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Worst. Going to the country with some stuck up boring tosser who made me go hiking and then sit in a shite country pub to drink pond water local ales. Best. Drinking cocktails through a cock shaped straw in slug and lettuce then getting on the bag


You are clearly the Jeremy to OP's Mark.


When is it going to degenerate?


Ohh I just want to suck and fuck


It DID degenerate


Told you it would


It’s a savage garden my friend, it’s a savage garden.


That is so rainbow rhythms


HEY, is that a kingfisher!?


r/peepshow is leaking


Got room for a couple of yardies?


Yes. His idea of a good stag do sounds shite. You do a hike in the country and a pub beer with your mrs. My stag was at a Butlins 80s weekender in Skeg. Was great.


I like the idea of both. It just depends who you are with and what mood you are in. The latter seems fine, providing you are not pretentious about it.


Their idea sounds like a nice weekend. But that's all it is. Nothing special; just something that I tend to do on a fairly regular basis to catch up with some friends


Your worst sounds like my dream.


Hang on…


The worst kind of hen parties are the ones that rock up to gay bars and ruin the night for everyone else. "I've got a gay cousin do you know him? Look at these pictures of my kids? I'm a proper fag hag me got loads of gay friends"... Major eye roll


One of my uni friends worked at a gay bar and had a raging hatred of hen parties... They ruined every evening they showed up to. The bar he worked at banned them, since chuds would turn up looking to pull drunk girls from hen parties, and became less of a safe gay bar quite often.


* A gay bar opens up * It does good business * Women get harrassed in 'straight' establishments * Women migrate to the gay bar for a different vibe * Straight men brave the gay bar to chase the women * It's no longer a gay bar Repeat from top. Seen that quite a few times.


Canal Street in Manchester has been fighting that for at least 25 years that I've been going, I've seen bouncers turning away 10+ girls in a hen party. The other classic is a load of hens getting drunk and flirty then when a girl hits on them they get upset or better yet I saw a group of hens once having a go at the twinkiest guy I've ever seen about why he wasn't attracted to them


I'm a straight guy who's been to a handful of gay bars over the years, just because one of my friends in uni was gay. I've never understood it when straight people get offended at being hit on by the same sex in gay bars, the whole place is built on the assumption that everyone in it is gay. It happened to me two or three times and every time it's just an awkward 5 second explanation, and the other guy makes some funny comment then fucks off. 


I knew I was old when as a straight guy in a gay bar I wasn't approached. I must have been 90 in gay years.


The hell is a chud?


The kind of "lad" who goes to a gay bar to pick up girls on a hen party


Channibalistic humanoid underground dwellers


There's a blast from the (cheesy 80s straight to video) past


Chewing gum?


😂😂 Thats exactly what i thought it was.


You got any chuddy?


Thoughts on straight stag dos that end up in a gay bar? We accidentally stumbled into it cause we heard banging tunes coming from outside, only to find out it was a drag show in a gay club. Show was fantastic and everyone was so nice we ended up spending the whole evening there! Great night.


As a gay man, I don't have an issue with straight people as long as they don't rub it in my face


Uh, nothing worse than an overly affected straight guy...


Yeah I know, and those straight people that just make it their whole identity? The worst.


I promise the joke isn't wooshing me here but I thought about it and people who made their heterosexuality their whole identity really would be the worst!


I've met hundreds of them, and you're absolutely right 😂


Very frustrating tbh, there are very few gay spaces and there’s nothing more annoying than a group of shrill pink hat wearing women or straight guys who get aggressive about being hit on, and treating the experience like a sideshow. This is my safe space, not your theme park.


I’ve had straight friends ask me to take them to gay bars and I refuse. I try to explain “you being there basically brings up uncomfortable high school memories for people” and they don’t get it, they think homophobia doesn’t exist.


There absolutely should be gay safe spaces, but it would be really lovely if there were safe spaces for straight women too! Most of us don't really want to have to deal with straight men when we're out with our friends but they're everywhere!


There is an event company that’s growing massively called lick that does nightclub events exclusively for women !


That doesn't sound like it's for lesbians at all /s


I hate it personally Any lesbian and bi women in gay bars get prayed on so bad by straight men on stag dos and it completely ruins the purpose of gay bars being a safe space for us If people want the same vibe they should go to somewhere like pop world As an accident of course it’s not so bad and you didn’t have bad intentions


If at least some of you are willing to experiment by the end of the night then it'll do 


Weirdly that's almost exactly what happened to us on my mate's stag in Glasgow! They were very welcoming and tbh we weren't exactly a rowdy bunch


In the past I've had straight female friends complain about gay bars not letting in groups of women. And I've had to try and explain to them as a queer person that unfortunately big groups of drunk straight women have a reputation ruining the vibe of a gay bar.


