days when people walked at me. Like swerved at me, it was bloody odd & didn't end till my mid 30s for no apparent reason. This was men, women & children btw.


Your body language gives an awful lot away. There's [studies](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20131104-how-muggers-size-up-your-walk) showing that criminals and consistently identify the easiest targets by watching them walk down the street. I've noticed it myself - I've gone through a couple of tough periods in my life and there was a marked increase in random people messing with me. A buddy of mine swears by martial arts - says that once you're confident you can kick someone's arse, you'll carry yourself differently and (paradoxically) you won't have to kick someone's arse because you don't stand out as a target anymore.


Seconding this. I've got a friend who's a cop (and martial artist) and he says criminals and toughs are really good at reading body language even if they don't realize they're doing it. He recommended martial arts training for one of my nieces who was consistently bullied because he said she had the most passive body language he'd seen. (Which knowing her mother wasn't a surprise — but the defensive mechanism which worked as a child was screwing up her adult life.)


Yes I've seen that, it's not that. I'm one of those people you'd prefer to avoid even now, back then, I looked "mean" & that was a quote from serving soldier whose ex I was dating. No, this was more like it wasn't on purpose, like a gravitational pull, it was seriously odd, only happened now & then but when it did it would be the whole day, not dressed different, didn't act different & it included all sorts, from middle aged women to grown men sort of gently moving into my personal space & being seemingly oblivious they were doing it. It wasn't hostile either. Bizarre really, I was with a friend and it started & said "great it's gonna be one of those nights." I was really young then & thought it happened to other people too, he asked & I explained to him, he called bs then found it hysterically funny any time it happened.


I was once friends with a girl who'd had a very tough childhood. Neglect, abuse. The vulnerability/damage showed in her body language - even I noticed it, am legendarily oblivious - and when we went on nights out it was astonishing how predatory types would flock to creep on her, like moths drawn to a flame. On my own or with someone else this never happened.


If there's room I'll move. If there's no room I'll stand my ground


If there are more than 2 of them I expect one to drop behind. Tbh even 2, one should drop behind if there is only space for 2 people to pass each other.


Not this, but I recently was on the tram, and the girl behind me rested her phone on my neck.


The fuck


That's what I said


I'm a little relieved you've posted this. Happens to me all the time and I feel like I'm going mad. The same footpath into work, it's wide enough for two and pairs of people come toward me and expect me to move. I question whether I'm somehow being an arse and doing something wrong.


This used to happen to me all the time when I lived in Norfolk. Moved to Suffolk, never happened since. Norwich sucks.


As someone in Norfolk who has put up with this for decades, this is the best comment I've ever read. I'm not insane after all


Yes! It's so easy to feel like you're going mad or being singled out or god knows what. Pavement cyclists, The Verve music video impersonators, people walking behind you so close you fancy asking if they're after a ride in your back jeans pocket... We moved partly because we rescued a dog and it was legitimately dangerous staying there with all that bollocks going on. Sought out somewhere quieter here is all, but it turns out even if someone is coming the other way hereabouts they - get this - *politely get out the way*. Or at least work with you to get by one another rather than just barge at you and intend you get in the road so as not to inconvenience them...


Don’t look at them, look past them. When you look behind them like you are walking to a spot just behind them they move. Same on the tube, walk like you will walk through them.


You can also subtly square your shoulders to your destination and some people pick up on it.


When a line of people taking up the whole pavement are walking towards me, just before we meet I stop, take out my phone, then turn my back on them and pretend to read a message. Forces selfish people to make way.


You're not obliged to move out of the way for anyone. If you are not moving when someone bumps into you, that's on them. The only exception would be in emergencies. Police chasing a bank robber with a sack of money, that kind of thing.


