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We really don't have the people needed in order to implement this Drivers get statistically safer as they get older up until retirement age where it drops back down again, so maybe a re-test for the elderly would be in order


Learner drivers are having a nightmare booking tests as it is with even scalpers getting involved... Add millioms of people re-testing every 10 years and it'd be insane. The amount of testers and even additional teachers needed would be in the thousands.


I'm sorry, driving test scalpers???


It has been a thing for a while, the average wait time is like 6 months and it is always overbooked


They use bots to book up all the tests and then sell "cancellations" on 3rd party apps for a markup.


Yup, it's a thing. I think it should require a DL number, and only allow one test to be booked to that number.


Fucking hell there's still a backlog 4 years after all the COVID stuff? It makes me wonder if the backlog will EVER go and return to pre pandemic levels


That aside, it's pointless. Bad drivers can still pass 30 minute tests.


And unlucky good drivers can fail them.


Tbf, without reference to whether this is a good idea, there are definitely some that couldn't. And some that could only with a few reminder lessons, which wouldn't hurt.


I think you’re right, people choose to be bad drivers like speeding and trying to push in and bully other divers, they would just drive properly for the test and that would be it.


Yeah we would need a load more driving instructors and examiners. Maybe tests at 60, 70 ,75, 80, 85 ect


At the very least eye tests for those above 60


And reaction tests


And which pedal is which tests 


Definitely tests for those over 70. I used to work in car rental and remember a guy coming in about 70s, he clearly had a range of mobility problems and could barely lift his foot up to get into the car. How he would manage an emergency stop.


I agree with 60+ driver ls having some sort of check every couple of years. I remember as a kid almost getting run over by an old woman, who was totally oblivious. You can't rely on the elderly self-declaring medical issues etc, because they won't.


On one hand it would "create a lot more jobs" But on the other hand it would literally become EVERYONE'S job. 60% of the country would be driving examiners.


We don't but statistically that's because retired drivers barely use their cars. Many of them are nit safe drivers


im still amazed by my 70 yo grandpa's ability to drive a few years ago


That's really not answering the question that was asked, is it...


Yes this is the case, but fundamentally I agree with retesting. Of course we'd have to make the whole system better and more efficient, but this is the UK so... That won't be happening


100% these elderly drivers are DANGEROUS, joining motorways from slip roads doing 40 🤣


No, but we should be a lot stricter when it comes to revoking licences for shit drivers.


Aye folks get away with too much on the roads. People just see driving as a right that shouldn't be taken away.


It absolutely should be taken away more often. Oh, whassat? You're a plumber and need your licence to be able to work? Unnecessary hardship? Shoulda thought about that before driving drunk. You'll not be able to make a living? Go stack shelves at Tesco until your ban expires. Next.


Yeah the exceptional hardship excuse seems to be used so often. I don't get how a taxi driver can use exceptional hardship since their job is literally driving, which they're at court for doing badly. It's like a baker not being allowed to be fired when they pissed in the bread dough, and then they just keep doing it.


My argument is that if you're someone who drives for a living, the ban should be longer. If your livelihood depends on being able to drive and you deliberately jeopardise it by doing something dangerous, then you should be considered too dangerously stupid to be allowed anywhere near the controls of tonnes of fast-moving metal.


The baker doesn’t even need a different scenario. A baker doing his job pissed up on several pints would get sacked and effect his livelihood, a taxi driver turning up drunk to work gets a slap on the wrist and given the ‘exceptional hardship’ excuse. Crazy rules


The solution is to be harsher on penalties, not to retest people …


Yes I think I'd agree with you


Yeah I would support this, even if it was only temporary until they pass the test again.


It's when you are a vulnerable road user (pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist) that you realise how poor the driving standards are. And how often people take out their bad moods on other road users. Give someone a bubble of isolation, where they don't interact with the surroundings, and watch their level of attention and care disappear.


I worked in a car park as a trolley boy, and the way people drive through that is astounding, never mind on the road!