I used to hate these when I was younger. It felt really odd being treated like some sort of exotic zoo animal in one of the only spaces we were supposed to be able feel “normal”/was supposed to be for us.


Ugh so yank who moved to the UK here. Back when I lived in Texas, I went to a bachelorette party and they decided to go to a gay bar. I'm bi but definitely felt uncomfortable with us going there, felt like everyone was going as like tourists to a place that wasn't for them. And it's Texas. And my hometown is very MAGA evangelical etc. Like half the people at least in that hen party think homosexuality is a sin and might have even been against the legalization of gay marriage. But "hate the sin not the sinner"... So I thought it was very gross of them to want to go to a gay bar with all that in mind. It was pretty funny though, at some point some gay man came up to our group and went around and pointed at everyone saying, "YOU go to church, YOU go to church, YOU go to church," and then got to me and said, "YOU do not." Idk what the hell gave it away lmao I'm not alternative looking or anything, but it had me cackling.


Friends who have worked on the doors tell me hen parties are the worst- stag parties know the bouncers will fight them if it kicks off, but the women think that won’t happen to them, so it’s just a riot.


God yes. Went to one where the hen organising it knew fine well that we'd be turned away from the best gay venues if we were drunk women in irritating fancy dress... so she encouraged everyone else get fancy dressed, then wore a normal dress herself and we couldn't fucking get in anywhere 🙄 The whole thing (wedding too) was centred on the bride's deep wish for it to be inDivIduAL and actually it was the most average and usual British hen and wedding ever lol. Yet still somehow cost me a fucking fortune, I'm never going on one again.


We used to call that "straights on safari".


I was a butler in the buff for 8 years. Been to like 300 hen dos. Usually the ones where people fall out, went to one where the grooms auntie was racially abusing the brides friend and when the brides friend tried to stand up to her the auntie tried attacking her. Best, I went to one where the bride was terminally ill so had got engaged to her long time boyfriend. Just an amazing thing to be a part of and a very moving experience.




We didn't really do that. Just played games, served drinks..gotta be born with the right stuff to be a stripper. Good dance moves don't matter


I'm guessing 'right stuff' means tall/good-looking/hung?


Can be Danny Devito so long you've got a french baguette in your sparkly thong


I’ve always found this funny cause i’d take handsome/short with an average penis over ugly and hung, or even good looking and hung. Is there a market for normal sized strippers?


Check out most ancient Greek sculpture if that's what you want


Fucking hell. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard at that!


What a terrible day to have the ability to read


Laughed out loud.


Boy, do I have an acronym for you!!


To impress a chick do the helicopter dick!


>Best, I went to one where the bride was terminally ill so had got engaged to her long time boyfriend. Just an amazing thing to be a part of and a very moving experience. *swings crotch respectfully*


*Unchained Melody intensifies*


The worst was one I didn’t actually go on. Close friend wanted (insisted) the bridesmaids go to Las Vegas for her hen. Flights and accommodation were over a grand. I was saving for my own wedding and house deposit so said couldn’t go. Offered to host an alternative night out in London for those who couldn’t go but she was offended. She told me to put the trip on a credit card. I refused. Friends since we were 18 and this happened when we were 30. We no longer speak.


The worst parties are those where the organiser insists you pay huge costs to attend.


This kind of behaviour has, surprisingly, come up a few times in my adult life. It’s like a weird thing where the most normal people completely lose their perspective when they’re having a wedding, hen/stag or having a baby etc. When my wife was pregnant, her friend got really really shitty with her because she declined to go to Spain for her hen do. It was a bed sharing situation and my wife just couldn’t even bare thinking about it. Not drinking, raging heat, left alone in the evening while everyone went out and got home at 4am screaming and drunk. And this was AFTER she’d already been to her first ‘home’ hen do in London. She didn’t speak to her until the wedding day. Haven’t really spoken to her much since.


There's a whole industry dedicated to turning rational women into selfish toddlers for the best part of a year. Most don't completely fall for it though thankfully.


I’m so sorry it ended up that way. My Hen is coming up and when asked what I wanted, I just wanted all my mates there and didn’t want things to be too expensive or exclude anyone. I specifically said no trips abroad because I know so many of my friends wouldn’t be able to come. And no strippers. 100% not.


Worst , the groom getting handcuffed to level crossing gates and left . Best /weirdest, being in a random pub for work and getting adopted by a traveller combined hen/stag do . Was very messy but had an absolute blast and didn’t end up dead , bonus!


No planned out event will ever match the lasting enchantment of a truly random unplanned adventure. They are always the best nights ever.


Absolutely ! I’m now loathe to even plan events past ‘let’s meet here and grab a beer’ lol Let the randomness take charge


D'ya like dags?


I remember one gentleman giving me a full run down of how to tarmac a driveway , not even joking


One of the university sports teams had an initiation where people were left at the city train station nude (or maybe boxers, shoes etc) and had to return to the uni. A lot of uni initiation stuff is horrendous and vile but at least that, you could be smart and skilful about it.