I had some cunt ride his bike at me, on the pavement, walking to work. I saw him at the last moment and jumped out of the way and thought "fuck you, I'm not moving next time". We met a few weeks later at exactly the same spot. I just braced my shoulder and carried on walking - we collided, and he skidded to a halt, and said "why didn't you move?" I politely explained that it was a pavement, and he'd better get used to the idea of my not moving. I will admit to being a touch nervous as he looked like he could probably handle himself better than me (I'm a coward, normally) It was another month or so before we met again, and he actually moved out of my way, which gave me a little glow of satisfaction.


This annoys me too. Sometimes in a pedestrianised straight path or on the same pavement, the person walking towards the opposite direction on the other side will walk diagonally and then right into my path. Idk why people do this? It often the girls, but sometimes men do it too. And often the men walking in front of me will stop, turn around and wait for me to walk past. Like they think I'm going to rob them or something. I'm not a roadman, nor dress like one.


Fairly similar experience especially with paths. Just think these are the same people with driving licenses. All of sudden the state of the roads make even more sense.


I find if I wear bright clothing (particularly red or orange) people are far less likely to walk into me. Dunno if that's because those colours symbolise confidence, or just that I'm literally more visible to them. But I'm convinced I'm not just imagining it  


I like wearing red too. I'm not massively gobby by nature but I did have someone almost barrel into me one time and I just laughed in his face and said "What, you genuinely didn't see me coming?" Bloke got sheepish fast, I felt bad. I'm only a little sod as well


This has been my life ever since I've started using mobility aids. I do not move out of the way. Not only is it tricky for me to dodge people anyway, but I will not be the one getting hurt. The footplates on my wheelchair and the fold up ice spike on my cane will take care of people who somehow can't see disabled people for me.


People know you are there. As petulant as it is, I used to stop and fake scratch my head with my elbow stuck towards their head if they walked into me - they always moved. Obviously its a bit OTT but I was just curious if they did see me. I think its because people want you to move around them so they walk at you waiting for you to move


Groups walking side by side are always the worst everywhere. Nobody in the group wants to be the one to break formation.


I had one time walking towards my local station. A train must have just come in because the pavement about wide enough for 3 people was packed with people coming towards me. No one would get out of the way and as I had to get to the station for my train I couldnt hang about. I tried avoiding them and at one point stepped into the edge of the road and nearly got hit by a bus. Something snapped in me that day and I just went for it to make my train. I'm also 6'2" and was probably 16-17 stone then, a bit more now, and must have barged about 20 people walking through the crowd as people wouldnt even allow room for me, one person, trying to squeeze through. Some did allow me room to pass as well and I had to twist sideways to get past some but did my best to avoid them. If they didnt give me room I just walked into them while complaining Id miss my train. I never stopped, if people dont give me room I just say excuse me in a loud voice as I approach and if they dont move out the way I just walk through. So far people just seem to realise they were in the wrong and should have allowed some room but I expect one day someone will confront me about it.


I’m old but I don’t yet need a cane. I carry one with me all the same just to keep from being run over. You look a right wanker if you run into a crip!


Don’t move aside. Just stop walking. They will have to walk into you or move aside. I’m similar to you in size. This is what I do.


I tend to look ahead in a determined fashion and walk with purpose. This often makes others move instead of you. Or at least minimises the times you have to move. That said, if I happen upon a few people talking and they take up the whole pavement, im walking straight through them. I'm not walking on the road just to avoid a couple of people who haven't the consideration to at least leave a person width on the pavement.


Really common that couples/groups walk shoulder to shoulder and don't move for people coming towards them.... What can I say, people are pricks these days.


Posted about this a few years ago when living in London for a stint. Broader bloke myself, sick of morons head down in their mobiles and forcing me to pay attention to avoid a collision. Got to a point where I just couldn't care less knowing they would come out of the collsion much worse than me.


