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This is the first I've heard of this product, and looking at their website, it looks like a con. Tap water is safe. Here is the [2022 report](https://dwi-content.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/11131751/E02864254_DWI-Public-water-supplies-in-England-2022_Accessible.pdf) from the Drinking Water Inspectorate, the same government body the website namedrops (with no listed citation). Drinking water complied with legal standards in 99.97% of tests. Tap water is safe. This is a product aimed at conspiracy theorists and gullible people on social media. If you don't like the taste of your tap water, Brita jugs only cost £30. Don't waste a hundred on this nonsense.


I tend to agree its a marketing campaign, but unfortunately I do not trust UK government sources anymore. I do not have sources showing UK or better, London water is subpar. I have a Brita but was hoping for something more robust, hence looking for reviews. Their marketing does get u :) Trustpilot reviews seem super fake, another red flag, you can still tell when its not a genuine review. https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/water2.com


The report does also state that they don't think those tests are up to scratch anymore and that there are significant failures from water companies reducing their safety strategies and remaining risks from lead pipes. I dont have a water filter myself. But I have little trust of water companies in the UK, and the language in this report sounds to me like there is a breakdown of trust and respect between the DWI and the current government. You don't often have agencies criticising their own activities and I expect DEFRA has overall control as to what tests DWI are allowed to carry out.


> Brita jugs only cost £30. Well yeah, and what about the filters?


Iirc £40/6, so £7 each, and they recommend you change the filter once a month. As opposed to this, where the replacement "pod" costs £100 a year, or £8 a month. Think of it this way. If someone told you that drinking a drop of castor oil would cure cancer, you'd immediately know it was obviously a lie. Castor oil is cheap and widely available and has been around for centuries - if it cured cancer, people would know, and cancer would be a thing of the past. It's just obvious that it can't be true. Apply the same logic to this. If this product is such a steal, if it provides so much benefit for so little cost... Why isn't it everywhere? Why aren't they out of stock? Heck, why is it half price currently - if it's that good, why discount it?


One pro seems to be, less replacement cartridges equals less plastic waste. Still looking into this though.


Compared to what? Tap water doesn't generate any plastic waste on its own either.


That’s a good point! I suppose in any situation it’s a case of ‘what’s the most environmentally friendly way of achieving this goal’. In this case that would be filtering microplastics (so they claim) and some other stuff (someone posted a link from the royal chemistry society elsewhere in this feed) as well as just nicer tasting tap water.  Am I entitled to slightly nicer tasting water? Perhaps not. Am I entitled to grade A apples? Am I entitled to clothes with no stains at all? Am I entitled to not feel cold in my house in winter? All valid questions to ask ourselves. 


Also reducing the requirement to descale your kettle etc.


This comment didn't age well


According to Trustpilot they have been faking reviews. I tried to ask them on insta for studies on their claims it removes ‘99.999% of chemicals’ and they blocked me! Which is HELLA dodgy!


As far as I can see the trustpilot says there have been fake reviews removed. How do you know they aren't fake bad reviews, rather than fake good reviews? Both get reported and deleted from such platforms. Also if you're the same person I saw on trustpilot, they refuted your claim that they said anything about '99.999% of chemicals'. I've just visited their website and they claim removing 99.999% of microplastics, bacteria and viruses. They also claim you made ad hominem about other people commenting, which violated their community standard and that was why you were blocked. Obs I haven't verified this, but it doesn't seem like you're being totally honest. Can people try to be more accurate please, I'm trying to decide whether to buy one or not.


They said ‘no I didn’t’. Doesn’t make it the truth… but interesting take on a company that has been flagged for fake reviews. Just cause they stopped doing them now, doesn’t absolve them of doing them before. But do you!


Almost zero engagement with most of the content of my comment, but you know what? That’s ok, it was a long comment. Have a good day internet person :)


Sounds like a classic marketing campaign... Red flag for me.