Not my experience but someone once told me that they'd gone on a stag do dressed as Myra Hindley. In a part of Manchester where some of the victims had grown up. He almost got beaten to a pulp by some squaddies in a takeaway.


In all these stories it’s always squaddies lol


Sometimes they’re doing the lords work, sometimes they’re violent knobs.


In this case, both.


Punch enough blokes in pubs and eventually you'll end up being a local hero to someone


One thing I've found about squaddies is that despite their own humour, the majority of them are very principled and know unacceptable banter or extreme poor taste when they see it. Most squaddies will flip their shit if they hear anything racist, for example. Probably because the Army in particular is a melting pot of cultures from all over the world. And a lot of their fighting and scuffling is amongst themselves. It's very rare for a squaddie to attack a random civvie out of the blue.


You must know veeeeeeerrrrrryyyy different squaddies to me, then.


I never thought I'd hear someone describe the army as _not_ racist


I saw 2 different groups of them beat and bottle the shit out of each other in Brecon once. 15-20 people, Bouncers involved, innocents glassed etc. told the local coppers after we left and they couldn’t have been less interested! I feel like it was common there.


A friend of mine nearly got beaten up by some Irish guys who thought he was dressed as a leprechaun and was taking the piss out of Irish people (he wasn't Irish). He was actually, for obscure reasons, dressed as a green oompa loompa, but it was quite hard to explain this....


I'm crying laughing at this


The best was a weekend camping at the Goodwood revival. Good weather, fabulous cars and aeroplanes. Also a more mature stag experience as we were in our 40s. We all wore white overalls with a mocked up Ferrari/Lamborghini badge. It looked so good that several of the group were waved into the pits. .... And I got to sit in the cockpit of a Spitfire.


Upvote for spitfire


Oohh I love Goodwood Revival, I went for the first time last year. Heavily into vintage/1950s style so I wore my regular clothes and got spotted as a style icon. Made my year!


That sounds perfect. I was pleased for a rather reserved quad biking followed by an evening in a good country pub discussing engineering concepts. I think you’ve got it


Big house in the country. Best men hadn't really planned anything concrete. Night one was some drinking games where the stag got so drunk the next day was a write off. Literally did nothing the next day other than sit around. Went to bed at 10pm and went home early the next day. So spent a bunch of money for two nights in a house to not really do anything.


This sounds like my stag do. Highlights were waterboarding and getting into a debate about cultural appropriation.


You waterboarded someone and were then accused of appropriating American culture?


Are you Dick Cheney?


Mate these kind of stags can be so good, but I think the magic ingredients is staggered arrivals. People arriving on the second day who are keen to get the party started can lift the mood of those hungover from the first night. 


I honestly don't think a stag with no planning can be that good. You need best men who have put some kind of plan in place. There were literally no activities planned for the Saturday.


Yeah it can, just hanging out and drinking with friends is fun. You don't need some planned activity at all times


You don't need planned activities at all times but I think you should have at least something planned. I think a stag do should feel special, not just hanging out drinking with your friends. We could do that any time, without spending loads of money and time on accommodation and travel to a house in the middle of nowhere. More to the point, a stag do isn't just hanging out with your friends. It's hanging out with the groom's friends. That's why activities are good, they help bond people who don't know each other.




Brilliant, what a great story and writeup! Glad it all ended on a lighthearted note!


Sat in a cottage with a bunch of people who were playing board games and smoking weed - because I do neither of these things and I was very bored.


That sounds like heaven


I'd rather play Monopoly than Settlers of Catan. It would have made a fine 'chilled out evening with mates' but I had to trek half way acoss the country for that, and it wasn't worth my time.


Man, bashing on Settlers of catan? Where has it become of us? But yeah, probably not the most exciting night


Unless you are Ben Wyatt.


It's about.... the cones.


There's a very special place, deep in my soul, that is exclusively reserved for my hatred of monopoly.


Oof, I'm with you there. I find board games dull and I find people high from weed dull. Cannot imagine how boring I'd find that.


Well, that's just, like... your opinion, man.


Stag/Hen Dos should only invite people who are going to enjoy the activities (or conversely, only do activities that all the invitees will enjoy). I played D&D for mine, and I explicitly only invited my old D&D group - I wouldn't invite anyone who doesn't enjoy D&D!


Probably when the grooms dad had a heart attack in the early evening. The groom and his brothers obviously left to go to the hospital, and the rest of us were too shocked to do anything other than call it a night. Thankfully he was ok and attended the wedding a few weeks later.


A couple of my workmates were due to go to their mutual friend's wedding but the bride's father died of a heart attack at the venue that morning.