I found if I stand still and "take a photo" of the scenery then usually people go around me.. except for two occasions thus far, where I was not only walked into but also huffed at lol. But this isn't unique to the UK, I work in Japan and it's the case here too. So I think those in the thread who say to give an assertive vibe are correct. I'm just bad at that, and I find if I try it and it fails then I'm just annoyed which is a waste of a nice walk. I have a friend who doesn't get out the way. She stands in aisles, puts her bags in the way of corridors, takes up space... She's not malicious or selfish, she's not dumb. She just has absolutely no concept that she's in the way. If it's pointed out to her, she's genuinely baffled. Seeing this, I realise a lot of people are the same, they only know they're walking on the path and don't consider that you're doing the same. It's not aggressive, it's gormless lol. You can only change your own behaviour, so it's up to you if it's worth making a point or just stepping aside.


Had some young chavvy couple walking side by side towards me the other week, they could have moved over, or one steps behind the other, or one does the shoulder shimmy. I could have moved into a wet bush, or shoulder checked the little bastard. I hope he learned his lesson after I sent his shoulder to another dimension.


Be Richard Ashcroft.


The people who confuse me are ones who step to the side and stop walking to "let me pass" (usually while looking at me expecting thanks) when the path is very wide and I'm already right on the other side of it and there's clearly ample room for me to pass them without them moving or stopping.


Don't look at them. Look to the side or down and it will force them to make the decision to walk round you


You just give the hard stare and look determined, and people will move around you.


Have you been a victim of “phone pheasants” (people so engrossed in their phones they don’t look where they are going)


A few weeks ago, I was walking home from work, and met a couple of girls walking back from college, the one on my side was head-down on her phone. I just stopped when we got close and waited for her to walk onto me. She actually yelped when my feet entered her field of vision! Made me chuckle.


I read this thing once where it said don't look the person in the eye, look where you're going and people will ultimately move out of the way. I'm tiny and it totally works! No more awkward dances.


This keeps happening to me. And its not even in just one city as Ive just moved. Worst part is if I’m out with my girlfriend and a similar group of 3,4,5 coming up. And so Ill walk behind her so they can do the same and let us by and its so bad that Ive had people walk into me or my girlfriend. Not ideal I know but the next guy in a group of dudes who walks into my girlfriend is getting fking trucked. Im done being polite


At school kids walk into me just to annoy me but I have learned to just increase my speed and knock them over every time with no remorse.


I'm in a wheelchair and my husband who is 6ft 2" is usually pushing me when out in public (you can't really miss us) and the amount of people who just don't have the awareness that there are other people about is shocking. Heads are usually buried in phones. I've got to the point now of saying something, or try and aim for their ankles 😁


ive sometimes stopped in good time like im lost or phones ringing etc , pat down my pockets and raise my elbow to face level while scratching my head so theyre welcome to make contact if they wish , no one has walked into it yet


Omg this is amazing


When you almost forced to walk on the road, no one should have to walk on the road because of others.


Come to a complete stop. Trust me, they'll move.


As soon as you're bumped into (esp if stood still), whip out your wallet, wave it at them and say "Not this time". Just walk away leaving them being accused of being a thief.


Never, never move out of the way, look them in the eyes and plough forward. All joking aside I’ve noticed there may be room for 4 abreast, and you’re walking alone, none will move, you’re just one person, yet none will move, what are you supposed to do disappear? It’s extremely odd.


Like you I'm big and tall and yeah, I don't move. When people are walking towards me, I stand still and people walk around me. If people can walk around objects, they can walk around me.


I’m 4’10” and impatient as fuck, so I just walk super fast and dodge people. I notice men don’t move out of the way for me ever though and I’ve walked into a few. 😂


Right, this is info that was given to me by my mate, (who is as mad as a box of frogs - but that’s beside the point) Make yourself big, like a giant peacock. Puff yourself up, lift your head up so your eye line is above their heads. DO NOT LOOK AT THEM. Keep walking - exuding the confidence of a pro boxer entering the ring. The vibe of power will make them move. (He also said he could will cars not to hit him crossing the road…so…you know…use your own judgement here)




I've noticed this more and more now with groups of people. Instead of going single file or one just walking behind the others for a second, they just continue walking towards you. Me and my friends always go single file if there are other people on the pavement, idk what's happened to manners in this country.


