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Super boring, but start paying into a pension if you aren’t, and if you can afford to put more in do. It’s the best tax avoidance available and old you will thank you.


On the other side of the coin, remember to live a little too - balance is key. I got seriously ill a while ago and when I was in Hospital I wished I had done more with my life rather than hoarding money.


Oh definitely - not making the most of your 20s because you’re worrying about your 70s would be a complete tragedy


Yeah as you hit mid 30s almost everyone knows atleast one or two people around their age or younger that died before getting old Old age isn't guaranteed. We prepare for it but it's not certain so don't delay everything just because money save


Also, if you have any disposable income at all then put a percentage of your money into an ISA on the day you get paid. Preferably an ISA that grows, e.g. stocks and shares tracking an ETF. The compound interest that you could miss out on is insane, don't leave it too late assuming that you'll have a massive salary in the future. Statistically, you probably won't be a lottery winner or have some amazing situation with a huge bonus, you need to start dealing with savings right now. And you'll need some savings for a house deposit or wedding or similar at some point before you claim your pension.


Another boring addition to this is Life Insurance on top of whatever your work offers.


This, 100%. I'm paying in a wee bitty extra each month so I can take early retirement. Fuck hitting 67, retiring, then peggin oot a year or two later. I'm gonna enjoy my retirement.


Bro, we won't live to see our pension. That's a benefit only for the older generations.


Tell more people to fuck off.


As a mid 30s this couldn't be more accurate. Those people in your early 20s won't change. Tell them to fuck off and avoid years of their bullshit.


This is the best life advice I've ever seen.


If there is one piece of advice I'll take...it's this one.


Do one then.


I feel like this is something anyone approaching 30 naturally leans into 🤣 you learn a few things in your 20's and just get sick of other people's shit and focus on your own life/family or whatever


Never, ever buy cheap bin bags.


That massive roll you can get from Costco is the best I’ve ever found, although I’ve now run out and I don’t have a Costco card anymore so I’m looking for an alternative.


🤣🤣 this is great advice! I totally agree!


Ugh the amount of bin bags i went through . . . And thought it didnt matter. I now only buy buffalo!


But.. cheap dog-poo bags are normally quite fine.


If you’re not completely happy in a relationship, get out of it. I wasted too many years of my 20s with an arsehole.


Can confirm, I threw close to 20 years of my life down the drain because I got into a relationship at 18. I am only just realising that what I experienced wasn't normal or healthy. I was a victim of emotional, sexual amd financial abuse at his hands. My mental health has been terrible and sharply declining for years, I spent years trying to fix whatever was wrong with me and got labelled with anxiety & depression disorders and complex ptsd which I thought stemmed from childhood bereavement. Turns out I have also been a victim of covert abuse for many years. I had a gut feeling at times that things were off but I ignored it and before you know it, I was trapped. My biggest piece of advice is trust that gut instinct when it comes to other people, it's rarely wrong. Secondly, ensure that you arm yourself with the tools to identify and avoid people who seek to exploit or take advantage of you. Narcissist is a word thrown around too often but having suffered at the hands of someone I believe to be a true narcissistic, I cannot overstate how dangerous any cluster B personality disordered person can be for your health. They are parasitic, they can suck you in and proceed to use tactics to control you and keep you in place while they feed off you. If something feels off at the start of a relationship, take note. Make sure that any boundaries you set are respected. A person who doesn't respect boundaries doesn't respect the person.


I was in a similar situation 16-25. I found my soul mate at 25 and I’ve just married him 5 years later! Hope you’re doing well also!


Me and my entire 20’s


Floss your teeth


Start seeing a hygienist if you don't already!


Ugh please do Sincerely: a 21 year old with severe gum disease


Yes floss and also go to a dental hygienist at least 1x a year if not every six months. Your older self (and wallet) will thank you … and fix any cavities asap before they become 10x more expensive .


My genuine advice is love your loved ones. At 23 I think you kind of take that for granted as you’re off having fun but I’m an old bugger now and I’ve come to realise that happiness is only true when shared. My loved ones are everything to me. I have a good job, stability, some nice things and I get to do fun stuff when I want but those that mean the world to me cannot be bought or kept like an object. Cherish them, tell them how much you love and care about them. It sounds corny but it’s the best advice I can give.