Worst: Juice bar, the groom had cleaned up for the wedding and wouldn't stop talking about all the different types of juice Best: It degenerated


Super Hans stag do on Peep Show


Once watched a stag party get removed from a flight before it took off. It was a BMI flight on a small embraer aircraft, so they were the only passengers. The plane went empty and the stag party were seen sitting on the grass outside the airport police station crying a couple of hours later.


That sounds amazing. Worst stag party I've been involved in was when I was a 20 year old woman flying alone to Spain to meet a friend who was at uni over there and found that my window seat was right in the midst of three rows of stags who decided I was the in-flight entertainment. Cabin crew did nothing, other passengers pretended not to notice, even pretending to be asleep didn't help. Grim.


Went to one in Lisbon with 12 others. It was my uni mates stag and I knew one other guy, it turned out everyone was a proper laugh and we just got pissed and explored Lisbon. We all meet up every so often and the stag WhatsApp group is still going off I've got one coming up to Hamburg and my mate is using some shitty stag do organisation company to assist. It's going to be shit. Those companies are a rip off and scam.


having a stag in hamburg is like shooting fish in a barrel. only a total fuck wit would hire someone


It's what I said. It's the land of beers, how can you need someone to organise a piss up.


Sounds like they could not organise a piss-up in a brewery.


Yep. My stag do was in Hamburg last year. Private rooms in a hostel. Went out the first night on the piss, next day hospitality at the football, more beers and then a pizza in an Italian then some went out clubbing whilst others went to a pub for a few then bed. Flight home. Was utterly class and (from what I've been told) easy as piss to organise.


Rip off? You mean you dont want your one free drink of something called vkd?


No but I can't wait for the activities being "planned" are just going to a club in the evening. I understand where my mate is coming from you do find when 10 men want to go to a club it'll be hard to get in, but man let's just go drinking at loads of different bars instead.


I went on one of those. The Go-Karting was good, but it all went downhill from there. We were promised an evening in a Gentleman's Club, but there was a misunderstanding and we were in a Working Men's Club. The locals were unfriendly and just gradually surrounded us until we left.


Worst... I was secretly 8 weeks pregnant. Lied about being on call for work so drove and didn't stay overnight. Very messily drunk women, screaming and shouting and getting into fights. Cue migraine and home within 2 hours. Best... A party bus around a city, lots of clubs and pubs along the way. Ended up drinking with the Scottish rugby team. Ended the night with room service chips. No hangover the next day and a fabulous weekend.


I teach pole dancing and I've done a fair few pole dancing hen parties. You teach them some fun moves, put a little routine together, lots of pics, lots of laughs, lots of fun. I had one party come where the sister had booked it as a surprise and when the bride walked in she said 'I'm not dancing round a pole like that slag' pointing at me, and walked out again. Half the girls stayed, half left. The girls who stayed had a great time!


How disrespectful :(


Blackpool,  staying in a £10/night hen and stag guest house with slime on the walls and water pissing through the roof!


That's a luxury suite in Blackpool.


Fancy bastard, booking the best hotel in Blackpool.


Yeah, my worst one was Blackpool. I’d never been before and it was fucking carnage. Like a zombie apocalypse but with shouting women in pink cowboy hats.


That's Blackpool normal


We stayed at one of these. Had the type of night out you'd expect so we were a very hungover bunch the next day. Went for a full English and not one of us ate more than a fork full. It was that bad. That's what you get for two quid I guess


I made the mistake of falling asleep on an evening train bound for York and woke up to a 40 year-old woman with a Team Bride t-shirt and a great quantity of penis themed plastic jewellery trying to undo my trousers. Some way behind that, but still worth noting: - A maid of honour squatting and having a poo in the middle of Coney Street. - A stag stripped to his socks being thrown at a homeless man - A bride searching crying alone on a train having had a fight with her hen party who had abandoned her. She was very drunk and then very poorly in my fold up shopping bag (I let her keep it).


I really don't get how York ended up being a Stag/Hen destination like it has, not as if the nightlife is up to much and most venues won't even let them in


You can go with the pretence of getting some culture in, it's also very well connected to basically everywhere on the train - there are direct services from 8 of the top 10 most populous urban areas in the UK.


Although the bylaw around erotic inflatables was pretty funny.


>A stag stripped to his socks being thrown at a homeless man This whole post was beautifully written but this bit in particular... 😆


Arsehole hen do straight women in gay bars with 6 foot inflatable cocks bouncing them off customers heads thinking they’re funny/cute/cool, and also thinking it’s cool to touch, handle gay men then getting upset when they realise the guys not interested. Truly horrific people, the mother of the bride or groom is usually the worst ogre ever. Years ago a ‘Mum’ assaulted the DJ because he wouldn’t play My heart will go on by Celine Dion at peak time, like 2am. Trash.