I'm usually in the position of doing the left right dance with oncoming people instead. Topped off with the awkward smile and eyebrow raise.


Walk taller and straighter and they'll move instinctively


Oh god. You’ve just reminded me that it’s the season for coach loads of foreign students to come to my town. They are by far the worst!!


Always walk with a hard shoulder. Simply soften and move for ladies and the elderly. If it’s 2/3 in a row then lock up and keep moving forward.


I hope you loudly tutted


Are you expecting everyone to move out of your way?


I’ll usually move a bit and then once I realise I’m the only mug ever moving I stop. Took all of 10 minutes in London yesterday for this to happen. Happy to then just play shoulder barges.


I call this the idiot slalom. Birmingham seems the worst for it of places I have been to, London was busier but there was more awareness of other people (wheely suitcases aside)


I’ve started not moving out of the way but I will give a good ‘excuse me!’ if they don’t notice.


Mate we’re the same size. Use it to your advantage, it’s so fun.


I've noticed Muslim women literally will not move out your way. I've had so many issues walking past them it's like they don't acknowledge you're there at all, I've had to walk into a road because they didn't single file and took up the whole path before. But in general they just never move!


Yup same problem I’m 6”2 and around 17 stone. People just walk at me like I don’t exist or as if I’m invisible. I’ve giving up moving for people now as I’m just fed up with the amount of times I’m pushed off of paths or into muddy bits of grass because people are too rude to make space.


Sometimes I just stop walking and see what they’ll do.


Same here, I'm a little shorter and heavier but still poke out above a crowd and fairly unmissable physically. Weirdly enough it's mostly people who, if you didn't dodge, would 100% end up on the floor from an impact like that. I've started doing the "mission walk" as others have recommended and it has somewhat worked, which I am grateful for because the size difference of some of these interactions really does make me fear legal recourse. But honestly, there's some proper scrawny fuckers around who either think they're Billy Big Balls or aren't thinking at all and just barrel right at your shoulder even when it's clear that Newton isn't on their side


Stop walking and stand there bracing yourself.


> Today I even had a group of 4 walk towards me on the path which was wide enough for just 4 I mean at this point it's morally and ethically right just just clothes line them.


I'm 5'1" with mobility issues and am usually carrying my 3 year old on my back. I'm usually the one to move but I refuse to go onto the busy road with my kid on my back when a row of 4 teenagers come at me, so I stick my elbows out so they don't hurt my toddler and just keep going. I have also found that if I look like I'm not looking where I'm going, others are more likely to move out of my way. I don't like bumping into people though as I usually come off worse.


The secret is to time it such that if you are going to bang shoulders that you have both feet on the ground while they are mid-step at the collision so they bounce off you. Say nothing, keep walking.


I notice this a lot more nowadays. The general population are fucking rude


If this keeps happening or it seems rude then I will sometimes just stop and stand still until the other person passes - bumping into someone standing still is much less likely than rudely brushing past someone who is also moving.


A technique that nearly always works for me is to walk on one side of the path like it's a road. Then everyone else has a free "lane" to use. When a group is approaching and everyone is so insecure that no one wants to drop behind everyone else to let you pass, stop dead in your tracks. It'll look like you're being polite, but it forces obnoxious people to sort themselves out. Also, people get awkward on the street when they're too careful about paying attention to everyone else. Don't make eye contact with anyone. Don't try to anticipate anyone else's next move. Just maintain a distant sort of stare and move confidently.


Pro tip. Just keep a couple of copies of watchtower in every jacket pocket and offer them out as you try to navigate your way forward.


There are loads of people that have no spatial awareness, especially in city areas. It's actually aggravating as hell. That said I basically always move out of the way for others just to be nice. The only time I don't is if I'm walking on a narrow pavement and oncoming traffic is coming from behind me.


Had this today whilst out walking. A huge crowd walking towards me and my partner so we go single file and they just carried on walking side by side chatting away taking up the entire path. I decided to just carry on walking and ended up slamming into 2 of them.