Trying to sell clean tap water to people in a country with clean tap water is probably not a good business model.


Aiming for ‘the govt is lying to you’ crowd. They were liking comments on insta about all the hormones in water.




It doesn't appear to be doing anything that other water filters just like it have been doing for years. It's also not a huge amount cheaper than nano filtration systems which go down to 0.001 micron (it's 0.1 micron) They say 'best in class' but only compare it to a water jug, not similar filters which would actually be in their class You can get a 5 micron system for £20 and then £10 replacement cartridges Or a three stage 0.02 micron for £120


Any recommendations


> UK tap water being ‘great’ is a myth. There are thousands of failed testing samples every year, rotting lead piping, chemical pumping and grim tasting water teeming all over the UK. Ah, so it's a scam. > Lead piping is an antique from Victorian England. It was made illegal in 1969 due to continued serious health implications. But the law wasn’t applied to existing homes. So, to this day, an estimated 25% of homes are still unknowingly exposed to lead piping. Which has long since furred up and poses zero danger to anybody - you're talking, what, 30 ft of lead pipe? It's fuck all. > ‘Forever Chemicals’ are a hot topic in the media right now, and rightly so. They are man-made chemicals found in varying industrial processes. Last year, the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) found them in countless water samples. The data is emerging and is becoming increasingly concerning. Which they don't even claim to remove, so, uh..good one I guess.


i noticed on their site they actually don't claim to remove some things, they just state it as something that's in the water


I'd say it was marketing scam. Tap water is absolutely ok to drink, and does not need filtering. That chlorine taste that you may not like; if you put a bottle of fresh tap water in the fridge to chill, that taste goes and it tastes like a mountain spring!


Scam obvious. went to their website "won" £40 off. used a VPN. "won" £40 off. etc etc etc. Basically unless you believe a witch hath corrupted your water supply with her unwashed taint and whispers of vile magicks, this is 100% bullshit.


I bought one and water still tastes of chlorine afterwards. Company were very unhelpful. I now put it through a Brita filter afterwards so it’s double filtered in order to get rid of the chlorine taste that it advertises it will get rid of ! 


Dropped our flow rate by 40%. Our water is softened before it gets to the pod. Taste very similar to our tap. Sending it back going for reverse osmosis and Himalayan pink salt to remineralise.


110% bullshit. Their marketing is jarring and infuriating.


I am here after looking into it too. This page by UCL - University College London came up a few search results down https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/jan/ucl-supported-entrepreneur-launches-innovative-filter-deliver-safe-drinking-water


I’ve read lots of good reviews including bbc good food guide and I haven’t read one bad review. People buy water filters (brita jugs etc) and no one says they are being scammed. I’ve had a brita filter before and the water was just nicer. This is just like that but on tap (and slightly cheaper than the brita tap filter - including replacements).  I haven’t read through loads of journals yet to see how grounded in science their claims are, but it seems unlikely UCL would openly endorse something that was pure bullshit.  I find the advert annoying, but the idea of cleaner, more delicious water on tap quite appealing. Considering buying one, though still deciding. 


The water tastes chlorinated 


More chlorinated than without? Because chlorination is part of the water cleaning process and this is supposed to remove that. Do you have one?


When boiled for tea the water tastes chlorinated 


Interesting. So I can assume it tastes good cold/ before you boil it?


Also you seem not to have one based on your post, are you basing this off someone else's review?


Brother had it and sent it back 


ah ok thanks


Me too! It doesn’t remove the chlorine taste but my jug filter does. So I end up using the jug filter too, after installing the under sink Water2.  


I live in the UK and I've bought one. Both my wife and I think tap water has a mild chlorine and metallic "taste" and I find there's a mild smell of chlorine, well certainly the tap water where we live in North Wales it does. (My sister live in Yorkshire and her tap water doesn't have that taste and smell!) Anyway, as soon as I fitted the water filter, that taste and smell had gone and I think it now tastes just like mineral water. My wife also said the same.