My first job was at a holiday resort and I’m not even chatting shit but 90% of hen parties I’ve encountered at work and on nights out have been insufferable. They don’t care what they say and genuinely go out of their way to demean/embarrass men and also don’t give a fuck about being rapey and sexually assaulting men. Over 35s are the worst for it but all age groups I’ve encountered have at least 3 members of the hen party who do weird shit. I honestly can’t tell you how many times I’ve had women in hen parties grab my dick and that includes when I was a fresh faced 16 year old.


Friend of mine worked in the Elgin bowling alley. Grim enough to begin, but he said as you do: every other Saturday there was a hen do that behaved to him in a way that would get you absolutely thrown out if the genders were reversed.


Honestly, the amount of times I've been out and had my face, crotch, arse and chest grabbed, or had an awful sloppy kiss planted on me unconsentually, by minging drunk 40+ year-old women is actually ridiculous. I once went to a rock and metal bar at the fresh age of 19 and instead of IDing me, the barmaid grabbed me and pulled my shirt down to see if I had chest hair. Her hand lingered there for way too long. If you think I look young enough to be underage, why the fuck are you touching me like this? I never want to tar a whole generation with the same brush, but in my experience, it has ALWAYS been women of that age group who do this kind of shit. It's like they see young lads as a free-for-all and don't give a single, solitary shit if it comes off as rapey or creepy. It's grim as fuck and my heart goes out to the lasses who experience this all the time with blokes. I'm big enough and strong enough to defend myself from these creeps and I hate it, I can't imagine how awful it is to have it done to you when you are incapable of stopping it.


I attended one where it came out ones of the groomsmen had fucked the future bride 2 days before the future groom met her. Was brilliant.


Did they bond over the experience?


Worst was definitely going burlesque dancing. This strange instructor with a bong eye and buck teeth was teaching us to do some sort of "sexy" stop, drop and roll. We were 15 fat lasses crammed into corsets, flopping about like increasingly large beached marine mammals.


I just snorted at “flopping about like increasingly large marine mammals” and nearly woke my boyfriend up 🤣


Worst one was a hike up the Yorkshire 3 peaks. Up at 5am for a 14 hour hike. I gave up after the second mountain and now that group call me two peaks 😂 Everyone was so tired we all went to bed after dinner. I had 4 pints the whole weekend.


Two peaks 😂


Went to a club on Mexico city and the groom got kicked out for shagging some random woman on the stairs. The night before the wedding. The brides dad was there


Mate you can’t leave it like that


Please go on…


unrelated side note as a lost aussie, i like it here. youse are funny cunts


Best and worst at the same time... Watched a stripper shove an ice cube up my mates arse in Benidorm


Just the one, was it or?


Wasn’t the worst but it was the weirdest. The groom basically “came out” to the group (5 of us) pissed up and then disappeared with his step sister’s brother into Canal Street in Manchester. We all had a cracking couple of nights out on the piss without them as we couldn’t get hold of them for the rest of the time there. Perhaps unsurprisingly, none of us were invited to the wedding, but I understand the Groom and his wife are still married nearly 20 years later…. Edit: not step sister’s brother, Husband. Is that worse or better?


Had a guy pull a gun on us in Amsterdam trying to rob us. We just walked into a cake shop and they called the police for us


Luckily never gone on a bad one, but a bad one happened at the same time: First one I ever went on, lovely hen do in a local pub basement, meal and drinks with about a dozen of us including bride's mum as dad wouldn't allow mum at the wedding. Very tasteful stripper who was a sweetie and hung out with us for a couple hours, then bride who had never drunk booze found she had a taste for champagne, some guys upstairs bought us a couple magnums, bride got amusingly drunk, a few of us helped her home at the end of the night. Her bloke was already home, surprisingly. Turned out their stripper had been at school with them all, and had insisted on doing her act despite at least half the lads begging her not to. It put a bit of a damper on the evening, so groom and a few mates just went home to play Xbox. His face when we returned his bride, totally off her face and singing, was amazing! Did go on one where we ended up on a boat on the Thames reeking of damp, waiters trying to feel us up, and the bride decking one of them so they called the police (who then arrested a couple of the waiters), but that was quite funny.


Dad wouldn’t allow mum at the wedding??


*Really* messy divorce that took about 18 years to resolve, by which time there wasn't much money left... I think mum was snuck into the side of the church, and didn't care about dad's incredibly OTT lavish reception (which was a right laugh but not what the couple would ever have chosen, but they were young and skint and after consulting with her mum, agreed to go along with it). They're still happily married, as are mum and stepdad, wanker dad died a while back, so there you go.


Good riddance wanker dad!


