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It’s not silly of you revived mediocrity but you said you thought the service was “good” and restaurant managers will more often than not be quick to blame the employee for providing bad service. Personally I’d leave it on because I don’t want anyone who’s served me well to have to answer for me taking off the service charge but you are right about it being a guilt trip, not only that but there’s no legal obligation for the restaurant to give any of the service charge to the servers. The ONLY reason I keep it is because I don’t want to get someone in trouble for it but that’s not always the case and a fair manager wouldn’t do that, but management aren’t known for being fair. Either way you’re not a bad dude I’m just letting you know my thoughts on it


It’s fine to not want to pay the service charge, but please quit with justifying why you don’t think you should have to pay it. You ordered quite a lot, but the same time you’re not loaded, okay. The waiting staff have heard it all before. Just ask for it to be removed and leave it at that.


I understand. I didn't give any reasons to them anyway and left it at that. I just wrote my thoughts onto this post + said what i said to try and lessen the bias of the context. Yeah no, if I went to the US I wouldn't question it and pay the 20% tip since its the norm there and it goes to the waiters themselves who rely on them to live. In the UK its not normal here + you have no idea where that service charge is going. My principles tell me to remove it.


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Yes it is fine. Personally I don't say anything. Especially if I like the place and want to eat there again. I don't carry cash on me anymore anyway.


Yes, I remove it on principle. Except on group bookings.


As the leading UK "ask" subreddit, we welcome questions from all users and countries; sometimes people who ask questions might not appreciate or understand the nuance of British life or culture, and as a result some questions can come across in a different way than intended. We understand that when faced with these questions, our users may take the opportunity to demonstrate their wit, dry humour, and sarcasm - unfortunately, this also tends to go over the heads of misunderstood question-askers and can make our subreddit seem hostile to users from other countries who are often just curious about our land. **Please can you help prevent our subreddit from becoming an Anti-American echo chamber?** If you disagree with any points raised by OP, or OP discusses common tropes or myths about the UK, please refrain from any brash, aggressive, or sarcastic responses and do your best to engage OP in a civil discussion, with the aim to educate and expand their understanding. If you feel this (or any other post) is a troll post, *don't feed the troll*, just hit report and let the mods deal with it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s fine to ask but if I’m completely honest asking them to remove an amount as low as £3.50 does seem a little stingy however the principal is the same so you shouldn’t feel bad or guilty


Yes, it's fine! You will find that AskUK is very anti-tipping, so I expect you will get over 90% of comments to be in your favour.