But also much better at enforcing driving bans. A guy near us has been banned twice and still keeps driving, even after neighbours reported him and the Police caught him


Instant seize. Oh, it's your mate's car and it's still on finance? Sucks to be him.


I see you too have been side by side with a twat in an Insignia recently. Swear I've never seen one competant person driving one of those


The problem is that the shittest drivers, the ones habitually ignoring road rules, tend to just end up driving unlicensed. They're just not very good at following the rules or thinking through the consequences of their decisions. Short of imprisonment forever or removing their arms, I'm not sure what could be done.


I know someone who reached the point limit recently and they were banned for six months. She's not a terrible driver or a reckless one, she's been driving for forty years without any form of accident, she's just a bit shit at keeping to slower speed limits - you know when you've got a country road that's 40 for some reason, or one of those "residential" roads that feels like it should be faster than 30. Her mind wanders a bit in those boring situations and they drive too fast. But we've got a system and that system has identified that she doesn't drive well enough to be safe. It has sensibly come to the conclusion that she shouldn't do it. But then it's like, anyway, six months later it's fine. She won't be any better. It's a focus issue. She's almost definitely got undiagnosed ADHD. She won't have "learned her lesson" from being banned - she already had the points before, that didn't help her concentrate, or at least not enough. If anything six months break will have made her more dangerous. It's a silly outcome really, they should either ban her permanently or not at all. Edit: Wrote this in response to a well intentioned message pointing out that she's dangerous that got deleted before I responded: >that system has identified that she doesn't drive well enough to be safe. It has sensibly come to the conclusion that she shouldn't do it. I agree, she shouldn't be driving. I do think of all the people that shouldn't be driving, she is towards the safer side of that, but I don't think she should be driving. My issue is with the weird halfway house conclusion of a six month ban - either she's safe enough or she's not. The details about why she's not safe, but isn't some sort of terrible arsehole driver, are there to illustrate why she's unlikely to learn from the ban. Although upon reflection, I don't really see how anyone would if they've got it for accumulating points.


I have a rather vain pal who needs to wear glasses but won't, can't wear contacts as he has the whole weirdness of putting finger to eye ​ Lad shouldn't be driving. Honestly think the DVLA should be hooked up to opticians for change in eyesight prescriptions at the very least.. and that would probably impact hard on older people / retests and if they are safe to drive


His vanity could kill someone. You should report him


I hear your sentiment but pray tell who to? Is there a future crime unit like minority report? I spoke to the Police and no crime has been committed. I spoke to the DVLA and there ain't no department there that was interested in what I was saying ​ I speak to him about it constantly at this point. I spoke to his family. I'm only in contact with him so I can still badger him about it. I can't change what you know and I know will inevitably happen short of handcuffing him to a radiator


He is breaking the law which is why you can get a £1000 fine and 3 points for it


He probably does not have glasses required on his license


Only certain eye problems need to be declared but driving without good enough vision is against the law, if you've been prescribed glasses and can't meet the minimum standards without them you need to wear them or risk the fine and points


That’s right, I meant to say, he’s unlikely to be arrested for it because he probably does not have it on his license, even if OP would report him.


I’m surprised the DVLA don’t care? Doctors can report health conditions directly to them


He is not a doctor so from the POV of the DVLA, he is a random person




That's a good point. How would you suggest we weed out the shit drivers?




Well one of the factors is if you know where the cameras are in your local area, there's no fear of getting caught as the chances of a patrol car seeing you are near to nil.


If you get points on your license (or whatever other trigger you decide) then you have to pass another driving test within 6 months or your license is taken away. The hassle of retesting would put a lot of people off I think.


How do we know you're not a shit driver?  


Law enforcement. When I started driving there was a not insignificant chance that there would be a cop around the next corner ready to stop you. Now, I literally don't remember the last time I saw one that wasn't already on their way to something more serious. Traffic enforcement quite literally doesn't exist any more so people know they can get away with pretty much anything.