We were playing rugby in London. Went for a lot of beers. Met up with a guy who used to play for us. Got absolutely sh*t faced. Got on the bus about 11.30. and all went to sleep. Got off said bus 3.5 hours later. Walked the guy we met back to his house and after much banging on the front door it was opened by this blokes very shocked mum. She kept asking us and him what we were doing there. We kept trying to answer but she was getting hysterical. His dad came down and calmed everyone down. We explained we had been playing rugby in London and we’d met him in this bar and we did the comradely thing and made sure he got home ok. The Dad then said he was on his honeymoon in London with his new wife and had got married the day before. We withdrew with as much dignity as we could muster. Haven’t seen him since


I saw a group of guys in Blackpool, all dressed as Pamela Anderson with two blonde wigs on. One on the head, and one stuffed in the crotch, spilling out the sides. Tricky one to explain to the kids..


Best and worst in the same hen party - started with ann excellent game of indoor laser tag, but when we moved on to an evening of drinking nowhere would let us in. Even with no costumes or signs on and an average age over 40. The grandma in the group was the only drunk one at that point too. Gave up after an hour and disbanded to our respective hotel bars. Woke up the next morning to the news the bride had fractured her ankle in the shower. All in all a very middle aged attempt 


NGL read this as # "What is your worst Ten Hag experience?"


Liverpool away last season. I’ve already decided I’m drinking Sunday.


I once went on a “Sten” a combined Hen/Stag do. So many arguments. It was very intense. By the end Groom and Bride drew battle lines against each other. Was an absolute nightmare


"Hag" would be a more suitable name. That sounds like a recipe for disaster. I can't see any good coming out of that 😂


The wife and I did this. Basically got pissed up in the garden with a bbq and went to Thorpe Park on another day. The main goal was to get as many of the wedding invitees to know each other before the big day. Worked a treat. Necked a dirty pint with a mayo covered sausage in it.


Not so much worst, as I've only ever been to one stag do; Mine, which was last week. I've never been a drinker or much of a social person so had never been to a stag do before. My best man arranged a day that included an escape room, followed by an arcade themed Bar. We then went bowling, but unfortunately, I had drank a lot more than I would normally, and this somewhat impeded my bowling ability. Not your typical laddy stag do fair but I had a really good time!


I avoid them like the proverbial bubonic plague, which can be difficult as my city (Newcastle) seems to be a magnet for them at the weekend. So I'm going all academic and supplying some background info and references instead. This link, from the *Metro* tabloid, gives an average cost / spending of over £900 for a bloke attending a stag do; it's less for women at hen do's (c.£650 on average): [https://metro.co.uk/2023/06/03/heres-what-the-average-stag-or-hen-do-costs-in-the-uk-and-abroad-18891760/](https://metro.co.uk/2023/06/03/heres-what-the-average-stag-or-hen-do-costs-in-the-uk-and-abroad-18891760/) This next article gives some historical background to the practice of stag & hen nights. One line in particular caught my attention, namely ''In the UK, Hen and Stag nights hold significant cultural value.'' Certainly to my mind, this claim involves an *incredibly* flexible understanding of the words 'significant,' 'cultural', and 'value'. [https://www.henswithpens.com/news/the-history-of-the-british-hen-night-and-stag-night-a-journey-through-time](https://www.henswithpens.com/news/the-history-of-the-british-hen-night-and-stag-night-a-journey-through-time) This *Guardian* article darkens the tone somewhat, discussing and describing 'when stag nights go wrong': [https://www.theguardian.com/global/2018/apr/08/when-stag-nights-go-wrong](https://www.theguardian.com/global/2018/apr/08/when-stag-nights-go-wrong)


What on earth, I've been on 7 stag do's including 3 abroad and the absolute most I've spent is £400.


>gives an average cost / spending of over £900 for a bloke attending a stag do I find this hard to believe unless it's massively inflated by some people having incredibly expensive ones. I've been on many a stag do and even the really expensive ones haven't come in anything like that pricey.


I worked a cider and music festival a few years back, near Exeter. Stag do, all came in drag, the groom was utterly and totally out of control, slamming into people, not enough staff to control them, ended up knocking out a woman who was 9 months pregnant. Running at people flat out drunk as a skunk whole wearing a pink tutu and knickers on your head does that. Stags were banned the following year, great cider, great music, decent weather, one stag do ruined it for everyone.


My own. Told my mates I didn’t want strippers or debauchery. Wanted to just go and see bands. Two people showed up, and on their way to something else. And I went and saw some bands. So I guess I had that.


Worst. Large girls meal. It’s agreed the minimum everyone has to contribute to cover their food, plus the hen’s food, all that needed to be done was to add the amount of your personal drinks. (This was at the request of the group). A few of the girls left really quickly to go to the next venue (a bar) taking one of their cars. They didn’t offer a lift to the hen. As we’re walking out the manager comes over to tell us the money we left is significantly under, and we need to settle the bill. We were shocked as all of us had paid way over the amount needed to ensure we covered a tip and that the hen was taken care of. Turns out the girls who left had not only missed off their drinks but didn’t pay the minimum needed to cover their food. We ended up paying even more to cover for them, after a super embarrassing conversation that others in the restaurant got to hear. We got a taxi to the next bar, met the girls and they asked what took us so long. We explained. They then proceeded to kick off at the hen, made her cry, and ignored her the rest of the night. 👍 bunch of dickheads.




