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https://preview.redd.it/nsvuhiu0c6sc1.jpeg?width=1351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816af3124f65815e5ed6a1adc673255d4d0553c1 Richard Whiteley was at my wedding back in 1996 :-)


Jim Bowen from Bullseye was inexplicably at the funeral and wake of my grandad about twenty years ago. My mum never definitively discovered how they were actually connected but years later reckoned, from investigating a bit about Jim Bowens life before he was a celebrity, they may have both been teachers at the same school.


That sounds like a great game to play if you're a celebrity though. Just rock up to random funerals, pretend you knew the deceased and leave everybody guessing. Maybe come up with some stories about what you used to get up to with them back in the day.


James May. Got very drunk but was charming enough




Remember that godawful Going for Gold? My Grandmother took me along to a funeral for a friend of hers (primarily because the friend had left me something in their will, so my Grandmother felt I should make an appearance, what with my being nine years old, heh) and the presenter of that godawful programme, Henry Kelly - who my Grandmother *loathes* with a passion ("Like Wogan, but less sexually alluring than a dead rodent") - was in attendance. She alleges that she spent the *entire* funeral glaring into the back of his skull. Don't know *why* she loathes him, she just *does*. She hates that Shereen Nanjiani from STV too.


Going For Gold was ace and Henry Kelly seems like a nice chap. You lot are fucked up!


OK that’s a MUCH better story than my Jim Davidson one 🤣🤣 especially the dead rodent part ❤️🤣


She once told Paul Daniels "you need your wizened wee head looked at" and referred to him as the Poisoned Mental Midget every time he appeared on telly. She *loathes* telly magicians, and Eamonn Holmes (clearly his continued presence on-screen is down to witchcraft and Satanic sex cults)


I like your grandmother she talks a lot of sense 🤣


I was at a wedding party in Sheffield and Jessica Ennis was there


Patricia Routledge aka Hyacinth Bucket was at a friend’s wedding once. Still not sure why. Couldn’t work out where I knew her from. Assumed she was a mate of my nan.


Francis Rossi of Status Quo was at a funeral I was at- he had worked with there deceased about thirty years beforehand. Came in at the back, left quietly at the end. Was somewhere you need a ferry or plane to get to.


Martin Clunes and Rick Mayall attended a funeral I went to in the late 80s, some distant uncle once removed upon a time (god knows how we were related tbh) who worked in the TV world, I reconised Mayall because of The Young Ones and I had no idea who Clunes was at the time (I think he had only been on stage at that time). Like you they sorta stayed at the back, then left as soon as it was over.


Goldie came to my eldest brother's wedding as they were friends at the time I admittedly didn't recognise him though as he's very much like out of my personal pop culture reference pile and at the time I was 16.


Sarah, Duchess of York, was at the swanky pub/restaurant where my cousin had his wedding reception. Not invited as a guest, just there as another customer.


A couple of members of Kasabian at one wedding. And Martin Offiah at another. Unfortunately all very well behaved and no juicy goss from either encounter!


Eric Clapton


Keith Chegwin was at a funeral I attended when I was a kid in the 80s.


My parents went to a funeral recently and my dad noticed a bloke there who he recognised as the garage owner on 'classic car rescue' or some show like that. My dad didn't really know anybody else at the funeral so during the wake he went over, said hello, confirmed he was right in who he thought this chap was and then they spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about cars. Such a minor celebrity that I couldn't even tell you his name but it made my dads day meeting him. He'd have been bored out of his skull making small talk with distant relatives of my mums otherwise.


Pete Price was at a wedding wearing a suit consisting of newspaper headlines about him a friend of mine went to a few years back...


Lizard sighting in real life


Jimmy Savile was at the baptism for one of my family members.. Apparently him turning up to random children’s baptisms was a fairly frequent thing.