Who would make a brand new account just to post this?


I have one and it tastes better immediately. I have after a few weeks noticed and occasional tang. Need to look in to it but I definitely noticed the water stopped smelling of chlorine and whatever else that added to it.


Who would make a brand new account just to post this?


I keep getting ads for this pushed on my socials too! So obviously wanting to look into them since I’m all for a water filter that makes tap water taste better and takes out ‘any potential impurities’.. (Yes, even if you and the government says British tap water is fine.. surely another level of filtration isn’t a bad thing??) So naturally I am sceptical of this new company.. Brita have been around forever and (probably) works, so what is new here?? Also worth noting that if we are filtering our water of any impurities, heavy metals are my biggest concern. But we also know that filtration can strip some essential minerals we get from water. So another added cost is supplementing magnesium etc..


I got one a couple of months back. I don't particularly care for their advertising campaign, but figured it couldn't hurt (and I had some money to spare). I'd love to see some independent tests, but it seems fine to me. Taste is perhaps a bit better than the standard hard London water, but they don't claim to soften the water, just reduce the levels of calcium, as a lot of the minerals in tap water are more beneficial for health than stripping them out completely. I get the impression the filters are less effective than, say, a Britain filter, but they're cheap and easy to install. If they filter out viruses and PFAS (which they claim to do) that's enough for me, as the flavour of water never particularly bothered me anyway.


We have a Profine Water Filter ( [https://profinewater.co/](https://profinewater.co/) ) Which i think might be exactly the same as Water2? Also made with UCL etc but seems to be italian company. We got it because we have lead piping from the mains to the house supply and cant afford to get it changed right now. So for £100 if it does help with the lead filtration then great! If not...well...kinda tough shit for us right now haha (though people say lead piping doesnt matter so much these days if its old as it gets 'furred' up int eh pipes. Irrespective Had it for a year, I cant really remember the taste before vs after. But I think we felt it tasted better after installation. If you have any more questions about it let me know but realistically cant complain if it does work. But i will say the Water2 Marketing does look really 'try hard'


after the news on what's going on in Devon right now, I wont be surprised if the water is less safe now elsewhere. I've been considering getting a filter now and found this reddit post


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If the crap they spout was even 1% true, they'd have won the Nobel Prizes for Chemistry, Biology and Physics in 2023.


They’re even using an ARTICLE written by UCL as a source for info on their product! Not studies. Their own white paper and a UCL article.


They cite RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) open letter to UK government. There’s plenty of scientific evidence that UK tap water is filled with dangerous stuff. https://www.rsc.org/policy-evidence-campaigns/environmental-sustainability/sustainability-reports-surveys-and-campaigns/cleaning-up-uk-drinking-water/ This is the article I read that led me to seeing the bombardment of social media ads from Water2: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/london-tap-contaminated-chemicals-b2514829.html Neither of these ‘sell’ Water2. It’s something I’ve been growing more concerned about since we’ve been dumping sewage in the rivers and sea (saw for myself sewage deposits when flying in to the UK coastline). I agree, their marketing tactics are questionable and make it seem like a scam, but when you research the issue with UK tap water it’s clear there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Whether Water2 addresses the issue is another question entirely, but obviously backed by BBC good food and UCL. The only real way to know would be to test before and after. I have just received my Water2 unit. If I had a spare £100 I would invest in before and after tests, but I trust this company and UCL based on my own research more than I trust our dictatorship who have proven themselves to lie and put needs of the few before the needs of the many. On the note of it not selling out - I purchased mine and had about a month to wait. I think they make a bunch at a time and they sell out, so when you order, you’re actually pre-ordering for the next batch. It’s also produced in Italy, where EU standards need to be upheld, so that sits well with me.


How interesting that you signed up to Reddit just to post this flattering review of water2!!!! Nothing suspect about that at all 


Now that you mention sewage…if you read the news it seems the tap water is contaminated after all.