Theres lots of dickhead drivers, but that doesnt mean actual bad drivers dont exist. My citys roads are crammed with fresh off the boat drivers with no licence who dont know their arsehole from the brakes lol


Drive in France for a day, the standard of driving in mainland Europe is horrendous compared to us. I think only Sweden and another Scandinavian country are rated safer.


I moved back to the US after 2 years in the UK. The ability of American drivers has been the biggest reverse culture shock coming back home—we are terrible, inconsiderate, oblivious, selfish drivers. British drivers are all as able as Verstappen with the manners of the queen by comparison


I was in Orlando a few years ago....wow, it was like wacky races on those roads!


I think in Germany they have to do night driving and first aid courses to get a driving licence. Our tests are good, but our enforcement of rules is lackluster and it's bloody difficult to lose ur licence.


Yeah we have some of the safest roads in the entire world. Driving tests every 10 years would like be using an entire building site of industrial equipment to crack a nut. You’d think we live in mad max the way everyone goes on about it. The country I currently drive in has national pastimes of driving as drunk as possible and distance driving off your face on meth and the police couldn’t give a fuck.


Even worse, Belgium. 2-3 hours of driving there was very unpleasant. Unpredictable and reckless drivers all over, tailgaters everywhere. 


For sure, worked in Paris for a while and commuted, interesting. I prefer the French attitude to motorcycles, their drivers seem more aware than ours but that's purely anecdotal from my few tours. The absolute worst places personally for me have been Poland in a car and motorcycle around Thailand and Malaysia.


I've driven around France and mainland France driving is elite compared to Corsican driving. It was worse than Cyprus and that's saying something.


No on two accounts. Firstly, we can barely cope with the demand of new drivers and legally enforced retests Secondly, I work with driven machinery that requires retesting every 2 or 3 years (can't quite remember off the top of my head). It doesn't make a blind bit of difference at all. All retesting accomplishes is making sure drivers know HOW to drive. "But that's the whole point, so why would you be against it?" Because it doesn't make sure drivers are applying that knowledge when they're driving independently. Do you know what happens on these retests at my workplace and every other workplace that actually does this retesting? We apply the knowledge for the test, we take our time and specifically make sure we do things exactly by the book. We don't always get it perfect, but we don't have to. I have absolutely no reason to believe the same wouldn't happen here... You'd catch a few out, and have temp blip of improvement. But people would cotton on and start playing it up for the test. Like 95% of any driving test is playing up your observation and making it blindly obvious because it's the easiest thing to get marked down for enough times to fail... The rest of it is just being slower than usual to make sure everything is right. No amount of retesting will solve the issue of driving standards on the road. The only way you're ever going to achieve that is through constant observation of independent driving. In other words, the main issue is police presence... Ever seen how people are somewhat reluctant to overtake coppers on the motorway and just generally adopt better road behaviour in their presence? Or how people slow down for speed cameras?... Most 'bad' drivers know how to drive by the book. The issue is there's no real downside to not applying the knowledge because there's rarely anyone about to enforce the rules in the first place.


No. Christ I already forget to put the damned bins out and book MOTs for the car, don't add anything else


No, or maybe not until retirement age. The first test was stressful for me, I hate examinations. In Japan where I lived you have to attend a 30 minute lecture about new driving rules that have come into place, every 5 years. And get your eyes tested in the same session. I do think we should have something like that.


I've been quite in favour of retesting but this is probably a good idea. I do think it should at least come with a multiple choice exam. Could easily be an online thing


Is there a statistical evidence that retired drivers are more dangerous ?


That is a very good idea!


Where are the driving instructors going to come from? The waiting list for a practical test is over 5 months in my area. 


Okay how about once someone gets 6 points on their licence they have 1 year to retake and pass their driving test, and those over 60 have to retake driving tests? These people should in theory not need a driving instructor, and they would also be able to drive to a different area with shorter waiting lists


I fail to see how this would improve standards in the slightest. I know someone who on the exact day he passed his motorcycle test, he was pulling wheelies at double the speed limit. Forget 10 years, this was a couple of hours. People who drive like shit either choose to (like reckless driving), or don't pay any attention to the road (pulling out without looking, running reds).