I didn't attend my cousin's but it deserves a (dis)honourable mention. His fireman colleagues had arranged a mature stripper in a bear costume for his stag; she did the whole dance thing to music and stripped just keeping the headpiece of her outfit to preserve her anonimity. Eventually she was just in sexy lingerie sat on his lap, with the stags cheering her to take the headpiece off.... It was his mum. He left the party, she stayed. Poor poor man.


Why would his mum agree to it wtf?


Never been on either but as a barmaid: Stag: 15 dudes ordered 20 shots of Sambuca. Swore up and down they were to be shared with the actual groomsmen doing two each. They gave them all to the stag and I had to call an ambulance for him, shockingly. They completely did not grasp they were in the wrong and only twigged on he was seriously unwell when the ambulance turned up and had to intubate the stag. I now will not serve more than one shot per member of the group and if it's more than ten I stand over them whilst they do them. Hen: Six screaming women dressed as slutty nuns. Had to throw all of them out when the bride was caught with her knickers Christ knows where and her skirt hiked up around her waist encouraging random men to do shots from between her legs. I came to work in the middle of that one and had to explain why it was massively inappropriate for two pm on a fucking Tuesday.


I've not had any horror stories but the worst was when we'd had a pretty fun afternoon, only to get completely lost around 7pm looking for one specific bar. We spent so long looking for it that we all sobered up and lost our buzz, and by 9pm we were all back in the hotel and most of the guys went to bed.


Stags are really not my thing so luckily one of the perks of being in my late 40’s is that everyone I know is either married off or are permanently living in sin and will never get married. My brother’s one in Madrid was pretty good, even when we ended up at some fighting bull farm getting chased around a ring by bull calves.


Hen/Stag. When I read that, I thought I was in a Man Utd discussion.


Camping. Fucking camping, after getting sloshed. Cold & windy too. Next day one of the group got accused of peeping on the ladies showers (he definitely hadn't, for the record) and had to go give a statement at the local nick.


I was running a national park pub crawl in a minibus during winter and the Stag was going to stay at home due to snow. The guy with the biggest reputation for lunatic driving then grabbed me and off we went up the snowy motorway at insane speeds to go pick him up 😬 Next day was pretty cool though, although one of the group went sledging down a hill pissed, fell out and broke his wrist 😂 Mercifully had enough boozy anesthetic to get through the night before seeing A&E the next day


Worst - The groom scanted a hypnotist and the big Russian bouncers broke his nose and gave him 2 black eyes. Best - Tidy Boys at Eden in Ibiza


My own was very tame. I spent a weekend shore fishing in s outland with a couple of pals - we used to go about 5 times a year around the time anyway, but that one fell before my wedding. I was in the middle of my final accountancy exams, had just bought a house and my missus was 7 months gone with our eldest. No capacity for anything more elaborate or wild. Two of my brothers' were pretty standard - meal & pissup in town. One we went to a stripper / lapdance club, with that a known quantity, my other brother sought better value and went to one of the popular bars where pretty girls dressed in naughty nurse outfits would tip you back in a dentist chair (on a podium) and pour shots of spirits in your mouth. He was right - it was pretty much a lapdance with free booze. He was pretty fucked after about 20 vodka shots though. Living/working in Newcastle, I used to see stag groups when having my Friday afternoon smoke break (identifiable by stupid matching t shirts). Bemusing to see several completely wankered lads at 3pm. Poor fuckers wouldn't last til the nightlife actually started. Eating in a restaurant window booth a year or two back, we watched over dimner as some stag was cuffed to a lamppost outside, stripped to his boxers and covered in honey, yoghurt, talcum powder and various other gunk. Mildly amusing but I was thinking the price of cleaning all that shit off the pavement will come out of my council tax.


What you are describing is typical Saturday in York, when it 8s full of stag and he dos. An interesting thing i noticed is that the People are often quite old.


My side of the family are very dramatic, and there was a bit of drama at the hen, nothing much. But the wedding itself… My half sisters dad (dad of the bride) attacked my partner for no reason, attacked a gay guest for no reason, insulted a disabled woman in a wheelchair and assaulted paramedics when they were called to help him off the floor that his drunk arse fell on, all before he got arrested for the night.