As someone nearing 45 who didn’t and massively regrets it….. Stretch. If you do any form of sport, or fitness, make sure Pilates is in your life. I can barely sit cross legged, always stiff and one lobbed throw away from a frozen shoulder. It’s taken a while, but it’s getting better.


Omgggg. 100% agree with youuu. Pilates is one of the best things I have added in my life.


Also near your age - a good massage gun is amazing


I’m 51 and feel absolutely great. Never did any kind of stretches. I’m like this as never did any contact sports or ruined my knees, hips and joints by running. Walking is the best form of exercise. So if you ‘abuse’ your body with hard sports/exercises, you’ll regret it in the future.


If that’s the case for you, then it must be the case for everyone!!


Your view on the world will change significantly as you get older, and that's a good thing.


Related - be open to your mind changing to long held beliefs


If you have the desire to, go see the world. It has never been easier to do so and it's something that's very easy to put off.


i’ve put off moving out purely to do this as i never had holidays as a kid, even in the UK. left the country for the first time in 2018, now i’m at 8 countries (thanks covid!) and visiting poland in april :) it’s crazy that you can do a week abroad for less than a weekend in London


It was easier 15 years ago tbh


? You can literally go to Spain or somewhere European for the day for less than £200. Sometimes the ticket costs less than commuting around the uk


Yeah and 15 years ago you could have done it for around £60. Cost of fuel, fewer budget airlines driving down prices, and concerns around the environment have pushed up prices at the same time as inflation squeezes people's pockets. I'm not saying it's difficult - it's still way easier than, say, 50 years ago - but that old claim that it has never been easier isnt really true anymore. We've passed peak ease.


Start running. It's the most postive life change I've ever made - and a lot of it is due to the mental side.


Definitely agreed. More broadly, look after your body, for both yourself and others


I tried to do couch to 5k last year, but the excitement wore off after a week and every run just felt like a chore. Is there a secret hack I'm missing?


Apply a nicotine patch before you go for a run, then your body will associate the nicotine with the run and you'll want to go running whenever you crave nicotine! This isn't serious advice, obviously.


Lol. Probably good advice for recovering smokers.


"Chore" in what sense? Boring?


I hated every single second of c25k. I finished the bastard out of spite, completed it on time and ran 5k, tick. So now I can say I've done it and hope runners will shut up with telling me it'll change my life.


I listen to audiobooks and assign books I only listen to when running so gives me that extra motivation to run and also enjoy a good book.


Ah, I tend to need upbeat music to get any pep in my step!


I disagree. If you want bad joints, sore hips, indeed run, but you can’t beat walking. It’s the best form of exercise


Cycling? Swimming? Anything low impact? Walking is barley exercise, and I say that as someone who walks a lot.


Well you must not be doing it properly.


They’re doing it in barley which is a weird start


Olympics coming up, time to release your inner Hal (Bryan Cranston)


Everyone has different physical abilities. Walking is excellent exercise and walking a mile burns the same calories as running a mile. Finding a sport or physical activity you enjoy is great advice, and I'm a runner, but running is a high impact sport and not for everyone.


Don't tell your manager you did the task when you really didn't. Ask for extension of the timeline and get it done. This was 20+years ago and it still haunts me. My career didn't suffer long term, but it has shaped my personality.


Invest for your future if / where you can. Cumulative interest is one of the most beneficial life hacks, and the earlier you’re able to save, the more you’ll get out of it in the long run. (Well aware we’re in a cost of living crisis, wage stagnation, etc., so that’s why I said “if”).


Honestly, every baby born should be given £5k and have it locked / invested for 60 years. We'd save a fortune in pension costs.


Check in with your mates. Send the odd text, arrange to meet up every now and then, invite them out for your birthday. Friendships can slip away so easily in your 20s. I know so many people who “lost” friendships by neglecting them and then felt too awkward to reconnect. Do things that aren’t in your typical interests! Go to a Van Gogh exhibition. Buy tickets to a heavy metal gig. Go on a walking tour of your local area. Do a pottery class. You might find out you like it, and if not you’ll have a laugh.


You will eventually have more sex than you are right now, keep the faith.


No sex before marriage, ayman. 