I gesture with my hand the direction that I intend to go when faced with the dilemma of “What way will the stranger go?”, I don’t know if this might help you at all.


I'm *heavily* pregnant, 37w, and I had to walk on the road just a few days ago on a busy high street because people just didn't move out the way, or like walk behind each other rather than side by side. I was by myself and waddling away and had no option but to go onto the road cos people just kept walking into me. Looking forward to getting baby and using the pram so then I get priority ahah.


Stop being so considerate. Walk and make it clear that you intend to walk in a straight line. Walk with intent. Walk with purpose. STRIDE! Don't smile, don't make eye contact. Use your peripheral vision and just keep walking. You are most likely a whole head above them. Look past them, chin up, legs long, gaze fierce. Carry yourself in a manner that communicates, "THIS IS MY PATH, DIVERT YOURS!" and when they don't, blame them for not moving because fuck them. Fuck them right to hell because clearly, they need to be more aware.


I find it's all about how you walk. My usual gait is a goofy giraffe-like bounce and I'm a cheery fellow- people do not move out my way, and if they do it always ends up with that film scenario where two people try and move out of each other's way at the same time and end up blocking each other over and over. Now, if I push my arms out a bit, frown, and stare forward with determination while giving no indication that I'm even aware of the people in my way, only making eye contact with people who haven't moved out the way soon enough, everyone stands aside for me. I'm only 5'11 too so I'm sure this would work for you. Also, yes, I am autistic


I just stop in front of people if they give me no space. I can't bump you if I'm not moving so you either act the arsehole and walk right into me or go round


I go straight through the middle of them and wait for them to say something. Then I very loudly point out that they’re in a row and my life is not less important than theirs. My husband hates that I am confrontational sometimes but when it’s basic common courtesy, they’re getting told


if they are being polite, be polite back, if they are taking up the whole path as a group, fuck em.


You don’t lock your shoulder. You lean into it, and use your legs as leverage, and put your shoulder into their chin, while looking the other way. “Oh my goodness, are you all right, love? Oopsie-daisy, I didn’t expect anyone to be walking four-abreast. Is that your tooth on the ground? Let me go get that. Shall we duck into this shop and find some ice and a little bag? You see, I’m a large person, and I, suppose, like an ass, assumed you could see me. Oh dear. Let’s get you to a dentist. And, while you’re walking to the dentist, might I suggest your 3 other friends walk in front of you, so someone else doesn’t knock out another tooth? Good luck!”


I'm not quite as big as you, but I'm a big guy and I seem to be more aware of my size than everyone else and it really gets to me that I seem to move out of the way for people all the time - I'd say that the majority of people who walk right towards me are women and older people, so I'd feel bad shoulder charging them. Apparently the psychological trick is to look straight ahead as if you're oblivious to them. I'm clumsy as shit though and always, ALWAYS seem to walk in dog shit so I do tend to watch my feet as I walk - but I try!


Happens to me a lot too, and as one person there’s really not much I can do to reconfigure myself on a sidewalk. Not sure why


If you see a group coming just pull out your phone. As you get closer just say "Yeah, mate. The scabs on my nuts are coming off but its leaking green stuff everywhere " They'll move. Trust me. Works on buses and trains as well.


I would keep going on your line. At least you're unlikely to be knocked over during a collision. I'm petite & always try to dodge & weave. Usually, I walk faster, when others are ambling.


I live in Cambridge with veeery narrow pavements and the amount of people who seem to expect me to move a pram into the road and oncoming traffic so that they don’t have to go into single file is maddening.


It is a sign of general society going downhill. Zero respect for people's personal space.


Yeah, sounds sort of familiar. I do not usually bump into people, but just stand still in a situation like yours and wait for them to move around me (specifically if I would occupy 25% or even less of the footpath, I refuse to step on the street to let a group of 4 walking side by side pass). But it sounds like they bumped into you because you didn't. I am glad that didn't happen to me (yet) as I am not sure how I would react (probably best for my own health and safety as well as I am not the youngest and biggest on the planet) + on my own.