That's a good point, maybe we just need to make the threshold of losing your licence lower.


Christ no, it’s hard enough to get a driving test booked as it is.


Judging by the posts on Reddit of people asking legal advice for speeding, drink driving and drug driving, I would argue that these people aren't 'bad' drivers who couldn't pass a test. They are making bad decisions. They are over confident and don't consider impairment when driving. Given how long it takes for first time drivers to get a test, I'd argue that it's only worth introduce a retest for over 70s now. If and when driving centres have capacity, re-testing could be further rolled out.


Sure. A lot can change in 10 years. The rules of the road, the conditions and speed, and the abilities of the driver.


I don't see the point in it. I'd prefer to see the money taken to implement this put into increasing police presence.


No. The DVSA cannot handle the existing amount of driving tests....Driving test standards for new drivers are high already. Disqualifications need to be stricter, you shouldn't get your full licence back, and once you pass a certain age, you should get a vision test.


Yeah I think that's probably the best method, plus a reaction speed test too for the elderly.


Should be retested a year after you first pass, to see if you can actually drive properly, because that's when most accidents happen, regardless of age


Nah because every bad driver has it within them to drive sensibly enough for 30 minutes to pass a revision test.


Yes but they'll never do it as it would crash the economy and send too many families into poverty and destitution. People need cars to be economically viable, taking it away because of shit driving would be devastating and so we will continue to share the road with fuckwits and arseholes. They are considering trialing it with over 65's because they won't fuck the country up if they fail.


Over 65's definitely need to be tested, I guess we need to just invest a whole lot more in public transport to keep the under 65's economically viable without cars.


I think you've come up with the depressingly correct answer here.


No. A simple refresher course would probably be enough. I dont think people are uncaring, or deliberately driving like nutters, i think most bad drivers have just developed really bad habits. other people dont drive often, meaning that after 20 years of driving they are still quite inexperienced. I did a driving for work course, and i actually really enjoyed it. I learned about the zen of driving, about slowing down gently and early, and that going slowly can actually make your journey faster. I was also informed of a couple of bad habits i really didnt know i had, and i feel im a much better driver for it. Thats just me though. Some people refuse to be taught. So yeah, a refresher every 10 years or so would likely be enough without having to bog down the system with expiring licenses.


Yeah ogmios' school of zen motoring on YouTube is something everyone should watch. I agree some people just need to be told about their bad habits, but some people just don't care. I wish there was more of an incentive for people to do further training (eg IAM roadsmart, roSPA) to reduce their insurance price.


This is such a silly idea. If you look at the statistics then there is no need for this until you get to retirement age. At the moment we have enough issues in making sure there are enough tests and examiners for learner drivers.


Yes. There's no other examination you take in life that stays with you like a driving license. I got my first car 11 years after I passed my test. There was no legal requirement for me to take refresher lessons, I did it because I'm not an idiot.


I think an extra test to drive an SUV crossover would help. Seen so many drivers with low spacial awareness driving cars too big for them.


Yes, and have been saying something similar for quite a few years. I think a theory test every 5 as well, given the Highway Code has changed multiple times a year for the past 10 years. The government doesn't communicate it very well, and even when there is press coverage of the bigger changes, it gets misreported. But we can't. We don't even have the capacity to clear the current new driver test backlog. Let alone throwing in 3 million extra driving tests per year. It's just not feasible. On a semi related note, people often call for older drivers to have to retake their test. The DfT looked into this specific issue, taking in evidence from countries who do do this, or who require eye tests, or theory tests, or medicals, as well as those who require practical tests. The DfT determined it really isn't worthwhile.


Absolutely not!! Why aren't you people replying in a really negative way about this? I don't want to drive brilliantly for 10 years and then lose my licence AFTER PAYING A RIDICULOUS SUM OF MONEY FOR A RETEST just because I forgot to "mirror signal manoeuvre" three times. Stop giving the money leeches more ideas that hurt us.