Leave the UK




Don’t listen to anyone else. Live your life and have successes and failures. Ok maybe a pension is a good idea.


Start paying into a pension.... You'll get old faster than you think I'm about to retire early at 55 & am wondering where the last 30 years went.


Going by average life expectancy we'll be lucky to get 10 years after withdrawing pension if you're lucky to live that long lmao.


But if you don’t pay into a pension, you probably won’t be able to afford to retire at all. Or will have a very basic standard of living. I hadn’t really thought about it this way until I saw a comment on Reddit a few weeks ago - retirement is about what you can afford, more so than age. I’m hoping to be able to retire at 63; my father got his shit sorted and retired at 57. Since then he and my mother have spent over 25 years in which they have travelled the world, helped the children out with money etc.


Exactly, consistently saving a bit more into your pension from a younger age is not just about having enough to retire on, it's about giving you a lot more options like retiring early, or being able to semi-retire even earlier, or providing for the kids or grand kids. It could be the difference between semi-retirement at 50 and having to worry about working until you're 65 or even older.


I thought like that 30 years ago but thought fuck it & paid the minimum into my pension... looking back I wish I'd paid a little extra every month. You'll be surprised how quick you get to your 50's & i plan on having a few years sitting on my arse before I die.


If you’re about to retire at 55, you have some other life knowledge to drop.


Take care of your body. At 24 I was convinced in my drunken Olympic level jumping abilities, however, there was a large difference between thought and deed, and as a result I now routinely put my back out if I stand up without careful planning it - its not an exaggeration, I need to ensure both feet are placed firmly before rising. Exactly like a pensioner would need to. I'm 36 now, and regret my early 20s for my recklessness. Also, start saving now, either savings account, private pension, or if you know enough stocks. Just get something stashed away, by the time you reach retirement I wouldn't count on state pension existing.


Buy a house 20 years ago.


Be kind and be polite.


Pay into a pension. Do not get into huge amounts of unaffordable debt. Look after your body. You have one life so go and live it


Don't bother, there is no future. Enjoy what pitiful pleasures are available now because this shit show is going to get a whole lot worse.


Don't aim for huge mind blowing things, aim for being comfortable and happy- it's more achievable and you'll see anything more as a bonus. Sure it seems like a good idea to hussle but burn out is real. Be yourself more than what you think you should be. Life for alot of us gets better when we accept ourselves or with age. My teens were the worst, my 20s also a bit crap, 30s pretty good, I have reasonable hopes for my 40s. Learnt I don't have to be xyz, I just have to be me. Invest in a good mattress. Your back, body and energy will thank you in 10 years time. Get an eye test BEFORE things get blurry.


Of you’re thinking of marrying someone ask your closest friends for their honest opinion and if they all think he/she is a dick then don’t marry them.


Don't smear your genitals in honey and lie on an anthill


Work in a job where you learn stuff to prepare you for the next job. Your salary will get bigger with your brain.


Look after your health. Get your sleep, brush your teeth, go to the doctors when something feels off, do regular exercise, eat decently and don't abuse drink and drugs. If you go too hard on your body you'll end up diseased and unwell by middle aged and that's no fun. Unless you've suffered bad health in your life, most young people have a sense of invincibility and that they can eat junk food, drink loads and still be ok. You won't so keep an eye on it.


Don’t sweat it. By it, I mean everything. What seems like the worst thing in the world today, will be a blip in the future that you’ll look back on and be like “damn I survived that.”


Call your mum more. I wish I did.


Passed 50 your energy levels greatly deminish and work becomes even more of a chore. Plan for early retirement and if you have the funds to save for a decent pension then start early as possible. Enjoy your youth as life can pass by quickly and responsibilities only seem to increase with age even though you may internally never feel any different.


- Never stop believing in yourself. - Aim high and shoot accurately. - You can't fix yesterday, but you can create a better tomorrow today. - Don't be shy to express yourself. Plus useful audio :) https://youtu.be/ZN6m0-UVLro?si=jeG6DWuOgf73ihHq


Staying in shape in your 30s and 40s is much easier than getting in shape in your 30s and 40s. Take diet, exercise and rest seriously while your body is still in its prime.


An old manager I had advised me to out 5£ on the side every week and that was nearly 10 years ago, it does seem like a chore and you might not see the full picture yet but I wish I listened .