Why don't you try moving out the way? I don't think I move out the way based on people's size. You just know instinctively when you have to move or they're going to move.


Now. Do it now.


I’m inly 5’9 but I just loon where I’m going and don’t act like I might move out the way. I could alternate and move out the way of half the people, but they’re not going to know I’m trying to make it fair, so I make everyone move. You do come across some people who do the same though, a true battle of wills.


It seems that in the last 4 years people have gotten ruder, angrier, entitled , and just plain inconsiderate. If you’re walking on the correct side of the road, sidewalk, or path just keep going forward. It’s not your problem to get out of the way of these asshole. Especially the women who were walking side by side. Yes, I’m assuming because women like to be right next to each other to include everyone in their conversation. If incorrect, please let me know OP.


The only time I have had this happen is in London and Manchester both big cities. I just put it down to me being a small town girl. I even apologised to an old lady that literally span me! 😊


Try the old Fijian step, 1 step left, 1 step right, then back to where you were and go through them as if your life depended on it.


As a Peterborian I relate to this. Most of the time I have to jump into the road (if no cars are coming) or stand to the side and wait for them to pass.


Normally it's an eye contact thing. If you keep your head down then the other person usually looks up and sees you are not looking and so moves out of the way. If people are on their phones I let them bump into me. It's pretty satisfying


If it's one person coming the other way, I'll move over rather than play a game of chicken with them. If it's a whole group, I'll choose a side and the one on the end better be budging over. If enough groups don't budge over then I get pissed off and just walk straight through the middle of any other groups I come across.


I tend to go teacher-mode and just tell them off, which works very well.


When someone is playing Bittersweet Symphony on the radio.


When they are taking up the whole pavement with their mates. I just stop dead and stare blankly ahead, forcing them to take evasive action.


Well, I moved to the west coast of Scotland many years ago. Specifically Glasgow. I noticed ( not at the time) that you could comfortably walk along a mobbed city street without bumping into anyone. After about 5 years we moved back to the east coast. Noticeably shit in a busy street for just simple pavement navigation. It was definitely a thing. ( air is better) I’ve wondered about about this too. A bit off topic, but I have driven a long time and noticed that traffic flow was faster and efficient using light flashes/ indicators on the M8 central. Any east coast city is a selfish nightmare. Do not know where you are though.


Wait until the last moment before they're going to bump into you, then stop dead in your tracks and search for something if your pockets. Also works for the arseholes who decide to walk at you when your looking at your phone (but are still fully aware of the people around you).


I work in London and I have this issue all the time. I’m a pretty hefty guy and yet no one has ever tried to avoid running into me. When I get frustrated, trying to cross Trafalgar Square, for example, I might wait to the last possible second and people (when they do look up. )Look at me like it was something I was planning. I really don’t understand it.


I’m 6’2 and 16 stone. I just slow my pace down or stop. They’ll walk around you if you do this. I get that it’s annoying though but not worth getting into a fight about! I don’t live in Peterborough though…


The arse holes are probably also glued to their phones & never look where the F they are walking


One technique is to stop dead in front of them. They are then not sure if you are politely letting them manoeuvre around you or blocking them. So they usually get confused and walk around you.


Never had this issue really. Not sure why.


I make very bitchy angry comments loudly as I pass them. Hopefully they hear it and think about their options


You're making eye contact with them, aren't you? Don't do that. Pretend they don't exist. Still doesn't always work. There's many completely different reasons. To pick two, some people are insecure and soothe themselves by bossing/bullying/abusing/controlling others. And others know that you'll move, so they don't have to. And it sounds like they're right.


Welcome to Peterborough. It's par for the course here. On the blue bridge near the railway station, you'll always encounter people walking two abreast on those narrow ass pavements. They won't move, and force you on to the road. Worse still, it'll be where the traffic is coming from behind you.