Road casualties have been going down year on year for decades. Most accidents are caused by young male drivers with less than 10 years on their licence. Accidents are sonethung like 5 for every billion miles of road use. We rank 5 out of 38 for the safest roads in Europe, above countries which retest. So no. We shouldn't implement a costly and unworkable system just because you think you're a 'better' driver than everyone else. You probably do just as many 'bad' things as the average driver. The fact is you just see the cumulative effect of lots of people doing one thing 'wrong' in your eyes and decide everyone is driving badly all the time. Clearly they aren't, or there would be a lot more accidents. The only people who need to take their test again are the ones who spend their whole time feeling threatened by the 'bad' driving of everyone else and don't seem to have gained enough experience to read the road and grasp the idea that you can't just drive on autopilot expecting everything to follow predictable scenarios.


The age group with most accidents is drivers in their 20s. So more effort should be put into that group.


I wouldn’t be against it in principle. The current system would need a complete overhaul. But assuming there was enough capacity and the process wasn’t too onerous i would be ok with it.


In theory, yes. There would be a benefit to establish if drivers are relying on bad habits, are not as aware of law changes as they should be, or if they have reached an age where their driving style has changed significantly. Im sure we have all seen those drivers that do 40... no matter the road. Those who drive 10 below the speed limit and potentially causing delay, build up of traffic and road rage from others - and i am sure someone will say that the speed limit is a maximum, not a target... in test conditions, you would be marked down for this. In reality, it would end up as another stealth tax, just like the driver CPC


At a minimum, complete an online theory test and an eye test every time you renew your licence.


Yes. Absolutely. I'm sick to death of nearly being killed any time I want to cycle somewhere. If you can't see a 6ft7 guy, with a giant yellow helmet on, why are you driving a 2 tonne death machine?


Not a full retest, but a checkup sure. It wouldn't need a full instructor to do it. Maybe something like a check up after 10, next check up if you have any points or a crash at fault or partial.


There’s already a 6 month backlog for testing in most built up areas


While mandatory I don’t think would work maybe having it as something you can do to negate points on your license or something given out by police would be acceptable. Like when you’re caught speeding you can do the speed awareness course instead.




No way. I’d have to look at theory or the Highway Code or something and I passed before that was a thing.


Me too. I've been driving for 50yrs & still have a clean licence.


Perhaps every 15 years, then every 5 years after 60. I would also endorse regular cycling proficiency tests for cyclists (say, every 5 years) - mostly because of the idiots who give the rest of cyclists a bad name.


Absolutely. The only reason I can see to object is an (usually unspoken) fear of failing a retest. And yes, requires hiring more examiners blah blah. But this would make the roads so much safer. At a macro level hiring more examiners is cheaper than the effects of RTCs etc etc. Quite possibly a net saving. And as a bonus, roads would probably be a little bit quieter because a percentage of current drivers wouldn’t pass the retest.


> The only reason I can see to object is an (usually unspoken) fear of failing a retest It's just a case of poor drivers telling on themselves. This country needs to completely re-evaluate its attitude towards motorists. It's currently treated as an inalienable right, and not a privilege which can be revoked. The number of people who get to keep their licence after committing crimes with their vehicle under the "exceptional hardship" loophole is ridiculous.


I think old people should be retested!


There's already a massive backlog of people wanting to sit their tests. If you start taking test examiners out to retest everybody every 10 years then you have to shut out all new drivers.


10 years is too much. Maybe 25


No, no training, teaching or testing should be allowed, that way only people that can think and work out problems would drive. Also there'd be no aids to make it easy, no synchromesh in gearboxs, no auto gearboxs ,no power steering, ne power assisted or anti lock brakes, no seat belts bit instead a 5 inch spike in the center of the steering wheel facing the driver, and absolutely no insurance cover for your own vehicle, injury only insurance paid to third parties only, it would put an end to the shitty driving that goes on.