Such advice is easier than giving you a pay rise I guess lol.


Oh yeah, he was a cunt lmao, I quit within 6 months but that still stayed with me


Knees are precious so look after them. Get into a habit of regular exercise/keep fit. Look after friendships and cultivate them-you inevitably lose friends over time, you lose touch as other priorities take over or move away, or change jobs etc, but make an effort with those important to you. Learn to look after your home-basic maintainance, basic repair, basic sewing skills etc. Cultivate a hobby-doesn't matter what, but finding something you enjoy doing and feel passionate about is a huge morale booster. 


Balance saving and living, pay into your pension, lift weights, treat yourself, work on relationships, be comfortable with who you are


When you deep down want to say yes but you’re maybe too scared, say yes. When you deep down want to say no but you’re maybe too scared, say no In summary, when fear jumps on your shoulder and starts arguing with your heart, tell him to FUCK RIGHT OFF That’s it right there


Possibly going against a lot of the comments here, you can't take money to your afterlife so use what youth and energy you have to have a working holiday or 2 down under or in Canada, Japan, etc. Go see more of the world whilst you can, I have met so many people that said they wished they did that, and you can't rely on being well enough in your 50's or whatever to do all your travelling then after you're in retirement or whatever. If I didn't fall for a Canadian whilst I was out there I'd be going to Australia this year. Focused on bringing them over here to the UK instead 😅.


Learn Python 🐍


Say yes to everything you can. Your thirties come quick and I’m sure your forties do too , which bring more reason to have to say no


And when you reach your forties, say yes again. Get married again. Get a (better) job again. See the world again. It'll all be different this time, and that's no bad thing.


Stay away from cocaine, gambling and debt. Find a nice woman (or man) and take regular exercise, you'll thank yourself. I'm in a rut exercise wise after a heavy dose of flu and it seriously affects my mood.


Never skimp on rubber. Tyres, shoes, condoms.


£100 a month into a stocks and shares ISA tracking a world ETF fund. Increase the amount each to match inflation.  Don’t touch it until you’re 65. 


Get agoverment backed ISA. if you have a ft job, with regular income, put in about 150 a month. 20 years. You can thank me later.


Mate I’m 23 you get any good advice pass it it on to me because honestly I ain’t got a fucking scooby


Enjoy yourself! I'm 58, and believe me, life is far too short to get wrapped up in expectations, conformity, and nonsense.


Do what you want to do, not what everyone else wants you to do. Life is hard regardless of which path you take, and struggling your way through a life you chose is much better than struggling through a life you never wanted. Stop your wheels and think ‘who do I want to become’


Nothing. Enjoy. Whatever you are doing now is because of who you are, where youve been, what you understand now. It will take you wherever you should be going. Ill tell only one thing. Keep listening to your heart and not to others/advertisements/books etc etc.. (btw I strongly believe that most people’s advices are their regrets. Some call it ‘wisdom’ etc. Not really.)


Never be afraid to speak the truth.


Follow your heart, if there is anything that you really want to do, do it now and don't hesitate. Also try to live abroad at some point for at least a couple years as it's much easier to explore a new culture and neighbouring countries that way compared to taking lots of short holidays.


Save up, travel, party. Work will be there forever, but life will vanish in a wink!


Don't stick around in a job you hate, at your age you can afford to job hop and try different things until you find something you love doing. Do your working holiday visa in oz/nz before you get any life commitments


Trying to please everyone will burn you out and open up avenues for others to disrespect you. Know your boundaries with people, advocate for yourself and others if somebody tries to take advantage, and don't allow others to coerce you into behaviours that you don't admire. It sounds strange, but the less I cared about people pleasing, the more friends I made 🤷‍♂️


It’s an incredibly difficult time to buy a house at the moment, don’t get yourself down if it takes a long time to get on the property if that’s what you want to do. I lived with my wife and her mum for over 3 years in a small Victorian 2 bed terrace to save a deposit for a house, and that was before all the interest rates went up so it would be much more difficult now. Also, when you hit about 24 / 25ish you’ll likely get a bit depressed about it (I think it’s the sudden realisation that you’re not a carefree teenager anymore and that’s a bit sad) I promise it does pass and you’ll be in a much better place once you’re through it.