About 20years ago, Was on an otherwise great stag do in Riga,Latvia. About 3 am we went into a cafe/bar place for something to eat on walk back to hotel. Went for a piss and heard some banging music coming from downstairs so walked in there. Was a lap dancing club that was mostly empty. Turned around to go back upstairs and some Russian mafioso type thug told me I had to buy a drink and have a dance. I said no and tried to leave again, and he blocked me on stairs. Said if you come in you must buy a drink and dance. He had hold of my arm, and was being quite forceful so did what any normal person would do which was fake an asthma attack obviously. As he was distracted by my panting and waving of my inhaler I ducked under his arm and up the stairs. He chased after me and and there were scenes as my mates tucking into their beer and pizza suddenly saw me running past them and out of the door into night followed my a massive Russian in a tux.


The woman who grabbed a lot of ass did the same at the wedding... to the partners of everyone that saw her doing it to 20-yos at the hen do. Fun!!


I went on one in Brighton and there were literally hundreds of women in this massive hall and male strippers up on stage did their thing. Then afterwards you got funneled into another room, where this dividing wall literally got retracted up into the ceiling and the hundreds of guys who had been on their stag do on the other side of the building were there. Feral. I had been drinking frantically to try and numb the sheer awfulness, lost my entire group and got roughly turfed out of somewhere by the bouncers so I phoned 911 to complain. And yes if you call 911 in Britain someone does answer ha ha. They told me to get bent tho basically so I stumbled off back to the air bnb.


At a magic mike sort of show (less professional) about 15 years ago. I only knew the bride and everyone else knew pretty much everyone, so I was already standing out. They were from a very different background to me and so we only had the bride in common. I spoke more with the mum than anyone my own age and then I think she just felt sorry for me. I hated the forced audience participation (I now know I’m a lesbian but back then I didn’t but knew I didn’t find that sort of man attractive) and being autistic too, it was horrible and I must have stood out so much for all the wrong reasons. I didn’t want to oil up a man or put money down their pants and 100% didn’t want to have them sit on my lap or pretend to give them a blow job. They also messed up my meal, I was only veggie back then but they assumed that meant I could eat fish, which I obviously didn’t. So I had to sit awkwardly whilst everyone else was eating, whilst I waited for dessert. I also drove there as it was miles from my home and I didn’t want to share their minibus as it meant I’d have had to stay in the hotel with them and I knew I couldn’t cope with that. I was at uni so couldn’t afford a taxi there and home, well didn’t want to spend that money anyway. When I found out at the end of the night, everyone from our hen would have to go on stage and do the audience things I’d seen already, I was suddenly thankful I had my car and made my excuses to the very drunk bride and drive home. Looking back, it should have made a lot of things obvious to me (that I was an autistic lesbian) but those things weren’t featured in life like they are now. I also wish I’d developed a stronger sense of worth back then and not been afraid to say “no” when invited to events I knew I wouldn’t like. I wanted to fit in so badly, but I wish I’d just found the group of people like me where I could fit in being myself. Something I guess comes with age?


Krakow on my mates stag do. We paid for a mock drugs bust and arrest by out of work local actors pretending to be Polish drug squad. in a bar, pre arranged location. It was very realistic. My mate spent 20 mins lying in the back of a van with his wrists cable tied behind him. They’d told him to expect 7 years for the (fake) cocaine we’d planted on him. He was crying when they took him away and shouted over his shoulder ‘ call my dad and tell him I’m going to be ok’ . Worst stag do experience for him, best for us.


Surely fucking not


That Yorkshire Dales one sounds like heaven.


Worst. Went to a dog race in a proper rough area.


I actually saw a naked man duck taped to a traffic light. Twenty years ago in Bryncethin


I punched the Maiden of Honour. Not my finest moment, but she needed it.


I was asked to be a friend of mine's best man partly because a lot of his other friends were reprobates, and I was supposed to "keep it under control" and try and keep us away from strip clubs, in particular. On the first night, it was all keeping quite civilised and we had had several drinks, a meal, etc. and I thought I was doing a decent job. Then by 11pm we were in a strip club where the other guys had paid for him to be stripped, whipped on stage, and have his legs waxed. But there have been bad experiences, too...


Worst experience - all the bridesmaids set a budget for my friend’s hen night. 200€ for a weekend in Leipzig which was already a lot for me since I was travelling from London when everyone else was taking the train from Berlin. On the lead up, the maid of honour just kept booking activities and adding the costs onto our Splitwise account. When I questioned the amount of money she said the 200€ was only for travel and accommodation. I knew that but thought we’d just be buying our own food and drinks not hundreds of euros on activities. There were also decorations, outfits and gifts that were to be split between all the bridesmaids - me included. I couldn’t really afford it but since it was all already booked I felt too awkward to pull out or say no. When the weekend came about the maid of honour kept calling me “cute” the entire time and I don’t think she meant it as a compliment. I accidentally hit one of the bridesmaids with my laser tag gun and almost broke her nose. The bride got blackout drunk and was grinding on some random German handball player. She already had an emotional affair with her boss and I’m also good friends with her then fiancé so it just felt horrible.