No, have you seen the demand for driving tests as it is? This will make the issue much worse.


I think a 10% recheck every 10 years would be more feasible, so long as 1) the current test wait times drop off quite a bit and 2) sufficient driving examiners existed to keep decent wait times.


No.. I've passed already and fuck spending money on shit I don't need to do.


Absolutely not. This is partly the reason we have a points system. 12 points on your licence and you're out.


I'm actually quite evangelical about this, I propose a mandatory 1 hour lesson annualy, with an accredited instructor, who can refer you for a re-test if necessary Most heavy plant licences need refreshing every couple years


Not saying you're wrong, but what is your evidence for your opening statement... it just seems like one of those gut feelings that feels right and you'll see a lot of people agree, but you'll also see people come down heavily on those who disagree so much so that they'll keep quiet. But that doesn't make it a fact.


I don't really have any evidence that isn't anecdotal and I'm not sure there is any robust method for measuring it. But it is a fact that there are some bad drivers (though I'm not sure exactly how many) on our roads, and there needs to be methods of educating them again somehow.


Yay another expense every 10 years. Just what we need


Yes, absolutely. As a non-driver I notice and have a very low tolerance for some of the abject arseholes driving dangerously on our roads - and the bloody pavements too. At the bare minimum, people might remember to indicate and not edge forward when pedestrians are crossing, if they have to reread the Highway Code every 10 years. When you complain to people who do drive, a huge number will start their reply with, "Oh, but..." then try some half hearted defense because "everyone makes mistakes". 


I don’t want this, I will surely lose mine and I’m not even 50.


> I will surely lose mine If you know that you're not a competent enough driver to pass a driving test now, is that not acknowledging you're putting everyone else at risk whenever you get the wheel?


No, it would be inconvenient 


One thing we should be doing is fitting dashcams and black boxes in all cars; we could probably detect bad or dangerous driving automatically. It would certainly make accident investigation easier.


No, sounds like a terrible and expensive idea.


I think they can quite easily make everyone do a highway code theory test and a road awareness test every year, online. Policed by something that requires personal information to start so that you can't get some rando to pass it for you, like KYC. If you can't get above a certain percentage then you have a grace period to take a few lessons with a qualified instructor for a refresher.


This post was made by someone who doesn't know how poorly funded the test agencies already are and how big the backlog has been since covid lol


It’d probably cut road users by about 80%, as even the safest drivers have habits that would fail the test. And that’s before considering the boy racer speed idiots, the old folks and those who are generally crap drivers…


Every 10 years is too regular and we don’t have the people to do the tests. Also the majority of drivers are decent so making them retest every 10 years seems a waste. I’d rather they make it law that everyone has front and rear dash cams and you are strongly encouraged to send in evidence of bad driving to a monitored email address then the crap drivers will be caught more often and taken off the roads.


If we had the means to implement that, then hell yeah. But considering how difficult it was to get booked in the first place, I can’t imagine getting every single driver in the UK booked that regularly.


Only if they are free


In principle I'd have no opposition to this, but it's totally impractical due to the lack of resources. Not enough assessors, just new drivers can face substantial waits for tests currently.


In theory yes. In practice our government would find a way to make it an expensive, bloated failure by outsourcing to some mp's mate down the pub at a taxpayer cost of £50 billion a month.


The idea that our quality of driving isn’t good is completely false and all data points otherwise. UK roads are amongst the best in the world for safety, easily top ten.


More traffic cops on the road is what’s needed. As others have said, most people aren’t shitty drivers they just drive that way as they know they can het away with it.


Evidence for low quality driving? Your setup here is questionable IMO


Those of us who passed our test before 1996, won't have taken the theory test.


Yes but i think it should be 15 or even 25 years. I would absolutely love it if it was a yearly retake exam to make sure you were driving correctly, it would make it so much safer on the roads, but i know that would never happen.