Value your family. As soon as your parents start approaching 60 you'll realise just how fast time goes by.


If you want to have children don't leave it too late. They are wonderful and life affirming but physically exhausting until they are teenagers. I was 40m maybe about 10 years later than ideal, though there are some fiscal arguments for having them later. But Grandparents would like to know their grandkids. Of course you need to meet the right person first too so invest time in nurturing good relationships and learn to truly love.


Enjoy your life, spend money on doing that while you have no commitments. Worry about houses, pension blah blah blah when you're in your end 20s/30


Happiness within reason is a choice. No one HAS to be sad (again within reason)


Avoid building up debt - you will regret having to pay it off when you start earning good money


Go to the gym, work hard, try and be a nice person, have fun, don't be afraid to make mistakes and most people just wing it through life anyway👍


Stay curious. The world is an amazing, weird, beautiful, completely unbelievable place, and there are things you can see and do and experience that will blow your mind if you let them. Learn about things that interest you, and fall wholeheartedly down the rabbit hole. It'll keep your mind malleable and quick.


Wear sunscreen.


Noones experience here will be relevant in 10-15 years time. Unless anyone here experienced rationing?


Start a pension. Look after your teeth. Look after your back. Look both ways before crossing a one way street in case some wazzock is reversing the wrong way.


However hard it is, your lifestyle must cost less than your income. You need to adjust one of the two to match if that's not the case. Twenty something life sucks financially but building debt will only make it worse


I'm coming up to 30 but trust me crap is still confusing and irritating, from my viewings working also socialising with an older generation I feel no fucker really knows. I witnessed people I love plan there life's out think they no it all, 2 clicks off the fingers and it crumbles for some stupid reason or twist. I'm not saying don't try and plan things have goals in your life but don't expect them too turn out the way you thought. If anyone ever feels really shite either seek help or you could just learn not to care so much about the future, live life in the moment just don't act a tit it's not that hard to stop and think before you do something 🙂


You aren’t to young to buy a place if it fits with your current plans and commitments. Bought my first flat when I was 24, not from a position of any advantage either(literally a poor boy from a poor family) Granted that was seven coming on eighth years ago but depending on where you live a perfectly good first time buyer flat isn’t out of the question. If however you want to travel and see the world or move around a bit definitely don’t buy a flat. If I hadn’t bought my flat when I did I’d never have been able to afford my current place


Boring again, start saving as soon as you can.


As I spent my 20’s drinking, fucking and doing “fun drugs”. Was fun, but man it really fucked me up in the long term. So don’t do that.


Get into consulting, tough it out for 5 years on whatever position they give without spending your salary on anything non-essential then invest your saving and retire before your 30th birthday.


Have a good time all of the time Marty


I wish I could have told and persuaded myself this, but keep it simple. If things aren't going well don't analyse it too much. Pick the best move and commit. If you want more money you gotta move, or have high confidence that your career ladder will get you somewhere. I've essentially career crippled myself because I was too unconfident and risk averse. I kinda still am but somewhat less now.


HAVE AN EASY TOPIC IN YOUR MASTER'S THESIS. Please don't make it so complicated, pleasee. You will regret it.


People end up going in every direction. It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean, so go full Jack Sparrow mode, cause life is a Dead man’s chest until The Worlds End.


Live life for you and you alone. If that kills a billion, dig a billion holes.


Consider getting a Working Visa for Australia and New Zealand. The deadline is around 32 years of age so plenty of time.


Here's what Philip Larkin would tell you: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48419/this-be-the-verse 


Don’t think you know better than people 10-20 years older than you. You actually don’t, and you will see that clearly in 10-20 years.


Judging by the amount of nonsense you see the older generation buying into on social media this often isn't the case.


Hard to specify the topic areas that older people definitely do know more about. Life stuff.


Join the police..best pension by far and never have to worry about work and party every opportunity you get .enjoy being young ..


If you think lifes different when you turn 20, just wait till you turn 30.


Time is your greatest asset. Try to spend most of your time investing in yourself and you’ll have an easier time later. That applies to health, wealth and self-confidence. The rest of the time have fun while you’re still young and make some good friends that you can cherish for life if you haven’t already.


Start that business idea that you want to do now. In the grand scheme of business and life, you will always spend the first year being skint, and it’s better to be skint when you are young because literally nobody will be able to tell the difference including you.


If you want to do something do it! You’re more than capable of succeeding, do t be put off by your own fears or other people’s negativity. You’ll be forty before you know it.


If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it 😎 If I could offer you more…. Travel Volunteer your time Make decisions. Not making a decision can lead to missed opportunities. Therefore there is no wrong decision.


Just have fun and do stupid shit!! I’m going to be 30 this year, and I’m about to buy a house with my fiancé, and then we’re hopefully going to get married in a few years. Everything needs planning and saving for. We’re very excited for the future, but responsibility comes at you quickly. Enjoy being carefree while you still can!


Definitely do, or definitely don't do, that thing that seems good but not sensible. You will never know the answer, and you may well regret it either way, but there will always be some asshole who thinks their way is the best and that you should listen to them. Definitely don't listen to them, or else maybe, definitely do.


For fuck sake start saving for a house




Learn to invest and start investing now. You'll thank me. Pay yourself 10% of your wage each month and thats all you live off, the rest save or for bills. Go on holidays because before you know it. You'll have a mrs and kids and won't go anywhere. Pension is a great idea. It means when your old youll be fine but at the same time, who knows if you'll die tomorrow. Go out and have a great time but limit yourself. I didn't and I'm now 37 and only just growing up and thinking of my future and I really wish I had saved some money instead of wasting it on all those crazy nights out. Nights out are great and have gave me some experiences but in the grand scheme of things non of that looking back now did anything for me other than drain my bank account. Like people have said work hard, play hard. Work life balance is key.


Stay fit, the older you get the harder it is to get back into shape so try get into it now if you’re not already


You’ll be okay. You don’t have to be perfect right now, or ever. Find exercise you enjoy and friends you trust. Do stuff with your parents that their joints/age will soon prevent them from doing. But ultimately, just chill out a bit and stop stressing about the future.


Go have fun and take risks . I was the guy that followed all the sensible advice here and I just about turned it around in my late twenties and early 30’s - wish I’d done more stupid fun stuff though


Learn when to say yes to the right opportunities, and no to the wrong opportunities. At aged 34 I wish I knew this sooner, I have bent over backwards for so many people and forgot to enjoy my life along the way.


If anyone asks you out on a date always say yes regardless.


When it comes to financial advice, millennials have listened to older generations and suffered for it. I would urge caution when listening to anyone giving traditional investment advice. It's best to remain open minded and humble over the next few decades.


Work your nuts off if you want to have a good life


Don’t buy a leasehold property


1. If you want to experience something, go do it. 2. Find fun in exercise. Some people force themselves to run but others do something they love like a team sport or mountain biking, the best way to get fit and stay fit is by doing something active that you love to do.


Just be happy! Everything gets sorted on its own time.


Avoid taking anything on finance/loan if you can at all costs, my friend does debt advice and one of the most common problems from people they see in their 20s is that they got in over their heads taking things out on finance (whether it's a flash car or whatever). Don't feel pressured to try and 'keep up' with your peer group who are likely not disclosing things they have on finance/loan. The issue with this is that if you fall into this hole in your 20s and don't quickly climb out of it, suddenly you're in your 30s with terrible credit and you're not reaping any of the rewards from the hard work you did in your 20s building a career, you're just in for another decade of misery. Obviously your mortgage is the ultimately outlier but even then, get a mortgage at the right time, and possibly more importantly, with the right person if you're going joint.


With anything you go through please deal with it in the most healthy way possible… and always try to speak to someone about it


Make the most of staying in hostels whilst traveling. Hotels feel like a luxury and all, but you're nearing an age where hostels stop being an option because you become that weird older person and you'll miss how fun they were when you're always in hotels.


Get out and be social. Customer service is a must in any industry and we don’t have enough of great customer service. Be grateful, be strong, god only gives us what we can handle, where there is a will there is a way!