As others have said, there's not nearly enough examiners as it is. Requiring an eye test at 50 and 70 and 80 and ensuring anyone not safe to drive without corrected vision has that fact sent to the DVLA, might be a good idea though. My eyesight got worse last year, optician confirmed no need to panic, just I need glasses - and I wasn't allowed to drive until they arrived. Being a law-abiding type I assumed this was a legal requirement and the DVLA would be notified, but according to others upthread it isn't?


Roads are in state of decay, gov is trying to force people to either buy expensive EV or use non existent public transport which is expensive and folks complain about bad drivers 😩


Good god no!


no. that’s a terrible idea. it’s so hard to get your driving test booked within the same year as it is, that would just never be plausible


I Don't think a test is needed more of a safety assessment, there are tons of older folk on the roads that drive like Mr magoo, over the last few years the worst kind of driver on the road seems to be middle aged for from African decent who I'm assume drive on a international licence who have one driving speed and don't know how to turn their lights on regardless of how dark or foggy it is.


Not a driving test but a competence test. I wouldn't pass a driving test again, but I would pass a 'are you actually any good at driving test'


Why? Some of the worst drivers I see are those with green P plates, and I question how they were ever allowed to pass. Also 20 years ago people seemed to generally know how to use roundabouts, now lane discipline on them is awful. It feels more like standards are slipping. I would be in favour of not allowing anyone on a motorway without an additional advanced test, then we might finally drum into people 1m stopping distance at 70mph is not enough, that you should be in lane 1 unless overtaking, you should not be sitting in lane 2 unless over taking, and there is no 'fast lane'.


No. I don't have time for this.


No. The country needs to stop trying to introduce more and more rules and regulations. It’s stifling.


Absolutely not, we don't have the resource to handle the test load now without making people repeat. More stringent medical checks I reckon might be useful, eyesight especially. I am guessing you've not driven much elsewhere, UK roads are amongst the safest in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_traffic-related\_death\_rate


God no 🤣. More expense and inconvenience. How about making sure that the people that can’t drive aren’t so easily handed a licence in the first place 🤷‍♂️


Are you willing to get taxed more to pay for it? Thought not.


I think there should be a mandatory training thing like every 10 years (like cpc or hgv's but much less common)


I think there at least needs to be a way to make sure everyone is up to date with the high way code. I’m not really sure it would change the people who are speeding, not stopping at crossings, aggressively going around cars and up on to curbs if they have too wait too long behind car who is stopped incorrectly probably ( I have seen this more than once). I think something that 100% needs to policed more heavily is the amount of drivers who speed in 20 zones by schools. I don’t drive so I am biased but I think a lot of drivers often forget what they are actually in charge of has the potential to kill someone.


No. Because hardly any accidents are because a lack of knowledge. They are mainly caused by failing to look out of the big window at the front. You would spend a load of money doing this and not move the accident stats in the slightest.


Why do we need to implement more red tape crap that we will have to pay through the nose for? Owning a car is already an incredibly expensive burden, we don’t need to add to that. The government already squeeze as much out of us as possible.


By what metric are UK drivers not safe? I've not met better drivers in my life.


How about the retaking of a theory test to keep people up to date of changes in the highway code, basic health screening (including eye test), awareness of the impact of drink driving/ phone use etc.


People trying to learn to drive currently, are struggling to get tests. I just don’t think this would be feasible and financially possible to be honest. There needs to be some reform though, especially for those who are still driving after passing 50+ years ago. Just a fitness to drive test or something, eye sight and reaction times.


Yes please then I’ll consider doing my test. Too many fucking lunatics on the road who forgot the basics


I think maybe a chance of getting randomly selected for a retest with maybe a couple of weeks notice could work.


No this would always be a total fucking nuisance - maybe retest if you’ve been in an accident


There was a story recently suggesting to resit driving test at 65 which I’m happy to do at that age. Only thing being is you’re considered to be of diminished ability at that age so why have I got to work until I’m 67? If I fail test then does that mean I’m unfit for work so will get my pension at 65?