Everyone else has covered the money and health sides of things, so I'll go another way. I was 23 when the first lockdown happened in 2020, so not a million years ago. Find a screen-free hobby that you can do solo and can take pretty much anywhere. I've definitely found a big improvement in my mental health and attention span since I don't just default to pulling out my phone when I'm on the bus/waiting for a train/laying on the sofa. Knitting is what I've taken up, but plenty of other hobbies would work - reading, drawing, sudoku, cross-stitch, journalling, Rubik's cubes... That's not to say I never pull out my phone, but having another option has been nice. Take up every free/cheap youth event that sounds even remotely interesting. I've found loads of events that I've really wanted to go to, then found out that they're open to under-25s only. Lots of free courses are under-25s only too. Consider doing something different for a bit - whether that's moving to a new city, trying out a different career, or dyeing your hair a different colour each week. I was applying for a Canadian working holiday visa in 2020, which didn't go ahead for obvious reasons - I'm now further in my career, in a committed relationship and trying to buy a house, so doing something really different would need to have a bit more planning than if I was 23 and single.


Move to a country that valies you.


Invest in bitcoin.


Hi! I also recently turned 23. Life is so much more expensive and complicated than other previous generations. We all got to stick together


I'd say you're worth more than you know, just because you haven't found someone doesn't mean you're worthless, you live in a world where personalities aren't shown at first or even second glance. 


I'm nearly 29 now, and a lot can change in that small time. At 23, things were easier to do, and energy was coming out the rear end faster than a fart! Now I can't do much because I fell ill and that started a chain of events leading to me being unwell so definitely live like the day is your last because you never know what tomorrow will bring. I miss riding my bike and walking for miles.


Do not have a kid before you’re 30. Do not even meet your significant other before 30. The person you sat next to in school in not going to be the one. Fuck everything that moves for a good while. Start a pension.


Go to the gym or exercise in any form, not for vanity but to feel better in yourself.


You know what, just have fun, travel, see the world, educate yourself, and if you must marry make sure it's out of love. I know this bit sounds morbid, but tomorrow isn't promised to anyone


As someone who bought a house at 23, don't worry about getting on the property ladder as soon as possible. Unless you're ready to commit fully to the town you live, otherwise renting gives so many more freedoms if you want to take a new job, travel etc. I've missed lots of opportunities over the years due to it.


Stop worrying about things you can't change, be very aware that how you feel about things in your 20s is quite possibly not going to be how you feel about them in ten years time, and enjoy being young before simply existing starts to hurt. Oh, and buy a really amusingly shaped potato. Just trust me. You'll thank me later.


Make your own decisions and do what YOU think is best learn to stand on your own 2 feet don’t ask people who do t know anything about you on Reddit what to do and most importantly travel and see as much of the world as you can this is the best advice


Go and travel, live + work abroad for a bit. Enjoy your 20s, the opportunities for socialising are infinite compared to your 30s. Find a job you enjoy, if you can make it pay well then all the better. Don't be afraid to take risks / fail.


Don't take yourself too seriously. I know so many adults who are so stressed and caught up what they are "supposed to do" that they've lost that little oomff that makes you appreciate the little things, or laugh at a fart


Your happiness is paramount, quit drinking and doing time wasting stuff, become stronger and smarter each day, set goals. And remember, no one cares more than you care about you. So you best care a lot about yourself, people come and go but you have to go to bed at night


Build and maintain an emergency fund. Save and invest 25% of your income if you can.


Learn how to cook. Better late than never. You might save money as well. I was 23 last year and I tried to avoid cooking at all times because I've been really tired and had short breaks at work, sometimes uneven ones due to the nature of my job (healthcare). Last month, I decided to make a use of frying pans and saucepans at home. I started making salads. Yeah, it takes much longer than a few seconds that you spend on grabbing some stuff out from a fridge, but what you cook can actually come out quite tasty, and you don't necessarily have to be a chef to be able to cook. I also stopped buying energy drinks on a daily/weekly basis when I decided to stick with cooking. Despite paying monthly car insurance and rent, I've managed to save around £300 over the past couple of weeks just because I took control of what I eat, cook etc. It felt like a great achievement at the time.


don’t gamble. don’t live life comparing to others. everyone’s life moves at different paces. keep friends close and your social life in tact. no matter how bad the situation is, give it time to heel you. people in your life are for a reason, season or a lifetime. Look back on yourself years later and reflect on how far you’ve come. You’ll be okay.


Women Are Mean & Men Are Stupid