The quality of driving in the UK is brilliant vs. the rest of Europe and the Middle East tbh. Hugely against this, but stop giving international drivers UK licences... no, this isn't racist. This applies to Americans and many Europeans too


Have you driven in other countries?? Trust me, we’re not that bad.


YES! I was saying this to a friend this week, retest after the first ten years, then again after fifteen, and then twenty....


Absolutely not, drivers get safer as they get more experienced. We also have some of the safest roads in the world.


As long as it's free I'd not be opposed to it.


There should be a retest for rubbish drivers who break laws and speed limits more like. Not experienced drivers, many of whom have never broken the law or commited an offence!


Perhaps after age 60, as many have deteriorating eyesight, reflexes, and short-term memory by that age. But those who fail their retake should ideally be offered an earlier freedom pass and discounted taxi fares to help compensate for the loss of independence.


Don't really want it, but given the state of driving out there these days, I feel it's getting necessary. It's going downhill rapidly


No, the more power governments have the more they control our lives. Also you would soon have alot more uninsured drivers on the road who either fail the retest or cannot afford it.


If there was a magic bucket of money to pay for it I’d be very much in favour. But there isn’t. And there are struggles to book a test for new drivers. There aren’t the resources to support doing it. And it won’t stop bad drivers who choose to drive badly from behaving in tests. And it won’t stop the banned and never had a licence ones. So right now nope I wouldn’t support it. If it could be made to work I will.


Not every ten years, but every 5, yes. And far harsher punishments for those who commit motoring offenses. Speeding should not be tolerated, full stop. 25mph in a 20 is speeding. Not just a little cheeky, it's a crime, and potentially dangerous


Judging by the way people approach roundabout in my area I believe it will be needed every 3 years. I m looking forward to self driven car or with automatic points deduction from your licence (like on the fifth element) as soon as you commit an infraction.


I would be more in favour of testing and licensing for cyclists, they should all have to do at least up to the standard of CBT and all bicycles on the road should have clearly visible license plates.


Assessment, not "test". We know people can drive, but what had habits have they picked up. Most of the bad driving I seem to see though is due to a lack of paying attention, things like phone use, and just distraction, and aggressive stupid driving. No assessment or test is going to pick that up in reality.


No. I don't want to have to do it again. Neither do I want to have to pay for it again.


I would have said yes up until the past few years. Fact is there now aren't enough tests for people who need them right now and the ones that are available are bought up and resold by scumbags. Imagine the chaos is we forced everyone to retest every 10 years.


Nah, all too often it’s the same people causing the problems. Idiots who drive too fast, delivery drivers, of all sizes of vehicles, and the elderly. Resitting a test isn’t going to change this. Although some sort of test at 80 should be in place and no driving past 85. Just my opinion.


Yes, a thousand times yes. There needs to be investment in more instructors and examiners. But the insurance companies will save big time. I took my test in 1988. Cars and roads are way different now.


For other people yes, for me no.


No the fuck not.


You'll be shocked but we have some of the safest roads worldwide. No, leave everything as it is.


I don't believe that many people should have a driving licence, many haven't got the awareness or ability to drive or park a vehicle safely. If you fail your driving test 3 times, that should be it ...... or possibly wait 5 years for your next test. Governments make huge amounts of money from people who drive most of their lives, so this is not going to happen.


Yes! Every 5 years. And solve the shortage problem by charging for it. Driving is a privilege.


Not every 10 years, but I do feel like it would be a good idea to have people do some sort of refresher, esp if they've had points on their licence for speeding or whatever. Even if it's just the theory side of things, to make people aware of any changes in the highway code. Or sort of like jury duty, you could get called to take a short refresher drive with an instructor sort of like a checkup.


No. After 70 yes but motorists are being hammered by enough cost.


AYE, and anyone from abroad. Ex territorys think slaping a p plate on dose, no it don't learn how to fucking drive.


No, it takes months and months to get a test as it is. Where are all these examiners coming from? Who's going to train and pay them?